Page 1: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,


與 EPS 案 例 分 析

東 基 廖若華 藥師


Page 2: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

The Pathophysiology of N/V

NEJM 2005;352:817-825





Page 3: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

(A) Metoclopramide promotes gut motility by inhibiting

presynaptic and postsynaptic D2 receptors as well as presynaptic

5-HT4 receptors.

(B) Metoclopramide also produces antiemetic effects by

inhibition of D2 and 5-HT3 receptors in the CTZ. CTZ: Chemoreceptor trigger zone ; GI: Gastrointestinal.

Mechanism of action of


Page 4: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Extrapyramidal symptom (EPS)

Page 5: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,


symptom (EPS)

Page 6: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 7: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

引起 EPS 的藥物 治療 EPS 的藥物

Acute dystonias



Acute akathisia β-blockers

Parkinsonism Anticholinergic medication

Tardive dyskinesia


Dopaminergic drugs,

Dopamine depleters


Tocopherol Pierre JM. Extrapyramidal symptoms with atypical antipsychotics:

incidence, prevention and management.

Drug Saf. 2005; 28: 191-208.

Page 8: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Basic Data


Marital status: married

Race/ethnicity: Taiwanese

Occupation/personal description: other no

Relevant past history/active medical problems: with a history of old CVA

with left side weakness, bilateral renal stone s/p ESWL, HIVD s/p

Admitted/transferred from: admitted from the Emergency Department

Source of information: family member

Reliability of source: good

Adverse drug reaction : Aspirin (97/07/03)

Ambulatory status on admission: bed-bound

Chief Complaints


turbid urine recently days and consciouness since this morning.

Page 9: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Present Illness


This 74-year-old female is a patient of 1). old CVA with left side

weakness 2). DJD s/p laminectomy 10 years ago. 3).left renal stone s/p

ESWL and right renal atrophy. She had regular medical control at MMH.

This time, she has bedridden for about 4 month. This time, she has

suffered from turbid urine for about 3 days and consciouness drowsy

since this morning. Therefore, she was brought to our ER for help. She

denied fever, cough and abdominal pain.

At ER, BT 37.1 degrees, pyuria and turbid urine was noticed.

Laboratory revealed WBC 21250/ul with seg 93%, Hb 7.3, BUN 58.5,

Cr 3.1. Thus, under the impression of urinary tract infection, she was

admitted to our ward for the further management.

Page 10: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Past Medical History


[ Past Medical History ]

Operation: Yes

1. DJD s/p laminectomy 10 years ago.

2. left renal stone s/p ESWL and

right renal atrophy

[最近一個月本院門診有效用藥]: 無


Mgo 1# bid

Rivotril (0.5) 1# hs

Piracetam 1#qd

Arcoxia (60) 1# qd

[其他療法]: 無

Family History


[ Family History ]

1.Diabetes mellitus: Unknown

2.Hypertension: Unknown

3.Myocardial infarction: Unknown

4.Malignancy: Unknown

5.Stroke: Unknown

6.Sudden Death: Unknown

7.Others: No

[ Hereditary Disease ]

1.G6PD deficiency: Unknown

2.Thalassemia: Unknown

3.Others: No

Personal and Social History


[ Personal and Social History ]

1.Alcohol (喝酒) : No

2.Tobacco (吸菸) :No

3.Betel Nut (檳榔) :No

4.Street drug/IV drug :No

Page 11: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Review of Systems


General conditions:

fever(-),chills(-),change of appetite(-),◆fatigue(+),body weight loss(-),

Urogential: ◆Foley tube: turbid urine (+),


Physical Exam


General appearance: acute ill looking


Abd : soft, distension(-), tenderness(-), no rebounding pain

shifting dullness(-)

Hepatomegaly(-),◆ turbid urine (+),

bowel sound: normoactive

Page 12: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 13: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,



檢查類別: RT 一般X光 (2013-01-23 09:17:31)


*chief complaints:

Conscious disturbance this morning

Recurrent UTI

Old CVA. lacunar infarction


chest PA:

S/P IF of T-L spine.

tortuous T-aorta.Cardiomegaly.

mild infiltration,RLL & LLL.


lumbar spondylosis & scoliosis.

A stone of GB. ASVD of abdominal aorta.

intestinal ileus.


Page 14: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Specific Findings


turbid urine


Conscious disturbance

Tentative Diagnosis


1. Urinary tract infection

2. old CVA with left side weakness

3. acute on chronic renal failure

4. anemia

Plan and Goals of Management and Treatment


< Patient's medical needs >

1. antibiotic with Cefazolin

2. f/u blood culture and urine culture

3. IVF support

4. f/u stool OB due to anemia

Page 15: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 16: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 17: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,


Page 18: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,




Page 19: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,



檢查類別: CT 電腦斷層 (2013-01-30 03:52:48)


CT scan of brain without contrast enhancement with 5 & 10mm intervals:

Multiple oval small low attenuation(cystic) spots(<5mm) on bil.basal

ganglia,suggestive of enlarged perivascular spaces.

No intracranial hemorrhage,infarct or occupied lesion.

No significant brain swelling.

No deviation of midline structure.

Diffused cerebral atrophy.

Cavum septum pellucidum with cavum vergae is evident.

IMP: 1.PVSs,bil.basal ganglia.

2.Cerebral atrophy.

3.Cavum septum pellucidum with cavum vergae.


Page 20: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 21: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Discharge Medications


Iwell 1# TID PO X 14day 共 42 tab

Sennosides (12mg/tab) 2# HS PO X 14day 共 28 tab

Page 22: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Hospital Course


Patient received Foley catheterization and hydration. Cefmetazole 1.0gm iv q12h was also

given. N/S 500ml iv drip and Na supplement by oral. PRBC 2 u iv drip was done due to

chronic anemia. However, EPS after primperan medication was noted during hospitalization.

Patient's condition was getting better gradually. So, she was discharged on 102-02-05.

Discharge Diagnosis


1. Urinary tract infection

2. Hyponatremia

3. Aute on chronic renal failure

4. Lumbar spodylosis s/p Laminectomy

5. EPS, caused by primperan medication



EPS by primperan 1 # Tid

東基 ADR 登錄

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 發生日期: 2013/01/28 登錄日期: 2013/02/01 通報者: 內科NSP

藥品名稱: Metoclopramide (Primperan) [中度]

症狀描述: EPS and focal seizure

不良反應結果: 延長住院時間 ; 停藥 [並投與解藥]

ADR類型 : Nervous system disorders

處置方式: 停藥 [並投與解藥]

通報事件描述: 在服用 Primperan 後,出現右臉及右上肢抽慉

Page 23: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

------------------------------------------------------------------ [ Subject Finding ]

Epigastric/upper abdominal pain since 7days, had before few

times, slow onset,

associated w nausea(+), vomitting x1 , stools x1/days, Appettite OK

smoker(5cig/day), OH(heavy drinking rice wine 3/30 to 4/1), betel(-)

cough(-), sputum(-), dyspnea(-), fever(-)


[ Object Finding ]

Seems well, minimal distress, BT 36.8 ℃

palmar erythema(+) clubbed(-) x2wspider nevi

Abdo: mild non local tenderness epig(+), guarding(-), rebound(-), L

(-), S(-), K(-), K(-), no distension, normalBS

chest: clear TML AE&PN R=L

CVS: S1S2NB, edema(-), JVP(-),


535.00 Y N Acute gastritis, without mention of hemorrhage

Page 24: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

--------------------------------------------- [ Subject Finding ]

Seen ER 4/4 w gastritis, today jaw and arm feel tight and

cannot unclench muscle

smoker(5cig/day), OH(heavy drinking rice wine 3/30 to 4/1),

betel(-), cough(-), sputum(-), dyspnea(-), fever(-)

PHx: on meds Psych OPD from VGH Taitung for Anxiety

[ Object Finding ]

Seems well, minimal distress, BT 37 ℃

clenched jaw muscles

clenched forearm muscles

palmar erythema(+) clubbed(-) x2wspider nevi

Abdo: mild non local tenderness epig(+), guarding(-),

rebound(-), L(-), S(-), K(-), K(-), no distension, normalBS

chest: clear TML AE&PN R=L

CVS: S1S2NB, edema(-), JVP(-),

A: r/o EPS vs Anxiety

improved after vena, advised to stop metoclopramide tabs


333.99 Y N Other extrapyramidal diseases and abnormal movement disorders

東基 ADR 登錄 -----------------------------------------------------------

發生日期: 1020405 登錄日期: 2013/04/05

通報者: 急診醫師

藥品名稱: Metoclopramide (Primperan) [輕度]

症狀描述: spasms forearm and jaw

不良反應結果: 其他 ( Diphenhydramine IM )

ADR類型 : Nervous system disorders

處置方式: 停藥 [並投與解藥]

通報事件描述: spasms forearm and jaw

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78 75











小於1歲 1~18歲 19~30歲 31~40歲 41~50歲 51~64歲 大於65歲

EPS 相關通報案件

年 齡 分 布 Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40

Page 26: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

EPS 通報個案基本資料(n=565)

項 目 No. 項 目 No.

Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40

Page 27: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

1歲以下 EPS 個案基本資料

Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40

Page 28: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

18歲以下 EPS 個案基本資料(n=59)

項 目 No. 項 目 No.

Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40

Page 29: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,


Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40

器官系統分類 / 症狀 No.

Page 30: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 31: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Extrapyramidal Reactions Populations most at risk for extrapyramidal reactions include young women, children, the elderly, diabetics, patients with

neurologic disorders and patients taking concurrent neuroleptic medications.[61,62] Genetic factors may also play a role

as polymorphisms of CYP2DG have been demonstrated to decrease themetabolism of metoclopramide and increase the

risk for extrapyramidal reactions.[63] The incidence of these reactions also increases in patients receiving higher

intravenous doses. In 479 reports of metoclopramide-related extrapyramidal reactions in the UK from 1967–1982, 455

were for acute dystonias, 20 for parkinsonism and four for TD.[64]


Page 32: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Extrapyramidal Reactions Populations most at risk for extrapyramidal reactions include young women, children, the elderly, diabetics, patients with

neurologic disorders and patients taking concurrent neuroleptic medications.[61,62] Genetic factors may also play a role

as polymorphisms of CYP2DG have been demonstrated to decrease themetabolism of metoclopramide and increase the

risk for extrapyramidal reactions.[63] The incidence of these reactions also increases in patients receiving higher

intravenous doses. In 479 reports of metoclopramide-related extrapyramidal reactions in the UK from 1967–1982, 455

were for acute dystonias, 20 for parkinsonism and four for TD.[64]


Page 33: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Extrapyramidal Reactions Populations most at risk for extrapyramidal reactions include young women, children, the elderly, diabetics, patients with

neurologic disorders and patients taking concurrent neuroleptic medications.[61,62] Genetic factors may also play a role

as polymorphisms of CYP2DG have been demonstrated to decrease themetabolism of metoclopramide and increase the

risk for extrapyramidal reactions.[63] The incidence of these reactions also increases in patients receiving higher

intravenous doses. In 479 reports of metoclopramide-related extrapyramidal reactions in the UK from 1967–1982, 455

were for acute dystonias, 20 for parkinsonism and four for TD.[64]


Page 34: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Extrapyramidal Reactions Populations most at risk for extrapyramidal reactions include young women, children, the elderly, diabetics, patients with

neurologic disorders and patients taking concurrent neuroleptic medications.[61,62] Genetic factors may also play a role

as polymorphisms of CYP2DG have been demonstrated to decrease themetabolism of metoclopramide and increase the

risk for extrapyramidal reactions.[63] The incidence of these reactions also increases in patients receiving higher

intravenous doses. In 479 reports of metoclopramide-related extrapyramidal reactions in the UK from 1967–1982, 455

were for acute dystonias, 20 for parkinsonism and four for TD.[64]


Page 35: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Acute Dystonic Reactions Acute dystonic reactions are the most frequent extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) from metoclopramide and typically

occur within 24–48 h of initiating treatment, thus affecting approximately 0.2–6% of patients taking metoclopramide and

the incidence increases with higher doses.[64] Dystonia consists of spasmodic or sustained involuntary muscle

contractions resulting in twisting, repetitive movements or abnormal postures. It can present as facial spasm, torticollis,

oculogyric crisis, trismus, tortipelvic (abdominal rigidity) or opisthotonic (spasm of the entire body). Acute dystonic

reactions typically resolve with discontinuation of the drug.[65]


Page 36: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Akithisia Akithisia presents with subjective feelings of inner restlessness as well as objective findings of motor restlessness.

Incidence ranges from 10 to 25% depending on the mode of metoclopramide administration.[66,67] Oral and

intramuscular formulations have a lower rate of akithisia compared with intravenous administration. Furthermore, the

speed of administration of intravenous metoclopramide also appears to influence the risk of akithisia. In one report,

akithisia was reduced from 11.1 to 0% when 10 mg of metoclopramide were administered intravenously

over 2 versus 15 min.[68]


Page 37: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Drug-induced Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia, tremor and

rigidity. Incidence is unknown, but one series found a fourfold increased risk of developing drug-induced Parkinsonism in

those taking metoclopramide compared with controls.[65] Another series found that patients on metoclopramide had a

threefold increased risk of starting anti-Parkinsonian therapy compared with nonusers.[69] Parkinsonian symptoms

generally resolve within 2–3 months of discontinuation of metoclopramide.



Page 38: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Tardive Dyskinesia The most feared complication of chronic metoclopramide use is TD, which is characterized by involuntary movements of

the face, tongue or extremities. National guidelines[59,70] suggest the prevalence of TD ranges from 1 to 15% after usage

of metoclopramide for at least 3 months and may not reverse even after discontinuation of the medication.[16,65] As a

result, in 2009, the FDA came out with a black-box warning that must be attached to all metoclopramide labeling, which

warns against chronic use except in rare cases. However, a recent review by Rao et al. estimated the risk of TD from

metoclopramide use to be less than 1%, much less than the estimated 1–15% suggested by national

guidelines.[14] Interestingly, the use of metoclopramide and concurrent rise in metoclopramide-induced TD has been

increasing since 2000, which is also the year that Cisapride (Apotex Inc., Ontario, Canada) was withdrawn from the



Page 39: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Tardive Dyskinesia The most feared complication of chronic metoclopramide use is TD, which is characterized by involuntary movements of

the face, tongue or extremities. National guidelines[59,70] suggest the prevalence of TD ranges from 1 to 15% after usage

of metoclopramide for at least 3 months and may not reverse even after discontinuation of the medication.[16,65] As a

result, in 2009, the FDA came out with a black-box warning that must be attached to all metoclopramide labeling, which

warns against chronic use except in rare cases. However, a recent review by Rao et al. estimated the risk of TD from

metoclopramide use to be less than 1%, much less than the estimated 1–15% suggested by national

guidelines.[14] Interestingly, the use of metoclopramide and concurrent rise in metoclopramide-induced TD has been

increasing since 2000, which is also the year that Cisapride (Apotex Inc., Ontario, Canada) was withdrawn from the



Page 40: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 41: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 42: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,
Page 43: Parkinsonism Prolonged therapy with metoclopramide can result in Parkinsonian-like symptoms, including bradykinesia,

Reference ● Avorn J, Gurwitz JH, Bohn RL, Mogun H, Monane M, Walker A. Increased incidence of levodopa therapy

following metoclopramide use. JAMA 274(22), 1780–1782 (1995).

● Regan LA, Hoffman RS, Nelson LS. Slower infusion of metoclopramide decreases the rate of akathisia. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 27(4), 475–480 (2009).

● Ganzini L, Casey DE, Hoffman WF, McCall AL. The prevalence of metoclopramide-induced tardive dyskinesia and acute extrapyramidal movement disorders. Arch. Intern. Med. 153(12), 1469–1475 (1993).

● Bateman DN, Rawlins MD, Simpson JM. Extrapyramidal reactions with metoclopramide. Br. Med. J. (Clin. Res. Ed.) 291(6500), 930–932 (1985).

● van der Padt A, van Schaik RH, Sonneveld P. Acute dystonic reaction to

metoclopramide in patients carrying homozygous cytochrome P450 2D6

genetic polymorphisms. Neth. J. Med. 64(5), 160–162 (2006).

● Pasricha PJ, Pehlivanov N, Sugumar A, Jankovic J. Drug insight: from

disturbed motility to disordered movement – a review of the clinical benefits

and medicolegal risks of metoclopramide.Nat. Clin. Pract. Gastroenterol.

Hepatol. 3(3), 138–148 (2006).

● Miller LG, Jankovic J. Metoclopramide-induced movement disorders.

Clinical findings with a review of the literature.

Arch. Intern. Med. 149(11), 2486–2492 (1989).

● Shaffer D, Butterfield M, Pamer C, Mackey AC. Tardive dyskinesia

risks and metoclopramide use before and after U.S. market withdrawal

of cisapride. J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. (2003) 44(6), 661–665 (2004).

● Rao AS, Camilleri M. Review article: metoclopramide and tardive dyskinesia.

Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 31(1), 11–19 (2010).

● Metoclopramide in the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis.

Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2010;5(5):653-662. ● Drug Safety Newsletter 2012 December vol. 40 ● Taiwan J Oral Maxillofac Surg 21: 53-58, March 2010

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