don t ask what the world needs. ask what makes you come ... at home wor… · the spirit in me...

Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. painting by Edgardo “Ed” de Guzman quote by Howard Thurman

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Page 1: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words

Don’t ask what the world needs.

Ask what makes you come alive,

and go do it.

Because what the world needs

is people who have come alive.

painting by Edgardo “Ed” de Guzman

quote by Howard Thurman

Page 2: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words


Pictou United Church ‘At Home Worship Gathering’ Sunday, May 31st, 2020

Just because we can’t be together, doesn’t mean we can’t be together!

Happy Birthday to US! Pentecost Sunday!

We Enter into This Time of Worship

A Reminder As We Enter into this Time of Worship and As We Gather -

Clicking on each underlined link will take you to the appropriate music, reading, or reflection.

As we gather, I invite you to take a moment to engage in a ‘virtual’ walk into our Pictou United Church sanctuary. You may do this by clicking on the ‘Virtual Walk & Gathering Music’ link below,

or by closing your eyes and in your mind’s eye imagining yourself walking into Pictou United:

through the front doors… through the interior doors… into the sanctuary… down the aisle… to the pew where you find your place.

Take a moment to centre yourself and ground yourself in a spirit of celebration on this Pentecost Sunday.

Virtual Walk & Gathering Music

Come, come, come, in Jesus’ name! Take our hearts by storm.

All the world lies open: Pentecost is now!

More Voices 23

Gathering Words ~ Lighting of the Christ Candle

And so we sing of God the Spirit, who from the beginning has swept over the face of creation,

animating all energy and matter and moving in the human heart.

We sing of God the Spirit, faithful and untameable,

who is creatively and redemptively active in the world.

The Spirit challenges us to celebrate the holy not only in what is familiar,

but also in that which seems foreign.

We sing of the Spirit, who speaks our prayers of deepest longing and enfolds our concerns and confessions,

transforming us and the world.

an excerpt from “A Song of Faith” A Statement of Faith of the United Church

Drawn by the community we find with each other; Filled by the faith and friendship that sustains us;

Empowered by the love of God around us; Captivated by the movement of God’s Spirit amongst us,

though apart, we are together!

We Pause As We Light Our Christ Candle.

God of fire and beauty - warm us! God of peace and justice - disturb us!

God of wonder and delight - amaze us! God of Pentecost - kindle your love in our lives!

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And So We Sing!

The Spirit in Me

The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God’s in us and we’re in God, Alleluia.

words & music: Jim Strathdee

We Are Gathered! Come, Spirit, Come!

Fill this place with rushing winds!

Come, Spirit, Come! Fill our hearts with love!

Come, Spirit, Come! Fill our minds with dreams!

Come, Spirit, Come! Lift us from the mundane!

Come, Spirit, Come! Remove our apathy!

Come, Spirit, Come! Give us new ways of hearing!

Come, Spirit, Come! New ways of speaking!

Come, Spirit, Come! New ways of living!

Come, Spirit, Come! New ways of worshipping!

Come, Spirit, Come! Inspire us! Breathe into us!

Come, Spirit, Come! That we might make sense of our world.

That we might discern new ways to live out our faith.

Come, Spirit, Come!

Ministry of Music ‘Come, O Holy Spirit’

Come, O Holy Spirit - Wind of Change

offered by Randy & Cecely Gilby and David & Shelley Pos More Voices 23

Gathering ‘Breath’ Prayer ‘In the beginning’, or ‘In a beginning’,

proclaims the writer of Genesis. Before there was anything there was God’s spirit.

‘Spirit’- in Hebrew ‘ruah’ and in the Greek word ‘pneuma’ . Words translated as both spirit and breath. The Latin word ‘inspirare’ (to breathe - to blow), is also connected to our word ‘inspiration’,

and the Latin word ‘spiritus’: Spirit – Breath – Breathe – Inspire – To infuse with Life.

To be filled with God’s spirit is to be filled with the very essence of life. To breathe is to be alive as God’s spirit flows in us and through us.

As we gather on this Pentecost Sunday, I invite us to become aware of God’s presence around and within, and to be gathered and grounded in God’s presence,

as we use the spiritual practice of our ‘breath prayer’.

We take a moment to ground ourselves in this place and in this moment. We take a moment to ground ourselves in the presence of the holy.

Page 4: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words


To feel the heartbeat of God: To allow the breath of God to move in us and through us.

Breathing in we pray… Spirit renew me… Breathing out we pray… Spirit inspire me….

Breathing in… I receive love… Breathing out… I release my insecurity…

Breathing in… I receive joy… Breathing out… I release my despair…

Breathing in… I receive peace… Breathing out… I release my anxiety…

Breathing in… I receive god-ness… Breathing out… I release my apathy…

Breathing in …. Spirit renew me… Breathing out… Spirit inspire me….

We Prayerfully Sing:

Spirit of Life

offered instrumentally by David Pos

Spirit of Life, come unto me. Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.

Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.

Roots hold me close; wings set me free; Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.

Carolyn McDade - Voices United 381

Come, Holy Spirit, come, breathe into our hearts this day.

Bless us and inspire us, that we may live Spirit-filled lives

of love and compassion for all. May it be so.

We Open Ourselves to Wisdom

Spirit come. Spirit come. Open our ears;

Open our hearts; Spirit come. Spirit come.

Hebrew Scripture Story Ezekiel 37:1-14 Can These Bones Live?

On the day of Pentecost, we celebrate God’s Spirit that is within us and around us. Yet today, in the midst of our ongoing isolation and safe-distancing

and this not so new normal, we can feel hopeless and lifeless.

Perhaps there is not much joy or life in us or in our Church. Perhaps our faith is unsteady and we are wondering if God cares at all.

Perhaps you are sad or discouraged.

Are you feeling that we are a bunch of dry old bones with no life or spirit?

Today we turn to the Hebrew Scriptures and to the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, and as we do we join with that timeless prayer

‘Come, O Spirit of Life! Fill us this day!’

Page 5: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words


We open our hearts and ears to the words of the prophet Ezekiel

as he proclaims a vision of hope to a people who longed for God’s Spirit.

God’s hand led me into the middle of a valley. The valley was full of bones.

They were lying all over the ground, and they were very dry.

God asked: Can these bones live?

O God, only you know.

So God said, Prophesy to these bones; Say, ‘O dry bones. Hear the word of the Lord!’

Tell them that I, their, God will put breath in you, and you will live. I will put muscles and flesh upon you,

and cover you with skin, and put breath into you, and you will live.’ You will know that I am your God.’

So I did as God commanded me. I preached life to the bones.

‘O dry bones. Hear the word of the Lord!

And suddenly there was a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to bone.

I looked, and saw that muscle and flesh were on the bones, and skin covered them.

But there was no breath in them.

Then God said: Prophesy to the breath! Speak to the breath and say:

‘Come from the four winds, O breath. Breathe upon these lifeless ones, that they may live.’

‘I spoke as God commanded me. ‘Come, O Spirit of Life.’

I preached to them, and the breath came into them,

and they lived and stood up on their feet, a huge living crowd of people.

God said: These bones are the people. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is lost.’

So speak to them and say: ‘I will put my spirit within you and you shall live.

I will fill you with my spirit and you will know that I am your God.’

We pause and open our hearts and ears to the gift and wisdom of music:

Song to the Spirit

offered by Sally O’Neill

Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings, mothering bird,

peace in your wings,

Come from within, come, make us one,

come and renew the face of the earth, come and renew the face of the earth.

words: Shirley Erena Murray

artwork-’Can These Bones Live?’

Page 6: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words


The Pentecost Story ‘A Sign of New Beginnings’ based on Acts 2

50 days after the celebration of Passover, 50 days after the death of their leader, Jesus, 50 days of worry and wondering and hiding,

50 days later they have gathered.

Let us turn to the story of Pentecost as told in the book of Acts. Let us open our hearts, our ears, our lives

as we ponder anew this ancient story of faith.

When the holy day of Pentecost came 50 days after Passover, they were gathered together in one place.

Picture yourself among the disciples:

A sound roars from the sky without warning, the roar of a violent wind, and the whole house where you are gathered reverberates with the sound.

Then a flame appears, dividing into smaller flames and spreading from one person to the next. All the people present are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin speaking in languages they’ve never spoken,

as the Spirit empowers them. Because of the holy festival, there are devout Jews staying as pilgrims in Jerusalem

from every nation under the sun.

They hear the sound, and a crowd gathers. They are amazed because each of them can hear the group speaking in their native languages.

They are shocked and amazed by this. Just a minute. Aren’t all of these people Galileans?

How in the world do we all hear our native languages being spoken? Look - there are Parthians here, and Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamians, and Judeans,

residents of Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia, Phrygians and Pamphylians, Egyptians and Libyans from Cyrene,

Romans including both Jews by birth and converts, Cretans, and Arabs. We’re each, in our own languages, hearing these people talk about God’s powerful deeds.

Their amazement becomes confusion as they wonder… What does this mean?

Some skeptics said: It doesn’t mean anything. They’re all drunk on some fresh wine!

As the twelve stood together, Peter shouted to the crowd, ‘Men of Judea and all who are staying here in Jerusalem, listen.

I want you to understand: these people aren’t drunk as you may think. Look, it’s only nine o’clock (10:30 am maybe) in the morning.

No, this isn’t drunkenness; this is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel. Hear what God says!

In the last days, I will offer My Spirit to humanity as a libation. Your children will boldly speak the word of the Lord.

Your young will see visions, and your elders will dream dreams. Yes, in those days I shall offer my Spirit to all servants,

both male and female, and they will boldly speak My word. And in the heaven above and on the earth below,

I shall give signs of impending judgment: blood, fire, and clouds of smoke.

The sun will become a void of darkness, and the moon will become blood.

Then the great and dreadful day of the Lord will arrive, And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be liberated into God’s freedom and peace.’

from The Voice translation

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We pause and open our hearts and ears to the gift and wisdom of music:

Song to the Spirit

offered by Sally O’Neill

Spirit of hope, never subdued, Spirit of God,

Spirit of Good, Come from within, come, make us one,

come and renew the face of the earth, come and renew the face of the earth.

words: Shirley Erena Murray

A Meditation for Pentecost

On this day of Pentecost, as we celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit…

God’s Spirit that disturbs and comforts; that engages and energizes;

that enfolds us and empowers us; that unites and connects…

We pause in word and song:

A Meditation for Pentecost

The song ‘Enemy of Apathy’ by John Bell of the Iona Community is woven through Rev. Mary-Beth’s mediation.

A thank you to Randy Gilby for his musical offering.

Ministry of Music ‘I Feel the Winds of God Today’

I Feel The Winds

offered by John Spyder Macdonald

We Respond and Move into the WorldWe Respond and Move into the World

We Give Thanks for the Sharing of Gifts

Though our church doors are closed, ministry continues. Though the church building is not alive with fun-raisers and fund-raisers;

group meetings and worship gatherings; we know that Pictou United is more than a building.

So we continue to share our gifts – through PAR; through e-transfer; through safe mailing in, dropping off and picking up.

We also offer our gifts through the offering of our ‘Soup Lunches for Seniors’; through a listening ear and an open heart;

through the words we speak and the faith we embody. We do make a difference!

Take a moment and give thanks for gifts shared and gifts received. Blessed Be!

Pentecost Prayer Litany of the Spirit

On this day of celebration on this spirit-filled day, I invite you to pause and enter this time of prayer, through our Pentecost Prayer Litany of the Spirit.

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May you be ever-aware that you are not alone:

God’s spirit all around. God’s spirit is deep within.

Pentecost Prayer Litany of the Spirit

A thank you to the members of our Prayer Shawl Knitting Group. p.s. They have been continuing to gather & knit each Wednesday on Zoom.

We Go Into the World!

Where people didn’t know God’s love: God’s Spirit blew, and people came alive and the church grew,

just like that.

Where people were sad and alone: God’s Spirit blew, and people came alive and the church grew,

just like that.

Where people were tired and sick: God’s Spirit blew, and people came alive and the church grew,

just like that.

Where the people were ready to give and share: God’s Spirit blew, and people came alive and the church grew,

just like that.

Where people were ready to grow and spread the good news: God’s Spirit blew, and people came alive and the church grew,

just like that.

On this day of Pentecost, the ancient story reminds us that still, this day,

God’s spirit comes amongst us as dove - to move us;

as wind - to enliven us; as fire - to transform us. Spirit of the living God,

fill us with your empowering strength, empower us with your full love;

send us into our community and our world.

May we come alive with passion and compassion. May we come alive with visions and dreams.

May we come alive so that all might have life in all of its abundance! May we come alive, breaking loose from all that holds us back!

May we, your spirit-filled people, come alive!

Come Alive!

Music to Send Us into This Day and This Week ‘Fill-A Me Up!’

Fill-A Me Up!

Fill-a me up! Come-a Holy Spirit! Llename O Espiritu Santo!

offered instrumentally by David Pos lyrics– Spanish translation by Karen Dickey

Celebrate Who We Are & Whose We Are!

Give Thanks for our Spirit-Filled Church Family!

Click Here to Enjoy our 2020 PUC Family Video!

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(which include 1 litre of soup, biscuits/rolls, cookies)

will be available from 1-2 pm for safe pick-up at Pictou United Church

or, if required, safe drop-off and delivery to your home may be arranged.

If you would like to enjoy a soup lunch for pick-up or delivery, please call Ruth @ 902 485-5442. Please leave a message.

In partnership with United Way of Pictou County, Community Links Association, The Dodson Family Endowed Fund (Pictou United Church)

Stone Soup Café & Mrs. MacGregor’s Catering & Shortbread, Pictou United Church Pastoral Care & Outreach Committee and friends.

Applications are available from the church office – please email [email protected]

or call 902 485-8081 to request your application form.

Bursaries will be presented at 10:30 am Worship Service on Sunday, June 21st, 2020*,

*Covid-19 restrictions permitting. Recipients expected to attend.

Please Note: The Deadline for completed applications is Tuesday, June 9th at 12 pm (Noon)


Please remember to take care of yourself and those who are part of your circle of love and care. If there is anything you need or any way I, or your PUC family,

can be of support, please be in touch: home - 902 485-4515 cell - call / text - 902 759-1386

Namaste - Peace Yours in Care & Love,


This Week is This Week is FUNDSCRIPFUNDSCRIP Order WeekOrder Week

Bev & Nancy will be receiving, and if needed, picking-up

your FUNDSCRIP orders between 10am and noon

this coming THURSDAY - June 4th.

If you wish to be added to our FUNDSCRIP mailing list,

please email Mary-Beth [email protected] ASAP

Next Sunday - June 7th is the Sunday closest to June 10th

which is the 95th Anniversary of our United Church of Canada.

So, through our ‘At Home Worship Gathering’

we will share in the Gifts of God’s Love. Bread for the Journey - Cup of God’s Blessing

Please prepare your ‘at home’ communion and join together as we gather at our tables.

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Though our ‘public’ worship gatherings, events and activities are cancelled,

our ministry continues – in fact it is deepening and broadening.

Please know that your ongoing

Financial Stewardship is vital and very much appreciated.

Thank You!

As always, e-transfers may be forwarded to [email protected] **no password necessary**

or, might you consider PAR (pre-authorized remittance)?

For more information, or to arrange a safe pickup or drop-off,

please call the Church Office 902 485-8081, leave a message and we will be in touch asap or email [email protected]

Offerings/donations can also be sent via post:

Pictou United Church, Box 995, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0

Rev. MB continues to post links to worship & spiritual resources on our website

and our PUC Facebook Group:

Our nightly “Moment for All Story-Times” are now an evening ritual for many!

8 pm on our PUC Facebook page

Rev. MB is always looking for story-readers to video tape a favourite story-book or to “GO LIVE”.

If you would like to join in an online worship offered by one of our many United Churches,

Check out this interactive worship map of locations and times:

UCC Worship Map

Also please remember the work of Mission & Service continues,

and so your ongoing support of M&S is greatly appreciated.

Take a moment and explore our United Church YouTube Channel and the M&S Videos


Page 11: Don t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come ... At Home Wor… · The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, Alleluia. God ïs in us and we ïre in God, Alleluia. words