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Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 154 (Acts No. 33)



ACTS, 201 6

NAIROBI, 7th September, 2016



The hotection of Traditional Knowledge and CulturalExpressions Act,2016... ....................64t


REC EIVEDst ocT t$l$

P.O. Box 10443-00100NAIROBI, KENYA

IEL' 2'1 - 231 FAX:2712694


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No. 33 of 2016

Date of Assent: 31st August,2016

Date of Corntnencement : 2 I st September, 20 I 6



1-Short title.

2 - Interpretation.

3-Guiding principles.

4-Responsibility of county governments.

5 - Responsibilities of the national government.


6 - Protection criteria for traditional knowledge.

7-Formalities relating to protection of traditional knowledge.

8 -Maintenance of registers.

9-Right to protection.

l0-Rights conferred to holders of traditional knowledge.

I1-Recognition of traditional knowledge and culturalexpression owners.

I 2 -Compulsory licence.

13-Duration of protection of traditional knowlcdge.


14 - Protection criteria of cultural expressions.

1 5 - Formalities relating to cultural expressions.

I 6 -Right of protection.

17-Duration of protection of cultural expressions.


18-Protection of traditional knowledge and culturalexpressions against unlawful acts.

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

1 9 -Exceptions and limitations.

20-Derivative works.


21-Meaning of moral rights.

22-Assignment and licensing.

23-Additional rights.

24 -fuuitable b enefit sharing rights.


25 --Authorization for use of Traditional knowledge and

cultrrral expressions.

26-Access to traditional knowledge associated with geneticresources.

27 -Application for consent.

28 - Public consultation.

29 - Identification of holders.

30-Uncertainty or dispute of ownership.

31-No claim to ownership.

32 -Authorized user agreements.

33-User agreements.

34-Terms and conditions of user agreement.

35-Authorized user agreement and prior informed consent.

36-Obtained consent from traditional knowledge holders.


37-Offences and penalties.

38-Civil action.

39-Civil remedies.

40-Other mechanisms to resolve disputes.

41-Other rights and remedies.




44-Recognition of other laws.

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2016 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33



AN ACT of Parliament to provide a framework for theprotection and promotion of traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions; to give effect to Articlesll, 40 and 69(L) (c) of the Constitution; and forconnected purposes

ENACTED by the Parliament of Kenya, as follows-

PART I-PRBLIMINARY1. This Act may be cited as the Protection of shorttltre'

Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions Act, 2016.

2.In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpretation'

"authorized user agreement" means a writtenagreement entered into under section 32 of this Act;

"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretaryresponsible for matters relating to intellectual propertyrights;

"community" means a homogeneous and consciouslydistinct group of the people who share any of the followingattributes-

(a) common ancestry;

(b) similar culture or unique mode of livelihood orlanguage;

(c) geographical space;

(d) ecological space; or(e) community of interest;

"cultural expressions" means any forms, whethertangible or intangible, in which raditional culture andknowledge are expressed, appear or are manifested, ffidcomprise of the following forms of expressions orcombinations thereof-

(a) verbal expressions including stories, epics,legends, poetry, riddles; other narratives; words,signs, names, and symbols;

(b) musical expressions including songs andinstrumental music;

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions

(c) expressions by movement, including dances,plays, rituals or other performances, whether ornot reduced to a material form;

(d) tangible expressions, including productions of art,drawings, etchings, lithographs, engravings,prints, photographs, designs, paintings, includingbody-painting, carvings, sculptures, pottery,terracotta, mosaic, woodwork, metal ware,jewelry, basketry, pictorial woven tissues,needlework, textiles, glassware, carpets,costumes; handicrafts; musical instruments, maps,plans, diagrams architectural buildings,architectural models; and architectural forms;

"cultural heritage" means -(a) tangible cultural heritage including-

(i) movable cultural heritage;

(ii) immovable cultural heritage; and

(iii) underwater cultural heritage;

(b) intangible cultural heritage;

(c) natural heritage including natural sites withcultural aspects such as cultural landscapes,physical, biological or geological formations; or

(d) heritage in the event of armed conflict;

"customary context" refers to the utilization oftraditional knowledge or cultural expressions in accordancewith the practices of everyday life of the community, suchas, for instance, usual ways of selling copies of tangibleexpressions of folklore by local craftsmen;

"customary use" means the use of traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions in accordance with thecustomary laws and practices of the holders ;

"customary laws and practices" means customarylaws, norrns and practices of local and traditionalcommunities that are legally recognized in Kenya;

"derivative work" means any intellectual creation orinnovation based upon or derived from traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions;


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2016 Protection of Tradrtional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

"derogatory treatment", includes, in relation to traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions, any act or omission thatresults in a material distortion, mutilation or alteration of thetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions that isprejudicial to the honour or reputation of the holders, or theintegrity of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions;

"exploitation" means the employment of the greatestpossible advantage of traditional knowledge and culturalexpressions for selfish purposes, taking advantage ofunwary traditional knowledge and cultural expressionsholders and advertising or a publicity program, including-

(a) where the traditional knowledge is a product-

(i) manufacturing, importing, exporting,offering for sale, selling or using beyond thetraditional context the product; and

(ii) being in possession of the product for thepurposes of offering it for sale, selling it orusing it beyond the traditional context;

(b) where the traditional knowledge is a process-

(i) making use of the process beyond thetraditional context; and

(ii) carrying out the acts referred to underparagraph (a) of this subsection with respectto a product that is a direct result of the useof the process;

"genetic resources" means microorganisms, plant andanimal material including indigenous seeds, genetic plantvarieties and traditional animal breeds that containfunctional hereditary units and whose management shallalso be subject of other relevant legislations;

"genetic material " means genetic material of plant,animal, microbial or other origin containing functional unitsof heredity;

"holder" means recognized individuals or organizationswithin communities in whom the custody or protection oftraditional knowledge and cultural expressions are entrustedin accordance with the customary law and practices of thatcommunity;

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2015

"intangible cultural heritage" means the practices,representations, expressions, knowledge and cultural spacesassociated therewith that communities, groups and, in somecases, individuals recognized as part of their social culturalheritage;

"Repository" means the Traditional Knowledge DigitalRepository established and maintained by the nationalgovernment under section 8(3);

"owner" means local and traditional communities, andrecognized individuals or organizations within suchcommunities in whom the custody or protection oftraditional knowledge and cultural expressions are entrustedin accordance with the customary law and practices of thatcommunity;

"person" means a natural or legal person;

"prior informed consent" means the giving of, by theprospective user, complete and accurate information, ffidbased on that information, the prior acceptance, by theowners, to the use of their traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions;

"traditional context" means the mode of using traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions in their proper artisticframework based on continuous usage by the community;

"traditional knowledge" means any knowledge-(a) originating from an individual, local or traditional

community that is the result of intellectual activityand insight in a traditional context, includingknow-how, skills, innovations, practices andlearning, embodied in the traditional lifestyle of acommunity; or

(b) contained in the codified knowledge systemspassed on from one generation to anotherincluding agricultural, environmental or medicalknowledge, knowledge associated with geneticresources or other components of biologicaldiversity, and know-how of taditionalarchitecture, construction technologies, designs,marks and indications.

3. In the performance of the functions and exercise of Guidingprinciprcs'

powers under this Act, every person dealing with mattersrelating to traditional knowledge or cultural expressions

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge atd Cultural Expressions No. 332016

shall be guided by the national values and principles ofgovernance set out in Article 10 of the Constitution.

4. (1) A county government shall, through the countyexecutive committee member responsible, for mattersrelating to culture, be responsible for-

(a) in relation to the repository and for the purpose ofcollecting and compiling information relating totraditional knowledge and cultural expressions-

(i) the primary registration of traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions within acounty for the purposes of recognition underthis Act;

(ii) the receipt, documentation, storage andupdating of information relating to traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions fromcommunities within a county;

(b) the preservation and conservation of traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions;

(c) the protection and promotion of the traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions ofcommunities within a county; and

(d) the facilitation of collaboration, access to or thesharing of information and data relating totraditional knowledge and cultural expressionsbetween county governments.

(e) the allocation of financial resources for thepromotion of cultural activities; and

(0 subject to this Act or any other law, theestablishment of mechanisms for using culture as

a tool for conflict resolution and promotion ofcohesion.

5. The national government shall, under this Act beresponsible for-

(a) the establishment and maintenance of theRepository at the Kenya Copyright Board;

(b) the promotion and conservation of traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions ofcommunities in Kenya;

Responsibilrty ofcoun tygoYernments

Responsibilrtres ofthe nationalgovernment.

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

(c) the protection of traditional knowledge andcultural expressions from misuse andmisappropriation; and

(d) the facilitation of access of information and thesharing of information and data relating totraditional knowledge and cultural expressions.


6. Protection shatl be extended to traditional il:ffi,:,H:f.','knowledge that is- knowlcdge.

(a) generated, preserved and transmitted from onegeneration to another, within a community, foreconomic, ritual, narrative, decorative orrecreational purposes;

(b) individually or collectively generated;

(c) distinctively associated with or belongs to a

community; and

(d) integral to the cultural identity of community thatis recognized as holding the knowledge through a

form of custodianship, guardianship or collectiveand cultural ownership or responsibility,established formally or informally by customarypractices, laws or protocols.

7. (1) Protection of traditional knowledge shall not be ["ffi*li:fJi'-,subject to any formality. treditionrl


(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), countygovernments shall collect information, document andregister traditional knowledge within the respective countiesfor the purposes of recognition.

(3) The Registration under subsection (2) shall beundertaken willingly by the owners of traditional knowledgeupon obtaining prior informed consent but shall not requirethe public disclosure of the traditional knowledgeconcerned.

(4) Where a community in Kenya shares traditionalknowledge with a community outside Kenya, the nationaland county government shall register the owners of thetraditional knowledge in Kenya and maintain relevantrecords.

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 332016

(5) Where more than one community in the same ordifferent counties share the same traditional knowledge,respective county governments shall register the owners ofthe traditional knowledge and maintain relevant records.

(6) Where concurrent claims arise from differentcommunities, the Kenya Copyright Board or countygovernment shall, while determining the claim, considercustomary law and protocol of the communities in question,local information sources and any other means that may beapplicable.

(7) Registration shall have a mere declaratory functionand shall not in itself confer rights.

E. (1) Every county government shall, establish andmaintain a register which shall contain information relatingto traditional knowledge and cultural expressions collectedand documented by the county government during theregistration process.

(2) The registers maintained under subsection (2) mayrelate to specific forms of protection, and shall notcompromise the status of undisclosed traditional knowledgeor the interests of holders of traditional knowledge thatrelate to the undisclosed elements of their knowledge.

(3) The national government shall, in consultation withthe relevant county government establish and maintain acomprehensive Traditional Knowledge Digital Repositorywhich shall contain information relating to traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions that have beendocumented and registered by county governments.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (l), in the interests oftransparency, evidence and the preservation of traditionalknowledge, the national government and the lead agenciesshall, where appropriate and subject to the relevant policies,laws and procedures and considering the needs andaspirations of the traditional knowledge holders, maintainregisters or other records of the knowledge in theRepository.

(5) The county governments and other institutions thatdeal with matters relating to traditional knowledge andcultural expressions shall co-operate with the nationalgovernment in the establishment and maintenance of theRepository.

Maintcnancc ofrcgistcrs.

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

(6) Every county shall, upon collecting anddocumenting information on traditional knowledge andcultural expressions and registering the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions relating to anycommunity, transmit the complete and validated informationrelating to the traditional knowledge of cultural expressionsfor entry in the Repository in the form or manner prescribedby the Cabinet Secretary.

9. The owners and holders of traditional knowledge Righttoprotection'

shall have the right to protection of that knowledge.

10. (l) Every community shall have the exclusive il*,j}Ti*""'righ'tO- traditional

(a/ authorize the exploitation of their traditional knowredge'

knowledge; and

(b) prevent any person from exploiting theirtraditional knowledge without their prior informedconsent.

(2) In addition to all other rights, remedies and actionavailable, the owners shall have the right to institute legalproceedings against any person who exploits traditionalknowledge without the owner's permission.

(3) Every community shall make and adopt its communityrules prescribing the procedures for the authorization of theexploitation of their traditional knowledge.

(4) The rules shall be submitted to the countygovernment during the registration of traditional knowledge.

11. A person who uses traditional knowledge or :::i,ti;:i""cultural expressions beyond its traditional context shall knowredge and

acknowledgi ttre o*nei of the knowledge, indicate the curturarexPresson

source of the knowledge or expression and where possible,the origin of the knowledge or expression, and use suchknowledge or expression in a manner that respects thecultural values of the holders.

12. (1) Where protected traditional knowledge is not f."#L']*tbeing sufficiently exploited by the owner or rights holder, orwhere the owner or holder of rights in traditional knowledgerefuses to grant licenses for exploitation, the CabinetSecretary may, with prior informed consent of the owners,grant a compulsory licence for exploitation subject toArticle 40(3) (b) of the Constitution.

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

Duration ofprotection oftraditionalknowledge

(2) In the absence of an agreement between the pafiieson an appfopriate amount of compensation for thecompulsory licence, a court of competent jurisdiction shallon the application of the parties determine thecompensation.

(3) The Cabinet Secretary may, in the case of a disputewhere there is no agreement between the parties, refer thematter for determination through alternative disputeresolution mechanisms.

(4) The Cabinet Secretary shall make regulationsprescribing the criteria and conditions for the grant of a

compulsory licence.

13. Traditional knowledge shall be protected for solong as the knowledge fulfils the protection criteria referredto under section 6.


t4. (1) The protection of cultural expressions underthis Act shall relate to cultural expressions, of whatevermode or form, which are-

(a) the products of creative and cumulativeintellectual activity, including collective creativityor individual creativity where the identity of theindividual is unknown;

(b) characteristic of a community's cultural identityand cultural heritage and have been maintained,used or developed by such community inaccordance with the customary laws and practicesof that community;

(c) generated, preserved and transmitted from onegeneration to another, within a community, foreconomic, ritual, narrative, decorative orrecreational pu{poses;

(d) individually or collectively generated;

(e) distinctively associated with or belongs to acommunity; and

(0 integral to the cultural identity of community thatis recognized as holding the knowledge through aform of custodianship, guardianship or collective

Protection criteriaof culturalexpressions.

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

and cultural ownership or responsibility,established formally or informally by customarypractices, laws or protocols.

15. (1) The protection of cultural expressions shall not Fomalrtresrelating

be subject to any formality. expressions.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), countygovernments shall collect information document andregister cultural expressions within the respective countiesfor the purposes of recognition.

(3) The registration under subsection (2) shall beundertaken willingly by the owners of cultural expressionsupon obtaining prior informed consent but shall not requirethe public disclosure of the cultural expressions concerned.

(4) Where a community in Kenya shares culturalexpressions with a corlmunity outside Kenya, the nationaland county government shall register the owners of thecultural expression in Kenya and maintain relevant records.

(5) Where more than one community in the same ordifferent counties share the same cultural expressions,respective country governments shall register the owners ofthe cultural expressions and maintain relevant records.

(6) Where concurrent claims arise from differentcommunities, national government or county governmentshall while determining the claim consider customary lawand protocol of the communities in question, localinformation sources and any other means that may beapplicable.

(7) Registration shall have a mere declaratory functionand shall not in itself confer rights.

16. The owners and holders of cultural expressions RishtorProtectnn'

shall have the right to protection of those expressions.

t7. Cultural expressions shall be protected against all ?-'ll':l-"1"acts of misappropriation, misuse, unlawful a"cess or :li,f:ji".'exploitation for as long as the cultural expressions fulfil the exPressrons'

protection criteria set out in section 14.


18. (1) A person shall not,misappropriate, misuse, abuse, unfairly,unlawfully access and exploit traditionalcultural expressions.

in anv wav- hotection of---J .' -J , traditional

inequitably or knowledge and

knowledge and !l'J.T31,.,."r",,ounlawful acts

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

(2) Traditional knowledge or cultural expressions shallnot, without the prior and informed consent of the owners,be used for-

(a) the reproduction of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions;

(b) the publication of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions;

(c) the performance or display of the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions in public;

(d) the broadcast of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions to the public by radio,television, satellite, cable or any other means ofcommunication;

(e) the translation, adaption, arrangement,transformation or modification of the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions;

(0 the fixation of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions through any process,including making a photograph, film or soundrecording;

the availing online or electronic transmission tothe public (whether over a path or a combinationof paths, or both) traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions;

the creation of derivative works; and

the making, use, offer for sale, sell, import orexport traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions or products derived there from.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the owners shall be entitledto use the cultural expressions in the ways mentioned insubsection (2) in the exercise of their cultural rights.

(4) The national government in consultation withcounty governments shall establish mechanisms that enablethe communities to prevent the misappropriation, misuse orunlawful access and exploitation of traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions, without prior consent, including ofsuch cultural expressions other than words, signs, namesand symbols including-

(a) the reproduction, publication, adaptation,broadcasting, public performance, communication




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Protection oj Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions

to the public, distribution, rental, making availableto the public and fixation (including by stillphotography) of the cultural expressions orderivatives thereof;

(b) any use of the cultural expressions or adaptationthereof that does not acknowledge the communityas the source of the cultural expressions;

(c) any distortion, mutilation or other modification of,or other derogatory action, in relation to thecultural expressions; and

(d) the acquisition or exercise of intellectual propertyrights over the cultural expressions oradaptations thereof.

(5) A person shall not use words, signs, names andsymbols that are cultural expressions or derivatives thereof,or acquire or exercise intellectual property rights over thecultural expressions or derivatives thereof, in a manner thatdisparages, offends or falsely suggests a connection with thecommunity concerned, or brings the community intocontempt or disrepute.

(6) The Cabinet Secretary in consultation with countygovernments shall establish mechanisms to ensure that-

(a) the relevant community is identified as the sourceof any work or other production adapted from thecultural expressions;

(b) any distortion, mutilation or other modificationof, or other derogatory action in relation tocultural expressions can be prevented;

(c) any false, confusing or misleading indications orallegations which, in relation to goods or servicesthat refer to, draw upon or evoke the culturalexpressions of a community or suggest anyendorsement by or linkage with that community;

(d) where the use or exploitation is intended to begainful, equitable remuneration or benefit-sharing,the use or exploitation is on terms determined andagreed with the relevant community and in theabsence of such agreement as determined by theCabinet Secretary in consultation with the relevantcommunity.


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Protectiott of Tratlitionctl Knowledge ancl Cultural Expressiotts No. 33

Bxceptions andllmrtahons.

(7) The Cabinet Secretary in consultation with countygovernments shall establish mechanisms to ensure thatcommunities have the means to prevent the unauthorizeddisclosure, subsequent use of and acquisition and exercise ofintellectual property rights over cultural expressions that areheld secret.

19. (1) Notwithstanding section 18, the protection oftraditional knowledge or cultural expressions shall-

(a) not restrict or hinder the normal usage,development, exchange, dissemination andtransmission of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions by members of a particularcommunity within the traditional and inaccordance with the customary law and practicesof that community;

(b) extend only to uses of traditional knowledge orcultural expressions taking place outside theirtraditional or customary context, whether forcommercial gain or not; and

(c) be subject to such other exceptions as may benecessary to address the needs of non-commercialuse, including teaching and research foreducational purposes, personal or private use,criticism or review, reporting of current events,use in the course of legal proceedings, the makingof recordings and reproductions of traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions for inclusion inan archive or inventory exclusively for thepurposes of safeguarding knowledge or culturalheritage, and incidental uses.

(2) A user of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions shall obtain prior informed consent andsufficiently acknowledge the owners by expresslymentioning them or the geographical place from which thetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions originated, inthe course of use.

(3) The use of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions shall be compatible with fair practice, therelevant community's customary laws, protocols andpractices and the relevant community shall beacknowledged as the source of the traditional knowledge or

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cultural expressions, and such use shall not be offensive tothe relevant community.

20. (1) Any copyright, frademark, patent, industrial Derivativeworks

design, geographical indication or other intellectual propertyright that exists in relation to a derivative work shall vest inthe creator of the work as provided by the relevantintellectual property law.

(2) Where a derivative work that is based on traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions is to be used for a

commercial or industrial purpose, an authorized useragreement shall be prepared between the rights holder andthe authorised user.

(3) An authorized user agreement prepared undersubsection (2) shall-

(a) contain a benefit sharing arrangement thatprovides for fair equitable monetary or non-monetary compensation to the right holders;

(b) provide for identification and disclosure of thetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions onwhich the derivative work based by mentioningthe holders or the geographical place from whichit originated; and

(c) state that the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions in the derived work will not besubject to derogatory treatment.

PART V_MORAL RIGHTS21. (1) The owners of traditional knowledge or M;rineormomr

cultural expressions shall be holders of the moral rights inthe traditional knowledge or cultural expressions.

(2) The moral rights of the owners of traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions shall include-

(a) the right of attribution of ownership or paternity inrelation to their traditional knowledge and culturalexpressions;

(b) the right not to have ownership of traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions falselyattributed to them; and

(c) the right not to have their traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions subject to derogatorytreatment including any act or omission that

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(d) the right to protection from false and misleadingclaims to authenticity and origin.

(3) The moral rights of traditional owners in theirtraditional knowledge and cultural expressions shall existindependently of their cultural rights.

(4) The moral rights shall continue in force inperpetuity and shall be inalienable or transferable andincapable of being waived.

22. (l) The owners of traditional knowledge orcultural expressions rights shall have the right to assign andconclude licensing agreements.

(2) Despite subsection (1), traditional knowledge orcultural expressions belonging to a local or traditionalcommunity shall not be assigned without the authorizationof the custodian of the local or traditional community.

(3) The holders of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions rights shall grant access, authorizations,assignments or licenses in respect of protected traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions in writing and copysubmitted to the Cabinet Secretary and the respective countyexecutive committee member in charge of matters relatingto traditional knowledge and culture.

(4) Access, authorizations, assignments or licenses inrespect of protected traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions that have not been granted in writing shall haveno effect.

(5) The parties to a licensing agreement may seek theadvice of the Cabinet Secretary when drawing up a

document for the purpose of this section.

(6) The Cabinet Secretary shall keep a register of alllicenses and assignments granted under this section.

23. (1) The cultural rights in traditional knowledge orcultural expressions shall be in addition to any rights thatmay subsist under any law relating to copyright, trademarks,


Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

results in a material distortion, mutilation oralteration of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions that is prejudicial to the honor orreputation of the traditional owners, or theintegrity of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions; and

Assignment andlicensing.

Additional nghts

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

patents, designs or other intellectual property and shall notin any way affect the subsisting rights.

(2) These are the rights to maintain, control, protectand develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions as well their manifestations.

24. (1) The protection of owners and holders or Equitabrebcncnt

traditional knowledge or cultural expressions shall include sharing rights'

the right to fair and equitable sharing of benefits arisingfrom the commercial or industrial use of their knowledge, tobe determined by mutual agreement between the parties.

(2) The right to equitable remuneration might extend tonon-monetary benefits, such as contributions to communitydevelopment, depending on the material needs and culturalpreferences expressed by the communities themselves.

(3) The Cabinet Secretary may make regulationsprescribing the matters that should be included in a benefitsharing affangement.


25. Q) The owners of traditional knowledge and fJ[ili:lif.l}cultural expressions may-

:Xfl;,,,ff*i"J(a) grant authorization for the exploitation and use of cxprcssions'

their traditional knowledge and culturalexpressions; or

(b) after necessary consultations, authorize thenational government, county government or anyother person to exploit their traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions, on their behalf.

(2) The owners of traditional knowledge and culturalexpressions shall notify the Cabinet Secretary, in writing, ofevery authorization agreements they enter into.

(3) Where the owners are to grant an authorizationunder subsection (1)-

(a) they shall not grant the authorization beforeundertaking appropriate and documentedconsultations with the members of thecommunities, in accordance with their traditionalprocesses for decision-making and public affairsmanagement;

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

(b) the authorization shall comply with the scope otprotection provided for the traditional knowledgeor cultural expressions concerned and shallprovide for the equitable sharing of the benefitsarising from their exploitation and use;

(c) the uncertainties or disputes relating to thedetermination of the communities should beinvolved shall be resolved, in so far as is possible,in accordance with customary laws and protocolsof the communities involved;

(d) any monetary or non-monetary benefits arisingfrom the use of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions shall be transferred directlyby the Cabinet Secretary or the person authorisedunder subsection (lxb) to the relevant communityafter consultations with the person in charge ofmatters relating to traditional knowledge andculture in the relevant county; and

(e) the fees that the national government may, wherenecessary, charge for its services, officialpublication procedures, dispute resolution, and theterms and conditions governing authorizations thatmay be granted by the Cabinet Secretary, shall bein accordance with this Act or Regulation madehereunder.

26. (1) An authorization granted under this Act to ffii:il}access protected traditional knowledge associated with knowredge

genetic i".our""s shall not be an authorization to access the ;:::::':tlJ:",associated genetic resources.

(2) The access to associated genetic resources shall bea subject matter of relevant legislations relating to geneticresources.

27. (1) Where the Cabinet Secretary is satisfied thatthere is need for the grant of a compulsory licence undersection 12, a prospective user of traditional knowledge orcultural expressions for a non-customary use, whether for acommercial or industrial nature or not, shall apply to theCabinet Secretary for the consent of the holders for the useof the traditional knowledge or cultural expressions.

(2) An application made under subsection (1) shall-

Applrcation forconsent

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions 2016

(a) be in the prescribed form;

(b) specify the manner in which the applicantproposes to use the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions;

(c) clearly state the purpose for which that use isintended; and

(d) be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

(3) The consent shall be obtained on the basis ofmutually agreed terms prescribed in the regulations madeunder this Act.

(4) Despite subsection (2) applications for access toand documentation of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions by the Cabinet Secretary or relevant CountyExecutive Committee member shall be free of charge andmay be subject to sharing of financial and other benefitsarising from the use of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions.

(5) The Cabinet Secretary shall upon receipt of theapplication under this section consider and determine theapplication within sixty days from the date of receipt.

(6) The Cabinet Secretary may reject an applicationunder subsection (1) if the application does not meet therequirements prescribed under subsection (2) and Article40(3)(b) of the Constitution.

(7) If an authorization is granted under this Act, justcompensation shall be paid promptly in full to the owners orholders.

(8) The Cabinet Secretary shall make rules to guide thedetermination of just compensation.

2E, (1) The Cabinet Secretary shall beforedetermining an application for consent for the use oftraditional knowledge or cultural expressions-

give a copy of the application for consent to theholders of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions to which the application relates;

publish a notification of the application in anewspaper with nationwide circulation stating the




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Protection of Traditional Knowledge ancl Cultural Expressions No. 33

website and other public information centres No. 17 or2012provided in sections 95 and 119 of the CountyGovernments Act, 2012, where the interestedpersons may obtain a copy of the application.

(2) Any person who claims to be a holder of thetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions, to which theapplication relates shall, in writing, make a representation tothe Cabinet Secretary within twenty-eight days after theapplication is published or broadcasted, whichever is thelater.

(3) The Cabinet Secretary shall record in writing thedetails of any written representation given under subsection(2).

29, (1) Where the Cabinet Secretary is satisfied that l1:il1::"'"""'he or she has identified all of the holders of the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions who are required to giveconsent before consent can be granted under section 25, theCabinet Secretary make a written determination of anapplication for consent under section 25 containing thedetails identifying the holders.

(2) The Cabinet Secretary shall publish a notificationof the application in a newspaper with nationwidecirculation^itating the website andbther public information No' 17or20r2

centres provided in sections 95 and 119 of the CountyGovernments Act, 2012, where the interested persons mayobtain a copy of the application

30. (1) Where the Cabinet Secretary is not satisfiedthat he or she has identified all of the holders or that there isa dispute about ownership of the rights, the CabinetSecretary shall refer the matter to the parties for resolutionin accordance with customary laws and practices or suchother means as are agreed to by the parties.

(2) Where a dispute has been resolved and all of theright holders have been identified in accordance withcustomary laws and practices or the means agreed by theparties, the holders shall inform the Cabinet Secretary of theresolution and identification, and the Authority shall recordthe determination containing and the details as to identifythe holders.

(3) The Cabinet Secretary shall publish a notificationof the application in a newspaper with nationwide

Uncenainty ordisputc ofownership,

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No. 33 Protec'tion of Traditional Knot,'ledge and Cultural Expressiorts 2016

circulation stating the website and other public information N.17o12012

centres provided in sections 95 and 1 19 of the CountyGovernments Act, 2012, where the interested persons mayobtain a copy of the application.

31. (1) Where a county government is satisfied that i.:-'l:lll"there is no owner o, ugra"a"it about ownership and no ownershrp

owner can be identified, the county government shall referthe matter to the national government for determination.

(2) Where the national government determines thatthere is no owner and the county of origin is known, thecounty government shall hold the rights to the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions on behalf of the owners.

(3) Where the national government determines thatthere is no owner and the county of origin is known, thecounty government shall hold the rights to the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions on behalf of the people ofthat county.

(4) Where the national government determines that thecounty of origin is not known, the national government shallhold the rights to the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions on behalf of the people of the people of Kenya.

(5) Where the national or county government holds therights under subsection (2) and (3), the governments mayenter into an authorized user agreement for use and anymonetary or non-monetary benefits arising under theagreement for the promotion, maintenance and improvementof the traditional knowledge and cultural expressions.

32. (l)The owners shall consider a user agreementapplication and determine whether to-

(a) reject the application; or

(b) accept the application and enter into negotiationsfor a written authorized user agreement in relationto the application within a specified period ofsixty days.

(2) The holders shall inform the national governmentand the county government, in writing, of their decision andthe Authority shall inform the applicant of the holders'decision, in writing.

Authorized useragreements

33. (1) The owners of traditional knowledge or userasreements'

cultural expressions shall, before entering into an authorized

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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

user agreement, consult the members of the community onthe proposed terms and conditions of the agreement.

(2) The Cabinet Secretary shall make regulationsprescribing the matters that should be included in a useragreement and the procedures to be followed before a useragreement is enter into.

Y. An authorized user agreement shall provide for, inits terms and conditions, all the following matters-

(a) the sharing of financial and other benefits arisingfrom the use of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions;

(b) compensation, fees, royalties or other paymentsfor the use;

Terms andconditions of useragrcement.

Authorizcd useragreement andprior informedconsent,

(c) whether the useexclusive;

(d) duration of the userenewal;

will be exclusive or non-

to be allowed and rights of

(e) disclosure requirements in relation to the use;

(0 possible sharing by the owners of any intellectualproperty rights arising from the use of thetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions;

(g) access arrangements for the owners;

(h) applicable controls on publication;

(i) assignment of rights, where appropriate;

0) dispute resolution mechanisms;

(k) confidentiality and disclosure in relation to secrettraditional knowledge or cultural expressions; and

(l) respect for moral rights of the traditional owners.

35. (1) Where a party cannot read or write, or suffersfrom any physical disability, a verbal agreement may berecorded via video or other communication formats ortechnologies may be used.

(2) Agreements not registered by the Cabinet Secretaryshall be null and void.

(3) In the case of shared intellectual property rightsbetween the holders and the users, such rights shall not betransferred except with the authorization of the CabinetSecretary.

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(4) The intention to transfer such rights shall becommunicated in writing or in such a manner as may beprescribed by the Cabinet Secretary.

(5) Upon receipt of the application the CabinetSecretary may, in consultation with the relevantcommunities grant approval subject to the terms andconditions it deems fits, including imposition of charges byway of royalties or may for reasons recorded in writingreject the application.

(6) Applications for the transfer of intellectual propertyrights, in or outside Kenya based on traditional knowledgeand cultural expressions obtained in Kenya shall require theprior approval of the Cabinet Secretary.

36. (1) A prospective user of traditional knowledge or ?:f'fffilTi'cultural expressions may obtain the prior informed consent knowredge holders.

of the holders, under section 25, without applying to theCabinet Secretary.

(2) The prospective user shall inform the CabinetSecretary that the prospective user has sought the consent ofthe holders and provide the Cabinet Secretary with a copy ofthe proposed authorized user agreement between theprospective user and the holders for comment, and advice.

(3) The prospective user shall provide a copy of thesigned authorized user agreement to the Cabinet Secretary,for entry into the register, within thirty days of theagreement coming into force.

(4) If a prospective user and the holders enter into anauthorized user agreement, the holders are deemed to havegiven their prior and informed consent to the proposed use.

(5) The failure to provide the agreement undersubsection (3) may render the agreement void.


37. (1) A person who-(a) has in possession or control in the course of trade;

Offences and


manufactures, produces or makes in the course oftrade;

sells, barters or exchanges, offers or exposes forsale, disposes, distributes, hires out;



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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 332016

(d) exposes or exhibits for the purposes of trade;

(e) imports into, transit through, trans ships within orexports from Kenya, except for private, domestic,industrial and commercial use of the importer orexporter, as the case may be; or

(0 in any manner develops any goods or serviceusing unauthorized traditional knowledge orcultural expressions in the course of trade,

commits an offence and is liable on conviction toimprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to afine of not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings inrespect of each article or item involved or to imprisonmentfor a term not exceeding ten years or to a fine not exceedingone million shillings.

(2) A person who without authorization makes a non-customary use of traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions whether or not such use is of a commercial orindustrial nature, commits an offence and is liable, onconviction, to a fine not exceeding one million shillings orimprisonment for a terrn not exceeding five years or both.

(3) A person who fails to acknowledge the source ofthe traditional knowledge or cultural expression commits anoffence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceedingone million shillings or imprisonment for a term notexceeding five years or both.

(4) A person who distorts mutilates or does othermodification or derogatory action in a way prejudicial to thecultural interests of the community concerned commits anoffence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceedingone million shillings or imprisonment for a terrn notexceeding five years or both.

(5) A person who makes false, confusing or misleadingindications or allegations which, in relation to goods andservices that refer to, draw upon or evoke the traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions, in a way that suggests anendorsement or linkage with the holders commits an offenceand is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding twomillion shillings or imprisonment for a term not exceedingten years or both.

(6) A person who without authorization acquires andexercises intellectual property rights over protected

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cuhural Expressions

traditional knowledge or cultural expressions commits anoffence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceedingtwo million shillings or imprisonment for a term notexceeding ten years or both.

(7) A person who without authorization, discloses,subsequently uses or acquires and exercises intellectualproperty rights over secret traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions commits an offence and is liable, on conviction,to a fine not exceeding two million shillings orimprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or both.

(8) A person who imports an article or other thing intoKenya that relates to traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions of Kenya knowingly, or reasonably ought tohave known, that the import would conffavene this Act hadthe thing or article been created in Kenya commits anoffence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceedingfive hundred thousand shillings or imprisonment for a termnot exceeding three years or both.

(9) A person who without authorization exports anarticle or other thing out of Kenya that relates to traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions for a non-traditional usewhether or not such use is of a commercial or industrialnature commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to afine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings orimprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or both.

(10) A person who makes or has in possession anycontrivance used or intended to be used for the purpose ofexploiting unauthorized taditional knowledge and culturalexpressions an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a finenot exceeding five hundred thousand shillings orimprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or both.

(11) A court that has convicted a person of an offenceunder this section-

(a) shall, when considering which penalty to impose,take into account any risk that may arise from thepresence or use of the traditional knowledge orcultural expressions in question;

(b) may take consider, any evidence to the effect thatsuch person had fully, truthfully and to the best ofhis ability disclosed to an inspector whoinvestigated the offence, all information andparticulars available to that person relating to--


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Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions No. 33

(i) the source of the unauthorized traditionalknowledge or cultural expressions that is thesubject of the offence;

(ii) the identity of the persons involved in theimportation, exportation, manufacture,production or making of those unauthorizedtraditional knowledge or culturalexpressions;

(iii) the identity and the addresses or whereaboutsof the persons involved in the distribution ofthe traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions; and

(iv) the channels for the distribution of thosetraditional knowledge or cultural expressions.

(12) Where an offence under this Act is committed bya body corporate and there is proof that the offence wascommitted with the consent or connivance of, or isattributable to, negligence on the part of any director,manager, secretary or other similar officer of the bodycorporate, or any person who was purporting to act in anysuch capacity, both the responsible person and the bodycorporate commit an offence.

(13) A citizen of Kenya, or a person who permanentlyresides in Kenya, who commits an act outside Kenya thatconstitutes an offence under this Act if committed in Kenya,commits such an offence and is liable on conviction to thesame penalty prescribed for such offence under this Act.

(14) Despite subsection (13) a person may not beconvicted of an offence under subsection (I2) if such aperson has been acquitted or convicted in the country wherethat offence was committed.

38. (1) The holders of traditional knowledge and civilaction

cultural expressions may institute legal proceedings in acourt of competent jurisdiction seeking any action providedin section 39 against any person who carries out any of theacts mentioned in section 18, without the holder's priorinformed consent.

(2) Where a person-(a) makes a non-customary use of traditional

knowledge or cultural expression whether or not

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No. 33 Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions

such use is of a commercial nature without thepermission of the owner; or


(b) acts in a manner or commits an omission thatinfringes the moral rights of the traditional ownersof that traditional knowledge or culturalexpression,

the owners shall have the right to institute legalproceedings against any such person.

39. (1) The court may, in proceedings instituted civirremedies'

under section 38-(a) grant an injunction;

(b) award damages for loss resulting from theunauthorized use;

(c) make a declaration that the cultural rights of theholders have been contravened;

(d) order that the infringer make a public apology forthe contravention;

(e) order that any false attribution of ownership, orderogatory treatment, of the traditional knowledgeor cultural expressions cease or be reversed;

order the account for profits made by the infringerin exploiting the infringing articles;

order the forfeiture of profits made by theinfringer in exploiting the infringing articles to theowner;

order the delivery up or forfeiture to the holders ofarticles made in contravention of their rights, asprovided for under this Act;

order the seizure of any object made, imported orexported contrary to this Act;

order the revocation or invalidation of intellectualproperty rights inappropriately acquired overtraditional knowledge or cultural expressions orderivatives thereof; or

make such other orders as the Court considersappropriate in the circumstances or as it maydeem fit.

(2) The court may in deciding the relief to be grantedconsider-







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(a) whether the defendant was aware or oughtreasonably to have been aware of the rights of theholders as provided for under this Act;

(b) the effect on the honour or reputation of theholders resulting from the unauthorized use;

(c) anything done by the defendant to mitigate theeffects of the unauthorized use;

(d) any cost or difficulty that may have beenassociated with identifying the holders;

(e) any cost or difficulty in ceasing or reversing anyfalse attribution of ownership, or derogatorytreatment of the traditional knowledge or culturalexpressions; or

(f) whether the parties have undertaken any otheraction to resolve the dispute.

40. In addition to the remedies provided under thisAct, any dispute may be resolved through-

(a) mediation;

(b) alternative dispute resolution procedures; or

(c) customary laws, practices and protocols notinconsistent with the Constitution.

Other mcchurismsto rosolvc disputcs.

41, The rights and remedies provided in this Act shall othcrrightsrnd

not affect *y ith.r rights of acti'on or remedies provided rcmodte*

under other written laws.


42. (l) Upon the commencement of this Act, any r*nsition'

person who, before the commencement of this Act, waslawfully involved in the exploitation and dissemination oftraditional knowledge shall be required to comply with theprovisions of this Act within twelve months, subject toequitable treatment of the rights acquired by third parties ingood faith.

(2) The continued use of cultural expression rightsacquired before the commencement of this Act shall, withintwelve months of the commencement of this Act, bereviewed and harmonised with the provisions of this Act,subject to equitable treatment of the rights and interestsacquired by third parties through prior use in good faith.

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(3) This Act does not affect or apply to contracts,licenses or other agreements entered into by traditionalowners before the commencement of this Act in relation tothe use of traditional knowledge or cultural expressions.

43. (1) The Cabinet Secretary may make Regulations Regurations'

for the better canying into effect of this Act.

(2) Despite the generality of subsection (1), theregulations may provide for-

(a) administrative requirements necessary for theimplementation of the provisions of this Act;

(b) the procedure for applications of authorization forthe exploitation of traditional knowledge andcultural expressions;

(c) fees to be paid by the National CompetentAuthority and the details of the distribution of partof the fees;

(d) mechanisms for fair distribution of benefitsderived from usage of traditional knowledge andcultural expressions;

(e) preventive mechanisms aimed at protectingtraditional knowledge and cultural expressions;

(0 forms to be used for matters requiring forms underthis Act; and

(g) any other matters that are required or necessary beprescribed in order to give effect to this Act.

(3) Whenever the Cabinet Secretary is required to makeregulations or rules under this Act, the Cabinet Secretaryshall make the regulations in consultation with the Councilof County Governors.

44. In accordance with reciprocal arrangements, thisAct may provide the same protection to traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions originating in othercountries or territories as is provided to traditionalknowledge and cultural expressions originating in Kenya.

Recognition ofother laws.

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