Page 1: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版Different colors and their meanings

Page 2: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

Before reading Discussion

Talk about the following questions with your


1. How many colors do you know in English?

2. What’s your favorite color? Why do you like it best?

Page 3: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

a green-eyed


a white lie

a black sheep

feel blue

in the red

a yellow dog

Page 4: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

1. Black is the color of power. It has the meaning of submission.   

2. White symbolizes purity and freshness.

3. It is the color for brides.

4. However, white shows dirt and it is more difficult to keep clean than other colors.

5. On the one hand, it is the color of happiness and joy; on the other hand, it means fear.

Word List1. submission n. 服从

2. purity n. 纯洁

3. bride n. 新娘

4. dirt n. 污垢


On the one hand, … ; on the

other hand, … 意为“一方面……另一方面……”,通常用于提出两个相反的观点。

e.g. On the one hand, I’d like to

eat out; on the other hand,

I should save money to

buy a new iPhone.

While reading

Page 5: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

There are many colors in our life. Different colors have different meanings. Here are some popular colors.

Black   Black is the color of power. It has the meaning of submission. It is popular in fashion, because it makes people look thinner.

White   White symbolizes purity and freshness. It is the color for brides. It is also popular in fashion, because it is light and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and it is more difficult to keep clean than other colors.

Red   Red is a hot and strong color. It can make the heart beat faster. It is also the color of love. Red clothes can make people look heavier, and red things can easily get noticed. Therefore, the color is used in stop signs and lights.

Blue   Blue is one of the most popular colors. It is the color of the sky and the ocean. It is a peaceful color, so it is often used in bedrooms. People are often quiet in blue rooms.

Green   Green is the color of nature. It is the most comfortable color on the eyes. Hospitals often use green, because it relaxes patients.

Yellow   Yellow is a color that easily attracts attention and is regarded as a positive color. On the one hand, it is the color of happiness and joy; on the other hand, it means fear.

Page 6: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings


Choose the best answer.

1. Why is white the color for brides in Western countries? A. Because it is the symbol of purity and freshness. B. Because it goes with everything. C. Because it is difficult to keep clean. D. Because it makes people look thinner. 2. If your mother gets angry easily, what color should her room be painted? A. Black B. Blue C. White D. Red

Page 7: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

3. What colors can be used in warning signs?

A. Black and red B. Yellow and green

C. Blue and white D. Red and yellow

4. According to the passage, which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A. Black and white are popular in fashion.

B. Green can be often seen in hospitals.

C. Yellow always makes people feel sad and worried.

D. Red gives us a feeling of excitement.

Page 8: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings

After reading Vocabulary

Match the words with correct definitions.

1. bride

2. positive

3. submission

4. dirt

5. purity

a. the state of being completely controlled by a person or group

b. the quality or state of being pure

c. a woman at the time she gets married

d. any substance that makes things dirty, such as mud or dust

e. good or useful

Page 9: 初中进阶 (2234 期 20150227)A6 版 Different colors and their meanings


Surf the Internet and find out the

meanings of other popular colors.

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