doing journalism in times of drugs war

Doing journalism in times of trouble. War on drugs and freedom of speech in Mexico By María Elena Meneses Research assistant: Talía Murillo March 11th 2010 Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of North Carolina and Chapell Hill academic meeting

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Doing journalism in times of trouble: Mexican war on drugs and freedom of expression


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Doing journalism in times of trouble. War on drugs and freedom of speech in Mexico

By María Elena MenesesResearch assistant: Talía Murillo

March 11th 2010Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of North Carolina and Chapell Hill academic


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Mexico: a dangerous place for journalists

Mexico is the second most dangerous country for exercising

journalism after Iraq.

International News Safety Institute, 2009

Christoph Bangert

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Mexico: a dangerous place for journalists

Tele Atlas, Transnavicom, Europa Technologies, 2010

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Mexico: a dangerous place for journalists

Tele Atlas, Transnavicom, Europa Technologies, 2010

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Drug Trafficking: A Global issue

• Producers

• Consumers

• International distribution networks

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European Parliament WWW.EUROPARL.EUROPA.EU





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Mexico has fundamentally been a producer and distributor country through the known cartels and criminal organizations.

Drug Trafficking: A Global issue

Poppy flower in Guerrero La Jornada, March 2010

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North America

The UN estimates that around 200 000 people a year consume drugs at least once a year. North America consumes the 75% of drugs.

UN and Organization of American States

(OAS), 2009

David Høgshol


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A great business

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A great business

Worldwide: 320 billion dollars.

Mexico: drug trafficking is worth 19 billion dollars, occupying half a million people.

United Nations, 2009

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A great business

Drug trafficking employed 25% more people than What Mc Donald’s did worldwide.

Expansión magazine, 2009.

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A way to obtain a job

In 60% of the Mexican municipalities there are people employed in organized crime.

Ramón Galindo, Mexican Senator

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Mexican war on drugs


Lack of opportunities



Neighborhood with the US

Benjamín Flores, 2001

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President Calderon’s war on drugs

More than 30 000soldiers and policemen

US moral and Intelligence support

Proceso Foto 2008

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Mexican cartels

New York Times, 2009

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15 thousand deaths

More than 7 thousand traffickers captures

One big lord Arturo Beltrán LeyvaEl Universal, 2009

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1 execution every 65 minutes

Violence climate in the whole country

Mexican Senate and Center for Journalism and Public Ethics

Reforma, 2009

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Morelia’s drama

Grenade attack, Independence Day, 2008

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How do criminals use journalists?

Proceso foto, 2010

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Drug messages

Proceso foto, 2008

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Ethical dilemmas

To cover or not to cover?If I get a picture… am I an


Mario Campos, Proceso foto 2004

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Assassinations of journalists

From 2000 to 2009 57 journalists were killed in Mexico

Most of them under impunity

Trials are opened RSF, 2010

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Jean Paul Ibarra, El Correo, murdered on February 13th

Luis Daniel Méndez, murdered on February 23th

Carlos Ortega, El Tiempo, murdered on May 3th

Eliseo Barron, La Opinión Milenio, kidnapped and murdered on May


Martín Miranda, Panorama Radio, murdered on July 12th

Ernesto Montañez, Enfoque Magazine, murdered on July 14th

Daniel Martínez, Radiorama, murdered on July 27th

12 Mexican journalists were killed

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Norbert Miranda, Radio Visión murdered on September 23th

Fabián Ramirez, Magia Radio station, murdered on November 11th

Vladimir Antuna, El Tiempo de Durango, murdered on November 2nd

José Galindo, Radio Universidad de Guadalajara found death on December 24th

José Velázquez, Expresiones de Tulum. Source: Center for Journalism and Public Ethics.

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Violations against the freedom of speech

183 journalists suffered from some type of threat or extortion in Mexico.

Journalists are victims of Levantones ( express kidnappings)

Most of them occured in Chihuahua, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Puebla and Mexico City

Source: Center for Journalism and Public Ethics.

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In one out of every three attacks the police forces have been involved…

the same forces that guarantee the order in times of organized crime.

Violations against the freedom of speech

Proceso foto, 2009

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Implications for journalism

• Self-censorship• Journalists do not count with

reliable sources• The official information is the one

that flows but it is partial • The coverage limits itself to give

the list of deaths or traffickers captured

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“The confusion is permanent: incessant crimes do not allow to distinguish sides or reasons, the dead bodies pile up each day in the front pages and do not allow to see the forest”

MARIA IDALIA GOMEZ Y DARIO FRITZ (Mexican journalists talking about covering drug


Implications for journalism

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Most violent cities

Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)Caracas (Venezuela)New Orleans (USA)Tijuana (Mexico)Bagdad takes the 10th place

Source: Citizen Council for Public Security

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Ethical dilemmas

How to inform without being a speaker of the parts involved: the government or the crime?

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Servando Gomez Martínez “La Tuta”(from La Familia cartel) interviewed by Milenio

Ethical dilemmas

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What has Mexican media done ?

Televisa and Excelsior have decided not to record any narcomensajeBut other media like Milenio have even interviewed criminals

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What has Mexican media done ?

Others, like Proceso have stopped signing the news stories.

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Others have chosen self-censorship

What has Mexican media done ?

March in front of the PGR office in

relation to crimes and agressions to

journalists.Proceso foto

December 2009

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What should journalists do?

Spread the news, “as an independent monitor of any type of power”.

Take care of themselves and media should provide them with training.

Journalists should be responsible in their coverage.

Take a field camp notebook, have a close relationship with their editor –to whom they must inform of all their steps.

Also gather with sources in public places.

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A journalist is not the prosecutor, he is just a translator that explains and helps understand the complex reality of society.

Reports, statistics and sources’ testimonies should be confronted. Using leaks it’s OK, but through an accurate verification.

What should journalists do?

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What Society needs to know…

• Authorities corruption

• Army, policemen and politicians

• Money laundry

• Impunity

• Conflict of interest

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The case of Colombia

To move journalists from zones of risk to safer ones.

Provide training in the coverage of organized crime.

Give life insurances and protection to family members of the journalists at risk.

Lower the number of assassinations through intelligence reports.

Plan Antonio Nariño

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María Elena Meneses Former TV journalist Professor and researcher at

Tecnológico de Monterrey [email protected] twitter@marmenes My blog:

Talía Murillo MonroyJournalism student at Tecnológico de

MonterreyAssistant producer at MVS [email protected]

Thank you

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Special Thanks to:-Reuters TV Mexico bureau-Center for Journalism and Public

Ethics for bringing us The Anual Report one day before it went public. The complete report 2009 : Jorge Luis Aguirre- Itzel Barrón Chirino