
Cypress Kids! They won’t want to miss all the excitement we have planned!


I’m so excited that summer is here and we are ready to roll! There are so many AMAZING things planned for you this summer...I know you don’t want to miss any of them!

We have WEIRD activities and games; games where you will more than likely get WET! Crazy themed weekends all summer long, from crazy hair to super games–illusions that will blow your mind.

PLUS three amazing family events you will want to make sure you put on your calendar. Just so happens, we have provided a summer calendar for you on pages 8 and 9! And throughout our newsletter, we have added some interest-ing things to try during the summer...with your family and friends! Make sure and try some of them at home and invite your friends to come join us at


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�� ������When: July 22-25, for kids, 1st-6th grade Where: Kirkwood Camp, Wilmington Ohio Camp fees: Regular Registration, $200 (Register May 12-June 22) Late Registration, $225 (Register June 23-July 18) Camp Counselors: If you are interested in being a counselor this year, please check out the camp website and sign up! Camp Website:

Mix up the sidewalk paint (half cornstarch, half water, plenty of food coloring or washable paint), pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it. It will look pale at first, but as it dries it will become more vibrant. Use as

stamps or for ice-melting races, 3D sculptures, and color-mixing experiments.


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beautiful art work in the bathtub. Encourage your child to draw trees and flowers, corn stalks and pumpkins—anything that grows from the ground. Make sure to talk about how God made it all! God made everything!

STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 1:9-13 In the beginning, God made the land and plants. Play Time Purchase some Finger Paint Soap or Bathtub Crayons. Both are wonderful for creating

super fun! Sit with your child and brainstorm some fun water activities you can do together and then do them! Water the flowers, squirt water guns, run through a sprinkler—there’s so much you can do! As you play, tell each other how happy you are that God made water!

STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 1:6-10 In the beginning, God made water. Play Time Water! It’s definitely a favorite of preschoolers. They can use it to paint watercolors, make mud pies, and, best of all . . . SWIM! Yes, sir! Water is

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�����##�#$�STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 1:20-25 In the beginning, God made animals. Prayer Time “Dear God, we had so much fun playing with [name of animal]. Thank You for mak-ing him/her. Thank You for making other animals like the . . . (working together, see how many different animals you can name; keep going until you get tired :-). You are such a creative God! We love You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 1:14-19 In the beginning, God made the sky, sun, moon and stars. Play Time Music is super fun to listen to in the car, but why not do something a little different this month. Play a naming game! Take turns calling out things God made that you see out the window. When you get home, take a minute to pray and thank God for all the wonderful things you saw.


STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 1:26-27; 2:7, 20-23 In the beginning, God made people. God made people and that means God made our friends! Play Time Sit down with your child and talk about his/her friends and how God made all of them. And how that makes them VERY special. Ask your child to pick a friend to invite over for a special play time. Help them prepare for the play date by choosing a snack and thinking about what they will do together. After their special play time, pray with your child and thank God for making people like our good friend, [friend’s name].


June MEMORY VERSE “God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1, NIrV

Ice Cube Painting (just add food coloring)

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God will help us too! STORY SUMMARY JUDGES 7:9-22 God amazingly helps Gideon win the battle with just a small army, horns, jars and torches. Prayer Time “Dear God, You are amazing! You can do things no one

STORY SUMMARY JUDGES 7:1-8 God helps Gideon, a simple farmer, gather an army and go to battle. Play Time Add some small plastic army men to bath time. Make mountains for the army men to climb and go through with your soap bubbles. Talk about how God did what He said He would do and how He helped Gideon’s army.

else can do. Help us to be-lieve what You say because we know You do what You say You will do. Thank You for loving us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Maybe you’ll find one this month! Be on the lookout, especially after a good rain. If you happen to see one, talk about how it is a sign that God keeps His promises. No rainbow? How about people? Play a game of “God loves...” Every time you see a person say, “God loves...” and point to the person you see. Because the truth is, God loves you and me and everyone we see!

STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 8:1–9:17 God keeps Noah, his family and the animals safe on the ark. He sends a wind to dry the water and a rainbow as a sign of His promise to never flood the world again. Play Time Nothing is more exciting than spotting a rainbow in the sky.



Marshmallow Skewers


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���(���)� ��� ���!�"���!�!�"�������(�STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 6:8-22; 7:1-24 God tells Noah He is going to send water to flood the whole world. He gives Noah spe-cific instructions on how to build an ark that will protect Noah, his family and two of each animal. Play Time Grab some sidewalk chalk and see how many different animals you can draw on your driveway. Talk about all the different animals Noah had to take care of on the ark. That was a BIG job! But God helped Noah, just like He said He would, and God will help us too.


“Trust the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5, NCV


3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 package (10 oz., about 40) regular marshmallows --or-- 4 cups miniature marshmallows 6 cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal 32 pieces of fresh fruit such as strawberries, kiwi, grapes, etc 16 (12 inch long) wooden skewers

DIRECTIONS In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated. 3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool. Cut into 1-inch squares (or shapes). 4. Alternately thread cereal squares and fruit onto skewers. Best if served the same day.


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Play Time “Dear God, it’s hard to do what You say when our friends don’t. Help [child’s name] have the courage to always do what You say. Help his friends to do what You say too. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

STORY SUMMARY NUMBERS 13–14 God sends Joshua, Caleb and 10 other spies into the Promised Land. The other spies are scared by what they see, but not Joshua and Caleb. They want to do what God says even when others don’t.

fying glass, art pad and crayons. Explore the world God made for us. Look at trees, flowers and grasses up close. Visit a garden of fruits and veggies. Make a few drawings of what you see. Talk about how people need plants for clean air and food to eat. God knew what was best for us and that’s why He made it!

STORY SUMMARY GENESIS 3:1-24 In the beginning, God created a world that was best for all people. He gave rules for Adam and Eve to follow because He knew what was best for them. Adam and Eve did not obey God and had to leave the garden God so lovingly made for them. Play Time Go outside with a magni-

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STORY SUMMARY JONAH 1:1–3:10 God tells Jonah to go to Nineveh. Instead of obeying God, Jonah runs away and finds himself in the belly of a BIG fish. Jonah finally obeys God and learns the hard way that God knows what’s best. Play Time There are lots of things we’re told to do while driving a car. Red lights tell you to stop. Green lights tell you to go. You have to wear a seat-belt. You can’t text while you drive. The speed limit tells you how fast you can go . . . you know the rules. And we know it’s best to always do what we’re told or something bad could happen. Talk with your child about the rules you are following, as you drive, and what could hap-pen if you didn’t obey them. When you get home, briefly tell your child that God knows what’s best for us. He tells us what to do because He loves us and wants to take care of us. And that’s why we should always, al-ways, ALWAYS do what He says.


Glow In The Dark Slime recipe Ingredients: 1 - 4oz bottle of clear or blue gel Elmer's glue, 1 cup of warm water, 2-3 tablespoons of glow-in-the-dark paint, Green Neon Food Coloring, 2 teaspoons of Borax, and 1/3 cup of warm water. Enjoy!


MEMORY VERSE “God’s way is perfect.” Psalm 18:30, NIrV BASIC TRUTH God loves me.




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Weird like the prophet Ezekiel

Obey God no matter what. It’s not a just a good kind of weird; It’s a God kind of weird.

If you choose to obey God and really live life His way, people are going to think you’re weird. Ezekiel did what-ever God asked him to do. He saw weird visions, he said weird things, and did the crazy stuff God said to do. Ezekiel was a prophet-messenger of God—during a time when God wanted to warn His people about some horrible things that were about to happen to them. So God told Ezekiel to do some really weird things to show the people what was coming soon.

Do this week’s challenge!

Read Ezekiel, Chapter 4 together with your parents.

Write down a few of the weird things God asked Ezekiel to do.

Pray together and ask God what kinds of things He wants you to do that might make others think you’re weird.

Will you be weird like Ezekiel?

John the Baptizer was weird. Lots of people thought so. He wore weird clothes. He ate weird things. And most of all, he talked boldly to people about getting right with God. His whole life pointed others to Jesus. How will your life point others to Jesus? Will you be weird like John?

Weird like John the Baptizer

Be bold about sharing your faith. It’s not just a good kind of weird; it’s a God kind of weird.

Do this week’s Challenge!

Find three people who didn’t go to church this weekend.

Talk to them about what you learned about being weird for Jesus.

Invite them to come back. (You’ll receive a prize if they come.)

Weird like Queen Esther

Stand up for what’s right even when it’s hard. It’s not just a good kind of weird, it’s a God kind of weird.

If you decide to follow Jesus and really live life God’s way, people are going to think you are weird. Esther stood up for what was right no matter what. She didn’t have to care about others. She had a good life. She was the queen! But she risked everything to help others and play the part God had for her in His big plan.

Do this week’s challenge!

Get a parent to help you find out what each Biblical person (listed below) did that was so weird.

Noah (look at Genesis 6:9-22)

Daniel (look at Daniel 1:1-16)

David (look at 2 Samuel 6:16-22)

Write down one weird thing for each of them.



�!,-�"��.*��������MEMORY VERSE Romans 1:16NLT I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes...


Weird like Miriam, Aaron and Moses Love your family and treat them well. It’s not just a good kind of weird; it’s a God kind of weird. It’s not normal to show God’s love all the time. If your family chooses to live for God, the way you treat each other will seem weird to everyone else. It may seem weird to others for you to love spending time with your siblings

and parents, especially as you get older. Miriam and Aaron really risked a lot to help out their brother Moses. They stuck together even when they were grown. If you want your family to be weird like Moses’ family, you can be the one to start it. Do this week’s challenge! Write down some things you can do this week to really show God’s love to your family!

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Need to Know: God’s Power in Me Helps Me Have Faith! Bible Story: The Baby in the Basket Read Exodus 1-2 You can trust God, even when you don’t know what’s about to happen. God’s Power In Me Helps Me Have Faith! Moses’ mom had to make a choice: try to hide baby Moses or make a basket and send him down the river, not knowing what would happen to Moses. She prayed to God to save him. He did—a princess found him and raised him as her own! Moses did great things later in the book of Exodus. We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. Because God’s power is greater, we can have faith even when we do not know what will happen.

Need to Know: God’s Power In Me Makes Me A Hero! Bible Story: Who Is The True God? Read 1 Kings 18 Being a superhero is not about wearing capes and masks. True super heroes rely on God’s power in them to make them heroes, and His power is greater than any other power in the world! God’s power in me makes me a hero!

God asked Elijah to do something that seemed crazy. He challenged the Baal worshipers to a “fire off.” Baal worshippers failed to set fire to their altar. With three years of no rain – Elijah soaked the wood on the altar. And with one prayer to the Lord, that the Baal worshippers would see God’s power–the altar was in a blaze. Elijah trusted God and it was God’s power they saw that day!

We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. When we rely on His power in us, we are able to defeat any enemies!

Studio K-4 continued on page 11

Need to know: God’s Power in Me Makes

Me Strong! Bible Story: Samson

Read Judges 13-16 Muscles aren’t the source of superheroes’ true strength. Only God has the power to make us strong because He is stronger than anything or anyone. Superheroes’ real strength comes from God’s power in them! Just like them, our true power can only come from God. God’s power in me makes me strong! Samson was fooled into giving up his secret for strength. And they took his strength away from him. But over time, Samson prayed to God and asked for the strength to help him defeat the Philistines one last time. And God granted that prayer. We should remember that without God, we all have weak-nesses, but when we rely on God’s power, it strengthens us!

Need to Know: God’s Power in Me Helps Me Protect Others!

Bible Story: Rahab Helps Two Spies Read Joshua 2:1-24 Rahab risked her life in protecting the spies – she understood they served a very powerful God. In return, they spared her life when they took down the walls of Jericho. We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. When we rely on His power in us, we can protect others from harm!



Memory Verse 1 John 4:4 “God’s Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one who is in the world.”

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Scioto Mile A stunning 15,000 square-foot interactive fountain, the country’s largest free outdoor climbing wall, and the world’s most authentic replica of the Santa Maria—the Scioto Mile has something for everyone. Metro Parks Sixteen natural area parks with over 175 miles of trails in seven Central Ohio counties. Plenty of places to play and ������������ ������������������������������������������ ����������� ����� Columbus Commons A carousel, green space and packed roster of activities �� ��������� �������������������������������������������������� Columbus Metropolitan Libraries The Mall at Tuttle Crossing Space Themed Play Place Get ready for blast off! Kids 42 inches and under are wel-come at this soft play area. Kids can planet-hop, climb in and out of a U.S. spaceship or slide down the tail of a comet. The Eastland Mall Ohio State Themed Play Place The Ohio State University themed play area at Eastland Mall is a great stop for weather-weary parents. The area has plenty of climbing and sliding structures, as well as several manual manipulation features. Polaris Mall Columbus Zoo Themed Play Place Jump on a tiger's back and lounge with a hippo? Yes, please! A kid's delight, Polaris' Columbus Zoo themed play area is perfect for little kids. Graeter’s Scoops and Chutes Play Area A play place in an ice-cream shop. It couldn't get any bet-ter unless there was a tour of the ice cream factory - oh wait, there is!

Village Green Park in Powell: 47 Hall Street Powell, OH 43065 Homestead Park in Hilliard: 4675 Cosgray Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 Easton Town Center splash areas: 160 Easton Town Center Columbus, OH 43219 Polaris Fashion Center: small splash area beside the Barnes and Noble: 1560 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OH 43240 Scioto Mile: 233 Civic Center Drive Columbus, OH 43215 Barnett Recreation Center: 1184 Barnett Road on Columbus' east side Big Splash: 2831 Southwest Blvd, Grove City, OH 43123 Ballentrae Park: 6350 Woerner Temple Rd, Dublin Ohio Cinemark’s Summer Movie Clubhouse: 10 films for $5 or $1 per show, all films rated G or PG. They are playing 10 films for kids this summer. Gateway Film Center’s From Book to Film: Ad-mission is free with a library card, all films rated G or PG. Read the book before you see the movie! They have all the movies listed so you have plenty of time to check them out. Studio 35�s Summer Kids Series: Admission is $2 per person, all films rated G or PG. CAPA Summer Movie Series at the Ohio Thea-ter: Strips of 10 tickets are $25, a savings of $1.50 per ticket off “day-of-show” prices. Historic Ohio Theater.

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/Sun

1/2 Weird Mustache Day

3 4 5 6 7 8/9 Weird Hair Day

10 11 12 13 14 15/16 Weird Sunglasses Day Summer Bash– Father’s Day 5-6th grade movie day

17 18 19 20 21 22/23 Weird Hat Day Last Starbucks of the summer

24 25 26 27 28 29/30 Weird outfit and game day

I always loved summertime with our boys! I loved not worrying about homework and bedtimes. We would have “end of school” parties, which consisted of a crazy sleepover with pizza bread, movies, basketball games at midnight and mud fights the next day! There was always a group of boys – maybe 10 to start off with – and, invariably, someone would either get sick or want to go home. Dale would dread those parties – maybe because he had to tend to the sick kid (I had a weak stomach). Perhaps it was the way the yard looked after the mud fights. My point – make your summers count! Make memories. Summer is also a good time to work on character building. Each summer week is filled with op-

portunities to teach (informally, of course). The other day I found a note to myself, from a zillion summers ago, to work with the boys on controlling their anger towards each other. We had a rule about no unkind words between brothers. This was a challenge, but the key words were “no unkind” words. You didn’t have to like what someone else did, but you couldn’t be hateful about it and name calling was never al-lowed. Disparaging talk will happen everywhere else in their world – home needs to be a safe place. Do you want to have a good memory-making summer? Then put down those phones! I am so glad those weren’t around when my kids were young. At the risk of sounding old – ha – we don’t get this time back with our children. Trust me – I panic if I can’t find my phone, but why? Our phones have caused us to be a rude society so, of course, our kids are rude and disengaging. So please put the phones down – people can always text or leave you a message. Sorry, I digress. But it is a big pet peeve of mine! I have a summer challenge for you – read Ephesians 4. Eat it up - even if you just focus on verses 29-32 – it is really good stuff! Talk about the truths and how this is how God wants us to live. One last thing…as you begin your summer, take an imaginary jump into fall and then reflect back. What will you have accomplished? What memories were made? Plan now, today, for the memories that will last a lifetime. Just lately, one of our sons preached a sermon and guess what he talked about?? Pizza bread and mud fights – YES!!

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6/7 Super Cape Day

8 9 10 11 12 13/14—the 13th is our Summer Bash Outdoor Family Movie Night! Super Illusion Day

15 16 17 18 19 20/21 Super Soaker Strength 5th-6th grade Service Project

22 23 24 25 26 27/28 Super Side Kicks’ Day 6th Grade Summer Send Off!!

29 30 31

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/Sun

1 2 3/4 ***PROMOTION WEEKEND*** Super Service Celebration

5 6 7 8 9 10/11 Super Game Weekend

12 13 14 15 16 17/18 August 16-18… Summer Bash Family Weekend

19 20 21 22 23 24/25 Super Quacktastic Awards

26 27 28 29 30 31/Sept 1

KIDS CAMP– Camp Kirkwood

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Need to Know: God’s Power in Me Helps Me Be Selfless! Bible Story: A Tough Assignment Read Judges 4 Deborah was a prophet of God. She chose to help in the battle to free the Israel-ites from the people of Sisera. Deborah could have stayed under her tree, but instead she chose to go and help. We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. When we rely on His power in us, we can be selfless and think of others before ourselves!

Need to Know: God’s Power in Me Makes Me Victorious! Bible Story: Jesus is Victorious Read Revelation 19 Jesus is the ultimate hero who has won the victory over all evil in the world. And when we make Jesus the leader and hero of our lives, His power in us will make us victori-ous too! We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. No matter what type of evil we are facing, we can rely on God’s power to make us victorious!

Need to Know: God’s Power in Me Makes Me a Leader Bible Story: Gideon’s Army Read Judges 6-8 All of us can be leaders when we rely on God’s power in us to help us lead! God’s Power in Me Makes Me a Leader! Gideon’s army had 300 men and the Midianites had thou-sands of men, but Gideon was not afraid! God’s power gave him the courage he needed to lead the men straight to the Midian camp at night. We should all remember that God’s power is greater than anything else. When we rely on His power in us, then we can be leaders, even if we feel unqualified!



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“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have

everlasting life. John 3:16

PRESCHOOL BIBLE SUGGESTION The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the story beneath all the stories in the Bible. At the center of all is a baby, the child upon whom everything will depend. From Noah to Moses, to the great King David—every story points to Him. He is the missing piece to the puzzle—the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together. From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the story

unfolds, children will pick up the clues and piece together the puzzle.

ELEMENTARY BIBLE SUGGESTION Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations. The Hands-On

Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way. The Hands-On Bible is packed

with activities and experiences that invite kids to crawl inside the Scriptures and "do" God's Word!

PRETEEN BIBLE SUGGESTION (variety of covers– As an on-the-go teen, you're moving fast. God is moving faster! The Teen Study Bible helps you keep in step with all He has done, is doing, and will do in the world—and in your life. This Bible will help you discover the eternal truths of God's Word and apply them to the issues you face today; with questions, devotionals and excerpts to help you grow deeper with the One and Only.

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FORCE FIELD Decisions - The Ripple Effect How have you been affected by other people’s bad decisions? How can you make a positive difference in your world? Bible Verse: Matthew 7:12 Since the very beginning of time, God has set up this world so that we are all affected not just by our choices, but by other peo-ple’s decisions too. When our family, our friends, our city, and our world make choices to obey God and live under the protection of His truth, it can actually strengthen our force field. How can you influence the people around you to live for Christ? If we all lived for Christ and lived by his rules, would anyone get hurt?

God gave them the pillar of fire to guide them. The Isra-elites were able to travel safely at night because the pillar of fire was huge and it produced a ton of light! God doesn’t use pillars of fire to lead us any more. Instead He uses other things.

THE HEAT IS ON God used fire to lead Bible: Exodus 13:17–22 Bottom Line: Allow God to be in control of your life. Key Verse: Isaiah 10:17a The Israelites were travel-ing in a desert, however, it’s WAY cooler at night than during the day.

Make a list of ways God leads us in life:

FORCE FIELD You Gotta Take Action What action will you take? Bible: Deuteronomy 30:19; James 2:22 Do bad things happen to Christ followers? Abso-lutely, but our lives can be stronger when we choose to build a strong force field. “You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.” James 2:22 It’s not just about having faith – it’s also about doing something about it! What can you do in your community this week to share the love of Christ with someone else? Write down 2 things you will do in your neighbor-hood this week.

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�����%�&� �����##�#$�THE HEAT IS ON God used fire to communi-cate Bible: Exodus 3:1–15 (Moses and the Burning Bush) Bottom Line: When God speaks, listen up. Key Verse: Isaiah 10:17a God speaks to you and me in many ways. Some of the most common ways are through the Bible, prayer, the Holy Spirit and other people. You are so valu-able to Him that He wants to talk to you. He wants to lead and guide you to have the best life ever. When you think God is speaking to you, listen up and do it. Life always goes better when you do. What are some ways in which God speaks to peo-ple today? Where is a place you can go to be alone with God?

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THE HEAT IS ON God used fire to purify Bible: Malachi 3:1-4;8-12 (The Refiner’s Fire) Bottom Line: Identify the junk in your heart and partner with God to purify your heart. Key Verse: Isaiah 10:17a God wants to refine and pu-rify your heart. He wants to get out the junk. In order for that to happen, we have to first identify the junk that needs to be purified. Once identified, you surrender the junk to God and rely on his strength and power to make it happen. It’s a partnership

between you and God. You ask for his power and strength; then He gives it to you. You will then be given the opportunity to choose the right direction over the wrong. It’s up to you to make the right choice. Each time you do, the purifying process moves forward. Each time you mess up (and you will), you ask God for forgiveness

and keep moving forward. What are some areas in your life that need to be cleaned out? Is it anger, bitterness, fear? Pray and ask God to help you get rid of the junk in your life. Ask God to show you what junk needs to be dealt with!

Then, respond to God’s voice by fol-lowing His lead. How is God changing your character to be more like Him? Listening, pa-tient, forgiving? How can you change the world around you with those character traits He’s giving you? Forgiveness for the bully at your school? Courage to make a new friend?

THE HEAT IS ON God used fire to start a church Bible: Acts 2 Bottom Line: God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, starts the process of life change, so respond to Him. Key Verse: Isaiah 10:17a Once you become a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins the process of changing you to become like Jesus. Your job is to respond to what God is doing in your life and tune into what God is doing through listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice within.




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Recipe adapted from America's Test Kitchen Here are your ingredients:

5 cups seedless watermelon pulp 1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup mini chocolate chips 1 pint lime sherbet, softened

Puree watermelon and sugar in batches in your blender or food processor until smooth and strain into a medium bowl. Cover and freeze until puree is slightly slushy, but not quite solid, about 2 to 3 hours. Remove from freezer, stir well and add in chocolate chips. Place twelve 5-ounce disposable cups in a shallow baking pan and spoon watermelon puree into cups, leaving about a 1/2 inch left from the rim. Place pan in freezer for 2 hours, or until puree is solid, but not rock hard. Allow lime sherbet to soften a bit, then spread over top of each portion of watermelon puree so that it comes up to the edge of the cup. Smooth sherbet with the back of a spoon and cover each cup with plastic wrap. Cut a small slit in the center of each cup and insert a popsicle stick into each pop so that it almost reaches the bottom of the cups. Freeze overnight (or until solid). Note: They can be frozen for up to two days. Serve and enjoy!



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ever is in charge, even when you don’t feel like it. By submitting to God and those He has placed in charge, we are keeping our-selves ready to do other good works for Him. Our obedience helps us to be seen in a positive way by others. When they need someone to help them or guide them, God can use us to serve them. When is it hard to respect those in charge? What are some steps you can take this week to help you be a positive person?

BACK 2 SCHOOL Week 3: Respect for Authority Bottom Line: When you show respect to those in authority, you are showing respect to God. Bible Passage: Romans 13:1-5; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 2:13-15; Titus 3:1 Respect is a special way of talking and acting. It means submitting to the authority of those that are placed above you, like teachers or principals. It means obey-ing the instructions of who-

the power to encourage and build up others, or words can be hurtful and lead to destruction. What are some examples of words that hurt? What are some examples of words that are encouraging? Words that encourage and are truthful are words that lead people to Christ! How can you lead others to Christ this week?

BACK 2 SCHOOL Week 2: Tame the Tongue Bottom Line: Use your words to build up others, not tear them down. Bible Passage: James 3:7-11, 1:19-20; Luke 16:10; Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 3:17 The tongue has two pur-poses. 1) to help you eat and taste food, 2) to articu-late (words) what is it you want to say. Words have

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BACK 2 SCHOOL Week 1: Peer Pressure Bottom Line: When you face peer pressure, take a stand for what you know is right. Bible Passage: Daniel 3 Peer pressure is very powerful. We all want to fit in and be a part of the group. Sometimes this means that we do things we don’t normally do, just to fit in. You can be pressured in a lot of ways at school. You can be pressured to look a certain way or act a cer-tain way that really goes against what God’s Word teaches us. In those situations, how will you stand up to the pressure?

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BACK 2 SCHOOL Week 4: Forgiven Much Bottom Line: Forgive others the way God has forgiven us. Bible Passage: Matthew 18:21–35; Colossians 3:13 It’s not easy to forgive others, but it is what Jesus commands us to do. Even if the other person is not really sorry, we still have to forgive and give it over to God. Colossians 3:13 says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Remember, we should forgive others the way God has forgiven us. When is it hard to forgive someone? Do you have anyone right now that you need to forgive, or ask forgiveness from?

Water Balloon Piñata

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Question : How do we minister to our Cypress Sports kids each week? Answer : Through our weekend worship experiences in our kids ministry, the kids have a blast while they learn the truth about Jesus through scripture. On the field, the coaches and referees encourage our kids to honor Jesus through the way we play the game.

We are excited to host Youth Flag Football this summer! Regis-tration deadline is June 23 and games will begin on July 20. Imagine a game where kids can learn not only the skills of the game, but great life virtues throughout the entire season. Our Cypress teams pray, play and prac-tice together weekly.

We also teach them that virtue is much more important than the final score. If you are interested in helping us minister to our kids through sports, or if you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to email us at [email protected]


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�������� Saturday, June 8 5:45pm-8:30pm

Student Center *For all current 6th graders,

the future 7th graders this fall... * BRING your own NERF GUN!! * BRING WHITE SHIRT...tie-dying * Dinner is free

Saturday, July 13 5:45pm-8:30pm Student Center

*For all current 6th graders, the future 7th graders this fall…

* Extreme Obstacle Course * Dinner provided…(McDoubles, chips, pop and sweets) * Bring clothes to get WET!!


Youth Soccer Registrations will open on July 26 and close on August 26.

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Cypress Christian Daycare is now accepting registrations for

summer and fall!

for more information regarding availability, please contact Pamela Perkins

at 614-878-8498

Talk to us: Kathy George – Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] Heidi Rucker – C.M. Assistant, Infant - 5 years [email protected] Sasha LaBonte – C.M. Assistant, K - 2nd grade [email protected] Ben Fordree– C.M Assistant, 3rd-4th grade [email protected] Angie Young – C.M. Assistant, 5th- 6th grade [email protected] Questions about Children’s Ministry? e-mail us!



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Cypress Christian Preschool Enrolling for Next Fall

Contact Lisa for more information 614-878-8803

Cypress Christian School

K-8th grade Before and After School Program

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