doi:10.1093/nar/gki927 invariant amino acids essential for ...€¦ · invariant amino acids...

Invariant amino acids essential for decoding function of polypeptide release factor eRF1 Petr Kolosov, Ludmila Frolova, Alim Seit-Nebi, Vera Dubovaya, Artem Kononenko, Nina Oparina, Just Justesen 1 , Alexandr Efimov 2 and Lev Kisselev* Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia, 1 Institute of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark and 2 Institute of Protein Research, Pustchino, 142290 Moscow Region, Russia Received August 22, 2005; Revised and Accepted October 8, 2005 ABSTRACT In eukaryotic ribosome, the N domain of polypeptide release factor eRF1 is involved in decoding stop sig- nals in mRNAs. However, structure of the decoding site remains obscure. Here, we specifically altered the stop codon recognition pattern of human eRF1 by point mutagenesis of the invariant Glu55 and Tyr125 residues in the N domain. The 3D structure of generated eRF1 mutants was not destabilized as demonstrated by calorimetric measurements and calculated free energy perturbations. In mutants, the UAG response was most profoundly and selectively affected. Surprisingly, Glu55Arg mutant completely retained its release activity. Substitution of the aro- matic ring in position 125 reduced response toward all stop codons. This result demonstrates the critical importance of Tyr125 for maintenance of the intact structure of the eRF1 decoding site. The results also suggest that Tyr125 is implicated in recognition of the 3d stop codon position and probably forms an H-bond with Glu55. The data point to a pivotal role played by the YxCxxxF motif (positions 125–131) in purine discrimination of the stop codons. We specu- late that eRF1 decoding site is formed by a 3D network of amino acids side chains. INTRODUCTION High fidelity of termination of protein synthesis ensures the formation of normal-sized polypeptide chains as encoded in the genome. Translational termination is known to be medi- ated by class-1 polypeptide release factors (RF1 and RF2 in prokaryotes, eRF1 and aRF1 in eukaryotes and Archaea, respectively) [reviewed in (1–5)]. When a nucleotide triplet (referred to as termination, or stop, or nonsense codon) in mRNA occupies the ribosomal A site, it is decoded by RFs at the small ribosomal subunit. For prokaryotes, it has been suggested that the second and third nucleotides of the stop codons are decoded directly by a linear ‘protein anticodons’ (PAT in RF1 and SPF in RF2) (6–8). For eukaryotes, it is now established that the specificity of stop codon recognition is associated with the eRF1 rather than the ribosome (9) and the recognition site is located in the N domain of eRF1 as is evident from genetic in vivo data (10), biochemical studies in vitro (11,12) and ‘molecular chimera’ approach (13). Data on multiple alignments of eRF1 amino acid sequences with different stop codon specificities are also consistent with this conclusion (14). The computer-assisted hypothesis suggesting the existence of so-called ‘terminator’ tRNAs inside the large ribosomal RNA (15) is inconsistent with the experimental data (9,13,16). Cross-linking experi- ments showing the close proximity of the A-site-located stop codon and eRF1 (17,18) and in particular cross-linking with a NIKS tetrapeptide of the N domain (19) are also consistent with the above mentioned conclusion. There are significant differences between the data obtained by various approaches regarding the nature and position of amino acid residues of eRF1 implicated in decoding of the stop codons within the ribosome (10–14). This diversity of opin- ions is probably not associated with the origin of eRF1 since the eRF1 protein family is known to be highly conserved (20–22) and, for instance, the data obtained with yeast and *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +7 095 1356009; Fax: +7 095 1351405; Email: [email protected] Present address: Alim Seit-Nebi, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA The authors dedicate this paper to the memory of Jens Nyborg to acknowledge his significant contribution to the structural biology of translation factors. We cordially thank Jens for his friendship and kindness Ó The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access version of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] 6418–6425 Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 19 doi:10.1093/nar/gki927

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Page 1: doi:10.1093/nar/gki927 Invariant amino acids essential for ...€¦ · Invariant amino acids essential for decoding function of polypeptide release factor eRF1 Petr Kolosov, Ludmila

Invariant amino acids essential for decoding functionof polypeptide release factor eRF1Petr Kolosov, Ludmila Frolova, Alim Seit-Nebi, Vera Dubovaya, Artem Kononenko,

Nina Oparina, Just Justesen1, Alexandr Efimov2 and Lev Kisselev*

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia,1Institute of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University, Denmark and 2Institute of Protein Research, Pustchino, 142290Moscow Region, Russia

Received August 22, 2005; Revised and Accepted October 8, 2005


In eukaryotic ribosome, the N domain of polypeptiderelease factor eRF1 is involved in decoding stop sig-nals in mRNAs. However, structure of the decodingsite remains obscure. Here, we specifically altered thestop codon recognition pattern of human eRF1 bypoint mutagenesis of the invariant Glu55 andTyr125 residues in the N domain. The 3D structureof generated eRF1 mutants was not destabilized asdemonstrated by calorimetric measurements andcalculated free energy perturbations. In mutants, theUAG response was most profoundly and selectivelyaffected. Surprisingly, Glu55Arg mutant completelyretained its release activity. Substitution of the aro-matic ring in position 125 reduced response towardall stop codons. This result demonstrates the criticalimportance of Tyr125 for maintenance of the intactstructure of the eRF1 decoding site. The resultsalso suggest that Tyr125 is implicated in recognitionof the 3d stop codon position and probably formsan H-bond with Glu55. The data point to a pivotal roleplayed by the YxCxxxF motif (positions 125–131) inpurine discrimination of the stop codons. We specu-late that eRF1 decoding site is formed by a 3D networkof amino acids side chains.


High fidelity of termination of protein synthesis ensures theformation of normal-sized polypeptide chains as encoded in

the genome. Translational termination is known to be medi-ated by class-1 polypeptide release factors (RF1 and RF2 inprokaryotes, eRF1 and aRF1 in eukaryotes and Archaea,respectively) [reviewed in (1–5)]. When a nucleotide triplet(referred to as termination, or stop, or nonsense codon) inmRNA occupies the ribosomal A site, it is decoded by RFsat the small ribosomal subunit.

For prokaryotes, it has been suggested that the secondand third nucleotides of the stop codons are decoded directlyby a linear ‘protein anticodons’ (PAT in RF1 and SPF inRF2) (6–8).

For eukaryotes, it is now established that the specificity ofstop codon recognition is associated with the eRF1 rather thanthe ribosome (9) and the recognition site is located in theN domain of eRF1 as is evident from genetic in vivo data (10),biochemical studies in vitro (11,12) and ‘molecular chimera’approach (13). Data on multiple alignments of eRF1 aminoacid sequences with different stop codon specificities are alsoconsistent with this conclusion (14). The computer-assistedhypothesis suggesting the existence of so-called ‘terminator’tRNAs inside the large ribosomal RNA (15) is inconsistentwith the experimental data (9,13,16). Cross-linking experi-ments showing the close proximity of the A-site-locatedstop codon and eRF1 (17,18) and in particular cross-linkingwith a NIKS tetrapeptide of the N domain (19) are alsoconsistent with the above mentioned conclusion.

There are significant differences between the data obtainedby various approaches regarding the nature and position ofamino acid residues of eRF1 implicated in decoding of the stopcodons within the ribosome (10–14). This diversity of opin-ions is probably not associated with the origin of eRF1 sincethe eRF1 protein family is known to be highly conserved(20–22) and, for instance, the data obtained with yeast and

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +7 095 1356009; Fax: +7 095 1351405; Email: [email protected] address:Alim Seit-Nebi, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA

The authors dedicate this paper to the memory of Jens Nyborg to acknowledge his significant contribution to the structural biology of translation factors.We cordially thank Jens for his friendship and kindness

� The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open accessversion of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Pressare attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety butonly in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]

6418–6425 Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 19doi:10.1093/nar/gki927

Page 2: doi:10.1093/nar/gki927 Invariant amino acids essential for ...€¦ · Invariant amino acids essential for decoding function of polypeptide release factor eRF1 Petr Kolosov, Ludmila

human eRF1 should be fully compatible. Rather, the apparentcontroversies may be derived by a methodological distinctionbetween in vivo and in vitro strategies or between geneticversus biochemical approaches.

Here, we introduced various amino acid substitutions intofour positions in the N domain of human eRF1. Two of them,55 and 125, are invariant in all class 1 eRF1s and aRFs andoccupied by Glu and Tyr, respectively. Two other positions, 51and 126, are variable in eRF1s from different species. All thesepositions were mentioned earlier as potentially essential forstop codon recognition based mostly on indirect evidence(10,14,22,23). The generated mutants were examinedin vitro with respect to alterations of their functional andphysical properties. Ability of mutated forms of eRF1 to trig-ger hydrolysis of fMet–tRNA (mimicking peptidyl–tRNA) inthe ribosome was tested. Mutants were also studied by differ-ential scanning calorimetry to evaluate stability of the proteinglobule after mutagenesis.


Cloning and mutagenesis of human eRF1

The full-length cDNA encoding eRF1 with C-terminal His6-tag fusion was cloned into pET23b(+) vector (Novagen) underthe control of phage T7 RNA polymerase promoter asdescribed previously (11,24).

The mutagenesis procedure was simplified by introducinginto human eRF1 cDNA a unique Bst98I site affecting neitheramino acid sequence nor the reading frame of human eRF1.GeneEditor in vitro site-directed mutagenesis kit (Promega)was used with the RFBst primer 50-CCATTCTTAAGCGGG-CAAAACGCAAGG-30 (the Bst98I site underlined). Theresulting construct pERF4B containing the unique Bst98Isite within the gene encoding human eRF1 at positions576–581 (T576C substitution) from the start ATG codonwas used for mutagenesis of human eRF1.

The mutagenesis procedure was performed according to thePCR-based ‘megaprimer’ method (25). Two rounds of PCRwere performed with the same PCR mixture. The PCR primersused for the generation of eRF1 mutants are available onrequest ([email protected]). For the M51 and E55mutants the direct primer (RFNde), 50-GAGATATACA-TATGGCGGACGACCC-30 (the NdeI site underlined)together with one of the reverse primers for these mutantswere used in the first round of PCR. In the second roundthe ‘megaprimer’ synthesized in the first round served as thedirect primer together with the reverse primer (RFBst) 50-CC-ATTCTTAAGCGGGCAAAACGCAAGG-30 (the Bst98I siteunderlined). For the Y125 and L126 mutants the direct RFBstprimer together with one of the reverse primers for thesemutants was used in the first round. In the second round the‘megaprimer’ synthesized in the first round served as the directprimer together with the reverse RFNde primer. The resulting590 bp PCR product was purified in low-melting NuSieveGTG agarose (FMC Bioproducts) using DNA extraction kit(Bio-Rad), hydrolyzed with NdeI and Bst98I, and ligatedwith pERF4B plasmid, treated with the same endonucleases.The ligated mixture was used for the transformation ofEscherichia coli, strain Z85. The cloned DNAs weresequenced and appropriate clones were used for the expression

of the mutant eRF1s. The first rounds of DNA amplificationswere carried out in 25 ml reaction mixtures containing 20 ng ofpERF4B DNA, 0.48 mM direct primer and 0.6 mM reverseprimer, 0.2 mM each of four deoxyribonucleoside triphos-phates, 1· of Pfu DNA polymerase reaction buffer and0.75 U of PfuTurbo DNA polymerase (Stratagene). The dena-turation was carried out at 95�C (3 min) for the first cycle, andat 94�C (30 s) for the next 20–25 cycles. The amplificationincluded 30 s of the primer annealing (60�C) and 40 s forelongation (72�C). The second round of PCR was performedafter addition to the PCR mixture of 12 pmol of the reverseprimer (RFBst/RFNde) and 1.25 U of PfuTurbo DNA poly-merase. Amplification with ‘megaprimer’ was performed for28 cycles at 94�C for 30 s, the appropriate annealing tempera-ture Tm for the reverse primer for 40 s and at 72�C for 140 s forelongation.

Expression and purification of human eRF1and eRF3Cp

The wild-type human eRF1 and its mutants and the humaneRF3Cp containing His6-tags at the C-termini were producedin E.coli, strain BL21(DE3), and purified using Ni-NTASuperflow (Qiagen), as described previously (26,27). TheN-terminal amino acids (1–138) were absent in eRF3Cp with-out any influence on its GTPase activity.


Rabbit reticulocyte 80S ribosomes washed with 0.5 M KClwere treated with puromycin and GTP for dissociation intosubunits which were subsequently resolved by centrifugationin a 10–25% (w/v) sucrose gradient containing 0.3 M KCl,3 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT and 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.6.Before addition to the incubation mixtures, the subunitswere combined in an equimolar ratio.

In vitro RF activity assay

The eRF1 activity was measured as described previously(20,28) at saturating levels (50 mM) of one out of the threestop-codon-containing tetraplets. The incubation mixture(25 ml) contained 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 15 mM MgCl2,8 mM NH4Cl, 1.5 pmol f[35S]Met–tRNAf

Met–AUG–ribosomecomplex and 4 pmol of eRF1. The background was measuredwithout tetraplet and subtracted from all values. AUG andribotetraplets were synthesized by A. Veniaminova andM. Ryabkova (Institute of Chemical Biology and FundamentalMedicine, Novosibirsk).

GTPase activity assay

GTPase activity was followed by accumulation of [32P]Pi

using a modified charcoal precipitation assay as describedpreviously (29). Incubation mixture (50 ml) contained20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 30 mM NH4Cl, 15 mM MgCl2,0.16 mM ribosomes, 0.16 mM human Cp and 10 mM[g-32P]GTP (800–2000 c.p.m./pmol); human eRF1 wasadded in 0.04, 0.08 and 0.16 mM (final concentrations). Reac-tion was run at 30�C; 12.5 ml aliquots were withdrawn every4 min and mixed with 0.5 ml of 5% activated charcoal sus-pension in NaH2PO4, cooled on ice. The mixture was vortexedand centrifuged at 9 300 g for 15 min at 4�C. Aliquot ofsupernatant (375 ml) was counted on scintillation counter.

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Differential scanning calorimetry

Measurements were performed using differential adiabaticscanning microcalorimeter SCAL-1 (Scal Company,Pustchino, Russia) in 0.32 ml glass cells. The rate of heatingwas 1 K/min, in some cases 0.125, 0.5 and 2.0 K/min. Proteinconcentration ranged from 0.3 to 2.0 mg/ml. Partial molar heatcapacity, Cp of proteins was determined as described previo-usly (30). Partial molar protein volume was calculated from itsamino acid composition as recommended (31). The precisionof calorimetric enthalpy determination was 7 ± 1%; experi-mental error of Td value did not exceed ±0.2�C. For analysis ofmelting curves the MinScal programme (SCAL Company)was used. Other details could be found elsewhere (32).

Calculation of free energy changes in humaneRF1 mutants

We performed the analysis of free energy perturbation (FEP)caused by point mutations in human eRF1 as described pre-viously (33,34). Briefly, we implemented our analysis basingon NAMD ( FEPmodule and self-designed script for ICM ( We selected the N domain of wt-eRF1 (positions5–146) from the eRF1 crystal structure (1dt9) for introducingpoint mutations. Free energy calculations were performedas described previously (35,36). The N129A mutant wasmodeled by 3D-JIGSAW programme ( and used as the model for introduction ofdouble mutation N129A + F131A.


Selection of amino acids positions for mutagenesis

Multiple alignments of amino acid sequences of eRF1 andaRF1 are shown in Figure 1. The reasons to combine RFsfrom different kingdoms of living matter relay on the closestructural homology between eRF1 and aRF1 (21). Evolution-arily distant eRF1s are selected including organisms with vari-ant genetic codes, e.g. Euplotes, Tetrahymena, etc. (22).

In recently suggested models for decoding site of eRF1several residues are mentioned (10,14,22,23), including posi-tions 51, 55, 125 and 126 (Figure 1). Some of these positionsare located on the surface of the eRF1 molecule as is evidentfrom crystal structure (37) and for these reasons amino acidside chains in these positions are exposed to interaction withligands, e.g. mRNA. Moreover, positions 125 and 126 areproximal to Cys127 which is known to be essential for decod-ing function of eRF1 (12). Positions 55 and 125 are proximalin space in eRF1 crystals (37). Collectively, these data point tothe necessity to analyze possible involvement of positionsmentioned above in decoding function of eRF1.

Positions 51 and 55

Position 51 is occupied in human eRF1 by Met residue whichis not conserved and varies considerably in both eRF1 andaRF1 families (Figure 1). The RF activities of the M51L,M51Y, M51D, M51R and M51E mutants have been testedin an in vitro assay. All these eRF1 mutants retain full activity

Figure 1. Alignment of the N domain fragments from eRF1 and aRF1 primary structures. Residue numbering is based on human wild-type eRF1. The shortened Latinnames are given. Accession numbers are in brackets. Hundred percent identical positions are black-shadowed; 80% identical positions are gray-shadowed. Similarityscoring is disabled.

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with any of the three stop codons indistinguishable from that ofthe wild-type eRF1 (data not shown). Since the substitutingamino acids are very different from the initial Met residue andat the same time distinct among themselves, it implies thatthe eRF1 function is tolerant to the nature of amino acid inposition 51.

In a sharp contrast with Met51, position 55 is occupiedexclusively by Glu (Figure 1). This may point to an essentialstructural and/or functional role of this residue in eRF1/aRF1protein superfamily. In fact, in E55A, E55S and E55Y mutantsthe UAG response was entirely abolished, whereas only about2- to 3-fold reduction of the RF activity took place with UGA(Table 1). The UAG-selective inactivation was not due toinability of the mutant proteins to bind to the ribosome asthe GTPase activity of eRF3 which was a measure of eRF1codon-independent binding to the ribosome (12,26,29) was notaffected at all (data not shown). Relatively high remaining RFactivity (40–80%) toward UGA (Table 1) also spoke againstloss of binding capacity as a cause of UAG-specific loss offunction. Three E55 mutants seem to be the very first caseswhen a complete inactivation toward one stop codon responsewas achieved though the mutant factor remained partiallyactive toward two other stop codons. The E55R mutant willbe discussed below.

Positions 125 and 126

We have shown earlier that two invariant amino acids, Cys127and Phe131 (Figure 1), are critical for the functional integrityof human eRF1 and presumably are implicated in the recog-nition of the 2d position of the stop codon (12). We have nowmutagenized two other amino acid residues from the sameregion, Tyr125 and Leu126. The first amino acid, as is evidentfrom the alignment, is invariant while the second one, whichneighbors Tyr125 from the C side, is variable (Figure 1).

Functional activity of the Tyr125 mutants is given inTable 1. Most remarkably, a single point mutation, Y125A,causes loss of function toward all three stop codons. Introduc-tion of Glu instead of Tyr also causes a profound and unspe-cific loss of activity. The Tyr125Ser mutant is silent towardUAG like Tyr125Ala mutant but retains half of its initial

activity with UGA (Table 1). The most interesting resulthas been obtained with a mild substitution Tyr! Phe, aromatic amino acid is exchanged with another one.Here, the decrease of the RF activity is highly selective: nochange in response to UAA and UGA but a 3-fold loss offunction toward UAG. Clearly, this selective inactivation isnot due to damage of binding to the ribosome: two otheractivities are not affected at all and the GTPase activity ofeRF3 which is entirely dependent on the binding of eRF1 andeRF3 to the ribosome as mentioned above remains as in thepresence of the wild-type eRF1 (Figure 2). Most likely, invari-ant Tyr125 is essential for the UAG stop codon recognition.

The neighboring variable L126 has been found to be non-essential for function since L126E, L126F and L126I mutantspossess the same activity toward all three stop codons as thewild-type eRF1 (data not shown).

Hydrogen bonding between Glu55 and Tyr125

As follows from the structural analysis (Figure 3A) positions55 and 125 are close in space and can form a hydrogen bondbetween the hydrogen atom of OH group of Tyr125 and theoxygen atom of the COO group of Glu55. The length of thebond is equal to 1.73 s (Figure 3B). This suggestion is con-sistent with the functional alterations observed with mutanteRF1. When in the E55A mutant the acceptor group disap-pears, the RF activity is completely lost toward the UAG stopcodon (Table 1). It is also five times diminished if Glu issubstituted with a shorter amino acid residue (Asp) leadingto increase in the distance between the acceptor and donorgroups forming the H-bond. The E55Q mutant has also a3-fold reduced RF activity, possibly because the acceptorCOO group is converted into a potential donor CONH2

group. This group theoretically is able to form an H-bondwith OH group of Tyr125 causing an increase of the distancebetween the interacting atoms (not <2 s). Moreover, due tothe neighborhood of the aromatic ring the donor property ofthe Tyr125 OH group is significantly weakened making anH-bond between the Tyr125 and Gln55 unstable.

Our suggestion that Glu55 and Tyr125 form an H-bond isconsistent also with other observations. All Tyr125 mutantstested so far (Table 1) reduce their RF activity if the donorgroup of the amino acid side chain is lost. To explain a rathersurprising observation that the E55R mutant is completelyactive (Table 1), we have inserted Arg instead of Glu in the3D structure of eRF1 (Figure 3C). It turned out from the modelthat an ‘inversion’ of the H-bond formation takes place.Instead of H-bond acceptor in position 55, Arg becomes adonor of H while oxygen of the Tyr OH group becomes anacceptor. The distance between H of the NH group (Arg55)and O of Tyr125 is equal to 1.82A (Figure 3C) which permitsH-bond formation. This is possible because the strong NHgroup of Arg55 is able to bind even to weak OH acceptorgroup of Tyr125.

Thermal denaturation of wild-type eRF1 andits mutants

In principle, point mutations of invariant amino acids if theyplay an essential role in maintenance of 3D structure of the pro-tein may cause changes in protein stability. The destabilization

Table 1. In vitro release activity of human Glu55 and Tyr125 eRF1 mutants

Mutant eRF1 Release activity (%)UAAA UAGA UGAA

E55A 59 0 48E55D 72 21 78E55Q 75 35 80E55R 98 97 104E55Y 11 2 56E55S 27 1 36Y125A 5 6 8Y125E 12 14 19Y125F 100 34 100Y125S 17 2 54

The release activity of mutant eRF1s was measured according to the in vitroCaskey’s assay as described previously (20,28). Data are given in % versus thewt-eRF1. Average values from three independent experiments run in duplicatesare presented. One-letter amino acid code is used. An error in RF activitymeasurements varied from 8.5 to 10% for different mutants. Background values(without any stop codon) were subtracted everywhere.

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of protein conformation can, in turn, causes a decrease or evenabolishment of RF activity.

To examine this possibility, we have measured a thermalstability of eRF1 mutants in comparison with wild-type pro-tein. As shown in Table 2, melting temperatures of the mutantsdiffer insignificantly from the Td of wt-eRF1. The results meanthat protein globule after point mutagenesis remains stableenough and the functional alterations (Table 1) are not asso-ciated with a destabilization of protein 3D structure. Thisconclusion is supported by analogous analysis performedwith other eRF1 mutants (32).

The only apparent exception is Y125A mutant withDTd ¼ 2.8�C (Table 2). However, most likely, it is not thecause of functional damage because, for example, a doublemutant N129P + K130Q exhibits strong destabilization(DTd ¼ 7.9�C) (32), whereas its RF activity was only partiallydiminished toward UAG and was fully preserved versus twoother stop codons (12).

Changes in the calculated free energy ofeRF1 mutants

We have calculated the changes in free energy induced bypoint mutations in eRF1 as described in Materials and Meth-ods. In addition to E55 and Y125 mutants, we have performedsimilar analysis for some previously described (12) mutants(positions 129 and 131). As seen from Figure 4, changes in freeenergy of mutants in positions 55 and 125 are very small ornegligible and do not exceed 20 kcal/mol. This result meansthat mutations in these positions do not destabilize the 3Dstructure of eRF1 in full agreement with calorimetric measure-ments (Table 2). At the same time the strong alteration of free

energy in double N129AF131A mutant (Figure 4) is consistentwith known involvement of these residues in intramolecularinteractions (37) and with known profound changes of func-tional activity of this mutant (12). The case of this doublemutant demonstrates the sensitivity of the used methods:free energy change calculated for the N129AF131A mutantis 90 kcal/mol (Figure 2), which correlates with DTd ¼ �6�C(Table 2, N 10). In contrast, for E55 and Y125 mutants this freeenergy difference is �20 kcal/mol and consistent with verysmall DTd values (Table 2). The Y125F is the only mutationtested so far that slightly stabilizes eRF1 molecule (Figure 4).


Invariant amino acids, such as Glu55 and Tyr125, may beessential for maintenance of spatial protein structure and/orfor decoding function of eRF1. We attempted to follow theconsequences of point mutagenesis of Glu55 and Tyr125 usingthree strategies. First, we measured the thermal stability ofeRF1 mutants by differential scanning microcalorimetry andfound that the destabilization of protein conformation is inmost cases negligible with one exception for Y125A mutantwhere decrease in melting temperature is meaningful (Table 2).This observation implies that these positions in protein struc-ture are not critical for protein stability as anticipated fromsurface location of both residues in protein globule (37).Second, we calculated possible changes of free energy ofeRF1 mutants in comparison with wild-type protein andfound very small alterations (Figure 4). This indicates thatthe introduced substitutions do not disturb the protein con-formation. These data are fully consistent with the calorimetric

Figure 2. Kinetics of GTP hydrolysis catalyzed by human eRF3 in the presence of the ribosomes and eRF1 mutants. Amount of wt-eRF1 and its mutants are indicatedin pmoles. Each tube contained 125 pmol of GTP (800–2000 c.p.m./pmol), 2 pmol of the ribosomes, 2 pmol of eRF3Cp and varying amounts of wt- or mutant eRF1.An average from three independent experiments is shown. The experimental error was ±5%.

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data discussed above. Third, we measured the ability of eRF1mutants to induce GTPase activity of eRF3 within the ribo-some (Figure 2). We have shown earlier that this assay reflectsthe ability of mutated eRF1 to bind to the ribosome (29) and issensitive to some mutations in the N domain of eRF1 (12,24).For all Glu55 and Tyr125 mutants tested so far, their ability toactivate eRF3 GTPase within the ribosome was the same as forwt-eRF1. It means that codon-independent binding ability ofmutated eRF1 forms toward the ribosome remains undamaged.

Collectively, all three approaches speak against the possi-bility that functional consequences of eRF1 mutagenesis areassociated with protein destabilization or distortion of the 3Dstructure.

Substitution of the aromatic ring in position 125 makes theeRF1 almost silent toward two or three stop codons (Table 1).

Figure 3. Structure of the N domain of human eRF1 (37). (A) The ribbon modelis represented. The YxCxxxF loop is shown by thin arrow. The side-chains ofessential residues Glu55 and Tyr125 are shown as sticks. The H-bond is shownas a black line. (B) Human wt-eRF1. (C) The Glu55Arg mutant.

Table 2. Melting temperatures of wild-type and mutant forms of human eRF1

No.b Wild-type eRF1and its mutants

Td (�C) DTda (�C)

1 Wild-type 55.3 02 E55R 54.4 �0.93 E55D 55.8 +0.54 E55A 54.5 �0.85 Y125A 52.5 �2.86 Y125F 55.6 +0.37 N129A 53.7 �1.68 N129P 48.6 �6.79 F131A 52.6 �2.7

10 N129A + F131A 49.3 �6.0

aDTd ¼ Td (mutant) �Td (wt).bMutantsnumbers 7–10 were isolatedand functionally tested earlier (12) and thecalorimetric data are taken from (32) to show the sensitivity of the calorimetricmethod.

Figure 4. The molecular modeling analysis of free energy changes in eRF1virtual mutants. The procedure included the whole molecule side-chain mini-mization (100 calls, Newton method) followed by 1000 calls of both backboneand side-chain energy minimization in 10 s sphere around the Ca-atom of thetarget residue. The ICM molecular modeling program was used for minimiza-tion procedures.

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This result shows the initial importance of Tyr125 for main-tenance of the intact structure of the decoding site.

The UAG response is affected most strongly in the Glu55and Tyr125 mutants (Table 1). This is the only stop codonwhich has G in the third position while it has common U withtwo other stop codons and shares A with UAA. Consequently,Glu55 and Tyr125 are implicated in the recognition of theG base in the UAG stop codon.

We assume that between Glu55 and Tyr125 an H-bond isformed. This interaction may help to preserve close proximityof the two remote regions of the N domain. Parallel UAG-selective loss of RF activity in E55A and Y125F mutantssuggests that preservation of the H-bond between these resi-dues is a prerequisite for UAG-dependent RF activity. The roleof Glu55 is less essential than Tyr125 because some otheramino acids in position 55 are able to partially substituteGlu and, most surprisingly, Arg55 is as active as Glu55(Table 1). Therefore, we suggest that in the Glu-Tyr pairthe major role is played by Tyr, whereas Glu is most likelyrequired for H-bond formation with Tyr125 to fix it in a properorientation.

Since the functioning eRF1 is located within the ribosomethe Glu55-Tyr125 pair is probably surrounded by hydrophobicenvironment and therefore water molecules will probablynot interfere with H-bond formation. Similar behavior ofintramolecular H-bonds in proteins has recently been dis-cussed (38,39).

Although we consider E55 as invariant amino acid (Figure 1)it appeared very recently that in ciliate Loxodes striatus eRF1(Swiss-Prot accession no. Q5CD84) this residue is substitutedby Ala (40). L.striatus eRF1 corresponds in this position to oneof our mutated forms of human eRF1 which has no RF activitytoward UAG (Table 1). Based on our results we infer that thisciliate eRF1 possesses an altered stop codon recognition pat-tern lacking UAG response. This prediction is fully consistentwith the fact that in this organisms only UGA servers as asingle stop codon while two other stop codons are reassignedfrom sense codons (40).

The sets of amino acids recognizing A and G are different,for example, Ser and Thr form H-bonds with A, while Gprefers Asn, Glu and Gly (41). We suggest that A and G inthe same position are recognized by non-identical sets ofamino acids.

In the previous work (12), an omnipotent human eRF1 hasbeen converted into unipotent factor recognizing only UGAstop codon. The major role in this conversion is played byCys127 and/or Phe131. From these data, it is evident that theseamino acid residues can be implicated in recognition of A inthe second stop-codon position. The Cys residue can form anH-bond with A while the aromatic ring of Phe can be involvedin van der Waals interactions with a purine heterocycle (41).

Thus, two purines in the UAG stop codon require for spe-cific discrimination at least four amino acids probably with adominant role of Cys127 and Tyr125. The U base should bediscriminated by no less than two amino acids as predicted bystructural analysis (42). Therefore, we assume that stop codontriplet requires for its specific recognition more than threeamino acid residues.

In previously published recognition models (14,23) Glu55has been assumed to be involved in recognition of U, the firststop codon base. Our data clearly show that this amino acid

residue is not implicated in discrimination of U. The moststriking example is the E55R mutant, which is as active asthe wt-eRF1 toward all three stop codons (Table 1). Tyr125and Cys127 have been also assumed to recognize the first U(14). This hypothesis contradicts our previous data (12) show-ing the role of Cys127 in 2nd base discrimination but not thefirst. As shown here, mutations at Tyr125 do not profoundlyimpair UGA response (Table 1) and therefore, most likely,Tyr125 is not involved in U discrimination.

Leu126 has been proposed as an amino acid residue whichrecognizes the second stop-codon base (10,14). However, sub-stitutions in this position as shown here exhibit no effect on RFactivity toward all three stop codons.

In summary, the suggested models (10,14,23) are not sup-ported by previous (12) and new (this work) data obtained bydirected point mutagenesis followed by in vitro determinationof RF activity versus all three stop codons. Previous modelswere based on indirect genetic data (10), bioinformaticsapproach (14,22) or molecular modeling (10,14,23).

We suggest that stop codon recognition is controlled bymany amino acid residues (at present only part of them areidentified) via a 3D network rather then by one amino acid–one nucleotide interaction as proposed in the prokaryoticrecognition model (6). It is noteworthy that amino acid resi-dues identified as being implicated in stop codon recognitionby eRF1s (Glu, Tyr, Cys and Phe) are distinct from thoseinvolved in stop codon recognition in bacteria (Pro, Ala,Thr, Ser and Phe) with one exception of Phe. This remarkabledifference most likely reflects profound dissimilaritiesbetween eRF1/aRF1 and RF1/RF2 protein families in theiramino acid sequences (20,21,37) and 3D structures (37,43).


The authors are grateful to Vladimir Mitkevich who took partin calorimetric measurements. The authors thank both refer-ees for valuable and helpful critical remarks. This work was sup-ported by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Programme on Molecular and Cell Biology), by the Presi-dential Programme of Supporting the Leading ScientificSchools (via Ministry of Education and Science of theRussian Federation), and by Novo-Nordic Foundation bygrants 03-04-48943 and 05-04-49385 from the RussianFoundation for Basic Research. Funding to pay the OpenAccess publication charges for this article was provided byDanish Research Council.

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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