double page spread with commentary


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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: double page spread with commentary
Page 2: double page spread with commentary

This is my second draft of my double page spread. I named it “Born from the ashes” as in the article the artist I made talks about her inspirations from older generations music such as the 1980’s , her songs and how they are inspired by them and her love for old clothes therefore this relates to the masthead. I tried to keep the layout very neat and sophisticated. I looked at Clash magazine for inspiration and most of the time their articles follow a very ordered type layout.

The double page spreads are not very busy and as a result quite minimalistic, similar to their magazines front cover. Therefore I wanted to follow this type of format as I think it fits well with my genre of music in my magazine which is rock and different branches of rock such as alternative indie and new wave.

Page 3: double page spread with commentary

I used a drop cap, pull quote and an anchor. Which are all common uses of media tools used in double page spreads. This gave my magazine some sort of convention as most of my magazine is very unconventional, therefore using common mediums helped to show that the magazine still follows the same uses other magazines usually follow to give the article a good structure.

Page 4: double page spread with commentary

When I wrote the insight and the credits I tried to make the language used quite casual by using some colloquial language such as “sitting pretty” and “blast from the past”. This helps the audience to connect with the magazine article more as the ‘singer’ in the picture is young and this type of language helps to connect to a young audience.

I made the credits come underneath and made them smaller so they are not too bold as they are parts of information that are not as important or related to the article much. However because it is credits I put it in capitals therefore it can be seen so that it is acknowledged but doesn’t take over the insight.

Page 5: double page spread with commentary

The fonts I used were impact label and caviar dreams, I also used these on my front cover. I decided to use the same fonts as it showed consistency within the magazine which is something Clash magazine does.

I took the photo in a park next to an old monument relating to the quite vintage theme, the clothes the model is wearing fit the theme as well as they are quite different and colours are bold. I made the first page just the picture, masthead, insight and credits therefore making the double page spread very minimalistic which is a theme I also used throughout my work as the magazines I looked at fit this theme.

The content I used in the article was mainly about the artist and her journey, her influences, her fashion style and some of the music she’s made and past experiences. I wanted to cover a wide perspective of the singers lifestyle therefore I felt these factors related well. I tried to make it quite down to earth, by using casual language especially when quoting from the artist herself. I did this because it makes the reader more inclined to associate with the article and the artist as they feel involved in what she is saying and more connected to it. Whereas a formal article would make people lose interest and feel secluded.