Page 1: ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ -… · Στατιστική Ανάλυση Η στατιστική

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Page 2: ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ -… · Στατιστική Ανάλυση Η στατιστική

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Page 3: ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ -… · Στατιστική Ανάλυση Η στατιστική

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Page 4: ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ -… · Στατιστική Ανάλυση Η στατιστική

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J H< ),7$& 6 1&" '"&7? $&.,$ XNN, 1"# "46/), -) .)%&-'"; -.$4,"# 7)9*&'? 72-" '$& 1*2:*" +(7$." (Weisbord et al 2004, Phillips 2011), )70 6 -#@72.6.$ )µ9(7&-?3 .63 -#7)@,C)& 7$ $#!(7).$& 1$/'"-µ,:3 (Gagliardini et al 2015). 8$ (."µ$ µ) 7)9*&'? 72-" 1*"-.)%&'"; '$& .)-%&'"; -.$4,"#, 1"# #1"D(%%"7.$& -) KL<M, $1".)%";7 µ&$ "µ(4$ @*27&:7 $-+)707 µ) $*').( $#!6µ576 -#-7"-6*2.6.$. A12 .$ )#*?µ$.$ .63 1$*";-$3 µ)%5.63, '$& -) 1%?*6 $7.&-."&@,$ µ) .6 4&)+7? D&D%&"/*$9,$, 6 $*.6*&$'? #15*.$-6 ?.$7 $#.? 1"# ),@) .6 µ)/$%;.)*6 -#@72.6.$ (Maric & Hall 2011, Van Buren & Toto 2011), 6 $7$&µ,$ (Joss et al 2007), " G$'@$*0463 H&$D?.63, .$ '$*4&$//)&$'( 7"-?µ$.$ (Aso 2008) '$& 6 $//)&"1(+)&$ (Joseph & Friedman 2009).

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@8%!21+79: 09µ!02!: 01.%*+2! !51"?A9$!5 !-3 1. +7B19µ!1."3/%. EuroQoL-5D-3L /%! 195 ,/+2! $!% 195 $!1#01!09 1B5 !0A+5C5 µ+ 8%!;91%$? 5+47.-#A+%! $!% *735%! 5+47%$? 530.. D $%591%$3191!, 9 !,1.+E,-97=-1909, 9 +$1="+09 1B5 0,59A%0µ=5B5 $!% $!A9µ+7%5C5 87!0197%.1?1B5, $!AC: $!% . -35.: $!% 9 8,04.72!,3--B: $!% 1. #/*.: $!% 9 A"2F9 ?1!5 .% 8%!01#0+%: 3-., .% !0A+5+2: $"?A9$!5 5! !,1.!E%."./?0.,5 195 $!1#-01!09 19: ,/+2!: 1.,:. G5!4.7%$# µ+ 195 $%591%$3191!, 130. 9 µ=A.8.: !51%µ+1C-%09: 19: 5+47%$?: 530.,, 30. $!% 9 <-!7E9 8%!;91%$?: 530.,, =8+%E!5 5! 195 +-97+-#6.,5 µ+ 01!1%01%$# 09µ!51%$3 173-.. H. 0,/$+$7%µ=5. +<79µ! =7*+1!% 0+ -"?79 0,µ4B52! µ+ 1! +,7?µ!1! 19: ;%;"%./7!42!:, 3-., 9 $%591%$3191! 8+2*5+% 5! +-97+-#6+1!% 130. !-3 19 *735%! 5+47%$? 530. $!% 19 µ=A.8. !51%µ+1C-%0?: 19: (Plantinga et al 2011, Bowling et al 2011, Fructuoso et al 2011, Brown 2012), 30. $!% !-3 195 <-!7E9 >I (Rejeski et al 2012). G-3 1! +,7?µ!1! 19: -!7.<0!: µ+"=19: 0*+1%$# µ+ 195 !,1.+E,-97=1909 $!% 195 +$1="+09 1B5 $!A9µ+7%5C5 87!0197%.1?1B5 µ35. 9 <-!7E9 8%!;91%$?: 530., (p=0,005 $!% p=0,009 !51201.%-*!) =8+%E+ 5! +-97+#6+% 09µ!51%$# 1%: 0,/$+$7%µ=5+: 8%-!01#0+%:, +<79µ! -., +-%;+;!%C5+1!% $!% !-3 -!73µ.%! µ+"=19 019 '""#8! 0*+1%$? µ+ 195 -.%3191! 6B?: 1B5 !0A+5C5 µ+ >I 1<-., 2 (Papadopoulos et al 2007).

(2! !$3µ9 09µ!51%$? -!7#µ+17.:, -., 8%+7+,5?A9-$+ $!1# 19 8%#7$+%! 19: µ+"=19:, ?1!5 . 8+2$19: 4.712-., 0,µ-1Bµ#1B5 19: *735%!: 5+47%$?: 530., $!% 19: 8%!;91%$?: 5+47.-#A+%!:. &% µ+1=*.51+: 0195 =7+,5! $"?A9$!5 5! +-%"=E.,5 !-3 =5! 0<5.". -%A!5C5 0,-µ-1Bµ#1B5 -., !5!4=7.51!% 0,*531+7! 019 8%+A5? ;%-;"%./7!42!. G-3 195 01!1%01%$? !5#",09 1B5 0,µ-1Bµ#-1B5 -., !5!4=7A9$!5, 01.,: -+7%1.5!J$.<: !0A+5+2: . =µ+1.: (p=0,034) $!% 9 $!1#A"%F9 (p=0,036) !-.1+".<5 09µ!51%$31+7! -7.;"?µ!1!. & =µ+1.: $!% 9 5!,12! !-!-51#1!% B: 0,59A%0µ=59 !51287!09 0+ !,1.<: 1.,: !0A+-5+2: (K+71#$9: 1996), +5C 9 $!1#A"%F9 =*+% 0,0*+1%01+2 0+ µ+"=1+: 130. µ+ 19 8%!;91%$? 5+47.-#A+%! /+5%$31+7! (Themeli et al 2011), 30. $!% µ+ 195 -+7%1.5!J$? $#A!709 (Yu et al 2012). >1.,: !%µ.$!A!%73µ+5.,: 1! 0,µ-1C-µ!1! -., ;7=A9$!5 B: 01!1%01%$# 09µ!51%$# !4.7.<0!5 195 !590,*2! (p=0,022), 19 "<-9 (p=0,023), 195 !8%!4.72! /%! 1. 0+E (p<0,01), 19 8,0$."2! 01! 0+E.,!"%$# +7+A2-0µ!1! (p<0,01), $!AC: $!% 19 5,$1.,72! (p<0,01). G7$+-1=: µ+"=1+: =*.,5 8+2E+% 19 0,0*=1%09 19: !590,*2!:, 19: "<-9: $!% /+5%$31+7! 1., F,*."./%$.< !512$1,-., 19: 8%!8%$!02!: 19: !%µ.$#A!709: 0195 F,*.0<5A+09 1B5

!%µ.$!A!%73µ+5B5 !0A+5C5 (Themeli et al 2011, Huwe et al 2015, Edey 2017), +5C µ+"=19 0*+1%$# µ+ 1.5 +-%--."!0µ3 1B5 0,µ-1Bµ#1B5 0+ !0A+5+2: µ+ LMM, =8+%E+ 31% =B: $!% 1. 52% 1B5 !13µB5 ;%C5+% #/*.: $!% !590,-*2! (Murtagh et al. 2007). D 0+E.,!"%$? 8,0"+%1.,7/2! -!7.,0%#6+1!% 130. 01.,: #587+: 30. $!% 01%: /,5!2$+: µ+ LMM, $!% 0*+126+1!% µ+ .7µ.5%$=: 8%!1!7!*=: -., -7.$!".<51!% !-3 19 530., !""# $!% µ+ 195 $!1#A"%F9, 19 0,5.0973191!, 195 -.",4!7µ!$2!, ? #"".,: F,*.$.%-5B5%$.<: -!7#/.51+: (Edey 2017).

>195 1+"+,1!2! .µ#8! 1B5 0,µµ+1+*351B5 019 µ+-"=19, 89"!8? 1.,: !0A+5+2: -., -!7!$.".,A.<51!5 01. 'EB1+7%$3 M+47."./%$3 @!17+2., $!1!/7#49$!5 B: 09µ!51%$# 0,µ-1Cµ!1!/-7.;"?µ!1! 9 8,0$."2! 0195 !5!-5.? (p=0,03), . -35.: 01%: !7A7C0+%: (p=0,06), 9 8,0$."2! 0,/$=517B09: (p=0,02), . !5?0,*.: <-5.: (p=0,02), 9 +,+7+A%013191! (p<0,01), 9 "<-9 (p=0,017), 9 !590,*2! (p<0,01), 9 !8%!4.72! /%! 0+E (p<0,01), 9 8,-0$."2! 01! 0+E.,!"%$# +7+A20µ!1! (p<0,01) $!% 9 5,-$1.,72! (p<0,01). D 8,0$."2! 0195 !5!-5.?, 3-B: $!% 9 #-5.%! 01.5 <-5., =*+% 0,0*+1%01+2 µ+ 1! -7C%µ! 01#8%! 19: LMM. >*+1%$# µ+ 1.5 -35. 01%: !7A7C0+%:, -., !5=-4+7!5 .% !0A+5+2: !5#"./! +,7?µ!1! !51".<51!% $!% !-3 19 8%+A5? ;%;"%./7!42!. (+"=19 19: Davison (2015), -., -7!/µ!1.-.%?A9$+ 01.5 N!5!8#, =8+%E+ 31% . -35.: -., ;%C5.,5 .% !0A+5+2: 01! -7C%µ! 01#8%! 19: 5+47%$?: 53-0., +25!% µ+/!"<1+7.: !-3 +$+25. -., ;%C5.,5 .% !%µ.-$!A!%73µ+5.% 01. 1+"%$3 01#8%. 19: 530.,. H=".:, !5!4.-7%$# µ+ 19 5,$1.,72! -., !5=4+7!5 .% !0A+5+2:, !-.1+"+2 0,59A%0µ=5. 0<µ-1Bµ! 01! -7C1! 01#8%! 19: LMM $!% 0*+126+1!% -!A.4,0%."./%$# $,72B: µ+ 195 !7197%!$? ,-=71!09 (Wu et al 2012).

>1.,: 8%!;91%$.<: !0A+5+2: 1! 0,µ-1Cµ!1! -., $!1!/7#49$!5 B: 01!1%01%$# 09µ!51%$# ?1!5 . =µ+1.: (p=0,03), .% !%µB82+: 1B5 $#1B #$7B5 (p=0,03), . -.-5.$=4!".: (p=0,03), 9 8,0$."2! 0,/$=517B09: (p=0,04) $!AC: $!% 9 8,0$."2! !51!-3$7%09: 01! 0+E.,!"%$# +7+-A20µ!1! (p<0,01). D 5!,12! $!% . =µ+1.: !-.1+".<5 0,*5# 0,µ-1Cµ!1! 19: /!017.-#7+09:, µ%!: !-3 1%: +-%-".$=: 1., >I (Cherian & Parkman 2012). & >I -7.0;#""+% 09µ!51%$# 1! 5+<7! 1B5 $#1B #$7B5 (8%!;91%$? 5+,7.--#A+%! #$7B5), µ+ !-.1="+0µ! 5! µ95 #/.51!% 0B01# 1! +7+A20µ!1! -., +25!% ,-+<A,5! /%! 19 4,0%."./%$? !2-0A909 (Mehra et al 2008). & -.5.$=4!".:, -., !5!4=7-A9$+ !-3 1.,: 0,µµ+1=*.51+:, =*+% ;7+A+2 31% 0*+126+1!% A+1%$# µ+ 1. >I (Aamodt et al 2007).>,/$+$7%µ=5!, 9 A+1%$? !,1? 0,0*=1%09 !-.828+1!% 01%: !"".%C0+%: -., -7.$!"+2 . >I 01! 1.%*Cµ!1! 1B5 !//+2B5 $!% 195 !/B-/%µ3191! 1B5 5+<7B5, 1! .-.2! !-.1+".<5 1. ,-3017Bµ! 19: 9µ%$7!52!: (Aamodt et al 2007).G5!4.7%$# µ+ 19 8,-0$."2! 0,/$=517B09: -., !5=4+7!5 .% !0A+5+2:, !-.1+-"+2 0,*53 4!%53µ+5. 1B5 8%!;91%$C5 !0A+5C5 -., 0*+-126+1!% $,72B: µ+ 1! ,-./",$!%µ%$# +-+%038%! $!AC: $!%

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!)µ*+,- .)//012345 E GN 3#4!(3/@!7! 3-% 3$!2(+3µ6, 3-1 3#&&%'> -<4

2!2%µ/4<4 )+( 3-1 3#''7+@> -%# )!(µ/4%#. E PH, % HH )+( 1 ?B !,$+4 -14 '!4()> !5%5-!,+ !)5641310 -10 µ!&/--10 )+( 3#4/:+&+4 !4!7'* 3-% 3$!2(+3µ6, 3-14 +8(%&6'1-31 -<4 2!2%µ/4<4 )+( 3-1 3#''7+@> -%# )!(µ/4%#. E GC 3#µµ!-!,$! 3-1 3#''7+@> -%# )!(µ/4%#.

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ABSTRACT Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a common chronic disease accompanied by severe complications. It is the leading cause of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) requiring management either by haemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis (PD). The chronicity of the disease, and its complications, affects the psychological, family and social life of the patients and their Quality of Life (QoL). Aim: of the present study was to estimate the disease burden of patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) during pre-ESRD and during End-Stage Renal Disease. Methods: A sample of 103 patients with DN treated at the General Hospital of Veria were studied during May and June 2016. The study was conducted using the Dialysis Symptoms Index (DSI) for the assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) symptom load and the European Quality of Life (EuroQol) questionnaire for assessing the QoL of patients in the Renal Outpatient Clinic, Haemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Unit. Results: It was found that the Renal Replacement Method (HD or PD), the presence of DM and CKD’s stage affect significantly the patients’ self-assessment regarding painful symptoms of DN. Furthermore, the above factors have major impact on some aspects of patients’ QoL, such as mobility and self-care.Conclusions: Pre-End Stage patients experience more severe painful symptoms of DN compared to patients on Renal Replacement Therapies.

Key - words: Diabetes Mellitus, Disease Burden, Quality of Life, Diabetic Nephropathy, Chronic Kidney Disease

A study of the impact of disease burden in quality of life of people with pre-End-Stage and

End-Stage Renal Disease

Helen Georgiadou1, Theodora Kafkia2, Eugenia Minasidou3, Kyriakos Kazakos4,Alexandra Dimitriadou4

1. Nurse, MSc, General Hospital of Imathia-Veroia2. Clinical Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki

3. Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki4. Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki

Correspondence author:Theodora KafkiaDepartment of NursingATEI of ThessalonikiPO box 14157400 Sindos, Thessalonikie-mail: [email protected]

Submission Date: 10/05/2017Publication Date: October 2017



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