dog bite proposal essay 2

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  • 8/6/2019 Dog Bite Proposal Essay 2


    Dog Bites 1

    Dog Bites are a Problem in America

    Gregory D. Gilbert Sr.

    English 111

    Mrs. P. Shock

    Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

    September 27, 2010

  • 8/6/2019 Dog Bite Proposal Essay 2


    Dog Bites 2

    The dog bite problems in this country have reached an epidemic proportion. A recent

    study show that 1000 Americans per day are treated at the hospital emergency rooms. I will

    attempt to propose solutions in this proposal essay to the dog bite issues that are affecting the

    American citizens.

    On Sunday January 25, 2009, Brenda Hill was viciously attacked by two pit bulls while

    taking out her trash. Although she survived the vicious attack, she had to suffer through several

    surgeries. The doctors had to amputate her left leg just above the knee. Miss Hill was released

    from the hospital and transferred to a nursing home. After several months of intensive therapy

    Brenda was released from the nursing home. This was her personal 9-11 ground zero event.

    Her life and the minds of her family will never be the same. This problem has occurred

    repeatedly around the United States. Communities across the country must become proactive to

    decrease the number of dog bites in America.

    New laws should be acted into legislation that gives more serious consequences for negligent

    dog owners. Dog owner are allowing their dogs to walk around neighborhoods without collars or

    leashes, and many of these canines are not properly vaccinated, spayed or neutered. It is not

    required that dog owners register their canine, thus leaving many victims without legal recourse.

    The illegal puppy mills that are an increasing problem across the country are causing the

    dog population to increase. People in the community then buy these dogs which are not

    vaccinated. The new owners of these dogs are more than often unaware of the temperaments of

    these animals.

  • 8/6/2019 Dog Bite Proposal Essay 2


    Dog Bites 3

    Professional training has not been given to these dogs. It is time to make a change to the

    actions of these neglecting dog owners in the United States. There are some communities taking

    steps to eliminate these problems.

    In 2001 the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia published a study that

    examined the frequency of non-fatal dog bites treated in health care facilities. In 2001 an

    estimated 368,245 persons were treated in U.S. hospitals for non-fatal dog bites injuries (CDC,

    Non-fatal Dog bites, 2001). Forty two percent of the dog bites occurs among children age 14 and

    younger. (CDC, Non-fatal dog bites, 2001).

    It is a tragedy for the children in the United States, when it comes to the subject matter of

    dog bites. These canines are affecting the well-being of the children of America. Injuries rates

    where highest among children ages 5-9. The dog bites injuries where higher for boys compared

    to girls (CDC, Non-fatal dog bites, 2001).

    Few consumers are doing research on the dogs that they are considering to purchase for

    their families. Owners who fail to do research endanger not only the well-being of their families,

    but also the community around them. When buying a dog one must take precautions. The canine

    should be of good temperament.

    The dog should not be an inbred dog. The owners should be able to trace the history of

    the parents. Some owners give up their ownership of the dog by releasing the dog into the

    community. This results in overpopulation in stray dogs. Some victims are placed in financial

    hard-ships because there is no dog owners insurance.

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    Dog Bites 4

    There are many way to reduce the dog bite epidemic. All over the U.S. communities are

    uniting to create new legislations. Many of the states have old or ineffective consequences for

    dog owners who violate the laws. Teaching dog safety in homes and in schools should be top

    priority of the people of the United States.

    Each community should also require their Humane Society to post information about the

    animal to be adopted. The Humane Society and breeders should be required to advise families on

    the proper manner to choose a dog that best fits their family needs. According to Kenneth

    Phillips, dog bite attorney, there are other things citizens can do to prevent dog bites which are:(1)

    Never approach an unknown dog, (2) Always ask the owner for permission before petting a dog,

    (3)Never approach an injured animal, (4)Never disturb a dogs meal, (5) Do not antagonize any

    dog, (6) Do not chase or run from a dog (Phillips, 2010).

    Owners should be required to inject microchips and insure the canine. In order to obtain a

    license for a dog one should be required to prove financial responsibility via an insurance policy.

    By enacting these laws, it allows insurance companies to monitor when there are potential

    severely vicious breeds of dogs, and simply will not insure the canine. These are only a few

    solutions and methods that may be supplied when considering the subject matter of dog bites. By

    enacting these methods into law, it is possible that American may see a reduction in dog bites

    across the country (Phillips, 2010).

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