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工作坊Philip Wu

([email protected])29 July 2008

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Grace fulfills nature


- Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274

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Life as a callingWe want to do more than going to work, coming home from workWe want to feel we were put here on Earth for some special purpose, to do some unique work that only we can accomplish (e.g. Jacob’s “stained glass window”)We want to have a sense of mission or calling in our life and work

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Life as a calling

A continuing task that one is destined or fitted to do A responsibility that one is specially called upon to undertake

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Three callings in life

1. To know the caller

To know God, and enjoy Him forever, and to see His hand in all His works

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Three callings in life2. To make a better world

To do what you can, moment by moment, day by day, step by step, to make this world a better place, following the leading and guidance of God’s Spirit within you and around you

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Three callings in life

3. Your unique callingTo exercise that talent which you particularly came to Earth to use--

your greatest gift, which you most delight to usein the place(s) or setting(s) which God has caused to appeal you the mostfor those purposes which God most needs to have done in the world

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Unlearning false assumptions

FALSE: Our unique calling must consist of some achievement which all the world will seeTRUE: Neither we nor those who watch our life will always know what we have achieved by our life and by our callingTRUE: It may be that by the grace of God we helped bring about a better change in the world, but it also may be that this takes place beyond our sight, or after we have gone on

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Unlearning false assumptions

FALSE: We can always find our calling in one go or through some mountaintop experience

TRUE: Our calling is to take one step at a time in the valley, even when we don’t yet see where it all is leading, or what the Grand Plan is, or what our overall mission in life isTRUE: It is likely that we cannot ever get to our larger mountaintop calling unless we have first lived out our day-to-day calling faithfully in the valley (cf. Jacob’s story)

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Unlearning false assumptions

FALSE: Calling is something God just orders us to do, without any agreement from our spirit, mind, and heartTRUE: God so honors our free will that He has ordained our unique calling be something which we have some part in choosing

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Unlearning false assumptions

FALSE: We can expect to find our calling when God will reveal to us plainly beyond all doubt and uncertainty—a voice in the air, a thought in our head, a dream in the night, a sign in an event …—which is otherwise completely hiddenTRUE: God has already revealed to us our calling by causing it to be written in our talents and skills, and in His guidance of our heart

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Calling as intersection

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

-- Fred Buechner

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Calling as intersection: example 1

My Mission is, out of the rich reservoir of love which God has given me, to nurture and show love to others—most particularly to those who are suffering from incurable diseases.

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Calling as intersection: example 2

My Mission is to make people laugh, so that the travail of this earthly life does not seem quite hard to them.

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Calling as intersection: example 3

My Mission is to help people know the truth, in love, about what is happening out in the world, so that there will be more honesty in the world.

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Calling as intersection: example 4


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What is life-work planning?

It is about managing changes and transitions in life

Life-work planning = Life-work project management +

Life-work transition management = Self management

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Life-work planning: a systems view





n M








n M


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Life-work planning: a whole-life perspective





Senior AdultYears




Early AdultYears

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What is life-work planning?It’s a continuous process about discerning that vocation into which you’re particularly called. The process requires you to identify a.o.:

your gifts and talents which you most delight to useyour values which you significantly place on your life and work the fields of interest that appeal you mostyour personality style that you often bring to work unconsciouslythe places and settings to which you’re particularly drawnconstraints that you perceived as hurdles or limitations to actualizing your vocation

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How to discern your calling in life?


abilitiesLife-work values

Fields of interest

Personality style


People & work




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Self-assessment: 7 critical factors

1. Geographical location2. Preferred people & work settings3. Motivated Abilities Pattern (Transferable

Skills)4. Fields of interest5. Personality style6. Life-work values7. Constraints

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Life-work planning process

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-潘霍華( 1906-1945)

Discerning vocation – Location

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People & work settings

1. Form of employmentFull-time, part-time, contracting, own business …

2. Work environmentLarge MNEs, SMEs, status, office environment, job security, competitive/performance-driven, C&B

3. Lifestyle preferencesFamily-friendly workplace, flexi hours, degree of control over work, business travel …

4. Job contentInfluencing/managing others, innovation, variety, predictability, interpersonal contacts …

5. People you want to work with

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Spiritual depth

Strong preacher

Youth ministry


Effective leader

Pastoral counselor

Discerning vocation – Personality style

MBTI preference for common pastoral skills

% = % of clergy from Alban USA’s data (N=1319)

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Motivated skillsSkills that you consistently seek to use in your life and work on a regular basisSkills that you are so good at, and enjoy using so much that you would use them for freeYou’re probably using these skills in work, study, play or volunteer settings where you’re successful and proud of the resultsNeed to appear on your resume

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Burnout skills

Skills that you are very good at, but dislike usingMay be skills that you were required to learn within your family, school or work experienceDanger: the more your work requires that you use these skills, the closer you will come to reigning from your work

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Developmental skills

Skills that you are very motivated to use, but you lack the desired skill levelSkills that you may seek training in so that they can be developed and eventually become Motivated Skills

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Discerning vocation – Motivated abilities





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