dog meat festival in china


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Yulin residents eat dog meat and lychees to celebrate the summer solstice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Dog meat Festival in China
Page 2: Dog meat Festival in China

Dogs for sale are seen in Dashichang dog market ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, China June 21, 2015. For many residents of China's southern town of Yulin, the peak of summer is the perfect time to get together with family and friends - and consume copious amounts of dog meat. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 3: Dog meat Festival in China

A man carrying butchered dogs drives past a pet dog at a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. Thousands of dogs are expected to end up on the chopping block during the city's annual dog meat festival, which has become increasingly controversial in China. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 4: Dog meat Festival in China

A woman from an animal right activist group looks at a dog as she negotiates a price with a dog vendor for purchasing it in order to rescue it from dog meat dealers at Dashichang dog market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. Dog ownership was once looked down upon as a decadent bourgeois habit, but China's growing middle class has started to fight what it sees as barbarous abuse of man's best friend. REUTERS/Kim

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Dogs are kept in a cage at Dashichang dog market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 6: Dog meat Festival in China

Butchered dogs are displayed at a vendor's stall at a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. The city's dog market has become a site for clashes of supporters and opponents of the trade. In the sweltering heat, tempers can often flare. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A customer holds a puppy for viewing at Dashichang dog market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. "There are all sorts of cultural norms about what you can eat, you eat turkey, so why are you trying to force us to not eat dog meat?" shouted one dog meat supporter. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A butcher grills a butchered dog at a slaughter house at a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. Eating dog is good for your health at the hottest time of the year, say supporters, and it is just like any other meat. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A chef cooks dog meat at a dog meat restaurant in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 20, 2015. "It's healthy, just like raising pigs or chickens, it's fine," said Teng Jianyi, as he tucked into a dog dish with some friends. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 10: Dog meat Festival in China

A dog meat dish (C) is served with other dishes as a group of friends has a gathering to eat dog meat and lychees to celebrate the upcoming local dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 11: Dog meat Festival in China

A woman eats dog meat she has a gathering with her friends to eat dog meat and lychees to celebrate the upcoming local dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A boy looks at a bowl of dog meat carried by a waiter at a dog meat restaurant as his family has a gathering to eat dog meat and lychees in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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Customers drink over dog meat dishes as they have a gathering to eat dog meat and lychees at a dog meat restaurant in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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Men (2nd and 3rd from L) whom animal right activists believe to be plain clothes policemen, snatch placards from activists in front of a city hall in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 22, 2015. On Monday, a group of about 25 animal rights activists briefly unfurled banners in front of the city government office, demanding an end to the festival, but they were quickly hustled away by unidentified men. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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Animal lover Yang Xiaoyun (L) uses a mobile phone next to a cage accommodating dogs which she purchased from dog vendors to rescue them from dog meat dealers at a temporary shelter in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015.

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Dogs which are purchased by animal right activists to rescue them from dog meat dealers, are kept in a temporary shelter in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. Yang, who comes from northern China, has returned this year with funds raised from around the country, but she would not say exactly how much. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A dog which is purchased by animal right activists to rescue it from dog meat dealers, is kept in a temporary shelter ahead of a local dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. She hoped to set up a home for the rescued dogs near Yulin, she said, undeterred by the prospect of any hostility there.

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Butchers carry butchered dogs at a slaughter house in a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. Despite the complaints, many Yulin residents vowed to continue eating dog. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 19: Dog meat Festival in China

Vendors wait for customers as dogs are kept in a cage at Dashichang dog market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. "This is one of our traditions," said Liang Xiaoli, who had returned home especially for the festival. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Page 20: Dog meat Festival in China

Butchered dogs are seen at a slaughter house in a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. "They criticize us, saying we don't have compassion or humanity, but I think every person has different circumstances," she added. "You can't just lump all people together. For example, if I think eating pork is really brutal, then no one can eat pork. That's not on." REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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A man buys dog meat from a vendor at a dog meat market in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 21, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

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Dog meat is placed on a cutting board at a dog meat restaurant in Yulin, Guangxi Autonomous Region, June 20, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon