Page 1:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ; ,, .


Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS.

'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First Public Reception. · The opening of Ne\vark's premier stocks of Novelty

and Black Dress C{oods and Silks, High art is ex­•tplil�ed in a host of exclusive elegance. England, France, -···n•�""• America, the four famous "Kingdoms cif the

compete' in. a surpassing ·show of varied dresswear Among celebrated 1 899 exhibits :

Popli�s, Prunnelle, Venetians, Pois Glace, satin de J,yon, Grenadine, Electric Cloth, Broad Cloths,

Veilings, Bareges� Black. Satin Duchesse, Blac,k l'eau de Soie,

Black Taffeta, Black Armures, India and Ti!ffeta Brocades, . Fancy Satin Raye Cords, Fancy Satin Duchesse,

. Fancy Corded Taffeta, Stripes and Plaids, Checks.

:The above are but scattered l>Uggestions from the great · . of new dainty Dress Stuff Conceits. A round of vis­

the department will help you to an . introduction to •Jtdre,us of other of the season's handsomest novelties. ·



· L. S� PLAUT & CO. 707 to 7ll Broad 4 8 Cedar St •• Newark, N.'J. ,·

Wear like iron ..

Always neat and up to' date.

·A full line of new styles in Paterit Leather Shoes.

Rubbers & Rubber Boots



--�����tf.�IIF*�f.lf-JIBIE **'************: TUTTLE BROS. : COAL &lUMBEQ. i Yards-Westfield avenue,

� · Spring and Broad street.s, Wes�flela. i

�-l�-�--����:--j�**:**���******: JOHN INGRAM,

Plumber Steam Hot Water, Hot Air Heatlnl, IIOOI'IN0,




Is JN HOIUIII! ANII CATrLIJ, !lure, Mtlt tntl & edy, WOR '1'1>1• murtlnlnn wllf"rt:mnvo , (lr.l I I' All••• frnrnlltll'�'"'""'' f.!lfl/n, ��m·::i1'l' fy1/,:: lli!KIIl, Ullfl'l'llt 11a1l IUIIU 11(1 the

Mlornno••""t "'r"lll'�lf'I* 'JI�IfrR» IMOT" It IMMil t::i· •• f• Hltt lii••t lf"""ml r::·���m�:� ,!::�����I��II'IIMIIoltl�l:llr,::� ��.'.Ytl

(lllllh�:li MIHIIlllt1ul, fl)r1,101 ,\l�ll 111t_111�1!1/11nlllll !!'1'1:11>1. of 1\11 VIM, drn�� •I• "'' " •.;,1..-H 6 coni•�Nv, Whoi����Ur�lll��J�A��d 868 Urold Ill

I ,

STANDARD.' . .'•

'"·;:· ... ·

3, J899. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c • .

·a_ .o�AL •IUN&·. �--wTii.Y'Ituat: PoWPER

Ma"es tile food more delicious and wholesome . i .· IIOYAL OAtiiNO fiDWDIA CO. NEW YORK.

,.. . � ..

Ji7) . . . . . of George H. Eml.ree, � Chalrm&; iif the Town_shlp Commit­tee, of WelitOeld, New Jersey. Next ' ' --·· week the STANDARD will pnbllsh, In this position, a. plctlJre of thll Flnt National Bank, of We��tft!!lll, anll wnkly, there­after, I!Ome view or poriralt of 11 t>romin· ent Jocallper�onage, in fm·th�rur�ee of the plans of. the Brnml of Trude 111111 1m Drove

·went Aesoelation, of Westfield, which is a patriotic organization formell for the ptll'poee of allverti;h •g the •ulv1mtnges of

· Westfielll us a pluce uf Homes t'or the People.

MYoTERIES OF VENUS. Little l[nuwn Ahunt thn lleamlfnl Plamet

""hlch Cmut:N Xt!IU lhe Etat'th. The most beautiful planet, anU one comes neare'st to the earth and most resembles the earth In size, Is at the same time the most mysterious. Is Venus a Jiving world or a t:Iead one'l That Is to say, Is It In a condition to support Inhabitants, and Is It probabl6 that such Inhabitants are there, or, on tile other band, Is It unsuited for their presence and. barren of living formaT

'These questions astronom�ra at pre•· ent are unable to answer , but · their etrorts to answer them and the obser­vaUons that they have made of the mysterious planet possess an almost 1tartllng lntereat.

Flrst.Jet us brleOy recall what Venu1 Is .. ·It Is a slobe like our earth and of very nearly the aame magnitude, hav­Ing a diameter o f about 7,700 miles, while that of the earth Is a little more than 7,900 mlle1. So nearly of the ume lllze are the two planets that If we ·could view tbem · from an equal dis· tance we should be unable, without tbe aid of IDKtruments of measurement, to detect any dllrerence between them. Tlie substance ot Venus Is slightly IIKhter, bulk for bulk, than that wblr.b

·composes the earth, but the difference In tbls respect Is BO little that a1aln It would require spec1al examination to· dlstlniUiBh by wetgllt between a cubic foot of the soli of Venus and an equal amount of the soil of the earth. It follows that <in Venus the force of

·sravltatlon or the wejght or bodies does not greatly dllfer trom that on tho earth. It we could ·atop upon Ve· nus we should lind that we had part­ed with " few pounds or weight, but the difference would not be very no· tlcen blo, except perhaps on the race trnck.

But this planet, so like the earth In mnny respects, Is very different "from our globe in Its situation. The earth's distance from the sun Is 93,1100,000 miles : the distance of Venus from tho sun Is 67,000,000 miles. This differ· once becomes n matter of great :m­portnnce wllen we consider the effects which the sun produces upon the two plnnots. Hent nnd light, a� everybody knows, vnry intensely ns the sqURI'O of the tllstnnce. When we compare tho squm·o of the earth's distance from tho sun with tho square of Vo· nus' dtstunce, we lind thnt tho former Is about douhle the lattor. This means that Veuus, on tho nverngc, gets twico as much bent and light fa·om the sun ne tho earth gets.

nut, on tho other band, we know that nil forms of life depend for their existence upon the radlunt energy of the sun. On the enrth, when we p'ass from the arctic regions toward the ec)uator, we lind the number or living formR and the variety and Intensity of tho manltostatlons of life continual· Jy tncrenslnl!, until, In the equatorial zone, onrth, sou and air nre all cmwcl­ecl with nnlmate a111l growing things. The touch of tho sun ovm·ywhore pro­duces lite, nnd In tho absence of RUII• ll11ht Ia tlenth. It Is hut nntural to In· rer thn·t VonnR, linvtng twlr.o ns much imnHhlno nH tho oru·th, Hhonhl bo pro· JIOI'tinnntely mni'O ca·owllml with ani· m11l 11hcl vcgol.nblo lnhnhltnntR, nn1l t1111t the lnt.nnRity of lifo there should be COri'OHPilll!llllg)y J!rCI)ter, enrne

geologists nave tnougnt tnat ·tnere wno a time when the climate uf the earth was so· hot that tropical plants and bensts Jived abundantly around the polei.. A similar condition of things might be �upposed now to prevail up­on Venus.-Harper's Round 'fable.

Th., Terrnl'll or a Relll llllaarrd.

A great deal has been Bald RDfl writ· ten about those blinding stormR that som etimes sweep with resistless fury the western ' prairies, but without the experience no one, however vivid his lmaglnatton , can .fully picture to ,him·. self such a storm, mueh Jess r ealize aU that a blizzard means.

The penetrating wind, roartns and howling, shifting quickly from one point to another, whirls the - sharp par· Uclea of snow Into the traveler'& eyes and nostrils, bllndlnl and smothertns. It often obacurea In a few momenta every vestl�re or track, renderlns trav· el dlllcult and danserouL

The ;rolna and foxes that roam tbe prairies, It far away from icrub or timber when a blizzard bursts upon . them, burrow at once Into the drlrtl and there abide till the storm Is over.

The srouse, or prairie chicken, IIYIDI

awlftly, preesea Ita winK• to Its sides and plunges head llrst Into ·tbe 1now arid there Is perfectly aafe.

The Indian of the plains If caught away from his tet�ee (tent) 1crapes away the snow with his foot and wraps his blanket closely about him, creeps Into the hole he bas made and 11 quickly drifted over.

But the white man caught out on the pra'lrle often becomes utterly be· wltdered, wanders around until com­pletely exbnusted, sinks down and per­Ishes with the cold.

Cn1t nf Ul•eoverhiJr A nunltUI.

A student of· Spanish annuls hns added an Interesting chapter to the history of prices by revealing from the archives of the Escurial what it cost to discover the new world. The stl· pends of the discoverers, at nil _events, did not amount to much. The pny of an nble senmun wns only, It seems, 10 fmncs a rhonth, white a cnptuln drew only 80 francs, or nbout 3 guineas, a mouth. As for Christophm· Columbus himself, his earnings were at tho rntc of l,GOO francs, or '320 per nunum. Even in Spain salaries have risen since those clays.

Thu l�na;:llf'h•guH;:tt, The1•e n1'e nnw over 250,000 words in

the ��ngllsh lnngunge, acknowledged by the best nuthoa·lties, or about 70,000 more thou in the Oet•mnu, F•·oncb, Spanish and Italian comblnc4,

JtlllhuutOI\'eu An·aty. It Is cortaluly grnt.lfyhag for the pub·

llo to know of oue concern In tho lnrul who nre 110t nfmhl to lm gene1·ons to the nPfch• 111111 Muffol'llllf. The JlfOIIriotors nf Dr. Klug's Now DiMcovery fm• constl(lll · tlon, coughM mul cohlR, luiVe 11iven nwny over 11!11 mllllutls trlnl bot.tles of tho 11re11t me1llolno; 111ul h11vo the Hlltlsfno· tloll of knowing it hUH ni>Sill!lteJy 0111'01] thoiiRJIIII)H or hoJmJeHB CIIMOH. AMth11111, bl'O!IOhitlM, hOJII'SOIWMH 111111 111J lllSell81'8 nf tho throat, olwst 111111 111111/H nre snruly onrP•l hy It, Cnll nt tho B11ynt·ll 111'1111 Mlor11 111111 l(et n f1•no tl'hll bottle. Rogu· hn· siv.o llOo 1111d �I. Jilvel'y bottle 1!11111'· ll.ll.t::,o•l, or t•rlon l'llfnrulml.


A. Western farmer advertises for 1 woman to "wash, Iron and milk two c�ws." '·•

An. advertisement once appeared In a Washington paper for "a room for a young man 10 by 12 •.

'l'bls Is supplemented by the truth· ful·.but�d•scouraglng · advertisement of a dentist : ."'feetb extracted with great pains."


"No person," wrote an lmat;lnatln undertaker, "ever having tried one of 'these alr-tlsht ·collns .of ours· will ever use any other;"' says an exchange.

This Is an advertisement from the columns or nn English court journal: "Blankets! · ·)IJankets! -Blankets! lo'or domestic ant1• charitable pil'rposea of every description, quality,

' size and weight."

'fhe following advertisement Is from an Australian pap�r: "Wanted, a young woman (the plainer the !Jetter), to help a small, genteel family In their domestic matters! one witilout ring,. lets preferred." · ·

An American paper . published lr. Paris recently contained the following unlqtie ndvin·tiRement:. "A young mar: of agreeable presence, and desirous cii gelling murrled. would like to· make the acquaintance of an aged nnd ex­perienced gentleman who · could. dis· suade him from taking the fatal· step."

· Here is a s)ieclmen of domestic ad­vertising from the columns of the Lon­don Times: "Mrs. George Anhton, 6 · VIctoria street, 'Vestminster, ,tnl<es this opportunity· of thanking her nu·. merous friends for their .. md letters 'of sympathy on the dissolution · of her marriage."··

Plant Traas!: ·



• How •o Grow Glos.lllla•.

Gloxinlns nrc such free and con tum· ona bloomers and of such exquisite beauty that all amateurs possessing even th e smallest greenhouso should grow a few. ·

Dry bulbs may be started in February or March in three i nch pots Oiled with a light BBDdy soil, witb an addition of some well rotted munu re. The pots ehould be placed nenr the gloss in ll warm green house and shaded from the sun and afterward shifted into large alzos. · • Never let the plants sutter for want of water, which' should he given nt the surfnce of the soli,· care being tnken thnt the upper ports of the leaves do not get wet. Keep the su rrounlling air moist und warm. After flowering grud· unlly cense wntering mill the t>lnnts ure dry, \Vhcn they n . .ay be .set nside in somo wnrm dry J>inco unt1l the next 1eusou . .:....ourllening.

---··-----WFor frost bites, hnr11s, Indolent snrpr, eczemn, •kinl!hense, unll especlnlly Pllts, DeWitt's Witch Huzel Snlve stu nils flr•t 111111 best. Look out fm· dishonest people who try to imitate nnll counterfeit it. It's their eaulorsement of 11 good nrtlcle. Worthless gomls ure not im itated. Get De\Viti'R Witch Huzel Snlve. W. H. 1'rencluml.

llauulet'N lln"·l of Gruel, George llfnlville, 1111 old Er1gli8h nctor,

wns t'oiHl of tolling 11 fnuny 8lory ut his own expense. Ho WIIS uctlu g Hum lot i n Bristol. It wns tho nctur's rulu t o tnko 11 bowl of gmul In tho com�e of tbo eveulug, 111111 his lnnrlindy sent over the nsnnl refreshment from tho lodgings in Qncon SIJI111ro. Sho hnppencd to h11ve 11 "now" sel"f,lllt girl, who Wa8 explicitly dircctml to got to tho stugu lluur by tho entr11nco fmm Bnnk street nrul thou CIII'I'Y tho gruel into tho grl'CIII'OOIII. Sho nrl'ivml 11t 11 uwment whou Mr. Jllolvllie wus "on." Being uuuwtl to tho wnys of tho thontm·, shu 11slwl 11 1111111 11t tho wings whoro lllr. 1\lelviilo WIIB,

"There," snill tho Stiller, l>Oilltiug t o tho stngo.

The nctor wnB In tho mll!dlo of the solllocJIIY, "To bo or not to lm," wll!'u tho girl n•lvnnce�l townrd him, beurlug tho ln:owl, 1111d Hllhl, "If yon )llcnso, Jllr. 1\lelvllle, sir, hero Is yo11r !!'ruol."

---··----llon'l Tnhlt<O 81•it ami 81110 .. tuur J.lfo Alflr. 'l'o quit loh�cco cn•IIY nnrl lo>'OI'or, lJO mn�

no\lo, IIIII of lifo, nor\'0 111111 \'1�111', lnlto Nn·'l'n· Ul\o, wntu lor·wcn·lcur, tllnt. umlwli Wt'l\h tnun HLI'OIIU• All th'lll{giMLH11iOU Ol' et, CUI'U UIIUI'UII• toctl. UooltloL 111111 S>LIIIJtlo lroo, Athh'cHH Sterling Uomm l y co., Ohlcu"o Ill' New \'nl'l<

W tf• Jd ANY PlmROIIII'TION written hy W H THEIICHAHO e s I e * ANY PIIYRIUIAN on ANY Dt.ANI(, In* • I n I oltlwr motr·lo or lt!IOUwcm·lt,H' J'rcHCI'IJitlorr llrct�giHt, Weight, 01111 llo )liOIIIJIUy 11111! "!It•

Pharmacy l"rnolnrlly flllorl nt ANY TIM I!, !lily 111'111111 111111 l'l'll"l"'"t llh'lltl(., • o1· nluht, hy , , , , , , , WlliTI'JilLD, If, J,


Senior Clues-Anna French, Beth Morehouse.

.. ·

3a·d Year-Harohl Walworth, Wm. 0 ale Jr., Florence Brewer; Eva Wr ight,· Ruth Morse,' '

2m! Year -CRssie Tift, llluy Clurk, Caroline ·Gilpin, Herbert Willia'me, Frunk Howe, Harold B•·ainerd.

'1st. Year-1\lary Lee Cadwell, Marjor­ie Sla•le, Marion Keell'r, Helen Gille, Charles Decker, Nutalie Brui11erd , Bet!·

sie Ar11old, Sadie Coale, Ethel Pearsall, Marlon Johnson.


FOUIITH OIIAlllliAII. Charlotte Cory, Murguret Cory, Anna

Sorto1·, Herbert Welch. THIRD OIIA)UIAJI.

Nina Baker, lllariou ·Brown, Edith Cuw)JPrlhwaite, Curolus Clark , H unter Dellltom·, lrviug Douglus, Jessie · .


Annie· Affieck, Louise Buker, lllnr· gery Johnson.

•·msT ono�lm,in. Eva Bellm;.n, Edith Burr, l\Iilllrell

Cross, Florence Jones, Gr�ce Philip, Florence Re1i, Pnnl Cmi well . .


Rodmnn Browne, . �ylvia �ino111;· Chester Pearsall. · · · ·

Fll'Tii l'UDIARY.

Bessie Joi:n•tou, Hm·ohl Wilial . '. FOUUTII PRiMARY.

Lillie 1\IIcl;euls, Suiter Chu'k. . THIIID i'lln!ARY.

_Ethel Dary, G1·uce Detuming, 1\llnnie 1\latzart,- . Walter. Winter, Cbriatian Shielll. · .... .. ,,·,

SECOND PRiliAUY . A class-Enana Jimmerson, Clara·

Hartman, Htlen Pier�on. B cluss-Arme!liu Dary, Amos Miller,

Stanley Willi11ms. •



Richard Doerrer, Carl Sjostrom, . E1lward WittkP, Frank Miller, Ferrioi­Jobn•orr, Llnd!llly Dallas, Lida Me-' Mabon, KRtbnrine Pearsnll, · Florlt Wittke, Heilma Swanson, Frances .. ·

Swan• n '


Allele Cross, H11rold Howe, Arthur ' · '

Larsen. -----. �-·--Rlld llot l'rom t11e Gnia

Wns the bRIJ that hit G. B. Stea•lm11n, of Newark, :Mich., In the Civil Wur. It caused bonible ulcers that no treat­ment ht>lped for 20 yeRrs. Then Buck· len's Al'llica Salve curell ' !Jim. Cures cuts, bntises, burns, boil�, felons, corns, skin ernJ•tions. Best pile cure on earth. • 2u cts. 11 box. Cme gunmnteell. Solll ut the Buynrd llrug stor ...

----··---:c--A 1.11111: �crWIC!e.

A description of. the old ,Ne\V Eng­land Sabbnl�• is calculated to �<Jake restless chiidreu of .the present., day and possibly some of th•ir elucrs thankful they were not born t\VO cen-turies ugo.

. •

The S11bbath began Saturday nfter· noon with the golug down of the ·sun.

Sunday morulng a born wns loudly blown to unnounco the hour of wor­ship. Service begun nt 0 o'clock aad lasted rm· eight hours, wtth an lr.ter­mlsslon of one hour for dlnne •· uod . , conversation. In the earliest dny� the congrogntlou snt on rude beucbes, their sents being nssignou them Ill town meeting. Tho service conslnld•i . of sevm·nl parts, which nrc chronicled In nn nncient dlnry as follows:

"PI'elimlnni'Y prnyer or invocntlonJ: chapter of Dible rend nnd expounded: ps>LIIll In meter, ren•l out line by line by Deacon B.; long prayer o� various mntters, one bour ancl n half; sermon of 100 (Q 2u0 PU!IeB: nt close of service, bnptlsm: slnnei'B put on trial, con• fesscd hotore congregation, lllinlster 0, bowed right and left, no person stir• ring till he hnd pnassed down and out of the meellUM bouso."-Youlb's Cora­panion.

-------Professor Smltb·-"No one eu •a•

colve or the alow au4 awful' Japae �• II!OIOIICAI tl!lle,"

Drown-"! don't know, I'•• ••• • plll.'ll�tr worlliDI fer •• lip "' ea,, ..

---..... ·�-llennc,· I• lllmul Deep, •

Clcnn blond IIII'IIIIH n clunu •kin. No hcnnty without it, l'nHcnl·ctH, Candy Cuthill'• tiu cltmn )'our hlou1l nud 11ccp It clcnn, by siln·h•� 11)1 tho In�)' i!Vul'llllli dl'lviug nlllm• l•m·ltlcH from thu hody llt·�ln to ·duy to ' llllliHh pllllt>leA, hoi11, ll iotc•lll'N

( iJIIIolliii'III(H,

111111 thut •icl1iy hlllouo cnmplox on hy tuidnte CIIMCOI'�tH,-lwnuty fnl' (1!11 ruutM, All di'UI•: 1111111 Blltlafaoiluu KIIUI'RIItucd, IOo, 2Do1 GOo, ·

Page 2:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

·:;· , ' ·, ·



'l'lala De•l"n ReqUire• J,nrae ••• \Veil ''ettt Ground•.

[Copyr!ght, lS99, by Geo1·ge Palliser, 32 Pdrk plnce, New York.] . . .

A Wl'll balnncctl plnn nnd exterior need not be In symmetrlcnl l ine• or built so that 0\'>rY part of tho center llno Is n fuo­tihnilo of m·et'l' other part. Tho greatest ut-Ility hns n� uso for symmetry. 'l'bo most useful plan Is that which best gil'cS tho rooms und convcuicnces for tho grout­est comfort uf its inmates, ntul t.hts comU­tlon gcnornlly brings forth irregular forms mul surfucus. A curcfnl study of u.n ir­rogulnr plan of tho prncticul Ql'Ohltoct will

A WES1'ERN RO�IANCE I �:�.�· If Senorita �nnueln will love

The poet to the 'conlt'III'Y• notwlth· shtutlhlt�, Uwrc urc occnslons wlwu ••Jt

1 might hn\'e· lleeu" nrc· joyt'nl word�. Most uwn, upon meeting ngnln In nfl· e1• yeurs, renlb:e Uti�, uud otier tl]l (li'IIYCI'S of thnnl<�l(ii'IUg,

J.t wus so with flttrlhm't. In the curly llnrs of the Pnclflc consl

lfm•lhurt wns stnlloul:ll nt Sun Dlcl-(o. It wns n lllctm·estiUC little town. I ta streets were not much more thuu co�\: !lllths, null Its houses were mostly ol the I(OOtl ultl pattet'II-IHlohos, one story hl"h mul hullt m·ountl n 111111o .. l u such n lwuse us this Jh·ctl )ln nueln Lo(li!Z, nml in one of the cow path stt·uets llurlhm;t · llrst wet hur. It wns U\lon

"Sir, we will tulk no more · cou�cru­Jug thiK. My duughtct· Is too youug t� be m'nl'l'ietl, null I do not wish to gin! het' to un Amerlcnn":__whlch 1\'us not In the lens! true. Up to then It h:ul bet•n Ills pltllt to do so, but his obstl· nncy WIIS ronscd, , ,

1'lw result wns oue tbnt anyone, most of nil n lfexicnn, should h:ti'C foreseen. H nrlblll'l etnbnrl<etl U)ton llll Juh·Jgtw. lie sent notes to :Mnmwln, uml got tht!m ft•om her in �et\ll'll. '1'111' notes Jell to meettnl(s bl' nlglit. 'fhc meethti(K Jed to Jnfntuntlon. .

'J'he clmHll silne lnter,·Jews coutlnue•l for sCI'Cl'tl l months. �'hen Hlll'lbui·t nuulc one lust n ttempt nt (rnnlmess. He went to Senor LOJle?., ntlll rclwwetl

n Snmlny. his rctiiiCSt to' be Jlet'llllttecl to pny his sfw hnd . rend no' hool<s thnt could dnnghter court. 'J'hc senut' h:ul con­

Jun-e told het· tlint It wns the ncce)lte·l coll'etl 1111 um·en�onnhlc n ml grcnt Ills-thing to· do: .she: li:ttl probnhly uerer Jllw rot' him, nml refnsetl. , gll·en such subjects · . ,it moinenl',;, tfioltght : hut when the mhul· !'.r n child Whci'CUilon Ilmllmrt nrrnugctl un­

. becomes .the mind of u . womnn, it ls othm· meet litg with :Mnnueln. lfo be­nt one bnmul, nut _by slow degrees. In- g:in to re:illze thnt tlwy 1i·m·o both spll'lltlon s!t•ncl< full upon �lnnU!lh(• . t•unnlng tet•t•lbh! rlsl<s. Senor f,oJH!� hmlu 111111 she dro1111ed her _ ros}t.t',l', . ·wus l]lllte etllllll to l<illlng one 'of th(•t'u From , which i t nuty: he fnfet•rml · _tlul t If "tiw,l' shonltl IJe tllsco\'el'etl. But 1; ,,

PEUSI'F.CTI\'E \'lEW, the loi'C 'of the .fn.thers nml ttui11�·1stlom tlhl not sug�1·st that to lfnnueln. I H-

brlng it out so t.hat it w on - we m - o·r uges taught . _ ,_,·m. n,nn , ,no 1 !Ill . I

· 1 1 qnltu '/"· · · . . , . . · ill 1 k Il l I f • ·


· Il l �tend, he osl<ed : "Di> you . lol'o me, chi· nnrctl nnd not np

.pcnr ncongruous

_ or ono ucw In . n11'n i1·s of· tr1� _h�nl't: . - �f_ m,. m�.

81tlctl. 'fhis Iutter is •m clement n cnr�ful ilitlse"of.tllc- hiirlgitittc:o ntl of the. child. "Yes, · yes. Mi1st I · tell );ou so nl· . mnn works to nvold, ntul, nlthongh ho . : , . . . , . · ·. tl · · · · : 1· · -: · .. :·., . -..... <,� r , . .. •:. , \Ynrs'l"·. · · mnY hart} lnrgo nml smntVOponings·shlo 0� 1�11��n:��P-�·�-· -1�· 5.11Y ... 0' . . �:_; �.: . .._'.-._ ·-.. ' · . · ·

· "il. o , .""on h)yu me enough to len \'I.! IJv sltle· he so reconciles them in !lctnll tlmt Hurlburt;"• of com',i!,e •. '�·os.•.closc. to ·• tiwv.a�rec and natnrnlly become Jlllrts of )!on. itehl::,i·Jwii the t•os:iry tli'OJlflCtl. He' )'0111' home fot' m c1" ' a hnrmnniziug whole. Vnrloty is . tho · re!m·miti-::. 1( to .. Jici•;.'· · I f :·•'sJui::luiihuot: " : '.'L do . not. nmkt•stnntl." ' �'he gcnttu splco of life. So is It In nrchlteo�uro. But becri ;,;liJI'cn·,'serl'iilrt "tio'·tlll�ht hni·J· ti,i'cs ltiolaitl . Into . his,' !JCI'!llex�d.. ·

\'lll'�ety with harmcnr ·_Is an c>sontlni �.ml' 'stnik�n>� :�\s:· lt :"'ns;'_I1'c :qllsei;1·cd' nio1'c: · "\\'lli"you i11nt't')' me?" nmot_ bo hml for tlm snl,e of. balnnco. �he ; , . ,1 , . 1 · · t 1 . 1 ;· 1,1 •"n ·obs"t'I'Itl� " l l l t 1 1"" 1 1 . true architect nims to lmlanco his irrcgu, .. 11111 10)\ � :·" lll : �� t.l! . J C c . . " �. . . J won I ' Ill lOW cnn ' s IC ns <-lnrities, nnd by his composition he nttraets for ,some : mo11tcnts .its:JI� ll!'lli'OIIC)tcll,_ i!tl. · ':'�l_y. ruther · wlll not c�nsqnt to tho eye imd · grntiflos the mimi. This Is.' .tl\•!t she.� · wns graceful ,.nml Jli'Ctty.; it."-' . .

, art, null ali nrt ought . tn ho bcnutiful nnd i'heu ··hc mlsetl .-hfs:hclmct: und. \lllsscd- .' �·rio yoit tiin{ ;ne citoiigh . to· rn'1 certainly Will be lt it is Jllll'O, ·' on', " , ,: , . . , ' ,· ," ' ' ,··, :,:" .. ;· . · , . •:: ' . iliYII'y ,(1'0111 �•oin' fnthet', to. tll•ohc,r

, · In tho erection of n largo fmmo country 1'ltes�t;,·e·da·y �ft�� h;n�i� ,h�said to hi : hliti .. · n ml · go o\'et· to )lex leo, nero".-�.· \ honso wh�I'C tho <lliYcl'ont rooms nro of vn� . .. , . • · . ·· . · . ·' · -.. ,. ·. ·

· rlod sizes tho nrrnngemont niust of ncces- host, ns : they �nt: smol;lng_. �mtler , the • I he l10i·t1cr, with riie'l . We cnn he 111111'­

. sily, bo xnried. -'l'ho roof l ines nrc lrregu- rnmtul11: -.','\pm Ih't!s ).t! ; �li� . I,l'! o11 · l'letl there, u ml then come huck.'.' : lnr, gil'in,g n good · sl;y lino. A tower, n t im l!�xt, stre.c_k.:W!J.cro_..the..J�I;o moe.'<- · Ilurllnn·f-wns ;;u ·lm1,;;sslve, unemo

gnblc und n tlormor bronlctho monotony ing blnl cilges: hiJng, on/the;wnll?�-'- ' , ; · tlonnl mnn, .hut his nerl'eil were U)lon

j '



."Yoi(·iiiiJst''liu'i;'tii"iii·c�.�exilllcit>•:','hls. �- fenrful ·tension us he wnltetl for rh•: host s1iit);· hihcrc;;;:ut:c:,; ll';ijmilbcr .or �uswcr of nn h·res)Juuslhle chlltl. She houses otl.thcu�xt·strcet, nmr otfc null nptwni·ctl to cunshler, nnd enlletl hr nil hit\;ti\)'iiiH!lrlng;lllrtls?. ' :·:J (< ,-; ngrcelng. IlnriiJm·t wus · beside him-. "Yes !;�'�tth! Jllt;i·J�{Id'� ;;bitt tluirc .Is self with IIIIJl!lillCSS, '

n'.lictlgi!"ilr l'iil(•iii(f";!ilic·geritithma lti A weel< Iuter t hey went ncross the fra:itt} ·Of:[Tt. ��_:':' :.;<,:;·;:�'��-:.: . . ::� · .·.:.., \'· · / � � · line n ml wm·c mnl'l'ict1. 'l'ltey l'Pttn·netl . ·

. �'1: Sti\1',\�;o'ti'/nicet' hhr,•o' the Cil'lllll'l hnnwtllntcly nnd hnd ' nn lntct'l'iew told Jilili.':': .t•rtcir tinnie Is Lopez-Mmnt-. with �cJ,tOI'/I···ru,!l,.. '!'he )!exlcnn wus elu.' I ihhtl<.'' · • :- · .. , · ' · etlmgcil�:.�;.,E ,n·Jfmrt, hnvlng ohtnlncd ,., 'ii tit�llinrt' bccnmc vc�;. retl. When whnt he "'nnh-'d; wns not lncllnml to YOIIl' phicgmntfc , lllllll ' !li'OWS· em lull·• be COUCIJIU(ory, but l\lnnuelll nllii her rnssell, he · Is luully cmhnrrdssetl. II. mutlwr pntchetl Ull n 11ence. Mnmwlu wns .som'c tline. hcfore. he regnlnc•l bclutl'etl bc:mtlf,ully, null Hurlburt wns S)lt•eclt null · en me tlouiulcrlng. out of· more enumot·etl · thnn ever. He tool< the sen of sllcticc. Wlwu he llid, I!� htW bncl< to his home, nntl for tlm•e chnnged the subject. ' �11ys tlreamctl of'n Jrfe of, !illss. Then

Not thnt . he nhotulonetl tbe cnuse. �lnnucln tle.clded thnt she hml hn.t ••nr from it. It took --him two weeks, enough of living on honeycomb, nml but lw got hlm•elf intrOJlucetl to Senot• tli.nt 'she hml tlretl of scented tinlll.

and, If grouped and propcrl:v balanced, lend a charm that Is ple11slng. Above all things, Bvoitl deceit. Let there bo no Im­Itation windows, no false blinds, no fakca of any kind. Bo honest and truthful In tho construction. Let cnch part be true to nBture, cycrything with a purpose, for a purpose, and let sincerity rulo. Perpe­trate no lies. Let your wood be wood, your brick bo hrlck. Uso all honestly nnd wisely Bnd with praetlcul common senso, and yuu will lu"·o the elcmunta and ro­sonrccs Icncling np to oucoes1. And, do­vend upon it, nothing succeeds like suo-•

.,o... 'l'hls Is as true In tho planning and <lroction of a homo as In uny other busi­ness transaction.

J,opez. null hml tnl;en cm·e to crill 1111- With no eXJlltlltntlons nod . no rcn�ou on him. 'J'hc senor wns n, well ctlucn· sn1·e tbnt she wuntcd to go shc.Wl•DI. · tell mun, nml the most hospltnl!!c of Her ruther, cb11rmed lit Hurlburt!s dis· his bos)Jitnhle rncc. He nuHle Huri- cmittlturc, ·rofusctl to mnkc her. retnl·u burt ft·ee of the bouse nt once, . 1111<1 to hhn, . und i;nnrtletl ·her closely, Hurl· showetl him e1·crything It conlnlnetl. burt bc!lgetl for oue1 fttini · Interview, so\'c only Mnnucla. aml It wus �:trnnted. ·· lie wns. n sort'\'

"You must co1ne n�:toin,' o(tcn," he !lght, pule nntl huggard nnd self-aha�· snit!, ns the�· pnrted. Hurlburt replletl 1ng. But llnnuelu wns unmo\·etl. 811�. thnt he would, nml went ngnin in three stood meekly before lt!rn, her foldetl. dOl'S, Neither d hl he see his lolly of ltn!ltls holtllug, a rose, her ruther und the rosnry upon this occasion. · H• �toUter on either shlc of her. She wns ndtlressetl hlruRel' to Senorn J;opmt aot In the· unhn!ltJY,. n,ud no grief who wns handsome nnd well prcscr\'· bud mnrred her 11rettlness. , ed. ·

")fnnuelu/• said Uurlbul'!t, "'hnl'e In plnnnlng n homo after this design It til neccssnry to study mnny points ·to nt­

tnin tho result. First nn ldcnl site Is needed. 1'his shoultl be on 11 cm·ucr II IJOssihle. An eastern front, with •!tlo to south, would be prcferablo. This would

"You hn1·e n daughter, hnve you not, ron not chnn!lell your mind? Will you senorn ?" lot come with me1"' . . '

Senm·o J,opcz umlcrstoml just so She shook her bendi "No," she much I-1ngllsh ns she chose. She tlltf lnltl. · not cbooRc to untlerstantl this. She "Why not? "'ns !'not kind to you? turnetl her soft c�·es upon her husbnntl Did I not Jo1·c you?". · nml he nnswct'ctl for hct•, - "Yes, you were · vet•y kind. But I "\\'e'ha\'1' n tlou�:hter," he soltl, "but lll<e better to be with m y fnt hcr.'� slw ts ,.t!I'Y yonnJ:."

'! It wns useJcss to thrcnteu, hntllot•c Il urlhurt mult•l'stoml tlmt he hntl or- 3r reuson. llfnuueln wus gently stuh-fctuletl 11 seml�ot•lt•utul !ll'l']lllllce. bot•n, Slt'e wouhl liC\'cr go huck tu It hill' in!( thuR heeu mntle ohl'ious to lim; she 11111 Ul>t like Amcrlcnns. him tlmt Mnimcln woultl not he pro- When llmlhm•t lhutllY went awny !lucetl h�· her parcntR, he WPnt to nn ac decltletl tltnt his heurt wns broken. eorly mnss at the church, met her, nncl Jnh·othtcetl himself. It chnuceti thut He thought of suleltle. lie ne\'el' couhl she wns olone. :Jellr ltll mulct• the tllsgrnce, a nil It w11s

1ot so gr�nt ns his wretclwtlrwss, 'l'ltls "Mny f walk home With ;I'Oll, HCIIOI'i- !rR!IIC of rnhul Jnsted fot• II ''l'nt", tlll'U tti ?" he Rllltl. "I luli'C the (Jiensnre of ' lmowhtl( yom· fnther.'' 1e became t•csontful; then he obt11lned

"Yes, sit·," Rllhl lfnmwln. !l lllvorce; tlum be \VIIS ordered ellst, 1t WIIS hut n few 'nnuh·etl :rnrdR to ami It wns ten �·enrR hcfom he re­

hPI' honw, hut he made :the m�st of hi" :mnctl to the const. ue" hlld with him time. �lnnneln nnswuretl In monosyl· lis wlfe-n womnn of his own people. Jnhle• onll m lsml her eyes hut t wice. <ct'Y chnrmlng, very well sultetl to blm

BY.COND FLOOR PLAN, Jlurlhlll't'R lnfotulltlon \\'fiR COIII(lh!t£', .11 C\'ery Wily, She -IUtC\1' the story of bring thr. T�mn:ln nml tho consorratory Senor J.opez WIIS ongry. He wns ch•il lis III'Bt lllllrrlnge, lllltl site Jmew tlmt, Into full nnd Jlro]ler Jllny nml plnec tho t 1 ll'hlltm·m• he might s11y to the contt·11ry, rooms ami cmwunit•nces in tho he•t posi- o t w otlteer, hut he Rent the girl to I till I tlons. 'l'ho center hull nml ontrnnoo run- her room n t once. te " t•egt•ct.let tleep down In his nlug through tho house uro most doslr- "I met the senorltll nt moss," Hurl- lwnrt the BWt!et, soft �Iexlc11n wife of nble, tho rooms l>elng on ench sltlc, woll hurt cxpln hwtl. his youth, of his sen son of tlent• hcllef ncljustecl nut! grouJlell together fm· fnmlly "Are �·on, t lwu, n Cnthollc?" lnqulr£'11 nul lllttHions. 'l'he knowledge \\'liS tho IIRo, ,1:r1

'ho ldtclwu ]lnrt is cnrofully ntlj n•t- tlw Mexlcon. me grief of ht!r life. It threw n shnd-ctl. 10 Jllllltrlt•<, tho hnok stnirs, tho "N , 1 1 II ,11 , �w of smlncss over hct• eyes, But she connection with tho hnllslmtl tho nrrnngo- 0' sn 1 111 lllrt-ontl lletPillllnetl K<'(lt It to hct'RtM, nru\ fot' this uufem-mcnts gcnorully Jll'Cscnt 11 n1otlul It would to Jllii'RIW the )lOIIey thnt sngt•s who hu well to follow, �·hu houso requires II l lmow nothing of monklncl tell us IR In- !!line l'irtnu the gotls In due time t•e­lurgo situ, Jllcuty of ground, woll kopt \'nt'lnhly the hest-"1 went to cllurch ll'llrlletl hm•, lnwns, shruhs, plants untl flowers n• no- on !l111'110RO to nwet )'01I1' tlnughtl'l', 1 'l'hny went one tllll' by 11111hnlnncl' cessm·y mnholllshmonts aml 11 woll llllotl sow Jwt• on the �tt·eet the othet• tllll'," !rom Wllmlnl(tnn, where Ht11'lb111·t wns purse to enjoy nil, -he rl•fl'lllllPcl In n lll01IIl'nt of 1111;10• ltntlunctl, to J.os Angeles. One of

rollohhur l!t> Oltl l•'llrnltnre, nuw�· ft•om H)wnl<lng of tho tlro)J)lo!l :_heir mules l(ot ln111e nml they hntl to

T 1 1 I I I t l,•,elldR-"nntl 1 mlmh•etl hot• l't•.r," 111111,,11, !Jlentl tho night nt 11 romlshlc mneh, o Jln s 1 1111 o ' nrnllln·c, where t•nint ·' A I t 11 t Is nut tle•lrnhlo, thore 111-o uumurou1 fur- 1 hnt Is II' h)' f Clllno to c11ll IIJIOII �·on crowt 0 1 1' Y :llexlcnn chlltlrotl nltm•o J•oll•he•, nil snhl to ho goml, A I thought I wouhl sec lwr openly' un: �ln�·t•tl 111'0111111 tho lll]oht!; BC\'crnl yut "homo J•ometly, " whloh if not ropcnttlfl too tlm• her own l'oor. As 1 tlhl not, 1 l!ll- lh·tlet• men lotlll!!l!ll nhont the door• n ofton is \'l•ry otncnclous, Is 41 woolen cloth oonntl'rt•tl hPI' p)s�wht•rt.', Now," snht �nt, lwshnwlctl womnn wntltllod ner�ss molstonctl with coni oil. 'l'hls rcmo1'o8 llurlhurt, lt•nnlng hael< In his clinlr In <he Ylll'tl ; n . Yt't mm•e nntltly one wet­tho l!l't•nso nml smol<o, It shuuhl, how- an t•nsy JIOHI! tlml llhl not meet \VItlt !onwtl thmn, 0\'N', bo usml Oflllrlngly, 118 it i& Jikoly to tl 11 nll'uct tho 1·11rnlsh. If ruhhc•l thnroul!hly 10 flUIII!tllluus Ml'xlenn'H IIJl!li'OI'IIl, "I Cl' lll'CIIH)' tnco wns Rtlll rnthu•• llftllt'II'IU'cl wltl1 11 cluuuoiH skin or tr·osh shonhl lllu• to liNk ,I'OII to 110 nllowctl to �rntty anti young, hill shu WIIS · thick cloth, thoro Is l'ory llttlo o! tho tllsngreo· 1111)' lily cnm't tu �·our tlnnghter," 11111 hcnvy lllltl stuphl, When Nlto lnoll­nhlp oclnr loft. With nny of th• 1•ollshes n lienor Lo)ll'?. bntl no ohjuctlon to tho �11 full nt Hurlburt Nbo !!liVe a Jlttlo 11:1ntl rulo to romumhor Is, Avoid !lllltlrtl otllt!et''M suit, hut Ito tlld ohjciJt to hla CI'Y thnt WIIM moro of 11 KI'Ullt, on too much ut tho J•oll•h, hut don't bl tush ion of nth•nttclrllf It, llo 1110111.,1 "Como In: I will toll my hushnlu!," nfruld of rnbhlng.-•:xclmugo, 1 1 If 1 < 1 1 1 1 ���"" n Jll!l'l'et•alty, 1 10 sn 1 , lint! shuft'led awny with Iter

T••kloh Chalro, No hmnn Is complottoly furnlshud with· out ono or mut-o 'l'urklsh ohnlrM. �'hoy nro 11t 1111oo ltl\'ltlnM nml nn ovldonoo uf hu•j•ltnllt.y, 'l'ho ohonJ•or llllnN nru ou\'Ul'IJ(I In 1 onlm nml tho hluhor J•rlo(J(J otlllM In lout hm•, 'l'lwy ul"o OIIIIIU In lmllutlun lullt.lwr, whluh huM oxoollunt wv11rlr11f IIUUI· ltloM,-•Jxohunl(o,

----Cnr• nf t.ntUit WIC?kl.

fAtlll)l II' IVIIH 111'1'1) !11 lm hnllrd Ullt 111111 olnuusetl UI'OI'Y twu ll't,okM. '!'hiM Jll'tll'unt.M dUUJ!OI' (t•um nxt•lnHiun 11l111 l(rl'!lt.l)' ln­·orcuHIIM tho Mlv.onlui iJrllllnnoy of thu lltllliV

.My dnnJ�htm·, sit•, Is too young,' bnr11 feot, . l lo l'uKu tu his foet by wny of 811,_ l l urlhurt' turnml to hla wlto qrn\'oly, lfi!Mtlnl( thnt llurlhtn•t wouhl tlo well 'I run HOI'I'Y tu hnvo brought you hero'' ,

lu lllku hiM h•lll't•, lhll'lburt ro10 too 10 Hnld, "hut It IM rall we cnn ·,lo llllltlMH hut. dill not l(o, ' ' run Jll'ofor to wloo11 111 tho nrnbnltnwo "Mn�· I nslc htll' nl(o, Honor?'' :o·niiJht, 'J'hnt-womrm WON my wife," ::�ho IM 10 ,I'I'III'M oltl," "f!o I Mll)liiOMOtl," Mho Mllltl, 8ho lnld \ on hnl'o tuld 11111 thnt yott mnr· �or dollcnto hunt! on hl1 11rm. "llou't ���:! tit� Honol'll whou Mho wna bnt lot It trouhlu you, 1lonr. 1 1to not 1nlntl. Shu Hmllcd Into hl1 oyoa, nnd "'l'hnt wnH In tho old . time�. wo· do 1hc Hhntlow Will fo1•ovo� 110110 r1•om h�r not do 10 nn,1· lllOl'o," · »wn.-Oweutlolen OvertoD lu tbe .u. "I lUI I Will bo II'IIIIUJr to \VOlt for I IOUIIUt, •

, ·

, ,

FOX STORV. �bl!ft tile Culcnae�cl Fltlltthllt1 . 'l"hflrf

" iut u�nd Sllcmco. Col. Dob. Ingersoll wns Invited ta

attend the New Year's banquet of the Clover club, to which lte replied: ,

"It Is tm110sslhle tor me to accept, 1 know your custom too wel l ; I wlll be called on fot' a speech and wlll be un­met·cifnlly guyed, and I do not care,

to put wyticlf in such n poli)tion. · 'I he club decided to wulve Its constitutional llrerogatlvc in his case, and he wn.s ���­formed ot the fact. Ho then said. 1 will gludly ncccpt the luvltutloll, and will surely be on hand," and he was.

No soonet• bad the gallant lldvocnte of lnftdellsm reached his feet titan a chap down nt the end of the room be· gnu to lntel't'UPl. He wns the only one in ·the club to any a word, but be was very annoying, nud Bob remark· ed: "1 camo bero as II 'guest with the understanding that I should not be Interrupted. 'l'het'e .waR nn agreement tel that effect." The man retorted: "� never heat·d of lillY snell agrc_ement. 'l'he breaket' of images replied: "My friend, you remind me of a story. '1'he1·e was 11 dny set npnrt by the beasts of the ll!ilds, . the reptiles und birds of · the air · for a gcucl'UI Animals In the habit of' · preying on each other agreed to meet' togetltct' In

·o'ne grand accord. 'I' he ' fox passing a chlcl<cn roost on the way It;> the meet· lng Invited 11 hen to accompany him, and when she politely declined Inform­ed her of the pence agreement. 'Well, Mr .. Fox, I will go under these con­ditions.' she· snld, · and they trotted 11long side by side.

"Presently • the baying of a pack of hounds was heard and Mr. Fox started

· to run. 'Why do you run, Mt·. �'ox?' asked Mrs. Hen. 'Remember the peace agreement.'· 'Restrnlnlng blmself, 1\lr. I•'ox trotted on, but the puck grew nearer and nearer, until he could stand It no Jonz;er. '1\!r. Fott,' Ul'gcd Ml's. Hen, 'don't be 11frald: r_emember what yon told me about the pence pgree­ment. No l ound would hurt you to· day. Trot with me anti' don't be In the Jeasl alarmed.' He could al­most feel tue breath or the hounds. 'llfi'B. Hen,' he 'wltls�ered, prepared to s�ring away, 'I do w<�ll remember the pence agrecnent, but there may be some fcol of a hound tn that pack that hasn't beard of It, so good by.' "

When the Colonei had finished his story there was dead silence dUt'lng tbl remainder or his speech.

Au,. � .. pl•-&1-:-e Uhuuhanht�r;.

Monk-"Haq tbe luck! 'l'here I've tied the can on bla trunk Instead of 1111 tall.''

Betlatn• · lllll•nH'• Reward. Tble story Is told of Senator Mason,

of Illinois, apropos of his resolution of ln,ulry Into Germany's discrimination against American pork. · A big pork· packer frem Chicago ·called upon him the other day and auld : "I cannot ex­preiS to you bow deeply appreci11llve all of us are of your thoughtfulness In Introducing this · measure, I listened to the readlug of It and commend It ae I commend you, It IB well-worded, and meets the emergency. This act of yours shall not go without proper rec­ognition, be assured of that. Our llrm"-"No, no,'' Interposed the !lena­tor. "1 dtd no more than my duty to m:v conetltuents dentanded, I seek no recocnltlon.'' "But It 1hall be done; It !1 due you,'' returned the Chicagoan, "Upon my l'etnrn our firm, as 1 was about to say, will bave a ham nametl after you."

Ottttlnc t• at Jlttlf )"l'lr.e. A clrc\te paid a lying visit to a amall ilortbern town not lone ago, und the price 11f admission was sixpence, cbll·' dren undor ten ye�rs of age halt-price It was Edith's te11th birthday, and be; brother Tom, Bled thlrte�u, took ber In the afterr.oon to nee tile allow. Arrived ut tbe door, he put down nlnepence and aeked fc'f two front aeate. "How old l1 the llttle 1lrU" asked Ute moaey.Jender doubtfully. "Well," replied Muter Tom, "thll 11 ber tenth birthday, but abe was not born until rather lata In tbe after­Doon "

' Th� money-taker accepted tho atate· meat and handed blm tile tickets, , But It wa1 a clo&e aban.-Londou Wtekly Telearapb, ·

·-----------------..... • l'ur&he•tmln• J&o•11a11, Hand In hand they alood at the !low of the ateaaer 111 It plowed tbe placid aurf1ce or the 1reat luke, Hand In llllnd they looked at tbe 11lr line formed l1y the towerlnc bulldln11 ef Ute vaat.cltr to YlaU wblcb hlld beau the dream of their. ro11111 II Yea, Hand Ia bane tiler wat�hed tile ahore traw nearer. anti with awolliRII heart Ylewlll the enoltaniiDI r·"ala where thor were to apend tilt aoldell dan of tltelr houermoon,

A few .momenta late'r tbr let 10 ol baadl and held tltelr IIDIU, . . Tiler h,a4 entered th1 Obtcqo Rlv• ef-Cialcqo Triii\JDe, 1 . .. . ..... . .... ·.7.:.-:· ....

3, J899.

·s TBA1JS'S 685-087 . Broad S�reet, Z1 West · Park

• e RSWAR·K • •

Hos·e Suppprters. . Usual 11rlce JPc�. at io. JIJLir. huJios' or chll·

llrcn't� gootl quu.lit)-. blnck or white, JC IIILleui fwster�ertt, WJrth toe •• ut PAIIt • • • • •

Face Veiling. Worth lllc. ycl., llt lie. All Hllk, chenille, •lot

ot' Jllllln. nil colors, soltl usun.:.Iy u.t IUc., 9C 11t YAIUJ. , , , , , , , . , , , , , . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Black Satin Duchesse, Actual Value 6sc., at 49'· Yard.

Fine Unlsh, 1111rc silk nnc1 fm�t bl•tck, ver)' fnshlunnhlu for \\'ILif;tR, snpl\rutu skirts or t•ntlre costumea, wuJ't h nrJU., SJICclnl 49C nt YAIW . . . . " " '." ' " ' " " " " ' " " " "

Black· Briiliantine, ,A Oood soc. Quality at J7�'· Yard.

38 Inches wlclo, fino ' blnck t])e, rl:•h •Ilk. lustre, hoth Hides nltko, " rt•nl goocl 37 I C rtJc. quullty, nt YA!l!) . . . . . . . . . . . ,, . . . ,. . 2

· Ladies' Kid Gloves, A Oood $1 Value at 119' pr •

LndiCs1 . 'two.Clusp nncl · Fmo�tor Jncln!l ]\let Olcl\'es, nil, thu cleslrnblo sluuleR, self nnd hluck mnhrohlerctl bucks. worth Sl Oll, 59C nt PA!Il . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . .

V 3netian Broadcloih. A Very Fine $1 Quality at 711' yard.

02-ln. whlo," flntln flnlsh, nil tho nuwt!St tints of a.;mys, mllltnr)· bhw, bi'OWU!I, run-y, �o:rcen, �-tnrnet, cnrtllnnl, l'O)'ttl blue, cnstor n1111 tan, In nll uhont. H tlifferens sluules to seh�ct. from. no churge for s1,onglng, nud gn•trnntcl!d J5C not to wcnr rough nfterwnrd. Y AUD •• (Sue whulow t!ISI>h•Y·)

. Ln.tlles' find Chm•lot ami Suits, tn u.ll the•st Hluuh•H juckot.s llni!cl thrpuJ.thcmt wfll� tm.t ln nntl sldrtK tlniHhed In nctunl \'nlue SI:!.r.ct, fur to-mur. f{)\fo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Children's Ribbed Nnturni ,Cotton lllhbc•l YeHis nnd Uuece Jlnt�tl, nlcolr Jlnlshml, wull worth Uc ench, llt �ACU • • . . • • • • • • • . . •

. Linen Toweling, ·Regular u�c. Orade, at 7' Yard, ·

Spuchil lot of All-ihu•n 'l'owcllng, good !�e.1;;;:�!!tl��rw�����t]!!J�\-1!�:;�tl, tl l�;h or ut YAUD . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , . , . , .,

Table Linen,

SHOES AND SLIPPERS. La•llcs' Shoes, "'rho Perfection," 10 oxclnslvn I Ltulies' Evonln�t SliJ1pers, viol.

St)'les, tbe equnl of IUlY $3.00 8hoo, 2 41 colorM, all $200 \'lllues, here only ut . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . ,. , special . . . . . . . • • • . . • • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


685-687 Broad St. and · 21 W. Park NE"'\Jv .ARK.

For Extra Ml LK and CREAM .... Send your order to

Mount ·Ararat Creamery. We also have a quantity of Milk and Cream at Tn:nctaarur•

Drug Store for your convenience,

Geo. f. Brown • . ILolu of Canal St,, :Now York,)

TcJopbone, "� Somerset St., No, 21�A. IN

rllnuflcturor of ,

Window Shades, lwnln1s, Tents, Eto. J, WARRBN BROWN, nanapr.

and vegetables purchased : of us give satisfaction. Quality always the very and prices as reasonable as Is consistant highc&t prices. · ·

GIVI �I A TRIAL. Wahl & Sons,


Page 3:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

, tbrlcl�e coal used tutc&,ulllv��J, anaurlot �100888nd comfort.,' - .. _: ., ·

, : · rJilo·tablo Jo Ell'ecit Nov, 20, l8UII 1 •0 Wostftold for New York, Nel\•

· 'J'rll'fE,t.'aootb at (3 .s except Newark) fi til, .,tan 1 f af ·oxct•t•t Newark) Hll, 7 68 (fX• 111, It,• y )'s'Cl 8 21i,_8 f8, 8 fill, D 28, 10 011, 10 fll, cept '" 1:j 211 ' 1 :<•... · 2 .a, a r.s, r. or., 11 1111, .. JD. :lll H7' s r�t, 9 ::., 10 27, It i�J, I•· m. Sun· ut, !8411 j••c•J" NowarkJ 8 Ill, U lliJ.a. m.

.r:n, J IJ\l, 57, a t!, 662, 7_,03, 8 ::2, 8 H. U l!S, ; 10ill.P·1'�· 7 6 0l!,O fi8,8 00�U OO,IO f9 a. m. . ForrM� " , hi, f �'?,.H.:-1 6 2:1, 5 r.:!, fi r.8, · li�Mt, 6 .:.· :."'t u �. 'i wl 7 ZJ, 'l ll7, 8 1!!. eoo. u:i"' ti 18. J•· m .• 2 "'· 1 00, night. 8�7, 8•1 ��. 1 M, 9 4.f, 1U J8, a. m. 12f.:l, Sn�11ll7.n!!S, 4 4ri, .f 67, 6 23, IJ U2, 8 10, lO OC, l l �� 1� t llfi nigbt. ·

P. pblln<loh•hla, 0 M, 8 00, 9 311, a. m, Hi. I, fo�,� 6 ·�1 8 12. 1'· m. I 00 nl�bt. Sundaya, fi.:9«: 1Utii, a.· m. 1 62, -t fG, u �. p, � .• 1 Ob

alih1• Jlethlohom, Allentown a. m., tl2.f•O to ���tLHton,i 2 16, i�U.�.r·� m�01 ff.'J;>p.��

Now York, loot of Llliert)' 1 16, 8 40, 10 00, a. m., J 2 uu, t oo, 2 oo, a oo, a 4/i,

6 16, 5 :l), 6 41;. 0 Otl, 1 110. e oo, H :w,

16, 1 00 night. SmulllYB m. t::oo m. l on, I ao, oo. 10 00 ••• Ill. ·� 15,

York, Bouth'Ferry, Whlh>hall 11 r.;1 11 a, m.; 1� r,o;, 1 21'•. � �r�

10• ifto.• �}�,6 fl·.i.r.oP . • :!�· :��t ' o r,r., 8 rlli, a.· rn., 12 ti.J noon, M, 6 40, · '1 21i,,.b55, 9 M . p, m.,

TbloUIIh t.tckets to all points at lowest rate• boh"'lon acpllcatloll ln advaLce to tht

:r:'letlll•nl at t •• station. I S.OLHAUSEN, H. P. BALDWIN,

' _ Gen'l SUII't, Gen'l P ..... Alit.


· L. M WlllTAitm. Postm&Kter. ' K' OAI E Aaat. ami Muuoy Urder Clerk. d:,. ·�I '1':nVsMtY. Ueneral Delivery Olerk.

: ·LoYAL 'L, \VEST, Clerk. .

· OtH open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. except on 'Satu��')'B, Otllce OIM!Il �.un�h,ys for holders o( IAlck UoxOII from U tu f o clock.

-· ARRIVAl• AND DEI'ARTUUE m' MAU,S. From New York, gast. Sonth an�t South­

west open (or delivery at 1.00 and S:OO "· m., l;:lland 6:10 p. m.


MAILS OLOBE. . f r New York, l'hlladelt•hla, Trenton, the

·No�heast, South, �outhwe�� und w�y statlontt . Eut at 7:tfJ 1Uul lU:.I!I "' ,m., .... Hi n.nd &.40 l•· m.

· ; for Pll\intluhl uml EalSton and way station�o� ''II !:IDa. m. and f:lO I'· m.

MOUN'l'AINSI DE. Arrh·c a.t 7:�0 11. m. aml 4·:\0 p, m. Close ut s·ao a. m. and f>::JU I'· m;

SOUTHERN RAILWAY;' 'rbc A\'Outle of 'l;r�vel to

'ALL TilE PIIINOII'.� L OITH�S ANO WIN­TEll IIESOit'l'i! OF 'l'Hii: SO U'l'll.

(IIIII, Texu, Mexico, California and

the· Pacific Coaat.


'\'.:;�::.�:� r�:��':t·'o��:o,�d t:.��h��;�·�� New Orlmms vii\ AtlantD Rnd Muntgomcr, ,

, . oomP:J�d of Uluha.c and Drawing-1 oom 81eepin� CRrs, ai!:ID cRrrytua Pullml\n llrM\'• : ��T-!�!:1���\W!� �:::�r::�st�"�o��c� . \f,!t,.{a�, A�:l1t1�fnr�rm�::�b


· . · II&II!Chd a.nnox Pullman l)rawlnM"�room 8lt.-.,J)­�cars leave New York for New Orleans on r.=mn�/:�. ���ut'h!."l;�.��·�:!t�·ll with

U. I. Fut Mall, Oa:l�. From New York ancl . r��'::"c��t�ew ��:.'t!"�o 1M::··��i��:�: �IC�BOnvlllu with connootlnte Pullman ..,r. re tot��g�1���-��·M:�yg:.•· ��b�


)(�tween Now YGr& and llavana :: days, ·u hour. ami 5ii mlnu�o.

111w York and florida Lt•ll.... nnest train · Ia lbo worhl will be r•snmod January 16th . �ll"f..Ne��!,.���JiallktT�cet�t�':::.�"Y �!�

York and St. AIIIIUStln, compoaed exclusive , ol Dlnlnt�-Library Obeervatlou CmuJ>urt­

lllell.tB. Dr"winw·room �leeJ•lng Cars. also IIIICbe<l to tho train will be a Pullman ���11-room SleoJilnK Car Now York to

llllllurC•r sorv<ce on all thron11h tr11lns of the Southern llllllway rur •'lorida and tho t!uuth

. , IIIII Southwest. l'ordescrh•llvo matter call on or a<lclres•,

._ 810,0, DAsn:r.s, ALt:x. s. TIIWEAT'I', · Trav. Pass. Agent, East. l.,ns8. Agent,

. •wublngtou St., �71 Brmulwar, �� · ·Boston, �h\Ss. New York.

l.II.OUL!', W. A. 'l'UIIK, Tnm.o lii\IIUJ,Cer. Gen. Pa�s. Agent. WR•hlngton, D. 0,

�eltotous 'Aottcea WE�n'H:LIJ HAJ¥1'lt!'l' OUUIIOB, Weal·

fleld,N • • J. Hev. Ucorgc A. li'runcls.Pn.s­�--8undur sorvlcus: Pru.yer l\feottn.�; lU 1\, m. · y.-rucblug tu:ao 11 .. m. Sundaw t;cllnol l:! o'clock . OUDI( PcuJlltJ'S Pra�y.,a .\tcclllllf � IJ• m. �bing 8 11, m. 1\ltct WJek 11ra

l·er meeting,

to at������:ir ttl;e��· sc���!':.e cord Bll)' tuvltoo

l'lONfiR�XlA'l'IONAI, OIIUHCII OP '-J �IIIIIWI'. llcov. ,l11111eH Jl, (lanfnrth, I I , g., dhKtor. SundRy !Uoruiuf Survict• tu:ao. ; ll':tti��87110?,�o\�c:.· l\�;:m� 'c'�:!���c·��rn��4F. , o .. cloci, Oenuml Prayer meutlnu, "'tlllnut�· · y, R P, AJ, A hmutv welcornu to n11. \fETIIOIJIH'I' EPI!lCOPAI, CIIUHUIJ, t::; R

01w,o. M. ArulorHnn, H.U.,Pnt-�tnr. Ut•al• fleece ninn ' l 'ln.ce. �mull\)' murnlugo Ser•

y lo::MJ o'clock, 8umln.)'·Hchool 2.:�1 1•. M. ._ouvlnw Puo11lu's lleullnJ.( 7,01 a•, m. Jo�vunlnu �r co 7:�1) n'clook. ClnHtt muuthiJ.C1 'l'uut-�t1Rl \t H o'clock. Ummrul l'ru.ywr l\lvut•

, ';���:'Y evtlltln.rtt, nt 8 o'clock, All ler 1 lll oud )'011 n. hcRrty wulcomo to theat .,.�:t'l'' It nut lclontltlocl with 1111)' othor Uon• - till \VU Mhould ho lJ}lltLHllll tn AUU )'Oil lavl�lf our rt•uulnr atturulRilt!t urut <•nrdtn.UJ --.l'ou to nmku thiM clull'oh )'oUr hmne, . PRF;HIIY'I'I':ItiAN OIIUUOJI, llev. N. W, U��oclwull, 1'1\Ktor. HervlcuH, �untlny 10:00 � M, 8:111 1', At,l'loohll l\loeth•�•-WmhloH<I"J Jie•l'll Mt"lotlng H,IMI I•• m.; Mun<llly, Yuun� l'oo• ., l'IOll II If n:�r, t•, M, �uruhLY �uhnol l� 11. 11.,"1:11J1ui111Hhlll, I!IJjNJI'Inl611dont, l!lrallfCOR � ool nt homo,

l)rores�tonal c:arbs. . CRAIG A. MARS8,


PLAINFIELD, N. J. Money to loan on Bond and Afortg�.

J3ustneas (tart�s. PllO'l'OG HAP llS

0•' YOUUSELF OR OIIILOREN. C11n be talten as well in Westfield as

elsewhere. Cull und exmniae wot·k at BUSSING'S.


CLOTHS, MATTINGS. Carpets cleaned; refitted and laid.

.Elm Street, Westfield. Near Depot,


AGENCY. Ofllce of THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, Westfield, New Jersey.

Ideal and Suburban Homes For Sale and To tlent. Fire Insurance 1/laced In Flrst-Clau Companies. llen18 Colleotod, . -

C. B. llANN, CARPENTER & BUILDEl\. Jobbing promptly attended to.

Estimates Furnished. ihop: North Avenue above Clark Street,

· Westfi•ld.


GE!'EilAL JonmNG. Gasolelie u•Hl Ke!'osene Otl �old and de­

livered i n 1my !Jilllntity. Bro:ul St., We•t.Heltl, N. J. P. 0. Cox l:llU .

l!'. S. 'l'AYLOU, _


ELIZADE'rH, N. J. Westfiehl 1 efe•:euces ;:iven.



• . . UNION . . •

Bu.siri�ss College, ·(Dix Building,)

Elizabeth, N. J• And you will oo tanght by wen who

have had practical business experience as well as experience in te11ching.

ENTEII NOW and PREP AilE for a g001l

POSITION W••en bueinesa reviveR after summer months.


Steam Marble and Granite Works FENOINO FOR CE�IETERY PLOTS.

Llr�re Variety of Oranlte Monuments,

Pneumatic Tools lor LctterlnJ and l:onlntr• Lo L. MANNING a SON,

J'roat It, C.r. Caatral Ave., PLAINFIELD, N • .1.


The smallest cows In tho world are found In tho Samoan Inlands,

The smallest camels belong to Per­sin. '!'hey are not more than twenty inches high.

IJerlln has the smallest elephant in the world. It Is but 39 inches high and weighs 160 pounds.

'l'nvolnrn Is tho smallest repulll tc ns to JlO)lulutton, having only 55 men, wo· men nnd chlldi'Cil. It Is 12 111lles from Sardinia.

'l'hc smallest horse In the worltl Is u Shetland pony by tho Marquis of Cnr­cnno. Its height does not sur]HISS 28 Inches.

Goust Is tho smnltcst republic ns to m·en, which Is oxnclly ono mile, 'l'ho JlllllUlnllon numbers HiO. It is situat­ed In tho Pyl'eneocs.

'l't'lstnu d'Acunn In tho South Atlnn· tic sends out Its mnll oncu 11 ycnt' to the ontshlo world: It hu" n JlC•PIIlntlon a! G·l JlCI'sons-18 wen, 19 women, 16 boys und 12 glt·ls.


Why i s i t th11t so !mv womon lull In

Jovo with tho l'lght llWU ? · How 1111111y womon who try on lmte

nt mi lll not'Y Oflcnlngs I'OIIIIY OXllOCt to buy thum?

'l'ho womnn -who tnlks most. about her love nfl'ttlt's is tho ouo who ex(tol'l·

oncos tho lenst emotion, No womnu wna ovet• known to c11ll

hot• 11hotogi'IIJ1h other lhnn "hideously ugly," no nmttm· how much abo m11y lltl ttlit'O It HUOI'ctly,

'l'ho git•i who "tailth for tho Cltilct'Y"

In (ltthllu con vcynncml may thhtk she is mull ing II !li'OUt IUI Pl'll�rliOII, but she is the only uno o! thllt opinion.

1\IIIIIY IV!llttllll fnll to HOC tho chnl'lll In

thoh• own hushnnt!s until aotuo othot• wonutn nmnl!oHtH IJottm• oy(·slght In

tbut llltl'ticuliu• llno.

JOYLESS JOKER IN LONDON. An1erlena1 l!nu1plah�l l'luat CltJ KnoeiM

CJut 111M l• ruUC!nuruu llumua• • .'

An American in London asks a question: "I wish _you would tell we what Is gone with the frolicsome DU· rnor I brought here from my native land. You are real white men In this city, hut you are powerful sad, and that tells 011 the stmnger · till lui feels 'be might ns well be nn owl' Out ut Col­JJI'Iif.)o Sill'lngs I was the most buoy­ant man In the country. Here I don't buoy worth n cent. lily friends called n1e Lnughlng Willie. I've got no more laugh In we iww than 11 mummy . . 'l'he �rst stroke of bush1ess I did hero I was 3� pleased with I� tbat I wanted to tell the other man the story or'- the tin-roofed cock-tall.' You should have seen his lace. He sald 'he didn't listen to stm·les In bushicss .hours. I wont to a club, a regular palaeo, n mngnlftcent hall, lull of bustb, and I said, "I must toll somebody . that story or die." 'l'hero wali. lin old gentleman on a set- · teo, and I said, 'Have you ever 'heard

. the story of the, tin-roofed cock-tall?' ' He looked Herce. 'Am I right In imp� posing that a cock-tall IB 11 drink?' 'You are, old man,' I said, •you bet ev­ery dollar on It,' And I had . just start· ed a real · uve laugh · when he spoiled everything wltb, 'Then you mustn't talk about drliaks In this hall.' Snakes arid lnjuus! · . How can l 'ever laugh again? I won't tell you the story' of the tln-r�ofed · cocktail, for you'd never put It In: Ctrtalnl:y not. · This column, like the ball o! the Mausoleum, Is no place for drinks."

Dot my correspondent'll grievance 11 real enough. There Is a kilt-joy sol· emnlt)· In our floe Island decorum. We cannot even discuss holiday recrea­tions without an awful •ense o! , re­IP�Dslt;lllty.-Illustrated London Newe.

It lltul .Jn11t llnJ•pened. The other night-or, rather, It was

very early In the morning-the tele­phono in n certain newspaper . omce rang loud and long. Most of the work­ers bad gone h('me lor the forty winks that newspu��r people contrive to put In between times, but there was one wan on the "dog watch"-that Is, you know, he was the one person detaUed to stay around the otnce nnd bo ready for anything from a murder_ to a fire. At that hour of the day-about, well, somewheJ·a around 3 A. I\1.-when a telephone In a newsp•per ofltce rings It' generally means a pollee story that Is wort h · look In�: up, so the "dog watch" hatltened to answer the sum­mons.

"Hollo! " said a voice: "Is It too late to get something Into tc-morrow warn-Ing's paper?" ·

"Not II it's important," was the re• ply.

"Ob, It Is," a•surlngl:y, The reporter rushed for n , pad of

paper and a pencil, screwed his ear UJ! to the telephone again and said:- -"All rl�:ht: lire awny, there!" Then the voice wns beard isalu;

tremulous . with flmotlon : "Tbe eng�ement of Miss -- te

1\fr. ·-- Is announced.'' There was an explosion of wrath at

the presa flnd of the line. and the rulflll of the telephone company reatralnlntr Irate persons · from lndulgln& In pro­faulty were smashed Into emlthereenL

"Why under · th• hlankety-blank· hlank" (that wasn't enctl:y what was Bald. but It will llo, you know) "didn't you send In such 1tul earlier in the day!"

"But 1 couldn't," Bald tbfl volee, apolorretlcally. "You see, It ju11t hall­pened."-MIIwaukee Sentinel.

A1�1·;;;:ny Trnlh•1•e'11 1 an. Mr. Trollope's big voice drowned ev•

ery one else as be chatre•l my father down the length o! the dinner table, says Mrs. G. Porter'• "Annals of a Publishing House." He had !e1ted oYer gol! (John Blackwood was a lie· volee and attained to bolng captain ot the St. Andrew'• club), what would he not do next? Ho usod to make dar­Ing assaults upon the most cherished articles or the Dlackwoo•l faith.

0DIInd, unswerving devotion to tho sovereign was one of his favorite points of attack. "Now, Blacli.wootl, bow could the death of the soverPi�n possibly 111fcct you?" he woulj say. "II you heurd of It to-mort·ovr morn-­Ing, you Jmow pel•faclly well you would cal just as good a broai<fnst·­:you would not even dony yout·�olf tltat second l<ldncy," It was In vnln to pro­teet that In the face o! such a calam­Ity the vct'Y thout.Iht of broiled kidneys would be lltutasteful. Mr. 'l'rollopo bol'e everything before him and- pro­pared to•· nnother nttnclt.

1'ho conservall \'e party and Dlz�y were a tP.mptlng subject Cor a tilt. "You know, Ulackwood, you know you think exactly about Dizzy as I do; you know you would bo vct•y t•�tl to hoar be bud boen hard up for-lor shop­JIJtlng," Tableau! all holding up their hands and !lit•, Trollope delighted witb tbe 11eu salton he bnd produced.

1'1l�tN lie f!hlm•"•1 the 8nllj,nt, Mr. Jlarbce-What a spectacle thd

Mra. Cndgoly was, sitting thoro in tbe bol without 11 thing on bor sbouldeu.

Mrs. Dat•IJOe-Wilhout a thing on her ahouldcrs? I noticed that your ere• wore on thorn most or the tlwe.--()lev· eland Leader.

An f!aeea•tla•. "There 10es a public omolal wbo

can llunest!Y HaJ that In his cate til& olllce �ouEhl lb1 man,"

"Who Is ho?" "The slt�••·ard of tllo JJeltbou�e,"­

Ohicalo Nft'\'a, · ------

.... " ...... ){e (prepat•lnr to lcavo)-1 allure

you, Miss Sweot, tho time has puaet away vory plt•usuntiy thin ovenlnl!.

Bile (llbUtl'actodiY)-Yos, It Is pltal• !!I.!U�.-�!1.1!." ,t hnt, lt I� fllll��::-.":r�!� • .

FltibAv,· 'MARCH

,w w� ' ,

,,-r_ • V:OU HAVE ariy­. . ., .. thing t'o sell, Jet

the public know it. 'the quickest

way to sell an article is to

Ad lteFtise< it, and advertise it well. Judicious ad� vertising A L W A Y S

· . Pliys.

'An, Adverlise111ent, · when · published in · the columns of

The ... Union County Standard

. \vin · bring good­paying results, and quickly, too.

· �TRY IT�

i: � •

:,. .. .-:!'

-·��-�-:: ��-- , __ , . ,:_.�



which we do at modern prices, has an INDIVIDUALITY

·about it that com­mands attention.

Let'a Tllk 1t Over

•\; ·

on that next order of Printing. We can make i t bene­ficial 'to you.

Artistic Job,.- ..

Printing (DON£[8i'JJ

•• The Standard ••

Pullllshin1 Concern,

3, ' l89_9.




A N E.W YORKER. ', 1'.1J llo lt'ill f:ht! th11 \t'nltt•r a tJunrt•r Wh••

Ut� c;t•tM � Xttxi \\'twl''• \\'UJ;t!l$• .,.fhe present 'fa.U' of s�Pvef uft�r the

theatre," said a young_ salesman .to me the other dny, "Ia rather tryiug upon

- '1'1•• V•fJ' l!:atrnor<llm�ry• ltltoo ul ftluluy fellows who want their girls to have 'su.ll..ra-&. Heathtm uim'y IN Wm·tihiJ•NI the best, yet possel:is very limited in· Vnder &h� nrJtl•h J•'h&K-Thu Uet!lil comes. muod-Sprlnkle�. I "I asked my 'one and only' last \1·e�ll

what piny ,6lle would lll<e to see, and On the deck ot a Brlttslt steamer- she selected a theatre w hei·e the or­the City of Dublin-and beneath the cltc"tm soats uro two dollars cacn. shadow of the Union · Juclt �vhtch "Of course I got thorn, and we en­waved In tho br,eezo from hot· m tzzcn· joyed the eu tertutnment-at least she mast there were 1wucted recently cer- did. emonlcs the most strange and weird "I was worrying as to whether I hr.d over witnessed In this' port. money enough to pay fat• a llttlo sup pur Had the c•·ew been Arner·lcans, Eng· afterward. llshmen or of 11uy other civilized· nu- , "When we left tbe theatre we were tlonallty tile. bLronge proceedings I fairly dazzled by tire glai·lng elecu·te would bav� rcr.derr.u the participants sign of the restaurants, and were soou fit candltlnteR lilt' a lunatic asylum, but seated at table. , as tho enure company, with the ex- "To my relief my ta!r one - on l y want­cepllon of rour men. arc full fledged ed a 'ulue point raw.' ::;0 1 orllerell a Malays and Lusc11rs fro m . the Malayan sandwich. archlJICiago, the performance _excited "'!'!wee, 1 calcul-ated, would be thirty-only Ute most unbounded astonlsltruent five cents. not unmixed with fear on tho pa1·t of "But they brought me a 'club sand-those who witnessed It, wlch.' which was thirty cents, and one

It Is rather singular thnt · there bottle of beer cost twenty cents, ill· sbonld be so many of that Herce orion- stead of ten. tal rnce represented on the City of "Then the walter suggested celery, Dublin. VessAIB h ave reached this and 1 saw a gleam of pleasure In AD­port before c:lrJ•ytng six or sometimes ole's eyes. a dozen who bad been shipped · In far_ "Celery u was, though the cost-for­oft ports to fill Up the ranks of the ty cents , a · portion-fairly took . lOll' former crew d"pleled· by sickness or breath away. d_eatb, htt� lll'oLnbly never before bas a "The _ blll was a dollar and llfteen, cnptnin l'JBiled this port before the ar·

and a dollar ·and twenty-five was lily rival of Cantalu Rae of the City of limit. . · Dublin: who llvidently preferred these "When the walter returned with the yellow skinned Individuals to hie own change 1 hadn't the rnoral courage 'to countrymen. :walk out wi thout 'tl ptilng' him uor­. · He ·shipped the odd assortment on was 1 wtlllng to sacrifice our ' cat' tbe voyage out from J.ondon to l'eka· fares-Annie l ives In Harlem-so I tlld longeau, or which the present voyage • dastardly thing, is · the conclusion, 11t Port �aid and "I bad 11 brass key check In my pocltet. Aden, Arabia. He Intended getting rid 1 passed It Into the walter's hand, and of · tbem at Colombo, Ceylon, but they h th k d h d 'J 't · t proved themselves such good men that e 311 e me as e roppe< 1 tn o

he engaged more until nearly all the his POI!I<et, wlllwut looking at ft. ori"lnal members of the crew were dis- "He helpcil us with our coats, wrllptl cb:rged. and hats, u n d rushed ahead to open

'fhe City of Dublin came up the rlv- the cl•or wlilr a most errccttve bo\v, I er and ,;1:oppe<l anchor I n 'the stream te!l you th:.

tt I felt about as mean as

orr Sprccltels' refinery. She wns board: they make t·m. ed by the inspector. Everything was "I walked down that night from all right about the manifests, and Cap· 127tb street to Ftfly-thlt·d, a�d did taln Rae· was told thnt he could tie considerable thlnldng · on the " ay. up to pier 61, when he war. ready. "I shall go In and g(ve that ma� ,

a "I won't bo able to go Into berth quarter when I got my next wee• s

to-night," be replied. "There ·wm be wages." a high old time on board the vessel before sbe rcache� the pier unless I am greatly mistaken."

Tlui next morning there was quite a respectable crowd gathered on the

,quarterdeck o! the City of Du blln. '"According to tho dictates of their

religion," said Captain Rno to 11 Times reporter, "they are about to celebrate their arrival In port by n ceremony which Is probably tho most remark· able you have ever hear<!. of.''

The crew assembled forward. A circle was formed, tn· the centre of which appeared a weird figure. He was the priest. a character whose ab­sence has never yet been noticed from a gathering o! these singular people.

"They brought him all the way over at their own expense." said Captain Rae, "and he bns bud an easy berth. Unless 1 am In error he will now play the part or a butcher ...

A dramatic scene was then enacte<!. The blentlng of a sheep was heard, and two swarthy Lascars broke Into the · circle, where etood the priest, drugging after them the terrified ani­mal. At the same moment tbe crew broke into a curious chant or recltll­tlve, while the priest threw the strug­gling animal to the deck, plnclng his foot firmly upon his bead. The next Instant be had burled the knife Into tbe heart of the unfortunate beast, and

. with lncredl ble swtrtness tore the or· gan from the body,

The crowd of devotees tben pros­trated themselves on tho deck nnd were sprinkled with blood from the dripping morsels which wore cut otr by the priest. In conclusion he raised lbe henrt three times llbm·e his head and hurled It Into the water. The body of the sheep then !al lowed sutt.

About hnl t an hour nrterw11rd, when the decks of the City o! Dublin wero cleared from nil evidences or tho snc­rltlco, the participants sat down to th� Hrst meal they had eaten since enter­Ing tho capes forty-eight hours before.

'fhe evening sunlight wns streaming through n porthole when Captain Hae and n reporter entered the rorecnstlb to observe the men nt their mess. 'l'l1o shadow of tho cnptnln at that moment loll ncross tho tniJie. With n vall!!)' or Slngaleso onths nil that portion or rood which had been lonched by t he shadow went flying Into the sen, hurl­ed by tho Indignant Jwuds or the Ma­lays, whq saw contnmlnntlon even to thnt contact with a Uhrlstlnn.

Captain Hno has no renr or his strange crew, although ho I s ntmoHt alone on tho vessel. " ! hnvo never hntl nny trouiJio with th�m.'' ho'-snhl, "nnd regard them ns good, trnc< nhlo snllors, 1 never lnterl'oi'O with !hell• t'ellglon, and they npput·enlty respect mo tot· It," -Phllatlel)lhlll 'l'lmes . •

Jtnn•t l'ut u n �\ 11'11, Another lnnguago savot• llas launched

his bont. "ts 'hnR got' good Nnglfsh 'I' ' he writes: "shoultl not 'got' llo mntt.• ted'/" l�or Ute Uatl 1111d lnst limo wo s11y tllllt "hns got" Is sound , cm•roct English, good hlstot·lcully, good In modern usc, 11 perfectly honlthy Idiom, Anybody who has sm·uples about tile "got" cnn cut It out. Anybody who has a tnslo fo1• lll'ttliCH, llOlntooR, prisms, cnn 1c11rn to ht•onlt hltnsolr or tho hnhll of snyrrtg "hnH got" It Ito llOI'BOVOt'OS, Wo Book lo [Jill no COli• att•nlnt tt(Jon tender consciences, Uut abstnlncra from "hus got" should ho IVnt•notl ugnlnat iiOing pun'otl up, l�t·oalt IOngllull IH IIIWUYK go01l, hut POI'ROIIB wlto !lito It cnnnutl m·o wel.,omo to tako it llml wny. 'l'ltoy· musln'l put llll lll t'81 tbOltllil,-NoW � Ol'k I!UU. t..-..-... . � .... ... · · ··: 1 . . ... -- ... ... ... .. .. � ........... . ... - � ... -

ltlt1n't thulnr·"'tnml Jrauolnt•!'JI, They are a newly marrlccl coup!<,,

but tho point has been reached whem the young wife thinks she would like to understnnd her husband's business and help him with her advice from time to time. Her husband naturally resents the Idea, but I n unguarded mo• . menta be drops enough Information tG give his wife some matertnl to work on. 'fho other nlr;ht she decld?d to make a start, and began with the re· mark: · "John, I don't think that fellow you loaned 11 hundred dolbrs to last sprln& ever lnteDds to pay you." "I know," replied her husband,' rllt­tllng his paper lrrltnllly, "but I am golnr; to sue him.

"But_ that will cost you money too." "I know, hut I am going to gl ve

the case to that lawyer 'r lent lilly dol­lars to at the same time. I will let blin work out his lndebte<!ness In tbat way, for I don't tllh:k be Intends to pay either.

"Dut I don't see that that will be very J•rofltallle."

"Ot course you don't, but that Is be• eause you don't understand buslnesa.

!liu�ccR,fnl \1'nm•n Juyent tlrl, "W�ll." auld the little woman, "If

1 wom8 n Is �o:oln1 to make a success In •

life abe must do a queer lot ot 'b11st· llnr;.' I know tbat Is slang, but It seems to bu really tho only word which Ills the case. '!'he way 11 wo­man has to keep on the go all the time to make a success of nny business sbt� undertal<cs puts me in mind ot a little otory I once heard about two frogs.

"A farmer carrying his milk to mar­ket one mornlnr; stopped at a broolt to water hiR milk as usual. In dipping up tbu water he scooped up two frogs, an<l the milk they went.

"Onn fro�: enid to the other: 'I am going to drCown. I cannot lteep myself alive.' ''Veil. I am not,' replied h i s companion. 'I a m going t o klcl< for all I nm worth.'

"When tbe rarmor reached his des· tlnatlon 11nd the can wn:. opened ona poor fro!;gle was lying dead nt the hot­tom. hut the oll:er b111! kickecl to such ndvnntnge t hat he was quiet ly sitting on 11 fait· �lted Jump of butter. And tbnt IH wh\\t I a m going to do. I 11m not going to e;lvo up and allow mysel! to drown. f,m I am r�olng to kick tor all I aw wotth.''

Uuht•t·tA nntl lilA "'1\·t�M I mnrvol, If to congrcns Hoberts goes, How to nvold onsuluil\' soclui throes, li'or ChrtsllanH could not, ou their hal•

lowed liven, "Request tho ple11s11re of ltlhlsel! noll


Agnln, 'twould be provocative or strife Should Ito bo ll&kod "to dlllO und bt•ing

hio wi!o.'' A meHt uncum!ot•tablo ltlnd ot hitch Woulcl follow It hn wrotu nn<l queried

"Which ?"-Jo'I'OIIl Town 'l'oplca. Ill• Vlttw,

It ltnp�onrd Ill the clull.-"1'hls tel· epathy Ill' thought trnn•f�reucu or whntuvcr It Ia, l�n't stwh 11 wontlorful lhilll! tt!tOI' ttll,'' he 8tlld. "I CUll Bll het·u wllb you !allows anti stil l bo con· seiou� or wbut my wlto IK thiuklna about, 11n1l just what aho is s11ylng to herself.''

" Uudoubtcdly," rnpliotl one of the otitOI'H, "but YOU coul dn't do it I I YOII cuul•ln't n�o 1 1io olock."-OIIIcuuo lllvoll• Iilii ncr.u1·d,

..: . -· � ...............

Page 4:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

4 . THE UNiON tOIINTV ST!ND.lllD I 7� �HBN a man's own imlo bo.

UJ comes b;·ight · enough to blind him, lw'd bettor take it oil.



PRIMARIES. P•Jbllshed e\•ery Tuesday and Friday by The Standard Publishing Concern.

E. J. WnlTEUIU.D, President. A. E. PEAII8ALL, VIce-President.

C. E. PEARSAJ.L. Secretary-Treasurer. 7-:: UERE is a JlllhWIIY 1111111 ' so The De>itom•ato.�JtiiK••I Over the � )nzy that he k�ops awnke To"'" CJierkohii>,-E•·er,·UolnK llarn;onl•

for fear lie'll dream l10 hns 1\ job.. onoln lho lletmbllclln CJ""'''' •a.oo 11111 Ylllll


SAID by Pl'intor's Iuk :-OHio:e-5T ANDARD B�ll41nl• , . . s01i1etimes 'yon bear a mer·

.ldvertislnll Rates furnished on application. chant suy that be bad stop)>etl his adver· ALI!'RBD E. PEAIISALL, t:dltor, tlsing because his rivals lul\'e stopJted, c. E. PEARSALL. M,.., ... .,.. 111111 he 11oesn 't propi)'&e to tucnr an liD·

ueceS.ury expense when h� has no com· WESTFiELD, N. J., 1\IAR 3. 189D.i petition to conte111l with. He seems to

forget tlu\t he wonlol bnve the fielo1 to himself if he coutilmed.

{Gj HEllE is this to be snid about the Alger-At·mom·

beef trust whitewnsh-thoy put rose­wntm· in it. Perhaps it mnkcs n 1l if· ference whether tl nutn ia chcnte�l by

:-._�.._, ... ,L· 11 dinmond-stndded, 'l'hite-choke•·ed

confidence pnrty or !Jy 1111 onlinai'Y Cl'ers·dny thug. Commend us to the thug.

Let each c it izen of the beautiful , progres-

s ive , up-t o-date town of Westfield make it his

o r her duty to prevail upon his or her neigh­

b o r to �ttend the pub l i c scho o l meet ing ,

March 6th.

HE A N N UA L s t> ring election for choslngtown· s h i p officers is no•V only eleven dnys di•.tunt; 1111d tbat event, of im·

portnn1!e to all residents of the town, I• the chief subject o! tnlk ihose wlm tnke 11n

nctive p11rt in local tmlltlcs. '

It hus boon given out thilt 1\lnrtht Welles will be IL cnmlhtate on the Re· pnbllcnn ticket for township commlttP.e mnn nnd llh·. Welles hns s1tid thnt, while be WIIS not seeking the nomhmtiou, be would prob�ohly take it if it were offet·etl him. H is. popnlnrly nssmned thnt it will he otfere•l nnd ncce(ll.ell. ·

On the Demo�mtic ticket, to r1111 itgninst Jilt•, We11es, will probnbly be the ulllll'l of W. E. Tnltle n111l 11 hot fight Is prom· ised ; for totlt hnve n lnrge followiug in the oppo•ing pnrtits. 'file "cutting" of lickets will no doubt be u feature of th!• election.

For the clerkship the Repnblicans luwe a st1·ou,;". mm• iu G. D Ree:;;e, while the democrats m·e diL'ided between Chn�. Clnrk 11111l the . pt·e•ent clerk; ll'l•h;g I

The (il�•rlomf ltlunnhalnN of \\'e11hn·u North

Cau·ulhttt, A•Jae\'llle, Jlot SttriUII'II and Tr,.·ulh

There Is no section in Amel'ica blessed so iuvisbly by nRture, splendor of its scenery, 111111 health giving IJtllllities of tis clinmte. The country nboundP In the most Interesting drives, their beauty nn? rkbness, as the· eyes feast · on nature e grand ever clumglng l'anoramll, . are r�rety' Sllfllltssed. Ashe,ville, with its varied 11ttru<itiuns, am1 the be8Utifnl [Jlnteim which bears its 11111111', bas. hrougbt to It, ·us reshlents, m1my men of wealth 111111 ' cnltore ,ll•ho have creuted beautiful homes aml ure Jiving · delight· fully surt'ounded by mlli'Y of the customs and pleasores of the old English manor houses,

One of tlte most notable achievements of Ashevllhi nttracti

.ons Is the OIJening of

"The 1\lunor'' ·resort tun nlll1 cottnges, erecte1l by · the Alb,ernmrle Park Co. The Park contains thirty four acres mul extends from J.he Asheville suburbs to points in the moontnht beyond l:innset Drive. · .

'l'he 1\lunm· a111l the less '!>retentions cottnge IYJ••s of modet'n re•illeuce ure picturesquely J>lncell in the uulnrnl hennty of t11e Pnt·k nt points of �om· mn!Jlling eminence crowning thE> !molls that over· look the lodge.

Architectnrnlly viewe1l, the nspfct <,f the bnihlings is pleusuntly suggestive of home, rest uml refresluuent. 'l'heir ex· lerna) construction isdeFi!;u,etlly Euglisb ; t•ongh greystoue, in jutting l'llstic finish, Qneen Anne style.

B. L. Gilbert, of New York, the m·cbi teet of the great mih'ond stntions ln New York 111111 Chicugo, nml of tho expositiou


Parehase of the. 'B�nkrapt -· - oF-.-


·-· OF--

MorriSt()WD, . New Jersey,

at about Fifty Cents ·


the Dollar, a1,1d .to sacrificed without regard to value, cost or

mg prices. As an �dditional inducement out·of·town shoppers wishing to attend

----------------------...,----:-- Ross. 'l'he latter won ill Jll'obubly uutlle Upon the result of this meet ing depends the best fight: but the fl'iends of the for·

whether the town shall be saddled with an un- mer thiuic differently 111111 they will go to the primary to·mort·ow evenhu: )ll'e·

�ecessary debt and an inc onvenient scho o l lo- jl'lre1l "to nominate their mnn, m·, millie trouble," IIS one qfthem saill to II STAXD·

AHD reporter, "for the successful callll i · d1\te t\t the polls on t>l�ction ()1\Y."







:�:::l:i:� ·R


. PAID .· BOTH. WA Hl'borenl plimting will be 1lone through · · .

out the nct·euge of the Pm·k nuder t.he ' ·

pinus of 8nmnel Pursons, the lam1scupe nrchitect of Centml Purk, New York. ·

cat i on for year s · t o come .

Westfi eld wan ts Increased S chool Facilities of the Right Kind , and in the Right Places , .and at Right Prices.

There I s n o donut but what Fred. C . Decker will be renominate•! b y tbe Re· publicnns for the office of overseer of the poor, !Lllll if he is uomhiated, be will be elected, for he h�s served the people

Don ' t stay away yourself I

the other fellow. and then blame faithfnlly during his present term of

office. Howe\'el', be IIIIIY bnve some tror.ble as the Democrats want to pluce Robert Woodruff io that "well paid" po· sitlou. .


'fbe llminuge system of the Pnrk lund•, 111lople1l n yeur ugo, and from which the most satisfuctory •·esults hnve t1een ol;· tah•e•l, were. prepared for the . colli}JI\ny by the late George. E. Waring, the em'·

nent nuthority m!'sanltation. The Kenilworth lun and Battery Pnrk,

two of the most magnificent botels in Westem North Curollui&, 111'8 open the year round.

from any point within a radius of �1i les upon the purchase o( worth of merchandis� and presentation of turn ticket.

Remember the day--Monday ! Remember the date-March 6 ! Remember the time-8 p. m !

Hot Springs, N. C., nestle() among the TROLLEY PEOPLE ASK FOR FRAN- loftiest peaks . of the Sonthern Appa Week [omm' entl'no Monday,· Marth CHISES. lachlan cltaln of monntnills, wbere tbe 8

blue bills blend with tbe azure beaven, CJompanleo \Vant to E•tend Their where the wbite cloud• are" born · in the

· ' Remember · the Cause ! Line• Thronlh Ell•abeth. "Land of the Sky :" and here where one Senator.elect John Kean WednesdQy of the brlghtellt of mountain streams

.Remember the place:_westtield Club Hail!' '

Remember your Duty ! night made an applic�tlon for a fran· comes dashing nnd sparlillng down and -==:============j�============= chiee to the Elizabeth CitY. eouncil unites Itself with the pure wntera of the which, If granted, will ret�ul.t In the mighty French Broad River tbil God

L. BAMBERO.ER .. & CO.,{· Market and Halsey .Sts., NEWARK� N. J. evidently the officials at Wash- 'PI ington have come to the

conclusion that the people are,fools, . oqt -or worse. ·

building of a double-track street railroa� de• of Health took op ber a�e, gave to be operated by electricity add to be the 'finishing stroke to that which 'need· constructed · and In running order · by ed bot the touch of her magic wand to June· 1, from the Staten Island Ferry render it superbly oootplete, and J>rougbt �������!!"!�����������'!!!�����'!!!!'!!!! to· the ·Collltty ]Joolevard, which Is to from the depths of the earth and poured -· ron . fro1n Elizabeth · to Plainfield. Be forth upon ita Rllrface its tielll!nrea of l .llgjR!DDH!IIHBIB•t�IEIIlH!RHBia�IEIIlH!IDHI•III

. • ( senate as at present consti· · , . p)ANNA i s qnito a · fit in the T . '

toted. He is not there to ropresent roes . • olfehl to pav� all the streets th'?ugb thermal waters, and gave to aulferb•g I I which thu line Ia to Jlft88 and i s willing humanity a ble88lng, and to tbe place Ita to extend the line througb Union Town · name. The Mountain Park Hotel and ship to tbe Cranford line. The propos· new bath houses were then built and Ilion waa referred to the Street 1 ' Committell of the Cit • Council hi 1 t te resources of tbt> property developed. .. · d f • 1

· ·

� ' w c 1 The property comprises nearly 4 000 Z: HE 'l'orch of Oivili�Btion will un . am1ly etons.

.· w. e a

.re will give the applicant a bearing at au a 1 . f 1 i tbi ·1

� bl �urly date cree, · an1 ew p aces . 11 a · conn ry

� �� . .

" be kept ablaze in tho Phil· 0 Jged to wnto tho dell!' . old gll'l 'l'he Elizabeth and Westfield Str t offer soch atlractlm.a 11s a heulth and . ippines, with or without the consent thBI we cannot attend. . ee pleasure resort.

of the natives, Agnin!Jldo included. Rllllway Company, 11 rival of the Conn· 'l'ryon North Carollua In the heart

D'MlhAT� Sampson lms no Ions fi'OIIl tbe Elizabeth unthorities and of the Bluendge Mountains, ne�r the fi , ty Boolevnrd trolley, also wants concess· ' . '

{flE note with pnssing interest thnt I!ov. Dr. Pnrkor

preaches that "hunger is blessed."

J•ight to resent tho blow Rl'l'liell for permisslon to extend Its hue thermul belt, where white frost IS un­hmled ut him by the sen11te for sup· through Elizubeth to the south sille of know

tn, .f•·ote


l bfi'Ot1111. 11h,e dange


· · We t J St t t 1 1 tl cons llllu nss 8 e1 y 11 1 nue one t 1011• prcssmg 1\ lhspatch tending to 1'0· 8 m·sey · • 0 connec w t 1 •e s 1 fi • 1 d d f t b 1 I' . b . • . Nol'th New Jersey Tl'llction Company's RDI • � e nm re ee n ove . t te sen, lOVe " . 1avo brother offiCer, Ailuu- line In Broad St. Its 11 pllcatiou was nmke 1t the Ideal spot for those m Henrch

rnl Wmficlil Scott Schley; to the also·referred. p of rest and he11lth, plensme or recre11·

WE SELL' our goods at the lowest market price. ·

We have on han� the highest grade GROCE HI Olteaper qualitl'es tiS ?Veil •

We keep· a full line at our Branch Store at GARWOOD.

.A.. ·O. FI'l.�OI-I- & SON, Telephone, ::JJ4�a.

Goo<lM 1>cllvct•c<l Pt•nnJ}>tJy. : As to his personal prnctice. we arc not informcil. 'l'ho Dootol'1 how· <'Ver, has 11 well-fed look tlmt we truly uilmire.

contrary he allowed him to receive • tlon ; no fluer climHie cnn be fonntl. Ailmiuistl'lltion consnre fot· carr in Ira CJ, Lambert Writ••· '!'he Soutltern Railw11y, with Its perfect ���������'!!!!'!��'!!!!'!����'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!�'!!!����!!! . Y g service, reaches ull the nttrnctlve re· out Ius own ordora, which made him To tlte EdiiOI' of' tile Stundard. sorts. For further information call 011

SPEAKING of George Wash· iugton, it is well to 1'emem·

bar that he started the proposition that "to bo prepared for wnr is one of the most ellectnul menns of pro· serving peace." He woulil probably lmvo votcil for the nrmy reorganizn· tion bill.

IN 'l'lliS issue of tho STANDAHD 11'0 gi 1'0 II coin IIIII ( BCCOIIII

pngo) to ono of Ooo•·ge l'nllisor's ,best nt·chitcctlll'al designs of a }ll'o· ton tiona o•·•lor. Next wcok wo will publish ono for 11 'moro cor.y cottngo by tho sumo well·known nrchitoot. Wntch on t for othm·s.

f..!J<:I�I' your oyo ou Intc1'n11· .& \ tiounl AJ'bitl'lltion, Stop flghtiug, . tho IVOI'Jd OVOJ', 'l'ho United Stutes government wonltl tnko 'l long stop In that d lroetlon by c11ll lng 11 connell of the nntlona 111 to whnt shonhl be dono with cmd for tho Fillplnoa-ft·om tho llnrnanlty vlow of tho 01110 ulono.

nppear disobedient to instruotions of Will yon kindly advise the voters of or address, Alex. S. Thweatt, Eusten1 I Westfield ll•ot to make the mistake, at t 10 Wur Dopartmont. The Ol'dor the coming . school election, that was Passeng�r Agent, :m Broadway.

of S11mpson came to light when mude 10 veara ago. We need pl•t'mary �J Centensrhtn Die• at l'duc.,toth • Schley submitted it for record us a accommodatlons,and a i>Ienty, too. Samuel P. 'tllolntyre, the oldest citizen Jlllrt of his report. 'l'he fortunes of The triangle bounded by South of Princeton and one of the oldest In Wllr wero faire1' than . Sampson and and Broad street furnishes one conven- New Jersey, died here Tuesday evening. S I I . t I , , , ' lent site, the focus of a settlenulnt In- B 102 l·' 1 1 • o l �y me JIB opportomty m spite clmtlng about fifty prlmarv pupils every

t was years o u, a111 md for the of hun. How he took udvnntuge of year. Oliver M. Pierson would sell a

la�t fifty yeat·s llve•l lu Princeton. He 't b · was u veteran of the War of 1812. I y annihilating tho Spanish squud- site for n nomin11l pl'ice, on Broad street. • 0 ron, with Sampson twenty miles Consiller ,the nee1ls of the J>eO!Jle und Before the discovery of One 1\llnnte nwny ull tho world kuows Wo III'C come to the meeting with nil your Cough Cure, ministers were g'l'eatly dis· glnd 'to see the sonnlo has

.been flit' ••

ft•iends. turbed by conghlug congregntlous. No Yours truly, exc11se fm· It now. W. H. Treucbaril. to Soh loy oven if Sumpson (litl try to InA C. LAMDEIIT • .

P.luck uwuy his lnurols. .'l'ho poli- • • tws of tho thing had to como in for SAID BY OUR NEIGHBORS. .

S!lllll>Son, tho Administmtion furor- 'l'he1'6 nre very few pntrlots In the ito, however. Coug1·ess of the United Stntes.-Phth•·

llowero•·, Sonlltor GoJ•mnn took tleld Colll·ie•· News.

tho Jloo1' 'l'uosd11y und said thut It Is ruther significant that the build· while .ho ngJ•c ] ltl I t I 1 b

lng nnd loan asaoch\Uous (\o not Wllllt Ol IV I w Ill >Ill eon supervlsiou.-Ellznbeth Jonrunl. snhl, 1111!1 ho believed lhllt So.hloy lu1d Thll women . should remember that " boon h1111ly trented, tho frwnds of sec1·et ceases to become one just aa �ohley hlltl lloohlml to bow b ·tho in· soon us she tells It to her u1ost conlideu·· justlco 1111!1 SUJlport the oonOrmutlon thtl frlend.-Plalnftslll Press. . of both 81nnp8on 11nd Soh loy for the Tt • •. rohltl I . 18 -tte•' TcmrlllllllOhl. vo pos tiona to whle!1 they llllve The IRiliee who are tllklng part ln . the boon tiOIIIhJRtel) by the l roaldent, Social Olob bowl11111 tournament are get• 11 118 eouflrm Soh ley and leave tln11 need to the alleye and are mukiDII

Plant Trees ! PbilndelJ>hla clnhns tho longest ani! best llll vml street in tho world. Through Its entire length of ton ntllus-llvo blocks oxcept011-,.Droad streot 1 d with IIBJ•hult. · 8 pnve

LITHIA" SamJ•aon unaeted 1111011," anggeated much better acol'88 than at lirat, · ,

· gnwN 11111 tlmrnba 11p. Sl· Sonutor l'ottlgrow · Lut eveulua tl1e lollowluii'IOOret mon Rllfl thurnba down. "'1'1 t t b

. d ,,..

d rolled! It Ia bml to IJIIVO to obov Slrnott , It'• I ll(

til ORIIIIO e one. rcs�n ,' M!!'. Olark . . " , .89 ltlhl. Elllott . . · . . . '7ll • CURES ALL

, Cl r, 111110, . ' · . Ritchie , , , ,OT " Bllllllluanu 1'7 wot•ao to bo obl lgocl to oboy Qnoon uu It 01111 we want to do It , lllld ar;' :•nell . . . . ', 74 " Doo11lRe . . : ·

Vlotorlu whou Hho l'oqul'roa th11t nil Sor111tor l'ottlgrow. Uut th� iui· M�� Dl����n· :� 11� \t'c!J�'!::. 111011 ut Jlnl ruorul ah11ll wour tho low· goatlou w111 110t ootod upou ·. , Dewey . . . . . 71 :Mie• Dollllell . , , I If t I I . • · ' Donn�tll . · 89 ltln ltlapet or Ill o t 10 llghl1111d oo•turue 11 Brah•er•l :·.:s9 ' " " '

with ll lli'OII 0011t1 whloh, of courao, Wo•'l'n•IIAe In• wuar .,,11., ' ...... ;;;;-.;:.:,, w••• ., .... " .. OXJIOB�S to .VIOW 801110 \'OI'f !Jure Jogl 11 Olll!nnloell lobaot'O blbll auf'• Qllkel weoi11

,!'Rndr Oalhartloj aure conlllPIIIon loreYifo

. IA IIIOIIII, biUIIII pure, lOG, I • All d!UIIll. _, .. , 110,0,0, lllt dlllllllltrt�IIA4 111olero


TAlA&. 11111 tO CT�I __ , 101.0 1'1 ��. �RUOQ.IIrl· .· THI .'Mill IIOLUIIVILY IY OIIIUIIII CIIEIICAL 110.


............ . . ' .

·J . S. · tRYING CO . • :.:· D•AL.R8 1N


Coal, Lumber, Building Matadals, Mouldings and Kindling wood •.

For Lawn, Carden and Field.

Office and Yard···Central Ave., near · R. R. Crassins, Westfl�•r Ordora by M11il Will Receivo Prompt Attention.



FQ!! LENT. New Salt Herring, - - , • 16c. dozen New Boneless CodOsh, 6c pound New Shredded CodOsh. - · 5c. p'k'ge

Extra Fine Salt and Smoked Mackerel.

M. B . . WAL,KEB ., , Grocer,

Broad · ltreet. ·


LOWLEY'S CHOCOLATES · • •AT-J, 'B. MO� I!N G;H I. Evory ono atamJlod N. ]), BM04b I!THIIII' . WBI!TfUCLD,

WEDOIN05, and ..... .... , .. ...

Hand10me ....... o.ra1llotll BV


Page 5:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

� JtKN1'-l\olartiu . bouse. , l)ark strt.-et ,.,OR d CRrlelull l'laee. Mo•t do•lrllble lo· IJ . •0 Po!isusslon l(ivun April first. ltent ��· Enquire on premlEC;, · · - UENl'-Or 81�te� tho Henry resilience, �I\. Elm �;truet • centr�&ll)' hx:a.wtl ; cumrnu­J! 011bufldlmlH :md o.xtensive, ooQ.utituJ :!:�tts • . o. J�. Petntml.l.& Co.,

. A�ellht.


Allll WOOD· In lengtbs to suil YfiUr Kfllto 01• HlO\'O, lrl,' u. 14tuubert.

NOTICE I x t1 e Is he rob)' l{i\'tHI to thu lcKt�l voters of

lh�ll 0'1'�\\'l;bhip of \\'cstllehl in tho county of Union 81111 tho Ma) OI' und Council or thu Hor­

ugb�f Muunttllnt!hlo in 8a.ld tU\IV'Il:hip, thnt a. 0�11\l M�lmol mt.outlnJ.t wlll i.Je hvhl ul \\'t.Jtltt!ohl �tub Hllll on mm Htft!tlt in tm.lct lll\\'fiSIJIIJ, 011 tbeslxtb dtl)' ut .\lul'ch, 18\IU, u.t M o'cluok lu tho erenlnll of thut dny lor Uu� lHirlKJ!W uf con�ltl­

: trill and actlnr.t upuu . tbe lollowfug JITOJ•U�f­tlonf anti rtdti!Ug tho IICL'th,>tl munc)' thcruloro, which will ho HUhmittod 11t the •aid weetlnK:

(1) 'l'o purcbluse u. tract or lutttl H.ll " slto for a!Chool hou&� on tlm corner of Elm street and OJCbard street ln said towusllil'' tlescrlbt!d M fo���·r:l��''1!i a &K>Int formed by the lntersec· tlono! tho eiUitorly line of Kim •treet with tlw aortberl)· ltne of t.Jrcbartl strt..oet, and runuhJK thence northwesterly alunar thu easterl)' llne ot ud btn1lln.c un Elm strtet. oue buudrt..'ll

· ud eighty (160) r .. t; tLence uortbellSt· ', erlr and parl\llel with OrcbRrd . strt.'tlt.

two bundroo and tblrl)'-<me t:l:IH ll'et to londa of T 1!. lllrd; tlience southeasterly

· ud parallei with l!:lm otreet bindhur ora Mid lando of '1'. 8. · Blrtl, ton (lUI feet j thence northe811torlv blndfnu: on s•lol land• or T.S, Bird and landa u! Mary A. Alarsb aud ..,.llel with Orchard ot..,.t1 one bunored and lblrty \13111 feet ; th•nce ooutn-terly Rlul toar· allel w th t:im •treet, one hundred and seventy (ljO) reet. more or let��� tbrou�b the -lands cf Levi E. !lart to the northerly line of Or· chord otroot: and thence MIUthw� .. terly along tho oortherly Uno of and binding on Orcbartl otreot, three hundred and Blllty-one (:Jill) feet to the point or pl..., of lleKinnlntr.

lleln11 porte of two lli!IJIIr&te Jlllrcele of land owned ny Suofe A. Henry and Levi E.

a IIChOOI boUIO on said al10 to cont5truot a new Horollllb of 1\lountain•lde """- .·-

-·:;-· pr:=n!t!':J:'

a��u::'a� ex.,_. forty thousand

Uh·e tht! Chlhh·ma .n U1·lnk called Gruln-0. Jt. IM n cll'ltclotu�. llJIJitJtfzhu..;. nour!shfn� foml drink to tnke tLo J•ln.' o uf cot· fte, \\'111'11 nro1wrly Jll't!JIIU'ctl It tnslt!H llko ' JheJlncst C!Oifco \JUt iS rrco h'UIIl Hll fho JujU I'• ous J•roJttlrtlml, .. o ahlH dlucsllnn un1l \ ttrengtbllll!\ tho nur\'OH, Jt ht nnt a �tlmulnnt Ut 1\ henlth hullder, auul uhlldr•t•n, Rf1. Wtlll HH �lulta1 �mu tl •·lnk It with Ul'l'"t Ut!lWilt. Cn�>lH 1 Klllt Y.' ns much 1\S cotl'cu. Jliu nud :!tiu u.t arocer1:1,

/. · Tn·Night Ullll 'l'n·lln••••uw Nh;ht, '. �hdf.! cll\.\" ntul nh(ht durluu thl� W•'ek ynn tan,�llt nt lUI)' dl'tiM'Illf!t'M J(mn/I'H Bu.huun for• . . �t6 lhrout nncl 14UIIIo(1'41 nclmuw l'th(ml tn hu llw ' OSlsUc!Cf'fiHflll rtJIUl!d

l' OVt'l' Hnhl fcH' Unti�-JhH, .

llllchi i iH1 AHt IIIUI. unci COIIHIIIUIItlun. LltJ IIJ.clny nml kvtJIJ It nlwnyH lu tho )'em t'IUl tJlwck )'lltlr, culcl nt onctJ. tuul GUo, M1nna•lo buttle free.

, Are You V•l•• Allt•n'• l"nnt·t�RIIIt ? Bh•k• lnto rour •bo .. A lion'• Foot • • : .... II Jl:!_�or� II. lljlrOII OurnH, IIIIIIIIIIIH, !Jhll"l"hiH, �p, c\Y�ot 1111, Hwullon f..,t, AI R olrUU:• ·�AI!<l oluH! HtoreM, �llo. H�&mt•le II'IUJI!l, All· • .. ueu H, Olmotod, '"'twr, N. Y .

' . I I Yota bnve n cough, thrmlt lrrltntlon, . "'•k hm11"• Jtnln tu tho ehost, tllftlcnlt •· llr.t�thhtll, croup or hotlraeness, let na , 1111&eel One Mhmto Oont�h Ctu•o, AI· ••ruellKI!le and 111C41. W.H.1'a•erwhlll'�·

-EIIilter falls on Sunday, April 2. -Election, or1o wook from next Tues· day, "' -1\larch a;;lved In a very lamb·llko manner, -Empire Engjne company will meet Ttiestlay evening. · -Clarence Bryant Is now In the em­ploy of Ill. B. Walker, -The renl estatb deniers report a great demand for RtuRII houses, -Fred Hegemar1 bns returned from a

visit ut Oyster Bny, . N, Y, -Urlller·Shet•iff J. Ca�per Kirkut>r re: signetl Tuesday afternoon,

1-l\liss Lizzie Stamots hns returne1l fmm a \:isit to SpriuglieM,

-Bonr,l of health nnd,township com· mittee meeting this evening. -Paul 'l'hompsou I� no longer con­

necte•.l with Socinl clnb. -A socin!Jle will be hold this evening

nt the Congt·egntloual church. • -WhetJlmen nre nguln happy-the romls are in fnh·Jy gootl condition.

-Roi!P.t't Cmslly is confined to his home on Westfieltl nveune by Illness.

-1\liss M. Wnllrer, of Eliznlleth, visit etl t·elntives in town on We<lneedny,

-The new school honse question is the chief snhject of tnllr jnst nt p1·eseut.

-l\lrs. Seager, of South avenue, is t'e· covering ft'Oltlll severeattnclc of the !(l'ip.

-Miss ,Jenn Wulirer, of Plniulielll, hus beRn RJlBIHliug seveml da}'s In town.

-l\lr. nllll Mrs. H. P. Russell hnye ngnin Iuker. up. their residence in West­Held. ·

-'l'ho republic1in primnry will be held llt Etta hull ou Tneatlay eveuing nt 8


-1\[ra. Ja1s. Pntterson an;l 1\frs. H. Shenrer, of Plniufield, have been visiting in town . .

-Tlte Rev. Cbnrles Fiske preached ut GI'Uce church, Pininfield, 011 Thurilduy evening.

-Arrange to attend the school meet· lug 11t tho W�tfteld club ha�l 011 Ilion· day evening.

-W, G. · Peckham · bas purchnoed . II luuidsomo gr11y saddle horso from parties i n Kentucky .

....:Mrs. Otis French, of Al'l!llble, N. Y., hll8 t-u the gue��t of her enter, Mrs. R. F. Hohenstein.

-St. ·· Aitdrew's Brotherhood of St. Paul's church meets this evening at the purl•b rooms.

-BorRt.'O L. Donham, ex-mayor of Dover, pald .the STANDARD office a visit on Wednesday.

-Mrs. Fred. Coombs, formerly of Weslfteld, Is dangerously ill at her howe In B<>uud Brook.

-Several of the merchants seem to Jmve l(one bnck on their agreement to close nt 7 o'clock.

-The Rev. Dr. Rufus Green was call· e<l to Elmira, N. Y., lnst week by the tlenth of hiM brother.

-l\liss lll11 Beck ICIIliB the Cln·lstlnn EtHlenvor meeting nt the Bn)Jtist church on Sumlay evening-.

-The regnlm· monthly meetiug of B ucket & Engine compnuy will be held on Montlny evening.

-')'hero were twenty accessions to the 1\Iethotlist church as ll l'es�lt of the re· cent revivnl set·vlces.

-The s;wing society of the . Presby­torhm chmch cleared ubout •18il at their tmkey sup�oer last week.

-Dr. R. R. Slnclulr arrived home from the south on Tuesday evening, wuch irnJiroved In health.

-The republican executive committee will hold II meeting TttesdiiY evening uirectly t�fter the primary· -1\liss Lizzie Johnson, of Eliznheth, has been visiting her lllmt, 1\lrs . .Ill. J, Stnmets on North avom1o.

-.llliss Nellie 1\Inuuing, of Centml nvonne, eutertninell 11· uuruher of fl'leutls nt 11 "tntiy pull" la1st evening,

-1\IIss June Churchill hns returueal to her home ut Dnuellen ufter ll plensnut \·islt with fl'ietuls in \Vestfiehl.

-'l'he Interior of ,John O'DleuiR' shoo Hloru on Dron<l stt•oot htiH been much illlproveal by 11 cont of bright pnlut,

-'l'ho Donnl of Tt·ntle n111l lmpt·ove· mout Associntlon, of \Vustfleltl , Is preplll'· lug to tlopopulaltU the city of Brooldyn.

. -'l'ho hoard of trnstoes of the 1\lotho· lliHt chmch will . holt! thuh· t•eguhu· monthly moutiug on Jllomlny ovonlng.

1\h• 111111 !Ill's. Ea·nu•t 1\loyer lmve bt·;;lwu

'Il l' hous4)kceplug null will Hhortly

muve to W nvurly, to reside with tbolr son,

-W. E. 1•11tu6 will probably be the oholoe ot tiro demoorntlu prlnmry for tllU IIUtUhllltiOn of tOWIIHblp COIIItllittee• UIKII,

-l'fnny Westftetders I111Ve visited the BIHJrtsmen's Show at Madison Sttnaru Gartlen, New York, dnrlug the preaeut week.

-Mise 1\lhmle Lylllle wlli,IJO tho leluler tit Ute Ohrlatlnll Erulonvor meeting nt tho Pt·oHhylurhm chnrch on Smulny oveullllf•

GILDERSLEEVE'S e • ••..•• e. e . e • -. --- • • < • •


. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Dress Linings & Trimmings.

-Eiectrlchm W, H. Cluuuberlnin hnH plnced 1m nrc light in the grocery sto1·e of·l\1. B. \,Vnlker,

-'l'he Re'v, Albert Robinson, wife mHl sou, hnve tnken UJI their residence nt. tlw home of i\h·s. Lyntle 011 Broml street. lllr. Robinson is a brother of l\Irs, Rufus Green nml is the editor of the Presbyter· i11u umguzlna, tho Assembly Heruld.


llurlctl .�\t J.,alrvlew Cemetery.

The renl!lins of the late Captnin J. W. Sansom, who died at •ruppun, N. Y. ou S11mlny, were brought to Westfieltl Oil 'l'lleStlny Rllll )uitl lit l'eRt in the flllll• ily 1•lot at Fulrview Corr.etel'Y· Del.,;n· tions from Fiwsialo Council, Roynl Ar· ciUlllllt, Upchurch Loalge, A. 0. U. ,V, nud Union Council , Royul Atltlitionnl Associ11tion und 11 huge member of friends of the <leceased viewdd the t·e· muins at the deJJOt,

Two lings, one Amel'!cau and one English, drltJ•ed the coffin, while tho body of the dead officer wore the nul· form of the werclumt mnriue service. His cap h1y on top or the casket, Tho p111l benrers were J. M. C. lll11rsh, Dr. Shermtm Cooper, nml C. B. Peddle, of Westli�ld und Chief Olllcet· lllntter· Mou, ofthe S. S. Adh·omlalck, of the Atlas Line, Cn)ltnin Sansom wns in commllll<l of this veRse),

------� · �------llan·e You �\nylhhlll to ,\dnll'thm 'l

Put \'Olll' "wuut'' 1uls In the next issue or the

·ST.\NilAUil-smul them In enrly.

Don't forget thut Jlerslsteut mh·onisiug pnys; lc.n wonl.

IMI:.!ll lltn\'U l'tt Will he Jlllhl for inform11tlou lentl lng

to the url'est null conviutlou of tim )lei'· son ot• llUl'Mons who gnve ot' cunsml to bo given polson to my llo�r Leo, Wothtestlaly llfteriiOOII,

J,um� B. WII.SON. ---··-----

Atner1cn nsos 14,000,000 cigar boxe� IIDII\IItlly,

Thu nvcrnge gaa jot consmncs five feet of 1!118 JICr hour.

English SJionklug people lltiVO the best fl'rehends u1ul eyebrows,

George I of Englund lntrodt1Cel1 tho black cookatlo trow Gormnuy 118 11 mar� o( tho Rervnut.

-· Workllll Nl1ht 111111 1111)'

'J'ho busl11st 11rul rnhrht11111t thin!( tlmt ever wna matle ls Dr. King's Nuw J,lfu PIIIM, Evory Jliii iM 11 Hllll'llr•COIItual l(loh· ulo of hunlth, tlmt ohan�rus wunknusK In to strength, IIRtlossnoMK Into unorl, lmlin fHJ( Into IUUUtlll JlO\VUr, 'l'huy ro WOII • tlea•fnl In lmlhlhJJ( 1111 thtl lullllth, Only 2Bo 11ur box. Sold at the Dal)'lll'd dl'llll IIOr41,

.. , I FREE. FREE:.

A Cup of ; Hot Coffee !





EVERYTH I NG , I · · . ·.· .


, 'J · CURTIS M·. THORPE.,_ . ..... c-.. 310-312 Park�. Plainfield, N. J.

......�,T U R R I LL'S·_..-..... o�·

Great Cash an�.: s·pecial Sale. 111 oUii 'c,\KE DF.l'AIITliENT; · · Sol iol Pucked·'l'onintoes, Bc.·can; Sue. doz.

)b · 5 Jbs. PruneR, 23c: Gi11ger· Smtp.<, lle. · B�•t Flour, flOc. hug. . .· · · ·: So11l11 Ct·ncl<�l'H, 5c lb. .:· ·

· �old Dn•t. Wn•hing Powder, 4 lbs llic. Lemon Cmelc�rS .. 5t\. lh · · . · ' · Prille.of ihe Kitchen, 3c. 'cuke, lN OUR OliOOiiliY . DEI':\!!TllENT,

Onr ComhinHtion-2 cks Soup, 1 Snpolio, Nict> SW��t Corn, 7c. cmi ; 7�c !loz ' l ·pkg .. \Vnshh,l� Powder-nil for lOc; E11rly Jmu! Pe11s, .7c cau; . 72c. oloz.

• , 'l'o Wlicm 'l'ms MAY Ct•NCEUN : I shnl\ opCII n _MEA r 1\IARKEr in my stGt·e thiii 'wcek.nntl will 8ull u�.Ht in� but tho chowest meat, and our prices will ciJIJI(IIlre with .IIIIJ ·to be f�n 11ol I I! ,t'n.v. placa •

. We sell fr:r CBSh,

therefore· we can �riv.e-yon low pl'ic,•<i-:-and I u rrtll, he pays the fretght • .

Turrilr·s .. . Qg,artment Store� T .. 1.�1t"'"' nnH, �.,;"· . . .

. ' <QrESTI'IELD, Jf.

forget that 'Ie are selling Shoal which we guarantee at p'rices as Io .v ns the snme quality can be pnroh isod in

. tho city, and in some

c•<scs lower;.


DOc., ODe., S1 .00. CHARLES CLARK,

Broatl ltre•t, Weatlleld.


"l'1alr\'lew lleully" Ueftllllll the . c-:enrJtt!

Gfmld Cnmk•ll·jJit!t,:.l'lo-"FIIII'View l\leally, " 1111 English point

er, bretl by C. P. W ilcox mul owueol by 1\h, Wilcox nntl Cllllrles Burtis, of tlti• tuwu, took the prize in tho ,clunupiou cln•• 11t the dog show In New Yorir last weeir, winning o1·m· the iloi(S from the Cl'llck lreunels of G eut·gu (.toul<l. i\[r · Wilcux wou this ijouuu clnss lnRt yonr with "Fny �'l'emplutnu,'' nml nfiet'\I'Hnl sold her to Olnm nce lllneirny for $7u0.

".l!'nhTiuw Flip" 11'118 mwtiw.r1 .EII!;llsh pohlt . .,l' ontot Ctl hy Jilt·. W ilcox lust weeh, nml won tho lll'izn, olei'Pntiug Uinreuce Mnclrny's ",\lieu Leslie, " for which tho New Yol'ir m1111 t'I 'C<mtiy pni<l $GoO,

___...-.-. ..---U PCHURCH LODGE GROWING.

J<�lttn•n Nmt• �lmulwl'.tl JINwht•fJ o u 'J'n1•Ho• tiny t�\'tiiiiiiN'•

'rho memlout•s of Ut•ch nreh Loolgo, A . 0. U. \V, , Hlll')ll'l•ml U l'llllll 0\'et'8eOI' Vt•eolauul nn 'l'ne•tlny 11Vunlng when thuy Jli'UHeututl fur iultlntlnu nine cnmll•illtuH, uml befot·o he wus tht·ungh wllh thum UIIOtllOI' Ullllle his llJIJIOIII'IIUCe, \mt thiH \VIIS uot nil, for, liM hll wns llulshlntt uu

tho tenth lllllll1 llecortiOI' nllili! IIJIJiellred with Rtlll nnothel', It IH uot ofton tlu1t tlta ll•lll11tlou c�ruwuy IH Jlvrrm·rnml tht•ue thtteK 1111 01111 uvunlug, lllltl It 8I1UIIkH woll ful' thu h11stlhlll mumlJot·s of UtiOhlll'ch Lutl!lu.

-----�·· .. ------Not one ohlltl tlloH whui'U toll formerly

tlletl from ct·ont•· P�o11lu lmvo lellrlwtl tho \'ltlno of 011u llllnnte Con11h Onru nrul usu It fur Hovuro l11ng 111111 thJ•unt tronbh1s. It hnmUillntoly stotts oOIII!Ii• IIIII• It uovor ftllls, W, II, 'l'I'UIIt'hlll'd,

There'll be Mu�ic.n · ·@I�� iu tha aii·, and iu C'!,cry

7 '\ household, R8 well ·· l when .the people !.earn

thnt the populnr pteces v of i'iOc �[usic can be

obtained for



fish • . •

Vegetables ... Everything nice Frcsb.


Doli i'Ol'ios mmle to snit onr pa· tl'OHB,

l'l'ioos !18 low 118 consistent with host stock.


BAUMANN'S PHOTO STUDIO (t'ormnrly New York)

Elm 5ti'Ht, Weatlleld, N. J, All Styles of Photographs ... ...

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lllyhoolchiHo work only, l'rloo• rOJRBODIIble. Anu1tour wotk lluloboil llllll luotruotlouo tllvoa.


. ·. ·


Page 6:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

.A WOMAN'S MERCY. He hnrl stopped behind the other

'f!utlcrs, nml she came Into; null Aunt !l,N'�su wn,s wise enough to leave together. ·

. ''It Is 11 long salll lte. . oj , "Is It? I don't remember. It rloesu ,

BCCUl long." '"Oulr u yenr." . ''Is ihn t nll'l" She . sn.nk

upon :m o<ttomnu, _nnll h_e

. . . . . sldo bel'. .' · . ' . . .-, -'· "· . . _. -:. · · ·.: . . : ·, "Yon nre not lookiog woll." .

"Oh tha t's only · mr pule, 'utg-e�'e!l , girl : estill� io .n rel't ' . "''llh•lsnt�··'·' .,., ..... non• tentul'es;; ns J·Ou

·novels.'.' , · "'l'ftn t 'wn·s

then." "Yon' nrc · u!ifot•gl'l'lng,'.'�;· b� ; IBnl.�l� l

'tcrh·, with. n ·rae�. .,., �"·' :. : ··

"'Oh, no! Jlesltlcs," ihc ·.

.bn!l Jniely .. ·You see, . .. . . . . , . anytTtlug . tlreteutlous .. euougb_, f�r · no· tlce b'o' yon." · · ' · ; · · ·

"Pr�bnlily lui \\;ould'uow ·ndmlt thnt he wns mlstnlwn . . 'l'lme : mn�; ha\'e tnugltt him tlutt your l!le;t. of n WO· tunu WIIS truer than he supposed. !l'lme " he sll:hc!l, "destroys n_ good utmn:·of our llluslous." .

"G,rent ' 'crltlcs should rbe f1·ce. from

Jllustons." · ·

"llr muslon of womnn's goodness Is uot quite gone;· ne\'et·thelcss •

. : · I _re· meu!llcr 'Dl.\'. inothcr sometimes, . ns "'ell liS-" He ltn!ISC<l !lwln�·:�rdly,

"Other WOm':'_n ?" . " "Another. womuu. ,

anus mm·ci," :be hungrlly nt her. ·. ·


:_:bi yoiir' tnle?" · His tone waii chlll.'l w'tth assumed tndlfferL''ll��· . . "Shs:Jne:wt to, but�


M;,, Ulnnk 1.'eJ1" ,;;-Juke at ller o•n J!:XJIIUIIeo

"'l,clr me." , ''When she met. him she !ll!ln t kno\V

THING OR t mnny ntllcs AMERICA HAS LEARNED A It was In a town no

ere was re· TWO ABOUT MM<ING THEM. from Was.ltington that tfh

squerudo thnl h� wns the critic." . .,

�·.\•i•l he r�n In lore with hC! ? .

cently given a couple o rna the s�c· a rUes nt pt•i vatc houses. At

·st "He �:tid so." . ,.,

· ",f'lll<l ' she Jll;e 'hlm-·�ll'�es I J;ls fncl' wns .still cold, bnt 1Jis ''alec " us

A Ga eut Nn mbo•r nf 1'11em ;\ro Jmpurll'll �nd of these the hostess or �hO


c-11 a·e I' rum J!'r·auce und :t;ua:lnucl Uut party found hcl'!iClf tulldng vel� sup­u."o Grenier X u mber Aro No\r Dllulo b7 ably Wllll a mask In WbO�C:lll�l who

_lilnlost ·: . • In-· its ··. I he recognized a gen Amea·lclln :ttunuf•u•tuaor• poSC( s . b , own entertain· ' It b 0 to town aftm et

1 Not so long ago It )VOU!d ave eon com Sl ' I . for tho snlte of lndu g-

heres for the smoker of a pipe men!. u P l ·ma ot un·owing

�an�� perfe�tly satis!led with unythtng lng In �ou,:ers�W��e 'scen t of her own 1� the shape of a "�rlnr root" thnt did l the gcn: emau

'b'l ' not come froni the other side o f . tho l lde

.nt!t� s�o us:·

.!J;·s. lllan lts mnsquor-Atlantlc, but the excellence of Ute, \\ ��

r� ;.,?,u •·

Amct•lcnn briar, ns It Is now mnde,l�s I n�?Nl' " �� nllawered. "I was not )lon-

bevontl question, and' It Is now no - �;·ith an luvitntlon." ID!i its own ugalnst the Imported pro· m:?d, . In town ut the time?" II he

duct 'l'hls Is greatly due to Improve- I \\ et o you . • urlon rc·

menis In wood turning mnchlnerr., by l ln�u!r•�;· h piled "but 1\lrs. Dlnnk

means of which Amet·icnn manufactur- . '1: cs, e re " ' . . . . w mnklng the greater part . does not like noc. Mrs.

l�tl��; �����.��;:.� / ��

s t�:


se�hl��d t!�rn;::ra ���:g� I D����:



t��� ��::,��tly

u���rmlncd tory " she out at a P

I '1'h I l llctmy herself. s ' would have seem(\d lmposslb e. . � n�� ocsn't eh ?" the lady retu_rned,

I uot know ra:��:.:���=�r�r:��::u�:����! ;ii! . ��r�����:�' ":���ll���· ���

��!t�!. 0��:! .,,,

.·.,,.,."'f>red llrtul•', "''OU do many were suppl ied by Eng an ,

f te

I are aJwuys assumlug that olh-•' • ' wood from which they are manu ac- peop e know " lt." •

•. tured here Ia still Imported from ,l!;u- ers do !lot ll ke




y�� a trlOe an· 1 should like to ltenr." · Hut · · · · Her compuu � " sltt> knew tltat he ltnd ltnnleue�· ·Itt� ro��e. best briar 11 · French, · but · a noyed. t ;, h re 1 ' 1 d nd "I am not one or that aor , e • ltenrt. .

r;ood briar Ia produced n E�g. an

R torted, ratlter brusquely. "Jlestdes, "Well,tshe �esolred to let him go on In sonie parts or Germany. '1 be V/oO<l b did ng hdt'____:." • ,.. comes over In rough blocks, tree · ot she hns Intimated to me that 8 8

r..·\. sot·t of rc\·cngc. · · k d In bags ·. · · not like me." . I duty, pac e • · . • •· , 19 it lair to ask bow'" Mrs. Blank ' "She mnde hers!'lf ns nttrnct re ns . 'l'lte bags bold (rom 200 to 300 bloclr.B

d t she coni!!. She wasn't \'cry pretty, each, and tbe· tmportatlon r11na up to asked, entirely mystified In regar 0 yon !mow; merely n 'stqnll, 'pnlc, big· about 6;000 bags yearly, When the the ldt.!ntlty of her Interlocutor. eyed'-" " blocks arrive they are roughly shaped. "Why, I should not mind tetlin�

"l•'or ·God's sattel he cried, fiercely To shape the bowl e.nd cut . awe.y tbe you ·If 1 were aure thllt )'OU wouldu l and · honrseb·. · superOous wood ·tb

.ey put Into tile repent lt." ., "Well, somehow she rnnllc blm like "frazlng" machine. Another e.pplllmce "Oh. 1 naver betray a conlldence, her, .nnd she-" reduces the stems and hollows out. the the lady said, eagerly. ·

"llntc11 him nil the lime?'' ,, bowl; after which It assumes some The 11ent1eman leaned over until hla "No-o-not altogether-In the tnlc. semblance of what It Is Intended for. face under the mask · was near to hers, "Then hc,.)Jropose<11 to her_;" ' It Is then carefully sand Pjlilered and "I asked her to marry me.�· · "Yes: ·he protlOS(J(I to lwr. ., pumlcestoned, until It Is brought to Mrs. Blank was more startled than "Lamely' euongh-bnt cnrnestly. I the proper size. '!'he last opcratloa be- e\'er. The train of her old sultors­· wns.t.lte rngc of n caged nulmnl l fore the pipe receives Its etem and and tn her day she had bud not a few

11111,.·ucn•u . . ·hls qntct \'olce. trimmings le tbe drilling or the air- -came up !Jofore ber ntental vision, · f Not lamely nt nil: holiPBt· . hole. · and abc wondered which one of them manfully, nml lo\'lllgly. He 1 Tb� stems are made of eltber cello· chance ha d brought to her side to­

. < spleml lll chnrnct�r-ln the lold, bone, bard rubber or amber. Am- night, but In vain. . · · · · · stt•nitgc that he coultl • ber Is costly nnd Is rarely attached to "But," she ·said, slowly, "because a . the· ltet'O·l\'Orsltltl In her tone. , the cheaper 'grades of pipes. Tho de- Indy refused your hand It does not fol-

':_!;!w .. thou�;ht ·he wnsu't ?" maud Is . steadily Increasing, nnil Ute low that she dislikes you. I nm suru · · :-'she · thoul(ht he w-as. She American pipes are supplanting those a woman Is not to be SUJlJloscd to dls­

: \\'as." · Sbe 51e11 her ltnjtdcr-� of Europe In this marltet. Every. like every man she d�ea not wish to In !mot�.

· omoker nowadays prefers a briar to a marry. That would be a most absuril yoit are trrtug to plny with clay · and some prefer It to the meer- assumt>tlon." 1 ''·';'"""'eu�·· uoot·.umlcr�tnml." I scbnum: Much or the present activ!Ly "To · be sure It would," he n5sented she �IIIII JtnSHiountcl;!'. lool;tug In this demand ts said to be due tu tlte cheet·fully, "but In tltlo particular ca1111

tit -'·bltit . with· white, drawn fnc" llnnnclal depr<sston or the last tt>W she did not r"fuse me." · ·:!llth·crtn:i lltJS, n ml �res full of years, which drove many people wno "Did not refuse you1" echoed Mrs. """'"'''" "· ' pntii: "you tlo not understand. He j bad before then· smoked nothing b'Jt Dlank tn D.stonlsbment. "Sne certaln-

!lld not' understa nd." cigars to the much more economlc:ll Iy d id not accept you." -

llOSS. ..:· : · :· . : . ·. · . . ':- . • "0, no, not. ittileli,'' ; snltl lie:_, . . '.'Not lenough to stiol!'. niy nrt,, such ns It 1�.

My lntcst l11dy-ln-a-book - hns cuught n touch of you. 'But eren she comes nil · right hr the third ·yoJnme-,-nt· •lens!, . wimt \\'Quill be the third \', If

· the!' · wet·en't 111l In one now." · "Yes," · snl!l she, thoughtfully. "I

on!lerstoiXJ when I rend lt. She wns· a much !Jetter womnn tltnn I." .

''I gnthet•cd thnt you bndu't read the book?" · ·

"Oh, tbnt "'ns DIY-IInsthiess. Of course l'\'C rend it, E\'!'ry oue bns' rend tt. llesldcs, It ts pnrt of my bust-· nes• no\\· to · rend the books of you grent people.!' . ·

'"Whnt! Yon n critic! What for?" "Tlie Dully Thun!lcrtolt." ·

He looked nt her In mute nstonlsh­mcut. For The Thunderbolt ltnd enlle•l Ills hool< the grcn test work of the grcn.test wt·ltcr of tlte nge-,-whlcll be knew wnsn't n·ue.

"You wrote thnt critique?" snld he slowly. "I ought to thnnl; you, · y sup· pose. ' But I confess I do not under-' stnnd you." .

"No," she answered sn(Uy, "you do not um1erstn ml me. You ncYer· will un!lei·stn ml · me. I cimuot un!lerstau!l llll'Self sometimes.. I nm full · of wi·ctclietl nerves, the 'doctors suy."

"Did 'o'OU rend 'A 'Womnn's lfet•ey,' tn The' New· . ;\fn�:uzllic?"". she ·nsite!!' BlltHienly, .:· · .", ·>�,·· . . ·:·,, .

• •·Dt!l· she not rcrnsc him? Dhl she ., pipe. Another reason given by 'tbe 'That Is precisely what sbe did do." not t!!ll ·him that the crlttelsm hnd ! proprietors or cigar stores Is that the "It ts not--" Mr1. Dlan'k began, .u�n�:l�ltO.:Ii her hent·t? Did she n�t 1 national prejudice against the Pill? •• and then conslderlag that If she men­tell 111m tf:iit �he ·bnd l'I'Soh·ed to tnf,c cradually giving way to tho ln!lucuc� ttoned names she mlght show ' more 'the bltter�st rc.\'!!ltge . . that . II .. Wot!)n�t i of European fashion, and many of knowledge of Mrs. Blank's atralrli than eould-tttke·? Dltl she not tell him that them prophesy that before many ycarc was compatible with pretending to be she ·hnd studied his books to lltul the the sight of an Englishman walk_tng another perHon, she changed her sen• wu �·s thnt nttrncted ltlm most, to down Broadway smoking bla briar tence e.nd said, "creditable that she mnkc him ent'l' for her? Die! she nc:it root will excite no comment, slnce ·tlle should ·accept you and. then marry au­tell htm·· thnt abc hncl menut him to custom of outdoor pipe smok!n� Is al- other maa." proJJCisc ·thnt she might refnse him ? ready being treated . wltb a surprlslnll "She didn't, Kate," .her husband Dl!l she trot any that she wnnted ltlm tolerance by Americans themselves.- ��ald. tn his own natural Yotce, "lbe to enrc for· Iter all the reBit of his life?" St. Louts Globe-Democrat. J:Jarrled me." He stood UJl nml towered O\'Cr · her -

·Tom!" ·ahe esclalmed. like nn nl'Cilslng nngel. A llhl•••••"'l"•· • r ·


"Yes. m,. dear," Tom. answered. "Yes," · she said with a sob. The Chinese, so far as cr.n ·be learn- ':You told me at our party that I "But�" . ed from history; are the oldest natl�n eouldn't fool you, even If I did wear a "But! There Is no 'but' to excuse on the earth.· TheJ' are; to. us of ex- mask'." ' , ·

such conduct ns tluitl" · � · treme modern Ideal, a 1tran11e people, "You · are a wretch and a monster," "All, but she bn<l a lot mo�e to say and some of their ways and· fancles are lhe declared, "ind 1 will never for1tve If be would hR\'C beard ' her,' But he not to be explained. 1'he most palnl-you: . cursed her ami went nway-ln thl• taking scho!tlra and antiquarians I:'P- . But she did, and told the joke at Iter tnlel" ' pear 'to have ·failed; In many partlcu-

"Agnes!" She sohhml uncontrolletlly lara, to dlacover the motlvea that ac- own· expenae before the eve11in1 wu behind her hamlkerehlcf. "Agnes, for tuate the lndl\'lduall ·Of this prehls· OYer.--:-Waabln,toa ��ar. mercy's sake''tcll me · wlm't wouhl she torte race. Yet, doubtlesa, .the cer!'-linYe tol!l him If he hnd not gone." montes that we . see the� solng lloownn, . She Jookt>d Ull . with n tenr-�tnlned t hrougl\ In mlnln! camps on the Pa· Widow to admlret• (who has just fnee. ' elllc coast are all to them as full of proposed)- I loved my last husband us "St\c would hnvc told him," she snit!, meanlni as the rltea of modern rellll· few women could Jove. I never let steadying her \'olce hrn\'ely nnd lny· ! toit ·are to the bellevera In Christian·· him out of my sight for IonS: lle nov­lug hm· fluget··tlps upon his nrm, "thnt tty, . . The Chinese, In som? respects,, · er sta)'ed from home after 7, nnd he he hull conquered hm• pnssloll nml her are not unlike the army of the .�rtho- gave nte all Ills money to take care of. w lckedue�s; that she hml fomul out dox Jn, the church mllltant, .who be· 1 enn make any man happy, but' If b' how :;r .. nt and stt·ong nml klud be lleve In a person11l life of the ·prel!en� dares to trilla with my atrecttons let


wns-'' humnn frame In thO world beyond. The I him beware. Now you may kiss me • . "Agnes, little Agnes! Wonlll sl1e Chinese 1:ustom of decapitating their

"No, · l'ui ' nfrn ld · 1 :·didn't. , l\·111." . :, .; • .; ;.�·�·,� ·';.� ,·1(:. ;:-- <:

hm·e told him thnt she lo\'ed him?" . 1 enemies slnln ln· war Is eJrplalned by "I-I don't know. i'hc-the tnle 1 the statement thnt they b�lleve that But · 1 stops." the appearnnce of a person Ill the sptr-"Hut our tnlc, <lenr'l" Ther!l wns It wotld without a head Is prima facie snmethlug In his \'Oice thn.t wus pnst evidence of haying committed some !leserlhlu�:. crime, noll punishment Is awarded ac·

A Naalural Mequrmc�. Al'bl•ttnot-"1 hear thnt the Indies

of an old Salvation Army at•o transter­rlug theh· alle�lance �n masse to Ita new rl val ott shoot.'• •

. "ll Isn't wortlt';yonr notice.'� ' ·•ii. wlll' llu',thc.J•i!lgc of tltnt: · Whitt'

ls '·lt nb91it?'.::; � '; \f''' .. :·,,. " . : . "Oh l.:::.n ·'mnu•''nrid . a . womiJn..:..the liS·' unl ' thing.'' _ . , ·�'<:•· .......... " .. '

"Wiin t mnn ' nmr·l\;omnn?" "�\ ct·l tfc n m!' n '.writer.'� ''Ire ·bccnmo

nl�rt with Interest. · .. · · ·

"'l'ell me fl hout u;n . "I-1 1lon't think . I cnn t•enienlber.'' JJcr fnco wns \'CI'Y pink now, ·. "I should so lnuclt !lite you to," he

plen!ler1. ,, "Well, She wns n woulrl-hc '''l'ltm•,

11 poor, scnslth·e, neurotic crenl lll'l', like me-only not eo nnstr"-shc JlflURNI for contt·nrllctlon, hut he wns silent.

HSilc wroln n hoolt once," sho con­tlnnoll, "wlwn slw wns young nnrl fnnclful. Tlwl'O wns n wmn11 n In lt-11 hll tl'l', 1111 1'11, 1'1'1\l'l ll'nmun-hot•ro\1'1'<'1 (1'0111 somo ,\'r•llow-hnclw•l no\'l'l-nnt ho1• own ct•t•n tlll'l', l'l'!l ll,r-not '"'"II hl'l' nnsi�· sl•lf-" Him JIIIUS!'Il n!(nln nut! loolw1l nnxl•nJst�·. ll lllll'll l lngty nt him.

hXot h(lt' t L'lH! I-H�l f-lwr hettL'l' RPlf," ho RUJ(!(l'RIP!l, gr•ntf,\', "Not nrt•oJ't l lng to m�· l nlr•. Well, t11o f10olt went olt fnlrl\' Wl'll fn1• '' fli'Rt \'Chilll'C: hut II !(l'l'llt Cl'lllc IIIHht•tl

tho hel'nlne llll'l'cllt!sst�·." "You own tho hl!J'olnu wr.s hnrl?"

The lllfJIIh')' Hl'!•lnt•tl fm•e!HI fl'fllll him, It WIIR su Hllll1lrn lllltl l'clwnwnl. . 00\'ps-Oh, )'l'�! III II t hu r•l'l t lr•lsm hu rl. h!•J'-I lu• J�IJ•I whn Wl'ntr• l t-thP Jllllll'ot lr, 1>.1Hsln11111o �-th•l-tel'l'thl�·. Hh·� wm'l'lnl ni l rlny o\'!11' I I ; shu lny 11wnltP lit nl1�hl nn•l Cl'lutl OI'PJ' I I : Hlw·-llht•-" .11!• 1' \'OI!•t> h1•nlw, lllltl Hilt• I I I'IIHht•!l 11 11'11�' II 11°111', W l l h 1111 11111(1',1' l ! t l lt• HUh

",\uri Hn Rht• ll ll l !Hl llw l'l' l llt•1" "Rh" l1n1m1 !.hu cJ'l tll'l "'' .,,., !lwughl

1hr tlltl." .. �I' IJI'J'I' \1'118 n long �I!I'IICO, " l>ltl shn l n lto lwJ• rc\'l!ll!lo IIJlOU 111111

Then she lool<etl UJl nt him, with cordlngly. Hence, the horrible mutl­eycs brhnmlug O\'el', n ml whls(Jel'etl 1\ latlon whlcb took place on n10 evncu­word so lirolwul�· thnt he could srtm�e- : ntlon of Shnnghnl by the Tnlphigs, ly lwnr. llut he tool; hm· In his urms when the Imperial omcers gave orderl nnd held hl'l' us close us could be, ntul for the dccnpltntlon of every ·rebel sho tried to nestle closer. l body , nnd even the comus contalnln!C "0, Aggie, Aggie," ·he crle!l ; "I . the remnlns of prominent rebel lead­ought to hn\'C known-n womnu's 1- ers wore broken ·open and dishonored mercy." . to Insure their punishment herearter. Hlte lifted n Unshed, hllJlflY fncc nnrl . Hence, also the anxiety tllsplayed br 11m�w 11 pnh• of slim, \•lllful Rl'lllR ' thti friends of omeors who lost their rouml lils Itccl;, "No," shn whlspcl'ml, / bends <luring the rebellion to recover "my dcnr, denr boy, A wo1nnn's them ami stitch tb�m on to the bodt .. lo\'e l"-J. A. l•'lynn lu Dlnclc null I again, as much aa one hundred and Wlilte. thirty-three pounds having been paid Ill• o.,t��� c11080, by the ofllcers of Ute Imperial army for

lllcks-1 nm op11ose11 to t.ho Wl\ole the .head of a friend. busllll'SS of t lppl n,:-, Jt tllliO\IIItll to not·hlng less thnn lll'lhel',\', nnd It Is n ll<'J:"I'IHlntlnn to the mnn who offm·s tho t i ll null to tho mun who uccnpts 11 . On Pl'lnclr,Ie, I nover gh•o nuythlug to a \l'll l l <!l',

Wlelts-Woll, . , SUJlfJoso you nrc t•lght enough : hut O\'et•yholly hnsn't �·om•

Kll'l'lllllh of mhul, you lmow, lly tho wny, thnt.'s n lluo clgnl' �·on m·o smok­Ing, Whm•c dill you gut It? lllr!I<•-Oh, this Is one !hut Stillson gnl'o nw. When I buy n hotllo ot 11-tlwt•o ho nlwnys 'hlllJtls mo 11 cl· gnr.-HnHlon TJ•nnscl'lpt.

Stll'l'll llt-T,tllly nt tho !IOOI', mum, Sh1• 1lliln't hn\'!l no enr1!,

J,lllJ .. Silk IIIII lr<>IIO.

Arhuckle-"What ren�oa Is given?" Arhuttnot-"lt Is said that tho new

organlrntlou ltna ndopted n slightly more becoming bonnet."

SuiJPI«menlary IIJdury, Natural ly when King Nebuchnrlnez­

znr t11ok to eating grnss It mndo more or less taUt urnong the netgbbore, "Ho'a touche it In tbv head I" remark· ed some. But there weru others who were more ratlonnl, "He's paying an election bet ! " de­clared they, conlldently,

Oreal hhmrtttlou. Younger Slster-"Why did you tell

Mr. Cnllnr.aln bow old I am?" Elder Blster-"You're too young for

that to mnke any dltlereuce. Now, It would be dlll'erent If fOu were to tell my age."

"Well, I didn't. I on11 told him J'OII wo1'e ten Jeara older ,than I am,"

In Balr••llo Hutband-"My darllnr, when 1 am cone, how will you enr lit able to par

.the doctor'• hill T" , ·

wur.-"Don't worrr about 'that, dear, If tho worst oomea to the wnret, I will marry lbt dootor,"--Modlcal .Journal.

The man who has looked upon the curllnR Iron In the hands of his fair friends with disdain .will do well to tr1 and let them forget his scorn, for there · Ia a handy little Iron now for which be will llnrt use himself. This Is a minute 11lk bat. Iron whlcb conforms to the ahape of the vnrloua parts of bla latest and most fashionable tile, Like the ourllng Iron, It, too, baa a handle b' whlob It Ia hold over tbo 1181 Jet to h heated before belns passed over tb11 allk surface of the hat. For sudden emergenolos thla Iron, which can bt uaed nt home In a very few minute., will be found n very handy arr11n1e· ment, nnd save muoh vexation In walt.­lnl for the l111t mnn to Perform 1n op· erntlon which ahould take but a few IDIIIUtOI.

�II" ! i•t•H�-Whn t !locH Hho loolc llko? Ht•J'\'n n!.-lll•tl hnh•, cnt o)'HM, thlu llltH, 111!1,1' r•hlu, 1 111 ' hnolcml uoKu, Hhe I& u .... lonltK IlK If sho'd blto u hmJy1s hen!} IT Mabel-Do )'OU thlak the 111e of 0 ii !Hii'rHH-'I'Pil !tor I'll ho 1 ,. 1 Justloo-"HIIve 1ou any chlldrea, 1laor · b)' a :younr woma1 could ever ' 1 01• 11 II n t.fra Murphy ?" · lend to Jli'OfMnlty ? moHwHt, Shu's ll l'ohnhl�· r.•ollt,ctiH� I , M�a Murphy-"YII l llaye'two IIYIIl' Abel-It ml1llt 111 tile part or tbe UIOJI!'.f tnr flDlllo c�nl'lly -Noll' Yorlt , ' IIIBJ'rlcd " ' · , : b h 4 11 Wooloy, }D wan ,

. : , , , ,\'· . , ,;�nit� . .. �.�r

- -� .. :.����:��::��:

3, J899.


7)(CA�PE • ' � . · OEPARTf«El


. Made ours one of .the finest · pet Oepartmenia·ln :the

-�-� ··

MOOUHU C�RPUS '�:��t����d 75C. TO $1.00 AXMI�SUH " " · 75C. TO 11.00 · TAPfSJRY " . 65.6: TO 750 VHVH " " 891l.'i ltOO . SAVONNfRIC " "


. · · · II. 48 fXJRA 8UPfH INGRAIN. 60, 65, 75, 850. . ��'

, -�� Bl8T INGRAII ART 80UIRl8,

2!X3, .f•98; 3X3h S•7Sl 3lX.f, H�GANT SIYRII RUGS, CSxp, 7•!18; sx.•o, 8.!18; !lXI�,

MOQUEnE RUGS, til-in., j,&:.; . 27-ln.; 1.98; 36-in.,

· Oxl2, 21.98,

Japane�e and China Mattlngs,

IOC. "to 38c. yd.

.Shades, Oil Cloths, Llnoleums, Cocoa nats, Rubber nats, Curtain Polea and Fixtures, ·etc., ·etc:.


Tradlnz Stamps Olven with All CuhlPurc:hues.

WOODMQLL · & ··MARTIN,; • I " • • � • 234.238·238� �


o·N E ·. . ' .: ' A o�

o•· . . , .

. . .

:f;.-+ MILLIONS . , .· . I

How many people will discover the advan• tage of trading· with YOU if you . 1 • 1apn't adverti�e ? · .

TheH c:olumna ar� tfle best mcdld for reac:hlq people berubout.

��u I · --uonst;s ANJt ·..,,u�mAm�s: · · .

BOLL'S HEAD COMMISSION STABLES. 495 an4 497 Br�ad St_reet •. . ·

Nt:W AUK, N, J, .

The Lar�est Sale St�bles i� New� J erscy. : · �

Largo Au�tlon S.loi 'of ISO to :aso heail of Hol'HI . every Tuesday and Friday • •


'l'hcsc snle& hu \ntlo Tl'Ottern Pnccrrt, CuhH, }i'tunll)•, 8Rtltl10, Mn.tuhcd Palra, Uuslncss, Farm Extn'eiif', .ll'r"'c)' Ohunks llncl Jlt'a\'Y l •tlluJ,Cllt Jlnrsos, wcluhlruc J,.&fiO to J,8fiU I1Js,

\�ot::���[:)��tl��!, �� ?��:.�:���(.1!1�( g,t,�·:l:i'u�'l�'t�'2�';�0��� ���)��·�.�������c�����fnc sohl ycrr cheaP

nrut urO J'IIIInblo fnr fnrm u!;c , · 1 ttc nil Jn• · · 'l'hlsl.!t t im tlllllUliUHt t•lnt!u JU t h n oii.Mt t o buy hnrsm1 tifflllY tloscrl11tlou, tuul w u n v 0 l'I\R aell tctulln� llllr<lu<>III'H lu c11l1 111Jil look uur stock uvor 11111! we will clliiVhwu lhom11kthn\��tnll Hinble. . them :..•u IJOt cout. clwntJtJt t Jum uny otlwr l'hll'tt In thu Olult. \\'u RI'O llot 0 11• which are Wu lm\'ll ttl c)o'4n thusu hoi'!Ws nuL cuoh Wt!ek tu nu•ku rnotn fur fruKia cnniJIJ,Cnrntmt,. 8 t rill I on cnntttllntly tu•rJvlnu frnm tho l••rtln \Vtlllturu tdtllliKtrH. \Vo Kivu nl l lmrohll�fli'B ti\"0 U'� Hvluil al nil hm·tteK. tllul If not '"' ro\JrestJiltml purutuum muuuy chcurfui iY rtJfundt.1·•111, n1rt f.,Iegralll or · 11. tllstuucu nnd cunuot uut 1nrsts biwk oororu tho warr"ntue _,XIII rea, wo w uccv 1 tutuvltonu muss11�u lur """'"· HOY A FOX, Proprietors.

JOB. 8. BOY and JAOOB BIIULTB, Auotloneen, J, B. MOBBHOUB, Salesman.

J. F. DORVALL,..-.-.. R DRUGGIST. Broad Street, Car • . �lm, Westfield,. N. J,

Page 7:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First

I. . ' The Cranf�rd ·

· Gas Ltght ·Co. Incorporated ttr;:::.

:,' GAS for lllumlnitlng

and Fuel Purposes.


GAS RAHGB , ·. ·

For Cooking.

·. The Cranford , Gu Lisht Co., .



wb'tfls ".l rape worm ell&lal•ell re�>t lolllr at least camu on lba sceue after Ulf taktng t.wo OA�UAUWl'S. • 'l'hls l Utu sul"e has cnuscd my b!Ltl bmllth for the threo l'Cilrs J tun atlll ttLklug OlutuurutR, tho only cnthnrliC v.·ortby or no�loe by sunHiblo Jlcopte " • I G&o .. w. nOwt.q, U"lrd, blip.

'J'nste Gooct. Do · , Grii•C, Jllc. tM:,UJc. ••• CURE CONSTIPATION, ... lll•riiiJf 11,••1"11 t'tnar,t•f• f"hlen'"• Jlcn•frtal, ll"rw fori. !11

110· TO·BAC. :!!::� ����:�'il;{'.�!b'b��,lo 0t1•1u1:i��-


Came ''""k lo Tuwu with Jt&aUJ' of n•• Pee�ut. JJu�·fal fur J•ct• _ ju Ga·ave• Bold or \l'lnultllf \l'HJ• l.etrt. .on I he 8t

_a1e• · · Lt1Mnt.ul. ,

Last year one of the photographic A society has just been founded In studios of this town employed a quiet, 'Paris whose obje<!t Is tlie creation of a demure nice-looking young thing as a cemetery for dogs. M. Harmols, the reception J'OOm girl; After spending' editor cit a popular magazine, ,.Is the her days staving o!r bad-tempered peo- Ol'lglnator of the project. 'l'b.e almost pie who wanted to see the proofs o( total absence In Paris of the bnck gar­their negatlves ten inlnutes after sit- ilen makes It a dllllcuit matter · to carry ling Cor them, "spotting" prints with a. out a canine runeral with anything a'p­flne camel's hair brilah, ana such, for· proachlng decency, The more devoted five-a-week, this demure, shy young •owners of dogs convey the carcasses of thing attended a vocal conservatory, their. petR to tho open spaces In the where she was having her small, . but surrounding suburbs, ' with the result puro and sweet, young soprano cult!- that every. no\V and then tile Plltlers

· vatcd. · Also, she put In much o� her contain accounts of some ·· dereaved spare time at church sewln&'· circles, person lJelng urrestt:d by a local po­cholr reluiarsals, and so· 'on. She at- llceman · on the charge of clandestinely ways dressed In black, and when Bllolt- .burying a baby, whereas all he nau en to. slJC bud a very fetching way of done .was to consign hls pug or Ills easth1g her eyes upon the ground-tha! spaniel to Jts last resting _place. Is,. llgut·atively Btlcaklng. She surely As .a rule. of conrse, no such trouble

3, J899 • ..

.. ... .. , ..... �k ... For the name of Shylock which hn•

n'eva.· · been dcrlvltely or historically

lnterpretct\ to our knowledge, Prof. Pauins CnF.sel, the o'erman theologian nnd historian, of Derlin, gives tho 'fol­lowing sntlsfuctory explanation In his lntol·esllng boolc entitled, "Literature und Symbolics," a recent pn!Jl!catlon of tiJIR voluminous writer on culture und arclweology. Ocl<, he says, Is a word te1·mtnallon found tri many an­

cient Jrlsh names, wh ich someliow cor­responds to the Lillln , eridlrig "us." Shy! . Is the Hebrew name at Shaul. Saul,' In Latin Sauluii. "'l'he poet," observes Pro!. Cassel, "represents In Shy loci< the Old Tcstamllnl- zealot and persecutor, . who wields the . swol'd of

, tho '!tiller,. nntl .wh o, chimgctl Into .st. Paui_:tiroclalms the truth that the let­

'teJ• klllctli,'·.the Stlli·lt glyeth life, and love Js th�. rullillmj)nt of the Jaw."

was an exh·emely retiring little per- Is taken, and the dog's hearse Is the •.: UNION WAT• eon. dust cnl't. A str·ong 'contingent at tho Eft COMPA.NY Well, early last autumn she sudden!;, departed find their way to the Selno, Incorporated 187o. Organlz.d 1s91, pacltcd up her things, went to New out of which river In the course of Its

'l'ht · Uuion Water Com puny RIIJlt•lies Yol'k and jol:led a famous comic opem passage tlumigh Paris some 20,000 car­the iullllhitunts of the villul(eR of F11r: outfit as 11 chol'Us gll'l. Of course, she casses are fished out annually, the ma­woul!, Wt•ritli<Jl•l. Cnml'ur•l 111111 Ro8e;;. receive<! the usual anti custoninry jorlty of them those of dogs. The wa­with wnt�r t'u•· tlomestic U'!l. !mock ing at the Jinnds at her assoc- tery bm·lal Is bad tor the ncct!'r we "The Purest and Sweetcst that Nature can Yield.'; lutes In this town for her net, but she are usually asked to drink f!'r a week · wns a couple or hundred miles awny or two Jn the hclght of suminer, and tn .Junu 18115 tho wn.tllr su\JLiliPtl hr

·tbo C••m· and, or courr.e, didn't mlnd that. Is an Ignominious end for the animals

A country gentleman of Cheshire wus"once · sei1t galloping 20 miles to fetch the pollee to catch the thief who

���::fln�·ct�·�l���·��:/[�m!nw:1:��rt�1u�"u!,�;l�����;u�;�qi•i·c� 41Anylww, she'l l come hnck to us the who suffer· it, Conslderntions of this :����/l�.�:! ,�',\',Ni\'�,'�,i.l'�;.';�·.:�:·, ;:L��·�:���·:��:�·�.\� ilame l lttle, srlnldng Agnes,thnt she kind hnve Induced 111. Harmols to start '"" ro11s hu llllcl• "\'nu uru ln-bu cuJJ�mtuho(ucl n!wnys wus," said the more chm·ltably his scheme. He applied for helJl to the l:�:\�� ),','���\:�:;� �;·,������.:�.��i�,· 1;�":vtl;:'1�.��,��6� • . Incli ned of lwr frletll1s, Society for the Pr.oventlon · of Cruelty no••·" · · Sh e cnme !Jack to Washington a few · to .Animals, but that body decided at w�1�l:uti��\�1W���u'!:1 ,�',�?h1�J�11W�l�11',u!R1�c1�!�1:f�!1� weeks ago with ttui· comic op_cra out- itS·. la�t genet·�] mce.ting that its rc· · nne! II. b lho tJOIIuy o! tim 111,.,1,.�umuJJt to do .fit to Which she was attached, stil l In sponslblllty- ended with the. decease of ltK filii KhiLru to !>I'OIIIoto tlwh· lll'IIWth untl tho c

,n!lnclty of n . second-row chorus Its clients. In. reality the society's 1'"'"'"'''1tr. · · !oldy. A ·ntce , little matron, who had policy Is . on'e of masterly lnnctivlty

, :JRESH FROM THE COU NTRY. The Company refers tonll lt.s Pnt�ons. kno\vn tho dcmnl'e; shrinking· young throughout, and It Is held In such · tl th · · A t t1 1 1 " m b viomun for a ·long time, m"t !lor on the slight esteem thnt one or Its most ells-

· hac! stolen a check from lnslde an en­velope which . was Inside his own let­t�>r box, · In Il ls own hall gate,-al l through a tomtit. The envelope and the.

covering Jetter were 'there, tnlt �!Je whereabouts or the check might !{ave remnluecl ns great a mystery as any Thames embnnltment robbery In open daylight, but that when the gentleman n"nd the pollee nrrlvecl and 'i>r.oceeded solemnly· to Inspect the letter• box two tomtits Wet•c tllscovercd Inside. This led to n search, nnd 20 yards off, lying on the ground, with bonk marks upon It, wns tllC check. Whether the tom­t-Its had rett(rned to find out In whose name they shonl1l forge the endo�se­ment to the check Is not cleni·, but this new development of the crlmluul tend: ancy, whi ch has always b�en Intent. In the whole race of tits, cannot be too strongly reprobated.

r If there is 0116 t\�tng lllOTO 1\\h O el' plmLS�!�rrg���t'!m''�lll�.fe�·,�!j,()�jl,��rri�llrt ���esent' . · : that makes 0110 stlCCf/"-Sful in �usiness, [����i�','',�,';,[l;�:l'c,}t;111�����,"�,�:"' _8 ,1,in.n rate•, ��;�:� ���n:f�::�

o��· a ;���m_rc�:�:.�� ���.��sl;��t n��m��!s 0�� �:c�!��� ��; it is jntlgement in buying. t's ellsy ·

. · Alpine hal, with n feather jauntily which he ventured t11 Intervene In Its 'fnongh to solt' n good thing if P00i•le Union Water Com'pany, sllick to the lert side· of It, her hnlr nnme he 'was taken Into custody for know 111Jont it. We nso our !Jest ende!IV· At 68 Broad· Street/ Elizabeth. wns done uti In a vaudeville roll at tho creating a dlsturbnnc<! and stOJlplng

ors to tmy the very choicest cattle nne! back of her hencl, anti r.ho wore a long traffic. Even the jncltdaw · of Rhelm s, the "horrid example" of larcenous .blrd­dom, would never have stolen· n checlc. When he JJUrlolned the cardinal's sig­net ring, and suffered terribly from the pip when . excommunicated for his crime. he hncl sufficient goot\ feeling_ to repent heartily and br·lng back the stolen jewel. Its glitter hat! appealed. too, more to Ins sense of beauty thnn to anY sordid l tiYe of filthy lucre. He stole the ring to be n thlng of !Jenuty and a sparkling joy In his dnrk n!chP under the belfry, rnthel' than with n view of pawn ing or sell ing It and spending the proceeds In riotous llv­lng.-Longman's 1\lognzlne.

•011 1111 .. e loug ll"O fonnd out that we ·Newmnrl<et u lster of black and white However, 111:. Harmols hns succeeded . • .. A. SPECIA.L R EDUC'rJON 1 k 1 1 1 t t know ho1v to cut up_ 111\tl luuulle menta. nne r�tl chec -s-very · arge, ns s en In obtaining sulllclent support to start TbiB week some fine lnmb. !N TUITION clwcl<s-down to the hecla of her boots. his entei'Jll'lse. 'l'he site of his ceme-'l'he nlce lltlle mati'On greeted · the tery hns already been selected on some ARCHBOLD & S�UDDER,





Welch Bros. flfliiPI ••• I111Pif1PI,

Broad Street, near Elm, ··

·.Hew En�and 'Bread.

ACADEMY ' ot• : _ 'MUSIC, N. Y. . "lElTH'S

¢ uHer �tone· ·ment.�'


200 ami r.oc. Noon to 11 )J_. m. Union f:St,uare ;. · 'l'hcntru, 14th �t., New York.


12.110 to il l>· m. Soati :!IJo ,.1111 IJOc, l'ro�llrlltn . than�es uvcry week.


Noon to l i llo lll, All baloon(cB, lli'•; 11!1 orobns• , tra,Mic, · Waldmann's .VAUIIEVIJ,J,E ASII

Opera House ••unr.�uut:.

, llarkot and llal-Tu�•lloty, TlntrotlotV anti

loy 818 , Nowark. !laturtlot)' Matln••·

location of Fire Alarm Boxes IN WBSTPIBLD.

907-Summlt IWBIIUil l\1111 Park street. 4811-Eim etreet and Kimball Rvenne, GTO-Drolltl aml Mhltlleses streets, 03D-01Jmberllillt1 street autl South

"enue, •' 803-Fire Department bouse, ' &II Arter •entllnll' In an alarm JtRml no11r

. � CAll box uutl1 11rrlv•l of app11r11ttll•

'1'0 A f"b WHO E N l'Elt THE shri nk ing young thing cordially, nnd waste ground near the o l d fortiftcn· wns given or>e gloved finger to shake. tlous, nnd enrly In tile coming year New Jersey Business College,

"We hnve so m issed you at our little can didates for admission wlll be able C'hnrch uflu lrs," said the nice · llttle to find accommodation. The graves matron, "You used to be so active In mny be leased for ns many years or our--" few years ns the dog owner considers 68!1 Bro�ol Street, New.rk

(o\'er lllu·ttl�gtm's) Previous to January 1 5th, 1 899.

Call or \\·rue for P".rllcu\1U's 01\y t\1U\ Night 8ession!:S. CaliLioguus f<�rcu. Oltice holll Furnlshml.

/l'he �x-retfrlng young thing smiled to be the measure of Ills solicitude, bland ly-as one snllles remlnls<'ently and naturally the erection of simple

over the remembered Idiocies of child- grnvestoncs or elaborate monuments hood-and made a queer little snappy will b6 allowed. Finally, for the ben­gesture with her llorlzontally-held etlt of l'et owners In general, portions right band. ot the cemeterv will be set aslde for

"Aw, ferglt It!" abo said. "Ferglt It! all the varletl�s of man's ' animal C, T. MILLER. Priucipnl. 0. D. OLAUKSON, Vice Pl'i11. E. A. NEWUOliER. Vice Prin.

Cut It out ! " friends and companions, from parrots



BPILDER. ' .. > . . ... . �;\) -)---., Proapeft Street, . ·· ' .. .. westfield,

_. · N�w Jersey.

· . Estimates ... � ·:.'•l


. i.;. " l · �·� -· Cheerfully Fur-


J•rlt4f of 1111 J.t".•••

She-I can acarcelJ believe that JOU love me as ntuch as you say.

He-Well, I'll bring Ill)' check-book with n;e to-morrow night and sbow you the stubs.

)•I,�· in�: Ohl Scmro .. "I don't know who. proposed the

thing " snld the young man who was telling the story, "hut that doesn't mat­ter. 'there was six of us together one night recently, and when some one

sug�:ested tbnt we GO and call upon a urtaln young 11\dy the Idea toolt.

"\Ve elaborated tho plan somewhat on our way there. We nsrecd to go

In one by one, 11nd willie there to look upon one another not only as stran­gers. but lnterlopere as well. It w�s a vlllalnoua tblng to do, bUt the girl Ia somewhat of a joker herself, and '1\'e all had an old score to pay aU.

"We carried out the Idea to perfec­

tion. I was the first to call, and the girl enltl she was gJad to see me. He­

Core slw bad lime to say anything else ,

., 1 another young man wns ushered ln. Prm:ure Your lluslness .,ducat on She was glad to see him, too. But

-A'r 'l'IH�- when the thlrel youn1 man arrived she &lu������r.· 838 a road St., I'CewurK, "· J,

Antl )'ntt will !lii.\'U hnt.h t.lmc nncl lmonyf' l��tea

,. ntly l'etluc�d. NnJdll;h Brnnc tel-l.,, UH RR, ���ort hnnd tu!d 'l')t'JIU\\2,'111tnJ.t1· llr����r ��01/t"u'N1'�; t"l' fol' nil, _li,�\'Cft IIU oC HIO •.o A prJI. , 1 1 c. Horton, Ponmn.n. H. Coleman, 1 res t out

was somewhat confused and stnm­roerCII a little over het• welcome.

"'file bell rang at Intervals, and each time a young man wns ushered In by the grinning maid.

"To cnp thn cllmnx, a strange young mnn. who know nothing of tho Plot, chnnc�<l to cnll.

'"l'hun the run. began. We sat around the I'UtJI\1 nn<l glared at one another 111 much as to uy: 'Whut the 1\lckens at••

1 you dtllng herfl1'

P·a 0 BargainS "'l'he strange young man stood It ex-1 n actly ten minutes. 'l'hen he fled, With the excuee th11t ht had sucl<lcnly re­membered nn Important engagement.

Wo aro now o1l'ot·lng sovornl o<ld "'fhe conv•ret�Uou wnu short and

styles of Upl'igbt Pinnos, both now disJointed. We lulllrMsed all our re-

d h -• t nl'CIIt roduo. mRrko to the YOUIII lady, who got red and socon anu 11 10 aDd white by tur111, •� she en del\ vored tions. Sold on onsy terms of P"Y• to keep alx r.onvereatlonn llOing on at

mont 01' Jibilral discount allowod for one time, for aot by a word or sign

b. -- POl PAI110UUIL I did any one let en tbat he was aware OIIB •••• -QI that agy one wu In the room but the ,�4" ·l}aml;w fll, younK lady an4 himself. alJ •• � ' "� UIJ "When Wt 11&4 stood It as long &I ' I we euuld wltlllout laulbiUI we aolelltn• a and D Witt lith lt., lewYeriJ.

l:r took our leave oao by one, with a

P. H. ZIMMER, Practical Machinist & Engineer. Steam, o11 and Electrleal Contfa,tlna.

OBNBRAL JOIIDINO, u• 1J, �lltl Nlrtltlt, I'IKIUIIQitl, 1'(, ,J,

Teltphoa• od• l11MIIIIIol•l·

partlna 11are at tlio1e remainln1. "Since tbea the younlf lady hal

been dolnl � 1ood dtal of thinklnl• nut I underataad that the 11 unable to makt up Iter ml11d wllttber It Wll 1 toke or 'only a atra111 coincidence.

"BUt the 1tra1181 JOUill MilD, WhO hu failed to call agnln, Ia no lolle.­JlttroU Free Preas,

• •• • oo••· • • I . H ,. ,_

to marmosets, from canaries to catil. Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, ' the uncle and fnther-ln-law of the Jaie

Baron Ferdtn'and de Rothschild, was n member of parliament of the House ot Commons In several p11r11aments before he was permitted to vote or· even take hls seat. He refused to take the oath Of office OU anythfbg but the Old Testament. A special act was passed In 1858, which omitted for Jew­Ish 01embere the concluding words of the oath, "011 the lrue faltll of a

Englnntl hns tl!'tet·mlnctl thnt her na\'111 IU'IIUIIII�nt must be I>CJ>t nt knst t\\;lce ns stt·oug ns thnt of any other l'_ower, nml wisely so, since Ettglnml hns mot·e thnn twice the neetl of nny otlwr Power ror lltellliS of oll'ence nnd

!lcl'cJwe In cmmectlon with bm· 1llstnnt colonies nncl her \•nst lliUt'itlllle· Inter·

cste; but she Is not going to mnlw the mlstnke fi,t•trlbuted to our JJa.\'111 nu· thorltles turd · bulld !ret·· ne w slrlps In· rcr!or In lmportnnt l't>S(lccts to the oltl ones. Ami tr we · nt·e going to keep contt·ol . of cllstrmt jslnntls for nu In-tlt•flnlte Lhnc; wll.h 1111 excellent twos iJCct of hll\'lllg, to do more m• les� fight­Ing for nn1!

'u iJout iiwm, we slmll wnnt

the best shills that c11n be built. In fn<Ct, we lllwttyfl wnu·t -thnt ldnll, If we Wllnt lilly, 111111 We Cllll'not •be Slltlsfled wlth anytlzlug less.


A roan's wife und his D!Oney ar• uoon parted.

It a cat haij nine lives n ftddlo should have more strings.

lo'lannels, keep out as much senti­ment as theY do cold.

When love comes of age It doe& not grow hopeless, only moz:e seltlsh.

Not even a truthful looking glass cn11 convince vanity that It Is not beautiful:

The longer n mnn meets the expecta­tions of his wife the surer she ls to be uusplclous of him.

'rhe worst danger or nil Is when she shows you photographs of bers�lf when 1he was ·n baby.

Christian.�.:- · -

... . . .

Bamboo pens still retain their bold bs �ndin, where they have been in 1l8ll for more than I, 000 years.

TIIADC MA11118 DcaJGN8 Coi'YIItGI4n Ac. .Anyono RendlnR a sketch nnd dcecrlptlon mar qntcklf uacQrtnln our OJlinton free �hether au tnveutton Ia probnb11 PRtentable. Communlco .. ttous B{ rictly conUdontfnl. llandboot on J'atelltll

80�!�l:��B ?���� �g�g���°K{u0�J���gc��t���t"ve Jptcla! notke, without chorA"e, in tho Sdtntllk Jlmtrican. A band11om�tr mustrated weoklr. l.nrRcBt clr· culatlon of anr eclentldo 1nurnal. 'l'erms, ta a •·u·r·&ca:i��.�=:.lfiewdr;& Drib� Olllce, tll6 F St. WMbln•too, D,�,

N,.f:f:f:f:f:f;f:f:f;f:f:f:lt:f:f:l:f:f:f:f:f:f;f:�� I "EAL ; ii � � . � w ESTATE �; w . .. ,e; ACTIVITY. ., ·�� �' ; It now looks as if there would be activity in � W the real estate market th\s spri!lg. ., w �� w List Your Froperty Now · m I WITH i !l.l ; j C. E. PEARSALL & CO. , Agents, i � Slrl111l111'Cl lJuiltllng, ; � *llllESTFIELD;: N, J.t- � I �·�



iP. �.�il:tllll!lllll:t:t:tl:t!l:t:t:t:tll:t:t:t:tJ· .



l!"athtJr'" I!Ou�J.Ct!Htluu That Ue fi:riul" lila 'l'•·uul' I!JuU

;••d I Ii� J'l'uh)t!lll• .

Frederick Charles Pettlcord was Ia love with susan June Dusenberry, and was UllhUpj)y when not '.in iz(3r com­

pany. ·When first h e began to call UP­on her I t wus on 'l'hursduy .nights, lrlld· be never s'tayed laleJ' t h u n ten. The11 he begitn to come on 1\!onday evenln!r

also. Later he added Sunday ntternoog to bls list nntl so It went on' until he was liable to drop In nt the Dusenberry residence. every even ing ln tho week.

.besides spending ull' of Sunday after­noon there.

Ur. Dusenberry, Susan Jnne's fa­ther, viewed with growing anger the Increasing numerousness or Mr. l'ettl­cord 's calls, and often e::pressed his mind o'n the su bject to the wife of his bosom, but-she slien ced blm wlt!J the convlnclrig query: .

''Woul d you llke Susan Jane to die an old 'rnald ?"

Notwl lhstandlng this, Ur. Dusenber­ry was barely civil to the youn g man. for he' did \wt !lite him, aut! was more than once on the point of. caytng some­thing to him which, In all probabtllty, he wou ld have regretted subsequently.

One clay, Itowever, Mr. Dusenberry could restrain hlmseJC no longer.

Frederick Charles had not omitted to co:ll a single night �or nearly tw�» . wocks, and hnd been nt tl1e bouse on four aftei'Jioons ns well. Arter Susan June bad dismlsslid her n()mlrer, she turned nnll confronted · her papa. He made n great eff01t to be cal m as he said • . with what. be Intended to be cut­ting sarcasm:

'.lHadn't ihnt young man of youra better hrln'g his trunl:?'.' · ·

Instantiy. ·s,i'san · jane threw her arm• around I:e1· �atlier's neck' and · l<lssed1 hlm lmpulslvaly;_ . ·. "0, you Mnrc_st, ·kindest father In all �he wor l d ! " slle excllilmcd. "You don•t knoW l1ow happy' you make me."

"Wl1nt ?" gasped the old man.' •

"And Chm·!ey ·'Will be happy too, "'hen I tell him," slle went on, nearly strnn�>llng her parent . �lth her ener• gct!c .hugs, , · · · "\V-w-what's that?" · • 11Ymi . sec; ·Jlntln, it'S just thts way.

Dear Chnrloy Is 'the b�st feliaw In tha world, but he lm't very wen orr. and we couldn't for the life or us see how

'\ve could go to housekeepln!:. \Jut your klnd suggestion that he br!ng !Jls trunlc bero bus solved all our problems. We'll stay ri[;ht with you, daddy dear, when we are ma.rrled.• Oh, you nrc f he best papa In creation. I'll !'O and tell mama and we'll decide on the date for th11 Wfddlng rl�ht away."

Mr. Dusenberry essayed to speak, but she was gone, nnd the next thing he lleard was that the wedding would tak• place In ahout six weeks. ,

If ho bad any opinions on tile _sub­Ject they wet" mental ones, !or he Willi not allowed t.o express t}lem orally, aad the atral r cntne olf as planned. . ·

His son-In-law Is still living willa blm. .

----- -· SMI LES ?:!j'

Cholly Chumpte!gb-"1 think ldeu are catching. Don't ;you, Miss · Col­delll?"

Miss Coldeal-''Posslbly. ·nut aotne people l!eem to be most elfectually ID• oculat�d against the I nfection." ·

Coaducto�','How old are you. little �lrl�"

Little Glri-"If the company doesn•t Dbject I prefer to pay my fare and keep my own statlslicl." I

Ada-"So 1\l!ss LanJi:e said she woul4 be a sister to you T"

La\Yson-.. YH.'' " l Adn-"Wht•t did you s3y to f.hat?" Lawson-"! told her we would com-

promise and call It aunt, as 1 was too young to be ber brother."

Cullege Youth-"lt was a r;reat foot ball ga1ue, and the Allrounu University would have won only one or tho play· ers lost his head.''

Fond Mother-"Mercyl Such brutal­tty! I always said something like that would happen sooner or l ater."

Con<iuctor of Horse Car-"Move for­ward, }!lease. Plenty of room up la front."

Man up In Front (gnsplng)-"So there la, but I dou't kuow how to rid• horseback."

Anna-"T)Jcy say I have my moth• er's mouth and nose.''

Hannah-"Welt, your mother 11'aa luck:r to get rid of tbem.-Yonkera Statesman.

She-You know that overcoat that you &ave me to give away to some poor family. Well, I have been mend­Ing it. and it looks so well now that I lhougllt yon might like to take it bl\clc again.

He-Only on one condition. She-And pray what. Is thnU llll-'fhat yon go with it.

Unit• Jtlonntunou�t. "My old friend," remarked the hu·

morlst, "I note tbnt you have takea to n lito that Is full of ups nnd downs."

"Yes, DIY facetious frlond," repllell tho olevntor IJI&n, "Ao thou haa takell to tlln l!le of o. knl1ht or nonscase; but notwlthstl\nd!ug all the ups anti downe of DIY lit", I find It II,Uite lllo­notonau•."

Quit a so : 1 a11ticlpate that It Ia 'Quite's "0!" • "-lil. A. I:J, -�"-- I

P•r Otme. Mles Qulclcetep-Oh, wouldn't ,.1111

like tu live th• World's Fair year over nguln?

llo--Wbatl Go ba�k to a t101e WheD J dltla't know Jou, tlear girl T Well, I abould IIY not.-ChiOiiO Tribune,

ou•r•••••• "Till• 11 outra1eou•: It ought to lie

lltued otr the 1ta1e." "Wh11t'1 all that?" "Wh1, tblt 'Uncle Tom'• Ca._ , l11' wltll two Cyranou Ia lt,"-lletrola, t'rll l'reu. _ .. .' . . ..... _, � 161

Page 8:  · ', ·.-;.:;.;,·,_. ,,; . NEWARK, N. J• Dress .. Fabric ... pri.og. Qpening! TY SILKS, ·coLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. 'ADIES, we invite you _to .Spring's First


MARCH 3, l899.

CRANFORD. The Sta?Jdar�le TuesdatJ am!

F·•,daJ at tlte Union 1\·ews Co.'s stand.

Republicnp Jll'llllltl'Y "'itit!'llny eYeniug of next week. · .

.'union Hose company met last even· iur.-. •·

· .

• 1\Irs. F.0W. Suttou has been 11 guest of Crnnford friends. . ·

The Re"v. John Ellgecumbe will preach at Dunellen thi's evening.

1\lrs. J. E. Thmnpson has removed to Rockaway, Morris county.

An afternoon cha1'ity euchre will be held at the Casino on Murch 14.

The Cranford Music club will .enter· taiu Its · friends on Murch 27 at the Opera bouse.

The Epworth League held an Inter· esting meeting . Wednesllay evening ut the home of Mrs. F. Miller.

. -Holy "eowmnnion will be served · at Trinity chnrcll on Sunday morning. In ·the evening the Rev. A. Si · Phelps, of Botind.Brook, will preach •


UNION. The 1'011 of hou�r hus been mmotlnced

us follows:-l'.,Upll�ry depar,�meut-H. Almira Cog·

I!�Slitill, tenchet•, Freclcli� Rhyn�r', �l'ttce Hoffmnn, Cl11reuce Donuel, Rose Silber· ninu ami &ttie Doty.

Intenneelinte depnrtment-Mrs. S. B. Uriggs, · tencher. , 'filii� Hnine�, Lnw· reuce Deneclict, Anuie Liechh, . Jnmes Lindsny. Clnra Deuetlict, El�ner H.encl· Jey, 1\lichnel , . I>ellcy, HEttw HmneP, Frml•lie Liechti, Dervees Smith 111111 Cluttles Burel. .

High <le[llll'lm�nt-Ambrose .n. Kliue, principal. Stelltl Illsley, ,Jeuule Hniues,

W11lter Boscheu, Edith Sw ith, M11ucl

Bouuel l , i\In'ggie !Inlues, Uhnrlotte Ross tlllU Etltlie Uh}·uet•.

AT THE THEATRE; ----Next WEek the Custle Sqnnre Opera

C P•ll'' nt the' · Amet·icnn , Theutw OUI .J ' t't r will retnrit·to Ortll\ll. Operl!·.

l•�·esell I '¥. Verdi's hllpreFsive work, ' Rlgoletlo; 1'he sc•.re is ill the uuislet· � finest vem llllll ti!O tJtellJO of the.!,l<lOk is Of


<lrn1lllltic iut�rest. The cust w1il rtvnl in eJwelleuce the 1\ll slur cn�t of "l\li�:· ll On " Jilt'. Stewnrt IUHl ,�lr. B>tgwny wil!

,ulternute ns Rigole. )llr. Sheehnu

nml lllr. Buck. us �he Dnlm, llli•� tie

'l'rel'ille null· ,llliss N<�t·wor us Gt�tltl; Miss i\Iucuichol will sing lllnd_elnme: Miss Ltllll hert,, G iovunnu : 1\Ir. Chnse, Count 1\louteroue; nlltl 1\Ir. Noi'J111111· Spurnfticile. 'l'ho opei·n will he tu.onut

eel witli the nsunl · cou·e�nl ntteuttou to <lelt1il . . Begiuuing Mollllny 1\lnlhtee,· Mnr: ll.

FANWOOD. nt Wnl<lnunnt's 1\Iurket !llld Hnlsey, Sts. --- 'fheutre, Newurk, the "l\leny l\Inhlell Sahtt·•l�y eveuiul! the Democratic pri· Dnrle•qners" will ' present n mlxtnre of

unny will be hel•l. nil that is new, novel nnu np to 1lnte ill . . 1\Ir•. Ft·nnk Putnnm ltas r�turned home the wuy of refined burle•qne ani! v11ude·

lifter visiting 1\Irs. Frentz. her mother. · ville and those who nre posted ou all l\Iiss Daisy C�uklht, of the .Paris Con· things theatricnl, declare it will be the

servqtory of 1\Insic, bas been visiting real · thing. Scores of prett.y girls, 1\Iiss Doretta Cook.

, fri•k gotly In . and out of each �cene.

Miss Anna Borrup, of Terrill Road, Drlgbt and crisp 1111yings with JUSt a wednesday evening, was "surprised." dash of racyness, mingled with I '\idle· The young people found that she had re· rous situations, bnrl�!t!qued in an ex· tired for the evening bnt she WIIB s�n treme manner are lnttoduced just at up and -r�lly,· int� .the·splrlt of t.he , right tlme,·aucl .nQt ,.enol;ll!h . . to mar the · occasion. Refre�J1ments were str· the toute·ensemble of raviehhtgly ved 'l'he projectors luclodPd MISB Jen beautiful picture�. Up·to·date songs uie Coddington, MISB Carroll Dorrup and are interspersed here and there, and William Schenck. real funny comedians help to lrlli'P the

--.....,.�• fun going at a fast and furious J'llte .. ROSELLE. Uorgeous scenery, · Dovel electrical ef· fects and bewitching costuml!ll add to

1\Irs. Fred Llltrg·, of Elizabeth, Ia the the �eneral splendor. . Matinee� �8 ne· ..,, .... cuu1Iert

'wm Hea•l t�e Ticket ror guest of friends in town. nal will be given �ally. 1 '

CJommttteematt. Tlie C. E,. _Society of the First Baptist Another of 1\Ir. B. F. Keith's fort!lgn Jasper c. Hunt calle•\ the De!t.>�cratic church conducts the · service Sunduy importations will be Introduced at pdmary to order. in the tOWII I'ooms 011 evening. Keith's Union Squure next·week. Tuesday evenittg. Keu)·ou 1\Iessick "'lis The pl'imary class of the 1\I. E. Son· The Phasey Tronpe consists of eight · appointed secretary and J,'R, Clements duy school gives,.lln ent�rtuiument at the yoll�g

.women, said to be btmdsome, who cltairtuan. After a good deal of talking church this evening. hnve malle themselves famous in Eng· tlte following ticket was placell itt the · · Mr. nnd 1\Irs. R. A. l\Iorris, of First land by their mmsoal ub!lit.y in song and llehl : Township comwitteemuu at avenue, ure entertaining Mt·s. George dunce. 1'hey work together 11nd they lArge, Louis Comlert; committeeman i\lot·l'is, of Brooklyn. m:lke 11 striking picture in their stage from the first llistrict, Wm. C. Elsbre ; costmnes, 89 their photographs show. I · 1 k D · 1 T b b The cottuge prayer meeting this even-towns up c er , nme or us : mem· F'rank Leon, who also came from E•.•g· be f d b I f tl fi t d. t 1 t t'trg will be held ut the residence of Mrs. · t· o ron oat'( rom 1e rs Is r c ·, under the Keith mnuageweut, re· .J C II. · f tl. di t · t D 'd T Wlmlei•, Westfield tl\'enne, otrposite trost

• o tglltl ; our I s .riC ' ltV I . ' mains a second week iu the hill. P. · · f IIJlJleal C office, Lorraine. H , tersen ; conumss1oners o • · biggest cunl will be good old E1l. lit'· Vreehuul, C. S. Abrey and Ft:ederick .:,__B_R_A�N•C ... H..,M...,.IL


S-.-- rigan, who'bl'ings his own cotupauy, iu u Park : overs�er of the poor, Fer1Unuud little piny in which lle will give 11 chur-Ditzel, Sr. ; , consl11hle, . John llfnloney : 1\Irs. 1\lnrtha p111•kht1rst is spending 11 nct•r il:•I•er•mmtion In his Inimitable :Pound keetl<!ro, Hugh McGt·an aml few <lays with friends at Newark. style. John C. Rice and Sally Cohen Henry lii_"l


r_s._,... Ou account of the storm on Sunday will also appenr in an entirely new

tllere Wa8 11o Sund11y school session. sketcb, uever before produced, culled Tuwn�thiJ• Cunnulttec )feet. · f tl T11e bou1e of ,'ol111 Stllt'th, •t Sprinn· "1'he Kleptomaniacs. " A regular monthly meetmg o 1e ,, • "

to\Vnshitt comm'ttee was held iu the field,"was burned to the �o�round , early "On and Oil," a fart•e from the town rooms on Monday evening. Law· morning and Mr. Smith perish· French, with aU Ita Gallic spurkle pre· yer Swackhammer,of Plainfield,Rppsared · iu the flames. The cu.nse of the tire served and the m011t interesting batch , before the comwittee In the Interests of is unknown. The house and Its owner of farcical characters ever presented ou John G Cook, the stone dealer, who were well 'kno\VD to the people of the a stage, will be seen at the Grand claims tl111t the townslt!p owes him tl;2ii vicinity. Smlih baa Uvea a bermlt life Opsra Honse on Monday evening, when for stone for the "F011ter" road. No for many years, ana . little Is known of it will begin an eniJ&gement of one action was tnken. John H. Thompson his early history. week. This Is the funny farce whic�• :r.:slgned his position aa a member of the recently ci!IIM!d a tnOBt suCCI!BBfol run of woaa board and It WM accepted. The RAHWAY. over 100 tiighta at tiM! Mlll1l110u Square pollee reported that they hall failed, as lito etreet· Thetitre. . Mr. Charlee Frohman· hRs yet, to lind the psrson or' psrsons who John McM!Inns, of Bam 0 • dec�· It the , funnleet and one of th• had put powder iu the furnBCO at the remains 11erlously 111 wltb typhoid pneu· ruOBt ','ilncceufal farcee be hu ever pro· Grant school. monla. . . dutitid. The metropalls lndoned tbls Mn. M. Crowell, who hu been lll!f· statement emphatically by crowding lonely Ill, is about again. the theatre •loring the entire run of the

Matty pc,ople ,burn the candle of hfc at both end�: S.o Ill e incn wl10 uc,:cr, go into vicious dt�stpa­tidn ust� up thetr en­erg{<!S just ns much by oycrwork or Jntc

8 hours; and ncnrly ult women are cmnpe11ed by circum�tnnc�s to use up their \•itnl po�wer:> beyond al� rt;.l· 5011 • It may be in · housework ; or. soctal detn

'ands i or the bearing nnd renrm.� �f

children : At any rate the candle of It e 18 too ravidty consumed. . 1

Some people need to have ,thetr natura vi tor constantly reinforced m· the same pr�portion tlmt it Is used up. �hcGy ';�eel the fortifying help of Dr. Pterce s o I en lllcdical Discovery. It is a po,werf�! :•ltcra· live and invigorant of the dtg•stt•c func· lions and liver· it cleanse� the blood, and makes fresh bl�od and healtlly flc•It. r>!•r�·· ous debilitated women should take tl m

conJunction with Dr. ·Pierce's Fav,orite Pre· scription which Ia apedally dest11ned for· female weakness and nervous troubles.

Mn t!allie Kauffinan of VIrgil City, C«inrCo., M. Writes· 11 1 had suftered front dlsp1ncement 0r0id.ternat'orgnns and female weakness for one

ear Had a bearing down semuatlon and very atsairreeable feeling after lJIY lll'COIId cltlld Wal born· 1 could be on my feet only a few minute• until1 he Wl\1 •l• weeks o1d, then I contmencN taking or: Pietce111 Golden )ledi<."Bl DIIICO\'Cry and • Favorite prncriptlon.' I took seven bot· IleA Iu .att. After taking the ftnt boule I felt

·much better. · s think I am entirely atr«i of all my troub1el. r candonll my:work anrl anton my f..t all day. 1 am In much btlter health now thaD 1 have Men lu four r.ean; am fleshy aud ptulngttrength very fa11t , •

By writinl' to Dr. Pierce who Ia,. chief consultlnll' physician of the 111valids Hotel and Sullrlcal lnotltute, of Ruffalo, N. Y.1 careful pror .. olonal advice will be ontalnefl free of COAt and speeially adapted · to the Individual auoe. Dr. Pierce's llfeat tooo­page Medi�l Adviser will be sent free fur 11 ceata ; the coot of pool!Jire .

Old Instruments In Exchange. It may be that you have

an old Square or Upright Piano, · or even · an Organ, in your home that has ceased to be useful - that isn' t musiCal any longer, That being the case, why should you keep it, for it is only a source of irritation to every one at home.

We'll take your old Piano or Organ in part payment of a new instrument, and we' 11 allow you the highest possi­ble price for it. You can' pay us the balance in small monthly sums ranging as low as SIX DOLLARS.

.. When you caa have a aood new Piano 10 euily why should )'oa p oa " auffering l" P'ant Trees!

CJallo I& Thti Jleot.

Tbe STANI>Al\1> trnststhat Jnllge Byer, piece . and laushlng uproariously at his of tile Ut.lon Democrat, will eiJjoy his wonderfully funny BCene& Tbe l!llrue southern ontiug. Bon voyage, Judge I splendid ciiBt that. presentEd the play at

---•• the Madison Square. Theatre wilhppear · In it here, the principals l.telng aocb

Flw .,_ larpr ltocll of ........... uy olbet ._. In IM.Siate.

!.!!�{!!}!!!.!!� ' --- .

Are You Kun to �·ou; nest Jntcrcattl ? Look Up Thll

.�� Februar.y · Drive". • Furniture and CarpGts�n

· ���� '�.;?·rmous in variety, 0 �n , , · in reckless pricc:cuttinl;l', UNHEAI�D OF anywhere · .tnl.lzing

ER '1'1" 1 1' •t " Drn·e " sure to get us· clear of , at ANY OTH ' :' :--� , 1 . , ull old lines· before Sprwg s really here .

' : .

PI k y01ir G�ods No,\·-l'!ntcr Pdh·c�."' If You \Vant. c . • , cat.h or nuslcst. J,ayuu.·ut• I"uov.:u·

S 1 .49iiJu�l ��.'J.: Jlhrral •�at, cmhfort rocker that'• t1\·lc� tble ptloe orclh1arl!y. $7 6n-A o l d c b o a r d .$1 •• 9;i'J.!'�� an::.,'\.':.� . . . $1 .• 6 .. 90-;,T


l! .. o . .


koobr. • Yyou'd ord t n a r. l t y. aad' · u comfdrt · · lfat·"'' 'o� �

pay •1 ti.OO for even lltn-;; rocker-wortb double blerllatrocker-f2,GO but 'tiM u u February Dr�ye a•uan,.. · it cbeap.

� "- ' . . • ' . ·

tall tbaa we made wuk I OniJ come and Itt C:ARPI!T&-ev•• • .-ter price ny klndt there are 1 New aprlaa aaco comln1 1a

the wenvell-thclr beauty-th� fi1: and llaoleam•, too. IYCrJ day I Cuttlll tlat DJOtt Dl

• . , , , ....

De sure It'll N.o. u T8" aud you 11ee the first name "�rno� " bdor� �ntering • .


Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 71 Market St., I.OW l'RICil&-EAS\' TERMS. . tJ.. Ncnr Plaue St.,

Note first name "Amos." • Newn.rk, N. J, Telephone 580. Oooda delivered Free .to ap)' ·part' of State..

' CARFARE PMD TO OUT-QF-'J'OWN BUYERS. . /t. Private Dcllver1 Waaoo Scot oo Jto(jtint. ·

. ......

. Albert E. Decker� LIVERY·•··�

··•IRDIII STOLES. · � . North Awi., Westfield, N. J • . .



"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla RB a blood purifier and have !Jeen benefiteu by Its use. I regard It as the best 11prlng medicine. I was houbled with disordered 1\ver and a tired feeling and my appetite was capricious. I lnwe beeti relieved by Hood's. " 1\Irs. Jeesie A. Mearns, P. 0. Box 44, Clyton, Delaware.

"Give me a liver .,r

egulator ana I can clever and well known farceurs 88 E. M. regulate the world, aahl a genius. The Bolland.'"'Frltz Williams, Snmuel Reed, druggist handed him a bottle of J:>.e· RalpkA·Deltnore, Jam911 Ket�rney, Jny Witt's Little Early Risers, the ramona W ilson, Est�ie Tlttell, :M9ggle Holloway little piUs. W • H. Trencharll, Fi�cher, :Aultha Rothe, !\lay Buckley, 657-659 BROAD ST., NEWARK.

W. 1-1. QAOQAN, · • . . Proprietor. Hood's Pills are nmdt·ritutlug atul the

only ctlthat·tic to tRite with Hood's Sm·sapuri1111.


H EALERS. · Garnets preserve health nnd joy.

Emeralds friendship and constancy. Cats-eye Is a charm against witch·

craft . . · Sapphires Impel ·the · wearer t o all

good works. Amber Is a cure for sot·e throut and

glandular swel lings. Diamonds produce sor�nambullsm

and spiritual ecstnsy, Opals are 1'ntnl to Jove and bring dl•

cord to giver and recd!ver,

Do not buy a baking powder of doubtful quality when for a few . cents more you can have

Cleveland's Baking Powder

a pure cream of tartar powder with a record of 28 yeat·s' use among the best housekeepers

Tloe !JaaJh.

The mouth Ia ·the frankest part of the face. It can the leasb conceal the feelings. We cnn neither hide ' Iii· temper with 'it nor go'od. We3!DaY llf· teet what we please, but affectations will not help us. ln a wrong canoe It will only make our observers t•esent the endeavor to Impose upon them. A mouth should be ol good natural rlf. menslons, as well as plump In the lips. When the nncleuts, among theft· beau· ties, made mention of smull •nouths and lips, they meant smnll only nR np­posed to an excess the other way, a fault very com@mon In the South. Thu sayings In favor of small momha, which have been the ruin of so'f�\uny pretty looks, ure ve1·y ulimu·d. 1 Jf thUl'l! must be un excess either wny; It bud bettar be the l iberal one. A pretty, purRed·up mouth Is fit for nothing but to be left to Its complar.cncy. J.arge mouths nrc oftener round In union with generous d iaposltlons than very small ones. Beauty should have n�tth­er, but a reasonable look of openneHs and delicacy. It has an elegance In lips, wh�n. Instead of mRklog �harp angles at the corner nr tho mouth, they retain a certain breadll1 to ·the nry verge, and show the red. The corner then looks painted with a free and II beral pencil.

------�··�-----Scrofula, snit rheum nnd dis·

eases cnuae1\ by Impure bloml nre cured by' Hood's Sarsnpnrilln, which Ia Amerl· en's G�entest 1\ledlolne.

As the senson of the )'etn• when pnoll• IJiollifl, Jr1 grl)lJle, BOre titrOII!, COUghs, oohla, outnrrh, bronohltl1 111111 lntlll tronblea tue to be gunr1led ll'fllhlMt, noth· lng "is 11 tlno substitute," will "nnswor tho Jlllrpcso," or Is "just ns goocl " us OuR 1\llnute Cough Onre, Thut Is tho one lnfnllnble retuetly for nil hmg, thront or bronohlnl tl'On'Jlos, Inalst vlg.

Clmlond D•"•• rowdor co., II ow York. oronsJy II(HJII 1111:(!1111 it If 1 'IOIJiethltll( •·------------• · oleo" Ia olfet•od yon; w. H. Tronolmrd.

May Lambert, !\lay G111lyer an•l Louise Douglas. Acl oaa ... tloaa fol' Tra..Seat lloatrtlon. + . Board bv Wee.k or Month.

With two spnclous and handsome theatres in the blgge�t · city in the cOlllt· tt·y and a·ous pl11yhouse In AI· b1111y, lllr. Proctor possesses peculinr' fn· ell! ties for tho (li'Ocnrement of the finest talent mul the biggest st11rs in the t•enlm

· J. Sheer, Se1lnllu, l\lo., coml uctor on electric atreet cur line, wl'ites thnt his little •laughter waa vet·y low with croup, and her life 811Vetl lifter nJI ph)'slclans l111d fnlle1l, only b)' naing One l\linutl! Cough Cure. W. B. TrencluU'Il.

IXOILENT ITAILI AND 8!fiD ReCM; OpJtu•lto l!>ltnn<lnrd nuildtn�e� W'esttlold. N • .i. ··,

l'nlldeville. His New York city the11· tres ure admirably mla1•ted to the ·re quh·ements of the continuous p�rfor· uumce. 'l'ho locution of the ·Twenty. thh·d stfeet thentrecould not be bettere1l for pllll'ons of the nil d11y nnd night show. It is in tho cent1·e of the dry goods shopping l!istdct, jnst west of t:!ixth nvenue, only n stone's throw from Brotulwny. 'l'he Pnlnce, nt G8th stt·eet nud 3n1 avenue, is but 11 crow's flight from the Grund Central det•ot. 'l'he progrnms at both houses nlwnvs iuclmle 16 ucts, , · h1!11ded by a f11monR dramatb

ulways Include nota eapeclally en· guged fm• ttte eutertMhunent of l11dles au1l chlhlreu. Minnie Palmer, famous 11s the st11r of ''My .:lweetheurt" 1111d who bus been In Europe for lli!Vernl years, will begin shortly 11 a)lelllal tour of the Proctor hoa&OB, Otbere 10011 to follow llrd: Ml1111ie Se1111man, Ntw York's f11mous notreiH, Glhnor., & Leonard, the

of "JlOI(IIll'l Alley, '1 . ani) others. The !Jest Betlh at the P11l11oe 111 the after· IIOOIIs for lr111ies nre.only 2i!o.

---···----Jiran Mell t'all

VIctims to atomnch, liver and kl1lnev tronbles HI well as women, 8ntl all fool the reanlts of loss of tl)lJllitltt-, JlOiaons In the blood, blloknohe, nervmtsne•s, ben1l · nohu Hllll.tlrecl, listless, rutHlown feel· lug. Dna ' there'• no nee11 to feul llku tl111t. Listen tt) J. W. G1mlner, ld11· ville, Ind. Ho Bllys: "Eieotrlo BltterM uru jn•t the thhtN for a man when he IH nil r1111 llow11 11rul don't cMre whether he Jives or cliea. It cUd more good to 11lve mo new atron�eth and MOO!l IIPJH!IIte, Uum llllYthlnN l cmdd tllko, I CHII IIOW ent nuythllll( Hn(J hiiVO H IIOW )OIINO Oil Jlfe. " Ouly IIOo at the OMy11rd drng Bloro. Every bottle MU�trantved.

-------- ·�------

Plant Trees ! --------·�-----

A hill$( Uhl," �·he nvernl(l' Suuthm·n negt·o lool;�

U)lon a fnnm·nl us u l'unetlon to he en­joyed, null one nt which nil the llnu fl•lll itci'K of thu women nml the lou(] Ploth iug of 1111' men Khoulll he shown. lu ll•t• !'lty to-lln,1• th<'l'e nrc hmuh·••<ls of negt'OL'H nml llt!A'l't'HHt-H who €'11P;1 moutli pny llwi� pit In ucu to llwlt· *'s•cietles," nnd tho "K'ellltll's" h\ t<'· lnl'll bury tlwm wilh !:1'1'111 tKrintr when tlll'y 1111•.

Not long sllll'e n I'N'Y lni'IWIY nttulliJ. ml fltni!J'Ill WIIH IIIIHRIIIg nlltll!{ II Jli'OIIIi· llcnt Hll'l'l'l, All oJtl IW/,ti'U, hn(ll'l'RHI'Il by ·tho Jllllllhl'l' Of Clll'l'illi{I'R 111111 WIHh· 1t111 to I'XIII'I'HM his IHlol'lltlun, uxclnlrn· 1111: "f.nwtlyt T.n wll,l' ! nut Hho' IH or 'lila III•J!"-Mt!UlJihla Sclwltu.r, .

------� ...... ____ _

Jluw•• Thl•• We otrer One Hllmlret\ Doll11rN Re. war1l for 11n;y Cll8e of C11t111·rh tlu1t t•an . not be c11re1l by Hull's Cntnrrnh Om·e F. J, Cheney & Co. , Protra,, Toledo' 0. We the mulerMIIIIIUll, l1nve known F: ,J, Obeney for tl1e lnRt tn yenr», 111111 hu· lleve him l16rfeotly ltonomhlu In nil hus. ine•• trRuiHotlottM, n1ul lhumoinlly nhle to ollt'ry out nny ohllgntlou uuule by their llrm.

We•t and Trunx, wholeanlo 1lru1JRIMIM 'i'oledo, 0 Wolllhur, Khmnn nlu1 lllnr' Vl!!.i wholesale •lrltl(l!fBIM, 'l'oletlo 0 Hllll'• 0Rtarrh Oure Is tnkou lllterunlly llothlll •llreotly II !Klll the bloml 111u\ IIIIIIIOttH Nltrfanos uf thll leyHiotn, l'l'lc11 71!o. )lor bottle, Soh! by 1111 Dl'llltgiMIH. 'r•••thnoniRIK freo . H�tll'• family Pll.l• aru the bllat.,

THOUGHTS, Who has not known milfortnne, never llnew hlmaelf or his vlrtue.­

Mallet. Mankind In the 1roaa II a IBPIDI monster that lovea to be tlecelvetl and

baa aeldom been dl�appolnted,-Mac· ken1Je, Leave not otr prayln1 to God: for either prayiDI will make thee ' leave otr alnnlnl', or contlnulnl In aln will make thee re1l1t from pra:rlui•":"Ful• ler. Mere baa'hfulnen Without merit t1 awkward, and merlr without modett:r lnlolent, . llut modest merit h111 a doublo clnlm to accoptance,-Hughel. When all Ia dono, hum11n life t1, at the 1!rc11teat und best, 'hut like a for• ward child that must be played wltll and humored a little to keep It quiet, till It falla a1leep, 1nd then the care 11 onr,-Sir William Temple,

Don't Waste · . · Money

by b11vlnr. cheap plumbing put In· to yonr house . .'Jt isn't t11ere long be·. •.

fore sometlti�g Is eltber hnrstlngor lrabk·

illlf, tind the money coilsutned little Y little soon llmonuts to the• �awe as tbe• origlnf'l of first clues· work. : - · M • . H. FERRI$. Sanitary r



DON�T • ' . •

. . Compel your l1orscs · to · eat • .

ciicap food. Yon want the beet money cnn buy for yotU own ta1ble1 so Jet your dninb animal� hav� tho bo.lit ��ed·



R. F. HOHENSTEIN, Proapeot It,, Weatfteld.

Oa•P• Standard flld8•

"HORSE EQUIPMENTS." The 8TAIIIJAIID Ia ott JNile at Tl't!D'::!

ol1nrcl'•• Gnlu'e, Wittke'• and the UJ\1�, N•w• at1111d. : . \

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