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How to Give Hope in 3 Easy Steps


Browse through the catalog. You

will find a wide variety of gifts that

provide access to God’s Word in the

language and form that best speaks

to that people group.



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If I had to summarize the entire Christmas story in one word, I would choose “hope.” Jesus came into the world at a time when people desperately needed hope. Oppressed under Roman rule, the Jewish people were seeking a mighty political leader who would save

them from their earthly suffering. What they got instead was a baby who would take on their sin and make them sons and daughters in God’s eternal kingdom.

Today people are just as much in need of hope—surrounded by war, racial tension, health crises and widespread poverty. Hope can’t be bought, and yet we can rejoice that it is given to us by our Savior as a free gift.

Millions of people around the world haven’t heard about this gift of hope. If you’ve never used our gift catalog before, would you prayerfully consider “doing” Christmas a little differently this year? Share hope with a hurting world in the form of a gift to this catalog—maybe in the name of someone you love. We’ve designed special gift cards for you to wrap and give in honor or in memory of someone. I know they’ll be moved to learn that they are part of sharing God’s hope with people in a language and form they understand best.

Thank you for taking the time to look through the projects featured in the following pages. Each page represents language communities, people groups, churches, families and individuals on their way to receiving the message of hope found in God’s Word.

Merry Christmas!

Bob Creson President/CEO Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Even though some Christians and non-Christians in Togo may have difficulty reading Scripture, most engage with writings that contain pictures. The beautifully illustrated Jesus Messiah Picture Book tells the story of Jesus through pictures and with Scripture verses in the local languages. The book encourages Scripture use, and reaches out to both children and adults with the hope of the gospel.

Give Copies of the Jesus Messiah Picture Book to People in Togo

will provide 10 Jesus Messiah Picture Books in one of three languages in Togo


Few individuals from these two Asian people groups, with a combined population of 70,000 individuals, adhere to Christianity. Almost all of the people practice Buddhism. Believers in Jesus are watched and often persecuted for their faith. But by God’s grace, the translation of God’s Word has continued to move toward completion in these communities.

Because of the difficulty of access to these language communities, most of the translation work occurs outside the country. To date, one of the New Testaments is in its final consultant checks, and the second is not far behind. You can help the committed translation team complete these New Testaments and provide the hope of the Gospel to those living in bondage.

Help Complete the New Testament for Two Language Groups in Asia

will fund work in two New Testaments which are three years from completion

will fund one month of work





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India tops the list of countries with greatest remaining Bible translation need. Translations are still needed for a quarter of the nearly 468 languages in the country. Local churches rank the necessity for the “JESUS” film in their language as one of their highest translation priorities. Your gift will equip local believers to produce the “JESUS” film in their language — from translating the gospel of Luke as the video’s “script,” to recording the audio and dubbing the film into their language. This year’s goal is to produce the “JESUS” film in 10 languages.

Provide the “JESUS” Film in 10 Languages in India

will train local believers to produce the “JESUS” film in one language

will fund a share of the training



“I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior — yes, the Messiah, the Lord — has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!” These words of hope, found in Luke’s Gospel, are so familiar to many of us. But many communities around the world don’t yet have them in the language they understand best.

The translated book of Luke in five languages is ready to be printed and distributed to thousands of people in five language groups. You can help share the story of Christ’s coming — a gift with an eternal impact.

Publish the Christmas Story for Five Language Groups

will print five copies of Luke in one language




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Nearly half of the 100,000 Kamuku people in Nigeria profess to be Christians, but they have no access yet to Scripture in their mother tongue. The Gospel of Luke is completed and waiting to be printed. The four Kamuku translators, supported by a local translation committee, have traveled throughout Kamukuland to test community reaction to this portion of translated Scripture. One elderly lady responded, “Before, in church, people would pray in English or Hausa, but now we are told we can pray in our language!” In order to provide all of the New Testament for the Kamuku people in a form that is biblically accurate, the Bible translation team needs people to come alongside to help with training and translation checking.

Provide Training, Translation Checking for Kamuku Team

will help to fund checking for biblical accuracy for each chapter of translated Scripture


Broadcast God’s Word into the Amazon Basin

will give one hour of radio broadcasting


“We have told others the gospel, but they didn’t believe us until they heard it by radio in their language.” God’s Word is changing lives in secluded communities that line the tributaries of the mighty Amazon River. Your gift toward radio broadcasting makes it possible for people living in these remote regions to hear and respond to the Word of God in a language they understand.



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will print 20 New Testaments

total need



Give Scripture for the Mayogo

The Gospel of Luke, which was the first Scripture translated for the 100,000 Mayogo people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was dedicated in 2000. The Mayogo people received God’s Word with favor and wanted to continue with the translation project. At least 16 new churches were started following the publication of that Gospel, and an estimated 30,000 more adults began to attend church.

One translator said, “Through translated Scriptures in their own language, the Mayogo people show a new understanding of the Word

of God, and this leads to sincere conversion.”

However most Mayogo have only heard Scripture in a language they partially understand. External oppression, exploitation and civil unrest have plagued the region for nearly 150 years, resulting in much suffering for the many people groups that reside there. The Mayogo people

have waited for a hopeful message in the midst of such relentless unrest. And now — after more than 15 years since the translation work began — the New Testament is complete! The Scripture is ready for printing and distribution.

You can give the Mayogo people the hope and joy of God’s Word in their language!


GOD’S Message of

Hope in Print Form



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Scriptures in audio and video forms have had a profound impact in oral-based communities of Nigeria. You can help make God’s Word available in the languages Nigerians understand best and through a medium that speaks meaningfully to their hearts. Your gift will help provide recorded Scripture on audio players and secure digital (SD) memory cards for mobile phones.

Provide Translated Scripture in Audio Format for People in Nigeria

will provide translated Scripture in audio format for people in Nigeria


More than 800 languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Nearly 300 languages still do not have a single verse of Scripture. Christians in PNG are willing to assume leadership roles in Bible translation, but they need training. You can help equip these local translators. The training allows translators to impact entire communities, but those doing the work also see results in their own lives. Pastor Lavong, a translator for the Waskia language in PNG said, “When I sat down to help with translation, I thought it would only change others’ lives … but it changed my life too.”

Equip Local Translators in Papua New Guinea

will train Papua New Guineans to translate God’s Word in their languages




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In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Protestant church leaders want to see Bible curriculum for 17,000 primary schools translated into all the local languages. The government-approved life skills course provides 24 lessons based on the Old and New Testaments. With an estimated 350 children per school, thousands of children could be touched by the Word of God in their language each year.

Give Bible-based Textbooks to Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

will provide Christian life skills textbooks for one class of children


The Mandja community is one of the largest language groups in the Central African Republic. The Bible translation project stopped for more than 10 years, but with some peace now in the country, the Mandja team wants to move forward with translating the New Testament. Local churches have asked for help in Scripture translation, trusting that the Word of God will transform their members spiritually and physically. But years of conflict have left the country in poor economic conditions with the majority of people living on less than $1 a day. Your help is needed to provide support for the Mandja Bible translators.

Support Mandja Bible Translators

will provide one month’s support for three Mandja Bible translators




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The Deaf represent distinct people groups, each with its own language, identity and culture. While some Deaf have portions of the Bible in the language they understand best, the majority do not yet have access to it in its entirety. They are almost completely unreached with the good news about Jesus Christ. For the thousands of Deaf in Chile, a sign language translation, recorded on DVD, will speak of the hope and grace available to them through Jesus.

Make God’s Word Accessible to the Deaf in Chile

will help fund DVD production equipment


Across the Pacific region — including Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands — churches are scattered throughout remote, isolated areas. Some of the language groups have access to Scripture in their language, but pastors, without training in Scripture use, often leave translated Scriptures sitting on shelves. Scripture Application and Leadership Training (SALT) workshops equip village pastors to fully engage in the translated Word of God — resulting in changed lives, denominational unity and Scripture use. After her pastor attended a SALT workshop, one woman commented, “We in church were like dry bones. We feel God has brought you to give us life through his Word.”

Help a Pastor Attend Training

will sponsor one pastor to attend a SALT workshop




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The work of Wycliffe moves forward because of the missionaries who are dedicated to the task of translating God’s Word. You can help ensure that each of our dedicated missionaries is able to do the work God has called them to do. Your gift provides support for our missionaries’ ministries around the world.

Invest in the Ministry of a Wycliffe Missionary

will help fund the ministry of one Wycliffe missionary family


Millions of people are still without God’s Word in their own language. Today, Wycliffe has more opportunities for Bible translation than we can include in this catalog. Your gift to the Worldwide Projects Fund enables us to respond to new opportunities quickly and ensure that critical projects receive the support they need. Your generous gift will help ensure that Bible translation moves forward around the world.

Help Keep Bible Translation Projects Moving Forward

will provide funding for critical Bible translation projects around the world





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Gift Cards for Friends and Family

Consider Choosing Your Gift Online

When making your gift to the

Wycliffe Gift Catalog, remember

to include your request for

complimentary honor/memory

cards on the enclosed order form.

It’s simple, quick and easy to

select your gifts of hope online.

You can choose your gift now at:

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait

patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.

— Romans 15:4 New Living Translation (NLT)

Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsPO Box 628200Orlando, FL 32862-8200


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