
    BROMLEY."BROMLEY i» n market and union town, head of a petty sessional division and parish -with stations on the South E x tern and Chatham railway, 10 miles from London, 14 aorth-wost from. Soronoalt* and 0 *outb-by-east from G reenwich; i t is on tko Hostings line o f road, through Sere-noaks and Tonbridge, near the east bank of tho Kavensboume, in tho W estern division of the county, hundred .of Bromley and Beckenham. iatho of Satfon- at-Hone, rural deanery of W est Hartford, archdeaconry of Maidstone, and dioc«se of Canterbury and within the jurisdiction of tho Metropolitan police (who have a station here) and of the Control Crim inal court.

    Bromley -was, from April, 1867, governed by a Local Beard und er the “ Local Government A ct of 1858," but cow is controlled by a District Council of 16 members, nnder tho “ Local Government Act, 1894” (56 and 57 Viet. c. 73 ); tho town is partially paved aod lighted with gca by a company, and supplied -with water from works at Shorthands, the property of the Kent Water Works iGo- and -drawn from wells in tho chalk.

    On January 1st, 1878, a short lino of railway wns ■ opened to (his -town from, the Grove Park station on the SLondon and Tonbridge broach of the South Eastern satlway, affording direct cotumuoicntion with London •bridge, Cannon, street and Charing Cross.

    T he church Of SS. Peter and Paul it a structure oi •brick and flint, and has on aucienfc tower containing a rflcck and 8 bells, hung in 1777: about 1793, the structure seems to Lava been either rebuts in red brick, or •so romodollcd in that material as to have retained but •few features of the -previously existing cdifico; in 1830 she body o f tho church appears to have been again rebuilt-, and in 1873 frosh alterations were made at a total cost Of £*,45*. hut tho tower, dating from the 13th omtnry, has remained untouched; in 1384 tbo church was enlarged at a cost of nearly £4,000: there are several stained windows, some being memorials, various brasses, and a number of monuments of considerable interest to John Y o un gs bishop of Rochester, 1605, Escfcary Poovco D.D. successively bishop Of Bangor and Rochester, 1774, the Bagsbawo, Smith, Clias© and Lacer families, to the Scotte, of Snndridgo Park, to John Hawkesworth LL.D . tho friend of Dr. Johnson, 1773, to Elixftbeth, wifo of Dr. Samuel Johnson, d. 17 March, 2752, and many others: the church has 3,200 sittings, of whith 230 are ’free. T he register of baptisms dotcB from too year 1358; burials, 1578; marriages, 1575. Tho living is a vicarage, gross income £536, including house, 3c tho g ift of the Bishop of "Worcester, and held since -1865 by th e Rov. A rthur Gresley Hsdlicar M.A. of Wad- Tinm College, Oxford, ond surrogate. A Parish room, in "West street-, m connection with thi» church, was opened an November, i88£.

    St. John the Evangelist's is an parish, formed December 17, 1880, ou t of the mother pariah and wnoracos th at portion lying between Ploratow and "Wid- ■ more. T h o church, in Pare road, erected in 1879-80, at- a co3fc, including site, of £s>4co, is of stone in the Perpendicular stylo, and has a turret-, with spire, containing one bell: there am 700 sittings. The register dates from the year : 38o. The living is a vicarago, not yearly valuo with residence, in the gift of the vicar ofBrocnlcw and' held- since iS 3r by the Bov. Peter Barker M.A. of Brasenoso College, Oxford. Tbo Vi cameo bousft •was built in ^892, and there is a parish room in North road. ,. •

    St. M ark’ s. Westmorland road, erected in place of toe iron church, at tho foot of Mason’s kill, openod 30 Nov. i 83.i, is a chapel of ease to tho parish church, and was 'tank at a cost of upwards of £8,000, from designs by K t. Evelyn Hcllicor A .R .LB .A . and consecrated as Oct. 1898: there are 300 sittings.' Christ Cburcb, Bromley Park, erected at a cost of

    £3,600, and cpBned in 1887, is of brick in the Early English s t r ic t tbo church is licensed, and has 350 sittings. T h e living is a vicarage, yearly value £310, in the -rift of S. Cawstou c-sq. and held since *902 by tho "Eav.°WiUiam Dcroton Koifch-Stedo.

    St. Joseph’* Oathojic Church, Freelands, is a temporary iron buiiding, opened March 1892, and will seat •230 persons.

    Trinity Presbyterian Church of England, Freelands road, built 1° *895« ks* 720 sittings.

    There oto also Congregation^!, Baptist, Primitive Methodist nnd "Wesleyan chapels, moating rooms for The Brethren, and a Wealeyon Mission room.

    Tbo Cometory, consecrated September .-gdh, 1877, has an area of 5a. it . 6p. and con tras two mortuary chapels: it is under the control of the Urban District Council.

    The Town Hull, a structure of brick, principally in the Elizabethan stylo, was erected in 1865, on the site of tho old Market House. Tho hall is 69 foot long by 32 feet wide and 40 feet high from th e floor to the internal roof; under the central portion o f the building a market is held on Thursday, a targe portion of tbo markot square being also used for fcho same purpose: tho south end is occupied by the Metropolitan pokce station.

    The London and County Bank, erected in 1887, is in the High street.

    Bromley Gollege, at (lie entrance of the town from the London road, wits founded and endowed: by John

    W arner D.D. bishop of Rochester, in 1666, for twenty poor widows of loyal and orthodox clergymen: b y the benefaction* of Bishop Pearce and his brother William Pearce, who gave £12,000; Mrs. Helen Betenson, a

    I dbnor of £10,000; Dr. Walter King, bishop of Rochester,( who in 1823 gave £300 in Thieo par Cents.; Mrs. I, Rose, who gave in 1824 £&,cco, and others, tho iunds ! have boon largely increased., ao that now forty widowo

    have each an allowance) of £38 yearly and a separata : residence; the buildings, constructed chiefly of rod brick,I in tho style Of the 17th centnrv, from two quadrangles,, containing 42 bouses, and include ft chapel of Gothic | design, rebuilt in 1875, and' seating 130 persons; snr- • rounding the whole well-kept flower gardens and

    shrubberies: f.ho college is managed by a body oi 12 I trustees, seven of whom, including the Archbishop of | Canterbury, nro ox-DfHclo: the chaplaincy, yearly value

    £170, in the g ilt oi the president and- fellows of M agdalen College, Oxford, has been held since 1891 b y the Rev. Jain03 White, incorporated' M.A. of that college, from T rinity College, Dublin.

    | Sheppard's Oo'Jege, founded1 asvi endowed by Mm , j Sheppard, widow of the Rev. Thomas Sheppard D.D.1 fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, lor tho benefit of I fivo unmarried" daughters o f widows, who havo resided 1 with their mothers at Bromley College, is situated in

    the north-ea3t corner of the college grounds; each pou- , sioner receiver £44 yearly and a house ren t free,I together wibh medical attendance.

    The A Squadron of the W est Kent (Queen’s Own) Im- 1 perial Yeomanry is stationed, in fcho town.I The Drill Hell and Gyimmrinm, in East street, arc ' fcho head quarters of the E and F companies. 2nd Volun

    teer Battalion, Quean’s Own (West Kent Regiment):, the buddings, opened in May, 1873, include three balls,

    .the largest of which, erected in 1389-00, will hold i.coo persons, and is let for musical and dramatic v.r.fcor- tainmenos.

    Tho School of Science and Art, in Tweedy road, wmr opened in 1878, bat since 1892 Lai bron carried on under the control of tho Urban District Council, and undor the provisions of the “ Public Libraries Act, 1855“ (18 and 19 Viet, c. 70) a building of led brick with’ Bath steno

    'dressings was erected in 1894, containing reading and leading library, and a large room has also bean added to the Science and Art ScbooL

    Tho Literary Inatibuto occupies premises in Widmore iroad, and has u library of 6,500 volumes. There is a local school of music and a musical society, and also chrysanthemum and naturalists’ societies. The Bromley Association for the Extension of University Teaching provides courses of lectures by qualified teachers during the autumn and winter.

    Tho Bromloy Conservative Club, established March 4&b, :88r, in tho Market square, was afterwards removed to tho mansion known as « Itromley Lodge,” in tho High street, and contains a ‘ large reading room, smoking and rccreaiion room?, with a library of about 200 volumos, and U well supplied with papers and periodicals: lectures or addresses are delivered and smoking concerts hold ou erery third Tuesday evening; during the winter season. The Bromloy nnd County Club, a purelv social ond non-political institution, occupies premises in High street, and incJudns rending and dining rooms, and bifliaid and card rboms; there are now (ioca) 220 members.

    There are also lccul Conservative and Liberal Assoda- thins, and cricket, lawn tennis, cycling, bowling and hoclcey clubs. Tho Ancient Order of Anglo-Saxons, Alexandra Lodge, No. 3, holds its meetings at th e Co. operative Hall, East street.

    KENT 7

  • £(8; BROMLEY., KENT.T he Crrttago Hospital. In South hill, establish** in

    1669, rebuilt in 1875, enlarged in 1686, and again in S900, is supported by voluntary contributions, and managed by a committee of 15 poisons; it now contains 34 bed*, and 8 cot* lor children j the average yearly number of patient,* attending the hospital is about 350.

    T he Phillip* Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital and D ispensary, Lownds avenue, was established in 2889. and has 11 beds. The- number oi in-patients in 2901 era* ia8, and of ont-patients 1,724.

    The Fever Hospital is at SUyto corner. Brom ley Common, and the Nursing Institution in Elmfleld road. A branch . & 2681, nt n cost of ,£2,000, nnd the nnv? in xSM* ^ lg^ of £4,000; the stained oast window wa * ere» geeb by Ladv 3cott and fam ily in memory of Sir ioThart, and there oro„,two ether*: there arc

  • crj pstfias. Tk# register d*tos from the year »B6*.Xt„ Jiving in a vicarage, net veoTly value £405. -with residence, in Ike gin of the Archbishop oi Canterbury, is j hot! since 189B by tin; Rev. John Bond M.A. of St. Jnho'j College, Oxford. Floistow Cemetery, of 4$ acre;, with s mortuary dispels, was consecrated in 1893, and

    O m C IA L ESTABLISHMENTS, Eoad Poet, M. 0 . A T. O. T. M. 0 ., S. B. 8S Stomp

    Office, Express DeKvety, Parcel Post & inanity fc ln- saroaea Office— James Barrie Ayers, postmaster

    H«d Office.—Boars ci Business: Sale of stamps, registration of Jetton k parcels, delivery of fetters to callors b issoo of postal orders, 7 n.m, to 10 p.m. week days k bank hobdsya (excepting postal orders); Sundays (sale of stamps & regralrntion of letters only), Christmas Pay k Good Friday, 7 to 10 a.m. & $ to 6 p.m. j payment of postal orders, money orders, savings ami withdrawals, annuity A insurance business, A int» of inland revenue licenses, 8 a.m. to 8 p .m .; sale of revenue stamps, 9 a.m. to 6 p .m .; bank holidays till 12 noon; savings bank deposits received 8 a.m. to J pan

    Telegraph Offices.— Hours of Business : Head office, week days k bani Holidays, B a.m, to to p .m .; Bickky station, Bromley Common, Shooting Common & Short- bads offices, 8 a.m, to 8 p.m. Sunday, Christmas Diy k Good Friday: head office, 8 to to s.a>. 8s 5 to 6p.m.j other offices 8 to to *.m. only; Bromley Hill k Mason's Sill offices, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weak days Jnlyj dosed Sundays, bank holidays, Chiistmal Dav fc Goad Friday .

    Lrtters nan be posted (for London 8s Provinces) until 7.45 am., 9.30 am ., 10.45 turn., 11.40 am ., 1.5 p.m,, 3.35 pm., 5.00 p-m., 6.50 p.m., 7.50 p.m., 10.30 p.m. k on uendays 7.30 p.m

    lb'»n Deliveries.— 7.10 8s to a,m. ra.30, 4 k 7.30 p.mM S w i * (Tonw*) TVcck Day* only— Prom

    wodoa «fc tht PToviucft*, 7.10, 8 & io «ua. 12.30, 4, 7.30 • h p.m

    Sub-Offices t—0 \ T ' 0 ., Express Delivery, Parcel

    7- ‘ “ Annuity k Insurance Office, Bickley Sta-( M a w r Sub-Office, letters should have ft. 8 .0 .

    \r a Thomas Hilder, tub-postmasterp ^ tS 0-* s ° r T;.M . 0;’ i™ * * " * p « « J/?_ I r k Aanuiby & Iiururanco Office Bromlor

    Norman, Sub-po«tm^rtcr* &ab-Po»t fc, It, 0 . 0 ., S. B. & Annuity & Inenranc«


    7»« 1. ■ ' Goo. Turn, sub-pu»tm[t*t«rEts* LtM#*’ wb-poitroaitory, _' t%.L Wuihuu Henry Barton, sub-postmaiter f f i a T n 108; Wood' tuh’postmatterHomSf r̂ David Hosier, tub-postmasterL ^ r - ^ , ^ dr ' ' V 1̂’ “ u , StB'ini»(t.'6ub.po9tmaster

    ““ b-PotlmMtcrPirV Rl,c i l f ri Amos, su!i-postauutcr

    m b = S c r < 0 S U a ) ' Kredk '* * 'PaA p ®jk-— Richard Fit*, tub-poftasasier R r i s t ^ w " ^ ’ N.v= rnb-pcstmastor

    E*n,r. v Pali Mall east, London S W - Nick all, Sir Panes on kt. FaBowfielu, Chisichuiat Dakar Alfred John, West gate, Beckenham Batten Janie, esq. Highfield, Bickley, Bromley Berena Kiohard Bcnyoa esq. M.A., D.L. Kevisgton, St.

    Mary Cray B .S .0Chubb Sir Gcorgo Hsvter ba.-t. Newlanda, Cbialehnnit Dobbing Frederic 0 . esq. Oalderwood, Ohitlehurtt Elgood Edgar John esq. B.C.L., M.A. Manor house,

    Sidcup ft.S O ..Forbes J. S. esq. West Wickham Fox T. Hamilton esq. Berkeley hoase, Hay hill W Ooodhart CSidrlea Emanuel esq. D.L. Langley park,

    BeckenhamHambro Eree-ard Alexander esq. Hayes Plane, Beckenham Hort-Devis Oapt. Henry Vaughan Hart, ia Bolton gardens,

    London SWIrfumard Sir Henry Arthur H. Fomoby hart. Wickham

    court, near BeckenhamMcEewan William esq. Elmfield, Bickley, Bromley Marshun-Townsend Boa. Robert D.L. Frognal, Foots

    Cray S.OMartin, Richard Biddutph esq. J f.F , M.A., F.K.G.S.

    Ch:slehur8tNorman Archibald 0 . esq. M.A- The Rookery, Bromley

    CommonPacke Edward esq. 133 Widmorc rood, Bromley Smithors Alfred, Homefield, EnockholL Sevencaks Stevens Richard ««q. Maywood, Beckmiham Vanaitaait Oapt. Robert Arnold,

    Cray S.OWaring William esq. Woodlands, Chelsfield, Bromley Whitehead George Hugh esq. M.A. Wilmington hall, near

    DartfordWhyte Robert esq. Oakwood, Ctusleburst WiUoa Cornelius Lea esq. The Cedars, Beckenham

    .Wrigley Henry esq. Hilliida, Chislshurst , •'The Chairmen of the Bromley, Beckenham, Cbislehnnt

    k Foote Cray Urban District Cotmdls k Bromley Bnrol District Council, for the time being, are ex-officio

    I magistratesI Clerk to the Magistrates, A. K. Willett; assistont clerk,L. BeestonPotty eeasions ere held at the Court house every monday

    at ra ys a.m. The places included in the Bromley- Petty Sessional Division ore the somo as id the union

    - 86 county court districtI

    URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.Offices, J9 Esst street. Meeting days, alternate tuesdays.

    Members.Chairman, Thomas Cl eland McIntyre.

    Vice-Chairman, George Lawrence.Bickley Ward.Retire RstiroApril April.

    Thos. Cleland McIntyre 1903 I Arthur Albert W’orlsy.. 1905Samite! HiUs Gilbert... 1904 |

    Bromley Common Ward.Edward John Harris... 1903 I George Lnwranco ....... 1903Edwin George Peill.... 150-11

    Flaistaw Ward.,Thomas Deacon Graty 1903 | William Robt. Mallott. 1905 Reginald Wm. James.. *9041

    Sundridge Ward.FVank Griffith.............. 1903 I Thomas Dari*...........- 7905

    1904 I


    Lord Avabn—. DnrISION.°M 4 Col^7 mE ^ V , ^ U’ ? 0,ta*’ Beckenham

    ,l4' B«”»ley place, Bromloy, chairman

    peltry NyoTown Ward.

    Alfred Edward Price „ . 1903 i Grorgo Henry Payne... 1904Ernest B ragg.............. 1904 j Daniel Grinsted.......... 190$Clerk, Frederic H. NormanTreasurer. William MoKewan, Louden A County Bank Medical Officer oi Health, Arthur Frederick Gambol!

    Coda M.B., F.R.C.S.Eng. 154 High street Surveyor, Stanley Hawkings, 'E ast atreot Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Butler, East street Collector, George Stour, District -Council Office, Bromley

    KENT 7 *


    Hoot! at tbs Workhouse ovary alternate thnra. at a p.m. Chairman. 3 . Biggs ,Clerk, Edward Haslohurst. Park home, Bromley Treasurer, Alfred Wright, Loailoo & County Bank,

    BromleyMedical Officer ol Heolth, Jameo Soott Tew M.D., B.S.,

    D. P.H. ro Bordyke, TonbridgoSumyorB, No. i district, R. Craig, Surveyor1* office,

    Famborough; No. a district, William Martin, Pound place, Sidcup

    Surveyor ol New Street* ft Building*, W. I. Winter, Station rood, Sidoup •

    Sanitary Inspectors, No. i district, H. 3 . Thomas, 3 Moot-field road, Orpingmn; No. a district, Andrew Dunlap, Pnmbc rough, Kent

    PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.Bromley College, Rev. lame* White M.A. chaplain Bromley A Beckoabam Infectious Hospital. Lower Gravel

    mad, Robert Alexander Shannon L.B.C.P. It S.Edio. medical snpt.; Mr*. Whitmarsb, matron

    Oottag© Hospital, South MU, W. J. Waiaham M.B., P.ll.O.S.Eng., Allan H. G. Doran F.B.C.3 .Eng. It Arthur Quarry Slice ck M.D., F.B.O.S.Enc. consulting surgeons; 3ohn Philip* MD. consulting obstetric physician; William Cbattortoo MD. Herbert Dolt M.D. David Thomson Playlair M B. John Scott M.D. A Sidney It. H. Mathews M.B.O.S.Ecg., L.R.O.P.Lond. medical officer*; George Buiaell Edsy L.D.S.Eng. dental surgeoo; F. W. Fcakett, boa. sec.; Mis* Annin Carter, matron

    County Court, Hia Honor Judge Bmden; A. E. Willett, registrar A high bniUG; the court is held every month at the Court house. The district comprise* sixteen perishes, vis.: Bromley, Beckenham, Chslt- field, Chislehurst, Oudhqm, Down*. Fiinborougb, Foots Cray, Haves, Keaton, Knock bolt. North Oray, Orpington, St. Mary Cray, St- Paul’s Cray & West Wickham

    For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that c l Croydon; Alexander Mackintosh, senior official receiver; Thome* Walter John Britten A Gny Hamilton Achtson, tuaretsnt official receivers, 24 Railway approach, London bridge, London S E

    Certified Bailiff* appointed under the “ Law of Distress Amendment Art,” Walter Mortlock, Newlsnds ptrir, Svdenbem; Samuel Henry Wright, Foot's Cray; Edwin William Harris, Kent house, Beckenham

    Free Library, Tweedy road, John Harrison, librarian Grand Hall, H. H. MUetaad, manager; William Norton,

    lessee, High streetMetropolitan Police Station (P division), Town hall;

    Joseph Host, chief inspector; a station sergeants, 5 sergeants, 2 noting sergeant* & 46 men

    Philips Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital A Dispensary, Lownd'e avenue, D. Dye* 1110on M.D, ban. consulting physician; 0 . T. Knox Shaw L.R.O.P Lond., M .S.C.S Hug. hon. consulting surgeon; 0 H. Bnrford M.B., C.M. hon. gynaecologist; E. M. Madden M.B., M.R.C.SEng. A H. Wynne Thomas L.R.C.P.Lond., M.B-O.S.Kng. bon. medical officers; J. Q. Charles, hon, treasurer; 3 . M. Wybarn A S. G. Thomas, hon. sec*.; Miss E. P. Hyde, matron

    St. Mor.v's Convalescent Heme, 14 Queen’s Mead road, Mrs. Annie McDermott matron

    Town Ball, Market square Village Hall, Bromley CommonWest Kent Main Sewerage Board, George Joseph Wood

    man t*q. J.P. chairman; Henry F. Priter, see.; Alfred William3 A Son, engineers; offices, Park house, Beckenham lane

    CEMETERIES.Bromley, London rood, Proderick H. Norman, 19 East st.

    clerk to the board; George Huxley, raperintcndsrrt Ploistow, Burnt Ash lane, Plaistow, Charles Sheldon, supt St. Luke’s, Magpie Hail lane, Frcdk. Bd. Underhill, supt

    IMPERIAL YEOMANRY.West Kent (Queen’s Own) (A Squadron), Major the Hon.

    E. ,T. Mill* D.S.O. rummonding; Oapt. A. P. Davison, second in command; Squadron Sergt.-Major Arthur Quy, drill Instructor

    VOLUNTEERS.and Volunteer Battalion (Queen’s Ownl Royal West

    Kent Regiment (E A F Cos.), Drill hall, East street; Oapt. B. H. Latter, E Co. A Oapt. 0 . Hitchens, F Co.; J. Hardy, drill instructor

    BROMLEY UNION.Board day, alternate thursdays. at the Workhouse, Lock’s

    Bottom, Fornborough, at 2 pan.

    The Union comprises seventeen parishes, namely, Bromley, Beckenham, Chel*fia!d, Ohislehnrst, Cudhira, Downs, Farnborough, Foote Cray, Hayes, Em ton, Knockliolt, Mottingaum, North Cray, Orpington, S t Mary Cray, 8k Paul’s Cray fc West Wickham. Tha papulation of the Union in 190s was 85,730; sros, 40,978 acre*; rateable value in March, 190a, £712,u&

    Chairman of the Board of Guardians, C. Harris Clark to the Guardian* A Assessment Committee, Edward

    Haslehurst. Park bouse, Beckenham Iona, Bromley Assistant Clerk, Percy J. Wiley, Park bouse, Beckenham

    lane, BromleyTreasurer, Alfred Wright, London A County Bank.

    BromleyRelieving A Vaccination Officers A Collectors to the

    Guardians, No. 1 district, W. Darby Jones, 66 Tweedy road, Bromley; No. a district, Charles Ernest Manger, 2 Rowdsn road, Beckenham; No. 3 district, Walter Hy. Banna, Moorfleld rood, Orpington A 8t. Mary Cray; No. 4 district, Henry L . Hodslan, St, John’*,* Church avenue, Sidcup

    Medical Offloera & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, Arthur Frederick Gambell Codd M.B. 354 High street, Bromley; No. a district, Robert Alexander ShannonL . R.C.P.Edin, Orpington; No. 3 district, William Thomas Bailey L-R O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S-Eag. Belgnre place, St. Mary Oray; No. 4 district, Howard Heme Dummere L.R.C.P.L. Braated; No. 5 district, Albert Primrose Wells M.A., L.R.O.P. A S-Edic. iS Albsmsrla road, Beckenham; No. 6 district, Alex. Story St. Join M R C.S.Eng., L.R.C.PLond. Dunera, High street, Eltham; No. 7 district, Charles Robert Arnold SottasB.A., M.D. Maison Rouge, Sidcup; No. 8 district, W. Blake M.D. West Wickham; No. 9 district. Sammi Ernest Prioo L.8.A. Red hilt, Chislshnrst

    Suporintondcnt Registrar, Edward Haalehurst, Park ho. Beckenham lane, Bromley; deputy, Percy J. Wiley. Pork house, Beckenham lane, Bromley

    Registrar of Births A Deaths, Beckenham sab-district. Charles Erne*t Manger, 2 Bowden road, Beckeahun; Bromley sub-district, W. Darby Joe os, 66 Twsedy roes, Bromley; Chlslehurst sub-distriot, Henry L. Hodsdoe. Sldotip; Orpington sub-district, Welter Homy Bsraes, Mod r field road, Orpington A St. Mary Gray

    Registrar of Marriages. H. L . Gooding, Psndanai*. Lons- down* road, Bromley; deputy, Henry R. Hunt, S’ London road, Bromloy

    The Workhouse, Lock’s Bottom, Famboroagh, is a strac- tun* of brick, erected in 1837, and will hold 3J4 tn- mntas; Rov. Etencxor Joseph Welch, chaplain *, Rcfwrt Alexander Shannon L.R.U.P.Edin. medical otfeer; Albert Edward Cuvo, master; Mr*. Frances 8. Grain sy. matron

    School Attendance Committee.Meets at Workhouse once a month.

    Clerk, Edward HssVchnrst, Park boas*, Bromley Attendance A Inquiry Officers, The Relieving Office’

    PUBLIC OFFICERS.Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Robert Girling, Puk

    hones, Beckenham lane . _Collectors of King’s Taxes. J. F. Orooms, 5 Market

    A John King, r 1 Market square Collector of Poor's lu tes, George Stone, Council omcy* Inspector of Weight* A Measures for Bromley Em a®*

    A. Quinlan, North street; attends ist A 3*° tbnrs- month from 10 to 4 .

    Surveyor of Taxes, Bichard W. Harris, Park he. ham Unt

    Veetry Clerk, E. Latter

    Bromloy A Beckenham Joint Hospital Board,Gedney, clerk; R. M. H. Bandell MD. chni-'roi- ̂members are elected by the Bromley A Urban District Councils, Bramlev Rural District oil, Chislchurst A Foots Cray Uroan District ConnerPLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Seivieci.

    SS. Peter A Paul’s Church, Rev. Arthur Greeley H«»c _M. A. vicar; Rev. Frederick HasLm M_A. A R“J"- j James Elwin B.A. onreles; S.30 A « a m- “ 3'^7 p .m .; wed. ra noon; fri. 11 a.m t,«d»rkk

    Holy Trinity Church. Bromley Common. Bev- 1 William Haines M.A. vioar; 11 a.m. A 6.30 P

    S t George’s Church, Bickley, Rev. William A* ^ 3 , Carroll M A. vicar; Rev. James Cranford B . JtB, curate; 8 & rr am . & 6.30 p m .; d a i l y , t b o t ‘ - A 5.30 p .m .; H. C. wed. 8.30 am . A

    KENT. [ kelly ’s

    Chri*t°(iuroh, Bromlay Park, Bar. W. D. E*®*®**’ Tseax; i t a.m. b 3.15 b 6.30 p*nx-5 vea* 7 *3°

  • DIRECTORY.] KENT. BROMLEY. 101St. Luk*’!, Bromley Ooenman, Rev. Edward Lotherington

    Colobrooke M.A. vicar; Bev. Arthur August*!* Carre M.A. curate; 8 A l i a.m. ft 7 p .m .; daily 8 a m. ft j p.m.; wad. ft fri. is noon

    St, Mary? Ohnrcb, Plaistow, Bav. John Bond MJL vicar; Her, Harry Francis Maltby M.A. curate;8 ft 11 a.m. ft 3.15 ft 7 p .m .; week days, 8 a.m. ft 5 p.ta. ft thurs. ft holy days 7.30 p.m

    St, Joluv's, Park read. Her. Peter Barker M.A. vicar;3 ft 11 a.ra. ft 6.30 p.m

    kliuiao Cburch, Nightingale lane. 7.30 ft >0.43 am . ft6.30 p.m

    St, Mork’r. Obnpet of Ease (iron), Mason's hill. Rev. Arth.Giraaley Edlicar M .A.; 8.30 ft 11 a.m. ft 7 p.m

    St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Freelands, Her. Thomas Ford; 7, 8.30 ft rx a.m. ft 3 ft 6.30 p .m .; daily 7.30; tburi. 6

    Trinity Presbyterian Church, Freelands road; lx a.m. ft6.30 p jn .; wed. 7.30 p.m

    Baptist; Faik road, Bev. Robert SUvey A .T .S .; xi o.ra.ft 6.30 p.m .; wed. 7.30 p.m

    Baptist Union, Shermans road; mon. ft wed. 7.30 p.m Baptist, Bromley Common, Rev. F. W. Gnsteraon; 11

    a.m. ft 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Baptist (Strict), College slip; xi a.m. ft 6.30 p .m .; wed.

    7 3° punBrethren, East street, xx a.m. ft 6.30 p.m .; wed. 8 p.m Brethren, Freelands grove, 11 a.m. ft 0.30 p.m Brethren, Sherman’s road, 11 a.m. ft 6.30 p .m .; wed.

    7-tS P-™Oongrsgaiionel, Widmore road, Bav. Thomaa Nicholson;

    xi a.m. ft 6.30 p.m .; wed. 7.30 p.m FrimitivD Methodist, Bloomfield road, Shooting Common

    (Penge ftBromloy circuit), Bev. Tfacmaa H. Bkkerton; 11 Am. ft 6.30 p.m .; wed. 7.30 p.m

    Wraleyan, Farwig lane: i t a.m. ft'30 ft 6.30 p.m_; ‘

    Wesleyan, High alrcel; 11 a.m. ft6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m

    Wesleyan,Tylncy rd. llm-.Iy,; 11a.m.ft 6.30p.m.; faxes.ftfn.7.30p.m

    Miaiion Church, Sotxthhoro’, Salisbury road (in con, noetlon with the Bromley Common Baptist Church),6.30 n.m

    baptist Mission Chapel (lion), Orown lane Munion Room (St. Luke’s), Bniott road, 7 n.m Mission Room, Fttrwig lane, Plsistow, 7 p .m .; wed.

    * p.matisston Room (iron), Gt. S m s road, various; 6.30 p.m

    SCHOOLS,A School Beard of 0 members was farmed 5 Mav, 1888,

    u «rpi wall, clerk to the board, Council offices’ Brom- i “fffies Rogers, attendance officer

    ihe Sohool Attendance Committee of tho Urban District 01 13 “ embers; No. 1 district, W. D.

    «6 Tweedy mad, Bromley; No. a district, 0 . K.Becltenham; No. 3 district, W. H.

    *S; M»Or Cray; No. 4 district, H. L. Hodsdon, o' ettendance ft enquiry officer*

    4 r- ,A 1£ f n r0ld« “ *ctcd in 1891, ft enlarged in 1898, arars^. u 1" ? ° ***}». 545 infants ft 360 junior mixed ; t n S S r ^ a boy*’ 1,3 ’ infanta, 300;W a ttL ?U & Edlrin Cwer, lalor.B.A.Uind.

    M- Mackie, m istier.; Mias B. Hodg- mixed)011 ̂ ni îiroM I Eva Ytack, m istier (Junior

    ^ a r e r a ^ .? ’ /^ esbu ry road, hnilt in 1850 for *50; aUendan^ ,8s; Frederick L ew £ master

    " “ •J^ en h am *aoe> ta ilt in 189; for 650 children; C*nr«. Ceppm, master; Miss 1 . W o , mistress;

    Rev. Geo. V. Shafto (supt.), Rev. Wllr. Atnaworth ft Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas

    Mias Lucy Warren, infants’ mistress; average attendance, 195 boys, tBa girls ft 150 infanta

    Board, Wharton road, built In 1896 for 360 boys, 3x0 girls ft 305 infants; William Jot Sunman, master; Miss Sarah J. Shelton, mistress; Mist Mary Dorman, infants’ mistress

    School of Science ft Art, Tweedy rend, E. T. Godwnrd, hen. sec.; H. O. Bond M.A. scienco master; John Randall, art master

    National (Central), OoUego road, first established in 17x6 ft remodelled in 1814; the present school woe built in 1855, at a cost of about £2,700 ft since enlarged for 71U children; avert!go attendance, 600; Jos. Churchill, master; Miss M. Annie Harper, mistress; Mias Blub. OhuTCher, infants’ mistress

    National (girls’), Mason's hill, erected in 187s ft since enlarged lor 343 children; average attendance, 300; Miss Baniei, mistress; Miss Jane Longford, infanta’ mistress

    National (mixed), Bromley Common, erected in 1840, tor 186 children; average attendance, 160; Georg* Wm. Moat*, master; Mrs. Julia Mory Monte, mi-trass

    National (Biokley ft Widmore), Tylney rood, erected in 1873, for 330 ft enlarged 111 18S1 for 530 children; average attendance, 520; Herbert J. Salter, master; Mias McGregor, mUtveea; Mies Helen Lcwmann, infants' mistress

    National (mixed), College road, Bromley, erected in 1B74, tor 4C0 ohitdren; average attendance. 300; Alfrrd Williams, master; Mr*. E. Elisabeth Williams, mistress ; Miss Ada Pridgeon, infants’ mistress

    Infanta', Lady Firquhar1*, Sundridge park, erected in 188a, lor 65 children; average attendance, 50; M is Frederick Lewis, mistress

    National (infants’ ), Addison road, Bromley common, built in 1883, for 240 children; average attendance, 130; Miss Lilley, mistress

    Kent County Council Domestic Boocomy School, Spring hill. College rood; Miss Isabel Duncan, superintendent

    NEWSPAPERS.Bromley Chronicle, Shenunn'B read, Ernest Frank Watt*,

    nubtisfaer; published QuitsBromley Record, Sherman's road, Ernest Frank Watts,

    publisher; published monthly Bromlev ft West Kent Telegraphy Sherman's nod, Ernest

    Front Watts, proprietor ft publisher; published thurs Bromley ft District Time*, 39 East streets Kentish Dis

    trict Time* Co. Limited, proprietor*; published fri Railway Stations.

    Muson’s Hill (S. E. ft 0 . B .). Jn. Maynard, station master Bromley (3 . E ft C. R ), John Bnnlen, rtation mo*tt-r Plsistow, Sundridge Park (8. E- & 0 . R.), E. ChristOT,

    station masterBickley (8. B. ft C. R.), JaB. Thos. Hilder, station master

    Conveyance.Omnibus from the • White Hart,' Higb streak-to Koston

    ft FajT.bcrough, calling at the L. 0 . ft D. Railway station ft the Orown inn, Bromley common; aim to Kestou through Hayes, between 8 a.m. ft 8 p.m .; caba meet all the trains

    Carricrs-Londoo— S. Sloan ft Son, Weston grove, daily. .ondny

    excepted, retnrndng same day. Also carriers to ft from Beckenham. Bickley, FarnMrough, Hayes, Keaton ft Shorilands, calling at tha * Duke’s Head,’ High etveet, daily, Sunday excepted; N. Humphreys ft T, Jeffery, tuee. ft fr i.; E. Quinn ell, faxes, ft fri. oven, ft wed. ft sat. morn.; ft Carter, Paterson ft Co. Limited, the London Parcel* Delivery Co. ft Pickford’s Ltd

    —****4** SZBiuxma,


    > Bruce, .1 Mrs. 46

    Avondale rd.

    “ •” « ° » . s r r s s ; J r a d

    Airty liiciioTi' “ :L 'T,UUn‘,ra Akkra S9 Flaistow laneA'lken M ? ,U *&**** 1* BicklyA l I S w -Li6 *«

  • Balehln William, 3B Mason's hill Bolding Henry, 104 College road Balfour Henry Duncan, 8 Blyth road Ball Frederick Richard, II Howe* rd Boll Mr*. 7 Edward rd. Plaistow lane Ball William, 20 B&bbooomhe road Balls Kiss, 54 Tweedy mad Bsrnbov Honry K. 133 Widmora road

    102 BROMLEY.Bond M ia, 30 Palace grove . 'Bone Mrs. 38 Uabboccmbo road Bone* Richard, is Palace grcve Hooaey Arthur, The Oedarr, Oakley rd lloosey C. The Pines, Pines riLBickley Boothroyd Ernest, 1 r Hohrood rood Burton Mr*. Fairlswn, Southlands

    grove, Binkley


    “ ■ —1 j r ■ H ■* I ’ UJUlXVJ

    Barham William, 34 Burnaby road Boaanquet Walter Henry, 1 Hope pork Barker Bar.. Peter M.A. St, John's Bothamlay Henry H. The Orossways,

    vioarogo, 13 Upper Park road South Hill roadBarnard W at Ohorlea, 103 Mason’s hi Bolting John Elliot, SB Crescent road Borneo Geo. PI am a, 14 Kimfield road Bouch Urn eat, Keswick, Durham a von Biirnoa Mrs. it*; Ha-Vtuuboarnt* rand Eonrdr>n i OMin thb/1

    ---- j ........ *«•Barnes Mrs. 25 Ravensbourn* road Barnes Mrs. 165 Widmoro road Barrett Mrs. 48 Mason’s bill Barrett Mrs. 135 Widmore road Barron Benjamin, 37 llomeedale rood Barron Hull, Springhurst, South-

    borough road, Blckley Borrow Allred, 33 Sundridge avenue Bartlett Samuel, 4$ Palace grove Barkrum S. Oontron, Cumberland rd Bassett William, 217 Moron's hill Batchelor John Burden, 48 Wcstauare-

    land rued .Bates Mrs. 7 Cambridge road Bath Edward, 32 Westmoreland road Bath John, 10 Lsnsdowne rd.Plaistow Both Nortnon, 19 Howes road Bath B. H. Wanaunt, 57 Plaistow lane Batscone J. Oolbren, 83 London road Batten James J.P. The High Field,

    Chialehtmi roadBatten Mrs. 37 Ghialaburst road Batter. Mrs. 4 HnmelUdd road Bauer Joseph, a Queen's Mead road Baxeres Joel, 33 Highland rood Bayley Edward Hodson,4o3undridge av Bojdey Mr*. 79 Widmore rood Biyrcan Charles, it Church rotd Baynea Mra. Plokhurst wood. South

    Hill roodBrush Mrs. 31 Ualwood road

    Bourdon Walter, 3 Globe road Bourne Rev. Alfred B.A. 34 Pori road Bourne Allred, Cooper’s farm, Brom

    ley commonBourne Alfred, 31 Southborouirh rd.

    BickleyBourns Miss, 19 Elmusld road Bowster Fredk. W. 20 Sur.dridgo av Bower G.C.New quay, Durham avenue Bowley Alfred, The Trellis, Southlands

    grove, BioklayBoyd Rsv.James OrmilondM.A. (curate

    St, Gsoreefs). 33 Southborough xd Boyd R. W. Bwchcroft, Hicklsv rd.

    WidmoreBoyer Frank, 0 Highland road Boyer Hv. 2 Lanydowne id. Piaisbow Bradshaw John Richard, Claremont,

    Queen Anre avenue Bradshaw Mrs. 240 Southlands rd.

    BicklsyBrageuton William. 13 Tweedy road Bramsden John. StiUington.Weitmore-

    land roadBrav Robert Geo. 47 Palace grove Breden Albert,' 12 Queen Anne avenue Broslouer Philip L. 36 Cnmbrldge rd Brett Arthur fa rro w , 55 Haves road Brioe Arthur. Lea Bank, Beacons-

    nuld rood, BickleyBroadley John Harrison, 20 Hawes rd1) n W TV - WV • «. .Bern Alfred Henry, 6 Hayes lone. B ^ r d . ' w ^ ^ a ' H a m ^ e U ^ " ^

    Bromley common Bredie William. 87 Loudon lonou(DQCbSQl|l GfcorjH, 2 Paj-x JJ7DT8 Hwv. i. . . tt-__m {___ .. »Beaumont Lewie, 14 Bed way rood Boddone Leonard William, Sbering-

    h«a, 5$ Plaistow lane Beddcw Allred Edward, Sonthwood,

    Oldfield road, Bkklcy Beer Bernhard, 3 Bird-in-Hand lane,

    BicklayBeer Edwin, 55 Woitmcreiond road Beerton Lewis, 43 College rood Beil Bar. John (Wesleyan), 116

    London roadBell Lindsay, 43 Park road Betharo Mrs, 18 Highland road Jinanett Halbert, Albyfiold. Bickley Bennett J. Koto bank, Lawnd’s avenue Bennett Mrs. Dunahideoik, Wesimore-

    land roadBennett Mra. 109 London rood Beunet; Thomsi, 7 Orchard road

    ---------* r>seiusu*4 S/ UUMUUQ All IIQ

    Brother Henry Thomos^Frcelandi rd Brooks William Henry, 63 Maeon’o h] Broomfield Jn. Grenville, Bqecliwood,

    Gravel roadBrough William Broomfield, 2 Lens-

    downs road, Plaistow Brown Albert Henry, 32 Farosbr rd Brown Elijah, 3 London road ’ Brown John Alexander, 58 Westmore

    land roadBrown Mis*, 4 Station read Brown Robert Allen, Snnnyslde, Bick

    ley Park rood, Btckley Brown Rbt. Sksnlord, 27 Sundtidge av Brown William Chae. 3 Oakland s id Browne Herbert, 5 High street Browne John Edward, 67 Freelands rd Browne Mrs. ac Mason's MB

    !Browne Thomas H. n o College rood Browne Willinm Jas. s6 Tweedy roadBninA Rnn flits n o t ' wr.

    & ^ r i 4 ‘ w S n 3, M S rd ^ Sir V W Y &Bcrry William John, tl4 Hayss rood Best Frank, 8 Garden road Baudot Mrs. 23 Rowes road Bevuu 0 . Widmora court, Bickiev rd.

    WidmoreBsran Matthews Henry, 9 Park crave Brier Allred John, t Hawes road’ Bidder Samuel Gray, 51 Bromley com Biden Lewis Marks, 38 Faroaby road Bikknr Andrew Hay. 24 Tweedy read Billett Frederick, 18 Babbaeombo rd Bingham Mrs. to Palace grove 1 Birule Mrs, 6 Clarence road, Bickley Bishop Herbert Douglas, 3 Bird-in

    Hand lane, Bickley Bittleston Lady, 18 Hope park Blookle Frank, 94 Tweedv rood Blaksmore Wnn A.7 Clorenc* rd.Bckly Blsndiord Mrs. 4 Eammslton road Blathcrwick Mias. 3 Stanhope -riHas

    * Bloor Jokn M. xi Bromley common Blyth Henry S. It London road Bond Rev. John M.A. (vicar of St.

    Mary's), The Vicarage, College road

    Bruce Robert, 53 Plaistow Iona Bryant Miss, 23 Btumiev common Brvning Allred Henry, 33 Croim lane Buchanan Lawrence Bnrtira, 135 Lon

    don roadBudgets Frederick Brackanburr, ta

    Snndford roadBudget* Mrs. 3 Newtnjn road Budget* Samuel Arnold, to Clarence

    road, BickleyBudgetl Thomas Mortimer, 2 ffimllvld

    park, Kmfield road Bull Harry, 34 Hommalton road Bnllen Richard Henry,8aBrom3oy cam Bailer Mrs. 9 Station road Bullock Real .Admiral Charles J.

    P.R.G.8. 48 Bromley common B limited David, 16 Blyth road Bunn Mias, 37 Pnloce grove Bunn Mrs. 70 Freelands road Bunnett Mrs. 23 Homesdale roai Burgess George, ro Cambridge rosd Btirnirt Mrs. 4 Westmoreland rood Burtt Oharlee T. 45 Bromley common

    Bush Jantes Tobin, 2 Holwood road Bush 3. a Stanhope vils. Marks: sn Bushbv William, tt Perk grove Bushell Henry, 4 Blythe road Butcher William. 44 Iweedv rood Butler Percy, Woodlands, Wcodlscds

    road, BickievCairns Edward,29 Lomdowne rd.Plstw Campbell Oolin J, 2A College rood Campling John J. B. R»boha,Poik hill.

    BiddenConey Cbsriei, 50 Cambridge raid Cardwell John Henry, Linton, Queen

    Anne avenue Corey Harold, ee Shawfield porli Caray Mrs. Hillside, Park Form rd Carlyon W. J. i t Cambridge road Carnegie John, 140 Widmore road Carpmael Miss, 33 Homesdaie rosd Osirr Miss, 44 Hammelton rood Carr William, at Cambridge read Chrrd Rev. Arthur Augustus (carats

    of St. Luke’s), 34 Great Eltfis retd Carroll Rev. William A., M.A. (vicar

    of S t George's); The Vicarage, Bickley Park road, Bickley

    Carter Chao. Hr, M.D. 5 Hontefiald td Carter Mrs. 12 College road Cartwright Chas. If. 42 Cambridge rd CatchpJ* Ssptiraua. a8 Mason's bill Cava William, 146 Widmcre road Oavacrhill James, 7 Sundridge eTW.ns Cowston S. Bromley UiU, Iindia rd Oaseaux E. OtutiLu, 49 Plaistcw lane Caseaus Edward R. 309 Widmote rd Chadwick Mrs. 15 Oakkutds read Okalmers Kennoth Edluunn, Arrfry.

    Westmoreland, road •Chalmers Mr*. Parrauts, Bickley Pul

    rood, BicklsyChombsrs Thomas, 134 Widmors read Charles John George. 33 Bodway rod Charles Miss,' « Palace, grove Cktriesworth Predk. Eos thill, Block-•

    brock lane, Bickley Ohater Clive, 3 HanieGeld road Cbatrian Emilie, 4 Hayes lane, Bran-

    ley commonCbatterton. William B .A .,. M D. 44

    Mason’s hillChauvit. Qecrge von, 35 Sued rid re sv Chnsmsn Thomas Charles, 41 Cam

    bridge roadCbeeswrjght Mrs, 60 Plaistow loue Child Coles D.L., J.P. Brcmisy pnlsce,

    Widmore roadChild John, 33 Shawfield park Childs Mr*. 43 Bromley common OhIUy Charles, ta BawrS road Cboveauk Louis X. 9 Palaea grove Chnbb Hammond, 20 Southlorracs

    road, Bickley . ,Oiecieraki Bruno, Weimar, Hay« Clopham Athol, 9 Sondiord rood Clark Charles, 3 Durham rood Clark Edward, tea Widmore rood Clark Lewis, 3 Lansdowne xd.Ptalis* Clark Mrs. 6x Tweedy road Clarke Mrs. Deacon, so Bromley oot Clear Thomas Henry, 5 Ebnlield p«m>

    Elm field road .Clear Wm. Bingwood, Oumberload bi Clough Robert Cecil, 17 Park 8rCire ,Cluer Albert, 49 Westmoreland rmoCoed Mrs. fit Mason's hill Coed Perov A. 53 College rood Cocks IJeweRyn J. 114 London W» Oockton Joseph Baxter, 163 Mason's u Codd Arthur F.G.. M.B. 154 'Cebu Thomas, 13 Edward rodd Cole Wm. F. tS Laosdc-.vno r iP l" * * Oolsbrooks Rev. Edward L.. M-A. S •

    Luke's vicarage. Southlands rn»o. Bkkley ,

    boilings William, 9 Aldertnsry row Collins Mrs. 2 Gltss Mill lane , Oolven Charles, 37 Riven»W™e Oomber. Frederick, 19 Oornins Chnrlss, ta Upper *°T V^U- Connett Albert Hcatunen, 33 *

    Cook Henry Thomas, nfi Widmors rd

    . [k e llj ’s

  • Owk'Phflip I., M b. 4 High street Cooke ITxn-ick, 21 Hnlwood road Coolies CKarlei, rot Mason's lull •Cooper ctuu. Henry, 3? Hammelton rd Cooper George Q. op London rood Ckoper Mis. 9$ Callage l'Ojni Cooper Hebert, 45 Police-grove ■COnnar W. J, Aahleijrb, Ringers road Cortieii John, 13 Orchard road Curia Frederick K., L D.8.15a High *» Cow. Mrs. ao Holwoad road Cation George Edward, 7 Church road Coaldrey WalterToinkins,3 Rodway rd Cooreny A.ThePo ei 6111 .arSaiidford rd Courtney Basil, 31 Sondford road CtvcU Stanley, 20 Elmfleld road Coveney Arthur, 0 Cambridge road Cord t'komss, 9 Durham road Con Isaac Si, LIAO. London lone Cot Percy Stuart, 36 Fornnby road Crnth Ernest, 23 Cambridge road Cnut John, 5a Westmoreland road Graven Harold, Craig Bovs ton, The

    A it rme, BlcldoyCreed Richard-, Turpington farm, a

    Souihborough, Bicxley Grigs® h&s. B. 9 Upper Pork read Griggs® Wakefield Duncan, 19

    rabOO WoreCrccksr Mrs. 5 Aldermary rc«d Crccldord Hemy, 44 Palace grove Crosby Mr*. 1 Halaoud road Crew Jn. Woodbury, Durham road Crostfald.Tolbot King, 5 Elmfield rd CrceiUy Thomas, fig Tweedy road Groiricy Willinm, 84 Tweedy'read Cionch James Morton, gx Mason's hill Cramp Prederick Thomas, 14 Blyth rd Crutch William, a Spencer Toad Henry, n Orchard road • Coounin Herbert, s TJppor Pmk road Gniulngham Robert, 7 Burnt Oak li.

    Pliiatowftrtis James P.8.A. 5 Hammed ton rd Caihmnn WilliomCrnger.aiRodway rd Cnssc Edmond, 82 London road ' BtguaU Frederick W. 62 Tweedy road ? ‘ |f * ; ? ' bigloside, 08 Plaiitow line i[»Ueu.ohR Botca. 27 Homeedale road Dimint Mrs. 19 College road IRriaL Charie*,; Addison road tu J/^riek, 62 Freelands rood - TMby Mrs. 7 Park grove •Buby William Henry, 64 Freeland* rd Huhiwod Lancelot,. 11 Chervv

    Orchard roadTJoahwoo-d Peyton,44 Westmoreland rd ^I^porl Richard C. 5S London *d

    4 »— 4l w ‘ *rcde™k Charleses Plaiatnw In Divu^cmas. ,42 WidrnSre readT)ia*snfIva!7 ' 16 a "Tensbourne rond ,

    S f e p f a i s ;

    S S S S W u a.*,

    m £ £ » « S !I Bickl™ * * " ' W Sooth a n ^ ,A Q“ *“ Aon" aTei' ue,

    SSTch u, Great E*™

    S s - a g s ? s" lh ™^Ickru 41 Park rdBdlhnern Sa* road

    *“ ■***■

    Bud, Miss, rfi Hamnsfield road Dottrldgo Mrs. Dalmeny, Bawthcrne

    road. BiekleyDouglas Mr*. Cheriton, Oldfield road,

    BiekleyDougins William Jome*. White lio-

    Sonthboroogh road, Blckiey Drage Mr*. 1.3 Queen Anne arenas Dransllcld Benjamin, S Hcmesdale rd Draper Edward D. 5 Park grara Draper Mrs 21 Highland road DreJhtller Pool, i t Collage road Drew Chai-le« Thomas, 15 Hope park Driver William Henry, 4a Faraby rd Duncan John Kinmont, 16 Tweedy rd Duncan Miss, Springklll.^OollegB rd Dunconson Tbomos G. Nutwood, Bick-

    ley Park rood, Blckley Dunn Cecil, 3 Bmmley common 1 Dorbridge Thos. 76 Westmoreland Td Datbuil John Peter, 99 Mason's lull Dyas Robert, 24 Birth rood Eade George, 24 Ravenahourne road EarnshawMiss,Wilmington,Durham ar Eastwood George Owen, 100 H igh1 St Ebb* Alfred B. Tuborg, Durham avert Edey George, 153 High street 1 1 Edey George Batten, 153 High stKt--. Edge Rev. Silas M .A .H Tweedy rd Edgell Miss, 112 Lori don road Edward* Claude, Buttlcdown. Bocken-

    hnm lane Edward* Henry, 73 London Lone Edward* Mr*. Charles, Newton house,

    Southland* grove, Biekiev Elder William George, 13 Winstead rd Ellis George, 27 Tweedy roa,l Ellis Herbert 0 . 7 Wanstcad rood Ellis Mr*, j Ethelbert rood Elmer Geome Filby, 9 London road Elwin Rev. Louis' .Tamos B A. (curate

    SS. Peter & Paulj.aWestmorsUji'd rd Ely T, Marsbam lo. 33 Loudon road Emden Hi* Honour Judge, 18 Elm-

    field roadEngelbardt Herbert Francis Ray, 0

    Winstead road Evan* Edmund, 6 Blyth road Evans John A. Bank house, High st.

    Market squareEvans Lewis, 57 London lane- Everington William Arnold, 24 Shaw-

    field park.Erine John, 140 College rood Rtber Hubert Langrisn, 66 Westmore

    land roadFairley Mr*, 17. Upper Park rood Farmer Charles, 25 Cambridge road Farmer Frederick, Suony*ide, 6 Lon

    don laneFarrar James, 14 Fnrnaby rood . jFitolknar Chnrles, Sylvadene, Cumber

    land road .Fannthorpe Uev.J®. P., M A.,F.B.G,S.

    (principal of WhitelAnds Training College, Chelsea). ELmfietd^Brom-

    j ley common 'Faux Edward, to Tweedy road Fertel Q. F. 33Holwood road Field Mrs. 13 Bromley common Fllmer Reginald, 3 Church road, , Filmar William, 6 Baremibourne road Finlbuon Norman Edwatd, 9 Clarence

    rood, BicklOyFiMher Sir Henry Charlc* knt.,

    C.M.G. 7a Westmoreland road Fitchtw Edward Hubert, The Oriels.

    Hill browFitter Ernest, 33 Elm field road Filter Joan T. F. 24 Tweedy, road Fleet Bernard F. 49 London Iona Fleet-wood-Taylor Mias M.B. 31 Lon

    don roodFleming Mra.Tower ho.Toot'sWood rd Flint Arthur, 3 Highland road Flint Samuel William, 13 Crescent rd Flower-EUis 0 . 3 Chislebnrst road Ftuck Mrs. 3 Pope road Flux Robert, 3 Tweedy road Fotkard Richard, 14 Page Heath la.

    BicklevPooka Mrs. xs Oakland* road

    iC E N 't.

    Porba* George, 34 College road 1 Punl Her. Thomas (Catholic), Th*s

    Presbytery. 83 Plnistow lane Ford Charles B. 13 UomcsdBle road Foskett Fredk. W- 44 Babbacomho rd Foster Harry Seymour J.P., D.L. 45

    Highland roadFothergill Misses, fie Tweedy road Fox Willinm Alex. Eliots, Hill brow Fraser Miss, Faifburn, Queen Jtnne av Freeman John TEliard M.A. 135 Wid-

    rnore roadFreemnn Mins, 40 Tweedy road Froeth Francis Willlam, a Famaby rd Frost George, ifi Homesdalo road . Fulcher Lieut. George Arthur B.A.

    Sfi'Hayea roadGodsdon Frank Benjamin, 2 Hawes rd Galbraith William Hugh Jambs, 81a,

    Bromley common Guilts John, 6 Lodge road Gomlen Robt.Lorame,i Hammeleon rd Gnmmidge Heiu-y, 9 Sundridge oven Gardner James, 107 Widroore road Garlant Herbert 0 . ra Hope park Garoar Edward M. 113 Widmore road Gasden Frank Geo. iS Queen Anne av Go*k Henry, 23 Orchard road Gates Geo. Sydney, 17 Homhsdale rd Gcdgc Alfred S. 12 Holwood road Gedney Chsrlas IVilliam. 17 Glebe rd Gedn^r Ernest John, 1 Wndover read Geere William A. 33 Great Elm* read Gerich Mrs. aj Soodford road Gibbons John Thomas, 33 Hope park Gibbs F. Brant-,rood. Durham avenue Gibbs John, 126 Wjdmorc road Gibb* William Jas. 3d Qammelton rd Gibson Archibald, 2 Blyth rood Gibson Arthur, 20 Crescent road Gibson Edward A. 9 Blyth road Giles Miss, 25 Great. Elms road . Gill Mr*. 39 Shawfield park , Ginders John Marsh, at. Tweedy road Girling Robert, 65 Orescent road Gledhrtl James, ad Cambridge.rood Gold Chas. Jtu.Spencer,^College id Gomer WiUiam Watson, 53 Crown la Good George J. 3 Aldermary road - GoodallMrs. xiyWidmora road Gooding Harry Lawrence, 6a Lans-

    dowUe road, Plaistow Goodman Edwd. Louis, 43 Fainaby rd Goodwin Jamas, Arlnwote, 12 Becken

    ham kino . iGoolyetr Thomas E. 9 Rodway road Gosling Alfred Lucas, 34 Gt, Elm* td Grainge Mrs. 26 Hsmmetton road Grsnt-WiLon Charles Westbrook*, $

    London roadGroty Mis*, a Station road Griity T- D. 5 Cambridge road Graty Walter, 59 Orovm lan*Grar Win. E. 8‘ Southboro', Bickley Greed William Robt. 8 Sundridge av Green Henry, r7 TweWy road Green K re r Station road Green William, Moorlands, Oldfield

    rood, BickleyGroenhill Mrs. rj3 Widmore road Greenwood Stewart, 4 Crescent rood Gregory Charles I.*wi*,7i Wldmore rd Gregory, L. W. 71 Widmoro road Gridin Albert, 6 Tweedy rood Griffith Frank, 48 Plaistcw Iona Griffith Hy. Oakend, rot Plaistow la Griggs Robert., 1 College rood Grinuey Mis*, i t Sandiord rood Grimmo Peter, 1x7 Crown lone Grunted Daniel, 20 Widmqre road Gripper Charles, x Elmfieti parly,

    Klmiield roadGrlppar Ernest J. iso London road Grossmilh John L. The Grange,Wood

    lands road, Bickley Grove George Lindsay, 45 Farnaby id Gunn Mrs. to Tweedy road Gunn William Cecil, The Rod House,

    Hawthorne road, Bickley Gunton Mrs. IS Collego road

    b r o m l ey . 'i'OIs

  • . Bojrjf

    Gurn»y-3milh Allred J.P. Roman- hurst, Toot’s Wood rood

    Gustersoc Bar, Frederick Wiw (Baptist), so Gravel road

    Htiborshon Arthur, i n Wldmors road Hadden John, 106 London road Baggett George, 3 Addison road Haines Rer. F. W., M.A- (vicar of

    Holy Trinity), Oakley road Haines Robert Tbomas, Hawthorne,

    Hawthorns road, Bicklay Hale Edward, is Lsnsdowne road Hale George S. n r London road Hall Mrs. ri Elmfield road Hall Mrs. 337 Widmore road Hamilton Thomas Moy, 13 London la Hammond Frederick John, Nyetimber,

    Durham avenueHanson Geared Wild, 3 Park road Hanson Miss, 50 Palace grove Hnppech Oarl, 3 WansUaid road Harconrt Mrs. 31 Cambridge road Hardcastle Charles Robert Hargreaves

    LL.B. 138 Widmore road Harding Frederick. 87 Ohatterton rd Harding William, 3d Great Elms road Bardingham Nathaniel, S4 Plaistow la Haply Frederick James, Milverdale,

    g7 Pluislcw loneHunlv W. South bank, Elm steed rd.

    RickleyHarman Major Robert Y.r4 Oollsge rd Harper Pster, j High stm t Barrington Mrs. 36 Cambridge road Harr.ngtoe Willism, 64 Alma grove Harris George Mcntngnc, St. Peter’s,

    Durham roadHarris Bichard Wm. 63 Freelands rd Harrison John, 44 College mad Harrison WilliamWestrope B.A

    school. High street Harvey A. H. 13 Rodway road Harvey Arthur W. Home view, Toot's

    Wood roadHarvey Charles, 5a Hayes road nurvey William, 5 Pork road Hoseliino George, 37 London road Haslsm Rev. Frederick M.A. (curate

    of S3. Peter A Paul), 9 Tweedy rd Hatlam Francis K. n Upper Park rd Hutch William, 139 Mason’s hill HawhewiU Geo. Cotta rim ry.Garden rd Hawkings Stanley T. 1 Ethelbsrt road Haxell Arthur Baron, so Soutliboro’,

    BickleyHay Jn. Talden M.A.133 Widmore rd Hay William, 102 Plaistaw road H art! Richard Hamerton, 33 Cherry

    Orchard roadHayward Thomas M. 15 College road Haywood George, 3 Earnout h road Hazlelinrst Edward, 7 Bloomfield road Heold Walter, *4 Efcnfietd rood Heaysman Mze. 1 Palace grove Heaysman Thomas, 35 Park road Hederstedt Henry Burdett, 346 South

    lands roadHelhy James Thomas. Glcngarifr,

    Hawthorne road, Bickley Hellicar Rev. Arthur Greeley M.A.

    (vicar & surrogate), 5 Church road Hellfcar Evelyn, Grasmere, The Aven.

    BickleyHsllier Bertram Imria, 113 Mason's hi Hellycr Samuel Stevenses Westmore

    land roadHeim Henry James, 37 Hommelton ni Hemmaut John, Eldernell, Durham bv Henderson Alexander, 4 Spencer rood Hfladfirsoii Frederick, li Liihdovn?

    read, PloistowHenderson Robert W. 139 London Td Henly Albert Witliam, is High street Hennah Mr*, 48 Cambridge rood Hanwood Alfred, 95 Plaiatow Iona Henwood Paul, Church ho. Church rd Hcppcl Albert Wm. B»lUugb,Hoyes rd Heppell Miss, 3 palace grove Hermes Louis, Altena, Sbawfiekl park Hermges Wm. Joseph, 23 Orchard rd Mowett A, H, 40 Cambridge road

    104 BROMLEY;.

    Hewett Robert, t Oakland* reed Hewett William, 31 Paiocc grove Haywood Tbos.^Burnt Aah lo.Plaisto\v Hicklin Harry, 37 Holwood road Hickling Arthur, 27 Hunea road Hicks Albert S. ra Elm field road Hicks H. Abingdon ho. 33 Rodway rd

    * “ 33 Rodway roadHy. 31 Ruvenshourne rd

    Higgens Miss, 16 Hammeltoa road Biggins William, 29 Eavensbourne rd Huder Mrs. Woodstock,.South HiQ rd Hill Alfred, i n Ethelbert road HiQ John Buttfield, 7 Tweedy road Hill Lewie, 2 Freelands road Hill Philip. St. Andrews, Cumber

    land roadHill Richard Harris F.R.I.B.A. 14

    Homefield roadHina Frank Stephen. 19 Park grove Hinchliffa Fredit. Jaa, t Aldcrmary rd Hind Stanley, 244 Southlands road,

    BickleyBindley Edward Hugh, 10 Garden rd Hitchcock Arthur, r Wanstead read

    KENT. [ kelly's

    Stanley, 68 Kiet.

    Jasper Paul Nicholas, *6 Maare'ahill Jay vs Gco.Harria,Enderbv,FamiliT rdJayes William, 59 Wast street ‘ Jefferies Reginald "

    lands roadJefferson J, E. 8 Homesdalo read Jefferson Miss, 10 Homesdule road Jeffery Alfd.Mead cot.Queen’rMead rdl Jeffrey Frederick, 67 London lean Jenkins Alexander, 17 Queen Anne an Jenkins Mrs. 35 Shawfield park Jennings Miss, 33 Sand ford rood Jenyns Mrs, 56 Tweedy road Jessup M. 0 . in, Addina rojd Jexai Leopold, 336 College road Johnson Arth.Winfrith.The Av.Bicklay Johnson David, 5 Station toad Johnson Fredk. 14 Sonthbore’, Bieklay Johnson Fredk. 4; W’estmorclsnd nt Jotmscn Rudolph J. 98 Loodcn retd Johnston Hy.r ElmSekl pk-Etmti8 .Sondrtdge svea Jones Hon. Mrs. F. J. 2 Bird-in>Danf

    lane, Bickleyr wanstead read Jones Edward, e Spencer reed

    Hitchcock Charles ®. 136 Widmore rd Jones John, 4 Bloomfield road Hoore G. B. 5 Queen’s Mead road I Jones Mrs. 9 Hawes read Bonder M. H. 23 Bromley common Jane* Richard Tho*. 3 Grasmere rd ncrigkiruan Charles, Balbolm. 3: t Joyce George F. 8c Mason’s hill

    HWmoreland road I Joyce Mrs. 30 Tweedy readHodgkiuaun-Patten Jn. 59 Mason’s hi Joyce Thos.Heath.SoWestmorelsnd ri Hodson Alfred E. 09 Homesdnle read Judd William, 12 Bromley common Hoehton Geo. Wm.Bromley bo.High st Kahlart Max, 19 Homesdatn rned Holbrook Thomas Jn, 6 Bromley 00m Kalshovcn John Chriatian, 0 Qutns Holdron Henry, Boughton, Bickley, Ante avenue

    Park road, Bickley Keene John Wood, 2 Pope roodBedlams Edward P. 34 Plaistow lane Keith-Steel* Rav. Win. Doratoa (ricsr Ho U. Wflltaro, 8 High street I of Ch. ch.), Bromley porkHelm** Thom&* Bartons 25 South* K.-llenrav Hart? TtelJ,:si UpperPajfcrf

    borough rood. Bickley Kelruan Charles, 30 Westmoreland rdHclroydo Wm. Fredk. 51 Hayes road Kemp Mrs. 16 Crescent road Ho!worthy Mrs. 33 Tweedy rood Kemp Sidney, a8 Cambridge ro»3 Homewood WilfriiUnx îSbawfleld pk Kempstor Tbomas, 323 London toii Hop" Chat. Kylemore, The Avenue, 1 Kenyer Granville Montogu, is Ost-

    BiekleyHose John W. 95 Tweedy road Eousdea Bobcrt S. 3 Tweedy read Howsid Rev. George Broadlev B.A.

    (sec. Clergy Friendly Society),Cambridge road

    Howard Charles Stephen Gorton, 29 Cambridge rood

    Howard Miss, 06 Bromley common Howard Mrs. J. 55 Tweedy read Howard Theodore, Wesdeigli, Ohisle-

    hurst readHowell Edwin Gilbert.jnBromley com Hewlett Philip, r6 Hatwood rood Hubbard Thomas Rowlett, Lencrott,

    Durham loadHudson Frederic B.A. 31 Highland rd Hudson Henry Apps, 4 Hope park Hudson James, u Snndridge avenue Hughes F. J. 2 Elmfield road Hughes Reginald, Quernmorc road Hulberl Miss, 7 Queen’s Mead road Humphreys William, c Oakland* toad Hnmphryi Edward Henry, Lingdale,

    Oldfield read, Bickley 'Hunt Alfred A. 108 College road Hunt Richard, 60 London road Hnrlbatt Ckcs, 1 Clarence rd. Bickley Hott Herbert James M.D. 57 Hick *t nott Miss, 51 Tweedy road Ingsll Charles E. 1 Queen’ s Mead read Ingfeion Harry, 10 Freelands rood Inglis Walter Henry, 8 Lsnsdowne

    road, Plaistowlogout by Frederick Juhn.n Palace gro Ingoldbv Mrs. 6 Palace grove Irving Erneet C. n Aldcrmary road Isord Edwatd, 81 Tweedy road Jackson Lewis, 36 Hayca road Jackson Lionel, 33 London lane Jacobs Horace, 31 Shawficld park James R. W, 46 Cambridge rood James Williom, is Cambridge road deque* Austin, 31 Etmfield road Jaijues Richard, Lorchfleld, park hi.

    BickleyJarvis Thomas Henry, 63 Tweedy rd

    lands road Karr 0 . R. Glendower,Queen Aaae ar Kerr James, 357 Widinora road Kettlewell Alfred,23 Bromley ennunna Kettlewell Walter, 23 Bromley m b Kettlawell Walt. Glenthoraa.Htys* ri Kiesow Robert, 3 Hawes read Killick Herbert B. Avoca. Arwclrir

    rood, P!:u slowKinder Edward, tfi Garden read Kirk William Joseph, iro Loadro re Kirkman Henry Foster, 34 Tweedy td Kitchln Mrs- 8 fligblunu road Knight Alfred H. 38 Faroeby raid Knight W. H. i 5< Southboro'.BicMej Knott 0 . G. Boyne hanae, Rndnay nl Knott H. B. 13 London read Knowloe Mrs. 88 Plaistow Ians Knowles William Lawrence, Faith**'

    The Avenue, Bickley K rabbit Mrs. 36 Ebnfield read Kropotkin P. 6 Crescent road Kurt* Justice August, Hill hom*»

    Durham avenue .Kuschke Mrs. 151 Widmore 1**“ Lacey-Smith Charles, 10 Blyth xwj U FeuQlado Richard. 23 EbnStld r* Laffltte Joseph, 40 Hammelton i * 1 Lamb Mrs. 37 Tweedy road Lamb Tbcmas, 31 Tweedy readLambert Mts. South Iewa.Howfho3̂

    road, Bickley _ ^Land Hartiid Ounniiurbam, Th» no

    The Avenue, Bickfey Londi Alfred, 51 Crown lsno Lane Mrs. 33 Muson’a bill Langdcn-Duvles Wnlt-3? Breinlrj Langford Alfred, aj_Homcadn.e • Langmore Mrs. 14 Holwood Langmore Richard P. HaroaurkS>°

    lands grove, Bickley Lansbury Montague, « BtomlsyLanebury Mrs. RookviHe, 0>*b * Larke Ernest, a London Rna Larkins Miss, 7 Biyth road ^ LaTbaneue W. R. «i B o * * * " Latter B. H. 7 Beckenham Ian*

  • Litter EdirorJ, 7 Beckenham lone Latter H. B. Burrell’* Meadow. Beck- liuielenmami Louis. 30 College road Laorio Min. 106 College ro*il Lerington iti*», aa Tweedy rood Lawrence Edwin. 2j Great Ehni rood Luro Mrs. 83 Widmare rood Iowion Miss, 4 Howe* road Lawson Mitt. 99 Widmcrro road Loymnn Otaorle* N. Thornton house,

    Southlands grove, Bicklcy Loytan Charles Janies, 18 Tweedy id Leyton Edward, a Tweedy road Layton JilE..i Lauadowne rd.Plaistow U* Edward T. 28 Tweedy road Leach Bd. Howell Walker, 7 Homes,

    dale randLee Henry, nr Park crave Lee John Jamas, 6 Hammelton Toad Lw-Wsrner Sir William H. Oldfield,

    Oldfield mod, Bicktey Learning John, 55 Rovensbourne rood Lees Miss, 7 Highland road Lees Mies, 90 London road Ugg H. W. 3i Elmfield road Legge Frederick G. 4 Bromley com LtggeEsriT ikverloil.iigWidm iTS rd Irishman Mrs. Balmont, South boro*

    road, BickkyLeieluaoa Mra. Birkby house. Birklev

    Park rand, Bickley Irishman Mrs. park avenue lejpsv John Hamge, 7 Durham road

    Melville, 6 Queen’s Mend load Iethaby Tom, 57 Bayes road Lewn Harold Cbalaner.rgOnklands rd Wwin Mies, 25 Bammeltou road Î wia Mies, 61 Plaistow lane Lewis Cecil E. M„ M.D. 207 Wid-

    niere road1 i* o r7 Oakland* road , “ ?• O .3 Hope park , *•' Blenheim, South HiU rd

    iidhur, 3 Wend over road “ Worthy J. H. 8 Ruvansbourne toad “ 7, Jamas, tog Mason’s kill LjWt Edward, 39 Park road

    2 Ookltmd. Td Lighioa 3tr Christopher Hebert hart.

    i f ™ 'l London roadr • rf7 y ®* The Dan, Bcdwuy id8*4 ?, 35 r^dLbli „ **> Hayes road L Z , 5h " ri?e’ 24 hfnnan’s hill Loh ^ 3*J*wml*y common

    l4 i^ w ^ 65 L°,ld0“ rMd’t Monck Mason. 3

    wiomfieM mad 3S3 London Ian,

    W CpR a ’ ’ 55 Pr* 'l*n Ogilvie Chorlee, 8 Holwood roed

    Oskley road Oldfield Jcsit.ii D.O.L. 31 London rdMec Miss. XX3 London rand Meier C. G. ix Bodway road Mellinc James, 28 Palace grovo Meredith Miss, 33 RavensbouriM rd Meyer Herbert, 3 Hsxnmclton road Miller - - - - -

    Oldfield Monton, 28 Rayenobourne rd Oliver Mrs. Russell, 22 Elmfleld road Oram John Palmer, 23 Tweedy road Orford Mra. 5 Pslaoe grove

    __ ___, ^ _____ _____ Ormeby Frederick, 4 Fornaby rdLurie, JnaUfaUoii, Durham id'Orton Rev. William Previte M.A. 39

    Miller Edward, Simla, The Avenue, (Hebo roodBickley

    Miller John Nicbolae M.D. 238 Southlands road, Bickley

    Milloy Tlxos. Robert, 61 Hayee road Mimpriss Mrs. ia Edward road Mimprisa Sidney Trevor, is London la Miskin Mils, xa Rarenshouroa road Mitchell Mies, 37 Ravenebourno rd Moger Walter Henry, ice Park road Monaco Vincent, 2S Paine# grove Monckton George, fia Orescent road Monkton Miss, x Spencer road Monro Henry Theodore, 10 Page

    Heath lane, BicUey Montague WhJflen, 153 Mason’s hill Moodie Herbert John, 19 Sandford rd Moore Eduard Babnes M_A. Bicklcy

    hall, (NiisUbant road, Bickley Moore Harry William, 34 Fnrnaby rd Moore John Edward, 14 Orchard rd Moore Thomas W. 69 Bnvonaboaroe rd Morgan William T. 17 Hawei road Morice Beoumont, 3 Lnnsdowno rd.

    PlaiatowMorris Harold, :6 Oakland* road Morris Mrs. Holcnulen.Cumberland rd Marti* Mrs. Quinton, The Avenue,

    BiekleyMorris Percy Macdonald,I jailed en,The

    Avenue, BickleyMorris William, Addleaton, Beacons,

    field rood, BicklcyMorrison Frederick, 9 Homeadale road Morton Mrs. 7 Upper Pork road

    Orton Kennedy Joseph Previte N A , Ph D., F.C.S1. Lyndhurat, Hayes rd

    Osborn Mrs. 10 Holwood rosd Osmond W. B. St. Vincenljhirham av Ough John, 6 Freelands road Ovory Mrs. 37 Shawfield park Owen Evan Roger, The Knoll, Wood

    lands roodPnolce Edward J.P. 123 Widmore road Pain Herbert H. 43 Highland mud Pain Mrs. 36 Palace grove Bateman Fredk. Japb. 22 Mason’s hill Palmer John 0 . 2J Tweedy road Pabner Miss, 3 Beckenham lane Pamfleet Mrs. 39 Tweedy rood PnmphitonMra.F.TheLimeB,Tweedy rd 1’amjAilon Walter James,^iTwecdy rd Parfelt Anthony William,98 Collego rd Parish Miss, 3 College road Parker Edmund Shirley, 12 Home-

    field roadParker James, go Highland road Parker John, 4 Grasmere road Parkinson Miss, 3 High struct Parks Philip So ml. 27 Shawfield park Parr Rear-Admiral A. A. Chase, B

    Southborough road, Bickley Parr Provl Oknse,Moloscroft,HiU brw Pater&onSldny.Wyncroft,Woodlands id Patey Charles, 38 Bay#* road Psto'n Chas. Jus. 42 Westmoreland rd Payn James Jabci, rfi Page Heath

    lane, BickleyPayne Douglas, 1 Elmfield road.

  • Sttitdm Samuel S!dn4jr,"s Bromley com Randle Sydney John, 17 Holwaod rd Sandy* F. A. Hawthorn cot.Gravel id Sirrgnr.j Sidney B. ad Bromley comma Sattortbwaite ’ Colonel Edward, ad

    Oaklands roadSatterthwaito Major Cleihent, 30 Oak

    land* roodSatterthwaile Sidney Clement, ay

    Cambridge roadSaunders Mr*. Domtybrcok, Quean

    Anne ..Saunders Sidney Janice, ,;6 London rd Sarory Ernest BralthwoJtei, j Avon

    dale mod, Flaitl'jw Saw William hl.irkld, 23 Holwood rd

    Payne Frederick, N*w farm, Westmoreland road

    payno George Henry, 4 Freolends rd Payne Henry Barrett, 3 Freelands road Payne Percy, 15 Highland road Peachey G.HeaUsormirst.SjPlaist&w la Peako Henry, 3 Longfield Fearco Allred, 4 Newman road Pearce Bart.rom, 7 Hawes road Pearos Fredk. Roseville, llodway -road Pearce Sidney Arthur. 6 Hawes toad Pearsall Henry Hill, 4 London lane Pearson William W. 40 Bromley com Peill Edwin, x Addison rood Peill Frederick Wm^BiTcnsloarne rd Peill Joseph, 4 Southlands road PeiB Robert, 36 Bromley common PeUett Edgar T. 8 Hammelton road Pongellsy Joseph, ag Elmfield road Peprats Mrs. caTweody road Farcy Samuel william, 16 Famahy rd Porklns Richard, 19 Upper Park road Perke Samuol -H. Fairfield, South-

    borough road, Biokley Perron Robert Henry, 6 Farnaby road

    . Peiroit Finch, 30 Famaby road Perry Henry, B6 Plaistow lane Petrie W., C.E. sS it 30 Crescent rd Petta Mrs. 25 Tweedy road Pleil William, 107 Mason's bill Phare Ernest, 83 Palace grove Photo Misses, ifi College road • Phillips Charles, r Edward road Phillips Edward, ij Holwood road Phillips Mrs. r Durham road Phillips Rjclid.Oobdm.47 Shswfield pk Phillips Thomas, a1 Grasmere road Philnot William, 73 Tweedy road Philpott Frederick, 15 Bromley com Pickering John Turner, .(4 London rd Pickering John William

    field parkPim Rev. Henry Bedford M.A. 7

    Spencer roodPite George Henry, 38 Hammelton rd Piion James, 8 fteelaisdi road Pitt Mrs, 31 Hswes road Playfair David Thumpeon M.D., C.M.,

    F.L.S. 14s High street Podger Henry, 16 8bawfio3d park Pollott Henry Montague, Ferneide,

    Oldfield road, Biokley Pollock John, 2a College road Poole-Smith E. 131 Widmoro road Pope Jay, 157 Masan'a hilt

    106 BROMLEY.

    Raphael Francis Chas. For*, Hayes rd Rawlings Edwd. Boiley, 33 Ham mel

    ton roadRayden Arth. Edwd. 35 Cambridge rd Read Alfred Wm. $a Westmoreland rd Beny-Piigh Her. 0 ., M.A, 4a Ms son’s hi Reddrop William Harria,i9Holwood rd Bedibrn Henry, 19 Bromley common Reed George Doyrell, as Park road! Reeve Edwin White, 15 Cambridge rd Reid Alfred, 63 Hayes read Reid Alfred William, 10 High street Retd James, g Home field road Reid William, 33 Cambridge road' Beits Charles, 50 Plaistow tone Belton Arthur Jn. 13 Klmfisld road Rice Thoms* Sydney, aa Holwood rd Rich Thomas, 4 Tweedy road’- Richards Cant. John 0 . 34 Mason’s hi Richardson Murray Sponger, 20 Page

    Heath lano, Bidder .Richardson R. H. 14 Cam bridge road Richardson William Ridley M.A. 25

    High streetRidge J. S. B. 3 Queen Anne avenue Ritchie J. F , B. aa Hammelton rood Bitherdon Robert, 32 Cambric! go road Robert* Arthur, 62 Westmoreland rd Roberts Thomas, 1 Ravensboumo rd Robinson Mrs. 8 Lodge road Robinson Wm. -Hoary, 5 Bloomfield rd Rcahn Raphael, 12 Fat-tuby read Boffov lire. a Olorence rood, Bickloy Regers Alfred, at Bomeedale Toad Rogers Charles K. ra Pago Heath la.

    Bicklev.ltcgers Frederick H. 37 Bremlay com Bogan H. M. Redcliuc, Durham riven Rigers James, t Blaomfield road Rogers Kenneth M.DJLond. 16 Upper

    Fori roadRigors Miss, 7 Bromley common Bogan Russell, Somerset cot, Clare

    mont road, BinkleyRogers William, Ediacara, Hawthorne

    road, BickleyEogcrson Thoi. Cooper, 32 Palaco gro Romanis Miss, 48 Tweedy road Romilly Mrs. j Hope park Room Herbert John, 103 Plaistow lane Rose George, 7 Rodway road Rose Henry- James, 67 Tweedy road Ross Walter Srnj', 114 College road Bottmann Richard, 37 Hummolton rd Rouse Mrs. J3 Tweedy read

    -KENT. [kelly’s

    RaV®5,b Ûr4* Ti. Il ^

    D.D. (Cliaplaih-Gcnexol » Forces), g London !aae_ ,

    Smith Charles Arthur, 5 Wen*Smith Edward, 12 Highland Smith Francis Pitt, 3r Londct1 Ju Smith Frederick, 118 ^“a4* ? L d Smith Frederick C. 3 Up. Bi Smith Harry Povah R»Ua»F*‘ C*

    Anne aronue. Sooth Hill ^Smith Herbert A., M.D.Smith Montague, 9 Holwoodto* Smith Morton, ao Oaklandi1 row Smith Mrs. 1 Newman voaa Smith Mis. 51 plnistow lano Smith Mr*. E. y> Palace I^WV. Smith Philip Ueliinghnw. 30’’ *

    The Avenue, BickUy . ,4 pi:Smith Reginald Hornar.iaS-tav^^; Smith Samuel Arthur, 3 *Smith Sidney Austen, 77 ';“ ’ irti m Smith Stanley, Penibuist,KtnrJi

  • • J ■ Beoltralam lano ‘■ 'jrience, 2 Palace „ „ ^ F r e n c h , GO?k.

    £ nr? tmor*Iaad id w Sodway road *1'63 Hfl»ejuboarM


    South Wsrroi, Hobndene, Southlands grove, Bioldey

    Smith William Hubert, r* Blj-th rd Sari licit WiH-ora, 44 Sonilridge avon Snell Stuart, 103 Widmore rood Snow Willinm, s8 Stanley road Siomei Alfred, 46 Bromley common Stamen C. K Ifce Cottage, South hill tkauBi Kiev, 12 Mason's hill Scd-n Mrs, 121 London road , Silbe Frank, (So Lansdowno rci.Ploiit'r Silbe Mia. 5 Hawes road SnaervlUe jar. B. 42 Hammelton rd Sjorkai Allred, $3 Crown lane S}9net Robert, Waldron,93 Plaistcw la Spencer Herbert, Moresby, Soukh- . ioreogb rood, Bickley Sfoth Mn. 14 Edward toad SpJter George, 3 Blyth mad dpecer Mih, cum mcc field, Southlands

    grove, BinkleySpelt Setnitel, ; Ringer’s road Spang Henry, 47 Tweedy rend Sping J. S. 8 Quote’s Mead road Sjcingert Normington, 5a Tweedy rd Sprigs0 Mrs. The Hire, Bickley Park

    and, BiokioySquire Allred Hugh, Ladbroke, Queen

    Arne avenueStuosenb T. M. 126 High'Street Stanford Edward, 155 High etreet Itteger Arthur, ao Hnmmelton rood f a * " Mrs. 43 Tweedy road » » ftr Hethtr-.e] James, St. Irea,

    Lelce avenue, Plaietow Sttosard William, 23 Hammelton rd •“ tufleld Charles Hejirv Beau, >4

    hover Gravel road ‘Stuk Allred, JO ’1 weedy road -ttlahoB Frederick, 147 Widmor. rd SKnhoa George. 3 Gerden road ««phene Mrs. r6 Hope perk »|r«tor Mra 17 Orchard road aL*!0 „ 3® Westmoreland road

    ™ f 54 Wettmorolnnd road *" BiekUy^*^*1, Sonthboreugh rd.

    s f e " i | WmitS Atth. 23&indford rd 2 5 " JJr1- 7 Hnrdeld rued fta^ r WHliem, s Garden road

    J' 53 Westmoreland rd

    S»?wS^S2̂ ̂ sdS b W d c a d ' 21 OKbard rd

    *»««»■ * 1 ,

    Richie v***’ ®4 SonUiborougb

    ^adan roadM™ 'V* l^ e

    8 'w il;” road

    S ^ ? ^ ^ ineton,BUci'§Fmtd i w y * ^ Widmore road

    s t 3R # *R vaw

    $ P f t * * * ■ Highland 2 *?P Mrj o , peTJmrk>̂-wrtat H»a?T Backenham

    Tathntn 2 Palae



    Taylor Seaton, 14 Upper Park road Taylor William, jon. 10 Hewne rood Temperley John Ridley, Veronica, 99

    Plaistow lineTempest Percy,Criamill.Cbielebural rd Thoburn Rnlpb Gtosoott, 3 Queen’s

    Mead roadThoburn Ralph Morgan, 9 Queen’s

    Mead roadTbol Ernest, 1 Durham avenue Thames Her. Drayton (Wesleyan),

    The Mouse, The Aren be, Hickley Thomas Frank Lewis. 3 The Broad,

    woy. High street Thomas HI W. 75 Tweedy road Tbamos John Craven, 37 London rood Thomas Mrs. 37 Eimtieli road Thompson Alexander, 39 Widmorn rd Thompson Ernest, 7 Condon lane Thompson Thomas, Glynn bill, Queen

    Anne arenue, South Hill park Thomson Horry, 86 College road Thomson Mrs. 87 Mason's hill Tbomley William F. Wolstonbury,

    Queen’s Mead road Tlwrogood Percy Edgar^fiOrescent rd T bur i t aid William, i t Hntnine.'Km rd Till Mrs.’ 8 Shawileld park Tilling Edward William, 68 West

    moreland roadTillotsoa Miss, 43 Babbacombe road Timtnic Edgar W. 51 Highland road Tokley Cyrus Legg, 9 Chorry Or

    chard roadTosland Alexander, 33 Elmfleld road Towell George, 3 Denmark rillas Towse Edward Dunean, 7 Sandlord rd Towso Mrs. W. B. Brauntoo, Dur

    ham roadTrew narold, 4 Great Elms road Trimmer Robert D. 115 Widmoro rd Tucker Arthur John, n Horn afield rd Tnlloch Major Hector B.E. 18 South-

    borough road, Biekley Turpin VFilliom, Heath glen, Beacons-

    field road, Bickley Tweedy Arth. Hearn, sod Widmore rd Tweedy Mrs. 10 Blmfiald road Twsedv Mrs. Widmor# lo. Biokley rd Twort Henry W. 3s Great Elms rood Tyler Robert, 8 Qlaronoe id. Biokley Tytkeridge i antes, 6 Bloomfield rood Unstead Miss, 13 Hawes road Unstead Mrs. 8 Tweedy road Unwin Archibald 3. B. 73 London la Uridge Isaac, 7 Newman road Uridge Mis. 5 Bowman road Uridiro Mrs. E. 15 Homeedale road VaLings. B o n y Adolphus, 3 Page

    Heath lane, 'Bickley ran d» Unde Gdrard^ Beckenham la Vanderbeock Ernest W. Hohnwood

    cottage, Southbarough rd. Bickley Vansittart Hon. Mrs. n Oaklonds rd Vatey Archibald Samuel, 9 Burnt Ash

    lane, PlaistowVerraU Bov. Robert Thomas B.A.

    (Congregational), 1 Homefictd road Vigors Herbert, Vale cottage, Burnt

    Ash 1mm, Plaistow Tigers Martin, 10 Hammelton road Vinery Oeeil Thoi. 3B Westmoreland rd tou Gl#hn Alexander Augustus, 7

    Homefield read1Wadding ton R. 47 Highland road Wahlers Herbert W. 3 Wanstesd rd Wnight Kuril) B. 84 Babbocorobe rood Wain Mrs. OlareWjd, Binkley Park

    road, BicklcyWalker Adam, 161 Widmore road Wadter Alfred, 28 Ehnfield road Walker Frank H. 3 Hobrood road Walker James E. 7 Ehhelbert road Wallior John, 73 Widmoro rood Walker Mrs, F. 83 Bromley common Waller Joint Trueman, 4 Garden road Wallis Mrs. 26 College road Wnlmsley William, 7 Freelands read Walter James William, Warlaby to.

    Durham roadWalter Mrs. 33 Chisloburst road

    KENT.Walter William, Ashley, Southlands

    grove, BickleyWalters George, 66 Freeland* road Walters Herbert Alid. tea London id Walton Fronds, , Edward rood Ward Sidney Allred, Heather dene,

    Hnroe roadWard William Pettit, 8 Hayes tone Wardlo Bar. John Williom L.Tb.

    (curate of St. Luke’s), 37 Crown la Warren Walter, 03 Crescent Toad Watdmrsi James,' 10 Highland road Waters George N. 4 Lodge road Water Benjamin C. 24 Highland road Wotling Mrs. 3 Blyth road Watson Herbert, Bsechwood, Queen

    Anne avenueWatson Mrs. 16 Highland road Watts James, 77 Tweedy road Watts Mis. 33 Bromley common Webb George William, 4 Glebe road Webb James S. er Harmnelton road Webb Warwick, 03 Widmote rood Webber S. Blatchlord, Bo London rd Weeks George, 8 Hcmefield road Weeks George, itm. 6r High street Weeks Henry Thomas, 14 Garden rd Weeks Robert Wilisherr. 63 Hayes rd Weeks William, *1 Widmore rood Welch Bst. Ebeneser J, (chaplain to

    the Union), 84 Bromley common Weller George, 88 College road Wells Rev. Mseon 0 ., M.A. (carats

    St. Mary’s. Plaistow),46 Tweedy Td Wells Arthur William, 5 Oollege road Wells Robert, 84 College road Wees Miss, Tho Homestead, Haw.

    thorne road, Bickley West Mrs. 6 HolWood rood ’Wejman Thomae, 49 Bromley com Weymtn William. 19 Hammelton rd Whale Miss, 58 Crescent road Wharton Mrs. 49 Highland road Wheatley Francis. 19 Saudridge aren Whelpdsle William John, 36 West

    moreland roadWbifiBn Alfred R.N. 17 Hemmelton rd Whiffle Miss, 7 London rood White Bct Jamct M.A. Chaplain’s

    borne. Brcmtey college, London rd White B. 30 Cambridge road Whifa Janies, 77 Widmore rood White Lcwin, n Freelands nad White Mrs. 13 Highland road White Mrs. Lynch, as Southborough

    road, BickleyWhite William, 22 Snndrldge avenue Wbilchnrst Mrs. 3 Ethelbert roed Whiteman Henry, Edgbaslon. Mag

    pie Hail lanebittock Mrs. Eynsford, Bodway rd

    Whitman Mr*. 8 Palace groTO , Wkittingham Frod crick, Kimberley,

    Kinnaird avenueWhittle Edwd. AHd. 39 Cambridge rd Whyte Mrs. 15 Burnt Ash Ja.Plaistow Whyte Bobert, a-t Sundridge nTenue Widgeiy James, u Queen’s Mead rd Wild Harry B- 2 Magpie Hall road Wikling Bichard, 6 Highland road Wilkinson Bobert, Coombe lea, Haw

    thorne road, Bidrley Wilks James Herbert, Swallovrficld,

    Southlands grove, Bickley Willett A. E. as Blyth road Willey Miss. 47 Park road Willey Wm. F. Biuckonhurst, Queen

    Anne avenueWilliams Albert Charles, Oakleti, Lake

    arenue, PiaiatowWiUiame Howard, Hamilton lodge,

    Oldfield road, Bickley Williams John, 24 Bromley common Williams Mm. 3a, Addison road Williams Mrs. 76 Freelands road Williams Mrs. 139 Widmcre road Williams Bobert, 16 Snndridge area Williamson Walter, 14 Hope park Willis Cyril H. 1 Bromley common Willis Miss, 41 Farnsby rood Willis William, rc Mason’s bill

    BROMLEY. 107

  • Willows Jesse, 4 Highland road Wilson Ber. Charles SI. A. 17 Sund-

    ridge avenueWilson Edward Dwight, Lullingslone,

    Park avictuoWilson John, 86 Westmoreland rood Wilson Miss, 28 HommcHon road Wilson Mrs. 44 Farnuby road Winch Herbert Morris, 1 Tweedy id Wishati Miss, 5 Edward road Withers Alfred, 69 FreelBnds road Wood Rev. Francis Henry M.A- 8

    Oakland s roadWood Benjamin, t i Crescent road Wood Gilbert F.R.G.S.aaShuwfield pi Wood Mrs. 19 Freelands road Wood Thomas, 23 College toed Wood W. G, a Hope perk Wojdall Mrs. 14 Qneen Anne avenue Woodbridgc Frank, 10 Orchard road

    108 BKOMLKY.Woodcock Mrs. 71 London lane Woodlall Francis, 115 Mason’s hill Woodhonse Mist, 67 Oakley road Woodman Johnson Muegrave, 41

    Cambridge roadWoodmnnsee Arthur, 64 London road Woods Miss, 14 Hammelton road Woods Psrcy, lar Widroore rood Woodward Janies E. Berily house.

    Southlands grove, Bickloy Woodward Wm.6 Scuthbaro’ rd.Bckly Wrcford Arthur Raymond, Halford,

    Queen Anne avenue Wright Alfred, 14: High street Wright Alfred Henry, a Bayes kno,

    Bromley commonWright Ernest Douglas, 7 Pnmnby rd Wright Mrs. Highlands, Oldfield rd.

    BiekleyWyatt Hugh, 20 Blyth road

    KENT.Wyborn John Middleton,? Farasbv rd Wylie Herrey, iB Blyth road Wyman Harrington, 24 Cresosut ^ Wyndham Thomas Lancelot, y, c j .

    .ego readWynne John. 40 Wastmorelnad r«td Yeates Augustus, 53 Raveasbonrm r>l Taldbam Mrs. 53 West street Yelvertui Hon.' Roger D. 6 Hope pa Yolland John Horatio, 53 Brwnlsy cm Young Charles, 4 Oakland* re id Young Daniel, re Southboro’, BicUty Young James, 38 Tweady real Zimmerman C Fircnio,!- Saadford rd Zimmerman Augnstus, 84 Westmare-

    land roadZimmermann Mrs. 6 Queen Anna or.

    South Hill partZwilgmeyer George, 31 Sundridgs tr


    oamosacun.Early closing day, Wedneoday.

    Abbott Sarah (Mrs), laundress, 3 Cross ixl.Bromley com Aciermaiui Fruit. Wm. baker A confectioner, 13 Broadway Adams Andrew, Swan A Mitre hotel, 91 High street Addia James, poperhanger, 94 Newbury road Adva William, ttulor A hoeier, 17 k 10 Widmore rosd Alexondar Emma (Mr*.), grocer, S3 Havelock road Allen A Sons, bakers, 39 Freelands road Alleirny Thomas, grocer, 86 Palace road Amalgamated Society of Carpenters A Joiners {Bromley

    branch) (J. Townsend, sec.), Co-operative hall. East- so Ambrose William James, shopkeeper, 9 Addison road Amos Geo. Bichd. plumber, A post offioo, 10 Simpson's rd Ancient Order of Anglo-Saxons (Alexandra Lodge, No.

    la s ? t x v f ” ' > K *S N0Ttt r° ad-1' Cto'°P,r*^Ta hall. Ancient Order of Foresters, L. H. D. Court Pride of

    Lawn’s Hill, No. J545 (W. B. Layton, sec. 83 London road), Co-operative hall. East street

    Anderson Annie (Mrs.), laundress, 10 Nelson read Anderson William, laundry. 19 Nelson road Andrews Jenny (Miss), dress maker, rot London rood Andrews Stephen James, coffee shop, 41 College road Anthony Bose (Mrs.),nervanU' registry office,4 Mason’s hi Arnnud J. C. A Son. builders A timber High it Ashby John, greengrocer, 65 Beckenham lane Ashby W. T. tobacconist, 26 Plnistnw lane Ashley Alfred, householder, 19 Qioea’a Mead road Attwood Wm. Joseph, draper, 10 The Broadwev. High st Anght Henry, boot maker, 23 High street AxoaU William, boot maker, 52 Mooreland rc«d Ayers Jamas Harris, postmaster, Bromlay poet office;

    res. 23 Bavensbounte road Ayles Walter, boot maker, 43 Nopier road Ayliug Thon. Stephen, boot A shoe me. 13 & 16 Broadway Ayling William Thirl; ettle, oil A color man, 98 High st Bacon James A Son, bakers, 31 Farwig lone Bacon James Albert, collector to the Gas Co. 37 Globe rd Bailey Frank George, bouBoholder, 13 Queen’s Mtad rd Baker Marion A Joserhiuo (Miesee), toy dcolere, u s

    High streetBaker Ellen (Mr*.), dress maker, 24 Southlands road Baker Joseph, chimney sweeper, 31 Bromley- cordons A

    62 Farwig laneBaldwin Stephen James, beekeepers’ appliances manu

    facturer, 24 Stanley road. Mason’s hill Ball Benjamin, boot maker, 72 Park end Balls Henry, tailor, 59 Freelands road Banks Albert William, bntcher, 85 Beckenham lane Barden John, station master, S. E. A C. R. 30 West st Barker Thomas, chimnev sweeper, 13 Havelock toad ■ Barlow Henry, fishmonger, 45 Palace road Barnes Wm. Frederick George, jobmaster,r Simpson’s rd Barren Allen, house agent, 4 West street.Barrett A Jeffery, bakers A confectioners. 5 Widmore id Barrett John, greengrocer, 29 Newbury road Barrett Joseph, timber dealer, 38 Walpole road Barn ball George, hair dresser A tobacooniat,io6 Palace rd Barrow Elfee Ann (Mrs.), midwife, 40 Park road Barton A Co. ebeousts. A poat office, 42 East street Barton William, The Chequers P.H.Sou’.bborougkJBickley Barton William Henry, sub-postmaster, 42 Ease street Harwell William Matthew, greiner, 63 Parwig lane Beatable Arthur, hatcher,

    brook Isne, BickleyBritton Kate (Mrs.), shirt maker, 48 Beckenham Bruadley Brothers, clothiers, 144 High street Bromley Autocar Co. Limited, 3 Wost a trees . j,Bromley, Beckenham A District Mutual Building -

    (Arthur William Martin Dickins, sec.),Bromley A Itackeaham Joint Hospital Board, Ski t ^

    (Ik M. H. SwsdaU M.D. chairman; Mired L. A 0 . Bank, treasurer; Frank H. G ednef't Hw offices. Park house, Bockenham lane; I” *' S-E®*-pital (Bobert Alexander Shannon LJkOP- “ j . 5!r medical supt.; Mrs. Whltmareb, matron). Gravel road .

    Bromley A Bickley Golf Club (H. A. Fallings. W - ^ Magpie Hall lane . __

    Eromlcv A Bickley Golf Club (Dsrid Anderson. n»"Bromley common „ „„ diRV

    Bromley Burial Board (Frederic Henry 19 East street ; cemetery (George Huxley. dent), London road , ^.viitsriT

    Brncnkjy Oboes Club (Augustas Yates, bon.Institute, aa Widmore rostd „-vwirl«c ^

    Bromley Chronicle (Ernest Frank H s t t * . ; r;«f publisher; published weekly, tkur*.)> B

    Bromley Church Parish Scorn, 12 Westsww* - or!*1® Bromley College for Clergymen's W i d o w * ' j , * ri

    Daughters (B«v. Jas. White, M.A. eh*jdiu®J

  • BremJsy Cbnearvetlve Clnb (Henry J. Selby, bon. boc.),. Bromley lodgo, High etreetBromley Conservative Registration (Arthur Wm. Martin

    Mdtinj ft John Kina, joint sec*.), n Merkel square Bromley Co-operative Hall (Bromley Oo-oponitive Society

    L!(L proprietore), East street Bromley Co-operative Society Lim. (Ernest Bragg, seo.),f it ore fta. 41 East st. ft branches, 2 Simpson’s rood

    Cbottortcn rood; meat department, 94 East street Bmmley Oatlago Improvement Company Limited (Artb.

    William Mirtin Dicklno, sec.), rr Market square Iromlay ft County Club (Jana Harrsge Lepper, bon.

    see.). High streetIsenley County Court (Hit Honour A. Emden, judge;

    A. S. Willett, registrar ft high bailiff), Market square Bromley Cricket Club Ground. Widmore rood Bromley ft District Times (Kentish District Times Co.

    Limited, proprietor*; B. G. Bossett,managing director; (mbliihed fridoy), 39 East street

    Errcolcy (Kent) Electric Light ft Power Oo. Ltd. (Oboe.A. Moby, ooc.; B. Is G[union, engineer ft manager),1 West street

    Bromley Free Library (Jn. Harrison, libr»rian)1Tweedy rd BijCsley Goa Consumers' Co. (Henry Wrn. Amos, seo.

    “Sees, 15 High street; William Woodward, engineer),*wks, Hrnnesdalo rood

    Bromley Industrial Institute, Shermans road Branny Lawn Teuma Club Ground, Westmoreland road •umlov ft District Liberal Association (Robert Whyte,

    ■ on. hen. aoc-; John T. Grubb, sec.), 3 Tweedy bnild*:sgi, Widmore reed

    Literary Institute, Bonding Boom ft Library {Binjsmio Wood, librarian), 22 mdmore road

    etaolsy Musical Society (Edward Latter, hon. sec. Pin- IkrktuJism lane), Upper room. Drill hall, East st

    "®nicy Mortuary, 3 W’ost street wnntey KatorsUsts’ Society (H. H. MeEon, hon. sec,

    £> London rood; head quarters, Literary institute, as ilKmore rood

    5""}? Pt'w* Estate Offices Widmore road Bmmtey Park Estate Offloes. i , i London road * 2 2 Prtparutory ft Girls’ School (Miss Mary Lowin,

    1 Lo,1

  • Pord Kriword, Ford Henry C

    Mary's, Plaistow,.vergar to

    square a iwvnvBloomScJd to**

    110 BBOMLEY, KENT. [ kelly’sConstable Elisabeth (Mrs.), opartmsnts, 60 Tytaey road Cook jane (Mias), draper, 46 Palace road Oook Thomas William, ft Co. tailors, aa Church road Cook Smr (Mrs.), dross maker, 59 London road •Cook Herbert, hair dresser, 55 Loudon road Cock James, grocer, s6 Bloomfield load Cofck James, insurance agent, 0 Freelands road Cook Philip Inkerman M.D., M.R.C.S.Ecf. physician ft

    surgeon, 4 High streetCooks James, blacksmith, Cherry Orchard road Cooling Walter, coach, builder, 71 Bromley oommon Cooling William, market gardener, Croft bo.Bromley com Coopor Brothers, com. merchants, 19 Market square Cooper George, confectioner, 1 Church Toad Coppiri George, schoolmaster, 8 College slip CoppingH. (Mrs.), laundress, Hickley road, Widmoro Copus William, baker, 6 CF-inry Orchard road Cording Thcma9 Bowering, insurance agent, 7 Pope rd Corin Frederick E., L.D.S. dental surgeon, 15a High st Corko Walter ft Prank, batchers, 139 Mason’s hill Corn-wall Edward, electrician, 7 Station road Ccrthorn Conatanco (Miss), trained nurse, 19 Barons-

    bourne roadOnssum Thomas, boot maker, 22 Gbottertuu road Cottage Hospital (William Gbatterton M.D. j John Scott

    M.D. i ' Sydney B. Mathews LB.O.P., M JLC.S.;. Herbert Jnmes Hott M.D.; David Thomas Playfair

    M.D. bon. medical officers; Atbin Doran F.B.O.S., W. J. Walsham F.B.O.S. ft Arthur Quarry Silcock M.D., F.B.O.S. ban. consulting surgeons; John

    • Phillips F.R.C.P. hon. consulting ohstatric physician; George Edev, hon. dental surgeon; F. W. Poskett, hon. see.; Miss Annie Carter, matron). South hill

    Coulter George, plumber ft decorator, 43 Mason’s hiQ Corel! ft Hams, butehsrs, 4 Tho Comer, High street Corell Stanley Cloode,flshmDgr.fc poulterer,cWidmoro rd Cowtin Rrnest, gardener to A. Gurney-Smith esq. Toot's

    Wood road -Cox William, beer retailer, Brewery tup. Brewery road Craft Joseph B. hoot maker, 103 Loudon road ' Oralcar Susan (M n.), shopkeeper, m3 Southlands rood Crause Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 68 Homes dale road Creed Biehord, architect, Turpiogton tarns, 3 South-

    borough, BickloyCrook Elisabeth ft Mary (Mi*»as).milHoers,i23 Mason's hi Crook Henry, fornituro dealer, 34 London road Croome John Forgusson, collector of lung’s taxes, 3

    Market square ft 7 College slip Cross!ey Thomas ft Son, buildera ft contractors, 68

    Tweedy road ft Sherman’s road Crothall Clara Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 11 Heathiicld rd Crouch Jnmes Morton, ironmonger, 41 Mason's hill ft

    e j Wldmore roodCrow fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 Obatterton road Ore e-burst Brothers, linen ft fancy drapers, 27 ft 28 Mnr-

    kni square ft 134 High street Cron-burst John, painter ft decorator, aa Weston (JTOYO Crutcher George William, engraver, 9 West street Curtis William Henry, taker, 32 Bromley common Cuntood John K. stationer ft newt agent, 2 Widmaro rd Culler Robert, upholsterer, 99 Southlands road Dnflorn Thomas John, fancy draper, 9 Widmore road Dalton Palmer, hosier, 6 Widmcrc road Darhy Bros monumnU.muuu.ft builders’ mers.Tweody rd Darby William Henry, building material dealer, Bnilway

    station. Tweedy roadDavenport Bichard Cartwright, chemist ft druggist, 71

    London roadDaria Walter, insurance agent, 102 Newbury rood Dawes Henry, boys' school. 16 Bavenshourno road Dawson Clarence, Prince Frederick P.H. 33 Niche 1 Jane Day Albert Arthur, dacurasire artist, aao Homesdale rd Day George, greengrocer, 69 Ghstterton road Day George, ;un. plumber, 69 Cbnttcrton road Day John,' baker ft corn daalar, 30 Hcmesdolo rood Deaden an David, carpenter, 7 Fnrwig tana Dear. Hlsh,. (Mrs.), art needlowork estab. 84 High street Doan Frederick, coach builder, 145 Widmore read Dell Wm. naturalist ft oil ft coJonuen, 13 Market square Dew Emma Sflien (Miss), dress ma. 49 Rjmmsbonrne rd Dewdmiy Jn. gardener to 3. Paterson esq. Woodlands rd Wood Alfred, beer retailer ft carman, 5 Gravol road Doggett William, hair dresser, ran Mason's hill Hotter Konstantin, watch ft clock maker, 123 High st Pc well Janie* Cbas. iwith chair prepr. 21 Lansdowne rd Doyte John, hiir Jreitor, 3* Market innate Drake Frederick, The Plough P.H. 8r Broraloy common Draper Cbarlee, builder, 17 Simpson’s ro«d Draper Edward Danvers, solicitor, 3 Park grovo Dray Wm, farmer, Soruhhs farm, Loivur Gravel road Dunford Henri-, tobacconist, 29 North road Dunmall Bobert, beer retailer, 33 Oakley road, Common

    Dunn Edward, lobbing smith. a?o, High street 1 ,Dunn Herbert George, upbolswrer, cabinet- Hiker It co

    der taker, 20 Market square; furniture remover, 36 Park roan

    hxthoit FrankDuthodt Frank Prebble.-bldr.i Rirerdene.Wei»ntorel»ad ri Dyne Addle (Miss), dros* maker, 55 Wsdmore rotd Eardley Thomas, hoot maker, 38 Southlands reed Earle Agnes ft Marion (Missus), milliners, 24 Market n Esiie George William, statar.7 Aberdeen bldgs. B in ,j Easy Henry, baker, 78 Bromley common EcketS William, head gardnner to B. W. Boyd esq. 136-

    ley road, Widmore , .Bdey George, dentist, 153 High streetEdey George Bussell LD.S.Eng. dootist, 153 Hfgh tt;

    ft 1 Boynl parade, Cbisletmrst Edwards Charles, hoot maker, 19 High sheet Edwards George, tailor, sa, Korth street 'EUory Ellen Amy (Mrs.), dress ma. 3 Bnhbemobt ri Elliott Bobert M.B.C.V.S. vetaa-inniy au.rgit.57 Mssoa'iH Ellis Henry, coach builder, 18 Homosdole road Hphick 80 Son, butchers, 7 Tylney road Emmins William, greengrocer, 37 Simpson's road English Leather Boot Co. (Edwin Beeves, propristor;,

    boot ft shoe makers, 131 ft 141 Mason's hill Eppa George Gore, Bote ft Crown P.H. 132 High street t

    3d Market squareEssam William, gamekeeper to Sir Samuel E. Scctt BP.

    Plaistow lane -Etheridge Geo. chimney sweeper, 43 Moortktad rori Evans Jane (Miss), laundress, 33 Newbury rood Fairchild Hy.Kdwd.Two Doves P.H.37 Oakley rd.Ceoaui Former George T. tailor, 97 Beckenham Ians Farmer Juba (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Bourne road Farmer William, laundiy, 38 Pope rood Farrar ft Son. toilers, 22 Market square Fassam Emily (Mrs.), fishmonger, 30 Plymouth rood Faulkes ft Sttenan, tailors, 176 Widmore rood.Faulkes James, tailor, 8 Tylney road Faulket Wi3 iam, boot rnakor, 39 Homosdslt road Parey L. fishmonger. 90 High street Faweitt Frederiok, leather seller, at Market square Felee ft Co. (M. Oldfield M.P.S. proprietor), cheaam a

    druggists, as High street Ferris Robert ft Sons, saddlers, 105 High street Ferris Albt, Arundel], While Hart ktl. 139 ft rqo High i> Fertel Frederic, professor of music, 33 Holwtw not Fertel G.F. (Mrs.) ft E. (Miss),ladie»’ eahl.33 Hchreriri Fever Hospital (Bromley ft Beckenham Joint Hwaitfi

    Board), Skym corner, Bromley oommen Field Charlotte ft Grace (Misses), preparatory seteol, B

    Bromley commonField Charles, boat maker, 5 Mason's hillField Frederick, jobbing gardener, 3s Southlands notFielding Ernest, draper, 2 Purk endFilby Brothers, hair dressers, 89 High street _ ,Fire Engine Station (James Bennett, eoginear hi ( J 1? !

    West street ' _Fite Hichard, grocer ft oowkeeper, ft pwt ,,s

    Homeednlo roadFiveash Frederick, apartments, 81 drown Isnt Float George, fishmonger, 63 Chnrierton rood _

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