double page spread analysis

Double Page Spread – Conventions and Analysis BY:Danielle Molyneux

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Double Page Spread – Conventions and Analysis

BY:Danielle Molyneux

Conventions of Double Page Spread

0Well known artist or band [i.e. Cher Lloyd, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, B.A.P… etc.]

0Name of the Artist0Title of the Article0Article or an interview0Pull Quote

0Promotion0 Images

Title: In this article, the title relates to what the interview or the cover story will be about. The title was taken a quote from the artists so that the consumer will have an idea of what the main models – Harry and Zayn have experienced in their past. The title is set in where the audiences can easily relate to the artist.

Pull Quote: The quotes are separated from the article and this is because the quote is signified since it is what makes the interview or the article more credible. It also sets the personality of the cover artist.

The name of the artist/band: The name of the artists is given before the article title and this is because since the models are taken from a boy band, they had needed to separate the boys from each other and give them individualism.

Colour scheme: The background colour is gray and this relates to the model’s, Zayn’s clothing and the blue and green font relates both to Harry’s and Zayn’s clothing. These colours was used not to reflect the genre of the magazine but it was used to reflect the personality of the artists – their clothing, genre or the presentations.

Page Number: The page number on this magazine [Top of the Pops] is on the bottom centre of the page. This helps the reader to easily locate the page they are interested in. It also connects to the purpose of the contents page.

Sub headings: The sub heading were used so that the readers will actually know what the main models are talking about in that certain section of the article. It also gives the simple summary of what the article’s about.

Title of the article: The title is a quote from the artist “Cher Lloyd” and the title used is quite negative which can really attract the readers of We Pop ♡and the fans of Cher Lloyd because the article sounds like a controversy.

Icon: The icon “Cover Story” was used to indicate that the article is the featured article.

Stand: The stand gives an imperative “Forget…” and “…read…” and this shows the “urgency” that the article needs to be read. This entices the reader as gives a demanding tone and atmosphere.

Page number and website: The page number in this magazine (We Pop!) is ♡located on the bottom left hand corner of the page and this helps the reader easily locate their wanted articles. The website is also included and this is because the magazine wants to promote their online website.

Drop Capital: The drop Capital is distinguished by the big bold font and a pink overlay and this indicates where the readers should start the article.

Pull Quotes: Instead of separating the pull quotes from the article, the magazine highlighted it with warm yellow and this bright colour still attracts the readers.

Images: The image covers up the one whole page of the cover story and this is because the magazine needed the artists to be recognised. The gestures Cher is using is as if she just found out a gossip or a secret which relates to the title of the article as the title sounds like a controversy.

Title: In this article, the title relates to what the interview or the cover story will be about. The title was taken a quote from the artists so that the consumer will have an idea of what the Justin has been through his success in his years in the music industry and how girls admire him.

Stand: The stand gives out a rhetorical question “could good boy JUSTIN have finally gone a little bad?” and this attracts the reader because they will have to read the article to find out the answer to the question.

Main Image: The image covers up the one whole page of the cover story and this is because the magazine needed the artists to be recognised. The main model’s gesture and body language has a rebellious atmosphere and this fits with the stand that was stated in the article.

Colour scheme: The colour scheme used are black, red and white and this fits with the artist’s convention which is rebellious. It was also used to fit the artist’s clothing which is consist of red trouser and black top.

Page Number: The page number is located at the bottom centre of the page and this helps the reader to easily locate the page they are interested in. It also connects to the purpose of the contents page.