
1. @ 3 Niki Anandi Koulouri 2. ; , , - 3. 4. , 5. , : . . - . 175B 6. , 7. The progressive quieting of the mind to reach its source in pure silence. Yoga Sutras of Patanjiali 8. J. Krisnamurti 9. - 10. , , , , . Osho 11. , . , ... Osho 12. , ! 13. 14. - , , , 15. , . (Its not an act of doing, its a state of awareness.) , ! 16. No Meditation, No Life : . Osho 17. - Concentration Meditation (Zen Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Om Meditation, Chakra Meditation ) Mindfulness Meditation (Vipassana, Deep Breathing Meditation, Mindful eating/ breathing, Walking Meditation ) Reflective Meditation Heart-Centered Meditation Creative Meditation / Visualization 18. Osho vs. ... , sho The Psychology of the Esoreric #4 19. 20. : ! 21. - 1 , 22. - 2 23. - 3 24. - 4 : , (, , ) 25. - 5 26. - 6 27. - 7 , - ( ) ADHD 28. - 8 : , , multitasking 29. - 9 , 30. 31. , 32. : () , . 33. ! 34. ; 35. Niki Anandi Koulouri LinkedIn:

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