
Meiotic Cell Division

Meiotic Cell DivisionObectivesDescribe the result of meiotic division in terms of sexual reproductionDiscuss the structure of homologous chromosomesDescribe chromosomes in terms of ploidyDistinguish between sexual and asexual reproductionDiscuss genetic variationIntroductionChromosomes occur in pairsEach chromosome may contain ~ 1000 genesDiploid cells contain two of each kind of chromosome (2n)Somatic or body cells (46 chromosomes in humans)Produced by mitosisHaploid cells contain one of each kind of chromosome (n)Gametes or sex cells (23 chromosomes in humans)Produced by meiosisIntroductionHomologous Chromosomes (Homolog's)Homo Greek word for the sameRepresents the two chromosomes of each pair in a diploid cellEach homologous pair has genes for the same traitTall or shortHomolog's are not always identical

IntroductionWhy is meiosis needed to produce gametes?Meiosis form of cell division which produces the number of chromosomes as a somatic cellMeiosis divided into two phasesMeiosis I begins with one diploid cellMeiosis II ends with four haploid gametesGametes must be haploid in order to continually produce a diploid zygoteSperm (n) + Egg (n) = Zygote (2n)Introduction

IntroductionSexual reproductionProduction and fusion of haploid gametesn + n = 2nGenetic information is exchangedAsexual reproductionSingle parent produces one or more identical offspring by dividing into two cellsNo exchange of genetic materialBinary Fission, Parthenogenesis Budding, Fragmentation Introduction




Phases of MeiosisInterphaseCell replicates its chromosomesEach chromosome consists of two sister chromatids

Phases of MeiosisProphase IDNA coils as the spindle formsTwo homologous chromosomes line up gene by gene to form a tetradTetrad forms so tightly that crossing over occursExchange of genetic materialCan occur at any location along the chromosomeResults in new combinations of allelesPhases of Meiosis

Phases of Meiosis IMetaphase 1Centromere of each chromosome becomes attached to a spindle fiberTetrads move to the equatorial plane of the spindleUnique to MeiosisAnaphase IHomologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cellCentromeres holding sister chromatids together do not splitPhases of MeiosisTelophase 1Spindle breaks downChromosomes uncoilNucleus ReappearsCytoplasm dividesOne more cell division is needed b/c each chromosome is still doubled (2 sister chromatids)Phases of Meiosis iiMitotic division of products of Meiosis IProphase 2Spindle forms in each cellNucleus disappearsChromatin coils into chromosomesCentrioles migrate to opposite sides of cell

Phases of Meiosis IIMetaphase 2Chromosomes line up on the equatorial plane of the spindleEach centromere connected to two spindle fibersAnaphase 2Centromeres splitChromatids separateChromatids migrate to opposite ends of the cellTelophase 2Nuclei reformSpindle breaks downCytoplasm dividesChromosomes uncoil into chromatin

Phases of Meiosis IIEnd result of MeiosisFour haploid cells formed from one diploid cellFour haploid cells become gametes

Genetic VariabilityGenetic Recombination re-assortment of chromosomes and the genetic information they carryIndependent segregation and crossing over increase genetic variability and drive evolution

Genetic VariabilityGenetic RecombinationIndependent SegregationGene combinations vary depending on how each pair of homolog's lines up during Metaphase 1Random ProcessNumber of combinations increases as chromosome increasesEach 23 pairs of chromosomes may align independently in a gamete223 = 8 million types of egg or sperm a person can produceWhen fertilization occurs 223 x 223 = 70 trillion possible zygote combinations

Genetic VariabilityGenetic RecombinationCrossing overMay occur at any location when tetrads are formedVariation is the raw material that forms the basis of evolution

Genetic Variability

Genetic Variability

Genetic VariabilityNondisjunctionFailure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosisFour basic typesTrisomyOne gamete with an extra chromosomeOne gamete missing a chromosomen + 2n = 3nTrisomy 21 (down syndrome)Gamete with an extra chromosome is fertilized by a normal gameteResulting zygote has 47 chromosomesGenetic Variability

Genetic VariabilityNondisjunctionMonosomyGamete missing a chromosome fuses with a normal gamete0 + n = nMost zygotes with monosomy do not surviveTurner syndromeHuman females have only one X chromosome instead of twoGenetic Variability

Genetic VariabilityNondisjunctionTetraploidyFusion of gametes, each with a complete set of chromosomes2n + 2n = 4nResults from a total lack of separation of homologous chromosomesCommon in plantsChrysanthemum

Genetic VariabilityNondisjunctionPolyploidyOrganisms with more than usual number of chromosomesRare in animals, usually results in death of zygoteFrequently occurs in plantsErrors in meiosis can be beneficial for agriculture6n Wheat3n ApplesResulting plants are usually larger, healthier and more disease resistantGenetic Variability

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