Page 1: ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin The Rev. Fr. Shnork · ո՛վ մարդ, շատ տարիների համար ամբարուած

ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin

The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor 70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Tel: 401.272.7712 e-mail:

[email protected] | [email protected]

Sunday, November 24, 2019 First Sunday of Advent / Յիսնակի Առաջին Կիրակի

Morning Service (Aravodyan Jham) 9 am / Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10 am

Today's Scripture Readings:

Is 36:1-9; 1 Thes 1:1-10; Lk 12:13-31

Parish Council Members on Duty: Ernie Shaghalian & Jason Martiesian

Building up the Body of Christ

Today is the First Sunday of Advent: There is no “Advent” per se in the

Armenian Church calendar. Rather, the approximately 50-day period preceding

our Christmas is called Heesnag (from the word for fifty, Heesoon). Hisnag

contains a total of three designated weeks of fasting -- aside from the usual

Wednesday and Friday fasts -- so unlike Great Lent it is not a continuous period

of such discipline. Bottom line: Our Hisnag, just as in the Western Church’s

Advent, is a beautiful time to prepare, body and soul, for the celebration of the

birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Focus on Scripture, being at church with your

Christian family, prayer, worship, fasting, and good works. Reflection: Plan

concretely for a season of spiritual preparation before Christmas. What simple,

doable goals can you set for Bible study, prayer, and service? Department of Christian Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern)

As we all know, the historic city of Venice, Italy has been devastated by recent severe flooding and alas even St. Lazar Armenian Monastery has not been spared. Let us pray for them.


Page 2: ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin The Rev. Fr. Shnork · ո՛վ մարդ, շատ տարիների համար ամբարուած

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke 12:13-31

13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance

with me.” 14 But he said to him, “Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you?” 15 And

he said to them, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not

consist in the abundance of possessions.” 16 Then he told them a parable: “The land of a rich man

produced abundantly. 17 And he thought to himself, ‘What should I do, for I have no place to store

my crops?’ 18 Then he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and

there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample

goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.’ 20 But God said to him, ‘You fool! This

very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they

be?’ 21 So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.” Do

Not Worry 22 He said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what

you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they

have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! 25 And can any of you by

worrying add a single hour to your span of life?[d] 26 If then you are not able to do so small a thing as that, why do you worry about the

rest? 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;[e] yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like

one of these. 28 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more

will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not keep striving for what you are to eat and what you are to drink, and do not keep

worrying. 30 For it is the nations of the world that strive after all these things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 Instead,

strive for his[f] kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

“Glory to You, O Lord our God!”

Աւետարան ըստ Ղուկասի Ե. 12:13-31

13 Ժողովրդի միջից մէկը նրան ասաց. «Վարդապե՛տ, ասա եղբօրս, որ ժառանգութիւնը ինձ հետ բաժանի»: 14 Եւ նա նրան

ասաց. «Ո՛վ մարդ, ինձ ո՞վ դատաւոր կամ բաժանարար կարգեց ձեր վրայ»: 15 Ապա ժողովրդին ասաց. «Տեսէք, որ զգոյշ

լինէք ամէն տեսակ ագահութիւնից, որովհետեւ մարդու կեանքը իր կուտակած հարստութեան մէջ չէ»: 16 Եւ նրանց մի առակ

պատմեց ու ասաց. «Մի մեծահարուստի արտերը առատ բերք տուեցին. 17 եւ նա խորհեց իր մտքում ու ասաց. «Տեսնեմ ինչ

կարող եմ անել, քանի որ բերքս կուտակելու տեղ չկայ: 18 Գիտեմ, - ասաց նա, - թէ ինչ պէտք է անեմ. կը քանդեմ իմ

շտեմարանները եւ աւելի մեծերը կը շինեմ ու այնտեղ կը հաւաքեմ ցորենը եւ իմ ամբողջ բարիքները. 19 ու ինքս ինձ կ՚ասեմ՝

ո՛վ մարդ, շատ տարիների համար ամբարուած բազում բարիքներ ունես, հանգի՛ստ արա, կե՛ր, խմի՛ր եւ ուրա՛խ

եղիր»: 20Աստուած նրան ասաց. «Անմի՛տ, հէնց այս գիշեր հոգիդ քեզնից պահանջելու են, իսկ ինչ որ պատրաստել ես, ո՞ւմն

է լինելու»: 21Նոյնպէս է նաեւ նա, ով իր անձի համար գանձ կը հաւաքի եւ Աստուծով չի հարստանայ»: 22 Եւ իր

աշակերտներին ասաց. «Դրա համար էլ ասում եմ ձեզ. հոգ մի՛ արէք ձեր հոգու համար, թէ ինչ էք ուտելու, ոչ էլ մարմնի

համար, թէ ինչ էք հագնելու, 23 որովհետեւ հոգին առաւել է, քան կերակուրը, եւ մարմինը՝ քան հագուստը: 24Նայեցէ՛ք

ագռաւներին, որոնք ո՛չ սերմանում են եւ ո՛չ հնձում, որոնք ո՛չ շտեմարաններ ունեն եւ ո՛չ էլ ամբարներ, բայց Աստուած

կերակրում է նրանց. որքա՜ն եւս առաւել ձեզ, որ շատ աւելի յարգի էք, քան թռչունները: 25 Ձեզնից ո՞վ, հոգս անելով, կը

կարողանայ իր հասակի վրայ մէկ կանգուն աւելացնել: 26 Արդ, եթէ փոքր բանի մէջ

անկարող էք, այլ բաների համար ինչո՞ւ էք հոգս անում: 27 Նայեցէ՛ք շուշանին՝ ինչպէս է

աճում. ո՛չ աշխատում է եւ ո՛չ հիւսում: Ասում եմ ձեզ՝ Սողոմոնն իսկ իր ամբողջ փառքի մէջ

նրանցից մէկի նման չհագնուեց: 28 Իսկ եթէ խոտը, որ այսօր բաց դաշտի մէջ է, իսկ վաղը

հնոց է նետուելու, Աստուած այդպէ՛ս է հագցնում, որչա՜փ եւս առաւել ձեզ պիտի հագցնի,

թերահաւատնե՛ր: 29 Եւ դուք մի՛ մտահոգուէք, թէ ի՛նչ էք ուտելու կամ ի՛նչ էք խմելու, եւ մի՛

մտատանջուէք, 30 որովհետեւ այդ ամէնը աշխարհի հեթանոսներն են, որ փնտռում են: Իսկ

ձեր Հայրը գիտէ, որ այդ ամէնը պէտք է ձեզ: 31 Այլ դուք հետամո՛ւտ եղէք Աստծու

արքայութեանը, եւ այդ ամէնը աւելիով կը տրուի ձեզ»:

Today’s Requiems (Hokehankist)

Christ, Son of God, forbearing and compassionate, have mercy in your love as our creator, upon the souls of your servants, who

are at rest, especially upon the souls of your servants:

THE SOUL OF THE DEPARTED DONOR of Der Shnork’s new heart and for consolation for his family.

ANNA LIMA (Karasoonk) – Requested by Sarian family; Boghos Gyuleserian family; Papazian family.

MARIA “ARMINE” SURMEIAN (2 Year Memorial); JOHN O. SURMEIAN (4 Year Memorial); MARTIN

AZARIAN (5 Year Memorial); ALICIA AZARIAN (Memorial); HERMINE MENATIAN (24 Year Memorial)

– Requested by Mr. & Mrs. John Hamblin and sons; Mrs. Irene Surmeian; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ohanian and daughter;

Mr. & Mrs. James Surmeian and sons; Mr. & Mrs. Martin Azarian and daughters; Mr. & Mrs. Paul Klick; Mr. Alex

Azarian; Mrs. Mary Legros; Misses Sadie and Lucy Barran; Mr. Edward Azarian; Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miller; Mr. &

Mrs. Jonathan Williams and family; Ms. Linda Grant and family.

KERRIGAN G. HANOIAN (3 Year Memorial) – Requested by Marcia C. Hanoian and family.

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RENATE (RENEE) CHAKOIAN (9 Year Memorial) – Requested by Jack Chakoian; George & Mariam

Chakoian; Anthony Chakoian; Donald Chakoian; Gary & Sharon Chakoian; Donnie Chakoian.


– Requested by Gary, John and Robert Dombrowski.

MR. & MRS. ARCHIE YESSIAN (Memorial) – Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Palumbo. …for whom we are offering these prayers. Remember them on the great day of the coming of your Kingdom. Make them worthy

of your mercy, expiation and the forgiveness of sins. Glorify them and reckon them with the company of your saints at your Right

Hand. For you are the Lord of the living and of the dead and to you is befitting glory, dominion and honor, both now and always and unto the ages of ages, Amen.

Prayers of Healing

Vicky Jamgochian, Dino Ricci, Gloria Kasparian, Bertha Mugurdichian, Joan Parnagian, Sarkis

Yaghubyan, Emily Gilbert, Ardashes (Harry) Der Ananian, Debra Altounian, Coleman & Kaycey and

Porter Bates, Anne Dorion, Aussia Reed, Roxanne, Hagop Anmahian, Suzanne Mangoian, Richard

Conco, Daniel Jr. Ayriyan, Ronald, John Zorabedian, DeeAnn Bauer, Beatrice Patricone.

Prayer Card Call the Church Office today if you would like to request a Healing Prayer Card

from the Church. The forms are also available on our website. The name will be remembered in

prayer by the Pastor during Divine Liturgy. We also offer and provide Memorial, Wedding,

Congratulations, New Baby and other occasion Cards with special prayers. All names will be

printed in the Bulletin and remembered by the pastor in his prayers during the Divine Liturgy.

Parish Member Dues Take advantage of the many payment options in the New Year. Pay by

check or by credit card in full or in part – weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You can pay securely online

through PayPal on the church website ( using the dues & stewardship donation button.

Membership dues are $175 ($125 for seniors, $100 ages 18-24). Become a steward of the church by

contributing beyond dues as part of the Stewardship Program. Existing members’ dues must be

received by Dec. 31, 2019 and new members by June 30 to vote at the Parish Assembly on February

23, 2020.

Join Our E-Mail List: To receive all the latest, please go to and click “subscribe” and

add your e-mail address so that you receive updates and events.

Love Your Neighbors Reminder: Remember your non-perishable food donations for Mary House food pantry. Items

that move very quickly and are needed the most - tuna, peanut butter, jelly, soups and rice. They also need personal care

toiletries such as toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant etc. As always thanks so much for supporting

Mary House. For info contact Joyce Avedisian (935-1815). Next Meal Kitchen is November 25, 2019. Future Dates: 4/6/20,

6/22/20. For questions, please contact Joyce Avedisian 401-724-3978.

Service Project for St. Mary Mother of God Monastery in Armenia: Donations toward this

project are greatly appreciated. Please seek in your heart to support Fr. Shnork Souin and the faithful of St.

Mary Mother of God Church. Update on Service Project- We have reached the $8000 toward the goal and

purchased the parsonage in in Armenia. Thank you to all those who have contributed so far and I encourage

you to consider making further donations towards this God pleasing project for the service project while in

Armenia next summer. You can make contributions in any amount and all donations will be greatly

appreciated and recorded permanently on a plaque in Armenia. You can send checks to Sts. Sahag & Mesrob

Armenian Church attention service project ARMENIA. Thank you and God bless you.

Journey to Armenia: Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian

church is happy to announce our Parish Pilgrimage to

Armenia, led by Fr. Shnork Souin from June 23 – July 4,

2020. Registration deadline is January 15, 2020. Space

is limited. We are taking deposits of $500 “NOW”

payable to SIMA Tours. For more information, please

contact Fr. Shnork Souin at 401-272-7712.

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Nursing Home Facility

Should you have a loved one in a nursing home facility who would welcome a visit from members of our church, please

contact the Church office at 401-272-7712.

Have your home blessed

Call Der Hayr at 201-306-4304 to arrange a Home Blessing

Please go to or click,

AYO Fund for Armenian Relief: How are you “spending” Advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Lord

Jesus? Why don’t you simply pick a wonderful and beneficial project of AYO where 100% of any contribution you make on a

monthly basis will benefit any of the projects that you choose for the very needy in ARMENIA. AYO is a subsidiary of FAR The

Fund for Armenian Relief under the stewardship of the Armenian Church of America-Eastern Diocese. Go to:

Wish List: Saints Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church would wish to purchase new Banquet chairs. So far, we were able to raise

$3,200 towards the $15,000 Goal. With your support, we would like to raise another $11,800. Your generosity as a sponsor is a

major reason for the financial success of this project. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Steve Megrdichian (401)

419-4392 or Jason Martiesian (401) 339-9750 or our church office (401) 272-7712. We thank you for your support. God bless

Weekly Schedule

Mondays 10 a.m. seniors (Except Holidays) 1pm Bible Study BREWED AWAKENINGS 1200 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston Wednesdays 6:00-8:00 Junior Chorale and Nazeli Dance Saturdays 9:30-12:30 Armenian School and 9:00-4pm. Arts Education Program


Today Thanksgiving Luncheon Buffet (following Badarak) 25 Bible Study MONDAYS 1:00-2:30 Brewed Awakenings-1200 Pontiac Ave., Cranston Next Meal Kitchen 4 p.m. St. Patrick’s, Smith St. 30 “48TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY KEF” 8:30pm – 1:00am / for reservation: Rena Megrdichian 401-573-5731


1 Family Worship

7 7 p.m. Christmas Concert “O Holy Night” - Sanctuary of The Armenian Evangelical

Church (180 Oaklawn Ave, Cranston)

10 6:30 p.m. Food demonstration & Cookie Stroll (demonstrations by Lilit Amroyan and

Stephanie Masoian) – Enjoy Dessert with tea, coffee and conversation! Admission is

$10 – For more information, please call our office 401-272-1277

27 Rehearsal Chorale

Have a Blessed Sunday! And…

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