Download - 012 30th march 2012

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Issue 12 30th March 2012

Clifton High School

ZUMBA comes to Clifton High for Sport Relief

Clifton High School has always devoted time and effort to charity events, whether they are local, in house or national. The school prides itself on raising money for good causes and in the past there have been donations to many charities, including Guide Dogs for the Blind, Leukaemia Research and Cancer Research to name just a few.

This year, to mark the national Sport Relief campaign, the whole school assembled in the playground with teachers and other staff members to join in a half hour mass ZUMBA experience. Pupils in Year 8, along with their Head of Year, Mrs Williams, produced a lively assembly to increase awareness of the campaign and to promote the school event.

The school even employed the expert services of a fully qualified ZUMBA instructor to lead the session and to add to the experience.

In the past, the school has hula hooped and run around the sports track to raise money and awareness for the Sport Relief campaign. We are hoping that this year's new experience provided an opportunity for all pupils from the nursery to the sixth form to have a taste of a rapidly expanding fitness activity that is sweeping the country.

The total raised to date is just over £400. A great day was had by all and what a wonderful experience it was!

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Issue 12 30th March 2012

Work Shadowing

Last week students from Year 9-12 had an assembly on Work Shadowing. They were told how work experience is going to change in the coming years, to be replaced by a more flexible scheme of work shadowing.

With traditional work experience, businesses often struggled to take students for a whole week, and students often got left doing the tea making rather than getting a true picture of what a job actually involves.

At Clifton High School, we want our students to make informed decisions about what areas of work suits them. Therefore, students will now be able to do several stints of work experience in each year from Year 10-13. Students will be able to be more flexible in their approach to employers, and we hope that by only asking for a few days of ‘work shadowing’ that employers will show students what their job involves.

A parent’s guide to work shadowing has been sent home with students to give more information.

Mrs Giles is on hand to give advice or guidance in this area whenever it is needed.

“I have already seen a lot of Year 11s who have numerous work shadowing days set up for their Summer holidays – well done!”

Please contact Mrs Giles [email protected] if you would like more information, or if you think you are able to offer a work shadowing placement.

Dragon Kicks off Book Week

Slick – the 61ft-tall dragon – kicked off our 'Adventure' - themed Nursery—Y6 Book Week in style on Monday 26 March, when he was inflated on the school green. The world’s largest hot-air balloon of its kind caused quite a stir as it met students coming out from morning assembly. Slick the dragon is taller than an eight-storey building and five elephants standing on each other’s shoulders. He has shoe size of 116 with a 44-metre-long tail – longer than five double-decker buses parked end to end. You could also fit a staggering 120,000 basketballs or 3,400 washing machines inside the giant balloon. Students from the Prep to the Sixth Form greeted Slick with a friendly wave. Emerald Goldsworthy and Rodha Almahmoud from 4KP were our intrepid reporters on the day: On Monday we saw a big dragon! All the school saw it but 4KP were lucky enough to see the balloon from the start when it was still flat. We went inside the balloon while they were blowing it up - the fans made it huge! The best bit of all was when the balloon started to be a dragon. The whole school was so excited. Slick the dragon was very green and very fat. He was looking handsome! Many thanks to the Palletways balloon team for such a fantastic morning. It was the perfect way to inspire our young adventurous readers!

Speech and Drama Success

Congratulations to Maya Persad in 2L, who won first place in her age group in the verse reading category at the recent Mid Somerset Festival of Speech, Music and Drama in the Bath Guildhall. Competition was stiff: in fact Maya was competing against children from schools all round the county, but she bowled the judges over with her lovely

rendition of the poem 'Spin me a Web, Spider' by Charles Causley. “I wasn't scared”, said Maya, “but my legs were!”

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This month Year 12 students have been exploring the endless possibilities that their futures hold. After an ‘Introduction to University’ lesson in Futures and Skills, students were taken to the UCAS Convention in Cardiff. Over 170 universities and organisations were present to help students manage the first stages of the UCAS process – choosing what to study and where! Students came away with lots of information and fresh ideas. It is important that students now make appointments with Mrs Giles if they are finding this process challenging or confusing. In the next few months we will be making an early start to the students’ university applications and personal statements. We have Nick Strong from the University of Aberystwyth attending the Year 12’s Futures and Skills session on 1st May to give a lesson on ‘Writing Impressive Personal Statements’. It would be very useful if students came to this prepped with questions. We also have Lorraine Norman from the University of Bristol coming in to talk about what students can do to make their application stand out. Year 13 students that have decided to apply to university in their gap years can also attend these sessions.

Funk It Up Performance

We were delighted to see a performance from the “Funk it up” hip-hop club this week during squashy prayers. Children from Years 3-6 who are in the club danced free style and did a set routine. They were fantastic and moved so fast! Many thanks to Rachel, their club tutor, for inspiring and coaching them.

Climb the rocks of ages! Mr Sutton visited Year 6 this week and enthralled us with stories of his adventures as a mountain climber. He spoke with deep knowledge and enthusiasm for the sport and has certainly encouraged lots of pupils to join a local climbing club. He showed us climbing equipment and photos of places where he had climbed.

Did you know that there was a piece of equipment called a ‘friend’ which you place into a hole in the rock and it then stops you from falling? And what about a crag or a carabineer? Year 6 know what they are - why don’t you find out too! Many thanks to Mr Sutton and Isobel for contributing to our final ‘wow’ day to finish off our Mountains and Rivers topic.

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Prehistoric Investigations! Reception 1 have had a very exciting time recently investigating prehistoric life. We noticed that many of the children were interested in circles and spirals, so Mrs. Andrews brought in

some ammonites for them to investigate. This led to an interest in fossils and of course, dinosaurs! We created a dinosaur den in our role-play area, which the children decided needed a swamp area, a tar pit and a volcano!

Then came the exciting discovery that Miss McAra, Louis’ mother, is a geologist so we immediately invited her in to visit! We enjoyed a fascinating look at her collection of fossils, and Miss McAra patiently answered our many questions about dinosaurs.

The following day we visited Worcester Terrace Gardens to hunt for dinosaurs that had mysteriously appeared in the trees and undergrowth! We managed to find enough for each child

to take ownership of one and then set about satisfying our hungry appetites with hotdogs. We had taken our papier mâché volcano with us and set about finding a good place in the trees in which to cause an eruption! Bicarbonate of soda was mixed with vinegar and red food colouring and the children insisted that we use the entire bottles of ingredients to see what happened!

We will now be finding out about our dinosaurs, painting them and writing about them before taking them home as a permanent reminder of our wonderful experiences.

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Oakham Treasures As part of their Post-War Britain topic, Year 5 took a trip to Oakham Treasures to see what life was like in the 1950s and also the 1960s. There were massive Weetabix boxes on the shelves. Also there were tinned peas, Australian eggs, golden syrup, Australian butter and a cheese presser.

One year 5 student summed up the visit saying “What a very educational place if you liked the 1950s and 1960s. You can see how things have changed from the 1950s and the 1960s compared with 2012. I liked the tractor exhibition and the

milk parlour and also the entrance shed. I liked the compressor, air guns, gas masks, war hats, record players, old weights used in shops. In fact, I liked everything! “

Thrust is a must Year 8 Rocket Car Day went off with a whoosh! We saw creative and crazy yet innovative designs which were judged on style, innovation, speed and endurance. The overall "Bloodhound" prize was won by the 'Brown-eyed Ninjas'. Well done Miel, Maya, Helena and Jasmine!

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Enthusiasm and Camaraderie at the Year 2 Tag Rugby tournament

The team played with an enthusiasm, abandon and sportsmanship rarely seen. The cheers rang out, the sense of camaraderie was tangible, the rugby was first class. Year 2 children from Worlebury, Northleaze, Clifton College and CHS provided a spectacle to remember, playing fast-flowing and exhilarating 7-a-side rugby. This was a closely fought contest with every match bringing moments of drama. Refereed throughout by Charlie Thompson, the games provided some wonderful tries and a marvellous exhibition of fleetness of foot, tenacity, courage and fierce resistance.

The players have every right to be very proud of what they achieved. Congratulations to the eventual winners, Northleaze Primary School, and to all who took part. Many thanks to Alex, Toby and Josh who ran the lines, to Georgie Agar and her team who served teas and coffees to warm up spectators, to Mrs Emma Hill for her impeccable organisation and to Charlie Thompson for refereeing and ensuring all the players had a great time.

Remote Control Hobby

Mr Taylor came to talk to Reception 2 about his hobby of building and racing remote control cars. Mr Taylor has had this hobby since he was a boy.

He showed us the inside body of one of the cars and the children were able to handle some of the parts. It was very interesting to hear how changes in technology over the years had led to refinements in the design such as the specialist batteries now used and also how these refinements have enabled the cars to go much faster. We

learnt that the car we were learning about could travel at an equivalent of 300-400 mph relative to its size. It was certainly a thrilling experience for children and adults alike to have a demonstration of the car whizzing around the playground and in and out of the obstacle course that the children had set up for it.

Happy Easter from the ‘Eggsplorers’

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Keeping Fit

To extend the Nursery children’s interest in babies and doctors, we invited Georgia’s mummy Nicky Clements to take a ‘keep fit’ session. The children took off their shoes and socks to begin the session with a warm up. We then followed Nicky through a variety of actions which included tapping our feet, stepping from side to side, reaching high and touching our toes. The children were also given the challenge of moving in and out of cones which they found tricky at first but soon mastered them perseverance! The session concluded with some gentle stretching exercises such as reaching slowly from side to side. After the activity we noticed that we were feeling hot and a bit out of breath. ‘It’s because we’ve been moving’, suggested one of the children.

‘Drinks and Doughnuts’ Year 13 had the privilege of meeting four members of the Clifton High School Alumni in the Beech Room for tea, coffee, hot chocolate and delicious doughnuts. We had a really enjoyable time discussing university and career options as well as A Level subjects, and comparing our experiences at the school over the different years. Mrs Jane Henderson, former Chair of the Alumni, also talked to us briefly about the work of the Alumni and the different events we would be invited to attend, including, 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50- and even 60-year reunions! She also talked about bringing the Alumni forward into a more ‘technological era’, in order to keep our generation up to date and in touch via emails and Facebook. Mrs Henderson attended the school along with her sister, and later went on to teach here. She also sent her children here and her own mother attended the school, so it was very inspiring to hear from someone who has experience of Clifton High from so many different perspectives. We all had a great morning and look forward to joining the Alumni when we leave Clifton High at the end of this year.

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The Juniors get their compasses out! The Juniors had a special visit from Peter Gatenby, who will be walking to the extremities of the British mainland, starting from Henton in Somerset, on the 13th April 2012. This was an opportunity for the Juniors to ask him all about his challenge: how he has prepared himself for this 2469-mile walk across the beautiful British landscape. Between April and September the Juniors will be tracking Peter’s progress by visiting his website There are five legs to the walk, raising money for five charities along the way and all the legs will be completed in continuous succession. He will be leaving a yellow ribbon at key locations. To show our support for Peter, the Juniors wore a yellow accessory and brought in a donation to raise money for the charities. They raised just under £75, so well done to them!

The PA Quiz

The CHS PA Quiz once again proved to be a very enjoyable and popular event with 21 teams entering. Thank you to all those that took part; over £1000 was raised. Our fabulous Quiz Masters not only orchestrated a topical and challenging quiz with great panache but, as the quiz was on the same evening as Sports Relief, they also took on the Danny Baker challenge to wear the shirt of their most hated team to raise £355 for Sports Relief. Peter Badham, an Aston Villa fan, is donning a Birmingham City shirt The rugby chaps Mark Denbow & Humphrey Turner, England fans, are wearing Wales shirts Jim Allin, a lifelong Nottingham Forest fan, is wearing a Derby County shirt

Year 6 Getting Ready for Year 7

As part of our book week Year 6 visited the Senior School Library and listened to an informative talk from our librarian Miss Denning before exploring the non-fiction library!

We struggled to get them out as they were so absorbed with reading the periodicals and reference books! They certainly enjoyed the visit and are keen to take books home already! Such enthusiasm from our delightful year 6 children: well done!

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Innovation and Design in Year 2

Class 2L welcomed William’s father Mr Taylor this week when he came along to talk about innovation and the design process. We learnt about manufacturing new technological concepts from start to finish. We asked Mr Taylor lots of really great questions and he brought along some samples and fantastic posters for us to explore. Thank you very much for coming to visit us, Mr Taylor.

Iranian New Year Reception 1 enjoyed a very interesting visit from Arya’s mother, who came to tell us all about Iranian New Year. Mrs Ardalan explained many of the customs surrounding Naw-Ruz (New Year) and showed us examples of items that can be used to create a Haft Sin (ceremonial) table, using only items that begin with the letter ‘S’ in Farsi. The children were fascinated and were able to recall in detail what we had been told the following day. We have since been enjoying the beautiful Haft Sin display that Mrs Ardalan kindly left for us and have also decorated the many eggs that Arya brought in.

Year 4 Showcase WW2 Knowledge

On Friday of last week Year 4 took assembly in the New Hall. They shared all that they had learnt as part of their World War 2 Topic - such as creative writing, 'Little Ship' models, posters and the memories of the two grandparents who had kindly come in to school to tell the pupils about their real-life WW2 experiences. In the photo Miss Phillips is going through final details before Year 4 presented the Assembly to the Juniors and Year 2.

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Clifton High Netball Tournament 2012

The U10 netball team took on five other teams at the Clifton High Tournament on Tuesday 20th March. This is an annual event and brings the netball season to a fitting end. The teams were all well balanced which produced some exciting and close fought matches. The girls all mixed together very well and during the intervals, expending even more energy by playing with their opposition in the playground. Clifton won all five of their matches, resulting in 1st place in the tournament. V BGS, Won 5-4 V Red Maids’, Won 6-1 V Fairfield, Won 4-0 V Colston’s Won 2-1 V Elmlea, Won 3-1

Year 9 visit to Yeo Valley Farm

Year 9 students visited Yeo Valley Farm in Blagdon recently. 9-2 got the raw end of the deal, visiting on a day that was so foggy, we got lost trying to find the barn! 9-1, who visited the following day got a slightly better view – they could actually see the farm, and the lake and valley below… just! Both groups had an amazing day – the highlight of which for the students was taste testing ‘yeogurts’. They also took away with them some serious messages about sustainability, organic farming, and some awareness of business survival and success. The groups are now busy making their own versions of the famous Yeo Valley ‘X Factor advert’, and making farming board games… pictures to follow! 9-1 also made an appearance on Yeo Valley’s blog pages:

Well done to Alysia, Lily, Mia, Alicia, Isabel, Isobel, Phoebe and Phoebe.

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Briony closing in for another strike on goal

This meant that we finished second in our group, but sadly only the top team qualified for the playoffs. This was the first time that a Clifton High team has represented Avon Hockey for at least 25 years and we did not look out of place in such prestigious company as one of the top 16 schools in the 8 counties of the West country. All the squad played their part and we are very proud of you all: Captain Laura Bentley, Year 7 player Louisa Bell, Sophie Cotter, Bethan Evans-Brain, Issy Hoskins, Hannah Morris, Morgan Pepworth, Lia Persad and top goal-scorer Briony Wills. Extremely well done girls!

West of England Hockey Tournament

Above Chafyn Grove goalie foils Briony!

Our Under 13 girls’ hockey team representing Avon gave a very good account of themselves at Millfield. In the first match we set up attack after attack. Only a good goalkeeper and the goalpost kept the ball out of Truro’s net. This was a game we should have won convincingly on the balance of play. It was good to see such great skills on display albeit a disappointing end result at a 0-0 draw.

Our second match was played against the Wiltshire champions Chafyn Grove. We contested the game well, but the Chafyn girls were better organised and despite our best efforts, we lost 3-0.

In our final game against Sherborne Prep, we were very determined to go all out for the win and we held our nerve well as we went down 1-0 in the first 5 minutes. Fighting back with superb commitment from everyone, we levelled and then went further ahead to 2-1 just before half time. Everyone held it together in the second half to score a final goal and gain a very satisfying 3-1 result.

Captain Laura looks anxiously on

Swimarathon with Clifton Rotary Club Well done to Emily Doulton, Isabel Creed, Maeliss Sha’ban, Charlotte Morris, Rahul Goyal, Lucinda Larnach, Sophia Webb and Rachel Pye for swimming 400 lengths of our pool in 55 minutes, raising over £350 for Clifton Rotary charities.

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Clifton High Skiing Success at British Schools Championships

On 12th and 13th March, the annual British Schools Championships were held in Les Houches, France with Issy Hoskins competing on behalf of Clifton High School.

In the slalom on the first day Issy came 4th out of 32 competitors, making it onto the podium. After one run in the giant slalom, Issy was lying in second place, but unfortunately her ski came off in a rut on the second run with a spectacular crash ending any hopes of gold for Clifton High. Issy now returns to the Alps to compete in the 2012 British National Alpine Ski Championships. Issy was thrilled and grateful recently to hear from SportsAid’s Awards Manager Emmanuel Blanchard that she has been awarded SportsAid support and backing which will be invaluable going forward.

Badminton Success against Clifton College

Outstanding performances were given by Seb Serrudo Grossner, Harry Miles, Bethan Evans-Brain, Izzy Hayward, Asher Brill and Jack Hembrow in a recent badminton tournament against Clifton College on Thursday 22nd March. Seb’s first game of singles was a very long match which went to three sets and resulted in him winning 15 – 7 in the third. Harry gave a fantastic performance to take his singles 15-11 and 15-8 and Bethan swept aside her opponent with a stunning victory, winning 15-7 and 15-4. The girls’ doubles saw another close game in which Izzy and Bethan had to fight extremely hard to take the match in three sets - a super victory for the girls. Asher Brill and Jack Hembrow faced some very tough opposition and were by far the youngest players in the tournament; in their two doubles matches they faced opponents who were much older than them, but they never gave up and were improving all the time. The final match was Seb and Harry’s doubles match, which saw some long and very entertaining rallies with plenty of net cords! We gained an eventual win in a rapid two set victory as Seb was desperate to fill up his water bottle and Harry was dreaming of the mini eggs on offer afterwards! A great afternoon was had by all and an excellent team spirit and support was shown by all the players; the overall victory being 5-2 to Clifton High School badminton team. A big congratulations to all players on your first tournament success, and especially to those that have been coming to the badminton club and made so much progress this year. Well done!

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End of a Netball Era at CHS

Every season schools bid farewell to senior players as they depart to continue their education in far flung areas of the country. This season will be a first, as six out of the seven players of the 1st VII, pictured above, will be departing as they are currently in Year 13. Some of the girls, who are outstanding players, have played in the 1st VII since they were in Year 10, and all six leavers have represented the school in netball and other sports since they entered Clifton High. Some of them have played for the school for over 10 years as they have been in the school since preparatory! Lucy Bryan, Year 12 (pictured centre), who is the current captain of the school team, will be the sole survivor of this season’s 1st VII next season. Lucy is an A Level Sports Studies student and an international pole vaulter, who still manages to retain her dedication and commitment to the school netball team, despite an intensive athletics training programme. We are currently awaiting the results of the ballot for next season’s captain with interest and the prospect of building a virtually new team for next September. Felicity Armstrong and Olivia Sherman from the 2nd VII will be hoping to secure their places in the 1st VII, with other players from Year 10 and upwards challenging for positions in both the 1st and 2nd VII. It will be a sad farewell for their coach Mrs Williams who has coached these girls for many years, through many highly successful seasons. The team finished on a high this season, winning twelve of their fourteen matches, and scoring well over 200 goals, reflecting their excellent shooting skills Their two final games produced wins over both Red Maids’ and Badminton. We wish a fond farewell to twins Maddi and Elly, Ruby, Jess, Franky and Katie and hope they will continue to play netball in clubs, colleges and university teams next season. We may even face them in the annual alumni challenge match in September.

Clifton High School annual U9 Football Tournament

On Friday 16th March the Under 9 boys took part in the annual Clifton High football tournament. Ten schools from all over Bristol visited Coombe Dingle on a glorious afternoon.

The boys played superbly well, with the A Team remaining unbeaten without conceding a single goal in the group stages. The boys made it through to the 3rd/4th place play off and narrowly lost by 1 goal against Torwood House. The boys performed extremely well, with the highlight coming in the form of a 5-0 victory v Cleeve House.

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Following a short goal kick from BGS, Ben Young caught the defender by surprise, unleashing an unstoppable shot into the bottom left hand corner. It was the goal that CHS’ performance warranted, and Mr. Collins was much happier with the team’s effort: ‘If you give me that commitment and effort every single week in all your games, whether it be football, rugby, hockey or cricket, I’ll be a happy man.’

There is no doubt that the boys have steadily improved both as a team and individually over the course of the season, and have plenty of time to progress even more over the next few years. Also a mention for the Year 8 & 9 B team, who also played BGS on Tuesday, earning a well fought 3-3 draw with Gabriel Gonzalez scoring a hat-trick!

Written by Jamie Goodenough

Year 8 and 9 Football v BGS On Tuesday 13th March, the Year 8 and 9 Boys’ Football team played their final fixture of the year against Bristol Grammar School at Coombe Dingle.

Clifton High set up in a 2-3-1 formation, with Luke Silcocks in goal, Captain Tom Harvey and Jack Alford in defence, the midfield trio of Ben Young, Alex Minter-Swanell and Tom West, and Olly Valentine operating as the lone striker.

The boys did not start well and found themselves a few goals down very early on. Once the half time whistle blew, CHS had made no real impact in the opposition half!

Mr Collins gave an assertive half time team talk, urging all the boys to increase their defensive work rate, while still looking to create chances going forward. These words seemed to have an immediate effect, as the second half started much more competitively than the first.

CHS managed successfully to contain the BGS attack from any shots on target until five minutes into the half, when a cross from the right wing resulted in the ball falling to a BGS player six yards out, who shot through the legs of Silcocks.

CHS continued to hassle the BGS players, and as a result the game became increasingly even, with neither team creating any noticeable chances for a five minute period. CHS finally got the goal they deserved just before the full time whistle.

U10/11 Football

The Year 5 and 6 boys concluded their league campaign with a superb 1-1 draw against Colston’s and then a superb 3-1 victory and 2-1 victory against St John’s A and B teams respectively.

The boys have shown superb improvement throughout the course of the season. This season has been invaluable experience for them as they have played against many teams who have been made up of purely Year 6 boys.

Next season should be a much closer season in terms of results and this experience will no doubt benefit the boys in the long run. Well done to all of the boys involved. After Easter our focus turns to cricket, with some mouth watering fixtures already lined up!

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School Contact Details Tel: 0117 973 0201

For general communication: [email protected] To report an absence: [email protected]

PA Class Reps’ Meeting Minutes of the latest Class Reps’ meeting are now on the website.

Clifton High School Former Old Girls @Jumble’ Committee


Tuesday 24 April 2012 at 10.30am

In aid of Western Air Ambulance

And School Charities At

4 The Ridgeway, Westbury on Trym Bristol


Bring & Buy, Cakes & Preserves Raffle

Active Kids The Active Kids scheme finishes on 10th April, so please bring in any vouchers you have to the School. This is a fabulous opportunity for us to send the coupons off for some of the great offers they have.

Clifton High School

Would like to invite parents and friends of the school to

The Spring Serenade Concert

Featuring school ensembles

and solos by Year 13 leavers.

9th May 2012 Main School Hall


CHS Road Safety Survey

The Road Safety Survey has been completed and with the help of experts it is hoped that we will be able to overcome some of the issues now known.

The survey had no hidden agenda and the last thing it wants to do create one problem to solve another. It will put children’s safety as a priority but will of course consider the impacts of any changes on other factors such as parking. We would like to thank all parents and teachers who gave up their time to conduct the survey.

Year 1—3 French Club Offer

Sign your child/ren up for French Club before the end of the Spring term and pay only £38.00 for the Summer term (per child), making a saving of £16.00.

For more information, to enrol your child or to book a taster session for your child, please email Kate Bull [email protected] or call 07836277976. A bientôt.

Spend one night under the stars on a family camp night in a safe, local campsite off Beggar Bush Lane

(parents must accompany, weather dependant)

To register an interest please email [email protected] or [email protected]

Or speak to Jane or Asha for more details.

Campfest Saturday 26th May 2012

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Experience an Aladdin’s cave of delights at this years Arabian Nights Ball.

You will be surrounded by the sights and sounds of an Arabian summer night whilst dining on a

sumptuous meal with exotic dancing.

Artwork designed by Helen Milne Year 12

Look out for your invitation which will arrive before the end of term.

Invitations to the Arabian Ball will be in your end of term envelopes.

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