doubly fed indcution generator-icaet 2014_18072014_103836pm

Simulation of Stator Oriented Vector Controlled Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Harnessing Wind Energy Effectively  Chirag Vadaliya 1 , Amit N Patel 2 , Vinod Patel 3  Abstract   - Wind energy !lays an increasingl y im!ortant role in t"e #orld because it is friend ly to t"e environment and limitless$ During t"e last decades% t"e conce!t of a variable-s!eed #ind turbine &W'( "as been receiving increasin g attention due to t"e fact t"at it is more controllable% efficient% and "as good !o#er )uality$ In order to most effectively utili*e t"e #ind energy and im!rove t"e efficiency of #ind generation system  an o!timum cont rol stra tegy of doubl y-fed inductio n gene rators &DFIG( is !ro !os ed$ '"i s !a! er !re sents a sta tor flu+ oriented ve cto r control strategy for a ,W./01V doubly fed induction generator &DFIG(-based #ind energy generation system to control t"e rotor side converter to control t"e active and reactive !o#er and grid side converter control to maintain dc lin2 voltage constant$  Keywords— Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), Vector control, active and reactive power control, ind power! I$ Introduction Due to the inc rea sing concern abo ut CO2 emi ssi ons , re newa bl e ener gy systems and espe ci al ly wi nd ener gy generation hae attracted great interests in recent years! "arge wind #arms hae been installed or planned across the world and the power ratings o# the wind turbines and wind #arm are increasing! $any studies %1&3' are oriented toward this type o# energy production in the aim to ma(e it more e##icient! )ind turbine must be ad*usted accordingly to wind speed, hence the ariable speed generator based wind turbines are mostly used in wind power industry to capture more energy #rom wind %+'! here are ma ny type o# ari able speed wind g enerator li(e  permanent magnet synchronous generator -P$./0, suirrel cage inductio n gene rator -.C/0 and doubl y #ed induction gene rator -D /0! Out o# these contr ol and per# orma nce o# D/ based wind energy conersion system is analy4ed in this  paper! he D/ base d wind turbine o##ers seeral adanta ges oer to other wind turbines including ariable speed operation Chirag Vadaliya 1 , Amit N Patel 2 nstitute o# echnology, Nirma 5niersity ndia 12meep267nirmauni!ac!in Amit!patel7nirmauni!ac!in Vinod Patel 3 A$8C9 8lectronics Pt! "td!, /andhinagar ndia Vinodp7amtechelectronics!com ig!1 D/ based wind energy conersion system -: 3;< around the synchronous speed0 and #our uadrants acti e and reactie power capabil itie s! .uch a system also results in lower conerter costs -typically 3;< o# total system  power0 and lowe r power losses co mpared to a syste m based on a #ully #ed synchronous generator with #ull rated conerter! t is al so ca pabl e o# ge nera ti ng ac ti e powe r at constant #r eu enc y and the genera ted act ie and rea cti e power is controlled independently #or better grid integration! igure 1 shows the D/ system! he stator o# the D/ is directly connected to the grid and rotor is connected to grid through #our uadrant power conerters comprises o# two bac( to bac( P)$& V. C -r ot or si de coner ter and gr id si de conerter0! he rotor side conerter -=.C0 controlling actie and reactie power and the grid side conerter -/.C0 maintain DC&l in( constant and contr olli ng reac tie power to cont rol  power #actor! he conerters are controlled using ector control techniue! he stator oltage oriented ector control strategy is used to de&coupled control o# actie and reactie  power! his paper e>plains the model o# D/ in the ?d& re#erence #ra me@ a nd st ator #lu> orie nted ecto r con trol strategy o# D/! II$ Modelling of DFIG he induction machine d& or dynamic euialent circuit is shown in igure 2! ased on the euialent circuit, the main euations o# doubly #ed induction generator stator and rotor oltage can be written as #ollows in matri> #ormB 1

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