double page spread review

The title of the double page spread is the name of person that is going to be interviewed. I did this because it tells the audience clearly who this article is about before they start reading the interview. I believe that the red and white text contrast quite well with each other and the black To create an identity for the magazine I came up with a small logo that could be fit discretely onto any of the pages. To keep a link with the front page I decided to place the three strings (Lines) through the title of the page so that the logo could clearly displayed. This gave the magazine a brand for the audience to look out I thought to put in a brief description of what the setting was like for the interview. This is to give the audience a image of what is happening between the interviewer and the interviewee. I feel this is good because it allows the For an easier reading experience I set the interview questions in columns and small paragraphs so that the reader can follow what is going on and as a choice for which way they can read he interview (Across or Down). To fit the colour scheme of red and white, I set the questions as red to indicate that this is the most important I took an old quote from a famous musician and used it to enhance my characters love for music. This is so the audience can relate my musician’s passion for music. Also the quote that is used links to the The small design adds to the overall logo look as this can also appear on each page until the end of the magazine. This is a simple design t apply on any magazine because it indicates that the exclusive content This is an image of the artist in an action like pose. I felt that this served more of a purpose as it tied in with the rest of the magazine. I did not want to the image to disrupt the way it contrasted with the colour of the text. So I made the main subject black and white like the artist image on the front page. Together the text and logo stood out but I keep a good consistent layout I made the interview into columns, so that the reader can follow one easily from one

Upload: christiano96

Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Double page spread Review

The title of the double page spread is the name of person that is going to be interviewed. I did this because it tells the audience clearly who this article is about before they start reading the interview. I believe that the red and white text contrast quite well with each other and the black background. I tried to create a theme throughout the double page spread with the colours because it’s a simplistic idea that helps e audience travel through the magazine with ease.

To create an identity for the magazine I came up with a small logo that could be fit discretely onto any of the pages. To keep a link with the front page I decided to place the three strings (Lines) through the title of the page so that the logo could clearly displayed. This gave the magazine a brand for the audience to look out for if they see this logo then they would know that they are reading my magazine even if they didn’t see the MEJO.

I thought to put in a brief description of what the setting was like for the interview. This is to give the audience a image of what is happening between the interviewer and the interviewee. I feel this is good because it allows the reader to become immersed into the interview and want to keep reading and buy future magazines due to how they were captured by this article .

For an easier reading experience I set the interview questions in columns and small paragraphs so that the reader can follow what is going on and as a choice for which way they can read he interview (Across or Down). To fit the colour scheme of red and white, I set the questions as red to indicate that this is the most important section to read before moving onto the white sections. The interview takes up most of the page because it is the most important part that people want to read.

I took an old quote from a famous musician and used it to enhance my characters love for music. This is so the audience can relate my musician’s passion for music. Also the quote that is used links to the interview quite well as most of the questions that as asked relate to music in some form of a way.

The small design adds to the overall logo look as this can also appear on each page until the end of the magazine. This is a simple design t apply on any magazine because it indicates that the exclusive content from the people we interview. This is the first thing you will see before reading the article because of the size I have made it.

This is an image of the artist in an action like pose. I felt that this served more of a purpose as it tied in with the rest of the magazine. I did not want to the image to disrupt the way it contrasted with the colour of the text. So I made the main subject black and white like the artist image on the front page. Together the text and logo stood out but the size of the character still made it the main subject for the magazine. I feel as though the image is needed because it links all the text together and helps the reader to really visualise the interview actually happening.

I keep a good consistent layout I made the interview into columns, so that the reader can follow one easily from one question to the other and comfortably read through the magazine.