Page 1: 八天 台湾西岸 三大主题乐园 合家欢乐游(TWWW8) · PDF file地美食 等,您皆可 ... 风味餐:摩洛哥风味,台式料理,台南国宴,邵族风味,主题乐园蒋府宴,客家风味,金品小笼包

八天 台湾西岸 “三大主题乐园” 合家欢乐游(TWWW8)

第一天:新加坡 Q 高雄 齐集于新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘搭豪华飞机前往宝岛台湾之都 - 高雄。送往酒店休息。(机上用餐)

第二天:高雄 – 垦丁:车城海洋生物馆 / 途经南湾 / 垦丁国家公园 – 台湾最南点 / 途经龙盘风景区 /垦丁大街 早餐后搭乘专车前往车城海洋生物馆。一进海生馆大门,就会被入口处的鲸鱼亲水广场吸引。站在大片的生态水族玻璃墙前面



地美食等,您皆可自费品尝。 (早:酒店,午:摩洛哥风味,晚:自理) 第三天:垦丁 – 高雄: 垦丁猫鼻头 / 珍珠展示馆 / 义大遊乐世界 / 义大世界购物广场 早餐后前往游览其外形像蹲坐的猫而得名的猫鼻头。接着回返高雄参观珍珠展示馆,了解珍珠的生成过程与成品展示。随后前


义大世界内尽享不同的休闲乐趣或前往义大世界购物广场自由购物。 (早:酒店,午:台湾料理,晚:自理)




垦丁:车城海洋生物馆 / 途经南湾 / 垦丁国家公园 – 台湾最南点 / 途经龙盘风景区 / 垦丁大街 / 猫鼻头

高雄:义大遊乐世界, 义大世界购物广场 / 十鼓文化村 + DIY 台南:高铁体验 / 井仔脚瓦盘盐田 / 白色水晶教堂

台中:逢甲夜市 南投:清境青青草原 / 日月潭风景区(游船)/ 文武庙

新竹:小人国主题乐园 / 六福村主题乐园 / 入住关西六福莊生态渡假旅馆

台北:维格凤梨酥梦工厂DIY / 淡水老街 / 士林夜市 / 西门町商圈

Page 2: 八天 台湾西岸 三大主题乐园 合家欢乐游(TWWW8) · PDF file地美食 等,您皆可 ... 风味餐:摩洛哥风味,台式料理,台南国宴,邵族风味,主题乐园蒋府宴,客家风味,金品小笼包

第四天:高雄(高铁)台南 – 台中:十鼓文化村 + DIY / 井仔脚瓦盘盐田 / 白色水晶教堂 / 台中逢甲夜市 今天将出发前往十鼓文化村;一个结鼓乐团体,休閒娱乐,与自然生态结合的鼓乐艺术村;安排祈福鼓 DIY。接着搭乘高铁前往台南前往井仔脚瓦盘盐田,是北门的第一座盐田,也是现存最古老的瓦盘盐田遗址。游客在此可体验


关岛的「海之教会St. Laguna Chapl」的水晶教堂。晚上遊览全台湾最大且著名的逢甲夜市。以『俗搁大碗』为最吸引各路爱好夜市的民众,又以新奇又有趣

的小吃闻名,成为创新小吃的原始地。 (早:酒店,午:台南国宴,晚:自理) 第五天:台中 – 南投 –新竹:青青草原 / 日月潭乘船遊湖 / 文武庙 / 山地特产中心 / 入住关西六福莊生态渡假旅馆 早餐后游览海拔1800公尺的青青草原最美丽的一块净土。漫步在原野上,享受纯净天然的气围,让人沉浸在悠闲时光里。接着

前往南投遊览全台最大的高山淡水湖泊:日月潭风景区, 搭乘遊艇遊览日月潭的湖光山色之美。再到位於日月潭山腰上, 因供奉孔子、岳飞以及关羽而得名的文武庙。庙宇以金黄色为主、巍峨耸立、气势非凡。途中来到当地山地特产中心了解更多

台湾特产。下午参观山地特产中心后启程前往新竹入住关西六福莊生态渡假旅馆,在动物的陪伴下入眠。 (早:酒店,午:邵族风味,晚:客家风味) 第六天:新竹 – 台北:六福村主题乐园 / 小人国主题乐园 / 西门町商圈 早餐后游览六福村主题乐园:以世界各地知名特色人文风情区为主幹,包括美国大西部、南太平洋、阿拉伯皇宫、及非洲野生





品、各国美食、偶像歌手签唱会,都让西门町成为年轻人必去的流行新乐园。 (早:酒店,午:主题乐园蒋府宴,晚:金品小笼包) 第七天:台北:维格凤梨酥梦工厂DIY / 淡水老街 / 天禄展示馆 / 茶艺馆品茶 / 士林夜市 早上出发维格凤梨酥梦工厂体验凤梨酥DIY,接著前往集美食、小吃、老街为一身的淡水老街遊览。再出发至天禄艺品中心去


煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶、韩国泡菜锅等;保证让您回味无穷。 (早:酒店,午:自理,晚:自理) 第八天:送机:台北 Q 新加坡 早餐后自由活动至集合时间,送往桃园中正国际机场搭乘豪华客机飞返新加坡,并希望您同大通旅游共享美丽的回忆。 注:行程如有更动,以当地旅行社最后安排为准, 恕不预先告知。 注:如果中文和英文行程有不符合之处, 请以英文行程为准! 注:若因无法预料之状况下而没办法安排入住指定酒店或民宿,将以同等级为准。

Page 3: 八天 台湾西岸 三大主题乐园 合家欢乐游(TWWW8) · PDF file地美食 等,您皆可 ... 风味餐:摩洛哥风味,台式料理,台南国宴,邵族风味,主题乐园蒋府宴,客家风味,金品小笼包

8D West Taiwan “3 MAJOR THEME PARK” Family Edu Fun (TWWW8)

Day 1: Singapore Q Kaohsiung Your vacation begins with a pleasant flight from Singapore Changi Airport to KAOHSIUNG, the second largest city in Taiwan. (Meals on Board) Day 2: Kaohsiung - Kenting: National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium / Nanwan / Kenting National Park / Longpan / Kenting Street Morning, proceed to National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. NMMBA is a good place in southern Taiwan to educate the public about the ocean. After that, coach stop by Nanwan and Kenting National Park and visit the Southern Tip Platform of Taiwan, overlooking the confluence of three oceans, natural landscape of sea and sky merged. Continue it; pass by Longpan Park and transfer to Kenting Street for food hunt at night. (Breakfast: HOTEL / Lunch: MOROCCO FLAVOR) Day 3: Kenting - Kaohsiung: Maobitou / Pearl Center / E-DA Theme Park / E-DA Shopping Mall (Ferris wheel own Expenses) After breakfast, let visit to Maobitou which means “cat’s nose and head” in Mandarin comes from its unique appearance like a crouching cat. Continue it, visit to Pearl Center before transfer to E-DA Theme Park. The only Greece theme park in Taiwan. Next, come to EDA WORLD OUTLET MALL, which is the first full-scale Outlet Mall, consists of 300 well-known worldwide brands for you to choose from. (Breakfast: HOTEL / Lunch: TAIWAN FLAVOR)

[Note: When EDA world accommodation is full, hotel will be shifted to Kaohsiung city]


Meal Plan: 7 Breakfast, 5 Lunch & 2 Dinner

Special Meals: Morocco Flavor, Taiwan Flavor, Tainan Banquet, Shao Flavor, Chiang House Feast, Hakka Flavor, King Ping Tea Restaurant EXCITING HIGHLIGHTS KENTING: National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium / Nanwan / Kenting National Park – Southern Tip Platform / Longpan Park / Kenting Street / Cat Nose (Maobitou)

TAINAN: High Speed Train, Jingzhaijiao Tile-Paved Fields, Beimen Crystal Church

KAOHSIUNG: EDA Outlet Mall, EDA Theme Park , Ten Drum Village + DIY TAICHUNG: Fengjia Market

NANTOU: Green Green Grassland / Sun Moon Lake (Cruise) / Wen Wu Temple /

XINZHU: Window on China Theme Park / Leofoo Village Theme Park / Check in Leofoo Resort Guanshi (Safari Resort)

TAIPEI: Pineapple Dream Factory DIY / Danshui Old Street / Shilin Night Market / Ximending Shopping Area

Page 4: 八天 台湾西岸 三大主题乐园 合家欢乐游(TWWW8) · PDF file地美食 等,您皆可 ... 风味餐:摩洛哥风味,台式料理,台南国宴,邵族风味,主题乐园蒋府宴,客家风味,金品小笼包

Day 4: Kaohsiung (High Speed Train) Tainan – Taichung: Ten Drum Village + DIY / Jingzhaijiao Tile-Paved Fields / Beimen Crystal Church / Fengjia Night Market This morning visit Ten Drum Culture Village. It was the first International Art Village for Drum Music of Asia and we will experience the small drum DIY. After that, let experience the High Speed Train to Tainan and visit Jingzhaijiao Tile-Paved Salt Fields boasts the first salt field in Tainan’s Beimen area. At Jingzaijiao, you can make own solar salt using the ancient method, carrying salt with a shoulder pole and harvesting the salt. Continue it; let visit Beimen Crystal Church which is the most romantic church in Tainan. Lastly, coach ride to Fengjia Night Market, located near Fengjia University of Taichung City is the largest night market in Taiwan. (Breakfast: HOTEL / Lunch: Tainan Banquet) Day 5: Taichung – Nantou – Xinzhu: Green Green Grassland / Sun Moon Lake (Cruise) / Wen Wu Temple / Aboriginal Local Product Center / Check in Leofoo Resort Guanshi Morning, proceed to Qinjing and enjoy the great view of the Green Green Grassland. Next visit Sun-moon Lake with Cruise which is one of the famous tourist attractions in Taiwan, Continue to visit the Wen Wu Temple and Aboriginal Local Product center. Continue it; proceed to stay at Asia’s first Safari Resort, LEOFOO GUANSHI RESORT; you can see animals just outside your room. (Breakfast: HOTEL / Lunch: SHAO MINORITY FLAVOR / Dinner: HAKKA FLAVOR) Day 6: Xinzhu - Taipei: Leofoo Village Theme Park / Window on China Theme Park / Ximending Shopping Area Today let visit to the land of fun, Leofoo Village Theme Park. It is recommendable to try the “Vertical Velocity” which is Asia’s first and world’s second U-shape slide track spiral Roller Coaster and visit the “African Safari” which is the only open-sky wild animal park in Taiwan. After lunch, take a visit to Window on China Theme Park is one of Taiwan's amusement park and the main attraction is where they display miniature of historical buildings and famous international landmarks around the world. Lastly, arrive at Ximending, you can check out Taiwan’s latest fashion, trendy clothing’s. (Breakfast: HOTEL / Lunch: CHIANG HOUSE FEAST / Dinner: KING PING TEA RESTAURANT)

Day 7: Taipei: Pineapple Dream Factory DIY / Danshui Old Street / Tienlu Gallery / Taipei Tea Center / Shilin Night Market After breakfast, visit to Pineapple DIY Factory and experience the process of Taiwan most famous pineapple tart. Later transfer to Danshui Old Street. You can try the tasty local dishes, such as hard eggs and Agei. Continue it, visit to Tienlu Gallery and Tea Center. Lastly, let arrives at Shilin Night Market which has lots of variety local handicrafts, clothes, toys, yummy local treats and souvenirs. This place has already become famous tourist attractions in Taiwan. (Breakfast: HOTEL) Day 8: Taipei Q Singapore Morning, if time permits, you can do your last minute shopping before you transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope you have had a memorable time with CTC Travel. (Breakfast: HOTEL) Notes: Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice.

In the event of discrepancy between English and Chinese itineraries, please refer to the English version itinerary. Notes: Hotel & Resort will be change to same category subject to room availability.

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