doing it with style style sheets: separating form from function

Doing It With Style Style Sheets: Separating Form from Function

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Page 1: Doing It With Style Style Sheets: Separating Form from Function

Doing It With Style

Style Sheets: Separating Form from Function

Page 2: Doing It With Style Style Sheets: Separating Form from Function

First, A Little History …

When HTML was first developed, there were no GUI browsers; Result: no need for fancy formattingHTML was originally developed to distribute information – little attention was paid to the form of that information

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As Time Went By …

More & more GUI browsers were invented

People wanted more from their web pages

HTML evolved to include formatting tags

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RESULT: Bloated Pages!

HTML scripts became bogged down with tons of formatting tags

Extra tags required more disk space

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Style Sheets to the Rescue!

Separated form from function

Reduced file size of HTML scripts

Introduced portable code

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What can styles do for us?

Make our code portable (write once, apply everywhere)

Continuity: make pages across websites look the same

Reduce code!

Allow us some room for “customized” styles

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Three Main Types of Styles

Used at the tag-level

Usually applied to individual tags or groups of tags

Similar to <font> container

Can “pollute” a script with extraneous code

Best used to override higher-level styles

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Three Main Types of Styles

Defined in the <head> container

Configures styles for a SINGLE web page

Generally used to override External Style Sheets or when a style is going to be used only on a single page

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Three Main Types of Styles

Defined in another document with an extension of “.css”

Configures styles for multiple web pages

Highest level of style

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Style Rules

Styles are defined according to rules

The general* format is:

•- There are some exceptions to this. Inline styles

use a slightly different syntax

selector { property:value }


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Style Rules

selector { property:value }

The selector is usually the HTML tag to which a style will apply.Example: p

The property is the attribute being changed. Example: font-family

The value represents what the new look the property will take.Example: Arial

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Style Rules - Example

p { font-size:14pt }

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Style Rules - Syntax

p {font-family:”Arial Narrow”,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif


Multiple values can be assigned using commas:

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Style Rules - Syntax

p { font-size:14pt;font-color:red }

You can apply many styles to the same selectorDeclarations are separated with semi-colons:

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Style Rules - Syntax

p,li { font-size:14pt;font-color:red }

You can apply styles to many different selectorsSelectors are separated by commas:

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Style Rules - Syntax

li em { font-size:14pt;font-color:red }

You can apply styles given certain conditions using contextual selectorsContextual selectors are separated by a space:

This means that <em> containers which are also encapsulated within a <li> container will have a font-size of 14 points and a font color of red.

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Style Rules - Syntax

li em, h2 b {font-size:14pt;font-color:red


You can group multiple contextual selectors using commas to separate:

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Defining a Class

You can create “custom” styles to apply based on unique identifying attributes

These “custom” styles are called classes

Classes are referenced by attributes in HTML tags

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Defining a Class

p.myClass {font-family:Arial;font-color:red


Classes can be defined for individual tags:

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Defining a Class

.myClass {font-family:Arial;font-color:red


Or, classes can be defined for use in many tags:

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Referring to a Class in HTML

<p class=“myClass”>This is a line of text to which a stylehas been applied.


References to a class are made in individual HTML tags:

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Extending HTML for Style Sheets

<div class=“myClass”><h1>Hi There!</h1><p>This is a line of text to which a stylehas been applied.</p>


The <div>…</div> container is used to apply styles to block-level elements:

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Extending HTML for Style Sheets

Mary had a <span class=“myClass”>little lamb, little lamb,</span> little lamb.

The <span>…</span> container is used to apply styles to groups of characters:

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The External Style SheetA list of rules (no other syntax except for rules)

Saved with a file extension of “.css”

644 permissions (just like an HTML document)

Saved as a straight-text file (ASCII file)

Highest-Level Style

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The External Style Sheet - Example

h1 { font-family:Arial;font-size:42pt }

p { font-family:Arial;font-size:12pt }

li { font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt }

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Referencing the External Style Sheet

<head><link rel=“stylesheet”



External style sheets are linked to an HTML document in the <head> container:

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The Embedded Style SheetA list of rules (no other syntax except for rules)

Defined in the <head> container of an HTML document

Embedded styles trump external styles, but are subservient to all other styles

Usually contained within an HTML comment

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The Embedded Style Sheet - Example

<head><style type=“text/css”><!--

li { font-family:Arial }p { font-family:Arial;

font-size:12pt }--></style>


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The Inline StyleRules applied to individual tags

Defined at the tag level

Inline styles trump external embedded styles, but are subservient to HTML tags

Use them sparingly!

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The Inline Style - Example

<p style=“font-face:Arial;font-size:12pt;color:blue”>A style has been applied to this paragraph of text.</p>

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InheritanceStyles are inherited from parent-level styles to child-level stylesExample: An inline style inherits the properties of an embedded style and an external style






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Conflicting StylesWhen styles conflict, the more specific style will have more weight

Default Browser Settings

User-Defined Settings

External Styles

Embedded Styles

Inline Styles

HTML Tag Attributes Mor

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