Page 1: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис
Page 2: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Міністерство освіти і науки України

Головне управління освіти і науки

Черкаської обласної державної адміністрації

Відділ освіти Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету

Розділ виставки:

Шляхи реалізації профільного навчання та до профільної підготовки

Система інтегрованих

уроків з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу на тему:

«Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво.


Зуєва М.В.,

учитель-методист англійської мови

вищої категорії

Золотоніської гімназії ім. С.Д.Скляренка

Тема, над якою працює:

«Проектні технології на уроках

англійської мови»

Обсяг матеріалу – 126 ст.

Матеріали схвалені методичною радою гімназії –

протокол №3 від 14.03.2011

Золотоноша, 2011

Page 3: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.



МЕТОДИЧНИЙ КОМЕНТАР ........................................................................................... 3

Lesson 1. ART AND PAINTING ..................................................................................... 5

Lesson 2. MODERN PAINTING .................................................................................... 27

Lessons 3-4. BRITISH PAINTING ................................................................................. 38



Lesson 8. KATERYNA BILOKUR – TRAGEDY AND SUCCESS ............................. 97

Lesson 9. GRAFFITI. IS IT ART OR VANDALISM ................................................. 110

СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ ................................................................ 125

Page 4: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.





Характерною рисою сучасної шкільної

освіти є спрямованість її змістовно-цільових

аспектів у бік гуманізації, яка означає глибокі

якісні перетворення в стратегії і тактиці навчання

з урахуванням перш за все особистісного

чинника. Основна увага зосереджена на створенні

сприятливої обстановки для кожної дитини, її

вихованні як вільної, цілісної особистості, здатної до самостійного вибору

цінностей, самовизначення в світі культури. В умовах, що склалися, актуальним

стає формування у школяра естетичної культури, що забезпечує ціннісне

відношення до навколишнього світу, емоційно-образне збагнення реальності,

розвиток здатності сприймати красу у всьому її різноманітті і створювати

прекрасне в навколишній дійсності. Естетична культура сприяє формуванню

соціальної позиції, заснованої на гуманістичних цінностях, гармонізує

емоційно-комунікативну сферу учня, оптимізує його поведінку. Сформованість

естетичної культури підсилює особистісне відношення до вибору професії,

приводить у відповідність власні потреби суспільним ідеалам, уявленням про

цінності, активізує внутрішні ресурси, забезпечуючи таким чином

самореалізацію особи. Все це ставить перед вчителем школи важливе завдання

естетичного виховання учня. Великий естетичний потенціал несе в собі

викладання іноземної мови в середній школі. Процес вивчення іноземної мови

складний, однак, обрамлений естетично, сам зміст набуває цінності у

сприйнятті учнями. Гармонійний, всебічний розвиток особистості неможливий

Page 5: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.


без її естетичної вихованості. У сучасній педагогіці естетичне виховання

трактується як „педагогічна діяльність, спрямована на формування здатності

сприймати і перетворювати дійсність за законами краси”.

Видатний український педагог Василь Сухомлинський писав: „Краса –

могутній засіб виховання чутливості душі. Це вершина, з якої ти можеш

побачити те, чого без розуміння і почуття прекрасного, без захоплення і

натхнення ніколи не побачиш. Краса – це яскраве світло, що осяває світ. При

цьому світлі тобі відкривається істина, правда, добро; осяяний цим світлом, ти

стаєш відданим і непримиренним. Краса вчить розпізнавати зло і боротися з

ним. Я б назвав красу гімнастикою душі, вона виправляє наш дух, нашу совість,

наші почуття і переконання. Краса – це дзеркало, в якому ти бачиш сам себе і

завдяки йому ти так чи інакше ставишся сам до себе”.

Метою естетичного виховання є високий рівень естетичної культури

особистості, її здатність до естетичного освоєння дійсності. Естетична культура

– це сформованість у людини естетичних знань, смаків, ідеалів, здібностей до

естетичного сприймання явищ дійсності, творів мистецтва, потреба вносити

прекрасне в оточуючий світ, зберігати природну красу. Рівень естетичної

культури виявляється як у розвитку всіх компонентів естетичної свідомості

(почуттів, поглядів, переживань, смаків, потреб, ідеалів), так і в розвитку умінь

і навичок активної перетворюючої діяльності у мистецтві, праці, побуті,

людських взаєминах.

Естетичне виховання на уроках іноземної мови можна розглядати і як

самоціль, тобто як компонент загально-виховної системи, і як мотиваційний

засіб, що сприяє вивченню самої іноземної мови. Це зумовлено високим

мотиваційним потенціалом естетичного виховання та широкими

можливостями, які надає для цього вивчення іноземної мови. Сприйняття краси

– це перший ступінь у вихованні відчуттів, емоційної чуйності. Тільки на

емоційній основі встановлюються міцні зв'язки дитини з навколишнім світом.

Лише такий навчальний процес, який приносить учневі емоційне та естетичне

Page 6: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.


задоволення, може бути успішним та забезпечити високий рівень навчальних


Метою навчання іноземній мові сьогодні є формування комунікативної

компетенції, тобто компетенції спілкування. Важко не погодитися з тим, що

навіть рідною мовою, у якій знання лексики і стилістичних особливостей не є

складним, не завжди вдається переконливо і логічно збудувати мовлення і

досягти бажаного результату в спілкуванні. Значною мірою це обумовлено тим,

що на уроках як рідної мови, так і іноземної, усні висловлювання учнів є

мовою лише за формою, а по суті такими не є. Адже людська мова (як

письмова, так і усна) – продуктивний вид діяльності, тобто плід творчості,

самостійний «продукт», неповторний за формою і змістом. На практиці ж часто

доводиться зустрічатися з ситуацією, коли відповіді учнів по темі, що

вивчається, схожі як близнюки, що є яскравим прикладом примітивної

репродуктивності, тобто елементарного відтворення.

Навчання учнів старших класів ставить перед вчителем нові важливі

завдання. Це відповідальний період формування смаків та уподобань

особистості. Проте саме у цьому періоді у програмі середньої неспеціалізованої

школи відчутним є брак предметів естетично-гуманітарного циклу, предмети,

що передбачають ознайомлення з витворами мистецтва та світовою культурою,

відсутні або викладаються факультативно. Тому на вчителя іноземної мови

покладається додаткове завдання компенсувати ці недоліки системою заходів з

естетичного виховання на уроках іноземної мови .

Викладання іноземної мови у старших класах дає більші можливості

щодо реалізації естетичного виховання порівняно із середніми. Це зумовлено

кількома причинами:

1. Учні володіють іноземною мовою на досить високому рівні, що дає

можливість сприймати та створювати досить складні тексти.

2. Учні мають певні сформовані навички естетичного сприйняття творів

мистецтва та явищ культури, що дозволяє їм більше ефективно сприймати та

Page 7: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.


аналізувати запропоновані вчителем об’єкти мистецтва та культури, вести


3. Учні мають більш менш цілісне уявлення про культуру країни, мова

якої вивчається, що дозволяє активний „діалог культур”, у процесі якого йде

порівняння, аналіз двох культур – рідної та іноземної.

Проте досить часто можна стати свідком того, що учні старшої школи не

вміють сприймати мистецтво. Адже можна дивитися і не бачити, можна бачити

і не розуміти, а коли не розумієш, залишаєшся байдужим. Так і школярі:

причина їхньої байдужості до класичної музики, літератури та живопису,

культури як своєї, так і інших народів – непідготовленість до художнього

сприймання твору, недорозвиненість естетичної культури. Ціннісне сприйняття

художнього твору – це проблема розвитку естетичних смаків і поглядів.

Спостереження свідчать, що інтереси та переваги більшості старших школярів

обмежені низьким рівнем. У школярів переважають прагматичні орієнтації, які

слаборозвинені, з рефлективними оцінками, відсутні вміння вступати до

процесу художнього спілкування, не простежується зв’язок між морально-

естетичною свідомістю та морально-естетичною поведінкою. Між тим, вони

доброзичливо ставляться до мистецтва, відчувають недостатність його впливу і

бажають отримати відповідну освіту. Слід відзначити, що їх інтереси до кіно,

телебачення, естрадної музики започатковані доступністю та широкою

популярністю цих видів мистецтва.

Формування естетичних якостей старшокласників слід здійснювати

шляхом емоційно-естетичного впливу на них творів мистецтва, даний процес

передбачає роботу уяви, творчої активності сприйняття, в тому числі,

осмислення власного життєвого і творчого досвіду.

Вивчення іноземної мови значною мірою сприяє формуванню світогляду

особистості. Особливого значення при цьому набувають тексти, які

пропонуються вчителем для читання, перекладу, переказу, ознайомлення. Тому

матеріал, який ми підібрали для прoведення уроків, що знайомлять із

Page 8: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.


живописом не лише країни, мова якої вивчається, а разом з тим, і з шедеврами

світового мистецтва світу та України, являють собою зразки, здатні викликати

естетичне переживання в учнів. Оскільки у суспільстві останнім часом серед

широкого загалу розповсюджуються твори, які пропагують насильство та

жорстокість, причому більшість з них не мають естетичної цінності і морально

роззброюють людину, особливо молодь, така робота з молоддю є актуальною.

Використання творів мистецтва з метою естетичного впливу на

свідомість учнів, здійснюється в рамках уроків. Для цього ми

використовуємо для роботи над мовним матеріалом тексти, що

мають естетичну вагу, наприклад, уривки з творів художньої літератури або

інформацію про мистецтво та культуру країни, мова якої вивчається;

реалізовуємо країнознавчу спрямованість уроків іноземної мови

шляхом ознайомлення учнів із досягненнями мистецтва та культури країн, мова

яких вивчається;

створюємо ситуації, в яких учні мають висловити своє сприйняття,

оцінку тих чи інших творів мистецтва (в даному випадку - картин),

застосовуємо під час уроку відеофільми з теми, створені носіями

мови за участю знавців живопису.

Моделюючи ситуації мовного спілкування мистецтвознавчої

спрямованості, корисно заздалегідь відвідати театр, музей, філармонію,

картинну галерею, подивитися фільм або прочитати оригінальний текст. Але на

даний момент більшість дітей позбавлені можливості зробити це або ж не

відчувають бажання проводити час, вивчаючи твори мистецтва. Тому під час

уроку ми даємо можливість здійснити віртуальну екскурсію до музею чи

картинної галереї. Відвідавши виставку картин, побувавши екскурсоводом,

кожен учень стає знавцем живопису, вчиться аналізувати художнє полотно.

Проблемна ситуація на уроці створюється за допомогою афоризмів. Думки

великих класиків служать дороговказною зіркою у вирішенні етичних проблем

уроку, допомагають учням зробити загальнолюдські висновки про добро і зло.

Page 9: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Система інтегрованих уроків з англійської мови…

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.


За допомогою драматизації змінюється ситуація ігрового спілкування, в якій

вся базова лексика, граматика, основні мовні моделі. Рольова гра забезпечує

наслідувальне спілкування, спільну діяльність, розкриття повного потенціалу

особи, країнознавчу мотивацію, когнітивне і емоційне вимірювання особи,

співпрацю, ситуацію успіху

Дуже важливим, на нашу думку. є використання класичної і популярної

музики на початку або в кінці уроку, оскільки музика створює емоційний фон

уроку, мотивує або створює позитивний емоційно-психологічний фон на уроці.

Естетичне виховання є обов’язковою та важливою складовою виховання

всебічно і гармонійно розвиненої особистості. Навчання у школі передбачає

реалізацію естетичного виховання як запоруки повноцінного формування

свідомості учня, його самореалізації в суспільстві як творчої особистості, що

має власні естетичні смаки та уподобання.

Перед вчителями школи постає важливе завдання формування

адекватного уявлення про категорію прекрасного, на основі якої формується

естетичний ідеал школяра. Естетичне виховання реалізується перш за все на

уроках мистецького циклу, проте викладання іноземної мови також надає

вчителеві широкі можливості щодо виховання естетичної свідомості.

Естетичне виховання може бути реалізовано на уроках іноземної мови за

рахунок використання естетично вагомих текстів, залучення матеріалів з

культури та мистецтва країни, мова якої вивчається, що є реалізацію

культурологічної (лінгвокраїнознавчої) лінії програми з вивчення іноземної

мови у середній школі. Важливу роль відіграють нестандартні уроки та

позакласні заходи культурно-мистецького спрямування, які не лише

ознайомлюють учнів з проявами іноземної культури, а й залучають до активної


Свою специфіку має естетичне виховання у старших класах, коли

достатній рівень володіння іноземною мовою та певна сформованість

естетичного сприйняття учнів дозволяють їм осягнути естетичний потенціал

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самої мови як геніального витвору людства.

Таким чином, вивчення іноземної мови дає широкі можливості щодо

естетичного виховання учнів, і важливою задачею вчителя є використання цих

можливостей та свідома й цілеспрямована робота з формування естетичної

особистості учня.

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Lesson 1


“Art is long. Life is short”


to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary on the topic “Art”

to read and talk about different art styles

to develop students’ reading skills through the methods of interactive reading

to improve students skills for listening and comprehension

to develop learners’ creative abilities


I. Warm-up


Good morning, students. I hope you are fine today. I think we can start.

So let’s get down to work. Let me tell you a few words about the aims of our lesson.

Today we are going to talk about art and painting. It will be the subject of today’s

discussion. We should get acquainted with what is art, to learn about the styles of art,

to speak about genres in painting and some paintings.

It is difficult to live without art, music, books, theatres and cinemas. Many

people are really interested in art and music. Today’s lesson is devoted to Art and

Culture. The subject of our talk is Art and painting. Here is an epigraph on the

blackboard “Art is long. Life is short”. Think of it and at the end of lesson you’ll

give your opinions about it.

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Answer my questions:

Are you interested in art? What art in particular?

What world-famous artists do you know?

Have you ever been to any picture galleries or museums?

Have you ever tried your hand at any of the arts?

II. Main part


Video. You are going to watch a video by the Michael Sallivan and your task

is to think and try to answer the question “What is art?”

How can you answer the question? (Students’ answers/)


So, the world of art includes: the visual arts (art forms your look at

painting, sculpture, architecture, photography), the performing arts (arts that

involve doing things to entertain people such as music, dance, and drama), literature

and the decorative arts (the design and production of beautiful things for the home).

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Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with

symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses,

emotions, and intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations,

and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture,

and paintings.

Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or mastery. Generally,

art is made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions.

Now you will read an article which maybe is the answer.

What do you think about it?

I could tell you that art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich.

Imagine, just for a minute, a world without art! (You may think "So what?" but

please consider the impact that lack of graphics would have on your favorite video

game.) Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to

riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. Art gives us a way to be creative

and express ourselves. For some people, art is the entire reason they get out of bed in

the morning. You could say "Art is something that makes us more thoughtful and

well-rounded humans."

On the other hand, art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may

hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are, right this

minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art.

All functional design, well done, is art. So, you could say "Art is something that is

both functional and (hopefully) aesthetically pleasing to our eyes."

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You might say "Art is in a constant state of change, so nobody can really pin

down what it is." The constant change part is true, but the not pinning it down part is

going to get you a bad grade. Don't go this route.

You might even say "Art is subjective, and means something different to every

single person on earth." This, too, is the truth. I would caution against this approach,

however, as it would require a stack of paper from here to the moon to cite all of your

6.8 billion references.

Now, everything just stated has elements of truth, but is largely based on

opinion. My opinion is, frankly, useless in your paper-writing endeavor. Form your

own opinions (that should be the reason you are receiving an education, after all), and

be sure to sprinkle them in your answer ... which needs a factual basis, so here are the

cold hard facts: Art is form and content.

Teacher. I hope you’ve understood what the author wanted to say. But let’s check

how you understand some words and expression from the text.

Vocabulary practice

1. Look at the words in bold and try to explain them.

2. Fill in the correct words from the list below.

To incite content endeavour

pin down gamut to riot

the impact infinitely

1. This school is _____________________ better than the last one. (much better)

2. We need to access __________________ on climate change. (the effect or


3. University students _________________ in protest of tuition fees. (rebelled,


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4. College life opened up a whole _______________ of new experiences. (the

complete range of possibilities)

5. Did you manage to __________________ to a definite decision? (to make a

definite decision)

6. They made every ___________________ to find the two boys. (attempt)

7. There was no evidence that he had ___________________ members of the group

to violence. (stimulate, encourage)

8. Many of the essays are political in ____________________. (ideas and facts)

Key: 1- infinitely; 2 – the impact; 3 – riot; 4 – gamut; 5 – pin down; 6 – endeavour; 7

– incited; 8 – content.


There are some proverbs and sayings about art and beauty, because this topic

is very important for people. On your desks you can see some proverbs and saying.

Try to find Ukrainian equivalents.

Beauty is but skin-deep

Краса лише зверху. Зміст: зовнішність обманлива; краса недовговічна.

Зрівняйте з російськими прислів’ями:

С лица воду не пить. Красота приглядится, а ум вперед пригодится

Blind men can judge no colours

Сліпі про кольори не судять. Зрівняйте з російськими прислів’ями:

Слепой курице всё пшеница

Tarred with the same brush

Одним пензлем мазані. Зрівняйте з російськими прислів’ями:

Одним миром мазаны. Из одного теста сделаны. Из одной плахи вытесаны

Tastes differ

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Смаки різняться

Зр. О вкусах не спорят. На вкус и цвет товарища нет.

The devil is not so black as he is painted.

Не такий страшний чорт як його малюють.

That's a horse of another color

Цей кінь іншого окрасу.

Зр. Это совсем другое дело. Вот это уже из другой оперы

Talking point


Look through the text again and then talk about art, answering the given

question in a chain, but try not to repeat the same statements.

Reading (work in pairs)


Today we’ll learn something new about painting. Let’s read the text about

painting and compare our opinions. Take a pencil and do marks on the margins while


information is known “V”

new information “E”

you don’t think so “-“

you don’t understand. or have further questions “?”

This technique is called INSERT

I – interactive

N – noting

S – system

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E – effective

R – reading

T – thinking


Art is as varied as the life from which it springs. Each artist portrays different

aspects of the world. A great artist is able to take some aspect of life and give it depth

and meaning. To do this he or she will make use of the many devices common to

painting. These devices include composition (the arrangement of the objects within a

picture), color, form, and texture.

A painter does not always need handsome and attractive subjects. Often an

ordinary subject is transformed through artistry some artists use geometric or abstract

forms, colours, and textures to create interest and meaning. Most music does not

attempt to imitate natural sounds, and there is no reason why painting should always

make use of nature. Briefly it may be said that artists paint to discover truth and to

create order. They put into their pictures our common hopes, ideals, and passions and

show us their meaning and their value. Creators in all the arts make discoveries about

the wonders and beauties of nature and the dignity and nobility of man. They give

these an order which enables us to see and understand life with greater depth. Beauty

generally results from order but as a by-product, not a primary aim. Not all works of

art are beautiful. The painter is able to intensify our experiences. By finding new

relationships among objects, new forms, and new colours, they show us things in our

environment which we overlooked or ignored. They make the world about us become

alive, rich, beautiful, and exciting. The subject which an artist selects for a painting

depends largely upon the time in which he lives. A painter living in the Middle Ages

would probably have picked a religious subject, for that was almost the only kind of

topic portrayed at the time. Had he lived in Holland during the 17th century he might

have painted portraits, family scenes, or arrangements of dishes, fruits, and flowers,

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called still-life. Having selected a subject the painter is faced with the problem of

giving it form. Will the idea be communicated best by the use of realistic or abstract

forms? Should it be done in bright or in dull colours? Should the effect be exciting or

restful? The answer depends upon what the painter is trying to do. In a good painting

everything in it grows out of and develops from the intent of the artist.

Answer the questions

What facts do you know before?

What information is new for you?

What don’t you understand?

Do you have another ideas or information?


It’s time to get acquainted with the styles of art. You will read about them and

the photos of the painters and the examples of their works will be demonstrated on

the screen.

Styles of Art

Abstract Abstract artists felt that

paintings did not have to show

only things that were

recognizable. In their paintings

they did not try to show people,

animals, or places exactly as they

appeared in the real world. They

mainly used colour and shape in

their paintings to show emotions.

Some Abstract art is also called

Sonia Delaunay

Jackson Pollock

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Non-objective art. In non-

objective art, you do not see

specific objects. It is not painted

to look like something specific.

Cubism Cubism is modern art

made up mostly of paintings. The

paintings are not supposed to

look real The artist uses

geometric shapes to show what

he is trying to paint. Early

cubists used mainly greys,

browns, greens, and yellows.

After 1914, Cubists started to use

brighter colours. Cubism was the

beginning of the Abstract and

Non-objective art styles.

Pablo Picasso

Marc Chagall

Georges Braque



In Expressionist Art, the

artist tries to express certain

feelings about some thing. The

artists that painted in this style

were more concerned with

having their paintings express a

feeling than in making the

painting look exactly like what

they were painting.

Marc Chagall

Wassily Kandinsky

Ludwig Kirchner

Fauvism Fauvism was an art style

that lasted only four years,

beginning in 1905. The leader of

Henri Matisse

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this movement was Henri

Matisse. The word Fauvism is

French for "wild beasts". It got

this name because the paintings

had bright and unusual colours.

The subjects in the paintings

were shown in a simple way, and

the colours and patterns were

bright and wild.



Impressionism was

developed in France during the

late 19th and early 20th

centuries. These pieces of art

were painted as if someone just

took a quick look at the subject

of the painting. The paintings

were usually in bold colours and

did not have a lot of details. The

paintings in this style were

usually outdoor scenes like

landscapes. The pictures were

painted to look like they were


Claude Monet

Mary Cassatt

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Camille Pissaro

Pointillism In Pointillism, the artist

uses small dots or strokes of

paint to make up the pictures.

From far away, these dots blend

together to form the picture and

Paul Seurat

Paul Signac

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give the impression of different

colours as they blend together.

Pop Art Pop art can be any

every day item that is drawn in a

brash and colourful way. Pop

Art is short for Popular Art. It is

inspired by comic strips,

advertising, and popular


Andy Warhol

Roy Lichtenstein

Claes Oldenberg

David Hockney



Postimpressionism began

in the 19th century. It was

mainly still lives and landscapes.

The postimpressionists liked to

use lots of colors and shadows.

Vincent Van Gogh

Henri de Toulouse-


Paul Gauguin

Paul Cezanne

Primitivism Primitive Art looks like art

that is done by a child. Usually

the picture is painted very

simply, and the subjects are

"flat", or two-dimensional.

Paul Klee

Henri Matisse

Realism Realism is a type of art

that shows things exactly as they

appear in life. It began in the

18th century, but the greatest

Realist era was in the mid-19th

Henri de Toulouse-


Leonardo Da Vinci

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century. Most Realists were from

France, but there were some

famous American painters who

were Realists also.

Gustave Courbet

Honore Daumier

Thomas Eakins

John Singleton Copley

Surrealism Surrealists’ paintings were

generally based on dreams.

Their paintings were filled with

familiar objects which were

painted to look strange or

mysterious. They hoped their

odd paintings would make

people look at things in a

different way and change the

way they felt about things. They

thought that their paintings

might stir up feelings in the back

of people’s minds.

Salvador Dali

Henri Rousseau

Max Ernst


I’d like to introduce the words on the topic “Painting”. When we speak about

pieces of art first of all we think about genres, methods of painting and our


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As far as genres they can be: an ail painting, a water-colour/pastel picture, a

sketch, a portrait (shoulder/half-length/knee-length/full-length), a landscape, a

historical painting, a still life, a battle piece, a flower piece, a masterpiece.




Methods of painting

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Speaking about the methods of painting one should mention that they can be:

plane, in strokes, in dots, a sketch, a water colour and a line.


A pastel picture

A landscape

A portrait

A sketch

A battle piece

A water-

colour picture

A seascape

A still life

A masterpiece

A historical


An oil painting

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Concerning the impressions they can be positive or negative.

Positive judgment

The picture may be… -

moving – хвилюючою;

lyrical – ліричною;

romantic – романтичною;

original – оригінальною;

poetic in tone and atmosphere – поетичною у відтінках та атмосфері;

an exquisite piece of painting – витонченою роботою живопису;

an unsurpassed masterpiece – неперевершеним шедевром;

distinguished by a marvelous sense of colour and composition – видатною у

дивовижному відчутті кольору та композиції.

Negative judgment

The picture can be… -

Methods of painting

In strokes

A line


A water colour

A sketch

In dots

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dull - похмурою;

crude – грубою, незавершеною;

chaotic – хаотичною;

daub of paint - мазаниною;

obscure and unintelligible – тьмяною та незрозумілою;

gaudy – позбавленою смаку;

depressing - гнітючою;

disappointing – що викликає розчарування;

cheap and vulgar – дешевою та вульгарною.

Next time we’ll continue our work. We’ll speak about painting, painters and

their pieces of art.

At the beginning of our lesson you were asked a question. How do you

understand the epigraph “Art is long, life is short”?

(Students’ answers.)


You are quite right. And in conclusion I’d like to say that

- through painting the artist expresses ideas and emotions;

- the language of the artist consists of shapes, lines, colours, tone and textures;

- it helps to produce in the viewer sensations of light, space and movement;

- some artists paint concrete forms which viewers are generally familiar;

- others try to create entirely abstract relationships;

- by giving expressions to personal feelings, the artist develops individuality;

- an appreciation of painting deepens and enriches life.

III Assessment & Assignment


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The topic of our today’s conversation was very serious. We have spoken much

about art painting and we have discussed the topic from different points of view .I’d

like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to..., good – to

…, etc..

Your task will be to learn the vocabulary related to the topic and to write an essay

“What is art for me”.

I wish you be healthy and wealthy. The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!

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Lesson 2



to revise the vocabulary associated with painting;

to practice listening, note-taking, speaking and discussion;

to practice describing paintings using a plan and giving opinions about them;

to increase awareness of main styles of the 20th century;

to increase awareness of beauty of the modern painting


I. Warm- up


Today we are going to talk about painting. We should revise the material on

the topic and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modern art.

Visual art is a vast subject, including all kinds of picture and sculpture.

Artists make art for many reasons. Hundreds of years ago – when many people

couldn’t read – paintings were often designed to illustrate stories. And a lot of

paintings were made to decorate churches. More recently, artists have begun to paint

to express their own feelings or explore ideas, or just to create something beautiful.

People have always argued about art – how to make it? What it should like and why.

But there are no wrong answers. What kind of you enjoy is up to you.

People can express their emotions in different ways. Some of them draw

pictures of their favourite places. Others write poems. I have found a very nice poem

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for you. Let’s read it with a bit of feeling and think of your own emotions and



By William Henry Davies

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep and cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full care,

We have no time to stand and care.


This poem makes really great impression. It is very beautiful and full of

emotions. I think you agree with me.

II. Main part.


1. Pre –listening activity.

Look at the screen. There are works of art by some modern painters of the 20th

century. Do you know these names? What do you know about them?

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2. Listening task.


Listen to three people talking about pictures and identify the paintings. Take

notes. Pay attention to what adjectives are used for describing each painting. Then

complete these sentences about the speakers.

The class will be divided into three groups. Each group should listen carefully

to one of the speakers and make a note of extra information about his/her opinion of

the painting. After listening each group will tell the class their extra information.

1. _______ and _______ like the colours.

2. _______ doesn’t like the painting.

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3. _______ thinks the painting is strange.

4. _______ can see a face in the painting.

5. _______ and _______ can spend a lot of time looking at the painting.

6. _______ compares the painting to an optical illusion.

Keys: 1 - a/c; 2 - c; 3 - c; 4 - a; 5 - a/b; 6 - b.

3. Post-listening task.


Which painting do you like most? Why? Answering the questions you may use the

adjectives given in the box.

Abstract, clever, colourful, complicated, confusing, funny, imaginative,

impressive, peaceful, realistic, relaxing, ridiculous, surprising, symbolic,

unusual, weird

Tape script:


I think it's a really impressive painting. I love the clever way the artist has

used different shades of green. I guess it makes the painting really peaceful, do you

know what I mean? It's quite abstract, too, but you can see things in the picture. It

looks like a forest with a tree on the left and a house at the back. There's a wall or

something at the bottom and maybe a door on the right. It's very relaxing. If you

look at it for a long time, you can see other things. I mean, 1 can see a man's face,

eyes, nose and mouth, in the middle, and it looks as if he's reading a book. Can you

see that, or is it me?


I love this painting. It's one of my favourites, you know. You can spend ages

looking at it. At first, it all looks very realistic but a bit complicated. You can see the

sky, the rocks, the trees and the water. But then, when you look again, you see the

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reflections of the swans. Suddenly, you can see three elephants standing by the lake!

It's really surprising and a bit confusing at first. It's like one of those optical illusions

where you can see two different things at the same time. I think it's very clever and



This picture is really weird! If you look at rain falling, you can imagine

different things and this looks as if it's raining men, businessmen in hats and

overcoats. The men and the houses are very realistic and ordinary and that makes it

even more unusual, it's not a very colourful picture but I like the pale blue sky. The

problem for me is that the main idea of the picture is a bit ridiculous. I know it's

supposed to be a joke but I just don't think it's very funny. I mean, it's not really very

imaginative, just men falling like rain, and that's it.

Reading task.


Look at the screen. There are works of art by modern painters of the 20th

century Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky and David Hockny.

Read the description of these pictures made by four people and identify the paintings


Well, I really like this picture – it's easy to see what's happening. I like the

bright colours – of the girl's blue dress and her blonde hair. I also like the round

shapes in the picture. I think the topic is interesting too – the girl looks worried and

she's thinking about her boyfriend '


Personally, I think this one is good. It's got very strong lines and you can

almost feel the music. And the colours they're great – they're really bright. I like

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abstract paintings because you have to use your own imagination to understand what

the painter is trying to do. I think ...


This one's my favourite. It shows the horrors of war really well – with the

dark, dark colours and the terrible images. The lines and shapes are square and

geometrical. They show violence and pain. Look at the horse and the mother with her

dead child. It's a very frightening painting because ...


Well, I think this one's the best. I really like the bright colours and the clear

lines. I love the colour of the water in the swimming pool. The style's strange – it's

realistic but very simple at the same time ...


1. I know… Brad by Roy Lichtenstein

2. Improvisation 28 by Vassiliy Kandinsky

3. Guernica by Pablo Picasso

4. A Bigger Splash by David Hockny

Talk about paintings.


Which of them do you like most? Express your opinion.

Studying the topic.


Firs of all I want to make sure you remember the vocabulary on the topic

“Painting”. Let’s revise the styles of painting.

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Put the letters in the correct order.

1. Lireasm

2. Ctstraab

3. Resurlism

4. Thgoic

5. Mancismroti

6. Bicusm

7. Presnismioex

Keys: Realism Surrealism Cubism Romanticism Abstract Gothic


Match the style with its definition. (Work in pairs)

1 Impressionis


A It’s the art that doesn’t represent

recognizable objects.

2 Pop Art B It promotes accurate, detailed depiction of

nature or contemporary life. It rejects imaginative

idealization in favour of close observation.



C It is the style used especially in France in

the 19th

century which uses colours instead of

details of form to produce effects of light or

feeling. Its subject included landscapes, trees,

houses, street scenes.

4 Realism D A 20th century stele of art, in which objects

and people are represented by geometric shapes.

5 E The art in which common objects (such as

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Cubism comic strips, soup cans, road signs, and

hamburgers) were used as subject matter.

Keys: 1 - c; 2 - e; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - d.


What are the differences among the art sryles?

Reports about impressionism, Edouard Manet and Pablo Picasso.


Today we’ll get acquainted with two main representatives of painting.

Until the second half of the 19th century, the most important style was

Classicism. The usual was that artists displayed their pictures in the official hall. The

main palette was in dark colours – brown, black. The main subject was a human,

sometimes idealised.

In the late 19th century a new movement called impressionism developed in

France. The painters rejected the traditional brown, grey, and green colours in favour

of a lighter, more brilliant palette. They often painted out of doors, rather than in the

studio. Their subject matter included landscapes, trees, houses, and even street scenes

and railroad stations.

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Student 1.

Edouard Manet (1832-1883), a French painter, is regarded as the most

important master of Impressionism. Edouard Manet travelled to Spain and was

touched by its way of life, traditions, folklore and the world of bullfighters and young

girls. There, he could learn from works of great painters such as Velazquez and Goya,

who absolutely influenced his work.

But he was a painter of modern life, who showed life as it was, without

idealisation. It caused a big scandal. The refined public of the moment was not ready

to accept a revolution like that.

Student 2.

Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) was a Spanish painter and one of the recognized

figures in the 20th century art, probably most famous as the founder of the cubism.

The movement itself was not long-lived or widespread, but it began an creative

explosion in the art of the 20th century.

In 1907 after numerous studies and variations Picasso painted his first cubistic

picture – “Les demoiselles d’Avignon”. Impressed with African sculptures at

ethnographic museum he tried to combine the angular structures of the “primitive art”

and his new ideas about cubism.“


What have you learnt about the artists and their works?

What are the main features of impressionist works? (Light colours, brilliant

palette, out of doors, not in a studio)

Describing the paintings. (Group work)


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There are three paintings of different artists on the same topic, the same name:

“The Luncheon on the Grass” by Edouard Manet, by Claude Monet, by Pablo


Describe one of the paintings using the plan.

What kind of painting is it?

What is the subject?

What is happening in the picture?

What colours/ lines/ shapes are used?

What is your opinion of it?

1) “The Luncheon on the Grass” by… is a good example of … style.

It was painted in the late 19th / in the middle of the 20th century.

2) The main subject of the painting is ... .

It shows people in the park having a picnic…

The artist brilliantly used … in the picture.

I think… / In my opinion…/ To my mind…


o Which of the paintings do you like most? Why?

o How did the artists express the same things?

All people are different. Even the same things they see in different ways. But

the attempt to understand the art in its variety is an attempt to understand the national

culture and the world culture in general.

Understanding of world culture makes people be temperate and tolerant to each

other, helping people live in peace (culture of peace).

III. Assessment & Assignment

Prepare a presentation about your favourite painter.

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Lessons 3-4



- to revise the vocabulary associated with the topic;

- to encourage students to use their imagination while working on the topic and

motivate them in expressing their own opinions on the topic;

- to develop free speaking skills of students, exchanging opinions in the groups;

- to enrich students’ knowledge on the topic.



Today we have a lesson devoted to the British painting. During our session

we’ll get to know some interesting and important facts related to the topic.

I. Warm-up.


Are you the unfortunates who know little about art? You look at the picture and

declare, “That’s very nice. Yes, I like it. Hmm, it’s not interesting. Well, it’s not good


Today we continue to speak about art and painting in particular. Let’s define

things which generally come under the heading of the arts.

The task is to find the keywords and match the words referring to them.

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novels poetry literature dance fine arts

painting drama cinema architecture ballet

sculpture performing art music theatre

Key: Literature: novels, drama, poetry; Performing art: dance, cinema, ballet,

theatre; Fine arts: painting, architecture, sculpture.

II. Main Part.

1. Vocabulary revision.


1) Let’s revise our vocabulary.

Art – the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc. to present things or express

ideas. e.g. an example of Indian art, contemporary art, the Museum of Modern Art

Artist – someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings. e.g. an

exhibition of paintings by local artists/

Master – someone who is very skilled at something. e.g. Constable is the

master of pure landscape.

Masterpiece - a work of art, a piece of writing or music that is of very high

quality etc. that is the best that a particular artist, writer etc. has produced. e.g. Most

world famous art galleries had their masterpieces displayed.

Genre - a particular type of art, writing music etc. which has certain

characteristics that all examples of this art share. e.g. What painting genre was

predominant in Ukrainian art in the early 20th century.

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2) Tell me, please, what kinds of paintings you know.

You’ll see the reproductions of famous paintings. Look at them and try to

figure out what kings of paintings they belong to.

Kinds of painting:

Still life painting Genre painting Portrait painting Animal

painting Fresco Cityscape painting Seascape painting

Landscape painting Icon painting

2. Word formation.


You have to complete the text by making an appropriate word from the word

stem you are given. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of

each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

I have only been once to an art_____________ (1).

In fact, the Tate in London was my ____________ (2) to

modern art, but although the gallery was quite interesting, I

found the pictures difficult to understand. The

____________ (3) in the exhibition were by famous

____________ (4) from all over the world. Our guide told

us about each painting, and I listened carefully to

her____________ (5). After she had given us a

_____________(6) of a painting by Picasso, I asked her

what it all _______________ (7). She said we should not

look for meaning but for ______________ (8), as the most

important thing was to enjoy the shapes and coloures.

__________________ (9), I found this advice a complete

__________________ (10) .











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Key: 1- exhibition; 2 - introduction; 3 – paintings; 4 – artists; 5 – explanation;

6 – description,; 7 – meant; 8 – pleasure; 9 – personally; 10 – revelation.

3. Grammatical accuracy.


It’s time to check your grammar and of course to learn some new facts about


Read the text and give the right tense form.

A rich American went to Paris and 1)_____________(to buy) a picture by a

modern artist. He 2)_____________(to pay) a lot of money for the picture, so he

thought the picture was very good. He came to the hotel where he 3) ____________

(to stay) and wanted to hang the picture. To his surprise he 4)

___________________(cannot tell) what was the top and what was the bottom. So

he 5) _____________(to think) of a plan and invited the artist to dinner. The artist

looked at the picture many times. He put on his glasses and approached the picture to

look at it more closely. And at last when they began to drink coffee, the artist told the

American that the picture was upside down. The American 6)

__________________(to surprise) and wondered why the artist not 7)

________________(to tell) it to him at once. The artist must 8) ___________ (to

admit) that he himself 9) _____________(not to be sure) about it at first. So the rich

American left the picture on the wall as it was. He thought that nobody 10)

________________(to notice) that it was upside down

Key: 1- bought; 2 – had paid; 3 – was staying; 4 – couldn’t tell; 5 – thought;

6 – was surprised, hadn’t told; 8 – had to admit; 9 – had not been sure; 10 – would


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Choose the right variant

1. Why did the American think that the picture was good?

A – it was painted by a famous artist;

B – the American was a great connoisseur (ценитель)of art;

C – his friend told him that the picture was good;

D – The picture cost a great sum of money.

2. What difficulty did he find in hanging the picture?

A – He was at a loss hat wall he would hang the picture on;

B – He didn’t know where the top of the picture was;

C – The picture didn’t pass through the door;

D – The picture suited neither the furniture nor the wall paper of the room.

3. What plan did the American think of to solve his difficulty?

A – He showed the picture to the expert;

B – He tried to find the author of the picture;

C – He invited the author to the dinner

4. Why didn’t the American change the position of the picture?

A – He liked the picture as it was;

B – The artist told him there was everything right with the picture;

C – He thought nobody would notice anything wrong with the picture

Key: 1- a; 2 – b; 3 – c; 4 – c.

4. Discussion


Now look at the quotation of a well-known English writer W. Somerset

Maugham. Why are people interested in art? Why is art so powerful?

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“There is nothing but art. Art is living. To attempt to give an object of art

life by dwelling on its historical, cultural or archaeological association is


(W. Somerset Maugham “The Summing Up”)

Answering this question you may use such expressions:

to arouse a warm response, to be a part of one’s heart, to reflect someone’s

hopes/ideas/ sorrow/despair, to depict truthfully, to appeal to someone’s

heart/mind, to commemorate in canvases, to help understand the events.

5. Speaking.


Where can you see the works of art? (Students’ answers) Yes, You are quite

right. You would go to the picture gallery, the art museum, the art gallery, the

exhibition hall to see the works of art.

What are the biggest and the richest art galleries in the world? Make up

sentences using the table. Note the use of definite article with the names of museums.

The Louvers

The Tretyakov Gallery

The Tate Gallery

The National Art Museum

The National Gallery

The Hermitage



St. Petersburg





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You know that London is famous for its art museums and galleries. Of all

London’s great collections should be mentioned, the National Gallery and the Tate

Gallery. Some students have prepared short reports about these two centres of


Student 1. The National Gallery houses one of

the finest collections of masterpieces in the

world. In 1824 the government bought the

collection of pictures accumulated by John J.

Angerstein. The specially built gallery in

Trafalgar Square was opened in 1838. It was

visited by newly crowned Queen Victoria. The

main collection of more than 2,000 picture is arranged chronologically. Italian

painting includes works by Bottichelly and Leonardo da Vinci. Paintings of Dutch

and Flemish schools include the works by Rembrandt, Rubens and Van Dyck. The art

collection includes works by Velasquez and Goya, Manes and Renoir. British

paintings include selections from Hogarth to Turner. Admission is free.

Student 2.

I’d like to tell you about the Tate

Gallery. It houses the national collection of

British works of the 16th-20

th centuries. Sir

Henry Tate, a sugar magnate, offered to

finance the building of a new gallery. He

donated his own collection of 64 paintings.

The British works begin with “Man in a

Black Cap” painted by John Bettes in 1545. Hogarth, Blake, Turner and Constable

are particularly well presented. There is a collection of kinetic and optical art. The

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Tate Gallery has two distinct directions: British painting and a modern foreign



You can have a minute of relaxation and take pleasure watching the

masterpieces placed in these galleries.

7. Reading.


No doubt, that among the British painters Thomas Gainsborough, William

Hogarth, Joseph Turner and John Constable take special place. Let’s read the texts

about these well-known artists and imagine that you’ve got a brilliant opportunity to

visit the national gallery and the Tate Gallery in London.

1) Pre-reading activity

Before reading the text get acquainted with the new vocabulary related to the


to acknowledge – to admit or accept that something is true;

to will to – to give something that you own to someone else after you die;

to dedicate– to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing;

to depict – to describe something or something in writing or speech, or to show them

in a painting or a picture;

altitude – the height of an object.

2) While-reading activity

Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788) succeeded brilliantly as a portrait and landscape

painter. Thomas Gainsborough created a national type of the English portrait. Thomas

Gainsborough's portraits of actors, actresses and his close friends are famous. One of his greatest

friends was Richard Sheridan, the dramatist, whose portrait belongs to one of the best pictures of

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this painter. Even in his portraits Thomas Gainsborough is an out-

of-door painter. The backgrounds of his portraits are often well-

observed country scenes.

Thomas Gainsborough is acknowledging as an excellent

women painter. “The Portrait of the Duchess de Befouford”, ”Mrs.

Siddons”, “Two Daughters” are among his best creatures.

His portraits are painted in clear tones in which blue and

grey predominate. One of his best pictures is the famous “Blue boy”. His other masterpiece is “The

Lady in Blue”.

Thomas Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school of landscape painting. He was

one of the first English artists who painted his native land. His delicate understanding of nature is

especially felt in the pictures where he showed peasants. He painted his landscapes from memory

when he returned from his work. The best landscape of his are: “Watering Place” and “Harvest

Wagon”. Both of them are exhibited in the National Gallery.

Among his other landscapes are: “The Sunset”, “The Market Cart” and “The Cottage Door”.

His great love for the countryside and his ability to show it made him an innovator in this field. He

was the first English artist who painted his native countryside so sincerely.

Another famous English painter is William Joseph

Turner (1774 - 1851), who was the greatest English

romantic, landscape and marine painter. He was a son of a

fashionable barber, started drawing and painting at his early

age. His father used to sell the boys drawings to his

customers and in such a way he earned money for the boys

learning of art. At 14 he entered the Royal Academy School. His water-colours were

exhibited at the Royal Academy when he was only 15. At 18 he started his own

studio and received a commission to make drawings for magazines. For some years

he tramped over Wales and Western England. As Turner never married, he devoted

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his life to art. Visitors were rarely admitted to his house and no one was aloud to see

him at work. He loved his paintings as a man loves his children. At the age of 27 he

was elected as a Royal Academician. From that time his paintings became at great

demand and brought good money. The last years of his life he spent in a little cottage

at Chelsea.

He liked to watch the sunrise and sunset. And it is said, that only an hour

before his death he had his chair wheeled to the window, so that he might look for the

last time at the sun, shining upon the river.

During his life Turner created some hundreds of paintings and some thousands

of water-colors and drawings. After his death his own entire collection of paintings

and drawings was willed to the nation. They are exhibited at the National and Tate

Galleries in London. Some of his famous pictures are: “Rain, Steam and Speed”,

“Light and Colour”, “Fisherman at Sea”, “The Snowstorm» and others.

William Turner dedicated most of his paintings to the sea. He was a sailor and the sea in

itself absorbed him. He gave to his seas mass and wave as well as movement. His waves seem to be


The name of William Turner is famous above all other landscape painters.

Landscape is another glory of English art because in it English art also rose to

supreme highs. John Constable (1776 - 1837) is one of the most outstanding painters,

who developed his own style of painting. He considered sketch, made directly from

nature, the first task of a landscape painter. He introduced green into his painting: the

green of trees, the green of summer, and all the greens which until then other painters

had refused to see. He made quick sketches based on his first impressions of natural

beauties. John Constable used broken touches of color. His work is important as the

beginning of the impressionist school.

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In his paintings the artist showed the new altitude to the nature. He refused

to learn works of famous landscape painters and decided to go to the country and

to paint nature as he saw it.

Constable depicted nature in his own realistic way; he was the first artist who began to paint

sketches which were as big as paintings. He was able to show the inside life of nature. John

Constable’s innovation influenced greatly the development of French landscape painting.

In 1826, when he was 50, he showed a number of landscapes in the Paris salon. Among

them was the famous “Hay Wain”, painted in 1821, for which the painter was awarded the Gold

Medal. He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1829, but he felt, that this honor had come too late

in life to have much meaning. Among his best landscapes are: “The Flatford Mill”, “Hay Wain”,

“The Flatford Mill”, “Cottage door”, Dedham Vale”, “The Corn Field”, etc.

William Hogarth (1697 - 1764) was one of the greatest

English artists and a man of remarkably individual character

and thought. He observed both high and low life with a keen

and critical eye. To his paintings he added the elements of

satire and caricature. His art was a reflection, an

interpretation and a commentary on the social condition of his

time. Among his best works are «Captain Coram», «The

Shrimp Girl», and serial «Mode Marriage».

His pictures of social life brought him fame and position in the society. One

of his serials “Mode Marriage” consists of 6 pictures. “The Marriage Contract” is

the first.

Other pictures of this serial have the same subject matter.

Hogarth was sure that success came to him due to hard labour. He wrote “Genius is nothing

, labour is diligence.”

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3) Post-reading activity

Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. The description of people dominated in Turner’s painting. ______

2. Gainsborough never painted out-of-doors. ______

3. Gainsborough adored yellow colours. ______

4. Constable knew the psychology of women well. ______

5. Turner is a dreamer of a private world. ______

6. Hogarth’s sitters were socially different people of time. ______

7. Hogarth is well-known for his caricatures. ______

8. Turner was a representative of Romanticism. ______

Key: 1 - F; 2 – T; 3 – F; 4 – F; 5 – T; 6 - T; 7 – T; 8 – T.

Define the difference between two painters John Constable and William Turner.

8. Listening.


We can see a young noble woman; her charming face is full of freshness and lifeness. The

charm of the expression of her face and the colouring are characteristic for the artists style. Her

calm pose, the elegance of her gesture of her hand stresses her nobility. Outwardly we may see that

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in this portrait the artist followed the rules of traditional ceremonial portraits. But it is not so. The

partied lips of the woman, a timid gesture of her hand help to create a true impression of the sitter.

The artist has a wonderful sense of color, line and composition. He makes

the affective use of light and shade. The picture is executed mostly in light tones in

the dark background. Numerous shades of blue prevail in the picture. The

combination striking of pink shades in her face and body are contrasted with grey

and blue shades on her pounded hair, dress and scurf. It makes the impression of

freshness and beauty. The author depicts the details of her dress skillfully. The

woman is graceful and charming.

The picture glorifies the idea of woman's beauty. It is exhibited in the

Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

(Thomas Gainsborough)


“Calais Pier” is one of his greatest creations. The picture of a storm in it is real and

impressive. In the center of the picture there is a boat with people in it. All the figures are living

individuals. The farther objects in the picture failed in the darkness, attracting our attention to the

people in the boat. Those who look at the picture can smell the water and hear the shout of the wind.

Colour as well as tone in his pictures produces the effect of sunlight.

(William Turner)


Both fathers are sitting to the right. One of them an earl is proudly pointing

to his family tree. The other is reading the marriage contract. The Earls son is

looking at himself with pleasure in the looking glass. The daughter of the second

man is playing with her wedding ring and listening to the complements of a young

lawyer. The subject matter of the picture is the protest against marriage for money

and vanity.

(William Hogarth)

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9. Speaking. (Group work)


Now your task is to give characteristics to these painters. Each of four groups

will receive a strip with the words.

1. Gainsborough

- to know women’s psychology;

- to prefer blue;

- the purest lyrics of English painters.

2. Hogarth

- a keen and critical eye;

- elements of satire and caricature.

3. Turner

- to be attracted by unusual and fantastic subjects;

- to convey the material power of nature;

- romantic;

- shipwreck

- sail, waves, storm.

4. Constable

- to sketch from nature;

- suffused with sun light;

- blues and greens of nature;

- broken touches of colour;

- landscapes are generally calm;

- pleasant out door scenes.

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III. Assessment & Assignment.

1. Prepare short dialogues about the art for dramatizing.

2. Find the material on the Internet about the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, the

National Art Museum of Ukraine and the Russian Art Museum in Kyiv.

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Lesson 5-6



- to develop students’ knowledge on the topic;

- to expand the vocabulary related to the topic;

- to practice students’ language skills;

- to encourage students to guess new words and combinations;

- to improve students’ communicative skills.


I. Warm-up.


Hello, dear children. Today we continue to speak about art and painting in

particular. Look at the quotation on the screen. “All great art is believed to be

thought-provoking.” How do you understand the words “thought-provoking”? Try to

guess their meaning.

(Students’ answers)

Pupil. I think that art makes people think about life, the beauty around them, nature, and

love of their country and its people.

Pupil. In my, opinion art wakes up people's feelings, such as kindness, admiration,

enjoyment, and peace in the soul.

Teacher. Very well. What kinds of art can you name?

PI, P2: Architecture; Sculpture; Literature; Cinema; Theatre; Painting; and Music.

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II. Main Part


Today we are going to discuss painting, as this kind of art makes the strongest

impression on people, their feelings and thoughts. Painting contributes to the

development of a person's character and to raising his or her intellectual level. First

let’s review vocabulary.

1. Match the words to the similar meanings.

1) mastery a) artist

2) character b) life-like

3) model c) subject

4) painter d) skill

5) drawing e) manner

6) sense of colour f) feeling of colour

7) brush work g) pattern

8) true h) sitter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key: 1-d; 2-e; 3-h; 4-a; 5-g; 6-f; 7-e; 8-b.

2. Guess the meaning and complete the following sentences.

1) Things which are on the show are called … (exhibits).

2) A person who depicts something or somebody on the canvas is called … (a


3) A person who has achieved success in something is called … (a master).

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4) A place where works of art are on display is called … (an exhibition).

5) A preparatory work made for painting is called … (study).

6) One who is sitting to have his/her portrait painted is called … (a model/sitter).

7) The place where somebody’s private things are collected to honour a

remarkable person is called … (a museum).

3. Make up your sentences with these words.

4. Introducing the groups of pupils at the lesson.


The main treasures of painting are represented in the art galleries of different

countries. To day we are speaking about the art galleries of Moscow and Kyiv and, of

course, London since we study English and must be more aware of the culture and

traditions of Great Britain if we want to master language. So, today we have four

groups of students:

- the first studied everything about the Museum of Russian Art in Kyiv;

- the second group learned information about the National Gallery in London;

- the third group of students prepared the information about the Tretykov Gallery;

So our task is to know more about Russian, British and Ukrainian painters.

5. Exchanging information about the best picture galleries of Moscow, Kyiv and



Now you are going to listen to a conversation between the students discussing

art. Listen attentively and fill in the cards. Check each other if you have done it

correctly. The ideas on the list will help you. (The teacher gives out sheets of paper to

record the information.)

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Take these sheets of paper to record the information. Then I ask you some


Pupil 1. Hello, guys. I’m glad to meet you in our picturesque city. What are

you going to do first?

Pupil 2. We are fond of oil painting and would like to visit some art


Pupil 1. Lucky you are. I share your interests and can advise you to visit the

Tretyakov Gallery.

Pupil 3. Oh, it’s a picture gallery, isn’t it? I have never been there. By the way,

why is it called the Tretyakov Gallery?

Pupil 1. It was named in honour of its founder, the Moscow merchant and

lover of art, Pavel Tretykov, who prwsented the building and the collection to the city

of Moscow.

Pupil 2. How old is the Gallery?

Pupil 1. Some years ago it celebrated its two hundreds anniversary?

Pupil 3. Does it mean that Tretyakov began his collection two hundred years


Pupil 1. Not quite. He began his collection before that? But in 1856 he bought

2 pictures by Russian artist and began his collection of Russian art that very year.

Pupil 2. And we have the works of Russian art in the Kyiv Museum of Russian

Art. The museum totals about 20,000 items of art. Unique are its collections of the

12th-20th century Ukrainian art: icon painting, portraiture, engraving, folk pictures,

wood carving. Especially vividly and fully is presented the 17th-18th-century art

featuring colourful and ornate forms and compositions, festive solemnity, and

buoyant attitude.

Pupil 1. I see you know very well what is exhibited in your museum. Is it as

old as the Tretykov Gallery.

Pupil 3. No, it was founded only at the beginning of the 20th century.

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The mansion that houses the Kyiv Museum of Russian Art was built in 1877-

1884 to the design by Hun and V. Nikolayev in the historicism style. Hun worked out

the interior decor and equipment for the house of Tereschenko, the famous Ukrainian

sugar manufacturer, collector and patron of arts. In 1922 the Kyiv Picture Gallery

(from 1936 the Museum of Russian Art) was inaugurated there, the first collection of

which was made up of the nationalised gatherings of the Tereshchenko, Hansen and

some other families. Almost 12,000 items of painting, graphic art, and sculpture

exhibited in the museum make up one of the finest art collections in Ukraine It is a

home to a valuable collection of the 12th-17th-century icons, a magnificent collection

of works of the artists of the 18th-20th centuries Aivazovsky, Antokolsky, Argunov,

Borovykovsky, Favorsky, Fedotov, Ghe, Klodt, Kramskoi, Kustodiyev, D Levytsky,

Martos, Nesterov, Polenov, Repin, Roench, Saryan, Schednn, Shishkin, Tropinin,

Vasnetsov, Vereschagin, Vrubel and others.

Pupil 2.

The life and creative work of most of them are associated with Ukraine and

Kyiv. The portrait-painter Levytsky, the Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy

of Arts, was born in Kyiv Levytsky graduated from a Kyiv gymnasium, and in 1847

he was a student of St. Volodymyr's University, lived in Ukraine for a long time and

was buried in the Chernihiv region. Repin, who was born in the town of Chuhuyiv in

Kharkiv region, came to Ukraine more than once. He studied history, every-day life

and culture of the Ukrainian people, which served as material for many works of him,

including such a renowned canvas as”The Zaporozhian Cossacks Writing a Letter to

the Turkish Sultan”(1878-1891) in which he depicted some famous figures in

Ukrainian history. A statue of Repin stands at the museum entrance. Oh, I have got a

photo of the museum/ Look. It is situated almost in the centre of Kyiv in 9,

Tereschenkivska Street.But I wonder that the most famous picture gallery is in Great


Pupil 3. Don't you know? It's the well-known National Gallery in London.

Pupil 1. Was it based on a Royal collection?

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Pupil 3. No, it's just like the Tretyakov Gallery. It was based on a private

collection of the Russian banker John Julius Anderstein. At that time the collection

had only 38 paintings and it was put on public display Anderstein's old residence.

Pupil 2. Where is the Gallery situated now?

Pupil 3. It is situated on the north side of Trafalgar Square. If you stand with

your back to Nelson's Column, you will see a wide horizontal front in classical style.

And what does the Tretyakov Gallery look like?

Pupil 1. It looks like an illustration to an old Russian tale. The facade is

decorated with the ancient coat of arms of Moscow. I've got a picture of it. Look! An

inscription on both sides says: "The Moscow City Art Gallery named after Pavel

Mikhailoivich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov. Founded by Tretyakov in 1856 and

presented to Moscow in 1892".

Pupil 2. Is the collection of your gallery rich?

Pupil 1. Yes, very. The Gallery has tens of thousands of paintings, drawings, sculptures

and icons. I’d like to tell you that the Tretyakov Gallery possesses a very rich and fine

collection of Russian art from the 12th to the 20th century. There are magnificent

collections of icons, including "The Trinity" by Andrei Rublev, paintings by famous

Russian artists such as Rokotov, Brulov, Kiprensky, Ivanov, Kramskoy, Savrasov,

Repin, Vereshchagin, Surikov, Shishkin, Levitan, Vrubel and others, and a collection

of Russian sculpture. And what about your Gallery?

Pupil 3. You know the Gallery is one of the youngest collections in Europe but

together with the National Portrait Gallery it has more than 11,000 paintings. The

National Portrait Gallery has portraits of distinguished men and women of English

history. The National Gallery exhibited works of all the European schools of painting

which existed between the 13th and 19th centuries. The collection includes Italian

masterpieces of Pierro de la Francesca, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli,

Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Titian, Paolo Veronese. You can see paintings of

Velasquez, El Greco and Goya from Spain. There are also masterpieces of Dutch

artists, such as Rubens and Rembrandt. You can also find paintings of famous

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Impressionists. British art is also represented with important works by Turner,

Gainsborough, Hogarth and Constable.

6. Work on the history of the museums.

The teachers ask questions:

When was the Tretyakov/ National Gallery/ Kyiv Museum of Russian Art founded?

Where is the T/N Gallery/KR Musem situated?

What architectural styles do they represent?

Who were the founders of the T/N Gallery and the Kyiv Museum?

How many paintings are there in the T/N Gallery and the Kyiv Museum nowadays?

Artists of what countries are represented in the T/N Gallery and Kyiv Museum?

What places do these Galleries occupy in world history?





The National



Tretyakov Gallery

The Museum

of Russian Art

The date of


The place of

the gallery


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architecture style

The founder

of the collection

The number of


What countries

are represented

The most

famous painters


importance of the


7. A talk on the "Golden Age" of Russian and English painting.


Now we see that you have learnt much about the most famous galleries of

Moscow and London. But today we'd like to attract your attention to the painting of the

"Golden Age". But these periods are different in Great Britain and in Russia. So in

Russia it was the period of the 19th century when Ivan Kramskoy, Alexei Savrasov, llya

Repin, Isaac Levitan, Ivan Shishkin, Vasili Surikov and others lived and created

masterpieces; In Great Britain the period between 1730's and 1830's is considered to be

the "Golden Age". At that time many first-class English masters contributed much to the

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history of world art. They were Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable and William


Some of the students have prepared short reports about the most outstanding

artists and paintings of both countries: Levitan, Bogdanov- Belskyi, Constable,


Listen attentively the information about life and work of Russian and British


Pupils 1: The contribution of Russian people into the

world culture can hardly be overestimated. The mysterious

Slavonik soul and curious mind found their expression in

masterpieces of art, music and philosophy, in numerous

scientific discoveries.

My favourite painter is Bogdanov- Belsky. It’s his

picture: “At the door of the school”.

This is the picture of a country school. In the

foreground we see a peasant boy.

He is standing at the door of the classroom. The

boy is very poor. He is dressed in ragged clothes. He is

leaning on a stick. Evidently he is tired. The boy has two

bags: one on his back and the other on his side.

The boy cannot study at school because he is poor.

He must work to help his family. But he wants to learn

very much, that’s why he has come to school. He is

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looking at the pupils. He would like to sit at the desk, too!

In the background we see part of the classroom. We see part of the blackboard

on the left and some desks on the right. The pupils are writing something. One pupil is

looking at the boy. Perhaps he is his friend.

On the wall we can see a map and some pictures. There is a kerosene lamp

hanging from the ceiling. The picture shows the hard life of peasants in old times.

Pupils 1:

My favourite painter is Isaak Levitan. The greatest

Russian painter Isaak Levitan could find something special

in every piece of nature. You can’t describe Levitan’s

pictures in a few words. “Golden Autumn”! The white

trunks and bright leaves of the birches, blue sky, reddish

grass, blue river. It is a holiday of gold and blueness. It is

sad because it will be winter soon! I’ m so impressed with

the picture “Golden autumn. » The colours of the picture

are rich. It’s a masterpiece! The picture portrays the beauty of the forest in autumn very



Friends! I want to say that Russia is famous for its gifted people. But not all of

them are Russian. I’ve prepared the information about our compatriot Dmytro



1) Pre-reading task.

1) Answer the following questions.

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1. What Ukrainian artists do you know?

2. What are they famous for?

2) Skim the text. What is the text about? Give the title to the text.


Dmytro Levytskyi is one of the most outstanding

Ukrainian painters and, no doubt, the greatest Ukrainian


We know very little about the early years of

D.Levytskyi. He was born in Poltavschyna, Ukraine in

1735. His father Grygoriy Levytskyi was a priest and his

son's first teacher in painting and engraving. Like his

father Dmytro graduated from Kyiv Academy. He studied

there in 1753-1756. Together with his father and a well-known painter CAntropov

Dmytro decorated St Andrew's Church. In 1758, Dmytro moved to Petersburg and

very soon he became a fashionable portraitist in high society. The style of

D.Levytskyi's creations originated from the Ukrainian baroque.

He worked during the reign of Katherine II. The artist commemorated the

empress, politicians, generals, priests, poets, actors, nobles, philosophers and

strangers on his canvases. His portraits were painted masterly. He demonstrated a

skillful depiction of rich clothes and hair-style of that time. But D.Levytskyi wasn't

satisfied only with portrait likeness of his sitters. He revealed their characters as well.

Each new sitter was not just a physical fact to be recorded, but rather a story to be

told. We can feel that in his pictures people are no longer static but caught between

this moment and the next.

In 1771, Levytskyi headed the class in portrait painting in Russian Academy of

Arts in Petersburg. It was the time of his absolute acknowledgement. In 1784, the

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master painted a portrait of a young lady in a blue dress which is now a real "pearl" in

the collection of paintings in Kyiv Museum of Russian Art.

It was the highest peak of his mastery. The painter felt

himself confident, calm, and satisfied in what he was

doing and you can feel it looking at his picture of the lady

in a blue dress. The manner of depiction of this portrait is

rather laconic: no background or foreground, no

meaningful details about the sitter. The painter's attention

is concentrated on the sitter's face, smile and dress. His

sitter is a lady from high society. Her manner to sit is

perfect. She is young, beautiful and confident. She knows and never forgets about it.

Her blue dress is fashionable and elegant. Her smile is amiable, her look is pleasant.

But nobody knows her name. "Portrait of a Lady in Blue" is a great triumph of

Levytskyi in the portrait painting.

The end of D.Levytskyi's life was tragic. He became blind and his career of a

painter came to its end. He returned to Ukraine where he died after a deadly disease.

D.Levytskyi is considered to be the most prominent and exciting portraitist of

his epoch. He was the incontestable leader among the recognised masters of the

portrait genre.

3) Post-reading task.

Answer the questions.

1. What do you know about the youth of D.Levytskyi?

2. Who were his first teachers in painting?

3. Was hi career successful?

4. What was D. Levitskyi’s contribution to the portrait genre?

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Give opposites to the following adjectives: confident, calm, fashionable,

perfect, beautiful, pleasant, amiable, individual, smart, successful, laconic, tragic,



The second task was to give the title of the text. (Students’ answers)

9. Speaking


Describe “Portrait of a Lady in Blue”, using adjectives given above. But first

match words in column A to their synonyms in column B and give their Ukrainian


1 Valuable A Acknowledged

2 Passionately B Look for

3 Proficiency C Acute

4 Precise D Worthy

5 Aura of romance E Secret

6 Keen F Exact, accurate

7 Peculiar G Calm, quiet

8 Mystery H Special

9 Gentle I Ardently



Recognize J Aura of love story



To search for k Skill mastery

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Key: 1-d; 2-i; 3-k; 4-f; 5-j; 6-c; 7-h; 8-e; 9-g; 10-a; 11-b.

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At the previous lessons we were speaking about British painting and about the

masterpieces of the representatives of the Golden Age in

British painting. If you were attentive you should

remember the name of the artist who had painted the

marvelous portrait of the woman which has the similar

name as the “Portrait of a Lady in Blue” by Dmytro

Levytskyi. Two painters lived in different countries almost

at the same time and painted a lot of wonderful portraits.


It’s Thomas Gainsborough and his picture “The Portrait of Duchess de



You are absolutely right. Both portraits have become famous for their beauty

and limited range of colour. The painters chose cool tones of blue to create the

atmosphere of peace and serenity to underline the dignity and confidence of their

characters. These paintings take a special place among the

masterpieces of the world art thanks to their harmony of

form and content, freshness and vitality.

Now you can see 4 pictures on the screen. Listen to

the description of the picture and guess what picture is it

and who is the author?


- Dear Galina, I'd like to turn your attention to my

favorite painting.

- Whom was the picture painted by?

- It was made by a famous English artist.

- It was painted in the 18th century.

- But I shouldn't call it a picture at all. To my mind it is a blur. It is a mere

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spattering of colours!

- But wait! Look attentively! This is a very rainy day, so rainy that it is difficult

to see. And the wind is blowing, too.

- At first glance we can see very little, but then we notice a steam train which

speeds along its journey. The train is on the bridge and down below there is the river


- Oh, what's there in the distance? I can't make out any thing!

- I think it's a small boat, sailing on the water. Where do you think... where is it

safer: on the boat in such stormy weather

or in the train with the windows closed?

- I'd prefer to be in the train!

- Right you are. The painter lived at the beginning of the age of steam. He often

painted subjects showing the impact of the Industrial Revolution upon his country.

- Oh, now I see. First I thought that it was completely mean ingles. Now I realize

that you can understand the picture

better if you know something about the painter himself and his time.

- Of course. That was just what I wanted to say! From my point of view it's an

impressive piece of art. Just look, the effect of light is striking.

- Yes, it's amazing. And I should call this kind of art thought- provoking, because it

makes us think


Now try to guess what picture is it and who is the author? (Students’ answers).

You are right. It is “Rain, Stem and Speed” painted by William Joseph Turner.

10.Work in groups.


Dear friends, I have 3 letters in my hand. The task is to make puzzle out of

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the peaces of the pictures. When the picture is ready you have to describe it and

name the author. I am offering you to describe these pictures using familiar word

vocabulary and the words which are written on the cards.

Positive Impressions

I am favourably impressed by the picture.

It is realistic and true to life.

It is thought-provoking art.

It is an honest presentation of...

There is convincing truth in this painting.

This is what I should call true realism!

Isn't it superb!

It's quite a find, isn't it?

Oh, but do look at this portrait! It's a work of genius.

The effect of the light is striking.

It is magnificent (lovely, amazing, fantastic).

I'm absolutely thrilled.

It's an impressive piece of art.

It's too divine for words.

It conveys its meaning absolutely.

Negative Impressions

The drawing is full of faults.

The perspective lacks depth.

Light is not rendered at all.

It isn't a picture; it is a mere spattering of colours.

The painting is a blur. One can hardly make out anything.

I shouldn't call it a painting at all.

It offends the eye.

It's too bad for words.

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It's completely meaningless.

I was shocked by...

It's a shame...

No good at all!

It's unbelievable trash.

It's beneath all criticism.

It's ridiculous, disgusting.

General Discussion

May I put a word in?

If you ask me...

It just occurred to me...

Generally speaking...

Strictly speaking...

That depends on...

I want to press the point that...

On one hand...

On the other hand...

Under the circumstances.

As far as I'm able to judge...

From my point of view...

To sum it all up...

All things considered...

We can arrive at the conclusion that...

We can arrive at the conclusion that...

I'd like to make some brief comments about...

On the whole...

To be brief/ in a word...

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In short...

All these show conclusively that...


Substitution Patterns and Some Expressions to Speak on Art

I'd like to attract your attention to this landscape.

Canvas, painting, still life, water-colour, self-

portrait, fresco.

It was painted/drawn by a(n) unknown …. artist/painter.

famous English

world-famous Dutch


belonging to the realistic school of painting, classical romantic

trend in modern

We can see … in the foreground.

in the centre foreground.

in the right (left) foreground.

in the middle (centre) of the picture.

in the right (left) of the picture.

at the top (bottom).

in the distance.

in the far distance.

The picture is executed mostly in bright colours: (light, dark tones, warm tones, cold


The picture vividly ( realistically) portrays the beauty of flowers.

a stormy sea.

a forest in autumn.

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The artist paints the details of the scenery with great expression.

draws the movement tremendous skill.

depicts (portrays) the house hold articles great feeling, represents

convincing truth.

The picture conveys beautiful scenery perfectly,

an idea of feminine beauty absolutely,

a mother's love only partly.


only to a certain extent.

III Assessment & Assignment

Dear friends! Thank you very much for the lesson. You were wonderful! Your

marks are excellent as well!

So we have finished our lesson and I just wanted to know if you liked it.

Your home assignment is to write an essay about your favourite picture or


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Lesson 7



- to develop students’ listening, reading, speaking skills, enhance their

creative thinking through the interactive activities;

- - to develop students’ knowledge of Taras Shevchenko’s life and

creative work as a painter, widen their notion of his role in revival of

Ukrainian national culture and statehood;

- - to practise the students in the use of English.



Dear boys and girls, today I am going to speak with you about the national

bard of Ukraine and artist Taras Shevchenko. I hope you already know that this year

we mark the 150th anniversary of Shevchenko’s death. It is on e of the reasons to talk

about him. Another one is that Taras Shevchenko was not only famous for his poetry,

but he was also an accomplished artist, an outstanding master of Ukrainian painting

and graphic art, the founder of critical realism and the folk elements in Ukrainian fine


Today you’ll read some texts about this great man and do a certain number of

exercises to master your knowledge of English. You’ll enjoy the opportunity to

express your own opinions about our countryman as a poet, an artist, a revolutionary

democrat and a patriot of Ukraine.

I. Warm-up

1. Description of Shevchenko’s self-portrait.

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Have a look at the screen. You can observe one of the self-portraits of Taras

Shexchenko. Describe his appearance using the following words and expressions: the

face of a clever and kind man, a high forehead, kind eyes, bushy eyebrows, long

moustaches, a straight nose.

2. Critical thinking questions.


I consider, Shevchenko is a great personality. I respect him and think about

him as a real patriot of Ukraine. I would like to cite the words of Rostyslav Bratun.

“Taras Shevchenko is eternal and immortal. Ukraine will be independent

because we have Him, Great Herald of its rebirth.”

1) Do you agree with R. Bratun? Why?

2) Is Shevchenko a real patriot and a citizen of Ukraine?

3) What did Shevchenko do to combat the problems facing Ukraine at his


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I. Main Part


Before speaking about Shevchenko as a painter let’s review the most important

periods of his life. You have learnt much of his biography from the lessons of

Ukrainian Literature and you were given the text “Taras Shevchenko” for reading at

home. Now let’s check how well you remember the facts from Shevchenko’s life and

the vocabulary. You are working in groups of three.

1. Read the words in the box and split them into three groups related to




Literary output, creativity, artist, novelettes, portrait, drama,

landscape, collection of poems, watercolour, inspirer, ballad,

aquatint, National Bard, drawing, epic poem, verse, poetry,

dramatic fragments, etching, diary, autobiography, letters,

illustrations, sketch, picture, prisoner, paint, painter, democratic,

policy, statehood


A national bard of Ukraine and noted artist Taras Shevchenko was born on

March 9, 1814 in the village of Moryntsi, Kyiv gubernia in the family of serfs.

Born a serf, Shevchenko was orphaned in his early teens and grew up in poverty

and misery. He was often beaten for "wasting time" on drawing, for which he had

innate talent. At the age of 14 he was taken by his owner, P.Engelhardt, to serve as

a houseboy. He travelled extensively with his owner, first to Vilno and then to St


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In Vilno he learnt to speak Polish and met the famous Polish poet Adam

Mickiewicz. Engelhardt noticed Shevchenko's artistic talent and apprenticed him

to the painter V.V.Shyriaiev for 4 years. During that period he acquanted with his

compatriots T. Soshenko, Ye.Hrebinka, V.Hryhorovych, and O.Venitsianov.

Through them he met the Russian painter K. Briulov.

K.Briullov painted the portrait of the Russian poet V.Zhukovs'kyi to be

disposed of in a lottery. The portrait was bought by the Tsarivna because

V.Zhukovs'kyi was the teacher of her children.

The proceeds from the lottery, 2,500 rubles were used to buy Shevchenko's

freedom from Engelhardt in 1838. T.Shevchenko enrolled in the Academy of Fine

Arts in St Petersburg and pursued his art studies and general education.

In 1840, he published his first collection of poems, Kobzar. It was followed

by the epic poem Haidamaky (Rebels) and the ballad Hamaliia (1844).

In 1840s, T.Shevchenko visited Ukraine three times. Those visits made a

profound impact on him. He was struck by the ravage state of Ukraine.

In 1842, T.Shevcnenko painted the picture "Katherine"_ where he expressed

his "own strong protest "against the tragic fate of the serf woman. In 1843,

T.Shevchenko wrote his drama Nazar Stodolia.

After graduating from the academy in 1845, he became a member of the

Kyiv Archeographic Commission. That position gave rise to extensive travels

during which he sketched a lot. It was in this time that he wrote his most satirical

and politically subversive poems Dream (1844) and The Caucasus (1845).

In 1845, he wrote his famous programme verse Testament. In the poem

Charwoman he depicted the fate of a mother, one of the best images in the world


In 1846, T.Shevchenko came to Kyiv and joined the secret Cyril and

Methodius Brotherhood. A denunciation resulted in the arrest of the members of

the Brotherhood.

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In 1847, T.Shevchenko was arrested and sent as a private to the Orenburg

special corps in a remote area of the Caspian Sea. Tsar Mykola I himself initiated

the sentencing order preventing the prisoner from writing and painting. But

T.Shevchenko managed to continue both.

In 1857, T.Shevchenko was released but he was not allowed to live in

Ukraine. He lived in St Petersburg and wanted to go abroad to A.Herzen in

London. In 1858, he met and made friends with E.F.Aldridge (1805-1867), the

American outstanding tragic actor who was on tour in Russia and Ukraine.

In 1859, on January 24, T.Shevchenko met the noted Ukrainian writer

Marko Vovchok (Mariia Vilins'ka, 1833-1907), who moved from Kyiv to St

Petersburg. Her People's Stories were published in 1857. She dedicated her novel

Instytutka to T.Shevchenko who highly appreciated her creative activity.

On July 15, 1859, T.Shevchenko was arrested and convoyed to Kyiv. On

August 14 he was released on bail.

In 1860, T.Shevchenko decided to become a family man but his

matrimonial plans were ruined. He lived alone in a small room in the Academy of

Arts in St Petersburg.

He died on Sunday, February 26, 1861, at 5.30 a.m. in his room.

Taras Shevchenko was buried in St Petersburg but two months afterwards his

remains were transferred to the Chernecha Hill near Kaniv, in Ukraine.

Taras Shevchenko occupies a uniquely important place in Ukrainian history.

He created the conditions that allowed the transformation of the Ukrainian

literature into a fully functional modern literature.

T.Shevchenko's literary output consists of one collection of poetry Kobzar

(Ukrainian Bard); the drama Nazar Stodolia; two dramatic fragments, nine

novelettes, a diary, and an autobiography in Russian; and over 250 letters.

T.Shevchenko was also a noted artist. There are 835 extant works, another

270 are known but have been lost. He painted over 150 portraits, 43 of them —

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self-portraits. T.Shevchenko also painted numerous landscapes which recorded

the architectural monuments of Ukraine. He was also very proficient in

watercolour, aquatint, and etching.

He is famous for his illustrations to the books by O.Pushkin, M.Hogol,

M.Lermontov and W.Shakespeare. It is difficult to find another example of

an individual, whose poetry and personality so completely embodied national


3. Match the words from the text with their definitions.

1 to be apprenticed


- to give all your attention and effort to one

particular thing;

2 aquatint B - to officially arrange to join a school or


3 orphan C - the effect or influence that an event,

situation etc. has on someone or something;

4 transformation D - a picture made by printing from an etched

metal plate;

5 to dedicate E - far from towns or other places where people


6 etching F - to work for an employer for a fixed period of

time in order to learn a particular skill or job;

7 to enroll G - a public statement in which you criticize

someone or something;

8 denunciation H - a complete change in someone or


9 remote I - a method of producing a picture using acid

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on a sheet of metal, or a picture printed using

this method;



impact J - a child whose parents are both dead;

Key: 1-f; 2- i; 3 – g; 4 – h; 5 – a; 6 – d; 7 – b; 8 – g; 9 – e; 10 – c.

4. Read the sentences from the text and match the events in the order they


1 Shevchenko was born on

March 9, 1814.

A The portrait of the Russian

poet V. Zhukovskyi painted by K.

Briulov was bought.

2 At the age 14 he was taken by

his owner, P.Engelhardt, to serve

a houseboy.

B Shevchenko enrolled in the

Academy of Fine Arts in

St.Petersbyrg and pursued his art

studies and general education.

3 Through his compatriots

Shevchenko met the Russian

painter K. Briulov.

C Tsar Mykola I himself

initiated the sentencing order

preventing the prisoner from

writing and painting.

4 In 1838 Shevchenko became


D He expressed his own strong

protest against the tragic fate of

the serf-women.

5 In 1842 N. Shevchenko painted

the picture “Katerine”

E He was orphaned in his early

teens and grew in poverty and


6 After graduation the Academy

in 1845 he became a member of

F Two months afterwards his

remains were transferred to

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Kyiv Archeological Commission. Kaniv.

7 In1847 Shevchenko was

arrested and sent to Orenburgh in

a remote area of the Caspian Sea.

G Engelhardt noticed

Shevchenko’s artistic talent and

apprenticed him to painter V.

Syriaiev for 4 years.

8 Shevchenko was buried in St.


h That position gave rise to

extensive travels during which he

sketched a lot.

Key: 1 – e; 2 – g; 3 – a; 4 - b; 5 – d; 6 - h; 7 – c; 8 – f.

5. Answer the questions.

1. Why does Shevchenko occupy a uniquely important place in Ukrainian


2. Shevchenko was a noted artist, wasn’t he? Explain why.

3. In what genres of painting did he work?

4. How many pictures did he paint?

5. Whose books did he illustrate?

6. Reading.


Now we’ll read some facts about Taras Sehevchrnko’s career as a painter and

at the same time you we’ll do some exercises to check the use of English. Before

reading the texts I invite you to watch a short movie about this great person and

artist. You we’ll see the extracts from the film produced in 1951. Sergiy Bondarchuk

played T. Shevchenko.

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While reading the texts and doing the exercises you can see the paintings of the

master on the screen.

Part 1: Lexical close.

For questions 1-10 read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or

D) best fits each place.

The great poet, ardent patriot, thinker and humanist, Shevchenko, is at one and

the same time an (1) ___master of Ukrainian painting and graphic art, the founder of

critical realism and the folk element in Ukrainian fine arts.

The (2) ___ work of Shevchenko, which was (3) ___ tied with the reality of

that period and was based on the national-liberation (4) ___, was basically connected

with and directed into the future. It is an important (5) ___in the development of

realism and the folk element in art. Ukrainian artists refer to the artistic heritage of

Shevchenko as one of the greatest and most valuable national traditions.

The inevitable value of Shevchenko's art heritage is in that it (6) ___ the

interests of the Ukrainian people living in his own era. The ideas and themes of his

works as an artist expressed the moods of the oppressed masses not only in Ukraine;

they also expressed the aspirations and hopes of working people of different


Shevchenko, (7) ___ with Fedotov, affirmed critical realism as a new,

progressive trend in Russian fine arts of that time. During his first years as a pupil of

the "indoor painter",

Vasiliy Shiryayev, and at the same time (8) ___ drawing classes at the

"Association of Young Artists", the serf young, Shevchenko, turned to themes from

the history of his homeland. He strived to convey in his compositions the (9) ___

aspirations and deeds of the Ukrainian people, to truthfully (10) ___ their everyday

life and reproduce the images of their heroical past.

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In his letter to the editor of the magazine, The People's Reader, Shevchenko

wrote, "The history of my life is a part of the history of my homeland". These

words are the key to understanding the creative work of Shevchenko the artist and


Key: 1-b; 2-d; 3-a; 4-c; 5-a; 6-d; 7-b; 8-b; 9-c; 10-d.

Part 2: Structural close.

For question 11 – 30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits

each space. Use only one word in each space.

T. Shevchenko Kateryna, 1842

The themes of Shevchenko works, depicting life in Ukraine at (11) ___ time,

are very diverse, indeed. Among them we can single (12) ___ the watercolor

composition of 1841, "Gypsy Fortune-Teller", (13) ___ was awarded a silver medal

(14) ___ the Council of the Academy of Arts. These, in turn, led to the still greater

1 A noticeable B outstanding C remarkable D striking

2 A establishing B imaginative C inventive D creative

3 A closely B near C tightly D carefully

4 A dynamism B action C movement D motion

5 A stage B part C phase D round

6 A declared B enunciated C voiced D expressed

7 Acontemporarily B simultaneously C synchronously D coincidently

8 A visiting B attending C fostering D watching

9 A holy B blessed C sacred D spiritual

10 A represent B reproduce C delineate D portray

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canvas, "Kateryna", in which the acute social-exposing theme sounded out (15) ___

full voice. The poem of the same name served (16) ___ a basis for this paining. The

theme of "Kateryna" is an actual one (17) ___ that period. In it Shevchenko exposed

the tragic fate of a Ukrainian serf girl, (18) ___ was seduced and then abandoned and

disgraced by a Russian officer. This painting is an important page in the history (19)

___ Ukrainian art, a new word in the formation of the folk element and critical

realism in art.

Self-Portrait, 1840

Chihiryn viewed from the Subotiv

Road, 1845

Gipsy Fortune-Teller, 1841

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In the spring of 1843, (20) ___ 14 years of separation from his homeland,

Shevchenko visited his native Ukraine. In Ukraine (21) ___ the influence of

everything seen and experienced, the idea of a periodical art edition entitled

Picturesque Ukraine came to Shevchenko. And so, having arrived in St. Petersburg,

he enthusiastically commenced this work. Shevchenko divided up the edition (22)

___ three parts: Ukrainian landscapes, showing the beauty of the country or

expressing its historical meaning,(23) ___ included into the first part; the second part

included scenes from the everyday life of that period; the third consisted of etchings,

depicting the historical past of the Ukrainian people.

Shevchenko was the first (24) ___ Ukrainian artists to set before himself a task

of great patriotic significance - that of acquainting the progressive people with the

everyday life of the Ukrainian people, their past, as (25) ___ as with the enchanting

beauty of Ukrainian nature.

However, he was unable to completely accomplish this, for soon (26) ___, he

was arrested and sentenced to exile. In 1844 the first and only edition of "Picturesque

Ukraine", consisting of six etchings, came (27) ___ in print. The artist depicted many

themes from the life of the oppressed and suffering people. He painted (28) ___ was

most dear to his heart, "The Paternal Hut of T. H. Shevchenko in the Village of

Kyrilivka"... It was here that the little orphan, Taras, spent his gloomy (29) ___

joyless childhood. Here his heart was first stung by human injustice, founded on the

rule of the rich over poor. The painting "A peasant family" is warmed by the poet's

great love for the people and you can almost sense the compassion and lyrical

peacefulness radiating from it.

The Paternal Hut of Shevchenko in the

Village of Kyrilivka

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Council of Elders, 1844, Etching. А peasant family, 1843

Among the paintings of this period is a great number of portraits, including

those of Mayevska, Olexandre Lukyanovich, Illya Lizogub, Gorlenko, Elizabeth

Keyuatova and others. In these portraits, especially in those of the women, you can

easily trace the influence of Briullov. He was delicate not only in the manner of

painting, (30) ___ also in the way he revealed the images, when traditional

idealization united with the desire to convey the personality of a person. While still a

student at the Academy of Arts, Shevchenko created a magnificent watercolor

painting "Maria"on the theme of Pushkin's poem "Poltava". And already in the spring

of 1841 Shevchenko's name could be found alongside such names as Karl and

Olexandre Bryullov, Fedor Tolstoy, Andrei Sapozhnikov, and other outstanding


Portrait of Mayevska, 1843

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Portrait of Keykuatova, 1847

Cathedral on the Ascension in

Pereyaslav, 1845

Maria, 1840

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Key: 1-that; 2- out; 3- which; 4-by; 5- in; 6- as; 7-for; 8- who; 9-of; 10- after;

11- under; 12- into; 13- were; 14- among; 15- well; 16-afterwards; 17-out; 18-

what; 19-and; 20- but.

Part 3. Word formation.

For questions 31 – 45, read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end

of the line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

In the spring of 1845 Shevchenko completed his

studies at the Academy of Arts and returned to

Ukraine. But he did not stay in Ukraine for long. On

April 5, 1847 he was arrested and without a trial he

was exiled as a rank-and-file soldier to the far-off

Caspian steppes. During his first year in exile

Shevchenko portrayed himself in a uniform. The

(31)________ Shevchenko's words "I am punished, I

suffer... but I do not repent..." belong to this period. In

his "prison without doors", as he himself called it,

Shevchenko in the period of ten years created the

greater part of his (32) _____________ works. They

raised Shevchenko to a still higher level, for in them

his (33)______________ became even more exact and

thorough and the (34)____________ behind them -

even more acute and profound.

The works of the exile period can be

divided up into three groups: portraits, landscapes and

(35) _____________.

Of the portraits the most interesting are






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Shevchenko's self-portraits. Taken as a whole, they

comprise one of the most (36) ___________sources of

learning about the artist's life.

Having been sent as a soldier-guard

on the Butakov (37) _____, which during 1848-1849

explored the shores of the Aral Sea, Shevchenko

served as the expedition's (38)_________. During the

Aral expedition and later too, during another

expedition into the Kara-Tau Hills, that discovered

several coal-fields in Kazakhstan, and still later,

during his stay at the Novopetrovsky Fortress

Shevchenko created a great number of watercolor

landscape (39) ________.

These landscape paintings attract us by

their (40) _____ of realistic mastery. Here, we see no

(41) _____________ which was so typical of the

academic school of landscape painting. In the well-

known watercolor painting, "Novopetrovsky Fortress

Viewed from the Sea", Shevchenko portrayed the fort

where he spent seven long hard years.

The genre themes in the creative work of

Shevchenko, during the exile period are also of great

(42) _____________. Shevchenko viewed the

everyday life of the people, whom Tsarist autocracy

called (43) ___________, with the eyes of a friend.

The artist saw, which he had known and experienced

from childhood in Ukraine - social and national











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In the sepia "Kazakh Beggar Children"

Shevchenko portrayed himself in the background,

looking on with an (44) ____________________of

(45) ______________ and sympathy. This self-

portrait, combined with a genre scene, gave the artist

an (46) ___________ to show his own attitude to poor

orphan children, as well as to all the Kazakh people,

doomed by the tsar to suffer hunger and


In the sepia "Kazakh Katia" Shevchenko

portrayed a girl holding a candle in front of a

tombstone. In the (48) _________ candle-litface of the

girl the artist (49) ___________and with deep

sympathy conveyed her (50) ___________ purity.

During the last years of exile, Shevchenko

created one of his main compositions - a series of

works entitled "The Parable of a Prodigal Son". The

works included in this series impress us with their

deep thought, critical acuteness, with which the artist

condemned the evils of surrounding reality.








Key: 31 – famous; 32 – wonderful; 33 – mastery; 34 – meaning; 35 -

compositions; 36 – valuable; 37 – expedition; 38 – artist; 39 - paintings; 40 –

maturity; 41 – conventionality; 42 – importance; 43 – foreigners; 44 – expression;

45 – sadness; 46 – opportunity; 47 – deprivation; 48 – brightly; 49 – lovingly; 50 –


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Self-Portrait, 1847


Fortress Viewed from

the Sea, 1857

Kazakh Katia, 1857

Part 4. Error correction.

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For questions 51 – 70, read the text below and look carefully at each line.

Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a

line is correct put a tick (v) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be

there, write the word.





















___The best works of Shevchenko after his the exile were those done in the

___technique of etching together with aquatint.The exceptions are some of the

___self-portraits and portraits in the paints and pencil.Among the latter

___mentioned are the wonderful portraits as of the actor Shchepkin, and the

___outstanding Negro actor, Ira Aldridge. It is much enough to compare these

___portraits with the artist's earlier ones pictures to be convinced of the growth

___of Shevchenko's realistic mastery.As to the free and easy stroke and then

___ the profound psychological depiction, these portraits can be placed on a

___ par with the most best portraits of the masters of the late XIX century. In

___ the art of etching Shevchenko achieved as such great success that the

___ Imperial Academy of Arts was obliged by to award him with the

___ honorable title of Academician Engraver. Among the etchings of later

___ years are those that illustrating the works of other his artists: "Friends" by

___I.Sokolov, Rembrandt's "The Parable About the Workers in the Vineyard",

___ as well as works that illustrating his own themes: "An Old Man in the

___Graveyard", "Mangishlatsky Garden" and others. Of his portraits, which

___executed in the technique of etching, the "Self-Portrait with a Candle" and

___"Self-Portrait in a Hat and Sheepskin Coat" can be have singled out. The

___first was executed after a drawing of his childhood years that has not

___already been preserved. We see a young Shevchenko with a candle raised

high above in his hand and this is symbolic, for it was with a lighted candle

that the Shevchenko started out on the road of creative work; it was with it

that died, leaving behind him the flame of artistic heritage, which to this day

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warms the hearts of people the world over.


You’ve read much about our great bard. All your answer sheets will be

cheeked and you’ll get marks. Now I’d like to add some more information.

In the summer of 1859, during his last days in Ukraine, Shevchenko

created only a small number of sketches, for he was carefully watched by gendarmes.

Under these conditions there could be no freedom of creative work. But even so,

what Shevchenko accomplished is still of great interest to us. His works, executed

while in Ukraine, as to their mastery and realistic expression, are way ahead of his

era and can be undoubtedly placed on a par with the drawings of the most

outstanding artists of the late XIX century.

And like the literary heritage of Shevchenko, his works in the fine arts

are immortal. They will continue to live for ages reminding mankind of the great

creative deed that the great son of humanity accomplished for the welfare of people

the world over.

7. Listening.

1) Pre-listening activity.

a) You have already seen this portrait. Do you know this man? Is he a writer,

an artist or an actor? What do you know about him?

b) Before listening the text find out the meaning and pronunciation of the

following words:

a preacher, auditorium, a straw vendor, pay bill, to pursue, to make a

personal acquaintance, to be persecuted, inspired, to obtain, to sacrifice.

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2) While-listening activity.


The man in this portrait is a famous American tragic actor Eire Frederic

Aldridge. He was born on July 24, 1807 in New York. His father, Daniel - a straw ven-

dor, and his mother, Lurone, were free blacks. Eire's mother died in 1818, when

he was a boy. Eire attended the African Free School where he won many oratory


After Eire's father remarried, he ran away from home. Eire worked on a ship

and when it docked in North Carolina, a slave dealer offered to buy him for $500.

The captain of the ship refused the offer. After this incident, Eire returned to New

York and worked backstage at the Chatham Theatre group.

Aldridge received acting experience with the African Theatre group. Aldridge

was unable to obtain major roles because he was African American; he went to

England in 824 to pursue an acting career. Aldridge, who was 18 at his time, also

studied acting in Scotland and Ireland.

His debut was in 1826 at London's Royal Coburg Theatre. In the playbill,

Aldridge was described as the "Tragedian of Colour from the African Theatre, New

York". Aldridge became famous thanks to leading roles in the tragedies of William

Shakespeare. He took part in dramatisation of such Shakespeare's tragedies as

"Othello", King Lear", "Richard", "Macbeth" and others.

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Eire went on tour in various countries of Europe. Some of the places he

performed in were Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw and Munich.

In 1858-1907, Eire visited Russia and Ukraine.

In November 1858, Aldridge arrived in St Petersburg. His arrival was a real

event in cultural life of the capital. His inspired and talented acting had a great

influence on such famous Russian actors as O.Martynov, I.Sosnyts'kyi, V.Karatyhyn.

Eire's acting made a huge impression on Petersburg auditorium. Shevchenko

visited his plays regularly and was deeply fond of his talent. Aldridge's acting was


Each gesture, word and move were thoroughly thought over by the actor. He

played his characters brightly and emotionally.

At the beginning of December Taras Shevchenko made a personal acquaintance

with Eire Aldridge in the family of the Tolstoys and they became friends. These two

men had a lot in common. They were both genially talented, had hard lives and were

persecuted. Their characters were similar too. They both were sincere, kind,

trustworthy. They loved freedom very much. Aldridge sacrificed a lot of money from

his plays for liberation of black people in America.

Both for Taras Shevchenko and progressive community of Russia the idea of

liberation of blacks and sympathy to the best son of black people were combined

with the idea of liberation of peasantry in Russia.

As a sign of great respect and love for a black-actor Shevchenko painted his


In his turn Eire bought Shevchenko's portrait which was made by M.Mykeshyn

to "Kobzar".

3. Post-listening activities


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Now mark false (F) and true (T) statements:

1 _______

2 _______

3 _______

4 _______

5 _______

6 ______

7 ______

Aldridge was an outstanding American writer.

In 1858 Aldridge was on tour in St Petersburg.

Shevchenko was fond of Eire's talent as an actor.

Aldridge met Shevchenko in the Tolstoys' family.

For Russian progressive community sympathy to Eire

Aldridge was combined with the idea of liberation of

peasantry in Russia.

Shevchenko bought a portrait of Aldridge.

Aldridge gave money for T.Shevchenko's freedom

Key: 1-F; 2-T; 3-T; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F; 7-F.

How is the following related to Eire Aldridge?

1) 25th July 1807, New York City

2) Daniel and Lurone

3) The New York's African Free School

4) $500

5) The Chatham Theatre

6) The African Theatre group

7) 1824, London

8) London's Royal Coburg Theatre

9) "The Tragedian of Colour from the African Theatre, New York."

10) William Shakespeare

11) Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw and Munich

8. Shevchenko’s Quiz.


Let's finish our lesson with Shevchenko's Quiz.

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Answer the following questions:

1. When and where was Taras Shevchenko born?

2. What family was he from?

3. Did he have a happy childhood?

4. Who was his owner?

5. Did P.Engelhardt notice Shevchenko's artistic talent?

6. Whom did Engelhardt apprentice Shevchenko to?

7. How did Shevchenko receive freedom?

8. Who bought V.Zhukovs'kyi's portrait?

9. Why did the Tsar buy the portrait?

10. Where did Shevchenko study fine art?

11. When was Shevchenko's first collection of poems published?

12. How did he name it?

13. What is Kobzar?

14. What Shevchenko's literary works do you know?

15. How many works does Shevchenko artistic output consist of?

16. How did Shevchenko's poetry influence the Ukrainian political thought?

17. Is his impact on various facets of cultural and national life felt to this day?

18. Was Shevchenko a highly accomplished artist?

19. What do you know about Shevchenko as an artist?

20. Is Shevchenko famous for his illustrations to books?

21. Whose books did he illustrate?

22. Did Shevchenko have a family?

23. When did he die?

24. Where was Taras Shevchenko buried?

25. Were his remains transferred to his Motherland?

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III Assessment & Assignment


We study English and thanks to it we learn much about other countries, their

peoples, histories, customs and cultures. We can get a lot of knowledge thanks to

English. But we should always remember that to be a real citizen of the world each

of us should mind our own origin, nation, traditions and language. That's why I

would like to finish our lesson with Shevchenko's famous lines: "Learn a plenty of

foreign, but don't forget your own".

Your home assignment is to describe one of the pictures of Taras Shevchenko

you liked most of all

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Lesson 8



- to enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;

- to develop students’ reading skills;

- to develop students’ speaking skills;

- to provide students with additional information about famous

Ukrainian women.


I Warming-up.


1. Look at the pictures. Who is famous for:

a) winning tennis matches?

b) winning the world cups?

c) winning European Song Contest?

d) being the Prime Minister?

e) winning the Olympiad in gymnastics?

(a - Kateryna Bondarenko, b – Halyna Bessonova, c – Ruslana Lyzhychko, d –

Julia Tymoshenko, e – Liliia Podkopaieva)

2. Can you think of any other famous women in Ukraine? What are they

famous for?

(Suggested answers)

1) Ani Lorak. Each her song is a 100 per cent hit. Her albums are best

sellers in Ukraine. Her photos decorate the country’s most popular publications. She

is one of the Ukrainian’s most actively touring singers.

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2) Natalia Uzhviy is a well-known actress of Ivan Franko Drama Theatre.

She was born in Zolotonosha and played on the stage of Zolotonosha in the amateur


3) Oksana Baiul is a professional figure skater. She is the 1994 Olympic


4) Natalia Mogilevska is the famous pop-singer and songwriter.

5) Yana Klochkova is the World and Olympic champion in swimming.

3. Why do you think there are still more famous male scientists, composers,

artists and leaders nowadays?

(Suggested answer)

The reason of this can be that women have to look after their families. May be

it’s more difficult for women to be successful or women are not as interested in fame

as men.

II. Main part


Today we are going to speak about the woman who is

known not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Her name is

Kateryna Bilokur. You can see the beautiful paintings and

drawings of hers. Being an ordinary woman she managed to

overcome the difficulties and became the person who deeply

loved her native land and tried to express her love through


At our lesson we’ll be reading the text about this woman, then do some

exercises to enrich your knowledge on the topic. You will de split in four groups or

teams of three. Working in groups you can discuss all the questions and tasks.

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1. Study the words. Consult the dictionary if you don’t know the meaning.

peasant caption literacy to comprehend

unattainable grave to crave to raise

to discern to pay tribute to extol providence

to derive pattern folk to exhibit

utensils to recognize hardships poverty

2. Find the definitions of the words and expressions.

Card # 1

I. Match the words with their definitions.

1 peasant a to have an extremely strong desire

2 literacy b a thing such as a knife, spoon, cup etc. that

you use when you are cooking

3 to crave c to praise something very much

4 to discern d to get something from something

5 providence e regularly repeated arrangement of shapes,

colours or lines on a surface, usually as


6 to extol f a force which is believed by some people to

control what happens in our lives and protect


7 to derive g a poor farmer who owns a small amount of


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8 pattern h to be able to use something by looking


9 utensil i the state of being able to read and write

Card # 2

I. Match the words with their definitions.

1 meadow a to understand something

2 caption b very bad or great

3 to comprehend c to accept or admit that something is true

4 to exhibit d the situation of being poor

5 to raise e something that makes your life difficult or


6 to recognize f to move or to lift something to a higher


7 poverty g a field with grass and flowers

8 hardships h to show something in a public place so that

people can go to see it

9 grave i words printed above or below a picture in a

book or newspaper

Key: 1-g; 2-i; 3-a; 4-h; 5-f; 6-c; 7-d; 8-e; 9-b.

Reading and listening the text.


A century has passed since the birth of a great Ukrainian artist Kateryna

Bilokur. Kateryna Bilokur was born in a peasant family in 1900 in the village of

Bohdanivka near Yahotyn. She did not have any education and had to study by

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herself. She mastered literacy, read a lot and her soul craved for something


The great word 'artist' seemed to her so magic and beautiful. She said to

herself that sooner or later she would become an artist. She kept repeating that life

without art wasn't possible for her.

She had been very gifted in painting since her childhood. It was possibly

the God's providence that directed her hands, taught to discern colours and group

the colour range. She began painting portraits of her relatives and villagers. In her

later works Kateryna would extol a flower — the beauty of the land.

Her paintings derived from the life-giving source of folk creativity based on

songs, legends, tales and decorative arts. She admired the patterns on household

utensils, Ukrainian clothes, towels, but her tender poetic soul was mostly charmed

by flowers that blossomed around her house, in the gardens, meadows and fields.

She called them 'my children' considering them human beings. Some pictures have

her own captions: "Painted from nature by K.Bilokur".

She also called the flowers "the eyes of the Earth, the soul of the Earth".

Through them she comprehended nature and deepened her knowledge about it.

She glorified flowers and said: "I'll paint and paint flowers because I like to work

on them so that I can't find words to express my feelings to them, my great love for


Kateryna Bilokur first exhibited her

paintings in Poltava and Kyiv in 1940-41. She was

warmly welcome by her colleagues — Ukrainian

artists and her way to recognition started.

But the Great Patriotic War began and her

eleven paintings were burnt in Poltava museum. She

lived through hardships and difficulties of this war.

The 1950s saw another raise in her artistic career.

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Her works were exhibited in Moscow and other cities. The public was charmed by

her pictures "Peonies", "Still life with bread", "Breakfast", "Flowers and

walnuts" and others.

But a well-known painter Kateryna Bilokur

had lived all her life in pain and poverty; she did not

have any family or children. The grave illness

tortured her, besides she had to look after her sick

mother. Great fame came later, after her death. The

time has come to pay tribute: her works are exhibited

in museums in Ukraine and abroad, a picture gallery

bearing her name was open in Yahotyn, a street was named after her in Kyiv. A lot

of books devoted to her life and works are published in many languages. The

Bilokur Prize Fund was founded for praising the most talented artists and painters.


1. Synonym Match.

Match the words from the text on the left with their synonyms on the right.

Paragraphs 1-4 Paragraphs 5-8

1) to master a) to see 6) to comprehend f) fame

2) to crave b) present 7) glory g) serious

3) to discern c) to improve 8) to raise h) difficulty

4) gift d) to praise 9) hardship i) to lift

5) to extol e) to wish 10) grave g) to understand

Key: 1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d; 6-g; 7-f; 8-i; 9-h; 10-g

2. Phrase Match

Match the following phrases from the text:

1 sooner or later a by flowers that blossomed around

her house, in the gardens,

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meadows and fields.

2 She had been very gifted in painting b so that I can’t find words to

express my feelings to them.

3 Her paintings derived c she would become an artist.

4 Her tender poetic soul was mostly


d hardships and difficulties of this


5 She also called the flowers e from the life-giving source of folk

creativity, based on songs,

legends, tales and decorative arts.

6 I like to work on them f in pain and poverty, she didn’t

have any family or children.

7 She lived through g since her childhood.

8 A well-known painter Kateryna

Bilokur had lived all her life

h “the eyes of the Earth, the soul of

the Earth”.

Key: 1-c; 2-g; 3-e; 4-a; 5-h; 6-b; 7-d; 8-f.

3. Listening Gap Fill.


A century has passed since the birth of a great Ukrainian artist Kateryna

Bilokur. Kateryna Bilokur was born in a peasant family in 1900 in the village of

Bohdanivka near Yahotyn. She did not have any education and had

___________________. She mastered literacy, read a lot and her soul

__________________ something unattainable.

The great word 'artist' seemed to her __________________________. She

said to herself that sooner or later she would become an artist. She kep trepeating that

life without art _________________________.

She had been very gifted in painting since her childhood. It was possibly the

God's providence that directed her hands, taught

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______________________________. She began

_________________________________. In her later works Kateryna would extol a

flower — _______________________ .

Her paintings derived from the life-giving source of folk creativity based on

songs, legends, tales and decorative arts. She admired

____________________________, Ukrainian clothes, towels, but her tender poetic

soul was mostly charmed by flowers that blossomed around her house, in the gardens,

meadows and fields. She called them '_____________' considering them human

beings. Some pictures have her own captions: "Painted from nature by K.Bilokur".

She also called the flowers "the eyes of the Earth, the soul of the Earth".

Through them she comprehended nature and deepened her knowledge about it. She

glorified flowers and said: "I'll paint and paint flowers because I like to work on them

so that I can't find _____________________________________".

Kateryna Bilokur first __________________________ in Poltava and Kyiv

in 1940-41. She was warmly welcome by her colleagues — Ukrainian artists and her

_______________ started.

But the Great Patriotic War began and _________________________ in

Poltava museum. She lived through hardships and difficulties of this war. The 1950s

saw another ________ in her artistic career. Her works were exhibited in Moscow

and other cities. The public was charmed by her pictures "Peonies", "Still life with

bread", "Breakfast", "Flowers and walnuts" and others.

But a well-known painter Kateryna Bilokur had lived all her life

________________; she did not have any family or children. The grave illness

___________________ her, besides she had ________________ her sick mother.

_________________ came later, after her death. The time has come to pay tribute:

her works are exhibited in museums in Ukraine and abroad, a picture gallery bearing

her name was open in Yahotyn, a street was named after her in Kyiv. A lot of books

devoted to her life and works _________________________________. The Bilokur

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Prize Fund ____________________ for praising the most talented artists and


4. Choose the Correct Word

Cross out the wrong word in each of the pairs in italics.


A century has passed since the birth of a great Ukrainian artist Kateryna

Bilokur. Kateryna Bilokur was born/birth in a peasant family in 1900 in the village

of Bohdanivka near Yahotyn. She did not have any/some education and had to study

by herself. She mastered literacy/literal, read a lot and her soul craved for something


The great word 'artist' seemed to her so magic/magician and beautiful. She

said to herself that sooner or later she would become an artist. She kep trepeating that

life without art wasn't possible for her.

She had been very gifted in painting since her childhood. It was possibly the

God's providence that directed her hands, taught to discern colours and group the

colour range. She began painting portraits of her relatives and villagers. In her later

works Kateryna would extol a flower — the beauty of the land.

Her paintings derived/derivative from the life-giving source of folk creativity

based on songs, legends, tales and decorative arts. She admired/admiration the

patterns on household utensils, Ukrainian clothes, towels, but her tender poetic soul

was mostly charmed by flowers that blossomed around her house, in the gardens,

meadows and fields. She called them 'my children' considering them human beings.

Some pictures have her own captions: "Painted from nature by K.Bilokur".

She also called the flowers "the eyes of the Earth, the soul of the Earth".

Through/Though them she comprehended nature and deepened/drowned her

knowledge about it. She glorified flowers and said: "I'll paint and paint flowers

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because I like to work on them so that I can't find words to express my feelings to

them, my great love for them".

Kateryna Bilokur first exhibited her paintings in Poltava and Kyiv in 1940-41.

She was warmly welcome by her colleagues — Ukrainian artists and her way to

recognition started.

But the Great Patriotic War began and her eleven paintings were burnt in

Poltava museum. She lived through hardships and difficulties of this war. The 1950s

saw another raise/rise in her artistic career. Her works were exhibited in Moscow and

other cities. The public was charmed by her pictures "Peonies", "Still life with bread",

"Breakfast", "Flowers and walnuts" and others.

But a well-known painter Kateryna Bilokur had lived all her life in pain and

poverty; she did not have any family or children. The grave illness tortured her,

besides she had to look after her sick mother. Great fame came/come later, after her

death. The time has come to pay tribute: her works are exhibited in museums in

Ukraine and abroad, a picture gallery bearing her name was open in Yahotyn, a street

was named after her in Kyiv. A lot of books devoted to her life and works are

published in many languages. The Bilokur Prize Fund was founded/was found for

praising the most talented artists and painters.

5. Spelling

The underlined, jumbled words are from the text. Spell them correctly.

1. She was born in a sepaatn family. (peasant)

2. She didn’t have any udetacnoi. (education)

3. Sooner or later she would become an rastti. (artist)

4. She had been very dgitfe. (gifted)

5. Her annpigtis (paintings) derived from …

6. based on songs, legends, tales and eviratoced arts (decorative)

7. the eyes of the arEht (Earth)

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8. to express my elenfsgi (feelings)

9. Kateryna Bilokur first hexiibedt her paintings (exhibited)

10. She lived through sshhaiprd (hardships) and difficulties.

6. Number These Lines in the Correct Order.

( ) Her paintings derived from the life-giving source of folk creativity based

( ) She had been very gifted in painting since her childhood. It was possibly

the God's providence

( ) Kateryna Bilokur first exhibited her paintings in

( ) on songs, legends, tales and decorative arts. She admired the patterns on

household utensils, Ukrainian clothes, towels, but her tender poetic soul

was mostly charmed

( ) hardships and difficulties of this war. The 1950s saw another raise in

her artistic career. Her works were exhibited in Moscow and other

cities. The public was charmed

( ) of her relatives and villagers. In her later works Kateryna would extol a

flower — the beauty of the land.

( ) — Ukrainian artists and her way to recognition started.

But the Great Patriotic War began and her eleven paintings were burnt

in Poltava museum. She lived through

( 1) Kateryna Bilokur was born in a peasant family in 1900 in the village of

Bohdanivka near Yahotyn. She did not have

( ) that directed her hands, taught to discern colours and group the colour

range. She began painting portraits

( ) pain and poverty; she did not have any family or children. The grave

illness tortured her, besides she had to look after her sick mother. Great

fame came later, after her death.

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( ) by flowers that blossomed around her house, in the gardens, meadows

and fields. She called them 'my children' considering them human


( ) "Peonies", "Still life with bread", "Breakfast", "Flowers and walnuts"

and others.

( ) But a well-known painter Kateryna Bilokur had lived all her life in

any education and had to study by herself. She mastered literacy, read a

lot and her soul craved for something unattainable.

( ) Poltava and Kyiv in 1940-41. She was warmly welcome by her colleagues

7. Scrambled Sentences

With your partner, put the words back into the correct order.

1 education for did and have She herself. not had to any study


2 since gifted had her She been in childhood. very painting


3 portraits She and began villagers. of painting relatives her


4 Earth. called the She the of eyes the also flowers


5 exhibited Kyiv. Kateryna paintings Bilokur in first her Poltava and


6 way started. to Her recognition


7 war. She hardships through and lived of difficulties this


8 are in exhibited works and in Her Ukraine abroad. museums


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8. Kateryna Bilokur Survey

Write five questions about Kateryna Bilokur in the table. Do this in groups.

Each student must write the questions in his/her own paper.

Interview other students of your group. Write down your answers.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Return to your partners and share and talk about what you found out. Make

mini-presentation to other groups on your findings.


Write the main facts about Kateryna Bilokur. Show your partners your paper.

Correct each other work.

III Assessment & Assignment.

1. Search the Internet and find more information about Kateryna Bilokur. Talk about

what you discover with your partners at the next lesson.

2. Make a poster showing the different stages of the life of Kateryna Bilokur.

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Lesson 9.



- to enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;

- to develop listening skills for gist and details;

- to practice intensive reading skills;

- to foster students’ spoken skills;

- to help the students understand negative and positive

aspects of graffiti involving their own investigation and



I. Warm up.


1. Read the Key Words. Which sorts of street art do you prefer? Tell the class.

advertising, billboards, buskers, clowns,

drama groups, fireworks, graffiti, ‘live statues’,

musicians, open air concerts, pavement artists,

sculptures, statues.

2. Look at the drawings. What do you think of them?

Do you like graffiti?

Can you explain what they mean?

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Where can you see similar drawings?

Do such paintings make our cities more attractive?

I. Main Part.


You have already understood that the topic of our lesson is graffiti. At

the lesson we should answer the question whether it is art or vandalism. I’m sure, you

know enough to share your thought about graffiti and maybe you were among those

who decorated the wall not far from our school. I don’t want to think that you took

part in writing “Olia plus Sahko is love” on the walls or something like that. To me

love is a good feeling? But why should one proclaim it on the wall, not on a special

card or the like?

1. Reading.

1) Pre-reading activities. Listen to some music.

What style of music is it?

Rock and roll




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Which of these things do you associate with this music?

young or middle-aged people?

Europe or the USA?

black or white culture?

rural or urban culture?

2) While-reading activity. Read the article and check your answers to Exercise 1.

American Graffiti






1. New Yorkers used to see the graffiti on the walls of poor

neighbourhoods and subway trains as something menacing and an example of urban

decay. The scrawled names and slogans were seen as unsightly and aggressive, the

work of vandals seeking to express their identities or even make a political point.

Up to the 1970s, most New Yorkers hated graffiti, considering it as an eyesore that

was illegal and punishable by fines.

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2. Since those days, graffiti has changed a lot and it is no longer found only

in the subway and the poor ghetto areas of the city. Nowadays, it has the status of

'street art' and you get graffiti in places where you wouldn't expect to - in

advertisements, on clothes, on toys, and even on the Wall Street Journal's official

website! In the early 1980s, there was a real craze for graffiti art and the

sophisticated Manhattan art world had displays of street art in its galleries. The

trend was short-lived - until the arrival of hip-hop music in the late 80s.

3. In her book, Subway Art, Martha Cooper says "Graffiti came back with

hip-hop music and people are now appreciating it for its style, which they couldn't

back then, because they couldn't get beyond the vandalism thing." Hip-hop was

originally black ghetto music, sung by young African Americans from the poor,

run-down districts of American cities. When it suddenly got to the top of the

American music charts, hip-hop culture was spread, bringing graffiti with it.

4. Today companies are starting to realise the appeal of graffiti in

advertising. Kel Rodriguez, who used to spray New York subway trains, was the

artist chosen to design the Wall Street Journal's website and it is obviously done in

graffiti-style. "Some of that graffiti feeling, that energy, sort of got in there,"

Rodriguez explained.

5. Many of this new wave of artists give lectures on developments in their

art. Lee Quinones is having a lot of success in Europe and feels that European

galleries and museums are more open to his art form. "They want to support an

artist as he develops," comments Quinones, who can get up to $10,000 for his

paintings. Indeed, the Groninger Museum in Holland is one of the few museums in

the world that displays and recognises graffiti as an art form.

6. Another artist, Blade, has his own website devoted only to the world of

graffiti. This website has a 'merchandise page' where Blade sells things with his

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own original designs all over the world - everything from baseball caps to yo-yos!

Leonard McGurr, a street artist for 25 years, went from painting subway trains to

designing and marketing graffiti-inspired clothes for young people. "Graffiti has

been a story of survival," he says. "There's a way to benefit from your work

without spoiling public property."

3) Post-reading activities.

a) Match the headings (a-g) with paragraphs 1-6. There is one extra heading.

a) Spoiled Cities e) Tasteless Comics

b) Transatlantic Success f) Graffiti Products

c) Wall Street Art! g) Big Change

d) Ghetto Culture

Key: 1 – a; 2 – g; 3 – d; 4 – c; 5 – b; 6 – f.

b) Find synonyms in the text for these words and expressions. Paragraph numbers are

in brackets.

1 threatening (1) 6 depressed area (3)

2 ugly (1) 7 receptive (5)

3 fad (2) 8 acknowledges (5)

4 classy (2) 9 products (6)

5 damage to property (3) 10 advertising and selling (6)

Key: 1 - menacing; 2 - unsightly; 3 – craze; 4 – sophisticated; 5 – vandalism;

6 – run-down; 7 – open; 8 – recognizes; 9 – merchandise; 10 – marketing.

c) Answer the questions about the text. Use words from Exercise 5.

1 Why did New Yorkers consider graffiti the work of vandals?

2 Why did graffiti artists suddenly become respectable in New York?

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3 What influence did music have on the popularity of graffiti artists?

4 In what way does Europe take graffiti art more seriously than the USA?

5 How do some graffiti artists make money?

2. Vocabulary.

1) Find these expressions (1-8) in the text. Then match the underlined parts of the

expressions with their meanings (a-h).

1 make it in business A put on

2 make a point B find

3 get graffiti C succeed

4 have a display D enter

5 get beyond something E see further than

6 get to the top F demonstrate

7 get in somewhere G receive

8 get up to $ 10,000 H reach

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key: 1 – c; 2 – f; 3 – b; 4 – a; 5 – e; 6 – h; 7 – d; 8 – g.

Work in groups.

3) Match the verbs make, get and have with the words below. Add your examples.

A dream, an effect, fed up, an influence, in touch, a look, lost, a mess, a

mistake, money, a phone call, a promotion.

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Key: make a mess/a mistake/money/phone call; get fed up/ in touch/ lost/ a

promotion; have an effect/ a dream/ an influence/ a look.

4) Use the words in exercise 8 to write as many sentences as you can in five minutes

then turns to read out your sentences.

3. Speaking.

Your task is to make up a short dialogue or conversation on the topic of our

lesson. (The example of the conversation is given below.)

Reporter 1. I'm sure we'll have to meet young people and interview the boys to

collect true information about young people's life.

Re p o r t e r 2. Certainly. Let's talk to the boys who have painted the walls with

graffiti and clear up what graffiti means, and why they have done it.

R e p o r t e r 1. Hello, boys. As far as I understand you are graffiti fans. What does it

mean for you?

Boy 1. You see I'm crazy about graffiti and I've learned a lot about it. It appeared in

big American cities. in 1960, it was prohibited and punishable by fines, because it was

considered as the work of vandals seeking to express their identity or even political


B o y 2. The new period of graffiti started in the late 80s and now it is a kind of

art which has success in Europe and even the Groningen Museum in Holland is one

of the five museums in the world that displays and recognizes graffiti as an art form.

B o y 1. Oh, I'd like to add that there is a special website of graffiti and a grant for

young graffiti artists. Moreover, it's widely used for advertising. You see, we'd like

to draw people's attention to the problems of youth and express our ideas and

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preferences. We express our feelings in music, nature, environment and simple

ordinary life by means of this kind of art. We are sure to involve more and more

young people in enjoying this art.

R e p o r t e r 2. Is it difficult to paint with sprayers?

B o y 2. Yes, it's not an easy task, but if you do it all the time, you can do it well due

to the practice.

R e p o r t e r 1. Thanks guys, it was really interesting to talk with you. We wish you

good luck and success Maybe you'll manage to get a grant for young graffiti artists

and you'll be able to study graffiti in Europe. .

Reporter 2. I liked the boys, they are so keen on graffiti and devoted to their


Reporter 1. So did I.


Dear friends, you are quite right. I’d like to tell you some information from

graffiti’s history

The earliest forms of graffiti date back to 30,000 BCE in the form of

prehistoric cave paintings and pictographs using tools such as Animal bones and

pigments.[4] These illustrations were often placed in ceremonial and sacred locations

inside of the caves. The first known example of "modern style" graffiti survives in

the ancient Greek city of Ephesus (in modern-day Turkey). The ancient Romans

carved graffiti on walls and monuments, examples of which also survive in Egypt.

Graffiti in the classical world had different connotations than it carries in today's

society concerning content. Ancient graffiti displayed phrases of love declarations,

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political rhetoric, and simple words of thought compared to today's popular messages

of social and political ideals Ancient graffiti displayed phrases of love declarations,

political rhetoric, and simple words of thought compared to today's popular messages

of social and political ideals. The eruption of Vesuvius preserved graffiti in Pompeii,

including Latin curses, magic spells, declarations of love, alphabets, political slogans

and famous literary quotes, providing insight into ancient Roman street life.

Ancient graffiti, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.

Ancient Pompeii graffito caricature of a politician

The Satirical Alexamenos graffito is believed to be the

earliest known representation of Jesus.

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It was not only the Greeks and Romans that produced graffiti: the Mayan site

of Tikal in Guatemala also contains ancient examples. Viking graffiti survive in

Rome and at Newgrange Mound in Ireland, and a Varangian scratched his name

(Halvdan) in runes on a banister in the Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. These early

forms of graffiti have contributed to the understanding of lifestyles and languages of

past cultures.

4. Listening.

Before listening the article from “ABC Kaleidoscope”, “Graffiti” I want to

make sure that you understand the meaning of some words.

to scratch – to make a mark on something by pulling something sharp

across it;

to scribble – to write something quickly and untidy;

urge (n) – a strong wish or need (synonym - desire);

to elaborate – to give more details or new information about something.


The word 'graffito', the plural form is graffiti, is originally the Italian word for

'scratching'. It has now become the international word for the anonymous scribbling

we all see on the walls and wooden fences, in the underground and in the public


Graffiti are as old as writing. In one way, they haven't changed much over

centuries. Graffiti writers still scribble their own names. They still write about love and

sex. But graffiti can also tell us about political and social conditions at a certain time.

Today there are more graffiti works than ever before. Why do we witness such

an explosion? People always have an urge to express themselves and most people won't

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take the trouble to write letters to the editor of the newspaper or the like. Also in

some countries writing on the wall is the only way left to show your feelings when

you feel pushed around, frustrated, oppressed and powerless.

Is the simple reason for writing graffiti that the scribbler just wants to express

himself? Or has it become too quick and easy with all the new spray paints and felt-

tipped pens to produce graffiti? Certainly a lot of them are ugly, boring, and aggressive

and present a form of vandalism. But whatever the reason for them, the best ones are

elaborate in design and are free entertainment - intelligent, witty and funny.

From ABC Kaleidoscope"

Post-listening activity.

1) Are these statements true or false? Put your answers on a separate answer sheet.

1. The word ‘graffito’ originally is the Greek word.

2. The word ‘graffito’ means to draw.

3. Graffiti are as old as writing.

4. People usually scratch some words on the wall because they do not have

time to write letters.

5. Anything drawn or written on a wall or door, so as to be seen by the public,

is called ‘graffiti’.

6. Graffiti usually have addresses.

7. A lot of graffiti works are ugly and aggressive.

8. Some scratching is funny and witty.

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2) Circle the correct letter.

1. The word ‘graffiti’ is of the _____ origin.

a) Italian b) English c) Greek

2. Graffiti writers _____ .

a) do not write their names

b) assume strange names

c) scribble their own names

3. Graffiti ____ .

a) can tell us about love and sex

b) are usually neutral in the setting of words and ideas in which a particular

word or statement appears

c) are harmless to the public

4. Graffiti are popular nowadays because ___ .

a) the police do not reprimand the graffiti artists;

b) young people are aggressive by their nature and graffiti serves as an outlet of

their emotions;

c) a lot of young people are disillusioned by reality and graffiti is the only way

left to show their feelings.

3) What ‘street art’ do you see or hear in your area? Give examples.

Answer sheet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4

a b c a b c a b c a b c

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5. Use of English. Structural cloze.

1) Read this newspaper article about graffiti on the London Underground ad

decide what you think. Is it art or vandalism?

2) Read the text more carefully and try to decide which part of speech is

missing. Is it a preposition or a verb, for example? Then complete each gap with one

word only. The exercise begins with an example (0).


Just (0)___ few weeks ago, eight graffiti gang members (1) ______ convicted

of causing £ 5,000 (2) __________ of damage on the London Underground.

(3) ___________ are than seventy hardcore graffiti artists thought to be

operating in London today. Graffiti artists operate (4) ___________ many towns.

They often work at night, covering walls, trains and railway stations (5)

_______________ brightly murals in spray paint or marker pen.

Some people regard graffiti (6) _______________ a form of vandalism and a

menace. London Underground says that real users find it ugly and offensive. It

spends £ 2 million a year dealing with graffiti and has (7) ______________

introduced trains with graffiti-resistant paint. “ We don’t think it is artistic or creative.

As (8) _____________ as we’re concerned, it’s vandalism”, says Serena Holley, a

spokeswoman for London Underground. “It creates a sense of anarchy and chaos,”

says Richard Mandel, the barrister (9) ______________ prosecuted the graffiti gang.

“Passengers feel as (10)____________ the whole rail system is (11) _____________

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of control.” Graffiti art can also be a dangerous pastime. Some teenagers have died in

accidents (12) __________ nocturnal graffiti raids.

However, others say that (13) ______________ its best graffiti is an art form.

“Of course, graffiti is art. There’s (14) ______________ question about that,” says

David Grob, director of the Grob gallery in London. Even some of (15)

____________ who think it is wrong admit that some of the people who do graffiti

are talented. “It’s (16) ___________

That their talent is channeled in the wrong direction,” says Barry Kogan, the

barrister who represented one of the gang members.

Key: 1 – were; 2 – worth; 3 – There; 4 – in; 5 – with; 6 – as; 7 – even; 8 – far;

9 – who; 10 – if/though; 11 – out; 12 – following/after; 13- at; 14 – no; 15 –

those, 16 – just.

6. Survey. Work in groups.


We have discussed the question whether graffiti is art or vandalism. Everybody

has his or her point of view. Now we will do a survey and then at home you’ll write

an essay on this topic taking into consideration the reported statements. Don’t forget

to write what you think about graffiti. Give your own examples. Write some

questions. The examples of the questions are given below. You may add your own


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Graffiti on the walls, trains …

1 I don’t like them. They spoil the image of the city

or town.



2 I like them. I love when the town looks amazing

with bright colours.



3 I would like to participate in drawing the graffiti.



4 I would take part in tidying the spoilt objects


5 I’m for brigades fighting against graffiti.



6 I do paint on the walls of houses, doorways, lifts.



7 It’s not important for me..



8 I have never thought about graffiti.



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9 I like some pieces but not all of them.


III. Assessment & Assignment.

Teacher. Your home assignment is to write an essay “Is graffiti art or vandalism”.

Page 126: Культурне життя людства. Мистецтво. Живопис

Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Логіка в початковій школі

Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Зуєва М.В.



1. A Story by Taras Shevchenko. The Artist, (Альбом) - Киев,


2. Картины из собрания Эрмитажа, изд. «Избранное искусство», Москва,


3. Катерина Білокур. Фото книга // Київ, ТОВ «Спалах», 2001

4. Кирпа Г. Катерина Білокур: 1900-1961// Соняшник. – 1993. - № 1, С. 3

5. К. Паустовский, Книга о художниках. Translation form he Russian by

Rfthleen Cook, Progress Publishers, 1978

6. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни / Під ред. В.В. Бондаренка –

Вінниця, «Нова Книга», 2005. – 463 с.

7. Національний музей Тараса Шевченка: (Альбом)/ Упоряд.: Т.

Андрущенко, С. Кальченко. – К. «Мистецтво», 2002

8. Червоних сонць протуберанці. Збірник мистецтвознавчих і

культурологічних праць до 100-річчя Катерини Білокур // Київ, «АртЕк», 2001

9. Alan Stanton, Susan Morris. Fast Track to CEA. – Longman, 2006

10. Leonadro Da Vinci, English Language and Culture, 2010, # 16 p 18-20

Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska. -Opportunities. Upper-

intermediate. – Longman, 2004

11. Olena Dunets, How to Develop Critical Thinking Skills, English Language

and Culture, 2009, # 47 p 5-9

12. Patricia Mugglestone. Challenges 3, Pearson Education Limited, 2007

13. Patricia Mugglestone.Challengers 4 – Longman, 2009Polupan V.L.,

Polupan A.P., Makhova V.V. A cultural reader. English-speaking countries. – Х:

«Академія», 2000 – 208 с.

14. Svitlana Dyka, Taras Shevchenko – Eternal and Immortal, English

Language and Culture, 2004, # 29-30 p 20 – 23

15. The World of Art, English Language and Culture, 2009, # 44 p 16-20

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16. The History of Graffiti, Fragments of the lesson, English Language and

Culture, 2005, # 33 p 17

17. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 2, Express Publishing, 2002

18. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 3, Express Publishing, 2002

19. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 4, Express Publishing, 2002

20. Virginia Evans. FCE 2. Use of English – Express Publishing, 2001



















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