  • 2013. 7 9

    IT University of Copenhagen *

    1. 1)

    . ,

    , , , .


    . NPC(Non-Player Character)

    (path-finding) ,

    . , , , , , ,

    , , ,

    . PCG

    [31], . ,

    , (Facebook) Petalz1)



    FP7 ICT project SIREN(project no: 258453). ITU

    Center for Computer Games Research Georgios YannakakisJulian Togelius, Antonios Liapis, Noor Shaker .


    (PCG; Procedural Con-tent Generation) ,

    , , .

    PCG. [31] ,


    . ,

    . , PCG(Tool), (Material), (Designer),

    (Domain Expert) [13].

    PCG ITU(IT Uni-versity of Copenhagen) (Center for Computer Games Research)


    PCG .2) PCG


    PCG , , ,

    ITU [31].

    , . ,


  • 10 I (PCG)

    , .

    , (genotype) . ,

    (phenotype) . ,


    . , ,

    PCG . ,

    , PCG

    . , PCG

    . ,

    . ,



    . ,

    . , PCG


    . ,

    . , a)

    , b) , c)

    [33]. , (EDPCG; Experi-

    ence-Driven Procedural Content Generation),


    [10,11,16,21,23,24,27,32]. EDPCG,

    (Yannakakis and Togelius) [33] .

    2. PCG


    , [26]. ITU (Noor

    Shaker) [23,24](Infinite Mario Bros)4)

    . , , ,


    , , ,


    3) (Donkey Kong, 1981 )(Super Mario Bros, 1985 ),

    (Bubble Bobble)(Doodle Jump, Lima Sky 2009 ) (the

    Adventures of Tintin, Ubisoft 2011 ) .

    4) .

  • 2013. 7 11

    (Challenge), (Engagement), (Frustration),

    (Sequence Mining).

    , , ,


    . [10]

    ( , , )

    , .

    (LaunchPad)5) 2D

    . , (Constraint Sa-


    tisfaction Problem)



    , , .

    Evolutionary Complexity 6) (Kenneth Stanley)


    . GAR(Galactic Arms Race)7)

    32CPPNs(Compositional Pattern

    Producing Networks) NEAT(NeuroEvolution of Aug-menting Topologies)


    6) eplex.cs.ucf.edu7)

  • 12 I (PCG)

    (Collaborative Content Evolution),

    . 379,081

    . Facebook Petalz8)

    [21]. ITU (Liapis) CPPN-NEAT FI-2Pop(Feasible-Infeasible Two-Population)

    [16]. , , x , y ,

    , ,

    . 2 .

    2D 3D . 2 (b)

    (Containment within Triangle)

    . ITU,

    (McDuffee and Pantaleev)

    [18]. , , , , ,

    , ,


    , PCG . ,





    . (FPS)

    , [29,31]. PCG


    ( ,


    (Search-Based Procedural Content Generation)

    PCG [29,31]. ITU (Togelius)

    [27], [30]

    . 3

  • 2013. 7 13


    , ,

    , , ,


    (Affective Computing)[20], PCG


    [32]. 90 10


    , , .


    ( , , ) IOM ,

    ( , 7 ).

    , (, , , )


    3. PCG


    . ,


    , , [1,3,6].

    PCG ITU(Giannatos)

    (Interactive Storytelling)

    [8], (Planning)

    (Precondition) (Postcondition or Ef-fect)FI-2POP

    [9]. /


    (Crowd-sourcing) . MIT (Orkin

    and Roy)9)


    (Mark Riedl) (Entertainment Intelligence Lab)

    [15], ( , )





    . [14](Never Winter Night)


    (hard-core type) (causal player), .

    ITU EU FP7


  • 14 I (PCG)

    (SIREN: Social games for conflict resolution based on natural interaction)10)

    [2,4,5]( 4),


    . kNN(K-Nearest Neighbor)

    . , PCG


    4. PCG

    , PCG

    . 1980ASCII (Rogue,

    1980)11) Elite(Acornsoft 1984 )(Torchlight 2, Runic 2012 )

    V(Civilization, 2010 ) PCG.


    10) M. Toy G. Wichman12) Saltsman, A. 2009. Canabalt.


    . , (Darkspore, Electronic Arts2011 )(Borderlands) 13)

    [22]. (Valve) (Left4Dead)14)

    (Procedural Population)(Enemy) .

    (Potential Visibility).

    (Re-playability) .

    , (Counter- Strike), (Team Fortress), (Day of Defeat), (Elite), (Civilization),

    (Diablo) PCG[26].

    (Bethesda) 2011(The Elder

    13) Gearbox Software. Borderlands, 2009, Borderlands 2, 2012.14)

  • 2013. 7 15

    Scrolls V: Skyrim)15)


    . (World Machine)16) 3, (SpeedTree)17) 3


    [17,26]. ITUPCG

    (Playability), (Resource safety, Safe area, Ex-

    ploration) (Player bal-ance) [17]. 5

    , .

    , , FI-2POP, ,



    ) (Leniency;





    ITU PCG . FDG(Foundations of Di-

    gital Games) IEEE CIG(Computational Intel-ligence in Games) PCG

    , AAAI(Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) AIIDE(AI and Interac-tive Digital Entertainment)

    (AI in the Game Design Process). PCG

    . PCG

    , . 2013FDG PCG PCG

    . PCG


    , ,

  • 16 I (PCG)

    , (ground truth)

    . , ‘ ’‘ ’

    PCG .


    , (Big Data)


    [15,19]. ,

    ( , )



    (PCG) 2000

    . PCG

    . , ( : , ),

    , , , , . PCG

    NPC(Non-player Character) . PCG

    . PCG

    .PCG . [25,28],

    [35], . PCG

    , generate-and-test ,

    . PCG


    (Experience-Driven) PCG , [10,11,16,21,23,

    24,27,32]. PCG



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    2007( )

    2008~20102010~ IT University of Copenhagen

    : , , ,

    E-mail : [email protected]

    2009( )

    2009~20112011~ IT University of Copenhagen

    : , , E-mail : [email protected]

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