
Disease and how to treat them medically and herbally

Mouth ulcers and teeth:

Taken a spoonful of chamomile flowers and cook in a cup, rinse your mouth out injured



Placed on the neck of some hot onion slices, and pack it good for tonsillitis


Cough:•Take orange leaves

20 grams and poil in a liter of water, and drink it injured rib cough three times a day for three days time the least, it effectively


Colic:•Drink latency if

Almedkouktaken with large teaspoon vinegar, it dwells severe colic



•Sniff mild onion cut nausea and inhabited



•Drink 100 grams of cooking diskette, benefit people with diabetes if persevered


Examples of the negative impact of food on some medicines

Avoid taking dairy products, eggs, spinach and vitamins containing iron and calcium with antibiotic (Tetracycline) for it to be medically ineffective vessels as well as antacids because it negates the effect of the medication. As well as for medicines containing magnesium and zinc reduce the effectiveness of these drugscines

Examples of the negative impact of food on some medicines Do not address the milk with iron because iron reduces the absorption of calcium, either drink tea with it prevents absorption of tannin substance in tea Tannin iron deposition.

Examples of the negative impact of rood on some medicines:Do not take bronchial dilators (Salbutamol, Theophylline) with high-fat meals may increase the amount of theophylline on the blood while meals high in carbohydrates lowers blood theophylline.

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