

Chaz Churchwell:-Jeff and Christine Sadler-Derrick and Justina Reed-John and Kat Hindman-Lance and Danel Monroe-Chaz Churchwell -Mark Wright-Howard and Tammy Houston-Adam Judge

Jason Thomas:-Randy and Danette Hufstetler-Jon and Whitney Kocher & Tyler and Jodi Rohr-Shawn and Katie Little-Nathan and Diane Elder-Clint Byrom-Wendell Shippey

Glenn and Linda Wilson:-Pat Smith-Ty and Melanie McWilliams-Paul Varnado-Michael Christopher-Henry and Pam Noey

Christine Sadler:-Angie Allen-Susan Allen and Lisa Blomstrom-Marla Douglas-Janet Walsh and Kathy Gregory-Jessica Hosmer

MISSION: To introduce real people to a real God!

VISION: To see a city transformed one life at a time.

CULTURE: To be a church that unchurched people want to attend.

OUR PURPOSES: Worship                               Connect                               Grow                               Serve                               Share

CORE VALUES: Biblical Authority                            Authentic Community                            Relevant Environments                            Intimacy with God                            Relational Evangelism                            Strategic Service                            Intentional Apprenticing                            Excellence                            Alignment                            Risk                            Creativity                            Simplicity                            One Church

Session 1: What LifeGroups Exist ForI. _________________________The God we worship is a God Who has eternally existed in community. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have dwelled in perfect unity, love and joy before and throughout time. This triune God created humanity as the chief of His creations for the display of this relationship.

In the beginning it was written that “it is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis2:18). Man was walking in the garden with God and without sin and yet such arelationship was not ideal. It was not in accordance with the purpose of the Creator for the creature.

We read in the Gospels that among Jesus’ final words before the cross was a prayer for the unity of His people, a unity expressive of the unity found within the godhead (John 17:21-22).

We know from the testimony of the early church that community was the natural result of the Spirit’s influence upon the Church (Acts 2:42-47). It is apparent that community is not some peripheral Christian teaching but is central to the outworking of God’s purpose in the world. God is glorified when He is properly reflected; by dwelling in unity, we rightly image our communal Maker.

In being obedient to this calling, Crosspoint Church urges each member to bedeeply involved in the lives of others, to ______________________________. Unfortunately, we have not always done a great job of explaining exactly what this phrase means. This section will serve as a short introduction to the topic of biblical community and what it is that we mean when we commend “doing life.”Our hope for us is not that we would simply hang out with each other, but rather, that we would engage in a battle for deep and abiding relationships within the body.

We find the following characteristics to be particularly indicative of biblicalCommunity. You know them as our 5 Purposes, but I want us to look specifically at how they apply to LifeGroups.

1. __________________ – anything I do to tell God “I love You.”The early church spent its time in engaging in celebration of the Lord and theremembrance of the gospel through the means of grace which wereprovided. We therefore find it essential for biblical community to be about the

pursuit of the Lord through the ______________________, prayer, singing and thereading and teaching of the Scriptures.

2. ____________________ – Consistent bonding of one-to-another in community. The early church pictured in the book of Acts met daily to encourage eachother and worship together. __________________ tells us to not neglect meetingtogether as some are in the habit of doing, while chapter 4 tells us to exhortone another daily. A clear Scriptural admonition exists toward long lastingrelationships and deeply consistent presence in the lives of others.Occasional or infrequent gatherings do not capture the spirit of the text.

3. __________________ – Sacrificial giving of self for God’s purposeLove can be a rather ambiguous term. We love our wives, our children, ourdogs, Mexican food and the Houston Texans. Surely we do not mean thesame thing in each use of the term.

Five times in letter of 1st John, the apostle writes that believers are to love and _________________ in one another. However, he does not leave the command in ambiguity.Rather, he qualifies the command by showing that love is best representedby the sending of the Son to serve as the slaughtered lamb for our sins and thus setting the example as the ultimate servant by sacrificing everything out of love (1 John 3:16-18). Let us love in truth and deed and not merely in word. Love which is not sacrificial is really not love, and service which is not in love is not really service.

4. __________________ – Reaching out to an unchurched worldif the unchurched in the United States ever formed their own country, it would be the world’s 11th most populous nation. On a global scale there are 53 nations where the name Jesus is oppressed by government sanctions or public convictions that lead to acts of violence, murder, and/or imprisonment for any of our brothers or sisters who would call Christ Lord.

Society expects that the only things we need to know about the people we work with and live next to is a first/last name and any annoying habits that we should be bothered by. If we are to effectively share the incredible news of Jesus with the neighbor, the boss, the world; then we must learn to care like Jesus cared and share like He shared.

“…and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.” (Philemon 1:6) The LifeGroup is to be on mission in the community, loving the community, and sharing the hope of Christ with the community. Doing missions together reminds us that our life is not really about us. Our life is about God’s glory. We _______________for the sake of Christ, and we have a great deal of work to do!

5. __________________ – Emulating Christ by continued knowledge & application Our Creator seeks intimacy with us and the lost world challenges our every conviction and belief. What more reason do we need for there to be a hunger to know intimately and intelligently the one who knitted us together? We are called to grow in two areas: __________________ & __________________. It is when we soak in God’s word and effectively

apply it to our lives that we grow.

We can read and study on our own, but a great deal of application must come through community. People who gather together and yet do not truly know each other cannot rightly be called a community. The Bible commands the confession of sin and struggles and praises, which gives evidence for a life of transparency. This characteristic also bears with it a commitment to engage in the proper means of fighting back sin for the good of the sinner, the health of the body and the glory of the Lord. Often times such a dedication to put sin to death includes the proper and godly use of the steps of discipline as outlined in Matthew 18.

Given the characteristics of community, what are the practical implications? The implications can be summarized in two words “Life Transformation.”

II. ____________________________________ While the list could be quite extensive, a large number of the elements could easily be seen by doing a thorough search of the dozens of “__________________” passages especially within the New Testament. Such passages say that believers are to:

- Love one another (John 13:34, 15:12)- __________________ one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10)- Live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:16)- Comfort and agree with one another (2 Corinthians 13:11)- Serve one another (John 13:1-20; Galatians 5:13)- Bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2)- Forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32)- Submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21)- Be honest with one another (Colossians 3:9)- Encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11)- __________________ to one another (James 5:16)- Pray for one another (James 5:16)

Crosspoint wants its members to live as Christ’s ambassadors. We want to be distinct in the way in we work, speak, think, rest and play. We want to do those things that glorify

our gracious Lord and Savior. To properly reflect His communal nature and to follow His communal commands, we must as a people engage in fellowship that is sacrificially loving, consistent, worshipful, and authentically transparent. In this way, people experience life transformation as we seek to “do life together.”

Tips To: Build Biblical Community in Your LifeGroup

& Share Through Your LifeGroup

A time of __________________.1)Pick a person every week to encourage. 2)Verbally/Letters/Sticky Notes

Planned __________________ during off week.1)Get to know your LifeGroup better.2)Gets kids involved. (Choose a dinner night)

Self addressed __________________.

1)End of a series, have people write down a decision they want to commit to!2) Seal it in an envelope, address it to their home, and mail them the envelope after a week or two as a reminder of their commitment.

__________________ a family. 1)Find a family in the church you want to support. 2)Write letters to them, leave care packages at their home, cook meals, ect.

__________________ a child through Compassion International.1) $38 a month. Write letters, send care packages, ect.2)

Be willing to _______________________.1) Death of immediate family is a huge deal.2) Be willing to postpone a study to live out what you have learned.

Do a ______________________.1) This removes the selfish nature of ME, MYSELF, and I 2) Serving on mission brings cohesion 3) Contact our missions pastor [email protected] for ideas4) Pick a church-wide mission event to serve together

These things are geared to take your lifegroup from being “me” focused by helping it be a group that is “Christ” focused.

Look at the next page for ideas on some crazy, but fun ways to touch Pearland and the world

Session 2: Roles & ResponsibilitiesCrosspoint LifeGroup Roles & Responsibilities

LifeGroup –A Crosspoint LifeGroup: _________________ 5-15 people for biblical community and life transformation.Crosspoint LifeGroups Do 4 Things:1. Meet together once a week during semesters2. Gather Socially twice a semester3. Gather for a Mission Project Once a Semester4. Pray and Care for One Another

Leader - A Crosspoint LifeGroup Leader: _________________ 5-15 people with vision, love, and leadership.Crosspoint LifeGroup Leaders Do 4 Things:1. Pray for my group daily2. Lead the group once a week3. Meet with Coaches in a LifeGroup Huddle once a semester4. Seek to birth a new group from their current group once every year

Coach -A Crosspoint LifeGroup Coach: _________________ 1-5 Leaders by embodying, escorting, envisioning, and equipping.Crosspoint LifeGroup Coaches Do 4 Things:1. Pray for my LifeGroup Leaders daily2. Communicate with my LifeGroup leaders twice a month3. Meet with my Leaders in a LifeGroup Huddle once a semester4. Visit the LifeGroups in my Huddle once a year

4 Things You Should Give (your LifeGroup)

andReceive (from your Coach)

1) __________________: a person who guides or inspires others.• People should be following you• You need to be relevant• You need to be available

2) __________________: guide someone to become a follower of Jesus.• Invest into a small amount of people, equipping them to invest into others• Teach them about Jesus and instill his plans and purpose into them

3) ____________________________: being responsible for others and willing to open up and share sensitive or personal information.• Active Listener• A non-judgmental attitude• Caring for each other• Trust

4) _________________ and __________________: you desire to meet together and share your joys, your trials, and syour testimony.• Fellowship• Care for one another

Sesion3: LifeGroup CovenantsCovenants are expressions of group values, expectations, or behaviors for which we hold ourselves mutually accountable. We enter into covenant relationships based on commitment and mutual acceptance. Covenants are based on love and loyalty, and are only valid if all parties seek to fulfill the covenant obligations. In some cases, one party may choose to keep a covenant despite the unfaithfulness of the other party (as God often did with Israel). Thus, covenants are binding agreements that can create trust and build community. Not all groups create a written covenant, but most groups have at least unwritten values or expectations that are understood by the group. When you develop a written covenant (consult your ministry leadership regarding this), use the following guidelines to help you in the process.

Keys to Forming Covenants

1. The values around which a group makes a covenant must be generated by the group, not imposed by the leader.

2. Group covenants should always be in the form of “we” statements. But they must be affirmed by each individual.

3. Covenants must be reaffirmed on a periodic basis so that members remember their commitment to one another.

4. Covenants should be created around logistics and values that support group goals and purposes.Logistics V alues • where and when we will meet • open chair• how often we will meet • accountability• who is responsible for leading • openness• who will handle refreshments • confidentiality

• attendance expectations • acceptance5. Covenants must be formed over time through a

process that involves everyone. For an example of how that process might look, we have included a sample.

A Process for Making Covenants That Create Community

Meeting #1—Hand out a 3 x 5 card and ask group members to write two or three values/behaviors they expect from others in the group.Meeting #2—The leader compiles a list of values from the last meeting and puts them all on a sheet of paper. Ask the group to break out into subgroups of two to three people and rank the values, identifying the top five.Meeting #3—The leader presents the top values compiled from the previous week and presents a final list of the top five to seven values. (You really don’t want more than five to seven. Most groups can’t remember more than that, so try to focus on the key ones.)Have each subgroup write a statement for one or two of the values, present it to the group for clarification, and then present it again in final form. This may take two or three meetings, but it will be worth it.Meeting #4—The leader hands out the final list of values with a two- or three- sentence explanation of each. Every member signs the covenant, agreeing to operate by these values.This entire process can take two to three meetings, or you can spread it out over more meetings as the group desires.Note: A sample covenant is shown on the next page. Feel free to copy it and use it as a framework to develop your own.


Spring 2011Welcome to Spring 2011 LifeGroups at Crosspoint. Congratulations on your desire to Grow deeper in your relationship with God through this weekly study and the relationships that will begin in this LifeGroup.

As a member of this group, you will be asked to enter into a covenant with the other members to make this LifeGroup a priority. To be a part of the group, you are asked to make the following commitments:

1) I will make this group a priority by: Attending each week Doing one mission project this semester Have social gatherings twice a semester

2) I will regularly attend Crosspoint services and contribute to the ministry of the church through my attendance, giving, service, and inviting of others.

3) I will strive to build authentic relationships with those in this group by showing care, providing encouragement, and praying for their needs.

4) I will explore honestly my next steps for spiritual growth, and allow my group to help me reach it.

5) We will seek to share some or all of the following roles and responsibilities: Leader, Apprentice, Host/Hostess, Prayer Coordinator, Event Planner, Administrator, Mission Project Coordinator, Attendance taker

We will agree to the following primary values for our group:

Participation: Everyone is given the right to their own opinion, and “dumb questions” are encouraged and respected.

Confidentiality: Anything of a personal nature that is said in the meeting is never repeated outside the meeting.

Open Chair: The group stays open to new people as long as they commit to the covenant. The process for filling the open chair in our group will be…

Group Birthing: At the appropriate time, this group will begin the birthing process by…

Apprentice Leader(s): We will strive to identify and develop the apprentices in our group by…

LEADER _____________________ APPRENTICE(S) _________________________________________________________/________________________________________________________/________________________________________________________/________________________________________________________/________________________________________________________/___________________________


Appendix: Dealing with problems in the group

Skills: Ice Breakers and Group Openers

Using group openers is a basic, yet essential, LifeGroup skill. Icebreaker ideas and share questions are designed to facilitate discussion about members’ personal lives and to help them open up more freely. They are not designed for simple yes and no answers.

Use discretion with these questions and statements. Some will evoke deep and serious responses. Others are light and funny. If your group is new, you should probably use questions and icebreakers that focus on information about people’s lives (where they grew up, where they went to school, how they came to your church, where they work, what they think about certain events in our culture, etcetera). As intimacy develops in a group, begin to challenge people with more in depth questions that evoke feeling, thoughts, and insights.

What is your Favorite movie and why? If money were no problem, and you could choose one place in the world to

travel for a week, where would that place be and why? Write down your two most favorite summer activities? Pair off and share

those activates with one another, explaining why they are your favorites. Who is number one advisor in life and why? One of my biggest pet peeves is _________. People might be surprised to find out that I _________. You have three wishes. What would you wish for? If you suddenly lost your eyesight, what would be the thing you missed

seeing the most? What is the most daring thing you have ever done? What made it so daring? My favorite way to waste time is _______? You have one minute to speak to the entire nation on national television.

What one or two key things would you like to tell them? What’s the story behind the longest time you’ve gone without sleep? What were the circumstances that surrounded your first kiss? Who is the most famous person you’ve known or met? How did it happen? When I dated, I was considered _________ because ______. If you could do one miracle (other than make the whole world Christian),

what would you do? Why? What do you miss most about childhood? What’s the biggest lie you ever told? If given a choice, how would you choose to die? How do you not want to die? What is your biggest fear about death? If you could go to college (again), what would you study? What’s the worst storm or disaster you’ve been in? What was it like? Describe the most boring day/even/period of time you can remember. What day of your life would you most like to relive? Why? What’s the smallest space you’ve lived in? What was sit like? I was (or would have been) voted “most likely to” ________ in high school? Just for the fun/thrill of it before I die I’d like to ________.

My number-two career choice would be ___________. As a time traveler, I would most like to visit ____________ because______. What has been one of the greatest adventures you have ever been on? If I could invent a gadget to make my life easier, I’d invent something that

would __________ because ________. Next year looks better to me because __________. I am most like my mom in that I _________. I am most like my dad in that I ______________. I wish before I got married someone had told me __________. I have never quite gotten the hang of ________. I’m a bundle of nerves/all thumbs when it comes to ________. I will probably never __________, but it would still be fun if I could. What are a couple of things you remember about your grandparents? What does your name mean? Why were you named that? What is one of the most memorable dreams you have ever had? If you were going to leave the world one piece of advice before you died,

what would you say? If you were to describe yourself as a flavor, what would your flavor be? What was the best gift you have ever received as a child? If you could raise one person from the dead, who would your raise and why? Who was one of the most interesting persons you or your family ever

entertained? What is the nicest thing anybody ever said about you? What one thing would you like your obituary to say about you? Why? What is your favorite city? Why? Where do you go or what so you do when life gets too heavy for you? Why? Which do you value most –sight or speech? Why? When you were growing up, who was the neighborhood bully? What made

that person so frightening? What is your fondest memory of a picnic? Why was it so special? What is the best news you have heard this week? The worst? What was one of the worst things you brother or sister did to you as a child? If your house were on fire, what three items (not people) would you try to

save? What was your first job? What do you remember about it? Who was the best boss you ever had? What made him or her so good? When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What

did your parents want you to be? If you could choose one different way to do your wedding (parachuting while

reciting your wedding vows, holding the service underwater, et. Cetera) what would you choose?

Who was your hero when you were growing up? How did you try to imitate him or her?

If you could go on national television and warn your countrymen to avoid three things, what would you say?

What was your worst boss like?

I suspect that behind my back people say I’m ______ because_______. Tell the group briefly the story of your wedding day. (If you warn them in advance, each couple can bring their pictures to share with the group.)

Tell the group what’s been happening in your life lately using the following categories: something old, something new, something happy, and something blue.

Why do you sin? (No simplistic answers allowed!) In what area of your life would you like to have greater peace? Why? What is one of your biggest fears about the future? Using a fruit or vegetable as a metaphor, how would you describe your life

this week (dried fig, ripe cantaloupe, smashed banana, et cetera)? What do you like best about children? Why? Of the things money can buy, what do you long for the most? If you had to go to prison for a year, what do you imagine would be the

hardest part of that experience? Why that? Describe a grade school teacher that made a big impression on you (for

good or ill). You have been granted one hour with the president of the United States.

What would you ask? What would you like to say? You have been given a year sabbatical from work. You can’t go more than

150 miles for any one period of time. What would you do? Break your life into three equal segments. What was the most significant

event from each of these periods of time? Have each person in the group answer for every other member of the

group: “I am so glad God made you ________ because that aspect of who you are is ________.”

Something I have from my childhood I’ll probably never give up is __________ because___________.

The most useless thing in my/our house is ___________ but its’ still there because _________.

The Thing in my wallet/purse that tells the most about who I think I really am is ________ because ________.

When you were a child, what was your favorite time of day? Day of week? Time of year? Why were these favorites?

In general, people worry too much about _______. I want to be taken more seriously in the following area: _______. An emotion I often feel but don’t usually express is ___________.

CrosspointChurch.tvLifeGroup Leader Covenant 2011

Thank you for serving as a LifeGroup Leader at As a LifeGroup Leader you will be viewed as an image bearer of Christ and of this church by both the people of this church and the community around it. Additionally, as a LifeGroup Leader, the pastors and elders of Crosspoint are intrusting you our sheep. As a result of these truths, we require that you enter into a covenant agreement with the church if you are to be a LifeGroup Leader by making the following commitment:

3) I will embody and reflect the values and principles of and will follow the leadership of the Pastoral Team.

2) I will faithfully attend on Sunday and:a. Intentionally identify and greet those in my LifeGroup.b. Participate in the church through my giving of full tithe.c. Meet with Coach in a Leader Huddle at least once a semester.

3) I will make my LifeGroup a priority by: Faithfully attending my LifeGroup. Preparing beforehand for my LifeGroup each week. Inviting/welcoming others to join my group.

4) I understand that I’m responsible for the care of my LifeGroup. As a result, I will:

Pray for my group members daily. Gather with and lead them weekly. Lead my group in providing care for one another as needed.

5) I’ll strive to create an environment of growth in my group by: Involving as many people as possible in group discussion. Creating a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment. Beginning and ending within a time that is respectful for all in the group. Doing one missions or outreach project as a group each semester. Birth at least one new group from our current group in 2011

Intentional and/or repetitive deviation from any of these five commitments is unacceptable, as they are essential for Christ’s ministry at Crosspoint to become the best it can be. By signing below you acknowledge a willingness to hold to the above standards of godliness and excellence.



____________________________________________________PRINT NAME


NAME: ________________________________________

1. Who are the members of your immediate family (spouse/kids)? ________________________________________

2. How much time do you spend preparing to lead your group each week?________________

3. What do you do for work? _____________________________________4. Do you know the church’s 5 core values?_______________________5. What do you enjoy most about being a LifeGroup Leader?

________________________________________________________________6. How many times I in a semester do you contact each of the people in

your LifeGroup on an individual basis?_______________7. What is your greatest strength as a leader?

________________________________________________________8. What is the weakness you would like to work most on as a leader in

2011?________________________________________________9. How many people were attending your group when you started leading

it/how many attend now?______________________________10. Has your group birthed a new group in the past 2 years?___________11. Do you have an Apprentice you are grooming to step up as a leader?

_________________12. Do you always lead or do you take turns leading with other members

in the group? ________________________________________

13. Over the past year did your LifeGroup serve together on mission, locally or away? ____________________________________

14. What is one way I can pray for you to better lead your LifeGroup?__________________________________________________

15. I want to effectively praise you for your efforts in a way that is meaningful to you. We all like to receive gratitude, and such appreciation can come in 5 forms (Dr. Gary Chapman calls them our 5 Love Languages). With that said, which of the following options would best speak your love language? (Circle one)

Words of Affirmation Appropriate Touch Acts of Service Giving Gifts Time Spent Together

Crosspoint’s Policy on LG SittersIn 2010 the demographic of Crosspoint took an amazing turn! The bullseye for our church to reach is a couple 25-30 with young children, and this past year we nailed our target. We have experienced a child explosion here. This means that we must make hard choices on where we will spend tithe and offering dollars to most effectively reach and disciple people in the name of Jesus Christ.

We at Crosspoint have been fortunate to have LifeGroup childcare paid for 100% out of the church budget, but have realized we are called to use ministry dollars for ministry and not for childcare. Therefore, it is the belief of Crosspoint’s elders and pastors that parents should contribute financially to the cost of their child being watched while they gather in LifeGroup at the following rates per semester:

1 Child - $20 2 Children - $303+ Children - $40

It is the responsibility of the LifeGroup Leader to collect and turn these funds into the church, or to appoint someone in the LifeGroup to see this effort through. We never want money to get in the way of ministry, so if someone cannot afford this it can be addressed on an “as needed basis.”

It will be the option of each group to find and acquire a LifeGroup (LG) sitter or sitters, and to arrange for their services.

Included is a list of some people available in the church who would be interested in being an LG sitter, but you can use whom ever you choose.

LG Sitters are to receive reimbursement of eight dollars ($8) per hour as follows, and should be employed at ratios of:-PRE-SCHOOL AND YOUNGER (3:1) –Ratio of three (3) children for every one (1) LG Sitter.

-KINDERGARTEN AND OLDER (5:1) – Ratio of five (5) children for every one (1) LG Sitter.-MAXIMUM HOURS (2.5hrs/wk) – The pay will cover up to a maximum time of two and one-half (2.5) hours per week, per LG Sitter, for both age groups.

Crosspoint Church drafts pay checks for the LG Sitter(s) on a bi-weekly basis. For the LG Sitter to receive pay checks from the church it will be the responsibility of the

LifeGroup to fill out and submit the form in a timely fashion. This form is to be submitted to Debbie Aylor in the church office (in person, by fax with

cover page to 281-485-7625, or by email to [email protected]). Please include on the form the first/last name of the individual that the check should be

made out to. The check will be mailed it to the LG Sitter. The first time sheet must be submitted with the I-9 & W-9 forms included in the pocket of

this notebook or available at the church office.

Babysitters For life groupsEvenings with “x”s are days Sitters are available First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Email Sun Mon Tues

Wed Thurs

Jessica Abboud 713-436-1030

[email protected]



Lampson 832-866-0893

[email protected] X X X X X


Sadler 713-204-0234

[email protected]


Jeremy Blair 713-935-5763

[email protected]


Sean Christopher


[email protected] X

Diane Meyer 334-590-0683

[email protected]


Lyric Hollar 832-875-9626

[email protected] X X

Kody Ellis 832-314-9783

[email protected]


Caleb Golden 832-651-1614

[email protected]


Jessica Hackney 832-788-5969


Aimee Brewer 832-331-2432

[email protected]



O’Brien 832-603-2094

[email protected]



Pool 832-382-6290

[email protected]


Jessica Artall 832-215-7450

[email protected] X X X X X

Rene Ewing 713-876-4135

[email protected]


First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Email Sun

Mon Tues

Wed Thurs

Lindsey Rawls 713-922-2150

[email protected]



Havelka 281-412-5066

[email protected]


Sue Matthews


[email protected] X X X

Melissa Simpson 832-528-9066

[email protected]



Roberts 832-621-6069

[email protected]


Merci Gomez 832-382-4021

[email protected]


Sara Hazen 281-775-1080

[email protected]


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