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Page 1: 01-21-1931

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Volume XLlfr « Hope College, Holland, Mich, January 21,193|

Indian Number Is Delightful




Ladies Illustrate Ancient Life and Love as Once It Was But

Is Ndw No More

Last Monday night the Indians came and performed at Carnegie gym in true Indian style. The na-tives, costumes, songs, and stories delighted the audience, which ap-plauded heartily during the entire evening. Especially the fantastic war and lovejjances which the men performed displayed the inborn love for aictj^n which the Indians ever possessed. But not f a r be-hind in the admiration of the au-dience were the songs whistled by "One to Be Preferred" and the poems she read, outstandingly the part from "Hiawatha."

Because some one was not bash-

ful and went back stage, some in-teresting information was obtained "af ter the ball was over." First of all the Indians became real glow-ing personalities af ter shedding their war paint. Blue Eagle, excel-lent Indian dancer who is called anything from Blue Moon to Blue Streak, did justice to his name by talking a blue streak. Strolling around in his bright blue "flan-nels," he conversed fluently in those two languages which all college grads know—English and slang. According to reports he played ex-cellent college football.

Mr. Robinson, the leader of the group, whose Indian name is trans-lated as Favored One, was kind and generous in exhibiting inter-esting pieces of Indian clothing and jewelry. One string of "cheap old glass beads from England," as Blue Eagle put it, was an original string from the collection which the early Dutch settlers traded to the In-dians for the Island of Manhattan. It is valued at thousands of dollars by the present owner. Some very beautiful war bonnets were pro-duced for inspection. Mr. Robinson (Favored One) explained that only White Eagle feathers are used for such headgear as he told the story about one out of a hundred eagles is white, so the feathers are com-paratively scarce and expensive. Clothing of white buckskin was worn at different times during the program. This was very cleverly sewed, and embroidered with beads, worked into intricate de-signs. The feathered decorations worn were made from hawk, eagle and pheasant feathers only—do-

(Continued on Page 2)


One long shot arched high * through the air, dropped on * the hoop, and rolled out, and * Hope had lost a fast and fur- * ious game to Alma at the *• rate of 44-43. The score see- • sawed back and forth from * the first few minutes, each * team going on an occasional * rampage. Spoelstra scored 14 * points, Cupery 10, and Dahl- * man 7. *

Gospel Teams Take Charge of




This year's drama class, made up

of Juniors and Seniors, is deeply

interested in the study of the play and has decided that the most ben-eficial and enjoyable means for promoting this interest is actual participation in dramatic work.

With the co-operation of the class, Mrs. Durfie, who is director

' and coach, has selected the sacred drama "Queen Esther" as the play to be given. The version that has been chosen as the most practical is partly a translation of Racine's "Queen Esther" and partly taken from Masefield's drama of the same title. A chorus, as in Racine's play, will be included.

The presentation will be made shortly after the opening of the

' second semester, and, although it

Debaters Make Week-End Trip



Plan to Continue Work Through

Year as Churches Call for Workers

A Gospel Team made up of Lois Marsilje, Evelyn Albers, Ethel Leestma and Ethel Cunnagin went to South Haven Sunday, After working their way through the storm they arrived there fifteen minutes late and took charge of two meetings. The first was a union meeting of three Epworth Leagues, which was held by Ethel Cunnagin, Lois Marsilje having charge of Devotions. After this meeting a supper was served to about seventy young people.

The second was a union church service of three churches. Ethel Cunnagin ted ^devftions and Lois Marsilje spoke on "Following Christ as Our Leader." Evelyn Al-bers sang "Come Ye Blessed," ac-companied by Ethel Leestma.

Another Gospel Team (this one of boys) went to Muskegon. Rich-ard Mesink started the church service with a "Prelude" on the organ, and Van Leeuwen led the song service. Poling read the Scrip-ture, and then, af ter Count Ry-laarsdam led in prayer, Clark also delivered a short sermon.

The C.E. meeting which was held a f te r the church sen-ice, was led by Alva Ebbers. The subject dis-cussed was the regular C.E. topic, "My Idea of an Ideal Woman." The others took part in the songs and prayer, and the meeting was interesting and well attended. • The churches are always thank-ful for the service offered them by the Hope Gospel Teams and show their interest by turning out in large number for the meetings. The Y.M.C.A. has already several invitations to send teams next se-mester, and all those fellows in-terested in the worjc should see Rylaarsdam.

The Men's Debating team went on a week-end tr ip to Detroit last Thursday to participate in several debates, all of which, however, were non-decision. Those who went to uphold the negative side of the ar-guments were Poling, Alday, Van-der Kolk, and Kleinheksel. The affirmatives" were Furgeson, De-Windt, Winstrom and Burrgraaff.

Thursday afternoon the first de-bate occurred when Vander Kolk, Alday and .Kleinheksel took the negative against the University of Michigan. In the evening of the same day Furgeson, Burggraaff, and DeWindt did battlp against the negative team of Ypsilanti. Friday two more violent arguments came off—one, when Winstrom, Burg-graaff and DeWindt opposed a De-troit City College team, and the other when Poling and Alday sail-ed into the Detroit Law School men.

From reliable source it has be-come known that the boys were especially strong Friday. And no wonder, first Thursday evening they exercised brain and brawn on the most difficult indoor miniature golf course in Detroit, and later consumed numerous hamburgers with fresh, strong onions. They stayed at the Webster Hall Hotel.

Coach Raymond, who went along with the fellows, brought most of them home late Saturday. But sev-eral of the boys, Vander Kolk, fie-Windt and Ferguson, stayed in De-troit to attend the Y.M.C.A. unem-

ployment conference which was

being held there. They returned

Monday morning at three, fresh

(Continued on Page 2)

Hope College Sketch Printed



Under the title "Hope College," the following article, written by Mrs. Fenton, appeared in the Bul-letin of the Michigan Federation of Music Clubs, January, 1931:

"Hope College, an institution of the Reformed Church in America, is situated in Holland, Michigan. The College Campus lies in the center of the city, and contains six-teen acres. I t was founded as the Pioneer School in 1851 and incor-porated as Hope College in 1866, admitting women in 1878.

"In 1893 John B. Nykerk, at that time Assistant Professor of Eng-lish, was put in charge of music, and an orchestra was organized under William Breyman—instruc-tion in vocal music was provided without charge. ?

"In 1894 Prof. Nykerk started a Glee Club, which later became the Choral Union, and gave many oratorios with well-known soloists from New York, Chicago, and Grand Rapids.

"1896 saw the beginning of a School, of Music, with Henry Post, teacher of piano, J. Francis Camp-bell, teacher of voice and singing, and Wilbur Force, teacher of vio-lin. All were residents of Grand Rapids, and well known through-out Michigan.

"In 1903 Mr. Herman Van Has-selt, graduate of the Conservatory of Antwerp, taught violin and di-rectcd an orchestra. Instructions in Pipe Organ, Theory and Compo-sition, under Mr. Walter Hartley, was added in 1912, and Hazel Wing became instructor in piano. In 1913 Miss Grace M. Browning took the place left vacant by Mr. Campbell's

(Continued on Page 2)


Next Tuesday evening the Asso-

ciation Union will hold its regular

meetings a t 7:00 o'clock. Dr. Dim-

nent, retiring president, will ad-

dress the Y. W. on the topic of

"Liberty." The Y. M. will have as

its leader the Rev. H. D. Ter

Keurst, lately called to Trinity

Church of Holland. He did not re-

veal his topic and undoubtedly i t !

will be a surprise to all.

Collingwood Will Speak On




Meeting Is to Be Held in the Me-morial Chapel in Charge of

Prof. Snow



has been given before in and

about Holland, different versions

were used than that which the Hope students are working on. I t is expected that many students and townspeople will grasp the oppor-tunity of seeing and hearing an old story in a new way.

Mr. W. Curtis Snow gave a very fine organ recital last Thursday evening on the three-manual organ at the Oakdale Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids.

Lawrence Guigelaar has been 111 this week and Esther Mulder was obliged to go home, too, because of illness.

Life was music to W. Curtis Snow ever since the day he was born away out east in Lawrence, Mass. He was barely seven (that 's a little higher than knee-high to a grasshopper), when he started to study piano in earnest. By that time he had already picked up enough knowledge to serve, and to serve well, as choir boy in the Episcopal church of his home town. So on his fourteenth he was more than ready to begin his work in organ.

His organ training extends from then till today and during those years he has had many competent teachers. His first instructor was Thomas Moss, and his second Warner Fitch. His Improvement can be measured by the fact that he became assistant organist a t 16 to Mr. Fitch in the church where he himself had once been choir boy. In later years he studied exten-sively under Thomas Atward and Albert Snow at Boston, and today he is studying with Palmer Chris-tian, head of the organ department at the University of Michigan.

In the meanwhile Mr. Snow had been doing other work in music n? well. He took work in Harmony both from Dudley Warner Fitch and a t the New England Conserva-tory. He continued study on the piano first with James Whitham then with Dudley Warner Fitch, and later under James Rustrup. And all this he supplemented with several seasons of .voice from various teachers.

Before Mr. Snow came to Hope College in 1929 to become organist of the new Memorial Chapel, he held several positions of responsi-

bility. He was both choirmaster • and organist at the St. Thomas | Episcopal church in Sioux City,

Iowa, and was organist also of the First Presbyterian church of the same city. -Lastly he served on the faculty of .the Conservatory of Music in Morningside College, Sioux City, from 1922-1929. And then he came to Holland.

Although Mr. Snow did take some time off during the period of storm and stress to serve in the army, he al6o found some minutes left to serve as accompanist with a number of artists. Among the most famous of them are Irene Pauloska of the Chicago Civic Opera, Paul Althouse of the Metropolitan Opera, Lois Johnston of the Re-vinia Opera Company, and Mr. Parkman , - an accomplished viol-inist.

It is almost impossible to enu-merate the work he has done since he came to Hope College as organ-ist. Besides rendering chapel num-bers each morning, he is giving lessons in organ as well as teach-ing Theory, Harmony, and Appre-ciation of music. Moreover lie is organist and director of music at Hope Church, but that does not prevent him from holding a vesper service every other Sunday, in Memorial Chapel. And besides all these activities and an occasional recital in Grand Rapids or else-where, he* has trained a Hope Chapel choir of which we are all justly proud, which we would like

. to hear in Chapel every morning if possible, and of which we expect

i great things in the future 'as a choir.

The Juvenile criminal is the big problem that causes jurists and police officials to worry and won-der what to do, and what it is go-ing to lead up to. The utter dis-regard for law and disrespect for the law officials by the youth of the land is reaching alarming pro-portions. Over fifty per cent of the criminals today are youths below the age of 21. It is a situation that is becoming unbearable and if allowed to grojy, it will mean the destruction of our much vaunt-ed civilization. Judge Collingwood,. who has been a Circuit -Court Judge of Michigan for a quarter of a century, knows what he is talking . about when he calls to arms every good citizen to fight this growing army. He says we must arouse ourselves and conquer them or they will conquer us.

The judge will tell you some facts and give figures that will astonish you. His talk on "Delin-quency Cause and Cure" will stir you as you never have been before. The tremendous cost of fighting the criminal element in this country confounds one. Our present method of punishment, the% judge says, is all wrong. We must resort to some other method if we are to reduce crime in our country.

The judge speaks with authority on these matters. He is a convinc-ing and interesting talker and comes to us with a message that every thinking man and woman ought to hear. Remember the day and date, Sunday, January 25th, 4 p. m. at Hope Memorial Chapel. The musical program will be under the direction of Prof. W. Curtis Snow, which assures us a splendid treat. < •

Number 46

Hope Conquers Albion Ringers In Unusual Game




Reversal in Form Earns Game for Hope as Spoelstra Makes

Three Baskets ^

Showing a great reversal of form, the-college basketeers earned a 17-16 decision over Albion Col-lege last Friday evening a t Albion. After dropping a decision to Olivet in the first home game, -and sub-mitting to a trouncing a t Hjllsdale, the varsity tossers came through with one of the finest five man per-formances in Hope basketball his-tory.

The initial conference victory for Hope was an unusual one in that it marked the first time that our boys have emerged from a game at Kresge gymnasium on the long end of the score. The final count was close, but Hope led nearly the entire way and played a more con-sistent brand of ball than Albion.

The contest ended in breath-taking fashion. Af ter Hope had broken a 15-15 deadlock on a neat follow--in shot by Spoelstra, the home team had two foul shots with the game finished. Risley, the of-fensive star of Albion, held the fate in his hands. If he made both points, the game would have gone into overtime. He obligingly miss-ed the first attempt, however, and the. Hope players jubilantly left the floor.

Hope held a 9-7 lead a t the half. Albion took a 4-0 advantage in the first few minutes, but field goals by Zwemer, Dalman and Cupery kept the Schoutenmen in the run- ;

ning. Spoelstra supplied the punch in the second half with his three goals. Every man on the squad shared the glory of the victory. Captain Becker looked especially good in his new position of guard. Risley and Bruce Gray did most of the good things for Albion, Ris-, ley making 12 points. > Howard Dalman, veteran for-ward, attributes the victory to a rabbit foot which he recently ac-quired from his kid brother. How-ever. Coach Jack Schouten gives the boys credit fo r a fine offensive game, along with their usual de-fensive power, and predicts many more victories this season.

Summary: Albion (16)

Hope College (17) F.G. F. T.P.

Dalman, F 1 1 3 Zwemer, P. "...2 0 4 Spoelstra, C. 3 0 0 Becker, G 0 1 1 Cupery, G. 1 1 3

7 8 17



On Tuesday evening, January 20,

Hopeites and Holland townfolk listened to an organ program of unusual merit presented by* Mr. W. E. Zeuch. The list of composers in-cluded such names as Bach, Widor, Delamarter, Mauro-Cottone, and Vierne. Mr. Zeuch, whose artistic recitals have won for him many admirers throughout the country, again showed himself to be a master of the organ as he delighted the audience with his presentations of the world-famous numbers.

The artist, who is at present vice president of the Skinner Organ company, came as a representative of that company from Boston both to inspect the organ officially now that it has been installed for a while, and to render the program

• -

which is printed below. Thus his novel way of advertising for his company is to use his artistic power to show what there really is in the organs they install.

The program of the evening was as follows: Allegro Maestoso (First Sym-

phonic) .'Maqualro Carillon Delamarter Minuet Boccherint Sinfonia Bach Intermeuo (First Symphonie)

Widot Christmas Evening..Mauro>Cottone Cyprian Idyl Stoughton Carillon Sortie Mulet Londonderry Air Traditional CantUene McKinley Berceuse - - Vierne Finale—(Third

- ....

Page 2: 01-21-1931

— T'.i-.-yrr^-'rr

H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Estortd at th* Port Offlee st Holland, Michigan, m Second Class Matter. Aeeapted for maUlns at apMlal rate of pottat* provide for in Section 1108 of

Act of Oontrflf*. Octobar 8, 1917. Authorized October 19. 1918. k

STAFF M t u r . . . ^ I , j . Coert Rylaarsdam Associate Editors Esther Mulder, Ivan Johnson, Harri Zegarius ^P01^8 ——— Watson Spoelstra, Harry Verstra^e Humor. Richard Niesink Sororities. ^...Marion De Kuiper Fraternities Jack Dfe Witt Campus News Ruby Aiken Head Reporter Lilian Sabo Reporters: Ethel Leetsma, Rudolph Nichols, Grace Hudson, Julia

Hondelink, Mayford Ross, M. Klow, R. Voskuil, K. Ives, C. Cook, M. Beach, W. Austin, C. Norlin.

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager .......Gerald Huenink Assistants.. Ruth GeerHngs, Irving Decker Berdean Welling Circulation Manager .-s. Dave Reardon

ejf ii .


An inspired senior in one of

his better themes suddenly flashed forth a true gleam of wisdom when he defined Hope spirit (or any school spirit, as f a r as that goes) as "an ardent, zestful admiration for the college and all its ac-tivities." Sad to say, he was in that theme bewaijing what seemed to him an apparent lack of such ardent, zestful admiration among certain of the students. Whether such charges as are made against them be true or not, the stu-dents must for themselves de-cide. But it is also apparent that a consideration of such charges often brings surpris-ing revelations to him who thinks.

The thought of this "ar-dent, zestful admiration" links itself easily with the idea Leonard De Vinci ex-presses in one of his note-books. He, and Conrad with him, speaks of the fact that

. iron lying idle outside rusts, and that a pool of water soon becomes stagnant and useless if there is no current whatso-ever. And so with man, a soul without an ideal, and a spirit without moving force soon dwindles from healthy optimism to a shriveled pes-simism and bitter cynicism that magnifies the minute dust particles on white snow to mountains that obscure the sun.

The sad situation of the laat football season is not ne-cessarily here referred to. A disheartened feeling naturally results from suffering one de-feat after another. But at such a time there is also a greater necessity for keeping alive the driving spirit. The strong, victorious team is but half-conscious of its ardent supporters. It revels in the certainty of its own strength and valour. It is the oft-de-feated team that needs most hearty support.

But that is only one of the many thoughts which occur. Ardent, zestful admiration for the college and its activ-

fities does not leave room for half-hearted support or su-percilious ridicule of anything which former students made a part of Hope and which is accepted as such. It does not leave room for shirking when a duty becomes more difficult. If one has made it understood that he will keep a certain part of the side-w!alk free from snow, it becomes him not to neglect or to evade that duty when the snow fall is heavy. Such action leaves the increased burden of all the work upon one or two and shows a presence of some-thing far less desirable than an ardent, zestful admiration.

The real and much desired ardent and zestful admiration, on the other hand, urges and inspires toward things far different from neglect and evasion. It tends toward an in-creasing interest, t o w a r d eager participation, and nec-essarily toward whole-hearted support. It brought nearly half of Hope's student body to a meeting where pictures were being shown of those men who went out from Hope to preach Christ on a foreign field. And it pressed the fac-ulty and the studentry to pledge over $500 for the sup-port of one of theirs abroad. Truly, an ardent and zestful admiration can do much.

But must it then be con-cluded that all those activities which receive but half-hearted support or are barely granted existence by the students are not a part of Hope College? Must it be understood that

jthey are obstacles wihich hin-der the obtaining of higher levels? Better were it then to cut asunder without hesita-tion the tenacles which all evil, time-devouring parasites fas-ten about him who would struggle forward. But if, on the other hand, they aid in the struggle, if they make life more worthwhile, they are * part of Hope, and are worthy of the support and earnest ef-forts, not only of a few Hope-ites, but of all who could bear that name. They are worthy

Hope College Sketch Printed

In a Bulletin (Continued from Page Orte)

resignation, and taught voice in the College. At her death, a few years later, her mother, Mrs. George W. Browning, gave a scholarship in voice to the college in memory of her daughter.

"Oscar Cress, now President of the Grand Rapids Conservatory of Music, took over the Piano Depart-ment in 1914, and continued until 1928.

"In 1918 Grace Dudley Fenton became head of the voice depart-ment, and organized a College Girls' Chorus of fifty voices, which in 1919 she turned over to Harold Tower, teacher of Organ and The-ory, and organist of St. Mark's Pro-Cathedral, in Grand Rapids. Later a Men's Glee Club and a Girls' Glee Club were started by Mrs. Fenton, which have continued with increasing efficiency to the present, the Girls' Glee Club hav-ing won the State Championship three times in four years.

"At last in 1928, the degree of Bachelor of Music was granted for the first time by the College, fol-lowed in 1929, by the installation of a four manual Skinner organ in the magnificent new Memorial Chapel. Mr. W. Curtis Snow, for-merly of Morningside College, I., (1922-1929), became head of the Pipe Organ and Theory Depart-ments. He is also director of a Chapel Choir of sixty voices, and of the Civic Chorus of Holland.

"Hope College offers to its stu-dents in music, courses in Piano, Pipe Organ, Voice Culture, Har-mony, Composition, History, The-ory, Sight Singing, and Public School Music—ensemble work in t|Vo Glee Clubs which have made names for themselves throughout the state, as well as in the Eaxt on their yearly trips—in an or-chestra, a band and its Chapel Choir.

"The present School of Music has the following efficient faculty, headed by the Secretary, Dr. John B. Nykerk, who is also head of the English Department of the College; Mr. W. Curtis Snow, Organ, Piano, and Theory; Miss Nella Meyer, Pi-ano; Mrs. Harold Karsten, piano, Organ and Theory; Mrs. William J, Fenton, Voice Culture and Sing-ing, Director of the Glee Clubs; Mrs. Joseph Michaelson, Assistant to Mrs. Fenton; Miss Esther Boughter, Public School Music; Mr. Eugene F. Heeter, Director of Or-chestra and Band; Mrs.'Martha C. Robbins, Accompanist."

Jurist Who Will Speak At Hope Memorial Chapel Sunday Afternoon

Hon. Charles B. Collingwood


t t c N £ fi 9 1 a £ A.

' I


- - ..~J »***, TTvribiijr of an ardent and zestful ad-miratioiL

Indian Number Is Delightful Entertainment (Continued from Page 1)

mestic bird feathers are never used by Indians. The numerous pounded silver arm bands and rings worn were all hand work, each having a special design, some set with semi-precious stones.

Concerning the ladies it might be said that the pianist, whose name translated is "Humming Bird, and the reader, whose .name translated is "One to Be Preferred Above Others," were both on the sccne, but did-not make themselves outstanding by much of our mod-ern chatter. They were both very beautiful and talented, and modest as well.

This unusual, but extremely in-teresting quartet of entertainers offered a very delightful and whole-some evening's entertainment that will be long remembered by the old saying, "The Indians are cominflr."

— o Uaa4f« for Haibaada

One husbnnd declares in the American Msgszlne that the most malign Invention of the modem dnv s the one which has made the worlif

l&TMZV'-"" l n v e n " o n

We have for our discussion today

one of the most intriguing psycho-

logical and at the same time phil-

osophical questions that have ever

challenged the intellects of the

world. Technically stated, it would

read: "What is the basis for the

variation in ocular movement in

the female species during the emo-

tional process of osculation?" In

English we say: "Why dc some

girls close their eyes while being kissed, and others do not?" '

Our major premise, of course, is that all girls are kissed sooner or later—some both. Our minor premise holds - that all girls have eyes (we count everything except the glass ones). Therefore, the sillygism is that every girl must do something with them while be-ing kissed.

Now about all she can do is to shut them or keep them open, un-less she prefers to take them out and put them in a glass of water for the time being. Or she might cast them somewhere. Granting that she would rather look her best, and leaves them in, we con-clude that they are either open or closed. Many theories have been advanced concerning the choice of each position, and to prove our dis-interestedness, we shall quote a few on each side.

I—Open Theories (a) The girl's training has

i taught her ney^r to go into any-| thing blindly. j (b) Her woman's curiosity gets the better of her. .

(c) She is trying to decide what color eyes will go best with her own shade.

(d) She is an aye, aye girl. (e) She doesn't know enough to

close them. II—Closed Theories

(a) She prefers to retain her Il-lusions.

(b) Any girl will instinctively close her eyes if she thinks she's going to be smacked^

(c) .She just can't look the situ-ation in the eye.

(d) Boys! take a close view of yourself in the mirror.

Now that we have considered the various views, we conclude t h a t -well, whose business is it anyway ?

v o Perhaps it is because I am a

Sophomore that I do not yet kqow why I happened to have one bright day. But I do know that it all̂ be-

gan on the evening after the morn-

ing after the morning after the

night before. In other words, it

happened on a Tuesday evening,

and that evening I was happy.

I was happy through and through.

My feet felt as if they had shrunk

from No. 12 to No. 4, and they would not be still. I felt as if I could float like mi observation bal-loon. The light feeling carried me right up the steps, right up to the door of the candy store, only to bring me face to face with the humor editor.

"Remember," said he, "you have to write me a humor article before Saturday." I just looked'at him without saying a word.

"Don't stare at me so, you make me feel like a fool," he cried.

"Oh," I said, "I can't help what you feel like, but I'll take care of that paper." And I gave him a hearty slap on the back, wishing meanwhile he was a mosquito. Then I rushed upstairs and had a good sleep.

The next morning I awoke in-spited. I ate a hearty breakfast of cookie crumbs, crumbled cookies, and cookie crumbs. Outside the leaves, though still admirable, had fallen considerably in my estima-tion. The Profs, too, were inspired that day. In Bible I learned that Jonah was the strongest; man who ever lived. A toiale couldn't keep him down. In lab I learned that prussic acid is poisonous.'One drop on the tip of your tongue would kill fc dog. The Prof, moreover, told how his baby had looked blue in the face from drinking ink. So he fed the unfortunate child a blotter and there were no bad results. That was an absorbing case.

In math class I informed a back-ward Freshman, who asked how to get to infinity, to take a street'car. The fellow has a big scar on his head, yet it doesn't seem to annoy him at all. He says its next to nothing. And every time the Prof asks him something he shakes his head, as if the Prof could hear it rattle way up in front The Speech Prof told us that the most common obstruction in American speech to-day is a wad of chewing gum; that the world famous "Order of Bath" i a - P a first, ma next, and then the lads, and that the greatest uplift-ing movement in America Is the automobile Jack.

At dinner I got a Httle dope on some of my table mates..The host-

ess is one of Roger Bacon's disci-ples. She believed that a man should be fined by reading rather than by feeding. The fellow sitting next to me is taking an engineer-ing course; he's taking up kalso-mining. The one on my left will follow the nwdical profession; no, not a doctor—an undertaker. And the host will be a trunk finisher some day,-otherwise known as a baggage man.

After lunch I had a disappointing experience. I cornered the one and only in the music room. I was cer-tain she'd catch the engagement ring in my voice. So I said softly, "Listen, dear, I've had something trembling on my lips for months and months^' "So I noticed," said she. "Shave it off." And then she walked away.

That made me feel bad all week so that I didn't bring in this paper till Monday. But I wasn't the only one at the Anchor Box. There were several other, writers. They said the editor couldn't pubUsh - the paper until Friday because their material hadn't been in Sunday. It didn't come out till Friday, but it was my stuff he waited for, not theirs. ~ ' w' .

0 • "Here's where I get sucked in,"

said the bug in the Aig, as the Bissell passed over him. Which re-minds us of the electrocuted mon-key. He sat on a fruit cake and the currant went up his back.


All horses are mortal. Many horses die. Therefore restaurants serve more meat than vegetables.

All men have money. Our fathers are men. Therefore "so's your old man."

Miners dig for gold. So do girls. Therefore all girls should be classed as minors.


Debaters Make Week-End Trip

Up to Detroit (Continued from First page)

and ready to go, with their lessons all prepared.

Tonight the negative team meets Calvin College ill a debate before the Grand Rapids Federation of Labor. This debate promises to be of great interest as the group is intensely interested in the ques-tion. There will be an open forum afterward. Those who attend will undoubtedly hear a most interest-ing discussion.


Soathara Pulcbritud* "Clothes," says a meretricious ad

ton New York paper, "makes the college girl.- Maybe so op there. S"1 h e r e oar lovely, fresh, smiling

" " f * g , ^ , 8 m a k e ^ e clothes.—Columbus (S. C.) State.

Comfort SATISFACTION in glasses de-Pendt not only on the cor-net lena, bat alio on having a ttyle tbat b comfbrtsblc, appropriate, and bacoming.

Care l a mounting your !««*• ia one of die benefits o f deff led op t i ca l a a r i c e .


A. Van Kersen





< 1

At C. Pieper's Jewelry. 24 W. 8th Holland, Mick

Latest and most edenttfie meth-odsuted

Page 3: 01-21-1931

"What price knowledge?" queried the Latin content class some time ago.

"A 7:00 o'clock Class eveiry Fri-day morning after Christmas vaca-tion," responded the oracle.

Owing to the deep darkness and bitter cold, this seemed a great price to pay; but the sight of "a gray dawn breaking" partly com-pensated the girls of the class, who were awake in time to see i t The only male of the class-members wks not

The last few days as Vaj> Vleck Hall — strange as it may seem — passed quietly and peacefully. To be sure, Posthuma and Hicks for-got for a time Saturday afternoon that quiet hours were in force. They were "severely punished" by committeeman Juist, and since the watchful Jack nipped their forget-fulnes in the bud, little unusual dis-turbance of the inmates resulted.

Abdul Razak Aradi has lately 're-ceived three cases of delicious dates from home. Since his first day at the Dorm (except for a few days when he was practising to sing the



Holland City News • • • ^

Printers and



Boston Restaurant

"Stein Song" (for the Addisons) he has been well liked for his geniality and friendliness. But now — oh boy! those dates are fine! — he's mote popular than ever.

We are sorry that Linden Lind-sey has moved from Van Vleck. He was such a smiling, good-natured visitor, we liked to have him around. Sometimes, of course, he would start singing, and then he could be heard, on all three floors and three miles ",away, but then, as he says, he has "so darn much over which to be happy."

We had a laugh on Ikey Meyer and Dave Reardon Saturday. They thought another "open-house day" was coming and cleaned and rear-ranged their rodm.

Several fellows sat up quite late one morning a short time ago, lis-tening to the radio. One became sleepy, so he went home about mid-night. But the others listened long-er. At present we're all wishing for and buying radios.

Toshio Ito got a Christmas pres-ent of which he is extremely proud — a picture. "Japanese girls," says Ito, "are nice, but Dutch girls are

Some of the girls of Voorhees received the thrill of the year one night last week. Men's voices and a girl 's scream were heard simul-taneously. First one girl and then another crept out of her room to see what was going on. They were ready to call the police when one girl had to disappoint them by ex-plaining that it was only some men returning the dishes they had bor-rowed for the entertainment of the consistory in the chapel.

The girl's scream has not yet been located, but then, somebody is


Comfort in Bigneat There Is Improvement Canaries* Malaria Radio Fights Poison

Sometimes when things seem to go wrong, It Is a comfort to be re^ minded that nothing matters very much. If the earth fell toward the sun it would melt like a flake of snow falling on a red-hot stove long before It could reach the sun.

And if, In turn, our gigantic sun. a million times as big as the earth, fell toward some of the really bin suns In space, It also would melt before it could reach that sun's surface. v

Professor Sbapley, with his fore-head high and his ears low down, the best arrangement tells you t h a t H a r v a r d observatory has found and measured "about 18,000 new galaxies, each an Island uni-verse."

defljcit of W0s.000,000-Ws,000,000 more than a year ago. ^

fear the

An Island universe contains mil-lions of suns. One little group, called the "Largs Magellanic," has 200,000 suns, every one 150 times brighter than our sun, and 2,000 suns that are 10,000 times as bright as ours.

Under such circumstances, will you please tell us what difference It makes whether Anaconda copper goes up or down?

Many have shivered with lest a comet should strike earth.

I t probably wouldn't do much harm if it did and you would know nothing about It except that. If a comet did sideswipe our atmosphere In passing, you would detect a strong smell of almon'ds.

Sclent}§ts find In tile tails of. com-ets "cyanogen," 'ifWcb. has :the almond s tnef t - ~


Bacteriologists are told that vio-lent diphtheria poison, the toxin carrying the disease that has kiUed so many millions of children, has been successfully attacked by treat-ment with short radio waves.

These waves, with a frequency of from 80,000,000 to 158,000,000 per second, reduce the strength of the poison by one-half. I t Is diffi-cult to exaggerate the Importance of this scientific announcement

With flints, bows and arrows and high-powered rifles, men have succeeded after 25,000,000 years in conquering their huge four-footed enemies—tigers, Hons and bears. They may be able now to destroy their Invisible and infinitely more deadly microscopic enemies with electric projectiles.

Gruen, Elgin and Bolnva Watches

SELLES Jewelry' Store

Watch and Jewelry Repairing

J t h D j i m jHtyhBwfMi PHONE 1441

Model Laundry "The Soft Water


WefjWuk, Rttfk Dry Fariskd Work -


wiTmiimwwir rwrniinm

STUDENTS The College Ave. Barber

Shop Welcomes You. C. HUIZENGA, Prop.

always screaming a t Voorhees.

: / r r ^

E n O G B E l C i a E - i m f

1 2 3


It says In Eccleslastes: "A fool also Is full of words: a man can-not tell what shall be."

Nevertheless, men of wisdom tell us that better conditions have start-ed already.

Mr. Lamont secretary of com-merce. sees a distinct return in business, and. also Important the conductor of one of the busiest Cen-tral Railroads of New Jersey trains says: "I know times are getting better. I can see It In the faces of passengers, business men that have traveled with me for years."

Two thousand scientists gathered at Cleveland continue their contribu-tion of amazing Information.

Canary birds have a peculiar ma-laria of their own. German sci-entists Investigating this disease developed plasmochin, a drug that cures human beings. The new rem-edy Is a synthetic product called by chemists "N-dlethylaminolsop-enty I - S amino^-methoxy-qulnollne," which you should remember In case you want to order soma

While deeply religious believers knelt In the snow, praying, soldiers

. o f the Russian government tore down a cathedral on the bank of

i the Dnieper river, making bonfires of sacred pictures. Images and vestments of priests.

This action of Russia's govern-ment comes under the heading "worse than a crime, a blunder."

Karl Marx will never compete with the founder of Christianity In Influencing human beings. Persecu-tion of religion will only Increase religious power.

In old days, a man with-11,000,-000 was a "millionaire." That mod-est pittance no longer means any-thing. A "millionaire," in the new financial language. Is one who has $1,000,000 or more of yearly income.

In 1928, 511 • Americans told Uncle Sam they had Incomes of $1,000,000 or more. Several have $50,000,000 a year, and at least two or three have more. They repre-sent the beginning of our billion-aire class. There are probably six, certainly four, men In the United States worth a bUHon.

For Real Senice Try Tit WUte Crm Bufcir Stop



mi ' <

We Invite You to Compare our Work

Harrington Dry Cleaning Phone 4348 262 River Ave.

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Our problems are trifling com-pared with those of Great Britain. A Labor government that was to find employment for all has twice as many Idle men on Its hands as when It started, and for nine months of the fiscal year just ended has a

A report of General Foods com-pany for 1030, issued by Colby M. Chester, president shows that Its business Increased many millions in 1830, thanks to aggressive ad-vertising, plus good management And best news of all, no workers have been discharged and no ways reduced.

The man who advertises cou-rageously in a time of depression may see his profits diminish tem-porarily, but he holds his business and the loss In profit Is not as great as It would be without the advertising.

(0.1131. Western Neweoaper Union.)

A CLEAR ANALYSIS of your expenditures is always possible with a checking account. Feel free to avail yourself of our facilities at all times.

Hoiland City State Bank HOLLAND, MICHIGAN




For the-



Next Semester



interest and Courteous Attention is a part of our service to those who come to us for their printing requirements.


Programs, Calling Cards, Stationery, Fine Papers 210 College Avenue

Blue Bird Diamond Rings Elgin WatchM


Successor to W. R. Stevenson

Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing

WELCOME! STUDENTS OF HOPE! You are invited to use the Banking facilities of

The First State Bank The Oldest and Largest Slate Bank in Uie County




133 and 136 Fairbanks Are. Phone 5470

Page 4: 01-21-1931


E w . Fpur

R i f l e s Addisorf1— At the Addison, meet-

ing last ^ e e k .Arthm- T e r Keurst read a ' paper on Education, with

' * special empllasis on trends in rural districts. Henry Engelsman sang "Duna" and "SmiUn' Thru' ." Sev-eral humorous readings were given by Martin Kloosterman. James Dooley concluded the program with especially sympathetic interpreta-tions of "Negro Spirituals."

— o Phi Kappa Alpha — Friday night

the weekly meeting of the Phi Kap-- pa Alpha's was held. "Machinery

and Unemployment" was the title of the first number given by Leon-ard Steffens. A violin solo by Ar-nold Dykhuisen followed. The hu-mor of the evening was furnished by Gerald Huenink who, attired in minister 's garb, gave a sermon ad-

^ dress. After the meeting the mem-bers rushed the Colonial theater.

Emersonian — "Decline of Amer-ican Protestantism," by James Van Vessem, was the first selection on the literary program of the Emer-sonian meeting of Friday evening. This was followed by a vocal solo by Neal VanLeeuwen, Wilbur Ens-field gave an "Extemporaneous Harangue" as a humor number Ralph Beilema was master critic i for the evening. "Emmy," toy ter-rier mascot, was the guest of honor at the program.

H o p ^ C q D e g e A n c h o r



Fraternal — The regular meet-ing of the Fraternal society was held Friday evening. A wide vari-ety of numbers were scheduled. The program opened with a paper on "United States and the World Court" by John Meengs . "A Fresh-man number was second, "Ancient Games and How They Are Played Today," given by Jack Plewes. "How Hope College Became to be Situated in Holland," by Frank Fischer was third on the program. A humorous selection by Dan Boone concluded the meeting. Otto Ynte-ma, principal of the Jamestown

Dr. Van Kersen Displays Films




The Mission Movies on China which Dr. W. J . VanKersen present at a joint Association Union meet-ing last Tuesday evening sur-passed all expectations. The hun-dred fifty or more . stndents who

High School, was thp alumni visitor! crowded the Y rooms gazed eager-of the evening.

Knickerbocker — The Knicker-bockers met for their weekly meet-ing Thursday evening instead of on the scheduled date, Friday. I^ewis Scudder opened the program with "Advice from a Professional Bum." Roger Leetsma furnished the music in the form of comet solos. A hu-mor number by Arthur Anderson

ly at the views of Walter DcVel-der, the short term teacher whom they are supporting on the mis-sion field. Not only did they see him at work, hut they saw him at play as well, both on the basketball court and in the jumping pit.

The films began with several views along the water front of Arnoy, showing the swarming junks, and the stalwart oarsmen. Then the scene shifted to the pic-concluded the program. Friday

night the Knicks went to the H o p e - | tL " 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' l! l c , ®. ^ ^ Uuresque. narrow streets that wind

Albion game. On the return t r i p . - . . . . . . . . • w . . . f ^ like dusky lanes between straight the fan of their car broke loose and damaged the radiator. John Somp-son's hat was used to mend the leak. The Knick basketball team defeated a strong Brewer quintet, fionie

twenty-three to sixteen, last week. o


Wednesday afternoon tea was served" in the Delphi room with Evelyn GeerHngs, Anna Huth, Jean Hinken and Marion De Kuiper act-ing as hostesses.

A presentation of the various sections of a newspaper will com-prise the Delphi program Friday night.

o — HON. G. J. DIEKEMA .

OI-'B FKIEND.—He IISN drparlrd. yet he is

Thoagh out of sicht. yet will we ne'er for-C«t

Hit friendly face and innate rourteay. HU teneroiu tolerance and •ympathetic

taaeh, Hla aturdy faith, h i | mtIoub loyalty ? • frieada, and prineiplea of troth and

rteht. W® wlU retain in »l«aaant memory Hla halpfal life and aervin cladly given Ta rhnrrh and atate and hia community; The itaaach in terrify of hla prajrr»«aiv«


Waa it kind Protldenca that did prepare JJa far hla *»a r t» r e from our mUlat for aye To that far land whence no nun t'tt ro-

turna Of hla tree will to kinitod here below? Whe« on a aiiaaion aeat, Obedient to the call. He weat ta diataat ahorex, we learnnl to

• I m him hare. •. •

Into the allent vraee we Mwered hia mortal daat.

And wept with thaae he loved, for loaa .a t -tained.

l h o oTiSthiB ^ by , 9 h k lm

*** b** wrfu^ht aa much

' Bae. H. Van der P l a ^ , San Jaae, Calif.

rows of houses, and from there to the few broad thoroughfares of the city that the Chinese felt necessary in the days of the Ford before

one invented the Austen, some one invented the Austin.

Nor did the scenes lack markets, or fish stands, ,or refreshment stands. It is only to be hoped that the last two mentioned were far enough apart.

Shots of the island of Chang-chow, which is situated in the har-bor of Amoy . and has been set apart as a habitation of foreigners, presented views of the various mis-sion buildings, such as Hope Hos-pital, the Lying-out Hospital, the Seminary, and other school build-ings. Dr. Hoileman and Dr. Bosch were shown busy at operating and also with their families. • Others who appeared were the Messrs. Renskers and DePree with their families and a whole group of for-mer Hopeites, who were lustily singing the Hope song.


Put Out Thota Fires! Statistics show that more game

Is killed annually by careless camp-ers who leave llielr flrvs alight than by the guns of hunters. The loss from Name in limber country is in-calculable. To preserve tliefn? re-sources. extinguish' alL embers.

Volunteers Hold a Joint Meeting



On Wednesday afternoon the Student Volunteer Band, together with the Home Volunteers, met in the Y.M. room to listen to another one of the Messengers of Hope. After an inspiring song service led by Lester Kuyper, Mildred Kooi-man took charge of the Devotions. The special music was a vocal solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple," by Bernard Muyskens.

Dr. Harold Veldman, a medical

missionary to China, at present

home on furlough, presented the crying need of the Chinese non-Christians to the group in a most soul-stirring manner. He clustered his thoughts around various char-acters through whom God has been pleased to show His power, and assured the groups that Christian missions in China could work for two generations A more and then merely have "scratched the sur-face."

Senior Girls Attend Supper



For once the Senior girls ^ost their dignity when they met at Evelyn Albers' last Wednesday night. Why was Mildred Schuppert falling on the floor? And wha t was the elevating historical conversa-tion concerning the "Knights of the Ba th?" Oh, tha t ' s the secret of the Senior maidens.

Yes, they had their once-a-month supper—and oh! that food. By the way, Eunice Hyma was given a chance to prove her domestic capa-bilities, fo r she was dia i rman of the dinner. And we'll all vouch for her tha t she's good, and so's the food. .

As there was no program, the girls all contributed to its lack by making fun fo r their own enter-tainment. And it was fun ! They all felt sorry, though, that the rest of the girls on the campus aren't Seniors.


JANUARY SHOE VALUES Do not miss this one. We urge you to come.

Borrs' Bootery, 13 W. 8th st., Holland

Typewriters Bought, Sold, Repaired and Exchanged.

Bring us all your typewriter troubles.

Brink's Book Store


Suits Pressed while you Wait. • - ' • "r V v;'

Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners 11 West 8th St. Phone 4665


Our 35c. Plate Lunches are good. You will like them. Give

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Red Lion Sandwich Shop Just around the Ctirner from 8th on River

HARRY COTAS, Proprietor

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The Anchor

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Too can't trust flatterers. Men praise the busy bee to keop hln-bmy because they snffer when It slta (fown.

Students Take Notice • »

Suits, Coats and Plain Dresses Dry cleaned now

$1.00 All goods called for and delivered.

Phone 2465 IDEAL DRY CLEANERS Col'ege and 6t)i St. '


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