
BA 5/7

What did the Balfour Declaration declare?

What does PLO stand for?

Who was Iran’s leader from 1979-1989 that set up Islamic law in Iran?



a. Identify ethnic conflicts and new nationalisms; include pan-Africanism,

pan- Arabism, and the conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda. c. Analyze terrorism as a form of warfare in the 20th century; include

Shining Path, Red Brigade, Hamas, and Al Qaeda; and analyze

the impact of terrorism on daily life; include travel, world energy

supplies, and financial markets. d. Examine the rise of women as major world leaders; include Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, and Margaret Thatcher.


Created in 1980’s

Terrorist attacks against Israel

Imposed Islamic law Islamic Law: legal system based on Islamic

principles and beliefs

Took control of Gaza Strip in 2007

Money for Hamas comes from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia & Iran Video

Hamas & PLO

Hamas and PLO have hatred for European countries and the U.S.

Hatred comes from:

1. Dishonesty of Great Britain after WWI2. UN granting land to Israel3. Foreign countries meddling in Middle East4. U.S. military and financial support of


Iran Hostage Crisis

Ayatollah Khomeini: Iran’s leader from 1979-1989

Set up Islamic law in Iran Ex: Women must wear a veil, banned Western

music and alcohol, punishments under Islamic law

Hated U.S. and Soviet Union

Took over U.S. embassy in Tehran Held 66 U.S. citizens hostage for 1 year

Taliban Former leaders of Afghanistan

Extreme version of Islamic Law:

1. Women banned from work2. Women denied education3. Destroyed all non-Islamic statues

Ex: Destroyed Buddhist statues 100’s of years old

Allowed Islamic militants to train and plan terrorist attacks in Afghanistan Ex: Osama Bin Laden

Forced out of control by United States after 9/11

Osama Bin Laden

Leader of Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda: Islamic terrorists responsible for 9-11 attacks on U.S. World Trade Center & Pentagon

Blames U.S. and European countries for problems in Middle East Ex: Creation of Israel, Crusades, 1st Iraq War

Responsible for the death of 3,000 Americans

Believed to be hiding in the Hindu Kush mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan

Osama Bin Laden

Impact on World Changed thoughts on air travel

Many airlines went bankrupt Increased U.S. security

Creation of Department of Homeland Security

Showed small terrorist groups can cause massive damage Sleeper cells: terrorists who blend into a community

until time to strike

Brought fear to Americans 1st attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor

Changed some U.S. perceptions of Muslims

U.S. President Bush began global war on terror Ex: Iraq

Iraq and Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein: former dictator of Iraq

Used Iraq’s oil money to build a large military Wanted to gain more oil around region

1980: attacked Iran

1990: attacked Kuwait Led to Operation Desert Shield and Desert


Saddam Hussein

2 Iraq Wars

1. Operation Desert Shield

1990: Hussein invaded Kuwait Kuwait has lots of oil

34 countries led by U.S. push Iraq out of Kuwait

2. Iraq War

2002: U.S. believes Saddam Hussein developing nuclear weapons Hussein denied accusations

March 2003: U.S. and Britain attack Iraq Government fell in 4 weeks video

Caught 13 December 2003

Iraq War continued

July 2003: U.S. troops find Hussein in underground bunker Hussein tried by Iraq jury and hanged

Religious factions and anti-American terrorists still fighting for control of Iraq Ex: Kurds, Sunnis, Shiites, al-Qaeda, PLO,

Hamas video

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