don’t let the bed bugs bite

Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite Generous Support from: Prepared by: The City of Chicago, Development Block Grants Polk Bros Foundation

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Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite. Prepared by:. Generous Support from:. The City of Chicago, Development Block Grants Polk Bros Foundation. History and Resurgence. Historical background Resurgence pattern Found in hotels, dormitories, apartment buildings, and homes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Integrated Pest Management

Dont Let TheBed Bugs Bite

Generous Support from:Prepared by:The City of Chicago, Development Block GrantsPolk Bros Foundation

Slide 1 ScriptHello. My name is ___________. Im from ____________________.I have some very important information to share with you today about a growing problem in our community and around the world bed bugs.I know its not a pretty subject but its one problem that we all have to know about in order to keep it under control.The information Im about to show you now was put together by Safer Pest Control Project, a small non-profit organization here in Chicago dedicated to reducing the improper use of pesticides and reducing their impact on our health and the environment.The goal of this presentation is to make you aware of the problem, its signs and symptoms, and give you tools to prevent and/or get rid of the problem in the safest most effective ways possible. We will also go over what CHA is doing now to help control the bed bug problem and what to do if you think you have bed bugs.Please feel free to ask me questions at any time during the presentation.

Just a few quick things before we begin. [At this point you the presenter should go point out any factsheets or other materials you are providing to the audience]

12/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectHistory and Resurgence

Historical backgroundResurgence patternFound in hotels, dormitories, apartment buildings, and homes. Bed Bugs are back in a big way!

Slide 2 Script and Background

DDT and similar pesticides helped wipe out bed bugs in the U.S. in the 1950s and 60s. By the 1970s wed pretty much forgotten the bed bugs ever existed. We were all happy campers.Jump ahead to 2005 and a different picture develops. While we were sleeping soundly bed bugs were quietly building up steam in other parts of the world and burst back on the scene around 2005. Now they are everywhere, on every continent and in almost every sizable city. This is in large part due to our lack of awareness of bed bugs as a problem and their ability to breed very quickly to the tune of 1 or 2 eggs laid per day for each female.Not only are they back, but they are resistant to most of the pesticides that used to work on them including DDT. In fact, all wild bed bugs (bed bugs not raised in a laboratory) that have been tested are resistant.All these factors resistance to pesticides, fast breeding, and our lack of awareness have lead to the fast spread of bed bugs.

211/30/2012Safer Pest Control Project, Scripted Bed Bug Awareness

One bed bug, ideal conditions, ONLY 6 months time3JanuaryJuneMarchMay31,70050019,600

Safer Pest Control Project2/15/2012www.nysipm.cornell.edu3Slide 3 Script and Background

Script: Heres an illustration of how quickly bed bug populations grow. This graph shows that in about 6 months, one pregnant female laying 1 to 2 eggs per day can result in an infestation of 32,000 bed bugs. Thats in just 6 months, folks.

What this tells us is that the time for action in now. We all need to start to be more aware of this problem and that it has the potential to impact all of us.

One more thing. Bed bugs dont care if youre rich or poor, clean or dirty, green or purple as long as there is blood pumping through your veins you are lunch.

More Background: The presenter may choose to add some of this information to his/her presentation, but it is not meant to be read to the audience.

Reproductive BehaviorsBed bug females lay up to 500 eggs during their time; anywhere between 1 and 5 a day. This graph demonstrates just how quickly the bugs reproduce and how quickly it adds up to a big problem. This graph assumes ideal conditions of room temperature and available food two months to reproductive maturity, one egg laid a day, 50% females and is only for 6 months!So as you can see a little problem, meaning one bed bug, can turn into a big problem in a matter of just a few months. 1 to thousandsahhh! What a nightmare!

Again the bottom line here is that one bed bug or even 500 bedbugs is much easier to treat than say 30,000. The smaller the infestation the easier it is to contain a treat. Once a problem gets in the 10s of thousands that is when it starts spreading to adjacent units. Not only does it get more difficult to treat, but it also gets exponentially more expensive


Who gets bed bugs?Sanitation is not the problem.Anyone can get bed bugs!Bed bugs are attracted to:

HEATEACH OTHER Carbon dioxide

Slide 6 Script and Background

Script: In this slide I want you to understand what attracts bed bugs to an living space. They are attracted to 3 basic things:Each other (they give off a scent) and they like to live I groups.Carbon dioxide (CO2) the gas we breath out when were breathing.Heat our body heat in particular, 98.6 oF

Bed bugs dont care about:RaceEthnic bacground Income level Sanitation NeighborhoodCleanliness (but too much clutter can be a big problem for finding and controlling a problem)

The bottom line is that if you are living and breathing then YOU are attracting bed bugs.42/15/2012Safer Pest Control Project

How do you get bed bugs?

PeopleUsed Furniture Indirect

TravelAwareness is KEYTo Controlling the Spread of Bed BugsSlide 7 Script and Background

Script: Now we know a little about what bed bugs are. Lets move on to figuring out how we end up getting bed bugs in our homes. How do we get bed bugs?Note: You might want to ask your client this question before going to the slide to see what they come up with. (Thank them when finished and go on with the slide)

Lets name a few ways:Used or discarded furniture/Used clothing this is a huge problem and cannot be over-emphasized.Traveling to foreign countries/Traveling to Cincinnati, OH or any other large-ish city in the North America.Riding in a bus/Riding in a cab/Riding in an airplaneFrom a strangers house/From a friends houseAt the movies/At the operaStaying in a 4 star hotel/Staying in a homeless shelterLiving in a building where someone else has brought them home from one or another of these places.

You get the idea. Bed bugs can come from anywhere and they dont care if youre rich or poor, green or orange, clean or dirty.Bed bugs are very good hitchhikers. Bringing one home has nothing to do with who you are or where you live.Bed bugs will actually lay eggs in or on your luggage, clothing or shoes and leave. You can unknowingly transport the eggs into your home. Once they hatch, boom, you have a problem.

It is not easy to know where, when, or if youll get a bed bug problem. The key is to know what to look for, be aware, and take action quickly if a problem is suspected. Take extra precautions if you are traveling or sleeping away from home.

52/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectHow do we deal with bed bugs?Q: Who Brought the Bed Bugs In?!

A: We may never know. The important thing is we all work together...

YouManagementStaffPest ProfessionalsEVERYONE HAS A ROLE!Slide 14 Script:

Script: We have gone over bed bugs life style in great detail. Now its time to turn our attention to what we ALL can do about the problem. This slide mentions that everyone management, staff, and residents must pitch in to solve this difficult problem. It is very difficult to know where bed bugs came from, but they are here and working together we can keep the problem under control.62/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectAll Hands on DeckBlame game will only lead to one thing - more bed bugs.We need YOU to help control bed bugs.

Were all in thistogether.

Script for Slide 15

Remember bed bugs can be picked up anywhere. Trying to figuring out whos to blame falls right into the hands of the enemyBED BUGSand allows them time to increase in numbers and spread. Remember were all victims of bed bugs! As the manager of this building I want you to feel comfortable coming to me or any of my staff with questions, concerns, or reports about bed bugs. CHA is committed to creating a clean and safe environment for its tenants and addressing bed bugs is one of our top priorities.

72/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectPoster Child for IPMIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices.

IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.U.S. EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, 2012For Bed BugsPesticides alone will not work!

Problems with Pesticides

Ineffective on eggs & bed bug resistance means they may not workDirect contact is a MUSTSpread problem

Q: Why not just use pesticides to solve the problem?9Script for Slide 16:

When it comes to bb bugs, pesticides are not the only nor best option. First off, some pesticides are only effective against adult bed bugs, not the eggs. There is no pesticide in the world, even DDT that will kill the eggs. This is why you often hear of people hiring a PCO, the problem going away only to come back a few weeks later once the eggs have time to hatch. Pesticides must come into direct contact with bb in order to kill them. Again, the spray and pray model does not target areas they are living and is thus completely inefficient. Even if spraying is targeted, if it is not sprayed directly on bugs or if they do not walk along the surface that was sprayed it will not affect them in any way.A big problem we are seeing with bb is their resistance to pesticides and the fact that they are becoming increasingly resistant. Over-the-counter pesticides for example have proven to have no effect what-so-ever on bb. There are very few restricted use that effective. IN FACT: POTTER STORY. In terms of increasing resistance the more people use these over-the-counter products the more the bugs become resistant. Other products that will not work or may pose a hazard to you and your family rubbing alcohol, corn starch, talcum powder, etc.Labeling product must be labeled for use on bed bugs. It must also say mattress or furniture on the label. If it doesnt it should not be applied. Products not meant for human contact my actually hurt people, especially those with health problems such asthma, immune disorders and other illnesses.2/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectCooperation is a MustCreating a Bed Bug PlanThe CHA is committed to getting the bed bug problem under control. However, we cant be everywhere all of the time. We have to rely on you, the residents, to be vigilant and understand what you can do now to help keep your space free of bed bugs. The next few slides will give you some pointers on basic housekeeping activities that can help, and give you facts about what does and doesnt work when fighting this awful pest.102/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectResidential Landlord and\Tenant OrdinanceEvery owner or operator is responsible for extermination if

The infestation is caused by the failure of the owner or operator to maintain the dwelling in a reasonableinsect-proof condition; or

The infestation exists in two or more of the family units in the dwelling or in the shared or public parts of any dwelling containing two or more family units.Managements ResponsibilityDeveloping Policies and Protocols:StaffResidentsClientsCaretakersManagementOthers

Slide 27 script:

Every facility needs to develop policies and protocol that are implemented to help manage people. This slide shows a long list.[Now is the time for your organization to discuss any policies or protocol in place or currently being developed]

Good communication around all of these is critical. Parents, children, staff and volunteers all need to be aware of them and be further educated in areas that specifically affect their jobs or how they interact with the facility.

We will go over each of these areas in this section.12Managements ResponsibilityTrain Staff on Bed BugsHabits and reproductionDispel myths- DOS, DONTSProtocol and Policies

Bed BugsDo not flyDo not jumpIntake and Exit Policies and ProtocolManagements ResponsibilityINTAKEEXITInspection requirementsNew tenants belongingVacant unitEducationContract languageOtherInspection requirementsVacated unitFurniture movingPre-Habitation Monitoring/Treatment

Complaint reportingWhat Happens Next?Whos responsibleLaundry and cleaningTreatment prepCommunicationManagements Responsibility

Routine Maintenance, Inspection & MonitoringContracting w/ProfessionalsManagements Responsibility

Staff ResponsibilityFollow protocolAct as a Liaison btw Management and TenantsAvoid spreading the problem

Report Problems QuicklyFaster action = Faster resultsCooperate with InspectionEven if you dont think you have a problemRemember the clover leaf methodFollow DirectionYou will have to do some workPrepare Unit for TreatmentSPCP has a sample preparation sheet but a PCO will give you one of their own.Treatment:Client/Resident ResponsibilitySafer Pest Control Project2/15/201218What to Expect From the Pest Control OperatorInspection to find bed bugsReport if and where bed bugs were found.Directions for preparing your unitTreatment Visit may apply pesticides to cracks and crevices, install mattress cover, etc.Follow Up Inspection see if treatment workedRepeat as necessary

Inspection is a Must

MattressBox SpringBed FrameCouch/ChairSafer Pest Control Project2/15/201220Where do they hide?21

Hot SpotInfestation ZoneSafer Pest Control Projectwww.StopPests.org21Slide 10 Script

Looking for bed bugs when the infestation is new takes a good eye and patience. I mentioned earlier some signs of bed bugs to look for. Now lets talk about where to look for bed bugs.

Bed bugs need blood to live, and blood is easiest to get when people are sleeping. So look where people rest.

In this diagram, the red dots and circles show where an infestation is most likely to start.

When bed bugs are suspected or if you are concerned the locations in red should be inspected first.These areas are where CHA staff and professional pest control operators will look first, too.

The circles with dark red centers are the places within the unit where people are likely to rest: beds, sofas, and recliners. After feeding, bed bugs hide in nearby cracks. Hiding areas will most likely be nearby the bed. That area is shown as the lighter red circles and can include tables, lamps, walls, and carpets. These areas along with table drawers, hanging picture frames, peeling wallpaper, and box springs should all be checked for signs of bed bugs.

Think in three dimensions when looking for bed bugs: 6 to 8 feet around, above and below the bed.

2/15/2012Multi-Unit BuildingsIf a unit has bed bugs there is a:20% chance next door neighbors will get bed bugs;and a 7% chance neighbors above and below will get them.Report any problems right away.Early notice can stop the spread!

Slide 12 Script

Research has shown that if one unit is infested with bed bugs, there is a 20 percent chance that the units on either side will become infested. Theres also a 7 percent chance that units above and below the infested unit will become infested.

This is why it is so important that if one unit has bed bugs that all neighboring units be inspected. This is called the diamond inspection pattern and tenant cooperation is extremely important for making sure this process goes smoothly if an infestation is discovered.

To help limit the spread of bed bugs in any multi-unit building like the one were in now early reporting is a must. If you suspect a bed bug infestation please report it to management as soon as possible.

* These percentages are based off of information given in webinar by Dini Miller.Presenter can mention travel between walls and hallways. 222/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectInspect Neighboring UnitsInfested UnitSideSideBelowAboveThe Big Picture!Necessary to determine:Did bed bugs migrate?Did problem start elsewhere?Questions that need answering:When did this start?Recent travel/guests?Recent purchase?232/15/2012Safer Pest Control ProjectTreatment OptionsTwo Types:

Non-ChemicalPhysical removal, exclusion, clutterThermal heat and coldChemicalPesticides - liquids, dusts, aerosols/foggers, fumigation

What Does Treatment Cost?

Factors to ConsiderProactive vs. Reactive ApproachExtent of InfestationInfested Area DetailSizeConstructionContentTreatment MethodCooperationWhat Does Treatment Cost?Proactive:$0 + Time to develop andimplement protocol

Reactive:$250 to $900/room(professional)Working Together Will...SaveTime,


Whos Responsible for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?Pest Pro Inspect Plan Treat Follow-upManagement Educate Repairs Disposal SchedulingYou Stay Alert Maintain Your Space Report a problem Cooperate

All of us!282/15/2012Safer Pest Control Project