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271 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abel, F. M., Les confins de la Palestine et de l' ֹ Égypte sous les Ptolémées, RB. 1939, pp. 207–236. Abramski. S. e Kenites. article in Eretz–Israel edit. Israel Exploration Society, vol. III, 1954. pp. 116–124 (Hebrew) Aharoni, Y. Eretz Israel in late Canaanite period and the period of the Israelite conquest, 1959, Matkal edit. (Hebrew). e settlement of Israelite tribes in upper Galilee, Magnes, Jerusalem, 1957. (Hebrew). Eretz Israel in biblical period–Historical geography. Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem, 1962. (Hebrew) e conquest of the land, article in: "Iyunim besefer Yehoshua", Kiriat– Sefer, Jerusalem 1960. pp. 8–9. (Hebrew). Carta's Atlas to Biblical period. Carta, Jerusalem, 1964. (Hebrew). Albright, W. F., e Archeology of Palestine, Pelican edit. 1951. e Bible and the Ancient near east, Doublday, 1961. New Canaanite Historical and Mythological date, BASOR. 63, 1936, pp. 23–32 e town of Selle (Zaru) in the Amarna Tablets, JEA. 1924, pp. 6–8. e Israelite conquest of Canaan in the light of Archeology, BASOR. 74, 1939, pp. 11–23. e kyle memorial excavation at Bethel, BASOR. 56, pp. 2–15. Specimen of late Ugaritic prose, BASOR. 150, 1958, pp. 36–38. Was the patriarch Terach a canaanite moon god, BASOR. 71, 1938, pp. 35–40. – Exploring in Sinai with the university of California African Expedition, BASOR, 109, 1948, pp. 5–20. An early Alphabetic Inscriptions from Sinai and their decipherment, BASOR. 110, 1948, pp. 6–22. Some important recent discoveries, Alphabetic origins and Idrimi statue, BASOR, 118, 1950, pp. 11–20. A revision of early Hebrew chronology, JPOS. 1920 – 21, pp. 49–79. e Amarna letters from Palestine; Syria, the Philistines and Phoenicia, CAH. vol. 2. chap. 20, 33, 1966. A colony of Cretan mercenaries on the coast of the Negeb, JPOS. 1921, pp. 187–194.

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Abel, F. M., Les confins de la Palestine et de l'Éֹgypte sous les Ptolémées, RB. 1939, pp. 207–236.

Abramski. S. The Kenites. article in Eretz–Israel edit. Israel Exploration Society, vol. III, 1954. pp. 116–124 (Hebrew)

Aharoni, Y. Eretz Israel in late Canaanite period and the period of the Israelite conquest, 1959, Matkal edit. (Hebrew).

The settlement of Israelite tribes in upper Galilee, Magnes, Jerusalem, 1957. (Hebrew).

Eretz Israel in biblical period–Historical geography. Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem, 1962. (Hebrew)

The conquest of the land, article in: "Iyunim besefer Yehoshua", Kiriat–Sefer, Jerusalem 1960. pp. 8–9. (Hebrew).

Carta's Atlas to Biblical period. Carta, Jerusalem, 1964. (Hebrew). Albright, W. F., The Archeology of Palestine, Pelican edit. 1951. The Bible and the Ancient near east, Doublday, 1961. New Canaanite Historical and Mythological date, BASOR. 63, 1936,

pp. 23–32 The town of Selle (Zaru) in the Amarna Tablets, JEA. 1924, pp. 6–8. The Israelite conquest of Canaan in the light of Archeology, BASOR.

74, 1939, pp. 11–23. The kyle memorial excavation at Bethel, BASOR. 56, pp. 2–15. Specimen of late Ugaritic prose, BASOR. 150, 1958, pp. 36–38. Was the patriarch Terach a canaanite moon god, BASOR. 71, 1938, pp.

35–40. – Exploring in Sinai with the university of California African Expedition,

BASOR, 109, 1948, pp. 5–20. An early Alphabetic Inscriptions from Sinai and their decipherment,

BASOR. 110, 1948, pp. 6–22. Some important recent discoveries, Alphabetic origins and Idrimi statue,

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