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  • 8/12/2019 : awesome funeral


  • 8/12/2019 : awesome funeral


    I hear the sound of birds reflect

    Against the walls of the dark

    The birds do not

    Forgive, so, then,

    Their sound forgives

    And if the dark, a broken pedagogueCould goggle at the sifting of my heart

    In the night which does not sift

    But blurs into each movement

    Living at the end of a noiseif night

    Had eyes to look within my form

    And understand the grind, the beat,

    And understand the heat of the beat

    If so

    Would I be connected thus, to night

    By thudding signals from my heart hoping

    Hoping to catch on the bleak radar blipping

    Out nocturnal blips?????????? ThuddingTowards the ruin of oblivious day

    Hoping to find a pattern

    In the secret of the shade; for, both

    Are shades, my heart and night

    And both beat. If one stops

    So does the otherI would

    Put money on the mortal muscle,

    Rather than bet on the extravagant

    And immortal animal of sleepthe sleep of death of night

    I remain intact, a full person

    In my knowing heart of blood in spite

    Of all that tells it not to beat again- -Perhaps, my friend,

    I will discover that in the healing is the disease

    And in the suffering that ends

    Without pleasure at it having ended

    So these things are one.

    It is in the worm of a phrase.

    The importance modified without parade

    Hushed as the fraud found out. The

    Second and its minions

    That all coagulate under the

    Brutality of light . . . .

    The slow light of the sun, as it begins

    Cannot be much fun.

    Dude, its not that Im

    Trying to tell you the way

    It is, but have told you

    Something else, hoping

    Yud fuck it up, and come

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    To your own conclusion. Can you at least

    Cram the information described with

    Meaning, and not leap

    Upon franchisethe first

    That pops up????????????

    Swollen with the heap of dayThe embassies are doled

    The certainties are proclaimed

    To the reverberant hula of trumpets

    Singing in the wake of a premonition

    That is lost, dark, light and lost

    . . . . . .

    The WORLD is juxtaposed to human error.

    I see the WORLD and find no error in it.

    I see the people and find much error in them

    In how they vegetate in the parentheses of living

    An eternal stopgap, an abdication

    That makes people emotionally lazy.

    They have lots of hangups: disdain and conflict

    Breach the sphere with imperfections

    The delicate sphere of peace o o o to be back in the caul again

    When mother beats the young human on within his heart or her heart . . .

    The strangers who brought us into this WORLDTry desperately to make one at the least

    Appear wellrounded and properly normal

    Even in the obscene places of the psyche.

    What I speak of: it is a serendipity, a perfection, an incorporation

    Of all parts to make the summit

    Revealed in moments, between others

    When two people mesh their feelings together

    Like amorphous clay, and know that they

    Are comprised of a similar mould.

    And moments of quietude when one is alone

    And fathoms the somberknows it as equally there As the things less morbid,

    And accepts both as having a place

    In the WORLD of human error

    And the WORLD is not so much human error

    As what flowers, perfectly, from it

    Like these affinities of the mould.

    Like the somber, meshing with happiness

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    When one is in their unique aloneness . . . . . .

    In an effort to create, the lines

    Come single file, and naturally

    Dissect each other, in the attempt

    To get at the center of this phrase

    Do not speak from the center

    Of this phrase. Speak like a howl

    From far off, an animal that paces

    Along the embankment. Speak

    From the fringes, as tho what you

    Said made the air thick, and

    Was humbled to whispers by the

    Press of air against the sound

    You made, a communication

    That is a tangent. An impression

    Of a hand upon clay. A figure

    Emerging, supernatural derelict,

    Head hanging down with the sameGrim flourish: his gabardine

    Suit, draped over wiry bones

    And hanging down, the buckle stringing in the

    Wind. Such a figure will emerge

    From the screen of the rain, with eyes

    That are black whorls. A howl from far off.

    This could not

    Be something that you truly wanted

    To articulate, and is trampled by a phalanx

    Of more ominous images images that make

    The air thick in its own perpetuity, as

    Tho what we could not see, somethingBlithe as air, were to possess in its energy

    A heaviness that increases

    With each thrusting of the mindless wind,

    As tho perpetuity were a goo

    And air the thing

    That must wade in it . . . . . .

    So, I plant the seed

    In the soil of my disquiet

    Imperfect ligaments grow after a time from the soil

    Each particular is a flowering each fearful detail

    Seen in the sadness that thrives from an imperfect seed

    I could deny this idiotic growth its permanence,

    The severity of mistakes that haunt the

    Flowering complicates the details of my sadness

    While crashing the large statements together

    As like a house of atoms, crashing

    In a particle acceleratorthe plain sense of things

    Solidifies into a cube of spontaneous depth of simple feeling

    Augmented by the bizarre into chance clarity . . . .

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    Anyways: I could hack down the nature of the plant

    With a machete, and leave it subsequently false

    But then I would be hacking down my life

    To only the good, to only happiness, which

    Is not what life is wholly made of . . .

    So I let the plant grow out its canker

    And hope one day the plant will become beautiful

    Sustained by my own magnificent sadness

    So that, I can see some beauty in the sadness

    But, then, I find that the parts of life, where I am content,

    Appear naked, public, anonymousand, I find I can only grow

    The green ligaments of life, can only grow

    The dreams into theory and the theory into wrongness in this life

    From perpetual grief. . . . . .

    In the place where we are born . . .

    Yu feel, immediately, a persistent nausea climbAhead of yur throat, upon entrance

    To the place, as of one who stumbles out of time

    And into a sort of fugue state: leaping out

    The serenity of yur changing mind-

    -And into vague turbulence; and, yu worry, because

    There is a soft sense

    Of something kind of evil in the air. Yu assume

    That it is spring however cannot be certain that seasons even exist

    Or if anything exists, besides what does exist

    In this little fugue of yurs.

    A trouble of violets shall scan

    The scene, themselves surrounded by a brink of shiftingLilacs: this ornate isolation of overwrought architecture

    And nude cherubim. Yu find that all of this is flanked on

    All sides by a series of tasteful granite pillars,

    Searched with vine . . .

    Reminiscent of STONEHENGE, in how

    The motives behind both structures remain

    Doubtful tho numerous; often, strange.

    In time, in time, the silly font in the center

    Will go dry. Before this, however,

    It will spool, copiously and

    Vehemently a dream of water into

    A poolheavy with motion.

    This image alone could assign this plaza,

    Which is a beautiful cage, to a site of significance.

    In its churn, one finds the burn of a life

    That has come thru: meditations, theories

    The diligent, tireless browsing of a life

    Spent within spangled borders. Troubling thought:

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    Ugh, loo loo loo! The vine no longer searches.

    And the flowers, once flayed with

    Technicolor are sparseand gray . . . . . .

    My own is not my own, it belongs to someone else

    And still I claim it as mine, since it is more

    Important to me than to the other,Who is never around to enjoy it, anyway.

    So I steal it, in the hopes that he would

    Not realize that it was gone. I soon find

    That it did not rightly exist without him,

    It is now half of itself, when given me

    To extrude its peripheral meaning

    From the mire, and relate that to something

    Quite intimate, though plain, and without detail.

    Plain in the ways that what I had had before

    Still had not been mine though I made a feeble attempt

    To make it mine. This makes what I have now, plain

    Because I cannot fully see it as my own

    It is merely a temporal attachment to meRather than a necessary limb, an aid

    To the anatomy that does not pass on-

    -And so I give the thing back to the person

    From whom I had originally stolen it, and

    Understand that in order for one to own something

    It must not only belong to that person, but

    Be OF that person, a serious entity

    That supports life without derailing it

    By the power of it, the power of something

    That abbreviates the levity of these dead syllables, and

    And holds the indictment of the WORLD against it, with

    With careless, tender hands . . . . . .

    The attempt to cheat oneself out of the universe

    And arrive with a clear head at the gates of HEAVEN

    Without needing to explain that particular subject

    That is, the subject of the shifting of the universe

    I attempt to cheat myself out of a slice of that metaphor

    For the sake I might profit from my own ignorance

    My own forsaken knowledge: published against the walls

    Of my brain, like ancient drawings

    On the walls of an ancient cavemy mortality

    Is a metaphor, a sensory metaphor; or, a type of intelligence that begs

    To be taken back toThe truculence of early manhood, those days, those

    Days when Answers & Truths denied explanation

    Tho we found many of both they both

    Led always to another frayed end, an end indeed

    But frayed, an imperfection at the root

    Of the circuits that seemed out of our control to extend back

    To whatever Answers & Truths we had solidified

    And the trouble was that

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    We could at that point find no frayed ends

    And thought each Truth & Answer as impenetrable

    . . . . . .

    Since then I have not thought about any sort of ends at all,

    Whether they lead back to definitive means does not matter

    Neither does it matter whether the ends were frayed ends,

    Which, actually, goddamn, is a peculiar way to put such a

    Phenomenon . . . .

    Tho my curiosity regarding these organic imperfections

    Still burns to wangle a formula from shapes

    It nonetheless has gone thru the dissolution of ice

    Into water

    And now the thing that I have left is prayer . . . . . .

    I cannot tolerate serenity in

    Words, excluding one particular Serenity: a seeking stillness

    That makes the mind feel as though

    It had entered another quadrant, more lucid

    Of space and time, between the spaces

    Of time. Fixing the figure, at the first,

    In a spot of reality that grows more and

    More confusing by the secondpacked

    With strangenessand soon, we realize

    The place: it is ours, tho stripped

    Of that familiar concord between images

    And, we are left bruised, and naked

    And frustrated, with all the ignorance

    Of a soul still in utero, lacking form And shape. Our own infant wisdom matures

    Into banal intelligence, and, suddenly

    The strangeness is gone, as the shine

    From dross . . . that is, until

    Resurrected, and cultivated, with

    Extreme cautionaware, now,

    Of a delicate situation . . .

    Such is the persuasive carefulness I find

    In Rilke and his poems. Only by means

    Of longing for the meaning, could I find

    The purposeonce typified in the exterior, and

    Now gone beneaththe purpose

    Between a muse so very fraught . . . In yielding with a weak mind

    To this unfortunate alien

    I develop in myself and for my friends

    And for all creatures and all apparitions

    A private clarity, in seeing them: a strongly

    Deserved love for all the seminal creatures

    And apparitionssome ugly

    And some vile the visage of Eros

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    Can be seen, fully, in my mind, dominated

    By the volition of years, of mortality

    Fast encroaching encroaching towards

    Truth, as the quiet angle of a shadow

    Creeps with passing time across

    The sundialbut, she is indomitable

    Tho kind, and refuses accurate Translation: swiftly she forgets

    Herselfas of someone virtuous

    Who, for a moment, forgetting to be good,

    Shall spike an explanation for the

    The senseless will of a WORLD, abruptly

    Switched: a wrong place, where someone virtuous

    Might disregard patience, in anticipating

    The ebb of vague desires to offend,

    And show, in themselves, the antithesis

    To all and every virtue that, apparently

    Had previously been upheld and what

    Is more was communicated, to others

    By themthru mostly selfless actions And pious tonguesuch people, so it goes

    Will feed the opposite and indulge the sin

    Before it even has the chance

    To retreat, as I have said, back

    Into fabled cells, collecting forever

    Tho invisible, behind the shadow

    Of an Unreal Mind. In Rilke, I decipher

    The painful peace of words that are

    Bound, unwillingly, to depict all things

    Beautifully, in both sound

    And image . . . each word lamenting that it must

    Be beautiful, in order

    To be meaningful . . .Excessive peace mortifies

    The subject and the inner conflict

    It would seem, denies itself,

    By how the words can sway

    And keep the rhythms afloat . . .

    Nonsense. Something more is required.

    In X and Y I see no silent

    Cacophony behind thoughts, which blur

    Awhile, in the head, and blink away . . .

    In these tired men of ice there is

    No wavering on the brink of an idea,

    Tho indeed, apparently the pause

    Would be there, had you prior knowledge Of the pessimism possessed of each,

    In private. The scope, thru which

    Both saw the WORLD as but hindrance

    To ageless death and death, as medium

    Between themselves and more desolate

    Discoveries that prove the WORLD

    As fickle, and lacking consolation . . .

    Well . . . I don't see it, because, well,

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    Even if these tired men of ice

    Had any reservations, any impurities

    The words they are too beautiful. They

    Scarce trip over a root in the

    Syllable. Nor do they seem to suggest

    A quiet wonder for the echoes:

    An accumulation of grim references, From an origin mysteriously robbed

    Of origin. This is no simple scream, forced

    Out and upwards from the scratchy

    Throat of idle intelligence . . . rather

    I feel that the muse by definition is inspired

    To evade the nature of itself: a taunt, a character . . .

    Created, within the troubled womb

    Of its own, intense mind. Thus,

    We find the fear in negative capability,

    The terror of the sublime, sealed

    In Rilke's German as a prophecy

    To see such opposition, and push

    Against it, and bleed out harmonies On the whirling structure of a strand . . .

    Harmony, which, despite its solitary

    Peace, and despite the lack of oddity

    In languagewhich in itself can be

    Superficialdespite all of this . . . .

    Well, Christ, the harmony can still afford

    To be harmonious, because

    The push is still present, and the terror

    Is still present, and yet absent

    Of peculiarity, of deficiencyin other words,

    The peace is the subject, and the subject

    Is peculiar, tho the words

    Are not. It is that push, that struggle To enhance the vulgar . . . .

    To make something weird

    Into something sublime . . . . . .

    Look into the eyes of a monster

    They roll like a paraplegic

    It is necessary that in order

    To destroy the eyes one must be savvy

    To the clarity of purpose that is secured behind them

    Passing itself off as furtive, plucked

    From a timid sort of grace, and delivered like mail to your

    Diversions, courtesy of that regrettable human blunder . . .

    Yu go back to the post officeAnd tell them to return it to the sender

    We tried and failed

    To divert ourselves from thinking of that day

    The eyes of the monster

    Are continuum each that promise death

    And the challenge is to die

    Without looking at them

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    They are portals to a nether abscess

    A place of the clouds to be engulfed

    The build of the monster

    Is never really known for sure

    But the eyes are there.

    The eyes I see clearly keenlyFresh as water on my tongue

    After keen thirst

    Description of her hands:

    Loose and roving,

    Each digit is a chattering,

    Purposeless gestures . . . . . .

    The eye is the monster,

    The hand is her eye.

    The scrape of the moon resides

    Somewheres upwards from the clouds

    The clouds obscuring in whitenessAll that makes up the sky

    The sky revealing space

    Of the greatest kind of intent

    And a few pocks of planets

    And the sun

    All that we orbit, and all that that is in orbit

    With: a larger reserve of gravity that yet splices

    Into smaller relevance

    And, at that point, the perambulation

    Is already blunted, severelyand, yetgravity builds up,

    Thru some fluke: a sort of act of revenge,

    For being so small a point on the chart.

    This is not food for thought. This

    Is the tranquil being, bled. This is

    The product of our peace, our peace made

    With our galaxy for shrouding our universe . . . . . .

    The day drags on. The day

    Is without color or insight,

    It is without all things besides

    The fact that it is a day

    That drags on

    In the hopes that monotony

    Thru repetition might become

    A more fruitful evening

    From a wistful exertion

    That merely clogs enuff

    Between the morning and

    The afternoon to spike

    A fever of thought within

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    The dome, and leave me

    Thinking of my duties to think,

    Which will result in strungout

    Feelings, and intense, repeating

    Despair that bleeds into

    The next day

    A more sobering thought

    Is this: what if my inability

    To get things done were only

    Constraints against myself and

    The reality of discovering

    Higher reasons for quitting . . . . . . ?

    An echo from out the primordial dream

    Splices the future of our thresholds

    Into a present reality, as we awaken.

    A section of who we are remains in the ancient ectoplasm-

    -And, as we go about accomplishing our futureBy means of memory in reverse to fathom

    What has not happened yet, the present sickens,

    And reality becomes loose and out of focus

    The perimeter is fallen from the VOID

    Like something collapsed to the proponents

    And the fragments of the splice of my future

    Live in the lonely regard of this inimitable reality

    Unwilling to connect the memory to its dwellingplace

    Unable to take the memory of being, inhumed by TIME

    And place it in the echo the echo that is real and vague

    As footfalls on the stairs, during the night

    Heard by one who is sleeping in the next roomAnd this is another dimension of the killingfields of TIME

    My eyes roll back into my head as I recollect the perimeter

    That once had kept my future and my past from the skew

    Skew of useless investments, in no such inimitable present

    But only a dream, without sound enough to cherish the echo

    This being the perimeter of the VOID in a cage

    Caught like a brontosaurus in the tar of my past

    So that it would not mingle this future of mine

    With a memory that goes in reverse; a league of clarity

    Reveals like a magicians trick, and deems the curse

    To be lain within these seeming words . . . . . .

    I could not tell you now what I had

    Previously been thinking of, even as

    I think the same thing now as I had

    Been before. The reason for this is

    That as I calculate what I will think

    Of, what I had thought of is compacted by

    That process . . . compacted, and folded over

    Onto itself into a miniature

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    Cube of rage

    In an attempt to go forth and characterize

    Yet another thought as being mine, the

    Cube distorts the process of all forms-

    -Of thought in general until it is all A single, absurd dithyramb, which,

    In being caught up

    In motion, for its own sakefails

    To rein in the purpose behind the tangent

    In question, and leaves that process

    Without constant life. I do not know

    Why this happens, but can tell you:

    The original thought has been

    So far mangled that I can barely

    Discern what it was. As a result

    Of this, I take my shoes off and

    Throw them out the window, so that

    I can bask in the nonsense of thought Without thought, place without time,

    Decisions made about what to do

    About something in which it is

    Better that no decision be made,

    But I decide, anyway, and am left

    To decide again . . . . . .

    The beautiful image is at rest

    It once had been an image for the kings,

    And, now, the varnish, lost: the numbering of stones

    That bud along the swale of the muddy margent

    And now it is an image for the poor

    Faceless as a stone, an image left alone

    To reveal in trembling weight

    The astonishing persistence of the real

    But a reality independent of its purpose,

    It burns out the psyche with mysterious


    The beautiful image is at rest

    It once had been caught up in motion

    So that no image had been there

    But in the motion of something absurd

    That concentrates reality into a wallop

    An artificial blur, an intimate blurSeen only clear by those who are at rest

    Thus, the image ceases to be an image:

    So that the waste of the poor at rest

    Can mangle it to suit their own absurd clarity . . . . . .

    The image creeps, you do not know

    The image as it creeps, but only after,

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    When it has slowly gone away from you,

    Leaving an imprint of itself for you

    To decipher, any way you wish

    Entering a double space outside of space

    And thus not. But what is the space

    The image, and wherefore it creeps,

    What are these things???? DetermineThe image first, and what accounts

    For ityou find, shadows are profligate

    In this area of the state

    And bloom like termites in the wood.

    The image is full of shadows

    A variegation, summoned as one

    Tho it is bleak, like the faces of those

    At the funeral of a bad, bad

    And evil man. The definishun of the image

    Is aimless. It describes a wide

    Circumferenceyou rely on

    The fact that there must be an endIn there, somewhere; tho you seem

    To find no end but one that you yourself

    Are able to conjure from a broken

    Synapse in yur head, rapidly

    Bleeding out. The image

    Is a farce. It holds the power

    Of a mutant, in that

    One first must see the normal way

    In order to detect anything that defers.

    The image creeps, she creeps and creeps,

    And does not stay for long, and goes

    Off as with the purging of the sunFrom sky. And so, the image dies . . . . . .

    I have crossed the desert of the mind . . .

    Western winds flay the dark dunes. My skin is caked with sand. The sun

    Is burning my face. The bite of the sand

    And I have in the desert night, seen the moon

    Cradled like a rheumy eye

    In the impression of a cloud

    I have a pocket where I put the things and people-

    -That have lost meaning. The pocket

    Is full of isolated theories and vulgar and general ideas

    And, the pocket is itself nothing:Well, not true: Its an eddy where things thrust into it

    Flush in a cleft of darknessfight to be freed

    From the discipline of hopelessness that

    The eddy condemns them to feel, robbing

    A sense of duty from the SOULs of those

    And whatever enters the pocket: the duty to return all the

    Flatly proven things, to the moment before they were

    Proven, flatly proven, by a wrinkling of prophecy:

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    A diabolical pleating of the embroidered tablecloth,

    Or, a notch of significance, somewhere in the fancy

    Piece of tasteful furniture: a small rift in the curly continuum

    Perpetrated by the ultimate apparatus: a vessel of obliteration

    Given license to obliterate fantastic perfection

    At the hairy hands of the small

    Child: flashing the unreal fangs of his toothy grill: enamoredBy various destructive feelings, given action to their shade in his nearly

    Scientific wielding of the apparatus:

    With a whiplash, creating his creation

    Of a notch within a universe of perfect furniture: he whispers weird evil

    In the other room: the volatile,

    Mistaken room, his large words

    Left unheard, but to the immortal, unforgiving X:

    And this must happen if the intrinsically meaningless thing

    Is to gather back whatever it was that was right about it

    And, each thing in my pocket speaks to me of its existence

    In a voice that is not altogether sadBut mournful of the peculiar power that had been

    And now, as the years pass, is no longer peculiar,

    But power, indeed. Sigh. I look out of my window

    And see the people cross their own deserts

    And ford their own strange ways

    And live the lives I could not live myself . . . . . .

    The point is made

    The point is made without considering

    All the dangerous upshot of that point.

    After a little meandering through knowledgeWe uncover to our horror a lack thereof

    To be in conflict with what we know-

    -We thus contain a lack thereof

    Within the same sensibility: seeing

    The truth as whole, we thus

    Restrict our lacking knowledge to focus

    On the question only

    Which could be wrought as iron from imperfect thought

    And by doing so, we garner the ability

    To display the truth, if even

    In wrong forms. We examine the mythic

    Side of the coin, and, we find the examination

    Yields little progress beyond the sanctified Thoughts we started with, and, which

    Now seem doubtful.

    So you take that point and you make

    A nave of it: a sultry moon

    Reflectd off the water abruptly disturbd

    So that the moon is cheapend by the look

    Of the water. So thus is the point

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    Or, at least, what it becomes is not so much

    Than the reflection of a greater object.

    And then, the point is made again,

    And all that could have been left out

    Is put back inall not taken into

    Account, is receivd, by the message That that point was, ultimately,

    Trying to repulseandwe see the vast

    Reality of being as being but a moon; or, rather

    A blip fast gone but shorn slow from

    Memory, and, in such absence, the mind

    Creates its own nave, its own fickle moon-

    -That reflects all our stubborn ideology

    With an exaggeration of the factual moon, a counterpart,

    A pale, wan eye, contemplating serenity-

    -And yet we see that vision as unreal

    While the copy of this vision, veritable,

    Maintains the stronger doctrine of our SOULs . . . . . .

    The millions in your heart each count

    A chord, for you, upon the harp

    It is not haunt if it is art

    And harp goes quickly down the strings

    And beautifies the feeble things

    The millions in your heart are dumb.

    I recall, as once a boy

    That faces and appearances

    Seemed without clear difference,

    And each one played upon the harp

    Given identity, thru music

    There is something that relates

    Without a rhyme. In time,

    The ellipse, the arc will swing

    Down, unable to hold the curve,

    And such a harp will tell of millions

    On the other side of the ellipse

    Most of millions hurt somehow.

    Most of them do not know the hour

    From the day, and live the dour

    Pursuit, without knowing a

    Familiar root.

    I will now strum for those millions

    In the heart. And the millions vast abroad

    The sky. The sky is soon found

    To be a vast mirror

    For the EARTH

    The mirror is a metaphor for millions

    The millions are the curve of the arc

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    The arc is the swaying of the chord

    Upon the harp . . . . . .

    What knowledge I have of myself

    I have distorted. I would not be the one

    To ask, regarding my secrets

    And the noise they make in my brainIs a soothing falsetto

    I am contained within an embryo

    Like so many men and women before me

    They have gone on to live lives

    Both fulfilling and tragic

    And, the scene presents itself:

    I squat on a bench, in the park,

    Watching air drift, as though

    I could see the air drift and I watch the leaves fall

    Onto the ground, littered

    With grass and strewn debris,Experiencing the slow coeval

    Between the oaks and their branches

    And their nice leaves, and the specter of chill

    Wind that moves the leaves, the nice leaves

    Experiencing this, I am someone else

    Remedied by the everlasting nodes that spike

    To fit my ends into beginnings

    And drain the meaning like piss in the shower . . . . . .

    Behind the compassion is rhetoric that

    Tries to pass off itself as a giving way:

    Yu impart unto me yet another ramble, barely sustainedBy elliptical mantrasunresolved, petty logicwhich yet yu see as grand,

    Because it is your own brandtho logic itself

    Is not enough to ease this hunch of mine that this monotony that yu are

    Repeating to mefor the zillionth timethis harassment is not merely

    A natural reflexbut, indeed, is the work of a deliberate obsessive:

    A subtle retaliation against my own antagonism

    Developed naturally from the start of my life towards most others even

    Just to quell the teasing antennae of this my sourceless guilt . . .

    Behind the compassion the useless rhetoric

    There, I find the reason for this clot in my arm.

    Until I have used up my scattered wisdom

    Until the wisdom becomes too scattered . . . When the crows on the bough dip out

    At once, and, one of them, in haste

    To catch up, loses control and crashes

    Into a windshield; when a man positions

    Himself, every night, at the same table

    In the same bar, and stares through round

    Glasses at oblivion, and sometimes the

    Waitress' assin these instances

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    I will find you in my mind, and, perhaps

    Hear your dissonant

    Laughter, and see, finally, the arsenal

    Of pathologies that nurse

    Each guttural declarative, as would a breast,

    Yu massage the lump in yur throat

    Back down, into the pit of yur stomachLeft to rot and languish down the chute.

    Behind the sun of your words I see the night

    And in each night a darkness never known

    Besides in haunted corridors, where the symbol

    Becomes yur mind, and how you actually feel

    Is suddenly oblique, and the inclination to be kind

    No longer seems apparent. It depends on what

    Door is opened, however, and that is crucial to understand.

    As you tread carefully down the haunted hall . . . you wonder:

    Which identity are you fated to receive? Disingenuous qualities

    Of the self you builtfor so long trapped

    Behind the bogus door you end up choosingone of many doorsThat number down the symbol of the hallnow, once freed, they roam

    Somewhere in yur scruples, and, the WORLD seems

    Really uplifting, emancipated from the interstices:

    These demons, funnily enough, eased into the position of virtue

    By tribulation, so that, simply by quaking under the seism of bad things

    You who harbor daily demons

    Assumed yourself as someone

    Wiser than you were, and, more confident

    And more poised than you were, and so then-

    -Became these things, simply because it was

    The way you thought yourself to be,

    Based off of yur own horrific experiences.

    But in each topical rant and personal miserere

    Was the same dispassionate talk: the same

    Pursed thrill injected into the mundane

    As into the importance: the purpose fragged

    Before it is released from your lips;

    You are a figure that stands on a figurative

    Ledge, about to drop. You are a sanity

    Forgotten, and so then judged insane by all

    Except for me. But I never will understand

    You, or the dual credit of your words . . .

    Will they stand resolute before time?

    Will they disappear within a minute's hush?

    Will my absent body again be given hands To grab the wheel?????????????????????????????????????

    Each is a petty circumstance, compared

    To what I could have had, and even when

    I receive that, there is always some

    Trouble about it, so that it never appears

    Right; even when I fix it, the stain

    Remains, like red wine on white linen.

    This relic of my ancient life is given

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    To you, and, I am left to cultivate my brain

    And hear the pulse that snickers in the wrist

    And only know an image of the rain

    Upon your hair, as my eyes opened

    While we kissed. They shone, in the gray afternoon

    Like orbs of condensed space, reflecting all

    But what they are. This is the image That I am condemned to remember, as tho

    By reflex: when my eyes opened, I noticed

    That yours were not: dark eyelashes

    Dipping upwards: solemn girl: the brow contracting

    And, then, relaxing, as if shaking off some cosmic pain:

    Some everloving assumption that could redeem you

    And destroy me in the cage I built for us-

    -To starve, together, in disembodied guilt . . . . . .

    Passing like a wane each ghost

    Consumes the spirit of the one before

    While the ghost before wept, for being out of touch

    With being. It could have had its way, It could have said what it needed to say

    But then, the rhythm spikes, and the wheel turns

    And suddenly the ghost before has lost its voice:

    To be spoken in a different way

    By the ghost after. The wheel turns

    And, what any ghost could claim

    Is lost, between the furtive lines of being.

    Thus it would seem that the wheel is forgotten time

    That has suffered too much the blear of consumptive

    Minutes. Thus it would seem that each ghost

    Represents the breaching and altering of origin

    They do not move into new forms, but merelyEtch a difference out of what always was.

    The ghosts they walk across the EARTH

    Tweaking and manipulating the core of the EARTH

    As if by making it sound an altered elegy

    For these ghosts innumerable, fixed in purgatory,

    As if by making the EARTH swell with hate

    Each ghost could then learn to hate hate, but simply

    Because it was popular: the ghosts persist

    Not so vacantly thru the disorder

    Only to come to some different malefaction

    Appearing righteous for its reason to destroy

    That only appears righteous. If the ghost beforeHad seen what the ghost after had made of the EARTH

    And, the ebb and flow of it . . . . from something living so long

    As to be extinct, to something formative and oblique

    By this we see that each ghost is the specter

    Of a former malignancy that struggles to be righteous

    And only ends up distorting the pantomime

    And mangling the origin, in the chase to describe

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    A finer sphere, before the final ghost

    Invokes a new beginning that denies the summation

    And restricts all that could be to varying, unspoken

    Melodies of rancid time, a time that is fallow

    And rancid. A time before the origin is there

    That dismisses the need for ghosts to speak

    What should not be formed in words What should be left unrecorded

    So that we may heal our own unfinished specters

    Without displacing the specters to external ghosts

    Who build upon the other, and eliminate the summation

    By expanding it. We shall leave the final word unrecorded,

    And reach the summation

    By eliminating it . . . . . .

    That's what I would figure would

    Happen. Cuz things don't work

    Out stupidly unless we make itOut to be a stupid thing that must be done.

    Have fun with that. Meanwhile,

    The corrugated cardboard day whines

    Out. Simply

    Because of these other findings things

    Are left up for grabs, and everybody

    Like pigeons to bread, clucking to the beat of


    That's what I would figure would

    Happen. Cuz things don't work

    Out stupidly unless we make itOut to be a stupid thing that must be done.

    Have fun with that. Meanwhile,

    The corrugated cardboard day whines

    Out. Simply

    Because of these other findings things

    Are left up for grabs, and everybody

    Like pigeons to bread, clucking to the beat of

    Masticating. Shit

    Whines out. You

    Look through the window, like

    A tired hawk out at that lady,

    Checking her bagFor keys. The sidewalk

    Burns in a slope down past

    The limits of what you can see from

    Where you are. After getting

    Up from your chair,

    You sigh after an improbable indulgence.

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    That things are perceived . . . . . .

    When one is in the grave

    They do not think or feel.

    When one does not think,

    Or feel, does that make Them dead? Perhaps, but

    They still breathe, still may breathe,

    May go about their daily

    Chores, without once

    Refining the nuance

    To obtain, at the least,

    A bare sort of personality

    That strains to act on something

    Of much importance to them.

    If one does not feel, then,They do not think to feel,

    Since, up until this point,

    There was no need for empathy

    There was no need for sympathy

    To become the body a wreck of itself,

    For the sake of knowing of pain.

    To become your body of glass

    And know yur mind the same as glass.

    There is that, and, there is to rely on the

    Intrinsic value of things,

    Rather than connect yur lack of sorrow

    The sorrow of all the musty masses, to an emptyPlacation: that you seem the same

    As the musty masses. You are yur body, yu fiend,

    You needless product of sperm and ovary

    Married to possess all that is wrong

    In a single soul of elegant sensibility

    Deigned over by a mind, without doubts

    And yet, he errs, this man without thought

    Or feeling. He knows that he will err,

    And does not feel a thing, in the

    The parts of his brain that are a lagoon of bile,

    And slowly, deeply, he learns to cave the screw . . . . . .

    I am about to meet a friend and say my peace

    I have beaten around the bush for long enough

    And, many times in previous engagements

    With this particular friend

    Have made myself out to be a fool

    There is much left unspoken. Incurious, distracted

    Friendship: I might as well have scribbled an oration

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    For what was left unfinished, instead . . . the scratch in her aspect-

    -The kink in her style is a way to apprehend the formula behind

    These coded witticisms,

    This irony incarnate of a girl: aloof, slightly hostile

    Without meaning to be, and yet

    Confined by some eternal lethargy of the spiritin such a formula

    How could one expect to equate the figure of a look, This look, right now,

    Which is nearly humorous in how enigmatic it is,

    Regarding needless complexities that ultimately project

    An obvious pretense:

    The look shapes out, between us bothbut was initiated by her:

    A halfsmile,

    Flanked by lucid, blue, accusatory eyeshow could one equate

    All this to a deep attention that we share

    In guessing in our dusty brains the one's

    Opinion, for the other

    Which the other assumes is not so deep at all

    The cold look that quashes an inherent

    Sense of want for the other to breach and see Lusting after the pitiful tooth of a grin.

    What makes it so cold is in how she distracts herself

    From an importance to which we relate mutually:

    The unfinished, secretive glance that seems deranged

    We look at what is between us, and clear space

    Rather than look at what we are looking at,

    That is, ourselves,

    And, one to the other, two feet apart, allow to mingle

    Only our silent, odorless breath. The air we breathe travels

    Silently the distance of that clear space between our two

    Bodies that never seem to touch

    And mingles what we cannot see

    I am about to meet a friend and say a few words Some of the words will gather falsely

    The fire that burns at the back of my eyes

    Venting out smoke from out the edges of my eyes

    Tells of much that will remain unspoken

    And much that is left to burn in the breeze of her breath

    The relation is strong and weak and tame and wild

    This importance shall engulf us both one day

    Until we are forced to express everything,

    Only to find the depth of our mutuality

    Located in the secrets we had kept from one another

    That burn, and imitate desire . . . . . .

    When the first rains of winter hint at the coldness to comeWhen the rain with time soon is not rain but hail

    That tamps on the aluminum siding and soundlessly

    Against softer surfaces dives and is expunged

    But partly only partly and becoming shards of ice

    Remain and yet remain still pieces

    Of what they are, and are thus not what they are

    And in this way the power of the hail is expunged

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    When the rain is not rain and it is ice

    When questions you ask yourself intend a force

    That reels you into the base heart of the matter

    Except when it rains, and shades

    Over the reality with something grim

    And destructive

    When the sense of touch is placed in a shard

    Of hailand thuscannot be touched, and

    Only seen . . . since, well, fuck, all that has the possibility be touched

    Is condensed within the shard, rather than

    Existing outside of it, to be fondled

    By tactile impressions,

    Which are impressions that are outside of my hand

    Well then, the neat placation that you speak of

    Regarding what you sense, in turn, to be real

    Is blurred a bit in this image of the rain

    And morphs and is disfigured by the hail . . . . . .

    These insidious references to lost youth

    You talk and talk about your past

    As if it were the only life that you

    Had lived

    And now, you say, no vibrant vibes are left

    And there is only darkness, but darkness

    That deceives one into thinking there is light

    When the only light is artifice, an embryonic

    Sense of more to come, of more that could elucidate

    The sense . . . and you go darker still.

    Where could you go from here you say,This wheeling tune of dawns-

    -In the brain . . . the dawns that play

    Like music to represent the pretty

    Lies you make, about having other plans,

    When all you want to do is jack off, alone,

    Trapped all the while within an eternal

    Construct of nascence . . . . . .

    What I feel is not quite anything

    It is a dispersal of shadows and light

    As they translate through the jaws of the tree

    And invade the room, like a trifle dismissedOnly to resurface in the midst

    Of a problem that does not seem to end.

    One could witness the tree out there

    Thru the pane of a dusty window

    As it grows slowly, slowly grows

    What I feel is thick in its own evil mask

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    What is right, what seems to be right

    Slipped into a guise. What is wrong??? A seconds

    Thrift of doubt pervades

    The guise, the avatar,

    With a sense that what is right to it

    May just be a farce, perfidiousness, a seeming.

    This doubt: neutrality, insistent, trembling:

    It keeps me up for nights on end

    And has me looking at the tree thru the window:

    The simple strings of shadow and trembling light.

    We spent years together one night.

    I never learned your name

    But knew you, whole as all hell.

    What came of this was nothing

    But life, wasted . . . . . .

    Where would I be without my coffin

    When I am spent the WORLD goes black

    Where would I go where I went yesterday

    Could not be gotten to. This simple, single,

    Cohesive fact, as it turns out, seemed to be all I could reflect on and

    It would remain all that I reflected on,

    For all eternity, because it was the last thing

    That went thru my headbesides

    The bullet: this fucking box into which I am placed is not

    Quite the end that I was looking for

    The coffin is a diseased metaphor

    That trumps the ages with one final conundrumThat drumming in the heart of a man

    Drums a frenzied palpitation. When

    I am spent the deathless minutes

    Press forward, indifferent, bemused

    Minutes without place or occupation,

    They merely are. And what is not

    Is all that can be rightly forgotten

    Without the plastic paramour of minute

    To hour, and hour to day

    And the coagulating of brutal light

    Suffers in the termination of the day-

    -The day licks upon the sides of my coffin I am surrounded by a haunt of eyes

    Some of the faces are weeping

    The eyes that pair in people looking

    Upon my coffin, wishing to land upon

    An intractability, an answer in the wake

    Of death. I told them to bury me

    During the evening, and they have,

    While the sun shifts in differing canals

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    Thru the trees. The roots of the trees

    Feed on the mulches of the men like worms

    On the mulches of men and women,

    Placed beneath a tonsil of stone

    And each stone a body and a life

    Put carefully down to rest in the drab cemetery:

    A location of solitude, where one can hear theBuzz of cars from the highway next to it

    And see as backdrop to this fiasco the structure

    Structure of a chuffing factory that looms

    Over the scene of my funeral like something uncaring . . . . . .

    To look at the kernel of a thing

    To know the existence of it

    As a difference between molds,

    As a crotchety tenant

    Coughing in the next room

    To know such a thing:

    A crotchety tenantWho coughs in the next room

    This idea, this intelligence, is such

    Not the thing???? This definitive, tho absurd example

    Without context, or, any sort of purpose

    To the pomeis that not, rather, a poignant focus

    On the kernel of a thing, a hideous thing????????

    And to make peace with meaning

    Is to uncover the alien that happens

    To be behind the curtain, toiling at the controls

    With webbed hands and large, expressionless eyes

    This presumed, unfettered reality

    This infinite xerox that portends

    A blurrier image of the thing As and when we first saw it

    Infinitely blurrier and yet never disappearing

    These dissonant confabulations

    Of the bizarre . . . . . .

    At last I have reached the disfigurement

    That most likely resembles me, or, at least

    Who I was, when walking by the shore,

    Alone, and compelled by a singular force

    To move on and away from the ailment

    That brittles bones, drains the reserveOf the complacency to be siphoned from my will

    To collect beneath the riverbed, like oil

    And I wonder what is left to be preserved

    When from the rig no oil gushes

    And all that is left is the wind on blackened rushes

    And, what little decency I have left to barter

    Is destroyed. Why preserve the things most important?

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    The solution to these troubles cries, like a martyr

    And I am seeming impotent.

    I have morphed and changed, delayed gratification

    For something, something not enough to equalize

    My rough ambitions, appealing to some impudent

    Demographic of the nation, who see the WORLD--As an inconsequential blemish: they are anxious

    In the choosing of their own disguise to fit

    An imperfection: they are held in place by this infection:

    Ambition: youthful phantasmagoria: Spent ways, fortresses

    Made of sand, by the children on the beach: something

    Illumined for a little while and prized, and then, washed

    Away: the failed edifice left to be gawked at by

    Young, blinking eyes.

    And forgotten, quickly, before the merit is packaged

    In the brain, and all my disfigurement guarantees

    Is the torture of changing my own sacrilege

    For the sake of nothing but tattered clothing And some air to breathe.

    Leave my disfigurement alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It once

    Was inimitable, and now it is bygone, and has a lofty sentiment still

    Without utterance:

    A whispered sheen of obscure/equivocal dawn . . . . . .

    The usage of the sun, changes

    Into light, from

    Another light . . .

    The visor is gone. Before this happened

    I knew that mother could

    Only for so long makeThe wrong, into enormous right

    By sight

    The flowers, the trees,

    This culture of brightness . . .

    Sans finesse,

    Sans every shade of

    A shade, of a shademade into

    Exactly that. Now, one has knowledge

    Of the ledges, peered over.

    And the dropping fall

    And there is nothing left to this

    Matte of privacies.

    These details of

    Leaves, and grassimages

    Grieved to show their shorn parts withal

    And prove the power it took

    For our eyes to look

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    At blackness, fighting

    To digress from the mouth of

    Blackness that launched us

    Launched us from an ancient conceiving

    And left us walking walls.

    There is no more of somesuch typeOf a world. Winter hinted at

    Such a thing being not long to last.

    We all woke up, and went outside,

    And found that the streets

    Were tame with heat of latter spring.


    People asked. People

    Whispered to themselves that the universe either

    Was interrupted by the grand jostling of

    Proponents: some satellite breaking

    Apart, in the heavens; or, some seismic

    Heave, shaking the dust The eleventh hour

    The mitigating vore of senses,

    Is now no kind of mouth to eat what

    Always wasjust to produce some

    Tingling, in the brain

    In flowers in the trees

    In the stout mooring of building and

    House, there is place not accounted for,

    Nibbling on the corners


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