
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco PublicPresentation_ID 1

Mobility and Wireless Solutions for Schools

Where Learning and Technology Become One

Rob Martin – Bell Wireless Specialist

Sean Crowe – Cisco Account Manager

Matt McColl – Cisco Wireless Product Sales Specialist

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Top Back to School Projects For IT - Network World


Number of mobile Devices


Cloud Computing



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A Connected Generation

“My generation draws the Internet as a cloud that connects everyone; the younger generation experiences it as oxygen that

supports their digital lives.” posted on

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“We are looking forward to planning…numerous elementary and middle schools over the next few years. It is exciting to see how technology can change the way we educate.”—Jim Richmond, Superintendent of Charles County Public Schools

Wireless in Education—Mobility Service Trends

Advanced security: Real-time access to content-based security information and wireless video surveillance

Voice: Replace outdated push-to-talk radios

Guest access: Public hotspots provide wireless access for parents, alumni, and prospective students

Location: Asset tracking and location-based content distribution for maintenance personnel

Facilities management: Wireless bells and clocks; wireless video monitoring, wireless displays

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Wireless Increases Access and Enables More Options for Teachers and Students

Wireless LAN


Laptop/Tablet PC

Active Board

Alarms, Bells, and Clocks


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Data Switch


Faculty Workspace and Administration

Data VideoStreaming

Video Switch



Video Conferencing


Wireless Access Point

Asset Tracking

and Mgmt.Internet WAN PSTN






Multiple Systems on Different Networks

PA (Intercom)

Video Monitoring RFID

Building Controls

Clocks/ Bells

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Unite All Educational Services onto One IP Network





PA (Intercom)



Clocks and Bells

IP NetworkIP Network

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Expanding the Reach of the Network with Wireless

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Current Challenges with Technology in Schools

Network connections are needed throughout schools, but infrastructure cannot support needs

Usage of existing teaching devices (and those yet to be developed) is growing exponentially, requiring more network connections

Managing multiple network needs can be overwhelming as districts grow and adjust to shifting student populations

Schools are challenged with spending within their budgets, while trying to obtain new technologies

Network security remains a priority, especially as threats evolve

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Wireless Solutions Can Help

Create a high-speed wireless network that is secure and offers centralized management of wireless solutions

Provide a secure wireless environment for students, teachers, and guests

Provide flexible, scalable network architecture for multiple user groups that extends the Wi-Fi network outdoors

Facilitate fast delivery of services; increase productivity and responsiveness of teachers and students by providing greater access to information

Achieve device portability (e.g., laptops, PDAs) and location independence for students and teachers to expand the learning environment

Increase collaboration among teachers, students, and parents using devices that better prepare students for the real world.

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Campus Wireless Solutions

Campus wireless solutions offer a complete wireless umbrella for students, teachers, and faculty to have access to tools and resources anywhere on campus. Access is no longer limited to buildings; it extends to parking lots, athletic fields, and recreational areas. Campus wireless solutions provide the foundation for programs such as schoolwide video solutions, and applications like wireless bells, speakers, and clocks.

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Wireless Bridging Solutions

Connect remote sites to the LAN quickly and cost-effectively without having to make costly wire-runs, despite potential physical limitations. Using wireless bridges, you can avoid leased-line fees and extend the network with a high-bandwidth solution to temporary classrooms, maintenance buildings, and even athletic facilities.

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Simple Security Management

Ensure Swift, Easy Deployment, and Management

Centralized security policies management for wired and wireless networks

Supporting and maintaining a diverse range of security products, correlating events, and delivering concise reporting

Secure guest accessOffer secure, controlled access to network services for students, administrators, and parents without the need to involve IT

Automated intrusion detection and containment

Comprehensive, modular, and flexible solution

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Next-Generation Wireless: Passive RFID vs. Active RFID

Ideal for real-time tracking of high-value items.

Visibility: Choke point

Low-cost tags (<$.5)

Low range (several inches or feet)


Poor read rates (80-90%)

Reader looks for tags

Standards: EPC Global, ISO for high-frequency tags in progress

Visibility: presence and real-time tracking

Higher-cost tags (range: $50–$100) High range (several hundred feet) Reusable Battery-powered tags actively send

signals Air interfaces: ANSI 371 Proprietary,


Ideal for tracking inventory, scanning student cards

Passive RFID Active RFID

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Education RF Location Applications

Valuable, Asset-Location Capability


Sports Equipment Library Assets Computer Carts

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Wi-Fi Active RFID Tags


Battery life

Security mechanisms

Rich device information relay

Various mounting options

Environmental durability

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Cisco Unified Wireless NetworkImplementation

Indoor and Outdoor APs – same controller

1. Clients2. RF analysis

3. Rogues

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CleanAir Understand Your Air Quality and Automatically Optimize


Without CleanAir With CleanAir


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Introducing CleanAir

Detect and Classify



Cisco CleanAir

A system-wide feature that uses silicon-level intelligence to automatically mitigate the impact of

wireless interference, optimize network performance and reduce troubleshooting costs

Reduces TCO with automated interference mitigation and troubleshooting


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Wireless Security

Monitors Exploits Invisible to existing Systems

New RogueThreats

Detects new ‘undetectable’ Rogue/Clients



WiFi Jammers

Locates and Expedite Interference Removal



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Athletic Field



Location Tracking Over Time

Student Lounge

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Discussion:WiFi and Health Concerns

What does the WHO say?

What does Canada Health say?


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Discussion:Access Point Deployment Options for Schools.Considerations Student density

Area of Coverage

Desired Data Rates to maintain

IP Communications solutions

Planning Tools

Site Surveys

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Q and A

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