
Flight 11 takes off from Boston, MA Flight 175 takes off from Boston, MA Flight 11 crew contact ground personnel to inform them of the hijacking. Stay on the phone for most of the flight relaying important information including the hijackers seat numbers Flight 77 takes off from Washington DC Flight 11 makes contact with air traffic control by accident Mohammad Atta will do this again in a few minutes Air Traffic Control contacts the Military Flight 93 takes off from New Jersey Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower Floors Everyone on board the plane dies as well as hundreds in the building Emergency Services Mobilize Fire Department Police Department Begin evacuating the North Tower President George W. Bush is informed of the crash at the North Tower. South Tower Evacuation Order Not evacuated sooner because of falling debris No one knew yet this was a planned attack. Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower Floors Everyone on board the plane dies as well as hundreds inside the building President notified of the second crash. Everyone realizes this is an attack not an accident. NYPD Sends another 2,000 men and women to help at the trade center FDNY Issues a second Fifth Alarm sending 235 firefighters, 20 engines, and 8 ladder companies Off duty personnel also show up at ground zero. Crew member Renee May calls her mom from Flight 77 telling her to call American Airlines headquarters to tell them of the hijacking. Evacuation of the World Trade Center Evacuation of Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State and other cabinet members in Washington DC Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon Everyone on board the plane dies along with 125 people at the Pentagon 106 are severely injured of those inside the Pentagon Nationwide Ground Stop FAA grounds ALL flight over or bound for the United States Evacuation of the White House and the US Capitol building Flight 93 learn of the other hijackings and the attacks at the WTC and at the Pentagon. Decide to act. South Tower collapses 56 minutes after being hit. Collapses in 10 seconds 600 people die Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville, PA Everyone on board dies Roughly 20 minutes flying time from Washington DC North Tower collapses 1 hour and 42 minutes after being hit Killing about 1,400 people in the building and surrounding areas Evacuation of Lower Manhattan American Airspace Cleared 3,330 commercial flights grounded 1,200 private plans grounded 14 survive the North Tower collapse in Stairwell B We will talk about this in the story I read later Volunteers respond to the WTC site Firefighters rescue civilians at the WTC Site Collapse of building 7 of WTC Rescue Workers located trapped police officers President George W. Bush addresses the nation

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