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Kelsi Frump

Dr. Bailie

English 1001

04 December 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Drug Policy Alliance. "Marijuana Should Be Legalized and Not Just Decriminalized." Drug

Legalization, edited by Noël Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

u=ucinc_main&xid=c9290c40. Accessed 26 Nov. 2017. Originally published as "Why is

Marijuana Decriminalization Not Enough?", Apr. 2014.

This article is about the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. It highlights the benefits

of legalization, including sales and tax benefits. The article also highlights its effect on the crime

rates and how arrests have decreased in the states where it is legalized or decriminalized. The

article touches on Mexico's prohibition and how crime rates are soaring and then the article

compares the marijuana prohibition to the prohibition on alcohol, stating that prohibition will

only make crime worse than it is now, emphasizing Mexico's cartels to the U.S.

This article seems to be fighting for the legalization of marijuana and the authors of this article

are very knowledgeable in their topic. The article includes facts on both sides of the issue, stating

that the crime is still inevitable with legalization, but also includes many pros on the issue of

legalization, such as tax surges and the possibility of the crime decreasing. The author includes

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examples of states and countries who have successfully either decriminalized or legalized

marijuana and how it is positively affecting their countries and states. The article is not biased, it

includes viewpoints on either side of the issue, but you are able to dissect the main arguments

and views from the article.

This article will be helpful for my final paper. The article includes important facts and arguments

on the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana. The article is also very credible,

including facts and proper citations of evidence to support their argument. This article shaped my

ideas by offering new viewpoints on the legalization of marijuana and that there are benefits to

the decriminalization as well, if some states or countries are not ready for the step into


Bandow, Doug. "The War on Drugs Is Not Working." Drug Legalization, edited by Noël

Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in


u=ucinc_main&xid=802afc6e. Accessed 26 Nov. 2017. Originally published as "End the

Drug War: The American People Are Not the Enemy,"Intercollegiate Review, 3 Mar.


This article is about the impact of the drug war, the failure of marijuana prohibition, the benefits

of drug legalization, and the drug war crime. The article emphasizes that prohibition of

marijuana will not solve any current issues, just continue to worsen them. The article includes

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many facts over the drug war as well, stating that the war has failed and offers ways to fix the


This article seems to be pro-legalization for marijuana. The article includes an argument over the

drug war and compares marijuana to other drugs, like heroin and cocaine. The article uses facts

to back up its statements of drugs and other issues and seems knowledgeable on the topics. The

article does not seem to be biased, it is definitely swayed more in one direction, but overall the

author maintains a professional argument.

I think that this article will be very helpful with my final paper. It includes important information

over the drug war and offers a different insight on the issue that will be helpful. The article is

credible, using facts and data to support its main ideas. The article did not shape my ideas of the

topic, but gave me a different view on the drug war and ideas I can use to support my main point

in my essay.

"A Recovering Heroin Addict Tells His Story." Morning Edition, 22 May 2015. Opposing

Viewpoints in Context,

u=ucinc_main&xid=3d7ef5d9. Accessed 27 Nov. 2017.

This audio is about the book "Dreamland" which focuses on Portsmouth, Ohio that uis mainly

about the heroin epidemic and its recovery. The audio is an interview of a recovering heroin

addict, named Jeremy Wilder, who began as a pill dealer near Aberdeen, OH and shifted to

heroin addiction. He traveled to Cincinnati to get oxycotin, and ended up with "black tar",

Page 4: … · Web viewThe audio is an interview of a recovering heroin addict, named Jeremy Wilder, who began as a pill dealer near Aberdeen, OH and shifted to

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heroin. He went to prison a while later and when Jeremy returned, the entire town was "shooting

up" heroin. He explains he dealt heroin to all kinds of people, from high school kids to lawyers

and doctors. The interview continues to his recovery, where he explains he is taking opiate

blockers and how well he is doing in life and how much he likes who he is now, when he is no

longer taking heroin.

This audio is very truthful and very real when it comes to heroin addiction. Jeremy talks about

his struggles and how heroin ruined his life. This audio really hits close to home, stating the

drugs he received were from Cincinnati, OH and that the epidemic spread to Portsmouth, OH. He

even goes into detail about the different types of people and classes of people who use heroin. It

gives you the perspective that it can be anyone that may become addicted. Jeremy also talks

about his recovery process and how much better of a man he has become since he is no longer

using heroin.

I think that this audio will be very helpful in the use of my final project. It includes a story that

started in our home, Cincinnati and that may be useful in my argument because it shows that the

heroin issue is literally right at our front door. I think this audio is very credible because it is an

honest interview on someone that was addicted to heroin and he allowed the interview to become

public. This interview did not change my views on the topic, but really opened my eyes on the

issue because it hit so close to home. It also gave me ideas of other sources to look into.

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"Life After a Heroin Overdose." Video Collection, 10 Aug. 2014. Opposing

Viewpoints in Context,

u=ucinc_main&xid=3ae4ac23. Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

This video is about a mother who came home one day in 2001 to find that her son, Alex, had

overdosed on heroin. Alex survived, but was in a coma for 6 weeks. He awoke blind, with no

function in his arms or legs and couldn't speak. Since then, his mother has become his full time

caretaker. She talks about their daily routine and his road to recovery. Over the years, his speech

and movement have improved, but he still has a long way to go.

This video is very truthful and real as well because it includes the videos and everyday struggle

of a family that went through a heroin overdose. Alex's mother has to fully take care of her son

and she hopes one day he will be well enough to take care of her. This video really shows what

heroin can do to you and your family and the dangerous side effects it can have if someone


I think that this video will be very helpful with my final paper. The video emphasizes the effects

heroin can have on somebody and even shows the everyday life of someone who is crippled from

the overdose on the drug. This video is very credible because it includes the footage of the

aftermath of a heroin overdose from actual people. This video did not affect my views of heroin,

but merely gave me more insight to what the drug can potentially do and will strengthen my

argument for my paper.

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Sullum, Jacob. "My marijuana overdose: edibles are tricky, but consumers are not as helpless as

Maureen Dowd implies." Reason, Nov. 2014, p. 36+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

This magazine article explains the possible side effects and overdosing incidents from marijuana.

It provides statements from people who have previously eaten too many   edibles and felt ill and

the side effects that they experienced. One piece of the article states, “you’re not going to die

from it; you can feel absolutely horrific if you’ve never had an experience like that.” The article

further explains that certain concentrations of THC should be delegated to specific people: avid

users and first time experiences. All product of the edibles are labeled and inform the buyer

which concentration is fit for them, and how much to consume. The article debates that bad

experiences are usually at the consumers fault.

The article includes statements from people with actual experiences of the overdosing and how

the edibles/THC affected them. The article shines light on the fact that edibles and marijuana can

be good and bad. The source is very reliable, having included statements and factual evidence,

but the article is definitely swayed toward the positives of marijuana. The writer uses a personal

experience to clapback at the statement from Dowd, stating it was the users fault that her

experience was so horrific and she should have read the labels more carefully. The article also

includes a piece that describes the governments side of the issue, which also puts other risks of

the drug into perspective.

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I think that this article will be helpful to use in my final project. It includes viewpoints that are

against the manufacture of edibles and also for the manufacturing. It includes examples of

different variations that are more health beneficiary and will not avidly destroy the liver. The

article was credible in its sources and offered useful statements on the topic. The article shaped

my argument by allowing myself to realize the negatives this drug can have on the body and the

bad experiences it can cause, but it also put in perspective that you cannot die from this drug,

whereas with a heroin overdose, you definitely can.

Wootson, Cleve R., Jr. "Why this Ohio sheriff refuses to let his deputies carry Narcan to reverse

overdoses." Washington Post, 8 July 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

This article is about the "compassion fatigue" among first responders when finding people who

have overdosed on heroin. The Ohio sheriff explains that he does not allow his deputies carry

narcan to reverse overdoses. The sheriff also mentions he thinks that narcan is not the way to

solve the opioid epidemic, that there should be a stronger message sent out to potential and

current users. He explains that when overdosers are given narcan to reverse the effects, they can

become dangerous and violent to the police officers and other first responders. He states the

users are already making the choice to live or die when choosing to stick the needle in their arms.

This article emphasizes the debate over heroin users and whether to administer narcan or not.

Some police forces use the "3 strikes and you're out" rule, where the third time authorities

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respond to an overdose of the same person that will be the last, while the sheriff in this article

does not let his deputies carry narcan at all. The article includes the interview of the police

sheriff and his statements regarding the heroin epidemic. I think that his view of fixing the

epidemic is quite harsh, but it may send a message if no one is getting help. It isn't the right way,

but it is a different tactic to approach the heroin epidemic.

I think that this article may be useful in my final paper. It is credible, including the statements of

an Ohio deputy and also the deputy director of the Harm Reduction Coalition. I think that I can

use parts of the article to strengthen some main points in my final paper. This article did not

change my views on the topic, but changed the way I think about approaches to try and end the

epidemic. It can also be useful because it includes the statements of an Ohio deputy, which hits

close to home.

"State attorney general encourages opioid treatment over jail for some offenders." Pittsburgh

Tribune-Review [Pittsburgh, PA], 31 Aug. 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

This article is about a Pennsylvania Attorney General who is trying to pilot a program for drug

addicts who are repeatedly revived by narcan. He states, "Should there be mandatory treatment

or a 'warm-handoff'--a handoff from law enforcement into treatment? If they refuse, should they

be arrested?" He states that the treatment for heroin users would cost 1/3 less than incarceration.

Throughout the article he goes into more detail of his plans and methods he think will work,

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concerning treatment. He states that there must be a way to reach the addicts to be able to help


I agree with the Attorney General's ideas toward the heroin epidemic. I think that more users

should be offered help, especially if it is the third or fourth time a first responder has revived

them with narcan. I also like his idea, which he explains in the article, that it has to be the users

choice to seek help, because the path to recovery does not go well if the user does not want help

quitting. If they do not want help, then the arrest continues.

I think that this article may be useful in my final paper. It offers ideas that can help heroin users,

instead of sending them straight to jail, and it will be helpful with my arguments for the heroin

epidemic. I think that this article was credible; it included remarks and statements and ideas from

Pennsylvania's Attorney General and others. The article did shape my ideas because it gave me a

new way to think about how to help heroin users and abusers.

"Opioid epidemic can't be treated as a drug war." Age [Melbourne, Australia], 18 Aug. 2017, p.

17. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

u=ucinc_main&xid=25b329a0. Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

This article is about the sheriffs and their deputies who do not carry narcan to reverse opioid

overdoses. It emphasizes the heroin and opioid epidemics in Dayton and across Ohio. The article

states that it is harmful that the deputies are not carrying narcan, because many children are

accidental victims of the drug and are in need of narcan when they ingest the drug or are even in

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the same room of the drug, because of how strong the drugs are. The article also goes over the

death toll caused by opioids, and much it has increased over the years.

I agree with the writer of this article, to an extent. I think that all first responders should carry

narcan in the instance of the accidental overdoses from victims who did not have a choice. The

article argues that it is life or death, and the first responders should not be making that decision

for some people. The article also states how expensive narcan is to the state to be able to

administer it to users, so the idea of the "three strikes your're out" rule applies, meaning that the

third time you overdose, it can then be in the hands of the person who administering narcan can

decide whether to give it or not.

I think this article may be useful because it includes ideas over narcan and whether or not it

should be used. The article is credible, using sources and statements from various people to

support their argument and ideas. This article did, in a way, shape my views over narcan. At first

I thought it was a good idea that first responders were not carrying narcan, but I did not put other

people in consideration, like children or other people that were not intending to use the drug. I

think all first responders should carry it and after a certain amount of overdoses, should decide to

administer it.

Cheung, Bonnie, M.D.(C.), and Clarke, Hance,M.D., PhD. "Optimizing the Safety of Medical

Cannabis." Journal of Pain Management, vol. 9, no. 4, 2016, pp. 529-533, accountid=2909.

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The online article explains what cannabis is, different chemicals in the plant and what they can

do to your body. The article also explains medical cannabis and the pros and cons of what it can

do. It explains the symptoms that the cannabis can treat for various illnesses, like symptoms of

multiple sclerosis are extremely lessened with medical cannabis; same with rheumatoid arthritis

and many other debilitating disorders.

Throughout the article I was under the impression that the author is leaning more towards the

legalization of medical cannabis statewide. The author dissects cannabis and its properties and

shows the pros and cons, so they show ideas on both sides of the argument. The author

establishes guidelines on how medical cannabis should be handled and distributed. This article is

credible and the author uses facts to base his/her ideas off of.

I think that this article will be useful in my final project. It has views on both sides of the

argument and the author does not seem biased. This article will benefit to my paper by bringing

light to the positives of cannabis and what it is able to do for people. This article did not change

my opinion on my research project, but instead, gave me further knowledge on the topic.

Haug, Nancy A, et al. “Substance Abuse.” University of Cincinnati Libraries Article Linker,

Routledge, 2016,




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This article is about the views and opinions of the people who administer naloxone. The writers

of this article collected the public comments on twitter regarding naloxone for 3 consecutive

months. The occupations of these individuals were identified through hashtags. Occupations

ranged from first responders, law enforcement officers, nurses, pharmacy technicians, social

workers, and even students. The article touched on primary themes of these individuals, which

included burnout, education and training, information seeking, optimism, treatment and many


This article really gets a good look into the lives of people who administer naloxone and are

exposed to the drug on a daily basis. They are real comments that show how they really feel

about the drug, whether it be good or bad. The article uses a personal/emotional appeal because it

ties in the raw emotions stated by the first responders and students who have to administer the

drug. I think this article is very reliable because it shows the results from their conducted

experiments and puts their results in a chart that explains their results. It goes step by step

throughout the entire process in the article and explains the methods they used to analyze the


I think this article will be very helpful in my final project. This article includes statements from

various different people from various careers who have had to administer naloxone. This data

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will be very helpful in my argument because it gives a perspective on what goes through the

minds of people who have to administer and what they actually think of the process, whether it is

actually helping or hurting people. It will shape my argument by allowing myself to see into the

lives of people who have to see effects of the drug everyday.

Calcaterra, Susan. “Drug and Alcohol Dependence.” Welcome to the UC Libraries Proxy Login,

Elsevier B. V., 5 Jan. 2013,


This article is about the national trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths

compared to other substance related overdose deaths from 1999-2009. This article touches on the

deaths caused by accidental overdosing with stimulants, pharmaceutical drugs and heroin. They

look at people aged between 15-64 in the US for their studies. The article also explains

suggestions they think will decrease the amount of deaths caused by overdoses, such as wider

implementation of naloxone, expanded access to treatment, and the development of new


This article includes line graphs and various charts and tables to depict the statistics and analytics

of the writer's experiments. I think that this article is very credible because it includes each and

every step of their experiment and explains the process along the way. The article includes

citations of data from different sources that they integrated into their analysis of age and race

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related overdoses. Various doctors contributed to the article and the article integrated their views

and opinions.

I think that this article will be partially useful for my final paper. The article is mainly focused on

pharmaceutical and opioid related overdose deaths and my paper is focused on the differences in

marijuana and heroin. This article does contain interesting facts and statistics about heroin that

will be useful in my paper. This article has shaped my ideas concerning the deaths caused by

other drugs. It made me realize all of the different drugs that have been the cause of death from

overdosing and that most of the drugs that are overdosed on are sold through doctors and

pharmacies, not just on the streets.

"Death by Marijuana." The Christian Science Monitor, Dec 01, 1988, ABI/INFORM Collection;

US Newsstream,



This article explains the negatives of marijuana and its side effects. The article quotes a verified

source saying "there have been no credible medical reports that suggest that consuming

marijuana has caused a single death." The article goes on to explain that there are many deaths

that have been caused by Marijuana, excluding the "physical" death, such as depression,

paranoia, and interference with the female and male reproductive systems.

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I do not believe this article is very credible. It seems very opinionated and biased on the topic of

marijuana. The writer of this article includes a credible statement from the Drug Enforcement

Administration, but that is all that is has to offer. The article is very short and not very detailed.

The writer of this article offers facts and insights of the drug, but does not back up his/her


I do not believe that this article will be helpful in my final assignment. It offers a very helpful

quote from the Drug Enforcement Administration, but that is all that is has to offer. This article

offered some negatives about the drug that may be useful when I explain the negatives and

positives in my paper. This article did not really shape my views on the positives and negatives

of the drug but it furthered my knowledge of what the drug could possibly do.

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