Page 1: ِر جَْϕϠْا - The Muhammadan · PDF filewa min kulli ma yukhalifu dinal Islam, ... arsaltahu rahmatan lil 'alamin. O From whom there is no refuge except in Him, do not disappoint

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الفجر Awrad us Salatul Fajr


سنة ركعتان ٢


هادة كلمة ات ٣)الش (مر

داعبده أن وأشهد ورسوله محم هللا إل إله ل أن أشهد

3 X - Kalimatush Shahada

Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and


البيت حق كاةوصومرمضانوحج لةوإ يتاءالز .إقامةالص

تعال نهللا ه م ر وب القدر خير ه وشر الخ وملئ كت ه وكتب ه ورسل ه وليوم ىآمنتب اهلل .

الكل ندكأودعناهاتين ع هادتين الش يعةيومالق يامة يامنمتين وه يلناود ييارسولهللا ياسيد

ين .أرسلههللاتعالىرحمةل لعالم

Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat, wa sawmu Ramadan, wa Hajjul bayti,


Amantu billahi wa malayikatihi, wa kutubihi, wa rusulihi, wal yawmil ahkire, wa bil qadiri, khayrihi wa sharrihi minAllahi ta'ala.

Aw da'na hataynil kalimataynish shahadatayne 'indaka ya Sayyidi, Ya Rasulullah, wa hiya lana wadi'atun yawmal qiyamati, ya man

arsalahullahu ta'ala rahmatan lil 'alamin.

Reconfirming 5 Pillars of Islam and 6 Pillars of Iman (Faith): 1. Shahadah - I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is

His servant and Messenger

2. The performance of prayer (Salat),

3. The payment of alms/charity (Zakat), 4. The fast in Ramadan (Sawm),

5. The Pilgrimage to the House (Hajj), are true.

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I declare my belief in 1. God, 2. His Angels, 3. His Books, 4. His messengers, 5. the Day of Judgment, 6. and in Destiny; both its good and evil being from Allah

(Exalted is He!). May the truth of what I say be accepted,

O Lord. We have commended these two testimonials to your safekeeping, O

Messenger of Allah. They are for us a trust on the Day of Judgment, O you who were sent by Allah (Exalted is He!) as a mercy to the worlds.

ه وب حمد يم ،سبحانهللا العظ (مرة٠١١)أستغف رهللا،سبحانهللا

100 X SubhanAllah wa bi hamdhihi, SubhanAllahil ‘Azeem, Astaghfirullah

Glory be to Allah and to Him be praise. Glory be to Allah Almighty. I ask Allah’s


(After the 100th time)

ه إليه وأتوب القي وم هوالحي إل إله ل الذي العظيم أستغفرهللا واب إن حيم، هوالت الر

معصية ، ذنب كل من السالم، دين يخالف ما كل ومن و

ريعة، يخالف ما كل ومن ريقة، يخالف ما كل ومن الش الط

الحقيقة، يخالف ما كل ومن المعرفة، يخالف ما كل ومن

.العزيمة يخالف ما كل ومن احمين أرحم يا .الر

Astaghfirullahal ‘Azeem alladhi la ilaha illa Hu alHayyul Qayyum

wa atubu ilayh, innahu hu at Tawabur Rahim, min kulli dhanbin wa ma'siyyatin,

wa min kulli ma yukhalifu dinal Islam, Wa min kulli ma yukhalifush shari'a,

Wa min kulli ma yukhalifut tariqa, Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful ma'rifa,

Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful Haqiqa,

Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful 'Azima, ya arhamar rahimin.

I ask forgiveness from God Almighty, there is no God but He, the Ever Living, the

Sustainer of (all) existance, and I turn in repentance to Him, verily He is the Forgiver, the Merciful, from every sin and disobedience and

from all that opposes the religion of Islam,

1. from all that opposes the Divine Law (Shari'a), 2. from all that opposes the Path (Tariqa),

3. from all that opposes Spiritual Realization (Ma'arifa), 4. from all that opposes Reality (Haqiqa)

5. from all that opposes firm Intention ('Azeema), O most Merciful of the Merciful.

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The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver BC 3

(مرة٠١١) إليه وأتوب العظيم أستغفرهللا

100 X Astaghfirullahal 'Azim, wa atubu ilayh.

I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty, and I turn to Him in repentance

(After the 100th time)

ب ي، ل إله إل أنت الهم أنت ر . توبة عبد ظالم لنفسه ل يملك لنفسه موتا و ل حياة ول نشورا

أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت وابوء لك . استطعت ماخلقتني وأنا عبدك وأناعلي عهدك ووعدك

ه ل يغ علي بنعمتك نوب إل أنت يا هللا وأبوء بذنبي فاغفرلي فإ ن .فرالذ

Tawbatan 'abdin zalimin li nafsihi, la yamliku li nafsihi mawta0n wa la

hayatan wa la nushura. Allahumma anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta

khalaqtani wa ana 'abduka wa ana 'ala 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu.

A'udhu bika min sharri ma sana'tu, wa abo laka bi ni'matika 'alayya, wa

abo bi dhanbi faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh dhunuba illa Anta Ya


The repentance of a slave who has oppressed himself, who neither has power

over his death, nor his life, nor his resurrection. O God! You are my Lord. There is no god but You. You have created me. I am Your slave and I hold fast to Your

covenant and Your promise (as much as I am able). I take refuge in You from the evil I have done, and testify that Your Grace is upon me, and profess my sin.

Forgive me, for there is no one who forgives sins except You, O Allah!

نلدنكرحمةا نكأنتالوهاب مران.ربناالتز غقلوبنابعدا ذهديتناوهبلنام ع ) ٣:٨(سورةآل

“Rabbana la tuzigh qulubana ba'da idh hadaytana wa hab lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka Antal Wahhab.” (Surat Ali 'Imran Ch3:8)

Our Lord, make not our hearts to swerve, after You have guided us; and give us

Your Mercy; You are the Bestower. (Ch. 3:8)

. القلوب واألبصار مقل ب يا،األبواب مفت ح يا،مسبباألسباب يا ،ياوهابياوهابياوهاب

. يث ين ياثالمستغ ياقيوم،يادل يلالمتحير ينياغ كرام ،ياحي واإل ياذاالجلل

ضأمر يا لىهللا بادا ،وافو يرب الع هللابص ن

Ya Wahhab. Ya Wahhab. Ya Wahhab. Ya musabbibal asbab, ya mufattihul

abwab, Ya muqallibul qulubi wal absar. Ya Dalilal mutahayyirin,

Ya Ghiyathal mustaghithin, Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum, Ya dhulJalali wal

Ikram. Wa ufawwidu amri ilAllah, innAllaha basirun bil 'ibad.

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O Bestower! O Bestower! O Bestower! O Originator of causes! O Opener of doors!

O Tuner (Changer) of hearts and eyes! O Guide of the perplexed! O Succour for those who seek Your aid! O Living! O Self-Subsisting One! O (You who are)

possessed of Majesty and Bounty! I entrust my affair unto Allah. Truly, Allah is

aware of His servants.

يغفر هللا ان ،هللا رحمة من تقنطوا ل ،الحسان قديم يا رجائنا تخي ب فال اليه ال منه ملجأ ل من يا

نوب ه جميعا الذ حيم، الغفور هو ان ا أللهم الر ين في والعافية العفو نسألك ان نيا الد . واآلخرة والد

ا أللهم ديني، لي واقض روعتي وآمن عورتي استر أللهم ل،الجمي بسترك استرنا اللهم نعوذبك ان

. قاء ودرك البالء جهد من للعالمين رحمة أرسلته من بحرمة األعداء وشماتة القضآء وسوء الش

Ya man la malja minhu illa ilayhi fa la tukhayyib rajaana, ya Qadimal

ihsan. La taqnatu min rahmatillah, innAllaha yaghfirudh dhunuba

jami'an, innahu Hu al Ghafurur Rahim.

Allahumma inna nas'alukal 'afwa wal 'afiyata fid dini wad dunya wal

akhira. Allhumma sturna bi satrikal jamil. Allahumma ustur 'awrati, wa

aamin raw'ati, waqdi deeni. Allahumma inna na'udhubika min jahdil balai

wa darakish shaqai, wa suyil qadai, wa shamatatil a'dai, bi hurmati man

arsaltahu rahmatan lil 'alamin.

O From whom there is no refuge except in Him, do not disappoint our hopes, O Eternally Beneficent. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives every

sin. Truly, He is the All-Forgiving, All-Merciful. O God! We ask Your pardon, and ask for strength in religion, in this life and the Hereafter.

O Lord! Veil us with Your Beautiful Veil. O Lord! Veil my imperfection and set me rest when I fear, and settle my debts.

O Lord! We take refuge in You from the pangs of tribulations, from being

overtaken bymisfortune, and from an evil destiny, and from the gloating of mine

enemies. By the sanctity of the one whom you sent as a mercy to the worlds

[Muhammad (saw)].

المنجية صالة

د على صل أللهم جميع من بها لنا وتقضي واآلفات األهوال جميع من بها تنجينا صالة محمرنا الحاجات ئات جميع من بها وتطه ي رجات أعلى عندك بها وترفعنا الس أقصى بها وتبل غنا الد

. الممات وبعد الحياة في الخيرات جميع من الغايات

Salatu Munajiyyah

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin salatan tunjina biha min jami'il ahwal wal

aafat, wa taqdi lana biha min jami'il hajat, wa tutahhiruna biha min jami'is

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The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver BC 5

sayyi'at, wa tarfa'una biha 'indaka 'alad darajat, wa tuballighuna biha aqsal

ghayat, min jami'il khayrat fil hayat wa ba'dal mamat.

O God! Blessings upon Muhammad. May they be blessings that deliver us from every

fear. And appoint for us the fulfillment of every need. May we be cleansed by them (the

blessings) from every sin, and by them may we be raised to the highest stations. And by

them make us attain the furthest degrees in all that is good in this lifa and the life after


Allahumma aslih ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma arham ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma ustur ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma ghfir liummata Muhammad.

Allahumma hfaz ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma unsur ummata Muhammad.

د ةمحم أصل حأم (ص)أللهم

د ةمحم ارحمأم (ص)أللهم

د ةمحم استرأم (ص)أللهم

د ة محم اغف رألم (ص)أللهم

د ةمحم احفظأم (ص)أللهم

دأنصر أللهم ةمحم (ص)أم O Allah! Reconcile the nation of Muhammad.

O Allah! Have mercy on the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Veil the imperfection of the nation of Muhammad.

O Allah! Forgive the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Preserve the nation of Muhammad.

O Allah! Succour the nation of Muhammad.

احمين أرحم يا ارحمنا، الر

احمين ارحم يا ا، فاعف الر عن

احمين أرحم يا ، نوب غفار يا الر الذ

ار يا اح يا العيوب ست ، القلوب فت

ل رحمة سقيا الغيث اسقنا أللهم ، القانطين من تجعلنا و

احمين وأنت وارحم اغفر رب آمين آمين آمين . خيرالر

والحمد المرسلين على وسالم .العالمين رب لل

Ya arhamar rahimin arhamna.

Ya arhamar rahimin fa'fu 'anna.

Ya arhamar rahimin, ya Ghaffaradh dhunub,

Ya Sattaral 'uyub, Ya Fattahal qulub.

Allahumma sqinal qhaytha suqya rahmatin wa la taj'alna minal qanitin.

Rabbi ghfir warham wa anta khairur Rahimeen. Amin, Amin, Amin. Wa salamun 'alal mursalin, wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin.

O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Have mercy on us. O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Forgive us.

O Most Merciful of the Merciful! O Pardoner of sins! O Veiler of our shortcomings! O Opener of hearts!

O Allah! Make us drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of the

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despondent. My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for you are the Most Merciful.

Amin. Peace be upon the messengers and praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

( مرات ٣) ٠٠٢ الخالص سورة

3 X Surat ul Ikhlas (Ch.112)

. ة رب رب ك سبحانك ا العز والحمد المرسلين على وسالم يصفون عم لعالمين رب لل

Subhana Rabbika Rabbil 'izzati 'amma yasifun, wa salamun 'alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin.

Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Power, above what they describe! And peace

be upon the messengers. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

يت يكله،لهالملكولهالحمديحي يويم هللاوحدهالشر ه الخيرالا لها ال دائ ماليموتب يد وهوحي

ير شيئقد .وهوعلىكل

La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, yuhiy wa yumit, wa Huwa Hayyun da'imun, la yamut, bi yadhihil khayr, wa

Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadir.

There is no god but Allah. He is One, no partner has He. His is the Kingdom and

His is all praise, He brings to life and causes to die. He is Ever-Living, never dying. In His Hands is (all) good and He is over all things Powerful.

بي شرف الى ريقة في مشائخنا أرواح وإلى الكرام ، وصحبه وآله ( ص) الن قشبندية الط ة الن العالي

ريقة إمام روح إلى خاصة الخليقةغوث و الط ين خواجه داألؤيسي النقشبند بهاءالد البخاري، محميخ مولنا األولياء سلطان والى اغستاني عبدهللا الش الشيخ مولنا األولياء سلطان والى الفائزالد

د وسائرساداتنا القباني ادنان والشيخ القباني هيشام الشيخ ومولنا الحقاني ناظم محم .

. الفاتحة يقين د والص Ila sharifin Nabi (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) wa aalihi wa sahbihil

kiram, wa ila arwahi mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyyatil 'aaliyyah khasatan ila ruhi Imamit tariqat wa ghawthil khaliqatii Khwaja

Bahauddini Naqshband Muhammadal Uwaisil Bukhari, wa ila sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil Faizad Daghestani, wa ila sultanul

Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, wa Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, wa Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, wa sayiri sadatina

wa sadiqin. Al Fatiha.

Honour be to the Prophet (Muhammad (saw)), and his family, and his

distinguished Companions, and to our honoured Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order,

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especially the leader of the Way and arch-intercessor of the created world;

Khwaja Bahauddin Muhammadul Uwaisil Bukhari, and to our Master, Sultanul Awliya (King of saints), Shaykh AbdAllah alFa’iz adDaghistani, and Sultanul Awliya

(King of saints), Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, and Shaykh

Hisham Kabbani, and Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, and to all our masters, and (those who are) the righteous. (Recite First Chapter of Quran al Fatiha.)

LIE DOWN on right side and recite:

نهاخلقناكم نهانخر جكمتارةأخرم يدكموم )٢٢:٥٥سورة طه ( .ىوف يهانع

ا إن ا لل (٠:٦٥١البقرةسورة) . راجعون اليه وإن

فالحكم تنا أللهم ، الكبير العلي لل (٠١٥٢١غافرسورة) . اليمان على ثب

Minha khalaqnakum, wa fiha nu'idukum, wa minha nukrijukum taratan ukhra. (Surat Taha 20:55)

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. (Surat alBaqara 2:156)

Falhukmu lillahil '‘Aliyill kabir. Allahumma thabbitna 'alal iman. (Surat

Ghafir 40:12)

Thereof (from the earth) We created you, and we shall return you into it, and bring you forth from it a second time. (Holy Quran, Taha 20:55)

Truly we belong to God and indeed to Him we return. (Holy Quran, 2:156)

And the decree belongs to God, Most High, Most Great. O God! Keep us steadfast in faith. (The Forgiver; 40:12)

لة إ قامةالص


د) محم علىآل دو علىمحم صل (اللهم

اكبر هللا اكبر، هللا

اكبر هللا اكبر، هللا

هللا، أشهدأنالا لها ال

سولهللا دار محم أشهدأن

(Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala all Muhammad Wa sallim.)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah

Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. (till end of Adhan)

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The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver BC 8

فرض ركعتان ٢


After Second Rak'at of Fard,

You get up from Ruk'u saying “Sam’I Allahu Leman Hamida” Then recite the "Du'a al Qunoot", before going to prostration)

Then Say "Allahu Akbar" and go straight to prostration, without wiping face or chest with hands.)

:القنوت دعاء :حمده لمن هللا سمع بعد

فيما لنا وبارك توليت، فيمن وتولنا عافيت، فيمن وعافنا هديت، فيمن بفضلك اهدنا أللهم ا واصرف وقنا أعطيت، ك قضيت، ما شر عن ، عليك يقضى ول بلحق تقضي فإن

ه نا تباركت ،عاديت من يعز ول واليت من يذل ل وان قضيت، ما على الحمد فلك وتعاليت ربنوب كل من اللهم نستغفرك بي على هللا وصلى ، اليك ونتوب الذ ي الن وصحبه آله وعلى األم

وسلم .

ا اكشف أللهم ل رحمة سقيا الغيث اسقنا أللهم غيرك، يكشفه ل ما الباليا من عن من تجعلنا واحمين، خير وأنت وارحم اغفر رب القانطين، بينا فتحا لنا افتح أللهم الر . الفاتحين خير وأنت م

( ه والحمد ظلموا الذين القوم دابر فقطع ٤::٦ األنعام سورة .( )العالمين ب ر للـ )

أكبر هللا Dua Qunot Prayer (Shafi’ Madhab)

Allahumma hadina bi fadlika fiman hadayt, wa 'afina fiman 'afayt, wa tawallana fiman tawallayt, wa barik lana fima a'tayt, wa qinna wasrif

'anna sharra ma qadayt. Fa innaka taqdi bil Haq wa la yuqda 'alayk, wa innahu la yadhillu man walayt, wa la ya'izzu man 'adayt. Tabarakta

Rabbana wa ta'alayt, falakal hamdu 'ala ma qadayt. Nastaghfiruka, allahumma min kullidh dhunubi wa natubu ilayk, wa sallallahu 'alan

Nabiyil ummiyyi wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.

Allahum makshif 'anna minal balaya maa la yakshifuhu ghayruk. Allahumma sqinal qhaytha, suqya rahmatin wa la taj'alna minal qanitin. Rabbighfir warham wa Anta khayrur rahmin.

Allahumma aftah lana fathan mubinan wa Anta khairul fatihin.

(Fa qutia' dabirul qawma illadhina zalamu wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamin.) (Surattul An'am 6:45)

O Allah! Guide us, by Your favour, to those whom You guided, and pardon us with

those whom You have pardoned. Bring us close to those whom You have brought nigh (befriended), and bless us in all that You gave us. Protect us and turn away

from us the evil of what You have decreed. For it is You that decrees and there is no decree upon You. You do not humiliate the one whom You have befriended

and do not increase (empower) the one whom You have taken as an enemy. Blessed and Exalted are You, our Lord. To You, all praise for what You have

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decreed. We ask Your forgiveness, O God, and turn in repentance to You; God’s

blessings and peace be upon the Prophet (saws) and on his family and his Companions.

O God! Lift from us trials which no one but You can lift.

O God! Give us to drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of the despondent; Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are (Most) Merciful.

O God! Open for us a manifest opening for You are the best of Openers. (So the last remnant of the people who did evil was cut off. Praise be to God, Lord of the

Worlds.) (6:45) God is Greatest.


( مرتين ٢) هللا ال اله ل

( د هللا ال اله ل سول محم ص) هللا ر 2 X La ilaha illAllah 3 X La ilaha illAllahu Muhammadun Rasulullah.

There is no god but Allah

There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

ات ٣) هللا استغفر : استغفار ( مر Istighfar:

3 X Astaghfirullah (I ask Allah’s forgiveness.)

الم أنت أللهم الم ومنك الس الم يعود واليك الس نا الس نا فحي الم رب ، بالس

ة وأدخلنا الم، ودارك وجودك وكرمك بلطفك الجن نا تباركت دارالس الجالل ذا يا وتعاليت رب

. نا يا ، والكرام والعظمة والبقاء والجمال احمين خير وأنت وارحم اغفر رب يا رب الر

Allahumma Antas Salam wa minkas salam, wa ilayka ya'udus salam, fa

hayyina Rabbana bis salam, wadkhilnal Jannata bi lutfika wa karamika

wa judika, wa daraka Daras Salam. Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alayt, ya

dhalJalali, wal Jamali, wal Baqa'i wal 'Azamati wal Ikram, Ya Rabbana,

Ya Rabbi ghfir warham wa Anta khayrur rahimin.

O God! You are Peace and from You comes Peace and to You returns Peace; Make us live in peace, our Lord. Enters us into the Garden by Your Grace and

Generosity and Presence. And Your Abode is the Abode of Peace. Blessed and lofty are You, O Lord of Majesty, and Beauty, and Everlastingness, and Greatness

and Bounty. O our Lord! O Lord forgive and have mercy, for Yours is the best of Mercy.

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يتويحي الحمدولهالملكله،لهشر يكالوحدههللاا الا لهال يرشيئكلعلىوهويم ،قد

ات ٩) (مر9 X - La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd,

Yuhi wa yumit wa Huwa 'ala kulli shayy'in qadir.

يتويحي الحمدولهالملكله،لهشر يكالوحدههللاا الا لهال هيموتالداي موهوحييم ب يد

يرشيئكلعلىوهوالخير، قد

. عنا يروا ليكربناغفرانكوأطعناسم المص

La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd,Yuhi wa yumi, wa Huwa Hayyun da'imun, la yamut, bi yadihil khayr, wa Huwa

'ala kulli shay'in qadir.

Sam'ina wa ata'na, ghufranaka Rabbana wa ilaykal masir.

There is no god but Allah. He is One, no partner has He. His is the Kingdom and His is all praise, and He is over all things Powerful. We have heard and obeyed, O

our Lord! Yours is our destiny.

: لوات علىرسول نا الص

. دنا على صل أللهم ، سي د على محم دنا آل و د سي محم 'Ala rasulinas salawat: (in low voice): Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin

wa sallim. Blessings upon our Prophet (saw): O God, send blessings and peace upon

Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.

،أستغف رهللا،أستغف رهللا،أستغف رهللا

هللاوهللاأكبر والا لها ال والحمدهلل ،سبحانهللا

يم العظ العل ي ب اهلل ةا ال .والحولوالقو Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah wa la illlaha illAllah, wallahu akbar,

Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyul 'Azim.

I ask Allah’s forgiveness. Glory be to Allah! Praise be to Allah! There is no god but Allah and Allah is Greatest. And there is no strength, nor power except by God,

The High, The Mighty.

يطان من بالل اعوذ جيم الش الر حمن هللا بسم حيم الر الر

( ٠٦٣٥١البقرةسورة ) . هكم ـ ه وإل ـ ه ل واحد إل ـ ن الر هو إل إل ـ حيم الر حم

A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Wa ilahukum ilahun wahidun, la ilaha illa Huwar Rahmanur Raheem.

(Surat al Baqarah 2:163)

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I seek refuge with God from Satan, the Cursed one.

In the name of God, the All Beneficent, the All Merciful. Your God is One God; there is no God but He, the All Merciful, the All

Compassionate.(Ch. 2:163)


ه ه ل اللـ ـ ماوات في ما له نوم ول سنة تأخذه ل القي وم الحي هو إل إل ض األر في وما الس

ن بشيء يحيطون ول خلفهم وما أيديهم بين ما يعلم بإذنه إل عنده يشفع الذي ذا من علمه م

ماوات سي ه كر وسع شاء بما إل .العظيم العلي وهو حفظهما يئوده ول ض واألر الس

( ٢:::٢ البقرة سورة ) العظيم هللا صدق


(The verse of the Throne) of Surat AlBaqara: (2:255)

Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyum. La takhudhuhus sinatun wa la

nawm. Lahu ma fis samawati wa ma fil ard. Man dhalladhi yashfa’u ‘indahu illa bi idhnihi ya’lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la

yuhituna bi shayim min ‘ilmihi illa bima shaa. Wasi’a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ard. Wa la yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa Huwal ‘Aliyyul ‘Azeem.

Sadaq Allahul ‘Azeem

Allah, there is no God but He, the Ever Living, Self Subsisting. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.

Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what lies before them, and what will be after them, and they comprehend not anything

of His knowledge except for what He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and the earth, and their preservation oppresses Him not; and He is the Most High, the

Almighty. (Holy Quran 2: 255)

لم واولووالملئ كةهوا الا لهالأنههللاشه د ينإ ن.الحك يمالعز يزهوا الا لهالب الق سط قائ ماالع الد

( ند سلمهللا ع مرانآل سورة.)اإل ٨٩ـ٣:٨٨ع

Shahidallahu annahu la ilaha illa Hu wal mala'ikatu wa ulul 'ilmi qaaiman bil

qist. La illaha illa Huwal 'Azizul Hakim. Innad dina 'indAllahil Islam.

(Surat Ali 'Imran 3:18-19)

Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and the angels and men of

knowledge, upholding justice; there is no god but He, the AlMighty, the All-Wise. The religion with God is Islam. (Holy Quran 3:18-19)

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ن الملك وتنزع تشاء من الملك تؤتي الملك مالك اللهم قل تشاء من وتذل تشاء من وتعز ،تشاء مم

، شيئ كل على انك . الخير بيدك هار في الليل تولج قدير الحي وتخرج الليل، في النهار وتولج الن

ت وتخرج المي ت من ، من المي ٣٥ (عمرانآلسورة. ( حساب بغير تشآء من وترزق الحي


Qulillahumma Malikul mulki, tu'til mulka man tashaau wa tanzi'ul m0ulka

mimman tasha'u, wa tu'izzu man tasha'u, wa tudhillu man tasha'u, bi yadikal khayr, innaka 'ala kulli shay'in qadir. Tulijul layla fin nahari, wa

tuliju nahara fil layl, wa tukhrijul hayya minal mayyiti, wa tukhrijul mayyita minal hayy, wa tarzuqu man tasha'u bi ghayri hisab. (Surat Ali

'Imran (Family of Imran) (3: 26-27) .

Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom, Thou givest the Kingdom to whom Thou wilt, and seizest the Kingdom from whom Thou wilt, Thou exaltest whom Thou

wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt; in Thou hand is the good; Thou art overt

all things Powerful. Thou makest the night to enter into the day and Thou makest the day to enter into the night, Thou bringest forth the living from the dead and

Thou bringest forth the dead from the living, And Thou providest whomsover Thou wilt without reckoning. (Holy Quran, 3:26-27)

،رب ي الجد منك الجد ذا ينفع ول قضيت، لما راد ول منعت، لما معطي ول أعطيت لما مانع ل أللهم

. ة ول حول ل و العظيم العلي بالل ال قو

Allahumma la mani'a lima a'tayta, wa la mu'tiy lima mana'ta, wa la radda

lima qadayta, wa la yanfa'u dhal jaddi minkal jadd. Rabbi, la hawla wa la

quwwata illa billahi ‘Aliyil Azim.

O Allah! No one can disallow the one to whom You are giving, and there is no

giver, to the one whom You have denied. And there is no refusing Your decree.

Riches and good fortune will not profit the possessor thereof with You (for nothing

will profit him but acting in obedience to You). My Lord, there is no power and no

strengh save in Allah, All-High and Almighty.

( ل هو اهر واآلخر األو ٣::٣ الحديد سورة . )عليم شيئ بكل وهو والباطن والظ

Huwal Awwalu wal Akhiru, waz Zahiru wal Batin, wa Huwa bi kulli

shay'in 'alim. (Surat alHadid (The Iron) (57: 3)

He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; He has knowledge of

everything. (The Iron; Ch.57:3)

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Suratt alFatiha (The Opener Ch. 1) ة (الفاتحة سورة )مرSurat alIkhlas (The Sincerity 112) ة( ٠٠٢ الخالص سورة )مرSuratt alFalaq (The Daybreak 113) ة( ٠٠٣ الفلق سورة )مرSurat anNas (The Mankind 114) ة(٠٠٦ الناس سورة )مر

تساب يحTASABIH

يمسبحانهللا سبحانكياعظ والكمال ذاالجلل يارب

ة٣٣)سبحانهللا (مر

Ya Rabi, dhal Jalali wal Kamali, Subhanaka ya 'Azim SubhanAllah

SubhanAllah ... (33 times)

O my Lord, Possessor of Majesty and Prefection. Glory be to You, O Almighty! Glory be to


دائ ماالحمد يمان اإل وشرف سلم علىن عمة اال هلل

ة٣٣)الحمدهلل (مر

'Ala ni'matil Islam, wa sharafil Iman, daiman, Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah... (33 times)

For the gift of Islam, the nobility of faith, always, praise be to Allah.

اكبرتعالىشأنهوالا لهغيرههللا

ة٣٣)هللااكبر (مر Ta'ala sha'nuhu, wa la ilaha ghayruh, Allahu akbar

Allahu akbar,... (33 times)

Exalted is His Affair, and there is no god but He, Allah is Greatest.

كث يراوسبحان هللااكبر يلكب يراوالحمدهلل ه بكرةوأص وب حمد هللا

شيئ يتوهوعلىكل وحدهالشر يكله،لهالملكولهالحمديحي يويم يرالا لها ال .قد

األعلىالوهاب .سبحانربيالعل ي

Allahu Akbaru kabiran, walhamdulillahi kathiran, wa subhanAllahi

bukratan wa asila. La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd,

yuhiyy wa yumit wa Huwa 'ala kulli shayy'in qadir.

Subhana Rabbiul ‘Aliyyul alal Wahhab.

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Allah is most Great in His Greatness, and much praise be to God. Glory be

to Allah, in the morning and evening. There is no God but Allah. He is One, has

no partner. His is the Kingdom and to Him is due all praises. He gives life and

causes death and He is has power over all things. Glory be to my Lord, the All

High, Supreme, Most Munificent.

ينايهاياالنب يعلىيصلونوملئ كتههللاإ ن .تسل يماوسلمواعليه صلواآمنواالذ

( ٣:٧٧ الحزاب سورة ( )العظيم للا صدق )

InnAllaha wa mala'ikatahu yusalluna 'alan Nabi, ya ayyuhal ladhina amanu,

sallu 'alayhi wa sallimu taslima. (Sadaq Allahul ’Azeem) (Suratul Ahzhab 33:57)

Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send blessings

on him and greet him with all respect. (God Almighty speaks the Truth). (Holy Quran,

The Combined Forces 33:57)

ات ٣( صلوات )مر

على دو نامحم علىسيد صل أللهم

داءودواء كل دب عدد نامحم سيد آل

وبار كوسلمعليه وعليه مكث يرا

( الثالثهالمرةفي والحمد كثيرا كث يرا ( .العالمين ب ر لل

3 X Salawat

Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin, wa 'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad. Bi 'adadi kulli da'in wa dawa'in wa barik wa sallim 'alayhi

wa 'alayhim kathira.

(3rd time, at the end after “Kathira” recite:) ...kathiran kathira, wal hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.

O God! Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, according

to the number of every illness and cure. Bless and grant peace to him and them, many times. … endlessly. And praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.



ه فاعلم :أن

هللا )مرة٨١١(الا لها ال

Fa'lam annahu: 100 X La ilaha illAllah (100 times)

Know that: There is no god but Allah.

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ة٨١(صلوات )مر

سلم دو محم علىآل دو علىمحم صل أللهم10 X Salawatu Sharifa

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the Family of


والحمد أجمعين كل وآل والمرسلين األنبيآء جميع على وسل م يارب صل ي العالمين رب لل

Salli, ya Rabbi, wasallim 'ala jami'yil anbiya'i wal mursalin, wa ali kullin

ajma'in, wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin.

Blessings , O my Lord, and peace be upon all the prophets and Emissaries, and

on the family of every one of them. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

لواتسيد لواتسلطان( المأثورالشر يفةالص )الص

Sayyid alSalawatul Sharifal Mathur (Sultanul Salawat)

(Chief of Prayers) on Prophet Muhammad (saw)

لوات دالص نامحم ينسيد العالم (ص)علىأشرف

لوات دالص نامحم ينسيد العالم (ص)علىأفضل

… لوات دالص نامحم ينسيد العالم (ص)علىأكمل

'Ala ashrafil ‘alamina Sayyidina Muhammadinis salawat (sallam). ‘Ala afdalil ‘alamina Sayyidina Muhammadinis salawat (sallam)

‘Ala akmalil ‘alamina Sayyidina Muhammadinis salawat (sallam) …

(Read this Sayyidus Salawat till the end)

Blessings upon the Noblest of all Creation, our Master Muhammad (saw).

Blessings upon the most Preferred of all Creation, our Master Muhammad (saw). Blessings upon the most Perfect of all Creation, our Master Muhammad (saw)

األعلىالوهاب .سبحانربيالعل ي Subhana Rabbil 'Aliyul 'alal Wahhab. Glory be to my Lord, All-High, Supreme, Most Munificent.

شخصي دعاء


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يطان من بالل اعوذ جيم الش الر

حمن هللا بسم حيم الر الر

. هادة الغيب عالم هو ال اله ل الذي هللا هو حمن هو والش حيم الر الر

وس الملك هو ال اله ل الذي هللا هو الم القد ار العزيز المهيمن المؤمن الس ر الجب هللا سبحان المتكب

ا ر البارئ الخالق هللا هو . يشركون عم موات في ما له يسب ح الحسنى األسماء له المصو الس

(١٢ـ٥٥١١:الحشرسورة). الحكيم العزيز وهو ، واألرض

A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Huwa Allahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwa, 'Alimul ghaybi wash shahadati, Huwar Rahmanur Rahim. Huwa Allahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwal Malikul

Quddusus Salamul Mu'minul Muhayminul 'Azizul Jabbarul Mutakabbir. SubhanAllahi 'amma yushrikun. Huwallahul Khaliqul Bari'ul Musawwiru,

lahul asma'ul husna. Yusabbihu lahu ma fis samawati wal ard, wa Huwal 'Azizul Hakim. (Surat alHashr 59: 22-24)

I seek refuge with God from Satan, the Cursed one. In the name of God, the All Beneficent, the All Merciful.

He is Allah; there is no god but He. He is the Knower of the Unseen and Visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. He is Allah; there is no god but He.

He is the King, the All-Holy, the All-Peace, the All-Faithful, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime. Glory be to Allah, above what they

associate! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies Him; He

is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. ( Holy Quran, Exile 59: 22-24)

ل هو اهر واآلخر األو ٣::٣ الحديد سورة . )عليم شيئ بكل وهو ن والباط والظ

Huwal Awwalu wal Akhiru, waz Zahiru wal Batin, wa Huwa bi kulli

shay'in 'alim. (Surat alHadid (The Iron) (57: 3)

He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; He has knowledge of

everything. (The Iron; Ch.57:3)

ناواسق ناواصل حشأننا ناواعفعناواغف رلناوارحمناوتبعليناواهد وشأنربناتقبلم

. الكاف ر ين ين،وانصرناعليالقوم أنزلتعليه سورةالفات حةب حرمة من.المسل م

Rabbana taqabbal minna, wa’fu anna, waghfir lana, warhamna, wa tub

’alayna, wasqina, waslih sha’nana wa sha’nal Muslimin, wansurna ‘ala

qawmil kafirin, bi hurmati man anzalta ‘alayhi Suratul Fatiha

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O our Lord! Accept (this) from us and absolve us. Forgive us and have mercy on us. Accept our repentance and guide us. Quench (our thirst), and improve our

condition and the condition of the Mulims. Give us victory over the corrupters

(qawm l-mufsidin), by the sanctity of the one to whom You revealed the First Chapter of Quran (The Opener)

هادة كلمة ات ٣)الش (مر

داعبده أن وأشهد ورسوله محم هللا إل إله ل أن أشهد

3 X - Kalimatush Shahada

Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and


:إ ست غفار


(مرة٠١١)أستغف رهللا

. ما نكل يةوم ذنبومعص نكل ينأستغف رهللام م اح ياأرحمالر سلم يناإل يخال فد

الفاتحة 100 X Astaghfirullah

(After 100th time, say) Astaghfirullah min kulli dhanbin wa ma'siyatin wa

min kulli ma yukhalifu dinal Islam, ya arhamar rahmin. alFatiha.

I ask Allah’s forgiveness. I ask Allah’s forgiveness for every sin and disobedience and

from all that opposes the religion of Islam. O Most Merciful.

٣٤ يس سورة Surat YaSin (Chapter 36)

Surat by saying “Yasin (SallAllahu ‘Alayhi wasSallam), Wal Quranul Hakim….(recite

the entire chapter)

:تنتهي ثم

( ٨٨:٢٨ القصص سورة .) جعون تر وإليه الحكم له وجهه إل هالك شيء كل …

(Recite at the end of Surat alYasin) kullu shayy’in halikun illa Wajhahu, laHu l-

Hukmu wa ilayhi turja’un. ( Surat alQasas 28:88)

All things perish except His Face. His is the Judgment, and unto Him you shall be

returned….(S.28: 88)

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Asma'ullahil Husna

(99 Beautiful Names of Allah)

يم ح الر حمن الر هللا ب سم

يمهوهللا ح حمنالر هوالر هادة والش يالا لها الهوالعال مالغيب له جل ( الذ وسالسلم، )جلا المل كالقد

نالعز يزالجبارالمتكبر نالمهيم له جل (المؤم اقالخال قالبار ئ)جلا ز رالغفارالقهارالوهابالر المصو

له جل ( الفتاحالعل يم ير)جلا يعالبص م الس ل المذ ز اف عالمع طالخاف ظالر له جل (القاب ضالباس الحكمالعدل)جلا

الخب ير يف الكب يراللط العل ي كور الش الغفور يم العظ له جل (الحل يم الجل يل حف يظ )جلا يب الحس المق يط

يد المج الودود الحك يم ع الواس يب المج ق يب الر له جل (الكر يم )جلا القو ي الوك يل الحق الشه يد ث الباع

القيوم الحي يت المم المحي ي يد المع ئ المبد ي المحص يد الحم الول ي له جل (ال مت ين د)جلا الماج د الواج

الم ر القاد مد الص األحد د رالواح له جل ( قتد ر)جلا الخ ل األو ر المؤخ م الوال يالظاه ر المقد ن الباط

اب التو البر له جل ( المتعال ي ؤوف)جلا الر العفو كرام ،الملك المال ك،المنتق م واإل له ج جل ( ذوالجلل )لا

النور الناف ع ار الض المان ع ي المعط المغن ي الغن ي ع الجام ط له جل ( المقس الباق ي)جلا يع البد ي الهاد

بورالوار ث يدالص ش .الر

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Huwallahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwar Rahmanur, Rahimu (Jalla Jallaluhu),

alMalikul, Quddusus, Salamul, Mu'minul, Muhayminul, 'Azizul, Jabbarul, Mutakabbir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alKhaliqul, Bari'ul, Musawwirul, Ghaffarul,

Qahharul, Wahhabul, Razzaqul, Fattahul, 'Alim (Jalla Jallaluhu), alQabidul,Basitul, Khafidur, Rafi'ul, Mu'izzul, Mudhilus, Sami'ul, Basir

(Jalla Jallaluhu), alHakamul, 'Adlul, Latiful, Khabirul, Halimul, 'Azimul,

Ghafurush, Shakurul, 'Aliyyul, Kabir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alHafizul, Muqitul, Hasibul, Jalilul, Karimur, Raqibul, Mujibul, Wasi'ul, Hakimul, Wadodul,

Majid (Jalla Jallaluhu), alBa'ithush, Shahidul, Haqqul, Wakilul, Qawiyyul, Matinul, Waliyyul, Hamidul, Muhsiyul, Mubdi'ul, Mu'idul, Muhiyyul,

Muminul, Hayyul, Qayyum (Jalla Jallaluhu),, alWajidul, Majidul, Wahidul, Ahadus, Samadul, Qadirul, Muqtadir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMuqaddimul,

Mu'akhirul, Awwalul, Akhiruz, Zahirul, Batinul, Waliyyul, Mut'aliul, Barrut, Tawwab (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMuntaqimul, 'Afuwwur, Ra'uful, Malikul

mulke, dhul Jalali wal Ikram (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMuqsitul, Jami'ul, Ghaniyyul, Mughniyyul, Mu'tiyyul, Mani'ud, Darrul, Nafi'un, Nur (Jalla

Jallaluhu), alHadiyul, Badi'ul, Baqiyul, Warithur, Rashidus, Sabbur.

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The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver BC 19

Jalla Jallaluhu = May He be Glorified and Exalted!

He is Allah; there is no god but He. He is the Knower of the Unseen and Visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The King, the

All-Holy, the All-Peacable, the All-Faithful, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Creator, the Maker, the

Shaper, the All-Forgiver, the Dominator, the All-Bounteous, the All-Provider, the Opener, the Omniscient, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Contracter, the Expander, the

Abaser, the Exalter, the Raiser (to Honour), the Humiliater, the All-Hearing, the All-Seing, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Supreme Arbiter, the Just, the Subtle, the All-

Cognizant, the All-Forbearing, the Greatest, the Most Forgiving, the Rewarder, the Most High, the Grand, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Preserver, the Nourisher, the

Sole Reliance, the Sublime, the Generous, the Ever-Watchful, the Responder, the Limitless, the All-Wise, the Loving, the Glorious, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The

Resurrector, the Witness, the Ultime Truth, the Trustee, the Strong, the Firm, the

Patron, the Praiseworthy, the Reckoner, the Originator, the Restorer, the Granter of Life, the Bringer of Death, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, (Jalla

Jallaluhu). The Founder Who has no needs, the Glorified, the Unique, the One, the Eternally Besought, the All-Powerful, the Bestower of Power, (Jalla

Jallaluhu). The Advancer, the Retarder, the First, the Last, the Manifest, the Hidden, the One Who has Change Over All, the Highly Exalted, the Beneficent,

the Accepter of Repentance, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Avanger, the Eraser of Sin, the Most Compassionate, Lord of All Dominion, Possessor of Majesty and Bounty,

(Jalla Jallaluhu). The Upholder of Equity, the Gatherer, the All-Wealthy, the Enricher, the Giver, the Denier, the Creator of Harm, the Creator of Good, the

Light, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Guider, the Originator, the Everlasting, the Inheritor, the Guide, the Patient, (Jalla Jallaluhu).

يلميل دولميولدولم .يكنلهكفواأحدجلجللهجلتعظمتهوالا لهغيرهالذ Jalla Jallaluhu Jalat azmatahu wa la ilaha ghayruhu ladhi lam yalid wa lam

yulad wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.

May He be Glorified and Exalted! His Greatness has become manifest, and there

is no god but He, Who has not begotten and has not been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone.

( د على صل صمد يا أحد يا ات ٣) محم مر

3 X - Ya Ahad, Ya Samad, salli 'ala Muhammad. O Unique One! O Eternally Besought! Bless Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

11 X Surat alIkhlas (The Sincerity 112) ة ٠٠) ٠٠٢ الخالص سورة (مرSuratt alFalaq (The Daybreak 113) ة( ٠٠٣ الفلق سورة )مرSurat anNas (The Mankind 114) ة(٠٠٦ الناس سورة )مر

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The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver BC 20

:إ هداء IHDA(Gift)

بلغثوابماقرأناه ناا لىروح نب يناأللهم لةم اص يةو نا ونورماتلوناههد دسيد صلىهللاعليه )محم

ة (وسلم األئ م أرواح وإ لى ه م، شرائ ع والمرسل ينوخدماء األنب ياء ن م إ خوان ه أرواح ألربعة،وإ لى

الطر يقةو إ مام إ لىروح العال يةخاصة ية النقشبند ناف يالطر يقة مشائ خ الخل يقةغوث وإ لىأرواح

سلطان وا لى البخار ي، ي داألؤيس محم النقشبند ين بهاءالد عبد هللا خواجه يخ الش األول ياء

ستان ي الشيخ، الفائ ز الداغ موالنا األول ياء سلطان د وا لى الحقان ي محم م ه يشام، ناظ الشيخ وموالنا

ب ، والشيخادنانالقبان ي، القبان ي مانصاح نالز داسيد هد يمحم ناهللاروح،(السلمعليه )الم سيد

يسی لمعليه )ع ناهللاسيف،و(الس لمعليه )عل يسيد يق ين سائ ر سادات ناا لىو (الس د .الفات حة.والص

Allahumma balligh tawaba ma qaraanahu wa nura ma talawnahu,

hadiyyatan wasilatan minna ila ruhi Nabiyina Sayyidina Muhammadin

(SallAllahu 'alayhi Wa sallam), wa ila arwahi ikhwanihi minal Anbiyai wal

mursalyin, wa khudamaai sharay'ihim, wa ila arwahil a'imatil arba'ah, wa

ila arwahi mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyyatil 'aaliyyah,

khasatan ila ruhi Imamit tariqat wa ghawthil khaliqati Khwaja Bahauddin

anNaqshband Muhammadal Uwaisil Bukhari, wa ila sultanul Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil Faizad Daghestani, wa ila sultanul Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, wa Mawlana Shaykh

Hisham Kabbani, wa Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, Sahibul Zaman Sayyidina

Muhammadul Mahdi ('alayhis salaam), wa Ruhullah Sayyidina ‘Isa

('alayhis salaam), wa Sayfullah Sayyidina 'Ali('alayhis salaam), wa ila

sayiri sadatina wa sadiqin. Al Fatiha.

O God! Grant that the merit of what we have read, and the light of what we have

recited, are (considered) and offering and gift from us to the soul of our Prophet our Master Muhammad (pbuh), and to the souls of his brothers; all Prophets and

messengers, and to our honoured Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order, especially the leader of the Way and arch-intercessor of the created world; Khwaja Bahauddin

Muhammadul Uwaisil Bukhari, and to our Master, Sultanul Awliya (King of saints) Shaykh AbdAllah alFa’iz adDaghistani, and Sultanul Awliya (King of saints),

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, and Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, and to all our masters, and (those who are) the

righteous. al Fatiha (Recite First Chapter of Holy Quran al Fatiha (The Opener).)

(This presents the reward of the preceding recitations to the Prophet (saw) and to the Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order

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