Download - 04-01-1909

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I· ~ h 1 • . , ~ ~n: .. : cr w, en DU} mg c:o~nes.

t' . :e quP..:;l:oGs:

!s it aH wool?

Do yet: g~~~r~:: tc

V·iiii it v. e~r weH?

Y vu dcn't r.ced to a!ik about

the- style you can see thaL ., ., k i h • ncn you as.· sucn qu s-

ticns cf w; v;e : how Cfoth-

.. r ,.. 1,·t .. H •vor. 1 a•: .. · -n>e"'d "- · 1 C..•• ' U\ 0 LO:Cl u ~' , •

And whtit':; more, the prices

range ffcm $10.00 to $25.00.

You can't· get all woo! cloL .: .. t:~~c :;s yo~ b.!y Cbthcraft.

Lokker - Rulg"'rs -- r L Dr .:'\ r · ~ 1 1 i .. ·\ l . ~ L . \, ( : ~ 1 ·.:::. 1 l ., {

G!0t!!ing. Sl:oes ar:d C ;His· Fu: :1b!iir:~s


··o· r ~· L r. 1 lr ... ,..A N i: LLAt~ ·• lri vfih . .: · •

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H 0 P E C 0 L L E (; E

T H E p R E P A R A T 0 H Y S C 1-1 0 () 1 ..






English-Modern Langung~


T eachers

S · ientific






Cnmpo~itin n

The Western Theo/l)gical Seminary

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Page 4: 04-01-1909

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" i§>prra in D ru ··

APRIL , 1909 NUMB~R 7


T \\a.., a •nurky dark n=gill. Fr11111 h is pu~l

~ll till.' h~· ltn Jurge n Jurgi.' JlSI.' Il could n o t

:o.L'L· i a he 1:tt":-o h. n:~ t h aiH::td. 1 I c unly

lt l'a rd t hl· \\~1\· L ..., lap laz il y ag:t inst the stl: rn

o i til~.· C" ll lll' r. th e ."'li!Jpro..·:-.scd C<lll\"l'r:-at iun

u i thro..' L' s a il c•rs in ti Jo..• ht•\\· ~. \\"hi le at she rt

intL n·al~ thL· :-.lel·py. lllc•ntllO!H ill !'. o utcn· o i the ll ' :ttv ..... ,~I!Hlin~ in thl' main-ch~~ : n-... :-u uJHling-. came to h i.

· ~ =x:and a ha-alf!" catne ;~~ain th(' dn!dul cry irn m th e

rl :•rk. Thtn ... hun I_,. aitvr . .:- u JllL'\\ htt snappy: "~ ix !" "l ~l' ! t l'f hl·:t \L' hl'r , , ,_·· gntm b l...-d Ju :·g-~,.• n _.;c n in n._.;pon -;e.

. \t thL· '.<lllll' till1L' Ill' shnrply tlll·n'-·d d••" n thL· ltL·I•n an d t lh'

cutt l' r . l l'l•lllg·h unde r :-.lllall :-.ail. tllrt lt·d in its ktt•l -\\'al<.' r l ike a

lPJ>. Th~· nl;tin-;-oail ll:tjl) )t·d \\"' 'ai' i h· in thl' lul !in n· ni p·h t-h rcezc. . . :--, :--..

til l' chain-.. r.ttt ll'd tl lr, •ug-h t ltc ha\\' ;-o t·-h"ll- :-. a n d aftl'r a fe w

t u g :-. at ii :-- m'" 'rin!,!"~ tht· :-.mall cr:t it :--\\'llll ;~ t o tilL· ti ck and lay

m u ti .,nl o..::-:-. . \\ hilc tlt l' tin: d deck han ds scamJh' r c d lJcl o w. Jur­

f...!l'li'-'L' ll fo~r a \\ hile n : maint. d at h i .... JH•:--t. \ I inut t·~ pa~=--cd by

as "'ulknly hl· :-:tarl·d int11 the cla rk night. lllllil ia r niT o n · tar­

'" )anl. a · r ... d g-laring- light fla :-h L·d up :.:.ucld ... ·n ly in thl' clark and

in-..t a nt ly· died nut <~g-ai n. Then \\' it h a -..a t isfied grunt his ta ll,

\\'iry ira~llL' ~l i ppl'd dt~\\" 11 int 11 th~· naJTil \\' cab in.

. \ :-.~li p-la nl LTil . ~wing-ing i rom one of tiH· deck b eams but

in eficcttr.a lly l i t up thL· c:tpt ~ in's iact': IHn,·c , ·cr, su ffi c iently l l>

;-oh o \\' a ~till yo u t h ful Cllttntcnance. \\'l';lthcr-tanned hut en-. . . d t.' n t h · nn t I> y t h l' p a k . \\'a t c r y b t: a m s o f 11 o rt h tor 11 :' u n :::. . ll i s

Page 5: 04-01-1909

Ttlt-: A:-;clln!<

i t.•atnrt.':-' 'J ,.,kt.· oi l:ynit-:d indil'ft.·n ·JJt.' L' and .~!Tl ll l dl'll'l'l ll ill :ltiun .

he i, ·htt·ncd J)\· :1 crue l :':dnt.·- cut :.en•:-- :- th'-· kit c lll'l.. k . Jur;..! C!l :--. -

Jur-g-c n:'t·n \\' as the type u i man that llltt--t llcJt he trith·d. ,,· ~ tit

\\'ith :;tt lkn lo11k:-- till' captain !_!:t%t.'d at t i H· :--\\JJI~Iil ~!

la ntern. H'-· 11111--t..'d . :\ t int<.'nab a Jll' l'\'o ll:-- l\\ itch \\' lilt ~ ·!

hurt le ac re):'"' hi=-- ,<.·arred fan:. That ,,.;,:' ,,· lt c11 Jur~ ' I I Jur~L'll

'c n t h () u g-ltt a h n t 1t t h l' n i g-lt t " ln·n t h l' g L' n d a r n H :-- 11 a d cl c •"' c · 1

in upun him :! nd he. a:-' a llunt<.·cl iuf.,!·it j,·t.•. had fkd frc 1111 I ~lll'llll l.

I t \\' <.1:-' t•ig-ht yt·ar:-' ago \\'h t.·n ~-' i>r:tlll J t.' ll:-'l' ll. hi-. r i ,·al f,lr th •

h:t;HI o f I [u lda ( llli:-'L'll. had faJ-.cly :Jt.:l"ll'L'd hi111 1 1f thc Jlltlrd~..· r

nf his iathc r. tilL· ;-;enior Jcn:-.t.'ll. llulda had ht·t·n IJr:t\'L' and

h id him from tht.• l' _\'1..' :-- ni the :-<.·arching- pnlin·. .\t n ig-ht :-' iJ·.·

had le t h im pa;-;s o ut hy tht• little g·at<.' that kcl tl••\\' ll to th ,·

sc:l-:'h nn·. and ll C) \ \ ' , aftl'r t•i gltt years elf exill' !11..· c1it ·n ,,.,,u!d

:'ee th e pale terrnr-: trickcn fare. \\'h<.'ll. UJll'll pas~in~ cltlt. t\\' ll

gendarmes had fallen upon him. tln·ir \\' l':tpnn"' dra\\'11: a hitt•-r

fig-ht had en:-'ued and he.: had <.'sc..·apl·d frum tht·ir hancl:' a n :\

taken passage o n hoard a , .e:'sl'l. h()und i•\r the.: g"cl ld - t.·• •a:--t. l 11

the . trang-e land he had ll'a rnecl that Hulda had b ee n taken by tht.· mc11 uf the law as thl' arcomplke of hi=-- t.·rint(', hut tha i

~,· brant knscn'=-- 11101H'\' hac\ :-.<:t hcr fret.' . En:n tht.•n he chi - . -not doubt hut that the maiden w o uld rc.:lllain true t11 hi m. l'\' t.·rt

"hc.:n a trus ted friend :-:'e lll in tc:llig-cnct' that t he co\\'ard ~yl>r:ttll

h:HI dri\'en Jurgen 's n ld father fro m the far111 to t h t· p•Hlrhnt t3:·

and that llulda )hben \\·as t marry J ensen the TJl'Xt n11mth

,,f ~ J a,·. Th •n doubt h ad h c.:g-un t o kn nck at h is h t.•an's dtu lr :

he r ·fusC'd tn let the.: blaek s lw d11\\' enter. inr ht• 1-: JH' \\' it \\'a~

the shacln,,· o i a dead }o,·e. ~e"· t iding-=--. confirm;ng· th~·

fc>rmcr 11e\\'s brought him tu the.: \'l' rg-c nf ntadnc--=-- : he tk­

=--pa irccl . he \\'Cpt. he prayl'<l. he curst·d on t il<.' I•)JJt.'ly g"• llcllil'ld ..

nf aliiornia. 1 Ie felt a dnublt· liit· gTt~\\' \\'ithin him:--t.· ! i. th ~·

11n e Clf the dc.:c<: i\'(?d Jurg-t.•n, filkd with an unnam;\11k ' ••rr""'

hut sti ll cl inging· t q th<.· ,.i ... iun llf thl· g-irl":-- iace that had in r ­

c\·e r bct•n stamped upn n his suul. thl' n'g-ht oi hi=-- l':O:C:tpt.· . Th ~..·

(lther s p irit \\'a.- that of a dL"mon. t·,·c.:r uttering· makd it· tin n -­

ag-ain=--t the traitor ~yhranl. c ur:-:i ng. damning-. and plllttin~

dire \Tllge:lnn·. \\' ith 1111 tral.'l' qf tht• bitternt.' :' ... u f "'' lrftl\\', htl

' .t


. . ~


c ' •

Tu..: A:-.o c 11oR 7

rat her all i:Jten::t.•. fil'JHii:'h J" Y· .\nd this t•,· il ~pirit. he icit.

;~ ru-. :- tr~~n~u- . and it battled \\'ith tht.· \\·c..akc r ~~~rro\\· ing- .~l'li. ._

u nt il at la...;t tl!t• lt.'JH!er \'Pice.: g-r e \\' :--t=l!. and the hlad.; :;haclow

had cn:--t tlt.t.• pall ,,,L-r tlu: \\'h!tc g-irlish face. tht· luad-=--tar i11

J:i...; 11i ~!'hl 11f :r. Tht·n Jurgl..'ll Jurg·t·II=-'L'll·, life had hecu mc.· Cllll' clark J.)tll.

lit· ha t! j,,und g-nld. mtwh g-nld. a nd :--old h i:-- claim. Land­

Ill[..!' ; n a 11 I : n g l i ... h pnrt h ~· had cha rtl·red a ia:'t-:--~ i 1 in g- , ·ach!.

... m;d l. IJttt -..<.·a\\·o~ nh.'. It \\':1:-' <.'ll t kr- rig-g-c.:cl. a llll';lll het\\'cl'n

a .~ltH•p alt'l a knock -ahnut . oi li !~ht drau ~llt. t•nahl ing him t l

:'lip tll\t lh:-t'.f\t'd insh• 1rc n\·cr the shoa!s th:tt ginkd h i:-- natin:

·, •a:--t. Thi:- t.· ,·ep ing. \\'ith the ~l'tting- of the ~ttn . the keeper . , j l~u nJm )jghlhti\1St.' had :'t'l'll a :'ma ll yacht. flying- the c }(lr~

of a Y armnllth yad11 ing: cluh ht'ad ior thl' sh,,n•. as oftl' ll t h c~e

g-y p :-' i c.·:-' t , f ~ h l' s l' a " t..' J'l' \\'on t t n d n. 1 t had a \\'a k L' n <. d n ;; u-;­

JllC luJJ. . \t~d u•mntTcl \\' , ah lc1111Drrn\\·-tht•n Syhrant Jen ~<.'i l \\'nuld klltl\.\'. TonHHTO\\' . h • \\'ould ltlrt urc the traitor for tlu·

'ul'fLTing:-- ,_,j hi :- JHH>t' iathcr. tomurro\\' ht.• \\'CHdcl hlrtu re the

\\'retch f, >r · th t• munstrou~ lie=-' IH· \\'hich h e had ~ct Huld:1. • ag-aill'l hilll. T unH ,t'l'o\\· ! .-\h, \\'hy did the nH,rning tarry ~~>


Till· :--v~i n ging· lantl· rn began tn :' li H>k c. :\ t the' :;a ttJ~.,· ti1 t11..'

the \\'h itc: li_g-h t uf llllll'lling cn·pt \\'an.·rin g-ly O\' <.' r the · hi , ·c rin g­

'lt· l·py \\'atcr ... and llltcred the port- hnil'=-- t)f the cabin.

Jurgl·n· Jur~t' JJ.'t' tl lightly jump<.·d to h is fl'C't. .. JTo. Ill_\'

111C ll. turn t• ut !"he cril·cl lnudly. " Your \\'nrk a\\'aits you.'·

l'nlllindiu l nf th l...' n ig ht':' \\':tking. h e.· impatiently p;1cc.:d the

ckck of thl·· ' t.':->'L'I. ' ·h ich ~ln\\'h· hcg-an tP pid..: it~ \\'ay in~horl...' .

llali a 111i('-. from th~..· h ig-h dikt· tht• ruucr came tt> ancho:-. l ~ig-ht strung- hands quit·kly s\\·un g- the dory irl'c from the

da,·its. and~" ithout t:t~ting- a mnrscl tti fond Juq.!Cll Jurgcn ...;en

jum p t.·d int :1 the cla tH· ing =--kilL n iclding hi :-- llll'll to kc..·ep thl·

nllt t.•r 1111 :-:t1 1rt c hain . and h ol d ready t< l :--ail. \\'ith :-.\\'ift. ~trong

:' t rnkL':' he .rn \\·etl to t ht• ioc t o i the.: dikl·.

C roucl!in g \\'arily l ike :1 tiger. tht· captain climbed the high

dike . ( )n i't:-' cres t he pau~ed. almost P \·erCtHlH.' by the pann-

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T II E . \ ~ I ' II l) IC

\\:t :' til t· , ·illag-c ,, j !J i ~ h"'·!J1)0 d . Y c:'. tiH' nld .!_!'r::_,

tower ~ti : l P"i n lcd i ts ;-;k tHkr s p i r t· t r :t ll 'lllilly t~• It ·:t\'t 'l.

• ' ' I I til ; '. ... .

c} •• ~~. · h· til · J,,\\·-n•Pil-d. rt·d -l ikd t' •• t 't'.~l'. ... c i n·!l-d r•11111d ti l\·

c h urc h . Frnm th' dikl· h t.· ;o;aw t ilt· white Jll:trhk ttllllll-.tlllll'­

:n the g-r a ,·cyard g·Jitt c r in th t· Jlt(lrn :n ~· ~u11. :\nd h t' t\\'v ·11 tit .·

rFkc and tht• \· illag-t' !--lrt•tc h ~..·d t h t• grL'l'll Wa\· ing- ~·rain fit'ld ,

and the cl,l::cl y planted potat o p<llclt\·~. :'tn.·wn whitt· "i tlt t>·· """" . n i m illinn;-; 11 f hln:-.:--nm:-\; and the ~rl'(' tl. w :ttl·nTL'""' cnY

t•n•d ditl'h ·~ . parcclill;..! tltt· J, ., d :;\\ .. lrt l li!:t· ;~ c h t·<·!:er! '>:trd .

T il t• ~l' lltlc l:t nd -hrt' l':" l' t•l\lt'ht·d hi' ll••. tri l-.. \\ itl1 tilt.· ... , v··l

"Cl'llt (I f new m o\\' 11 h ay. F rom th l· dn:·l' dippt'd nw:t~l• ,,,., :t

), r n wn l:t r k snared up wa rd i n t'\·er " ·idcning- ~..·in:k;o; . w :t rhl in;;.! ·r

nH l()tl \' that ft)r a llWntcnt m ellnwcd lt i;-; llint~· heart. :\11 \\' til ··

bl ac k s p ec k lo . ..; t i t:'l..'! f i11 t h e bl ue ,·ault o f hc ·l\·t·n. hut :--till t h ·

:'•m g- ra n g in hi :' car;-;. l I t• gazed a iter tht· ':t n i. hcd ~~~n ~ ... (t' r i11

bnYi :.; h w o n cl<.•r. wh ile o \· •r th e :-:ra rr l.' cl fcatun.· ... ~pn·ad :t !...lrn .

(j f joy . .-\h. n o \\· he kn e w what h e had t ni:'~ t·d 1>1 1 t !Jl.'Sl.' Ion ~ )~.

:-:iJcnt w :1. tes f th e wc~tl.' rll co n tint' nt when· natun· ha:--. 11 · 1

,-nice a n d man h a;-; neit h e r tim e n o r e:u;o; tn !i~tt·11. Th t· hr :, i " Pl'II w a:" h rnke n. a nd hi~ e y e:; :'·w pt acro~s tht· fitld ... t'' whcr··

nca t h · t r imnH'd li ndt..·n trn·~ l'!llll'l':tkd ;1 --t:ttL·I,· Jll:ttl't'.

" S y h ra n t J c n ;o;c n." m urm u red th e t""' i lt•. wltik dark pa!--~i t tll

d i:tort ed hi ~ fl.! a t ur ="· Hut ml y fo r a lll11ll1C nt. fur dn\\·n th l'

hig hway . leadin g- to w a r d t h l' <..1 i k c . l :1111 e a whir I i 11 ~ L' I I) u d (If

d u~t fr om thl· ce n ter n f whi c h fl a;-; h c d at int · n·~tl;-; a br i~h l

glitte r ing-. Tn ~ ta ntly Jurg n Ju q:~'l' n ~en ';-; hand snug-Itt h i-.. l>e ii.

"Th e. g-en darmes.' ' h e lt i=--;-; ·cl hl.'l\\'ec n hi:' t~..·t·t!t. T h en.

dropping fl a t upo n thl.' g rou n cl h e w ait ·d ttJ l<.'t t h l ' hat vd

g-Ha r<f .~mcn pa ~ s by.

1t was hi g h llOll ll wh e n th e ~..: x i lc rea c h ed t h 1.· ••ttt lyin ~

h o u se:-'< f th e , · il lag-c . Frn 111 iar he h (· ard tlH' t•1lling 11f till' tl1d

lo w e r -clo d:: .

" f (a h!" h e grunted m ali c iu 11s h · ... a w~..·dd i ng . I \ · rh a p ·=

.'yhra nt ·~:·

:\ c unmng- la u g-h :-tc lc O\' C' r h i~ face a-.. h L' fingT r c d t h.

.. ..

· ~

.. -

r! e

' --

T il E • : \ ~ C II 0 f(

ilttll · . ..r.\ l'" :n·t ,,fa dirk . . \lm11:-t i11tully h l' hanclkd th · ,,·eapc•::.

··y~.. .... it " ·i ll tJ,,:· hl' nwnnun:d. \\ ' itlt it Ill' had kilkcl a

II 1111 g r ~ l'' • _, (jll ' ·. I I <. · k 1 H: \ '· It L' c.:' Hll cl t r u ·• t t it c ~ t L' d.

Tl1 ~..· 'i W::;..!·l· :--trt't' l Ia\· t'lllply a nd f,,r:-al.:c n. . \ :-:trang-\..·

· •Il --l' c.f i:t 11ilia r ; t,· cn: IH •n·cr hi111 ~~~ lu: ~tnHit• nn:r the

rcn1: ... :1~~ !J"'.'d \\ay. lin\\· narn •w tlw :-.trl' l'l and h1 lW :mai l

I !11.· h• JIJ ~t·, · ... l.'l'lllt'd. From t Itt.· tower :-.till lloat(.·d dnwn tlH:

l!••ll'll•lll•l\1 ... cle~kiul tnllt' . . \h. ;-;un: . h ..: ought to ha\·c kll l)\\' 11,

i t ''a .. the t•~ n;..!ing- j,q~ a iuth ral. J I i~ h11yi-.h i ·a r fll r iunc raJ ­

,·: ti ll t' •l\ t·r lti111 . .\ng-riJ y h~.-· :-.hnnk it n iL :\'ow he had reach ed

1:~.. :--111:tll lrridt!t.' that ~pannl'd the lll()at c i rrl inn· the rc~ti ll" ~ :"

l•!:ln· tti th,; dc:td. \"11n<k r came the iuth: ral pn,ce:-.!'iu n. til'..!

j' :tr-.."n h:atling. lkltind h im ca111e t h <: p:tii-IH·;trer~. eig-ht

.. t n ' 1 1 ;.:· 11 1 v 1 1 . carr~ i 11 ~ u 1 h 1 n t h t' i r ~II" ui.J t' r s t It L' I> i e r nn w h i c h

re!->ltd :t cuflin . Fllll(t\\' ill~ them camt· a lll<tll . L' vidt' ntly h o rn

tl ,l \\ '11 \\ ith ;.!'r icf. 1~ ,. h i~ side stepped a fa ir c h ecked urchin i:1

whr•~e kind . ·J , Iul.' '-'."l'S t h ere \\'a~ littll.' nf g-r ici o\·e r his tno th<:r·~

dt.:ath. lJ:1JltJ_\' . innuL't' llt cltildhllucl, that<.'\ ·n . c• i tcns the cruc·l

h a 11 cl 11 i a Fa t L' . " h i c h :- 111 i t e !'- s t r n 11 g- m e n b u t t , nl y I i g h t I y

tnu~..·hl·.., th e hn,\\· (li a child! S ix 1>r Sl'\·en men. d r essed in

l•r";tclcloth. -canll' h~..·hind the ll lnttrning- hnshand . :\n d then ln \\td a l11ng- Jinl· ,,j \\'0111 \· n . a tru ly pathl·tic :-.ig-ht. tiH:i r

head .., .:'hrrHt ' h-d in !tnt~ :-.hawl~ u f bl ack cloth. \\'hich lrnppi ng

i r 11111 tllt·ir ~IHHJick· r-. almo~t tiH1Cht•d thl' grnund . Twic • the

.... , d t·tllll pn )~l' ~:--inn \\·en t around the church-yard. T h e t h ird

l :lllt' tht· p;tr~Pll lt.:d thruug-h the hig-h iron g-atl'. and :;triding-

''' ''n Lilt· p:: tll l•rnu~ht tiH' tra in tn a ireshly dug gra ,·e. li <.: re

llw it11H'rctl prn<:L'"""illn halted. the h ea rers g-t·ntJ,· It-t dnwn then·

httrdl..'n. tit/ cll't'J> \·nltJJn intHb tont·s nf the h-l.'IJ oi a stHI<kn "crl' lt u~!J(.·r). . \ gTt·~t ~ ilt·t ll't' ft·ll . w!Jill.! tht• "omen :-:nbbcd .

I' I H · 11 a l11u tl c 1 ' 111 1111 H i 11 11 n 11 k h · h n • k l' u 1 H lJt t h t' ;-;a c red q tt i e t.

\\ · h~..· tl t'ht· fun l' r;d pn•t·l' ;o;:"in n turned intll the g-ate . Jurg-t·n

Jtll'g"l.'ll ... t'll -.I •HH I Inn a fl.'\\' kct ,>ff .• h e h nked 011.

l'hi" '' :t:- 111,>1 likl' till· hurried ftiiH: rab in tht· g-rt•a t .-\ mtTican

l· i t il' .-.- a lll' : tr~t· . and h nr;-;c;-; in iull trot. Th i~ ,,·a:; m o re bc­

l· ,,ming-. etll _\; way . he th n ug-ht. li e rl'cn~nizcd the o ld p r ie:-;t

a nd llHt;o;t ,,f tht• hearer:-. I k , ·agucly \\' )JHI<.·r~.· d whom the,·


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T II I : . \ :-. t II () J(

----------------------------------- ------

\ I · · 1 · • •z J, ·tr·•J,· til k d th~.· - ·t il..:. ~> i a 1 ' 'll \\:trd l•· •und l \Ill~ lll l . l' • ... . • .

"·:: :: c..' r . ·Fr,-, 111 th~_• rrt' .:'l P i tit~ d ! k ~ a ca p t:t:n•li :!11..· :..:''- .d:!r · ~· ~.- ~ ~ ·, ·c. l t h l' t r int - ri "!...' '-'d lillk n ·a i t :1 ~ it~ ··· ·d ~1.11 · · :~.. .. .. I :1..,:. n~ -1' l :-- . • • 'I • . . . , · ., .

. t,, • •. , . ' l" l 1 j ... \.; 1, j thl' ~\.' lltll~ :-- \ 11 \. :-- \1 11,\1:1 ~ ,\ .. I • l .. 1 \. • • t • • .. \ • ... ' .,. .. 1

; · ' ~ ~llit ... • ic .\ ll \'' ' !t h i ~ car~ . . \ t in ·. \.·n ·.! .- - . · •ll _c.. · •.. 1• ·

, .. , .~ :, ,.· : · : h '-· , ,, ic c.' i r , , nt , , , '-' r t h '-' "a t~.·r ~=n~ ... " \\ ' ith :t :-:i ;..: h an d :t I \.':\·.

I 1 ~.· ad 1, ' 'c.' '-' ' 'llll':-- t • ' ·, ... t :

~ ,, "~''-'~t tlt ,J '-~.· 1..: :- th e.· J, i ~.r. ·~,, .. th~.·~ :<1_, . . ' i t :.:' 1\c..·- : ...

1 he.· r '-' 1 • 111 h ~.· ~.· :utthH t!i -... t i n ~ ui --h . Tlh 1~ .t..,: •. ·1 : : ~.· \ · ·

. , ... .. I 1 • . ' tYc..· r tl11.· .. :t nd -.. ,, t•. t '- 11. .. .

t 1\•r t l~_· -. 1-ttt~ . ~r. ~ ..: " '- - . Hrl' :tl,:-: t hl' -- l'r:t~ i•t .- : .. " ­

.\ nd th~.· :-- 1'ttl ~ ,,c. .... i •' 7"i. l

t ) 11 1 It c.· '-. r c.· :-: t • • f 1 l· l' " . t '

l n ~ : ~Ill ,, j i t ~ l'•'ri. 1 . \ ' .... t I ' \ \. l \ II d .... :l ~ i . t \ '

'\' ' " 1h c..· ~-,,, ,1 \\,l,, . ... r c..·cc..·i' '-'d th,· ::: ' ·'- :· • . .. . ~ ::·~. ..

. t ' 1t · :-- .. : n ;;' .1 tn . t r i .... i tl ~ 111 ~ .q " i : I : 1 : c. " : • • c. : . : - · · · ' · ' • '~ ~ :· ,, ... : l:c t t.' ' cn~c iu l .t rnt , , ( l it e '\c t'' .... . .. ,, :· c. ''-

""' \ KF ;-.; ~\E -\ R :

. • • ..


I .

• ..



"If <li t\' 111:111 !-:<.-r\·e m<:, let him i• dlnw me: ancl where l <1m. th <: r c ::-liat l at~., my ~~n·ant be: if a nv man sen ·e me, hint

"ill m,· Father h"n"r... Thi~ m os t ::-uitabl · inscripti n is

iuuncl 1111 a l t •mh in th e middle nf a nn\· of snlcliers ' gra,·es. in Aden .. \rabia. Th • :-:nldi c r s' gran~s a r e marked by ~ ing lc

Cr<IS::-~:s. \\htll' a tnnth•'lo n e marks the gra\· l f Io n Kcith -

1-'akntll..: r. tltt.• f1r~ t mis~ic•nan· th :-. t Scntland g-n , ·c to Arabia.

Tltt• hurial uf thi..; n"J,Jc s , ,JcJic r n f the ern:-;~ amnn~ ~ me o f

l ·: n ;,!'bnd'::- st 'n~ (If \\·ar is apprnj riat c . inc!c <:d. They gaYC their

]j,· •...; fo r the' g-l o ry nf a \\' nrldly king-clt •n. hut ] ' cith-Falc ncr

h~c;tmc a n1-nrtyr ft , r the g-1Pry uf a kingdo m w h ic h i~ tH t

111t\1tHI hy ca 1;thl y limi t:ni.111~. ~llld whic h .:.hall n \·er pa. s away .

E\·c n as a mem o r ial nf s to n e i~ more la~ti n g- than a c ro~s oi

Wt h H I. so wiH th e mcmury 1 f l o n l' eitlt-Falcon c r Ji,·e l ong~r

than that ui •tlH.' s old ie rs who li t.: b uri ed 1)\· hi s s ide . '

Jo n h:eith - Fakoner cuttld w ell he prnud of his lineage.

li e coul d tra ~·c hi~ anCl: ~ try l)ac:k throu g h eight ccnturic . . The title oi lll'rl'clitary (;rcat :\lar sch<tl n f ~c,,tJand w as g i,·cn to

Rc .J >crt Kt·ith itt th e yc..·ar 101 0 . hy :\lalcnlm 11. king of C)t­

la nd. io r di s tin g-uis h e d ::-cn· i ce~ in the.· hatt ie against the Dani~ h

in,·ad e r~. ''~· ith - Fakoncr was hnrn n n July 5. t8jo. at Edin­

burgh. ~cutl ;\llcl. the third ~on clf the Earl nf l'intt) r e. H e

di d o n :\1~1.\' J 1. h ~7 . IHt \· ing- liYcd hut thirty ~ : llnrt year~ .

hut in th:tt hrit..·f pc ri .u l h e " ·o n ~.· ,·en ~n:atcr cli ~tin c ti nn tha n

his r~llo\\' ll t.'cl anc~.·::-tor. The :--tory ui hi~ li ie may be , ·ic w ccl

irum in ur point:-; : hi:-; boyhond. hi~ culleg-c liic. hi:-; home \\'ork

a nd hi ~ forl'i~n ""''rk .

Uf hi"' b'uyh(ln d we kn nw , ·cry littll'. hut from \\·hat we

d o kno\\' o f h-i ~ early liic \\'C can readily .·cc that the character­

i~tics wh il: h t'1arkcd him as a ma n were air prc~ent iu th e

chi ld . At tltc ag-e of se,·en h ~ Yisit e cl the ccntag-es n f th e

peasants atH~ tried t u exp la in th l ~ihlc to th e m . )n n ne

nccns ic )n h c za , ·e all his fa,· t~r i te ca k ·~. j ,lr whic h h e had been '

sa , ·ing his m cm ey fnr a J on ~ time. tn a hun gry- lookin g hoy

\\' hnm h e me.t on hi ~ return frpm th e ~ tore. O f the~c things

h c tH: , ·c r to ld wh en at h t )Ill c.

Page 8: 04-01-1909


.-\s a ynung- man h::l·i t h- Falcnnt' r was a _!..!"• lt~d reprcsen ta­

ti,·e of muscular Chri~tianity. li e lcc\' l'd Pllt - clue~r :-.Jmrts and

excelled in athletic:-;. li e became a \\Tll - iclnlled man . six

ft• t and three inc h es in heig-ht. \\ ' hen t w enty yl'ars cJicl h e

was elcc.:tcd president of the Londt~n t:ic.:y~o: ll' Club. and at

twenty-twn h e w as the ch:unpion r<H.'t•r of ( ;rcat l!ritain. h :l\·­

ing- <J ttt-di~tanccd e\·cn Jnhn l'een in a fi,·t·- mil c rat·c . . \ il..'w

y ea rs later h e was the first to g-u a di:-;tanc:L· ui a thc•usand miles 0 11 hi :-; wheel. taking- only thirteen d ays io r th~...· trip .

In the uni,·ersity he wnn many h o nnrs and prizes of th t·

hig he. t order. Jl e was not the brightest ~tudcnt in his class .

hut w o rked hi s \\'ay to th e frnnt by his cnnsciL'tltious pl11tlding-.

lie became a master of s hnrtha nd and ri,·alled the grc:ltcsl

experts in this line of work. I li s kn nwkdg- c1i ll chrew \\'a-;

extrao rdinary. and he di s tin g-u is hed himself in tht·P IPg-y and t11U~lC.

The missio nary spirit burned in him e\· 11 in cullcg-e . and

h e ne,·er fo rg t that he \\'as a se n ·ant nf Chri .... t. 1 Ie w a:-; th e

leade r among- the ~ hristian stude nts of the cnlleg-c. :\nt con­

t e nt with w ork ing for "hrist \\'ithin c(lllcg-e \\'ails. he ancl :-;nme

oth ers went among- the lower clas:o;c:o; oi l;arn\\·cll \\'itlt tit ~-: s to n· of luist'~ ltn-c for men. J 1 c and lti:-; fellow- w o rkers

raised about $ .000 tn purcha::;e an olcl theater at n arn wcl l.

in which they purposed to IH lu meeti ngs for the redee ming of men.

In the East End of London the T o wer- I Tamll't:-- :\I i s~ i ~, n h as a building whi c h scat · fi,·e th )Usancl people. For· this

building Ion K e ith - Falconer himself cnntributcd ~10.000. and

helped cle\·ise Way:-; a nd Jll(.'tlllS f1 If l'UIIl'Cting the balance )j

th e necessary fnr the building- pf the lar~e . \ s:-.L'ml,Jy

}fall. Ile was a persona l friend o f i\1 r . Charring-toll. the

fo under and leader of thi s missio n , and o ften \\'ent tu , · isit him

and aid him in thi s w o rk. though he seldom spoke in public.

H c p erfnrm t·d his e , ·ang-el is tic \\'C crk by h cn ·i n g \\'hat he ca lied

"a ta lk with a man ... This he did at e ,·ery nppnrtunity, tH >l

e,·en n eglect in~ men \\'ith \\'hPm h e ca m e into· contact on his j urneys.


.....t e

' ' ) 1.


Tn~o: ANCIIOR 13

---- ·----- - - -

.\it er his g-raduation irn m Cambridge IH' turned his atten ­tio n Clltir~·ly tn the ~ tudy oi .\rahic. a nd especially l)[ :\l(llnun­

medanism~. J l e C\'l' ll \\'t'!tt tl) .\ ssint . l·:gypt. that he might

acquire tltc co lcHptial di a lec t s . and I ant the custnms < f th e

.·\ral>. Tl ic tug-h he h:td n~l other con:-;citnts m•,t i,·e indu ing this

tha n hi:' !n,·c for the !'tudy. h e \\'as being- prepared fur his

\\'nrk as a: mis:-.innary to .\rahia.

The ~tall came in h g:;. whL'n he had an intcn·i \\' with

l;cncra l llaig-. " ·hn had tra,·elecl extensi,·L·Iy thnntgho ut

.\r:1l>ia . . \ ~l:rics o f articles on this t.:nuntry by (,cncral llaig

came to the n~tticc of l on l'<..' ith - FalcPncr and drew his atten­

tion to .\rahia as a mi ::;=-- ion field. It was l q ta lk (If thi:-; that

he\\' nt tc'l sec (;cneral lfaig-. The immediate Clutcome o f this

inte n ·il'\\' .was a r esoh·<..· tn , ·i:--it .\de n and in,·estigate fnr him­

seli the ath·isahility of L':'t:thlis hing a mission there. On Octu­

hcr 7· t 8gE). he and hi s yu ung- \\i fe set sai l fc1r :\de n , a rri,·ing

{ )ctuher 2X . After . J~pecting in and about :-\de n. he decided up~)n

~hcikh -Othman as th e place mu:-;t St lltah!t: fc)r the n c\\' mts­

s illn . TIH: Church :\I issicmary ~uciety air acly had a station

c.1 t . \d e n Cl\~d were d n ing good work fo r the people c>i that c ity.

~hcikh-( H]1man i:-; a cnmparati,·ely :'mall place abnut eight

miles frnn'l . \de n. hut here hi s wnrk would n o t he hinde red

hy gn,·en{ment instituti< n s. the climatl! is frc:'h e r and le ·s

L'n n ·ati11g- than at :\den : thl·rc is abundance of water. and a

site suitabte for the mi:-;s inn could ca ... ily he pn>curcd. \lore­

u,·cr. t hnu~ands of :\ rahs yearly pas:-; threlugh . heikh-O thma n

O ll their w : t\' t o and frnm :\d en. J:\· \\'c lrking among these the • w

(;o spel \\'oitld he carried to all part:-; c i the interinr. :\ m re

suitable pl.t\c could he iound fnr e,·angcli~ing all . rabia. . J' eit h..:F~·tme r's pla ns \\'ere to estahltsh a school. an m­

dustrial orpha nag-e . and a cli:o;pen ·ary for th e di s tributio n o f

medic in es. · I le considered the c hildre n far m o re hope ful than

th · adult~ .. There were many P rpha ns and castaways in Aden who could , >C t a ug-ht some u =--c ful u·acle. A gnocl cl cto r would

soon be kn.o wn far in the intc rinr and men \\'ould co me fro m

a ll directi o ns t o b e healed nf their bo dily cli ~ca e s. Thus he •

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1 I T II E A :-.: c· II 0 H

lkp:t rtttil' j,,r . \r:thia .

J,,, l J...:l•ith - F:tlrtltH' r \\' ,'' ·"' .!...'1\' C't l 1 ,. 1 -~ I) 11 _v 1 \ . c Ill () 11 t 1 :; i 11 \\' h ic h ' ' ..: :1 r r.' · l"~ tt t I . I 1· \ I 11:-' P :ttt:-. ,,r . ra 1ia. Th e ~tntH' lmng-al"w \\' hi ( h l l' l'X't' l.' l.'lc.'d . I . lt' ll~c.· ll•r 11:-. mi :-:.,.icln could not he ren t~.·d . .-\ l.1r~ l ' n :u i ,. •' I t I " lll _\\'a:-: rt' tlt l'< templlrarily. a nd h e imml'diatch· {1(·:..=-an thc.' Crc?l"li " n ,,j :-:uita hk m i ~~ i nn huildin:..!"s . The tC'mpt;­J.:r: l. ~ :t·kr..:. ,,~_.r~..,• I!• 'I ltt··dtllflll. :!ttd lw and hi:-.\'. i;"e \\'l'r ~

b~"' h ::- ri..:k l' ll ,,· it h f~,.• ,· c r in Fel>r11ary. 1HX7. ( )n :\lay l Ot h.

Cllt~o' r ~- , ,ntinued :-: u n·l·rin g-. h e went tn sleep to a \\'a k e 11 0 lll t) rc 0 11 1 h 1 ~ ~·a n h · l -{(' P a :-::; l' d ~ ""a." q 11 i e t ly d 11 r i 11 g t h c n i g h t a n d \\'3~ hu n ed a t e\'<: 11 i 11 n· c ·t· t It•' 11" · t 1· · · 1 . .. ...... .... ... x c · ') 111 t 1<.' l'l' tlH't<.·n· a t .-\ den.

].net th u ugh hi:; pcri1•d ni w n rk at ~h e ikh-( )tltn~an \\'a:-' it was 11 • t in ,·a in. lie influ en ced nil whn came into c,·il-tac t \\' lth htm. a nd hi~ mdhncl of " ln,-1•11 C"r a t -- It ··· .· 1

:---. .. ' '' t t 1 a 1nan ~~o) chang-ed t h e li\'(.':-' nf m a ny :\J,):·d c m s that whc.' tl :;pokcn to

ab0ut th e matter th ey said . ··Th e re ar~ n n :\lo:;lem~ here." S t)

great \\'as the p o w e r oi hi :; p er:;on a l innu(' ll ·c tlt""t til" · 1 . \ . _ " ... •

111 : rahtc lu und many \\'ht > purcha~ed a nd read th e ~cripturcs

because they had ~cen his g-qcf fy life .

. Th e w o rk at Shcikh-O thman \\"as c )Jltinu d u n th <: phn latd o ut I>\' Keith Fa! . \ . · ._ . . . •. ~ . cnnet. : mcm o n a l c hurch has l> l·cn utult Ill \\ luch scrnccs ar 1 I I ~ i~.:; . . - . . . < C ll O \\' lC t • rh c m ed ica l di :;pc n sa n · . cxcrtlllg a \\'Hie tnOucncc no t only in h eal in g- disl·a ses c~f


' .

~ -


' TilE AN C H O H 15

the lH l<h· . J, rn abn in kadi·1~ many ~in-:-: id.- :ouls to Chri~t a:; •

tlte (.;r~aL l.'h: ~i..:i~lll. ' lit . .: ~chtlnl i:-; <I· lin~ a good \\'ork fo r

th e dti!drc:n uf :O:PU1 1h: rn .\ral,ia . and al~o fnr h undreds of

.. ·\ hy~::. i nia :il;t\' C children \\'h o haYc b('en rc!'cu ed fr m . r ab

:-. la \·c dri\·cr.~ and ~i\· en u\·cr to the care of th e missio n . Kow,

!he pan: n t~ in and al>t)ttt :\d en arc hc~inning tl) send their

dau~htt:r:-' ru sch<H'I. a:; well as their suns. and s the mis · io n

is d c• ing- i t:-;:wnrk in lifting- \\'uman out 1 fa state )f cJccvraclatio n

t o a hi g her :plane. Ion 1'-cith-Falcnner·:; liic on earth \\'a:-. :-.ho rt. Y et in

th:tt hri<:i ~imt' h e has clune a glnri.nt~ wt~rk for the :\laster. Th ' pca~at!l"' 11i l bnl\n.:ll ancl th ·>:-:c \\'ith whom he "had a t alk" in tht: Tow r·l h lil lct:-; \li:.::-- i· •n ne\'<:r furg-o t hi:-; work in tht ir hlh;tlf. I Ii:; name will ~1\\·ays be :1s:-;odated with the \\'• •rk j, ,r tile .... ;ning-c ;i ..... on l:; in l·:a~t L nnd·• n .

nut til;: fil'ld uf hi ~ in fluence i:; n nt limited by the mi:;siun!> \\·ith \\'hi~·l ! he \\'as clin.·ctly a:~uciatcd. \\ ' h e n the call \\'l'nt i11rth f11r «l! ll' , -"lttnlt:t· r ll ' tak · his pial'C in .\rabia. thirteen men ofiL·rt'(l t llemscln.•s tn earn· n n the \\'Ork he had hegun. I n t h c n .· r ~ · y L' a r u f K c i t h- Fa k c-•n r ·:; d c n t h . \\ · i Ide r a n d l: o r-111an \': cr · ~!-••ing ai>Put :;ecuring- nduntcci:-' in the colleges o f the L'nitl·tt ~tall'S and ·anada. Th • ~ton· of the noble life 11i the mart-\T oi . \<kn kcl man\· to ll((cr thun~eh·c:; for foreign mi -- :--i • mar:~ - \\'nrk. J li:; mcs~<.;f-'.'C t o all true Chri:;tians \\'~s: "\ \ ' hilc \·a;t c••ntincnts are :--hrnu<kd i1 1 almo:;t utter darkness. fl.nd llund n.•d:-: ni millicHl:-\ suffer the h 11 rrnrs of h c<l thenism o r l:·:lam. thL': llllrden 11f pr11nf li es ttfh )ll y o u tn :;hn\\' that the circum:-:tadcc:; in wltidt < ;n d placccl yc •tt were meant by Him t tl kcc:p .\' • l ll out ui th e forcip:n mi..::--i ' \11 fil·lcl." \\'ithin ten y ~1rs ,,f hi. .... d(:ath ten tlhntsn nd :;tudcnts had hec n leu to think of th~ i1•n•it.:n fit•l cl and its claims.

lnn J...:i: ith-Faknncr. th t~ ttf.!h cll':-t d . yet :;peak~. The n o bility nf hi:; chat=act c r. tiH' un~ •lfi:-.hnc~:; of his li fe. and the g-rea tness ni his sa~..·t.ificc :trc kit IH· all \\'ho h c:t r nr read ,f him. Great . .. a!' he \\':1:-' : in liie . he is g-r ater ~till in dl·ath. Tile st\)1'\' f this 111 :1 11 j~ Ill•\\' and :tl\\- a \·~ \\'ill be a p tl \\'l...'rfl\1 ractnr in uq~in~ me n tc ) ~.d\· e their li\·~:; rnr the upl i iting- uf t ht sc who .11 0;\. d ,, ·cll in heath~.·n cl:nknc:'s. I Ii: name ,,· ill ah,·ays he a \\'atch ­"'" rd fur ·a ll \\'h n st ri,·t• tu fnlln\\' nut the Lnnl'~ last com­mand. \\'h\' 11 J lc ~aid: '' (~o ye intn al l the \\·o riel . and p reach th e go~pcl tn th · \\'hok creatio n."

- :\ R 1.:. \: 0 T. L:\~L\X. '09.

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T II 1: ,.\ , . II Cl ll

THE MAN QUESTIO N. 1! .. ,,. ••llt'll .. ,h . .. .

' I II :t II q 111.::-- t I I IJ! :1._ <t Jl :-- I I!'-. Jc I 1111 Ill :t II

kn c•\L \\ ' hy. inllll h:tl•.dtt 1u c/ tlJv :-.upt· t·iu r c:rt·:t ttJrv 11:1

:-- in ­

"'Jlired tt\\"<.' 111 u:--! T11 cli:'gtli:-.l' n11r n ·al :t cln tir:lti••I J j, ,r tlh·

' •Pflll:-- it e :'<..''>. \\'l' !J a,·e hc.·<.·n uhlif...!t'd '" tft.rl:trc.• ' ' ltr ri .~h t :-. a11


:tnll 11 llltC<.' the inil' rit~rit\· oi 111~11. l leiH'c.' tltc.· rea :,•nt f11

r :--tl i -

lra .~l'tt<.':'. Yon r<.' ll1<.'1111)t'r IJ 11\\' a=- :1 t " dcllc.·r .' , ttl l'.trl'fnlh

\\':tt<:htd Y• >u r :'lc.•p:-; and IJ,.J ,bkd C~lllti••u;-;1.' lljl"ll till' ..,irk

\\'alk. while that bPi:'terclll:-- hahy next ch ut r. di:--daininf.,!' tltl'

:-.ltpport \\'ltich hi:-; lll«~ther nlh·n:d !tim. ""truck 11111 lc1r th v

:-.Ianting ccllar-d"ot·. an d ;-;lipped. :-- lid and 111111ldul ll llt il he

had learned tn cc1a~ t cJ ,,\\' 11 thl' :--andy d n11r ...., 11 l·cc.·-..:--f11

1h·. y .,:1

deny that _\"lltl c.·xp<.·r iencl'cl an,· thrill=-- a t "l'c.' i lt_g- 111 :tt li ttlc.·

hlonmer-clad IJ11Y t!Jrc,,,. rnck:-- :;t Y"llr dtid\v lb fn11n lti:-- .'i de ·

c,j the fence. hut th thrill.~ \\'L'rt· there ju ... t tl1v ...-1111 l '. Th .· rnan <j lll'~t iun h<.·gin~ h <'re with _\'t111r a\\:tk<.' tlin~· itl ll're-,

1 i :t lti lll

The next !'ta.~c.· i11 the man·~ liic tl1a1 itlt<..'n ;o;ll'd , ., lit j.., th l·

pugili~tic ag-e. En.•ry "11 111> - nn~e cl Ill)\' elf :--ix \\ lt · l ·j, IIi :HI \'

a cctntnt. =-'Pt'JHI:' hi:' ~pare tillll' fighting-. \\ 'ha t \\'t t111krf1:l

hattie;-; you ha,·c.· :--c.·~n innn the curnl'r;-; of , ."ltr c.·\·1..·:-. a-... \"t il l

w:tlkcd arm-in-n rm \\'ith _\'IJutlliul kmi lt it~c: . f r i~..·n t l-... \\ r11

tl· l

. \C u luok at a buy 11 ; thi:' typl' wJt. ,m .""ll t· .... pc.T i.dh· likul :

~n .. If you llll't him <m the :--trc<'t. _,··•ur nu:--c.· \\ llilld ~111'11 tlj>.

and Jt \\'as a curt little "ltcll~, .. he rc.' l'l'i ,·ecl. ii att\·thill "·.

. l'p to thi~ ;o;tage in hi:' liiv thc.· 111 a 11 lt :1, · trl':t ·~·~..·d ,.111 1

kllldly. i f indifTen·ntly .. \t tht· a•··~.· " i t·i .. ·ht ht• 11, .. , 1• 11 ~ ;-. :.... -. ,_, ~ t • • not ice t h a l t h c r c.• a r c ,!.!'1. r I . ..: t 1 1 1 1

· ~ ·' Ill It' \\'It)' I ;t h >ttt hi 'tl . :tlld Ill· ~ in g-l cs t h~:m >Itt · · · 1 •

• 1

a =-' \ · t c t t Ill s ' 1 I 1 1 :-- c r ll d 1 y . T" h j 111 co· j r 1... a r, . .. 'fraid t " .. ·1 r " :....

ca ~ . st tes . "t;:ttlc- tale:--" . and were ''"ll 11 11t c.·n titkd to these epi th et~? l~ l'JJH:mht.,- thl' talc.·~ ,,,.~ ,,

11l. n

1u t

1 dd

mamm a ahnt that rucll' lbt;-;ting:-- h11y and Lite ltatt·J:ul Smith \\'ho pulled _nntr lt at·r:.. ·1' 1

" m a 'L' matLL'r~ \\"111':-'c.' . tlt;tt ~am · nex t-door neighhnr \\'ft., used !11 ~lid<.' de>\\ 11 till' l' l• ll. : r-dl"'~' · now cha~es _nnt he •ttl• ' fJ'tltll ~.-· ·· ll tltl l •

" ,..._ ('\· e n · alfl•rrt •ll lll . Y cHt cl11 11 ( I t k 11 () \\' '1 t (" t I I

' 1 r~ . \\' 1 at 1 c.· w " ltl <I , I 1 , 1·1· 1 1 ll' ca11 .~ tt -"''11. Inti

you sonn fi no n u t. f(l r litH.' 1 1 1 < a y tt· cat c t<.·~ ynu <:n d rc.·fu ~e:--

tn l<:t .'' <Ill R" until \ ' 1111 I 1 · ltt\' <.' \tssed him . ll all' ittl tlt••uo·ht'



'· ...


. -~

TilE A:'I: CIIO H 17

il ll'!l t .. ::• l

c.·• o1 11 ic trl ~ •' \1

11"111~. t <.·l l tl111th e r all aJH,llt it. and r<.:cct\·e what

can. l~ut nntr ckei:--i , nt i=-- tHI\\ made. ne\·cr t el

h :l\'l' anytlto~ tlg' t11 du \\ ith f>, ,y:-- ag-attl. Y n11 hate tlwm and

:t\ •1i d thllll \\ltc.·IH'\'l'l' jJtl:---...ihk.

.\t tl 1i:--- time \ 'Il l! :trt a peril'l't littk ·dd maid .a nd iu ra

flo" \Ta r:-- , .,, 11 n ·;n :un :-.c >. \\ ' hen yt~ur ia,··~ ritc unci · tea ~c=-­\ utl ~ 11 <1 a!':, ... a l,., ut th e he'-""' ni Y''ur acquaintanc<.'. ~ ou puut.

a nd run c~·ying innn th e ~'~ "' Ill. Y11ur iamil) l a ugh ~ and

Lhin k:-- ) •Ill. an· a JH'rfn:l liuh.: p r ig: b ut tht·y an· t• u) polit t·

I I "':l \' ~II.

I I I ' ·1 -ltt·,· ..... :t \l' .'·, ,u i r11111 th e ••ld m ai d :, ,., ,~ t• > 1 h: n ::--<.'ltt . .

ltah i l. ancl·~· · ·u 11•1\\' hc.·c•1J l1 L' a :'l'lltinw nt a l young llli!"' \\· i th

i•lc:: tb . ~. ~" , ·,q1 hq.,:in t •• aclmin.· l'\·cr.''r 111• 1re than

\li lt cc ntld ·ha~ · c.· rk-..pi-..ccl him hefn r l·. ~''""· ii n c.·\·t.: r hcft >rl'.

' "It arc h :~·d hit. l·:a c lt h a t - ti p th a t Y" ll t'l'<.'l' i\·c.· llll tltl' :'trc.·et

·~~ 11 11 ~:-- . ' (Il L· uni•~rtltlla\c.· y o~ung:'ter \\'h" addrt':' :'t'"' _\'llll prn b­·1 hh· t'l'cc.·i ;.<. .... t•nh· a hlu~h in r l.· turn .. \ncl then . .Y•'ur fir:--t

: c.· a j I>L·a u ! • Y nu ,·,·e IT j, 111 r t <.'c.' II.-\\' l' n·n · t _\'• 1\1 ?- " he 11 y o u r c­

n ·in:-d th a ~ lir t in ,·itat i• )Jl tP a t tend a party \\'ith :t y n 11n g- man~ \\ 'a:-- thl'l'l' t·.·~..· it~· mc.· nt at \ o ur h• 1u ~~ that \\'L' ' k? lt 1~ n nt a

J1it t•H• 111 ~1 rh ll'll llllk tn tn· ••n a lit' \\' drl'~:-. nnw. I t is for

thc..· <) · ca-..~ t~tl ! \\ ha t a ne~nrhalent air \'Ill! tn· L•' u:-- · " ·hen

, ., ,u c.·tt :--ll :t 'ly t c.· ll ~~~ur chunl:' that ynu a re ~~nng tq the pa rty .

but they must not tell. < >n the morning- after thl' party. a

p 1 ditc.· Y• ' l ng· l:tdy t~ll=-- , . 1,tt that nntr b ea u had in,·ited h l' r

li r:--t. The next timl'

, ,, 11 n ·n·i·: '-· :t il itl\itati t~ 11 in•m that y 11ullg 111:111 . y n u rcfu:-.l'

l I I .. '( nd fiddl<.: ' ' him h:tll).! tlti ly. \\ hik .'.' 'll may t:l\· <.· p ayc.·t :--l'( 1

,, 11 ~..T. ,.,1 11 lll' \L'r d" ' " a~ain. hut rath l' r rc.·iu -... t• <.'\l'l'_\' in,·it at ill l1 that l;tig-l{t JHI-..-...ihly hl· :-- c.·~·, ,n tl. third. 11r i11urth .

f~cu1k-.. again t• 1 the rc.·..:rue! In li t t·t a lltrc.· ~~~11 lind a partial

1 c-,t in 1111 ~ thl· nn11 q llt'" lilltJ. \' 1111 are glad \II ll'a,·<.· thi~ im­

f"•rtant "tthjt·l·t ltl authnr:'. \\'lln '<Jitahhl(• '' ''l'r him a ncl tn· tn

in\·ent 11 1..~' t.'' Jll..' . c• i him tu ~ind n ·a <le r:-- . - S<>R >S I S .. I.

Page 11: 04-01-1909

Publi o; h ed by

At~"L Lnot F:•litors J ohn II \\'arn:-.h ui:-. ' tel

J u ho \\' it'lu•r-.., 10

!'oci •t.\' F.•li tor J :ll'" h ll t'c nl'-t r:t. ' II)

Su lllH'ri ption :\fannl! •r .l:farr.r P . Anke r . ' Ill

J\ X C l I { j I l . ASSOCI:\TIO:\'. Heme Coilq ~t·. If 1lland, ~.l idt.

BOAR:-> 0 1 Ei>IT~')rU

1-:ol I wr-1 n -('h il'f IIJ:XHY" l' ,\!-- ~1.\ 111

A lu ru n i I·:OIIIn r l\l iJ- .lt•llll il' 1•: l' ii>:t: l.'lto

l·:x\'lw O!!• i ·:r! it., ,. E111h l tl. ~I'll\\ lllt •t·-. , II

l! u ... !no ,.: ~l ana .:t· r .} .·an.\. \' i -... '• II

l.o II' :I ! Jo:d i I or .. J'r,,:ol; .I II "l" r .. ' I o

~JJ ·, , l>:tJ.I ,\) 11• '111., ' J j

. \t ll h·ti o• l :•li• ·•r \\'i llr::ru .1 !'-'u· .. ,d, ... I ;?

r\>-'' H u, j n ....... ~l una:.:t• r .l ool : n . \ ~·hi ul; . 1'.!

\\ · h c n y o 11 11 g- I' haL' t on a ...: p i n: d 111 cl r : ' ' L' t h e c h :1 · i 1 • t l 1 f

Phoe btt:" : \ polln. it\\':\ :" n n t \\'i thout gu11 d l'flll't' l k tt the ll rnry

~ire tn:mblcd. ~t'lf-co nticl <.• nL· e witiH•ttt underlying :t hilil,· i ....

b u l . Y n o n y m o u =-- to a f < H > I I! a r ci i 11 e:..: .... \\' lt i t ' h ~ 11 , n 11 d h t' 1r 1 ~-.. k.)

under no circum:-;tancl':". l''J>L'cially 11 111 " ' 11<.'11 a Ill'\\' .\n c l:"r

~ta11 ~hould sho w .yn,ptnm.· 11f this l' \ il. It i:-; t rtll'. thl· ,,.._efll! ­

nc:-;~ o f ou r co l ~rg-e p;t)><.• r cannot ht• ClllllJl:lrL·d w ith that 11f i!tl'

brilliant orb o f thl' hen\'C.' n -. . and \\' <.' :1n: quit l' ~ttrl' tha t l'\ ' ,:!1

if an inc~mpetcnt sl;tf)' \\'nuld ruin till' papL-r th<.' L' at ;J ..:tr"pltl·

\\~Ottl cl ne1ther s<: t tht• \\' t> rld (l ll fire nn r ch;tng-e thl· palt- i:l<:t d :\ o rthcrn <' r to an Ethinpcan.

J1ut C\ ' Cll !i COf)l'g'L' journ;t)i:-.111 i:' ~ll l11<..'tii11 C:- L'llll .... jdt'I'L'd

s mal l and i n ~i g-nificant \\'l' arL' 11<.' \ ' l'rt h ck:-;:-- cnn =--ci 11 11 :-- oi a l'L' -

'\ ,..




!'J>ttll . il i!it,· \,hidi thL· trt : !- t. JH ! l t ii '·•; : ti~ Jp· nur f~: ii '".stu­

dL•nt~ nn• h.1:.: a .... ~Tc;tt a!ld im!·ori:nl! a ... t h . t ,fa hi,. ~h nff:cial. . . . F:,ithfnh;L...,-:: i11 'lll:tll thi11g~ i:-: th e.: hi·_.-llL;-, l c.··q; t'pt ini l n i dtll:···

Tq tnt,. r:rL L'l tl1c ~ tilf!c nt liiL·. t11 t'l l•'• H• • ··-l' the gr\nc l. l•)

kltill' ;t;.:·a =n~t e \·: 1. tn in..; t ill ;,1 .' ·· l tlr pnh l't- ai!~t il a :-;p :rit. tend­

in · · tlll\'~lrtl: i .: I"· IHJ JI Jl';:n..: :l!! e;~ .... , · l ' t 'k . ~ ' . "' "'

\\ ' t· arc.· tnn " ·ell a~ ... tlrt.'d 11i tIt' hL·~: 1ty en nnc rati o n Il l

bcult\' ;~ nd :-.tmknt:' and . \llc.ih 'r ... ~a :'f tb·tt we :o:hould enter

t:n1 ·1 1 <~i!r v:~ 11: \\ iili t,,. , . .,.__.:: t tr,·: li·l.t: 11 1. \ t • d·· t::n our. e h·c"'

!!Ill ;1!,"\' C ···u r criti ~· i - m. ''.L' c·"ct : :-. •lit: it it . J, •n't "!,nn rk"

• 1,~n.t l· ·. r."'·!·',l ! l. · ·•n1 tl i! · tq~ !'- '• ll:l' ,,j _,· : IH hc :-- 1 -.; t• ' rics. : : i ~:' n : r ! t ~! ~ • t..' .. _ .._ •

I • : • • • • • • I • • I . 1 • I • 'l II \ · • · L I~ cl :--. 11. .· 1(. t. l .t . h 1;-. ._


.\t a t ' illL' . \\' !ten tnthu:--i :l ~ m il)r P t';t'• lry run ·~ particularly

l:i;..: h at I ~u;' ·e . it i .: rath-..·r d i ... ;lppr~int' n~ t11 I ·a i n that the a nn!nl

J , ~ra! Cll!l t'.' t l t·1:.: b n· n h :trre cl frP tn tiH' pre ~ ~r:lm n f nr:ltnric :d

<.'\'l'P...: . \~· c, , rdin r~ tn prt'"C11t a r rn n ~L'I11 l'll t :-: . the RnY<:n cn n­

tc-t 111 J u n ~· ' ill IH. <:om c the ntH' illt p ort ;Plt c.' \ ' t ' lll in o rato ry.

th e \ \ it iwr n f wll;cll \-.ill h t· ll •')'t·, n 1 n · ... , llt;tli,·L' ;tt the ft nl r

n•ttte..: t in the <.· n..:nintr ~hn· h . . \~ i dv fr••tn tht• ian t h ;~t th ~

\\': nnL·r \\' :!I ll ;l \ ' L' ti m e frn tn _lt1 tH' ti ll \ l;tr ,·h tn impn ,, ·c hi ...:

n r;til·m th l're i..: little r t• -..uh =ll;..:· ad·;:t ntat!T. l · n·kr tht~ rcg ula­

tit •lt..: nf the l~ a \Tll nllltl· .... t all a..:pirant' f tl l' o..:t ;t tl' hl)nn r!' nrc

!l(···e -.: -..arih· 11(1\\' :--li~hth· li:n; tc d 111 thc·ir L-h,,i rt· 11f ~u hj cct. . . . Fu rtht•r. t 'lt't'e j~ n nt Oih.: tnn m;~ny <.' n11ll' 'l elf thi' kind at

pre~uH ~illcl thL· :'lttcknt hrHh· fL cl -.: thnt ran· npport ttn i t i c~ in

• ! r:n .~n· ~!n· hL'lll !'' t ·:kcn 1 •· •tn 1 !1~ 111 . thro •ll!!h th: 1· :-':-! n f th t·

rc !..r~d~•r lew·; ) l'f'll l ' "t. :\l .- •1. ::nmL·t h :n~ tlll ~·ht tc 1 h<." dnne t•' :-:tcm the tj dc nf t· lnq u t•nt:l' i~·( l lll pulpit - tra ined. nr pr•lil' .;:"'in q ;tJ

t~ratnr" ll\• \\: ho111 lT tqH:: and , , tJw r in ~ •irut iml' ha Yt· hel'n r C'-... I (' :I t l' d I y ~~ d L' .1 \c.' d i 11 \ h l' • 1 :I t (' c I · Ill ~ .... i ... . T h I • \. : 1 tl ~ (.' IIi t h (.'

c!i111inatietu nf the Inc;~) t·ont c•:-;t j.._ du(' 111 the c rn , \·cl<:d JW!'it:on

of th e lw~1 cl of th e d epa rtm en t nf n ratnry. ThL· unfai l ing- n .> mc\h ·

\\'t Jttld ht· 'tha t g-c lH.' fl•tt~ a :--:'i:-;tanct· he g-· ,·cn him h y action 1lf

the cnuncil. Th ~ " lr e<d" cnnte~t ha...: :llwav.;. hl'cn a ~ u cce''·

Page 12: 04-01-1909

20 T 11 1-: A ~ c n o u - - --------

\\ 1..: tru:'L t hat it will he rc- in:t i tu1l'cl 111 th e <'lltlr ..... ;: c•i a

i ' w yl'a r~.

II P\\' l n : r . \\' l ' llet·d ll•ll \\'a:-'ll: our lilllt• 111 <•rtllnhFnn·. :"""'\ :-....

\\'<.'t' k t ile .\ :ma 11lh:lling ll':llll will S \\'ll••p dcl\\' 11 tlp,,n

and thi . ..; will a li'nrd n ·t•ry lo; a l ll npcitl'. he lu: nf th~o•

\' t•r •:


ll n p.·

:--ih· •r tongue or :-. low n f =-' IH?<.' t:h an npportt111ity tn \'t•nt h i" Pl'll t -t t p

1: n t l 111 :-- ::1 s Ill i 11 tit c :-.u p p' 1 rt c • f I I ope·=' pi, •Ill' v r :-- 111 t Ill' 1 j c 1 d q r ck•hat in g-. J. \\' ., 10 .


It . t• ·m:-:. al111nst ttllll ·ce:--:--: tJ'\' t" cnmllll.'llt Uf H li J a thin ~~ th a t has earn(·d :-'tH: h a rt' J>tlli11i•ll1 ;tnd mack s uch a 11 Jlllpre-; ­

:-- JIIIl a:-. It a~ the ~l'lti••r l'lay. " l ' nder thl.· ~pcll." C:i\' l'll tir:--1

1111 Friday. :\l :trc h 12 . it was suc h an tlll<Jll ali lit-d · · tH·n·-- ..... that

th mnnag-cm ·nt imnlt'di ·ttt·ly <kcided t•• n.· pl': ~ 1 11 ''" thv

j,.lle~will g- ~J, ,rHiay . . \11 t'\' C ll larg-er ntuliellt't' enjt,_n·d tilt· =-' <.'C

••nd J>l.' ri•,rmance. F·~IJ• , \\'ing- this. arr:l llg"t' IIWIII :-- \\ v rt· rn:tdt· 1\1

P n · !" c n t t It e p I a y a I C < u 1 p c r !" \ · i lie an d ( ; r a 11 d I I a , · t· 11 • \\' h <.' r c . on

the C\' L'lling~ uf \ larch 20th :llld 2(,th tiJt•y f11r ther d l'llll111 -

..;tratul tlwir \\.,,rtiJ hy tltl'ir ahilih· to :--tH' t'L' t' cl ,, i t h a kss S \ '111 -

p a thctic a udi cncl·. l'nder thl.' :tu!'pice!' ,,j thl· l••cal .\ 11 ti ­

~altHl l1 f. e:•g-lll.' the pl:t; \\<1:-- u n n: 111orl' gi\' L'Il at i'ri,·l'·:-- 1-\in k

•m \larc h 2tJ. wh<:n tlll'y playccl it ) a h•ltJ S<.' pad.:cd '''the cf,uw.

It \\'fluid he !'Upcrl1n tJ :-' In :-;ay anythin g- ahnut the piny i1 :--eli n r tht• acting-. :-:incc tlwy han.· :rlrl'ady recei,·ed thl' 0. 1...: . .,j all

whn h ~l\· c \\'i11lt' :-':--(•d i t. Tht· c haract ers \\·en· \\'l'll adapted t•• the indi,· idu al-; repn: -..<: nting them and \\'l'rt• intl'rpn.' tl'd \\ ;11t

:-:Pi ri 1 a 11 d .i u cl g-me 11 t. .\I Ill' h c r<.'cl it is d u · I 'n , i. \ · ;11Hit· r .\ IL· llll' 11

i .. r hi:' l.'~et· ll ent c"aching 11i tht: pl:t_\'l'r:-:. .

Fr.,m a financ ial "tandpui11t till' re;-;11l t \\'<1:-. iar ht·\·,1nd

"hat tilt• sl'llitlr:-: had clan·d ht~pc itlJ'. Thl· lllllfH'\' ,-; \II IH·

dl.'\'UlL·d fq r :-'Oillt' "'lllht<tntia l m clllnrial 11i th t' ria:--;. It i-.. L••

1'': hnp ~d that thi:-- e fi"llrt 11i the.: cia:--:',,, l':--t:lhli ..... IJ a preredt' lll

\\'dl h e ~uppnrted II\· !'t ll'l'c.'l'din c·· c h ss<•s ' l'ltt· <· ) ·1 • ,. • 1 • ~ • • • • • • ""!'-- ,, ()IJ t;Js tak e n a d c:-: irable :-: tep in a n ew di rl.·c tio 11 : thl.'ir ;H·t i1111 mark -..

:1 11

<' \\' (' POL'h ' in the l.'nli<:g-l· ' pirit 11f I fupe . The tir..:t dT1 •rl


• •

.. ...

.. ~

• e ./ -.

T II r· .\ ~ <: II n I( ~1

• kt:' wtll l:t ttn · l!t·d thi:-- J:C\\' Cll =' l"lll : l• •y :tl l!c •ptik..; will ..: c._•

111 it ih :t t tlt r- :-:tandarcl ncn\· :-'l'l i:-- at lc:::--1 lll:ti111aincd. ~nd . i i

pt•:--:-:il,k. th•!tt ~~ h it he 1111 =-- li~·ht ta:-k. that it II(: :-'ttrpa:--=-,:d .

. . f

- I. ! I. I ) .. I 0 .


Th · gTl.'': ttt-..t m u:--i<.·:tl tn·a t uf the year ''a..; prt:'C ilt t' cl t l

:• ppn'L' i~ti\ t' . :tttd;L' nn·:-: 11 11 \Jard1 2r, and '27 in C:1rn c~ i ..: J !all

·,, lll'n t ilL' ("'I'l l ; t ;t .. l.!-- tl tl' ·.till· l : l':iu ti iul C ltn·t•Jt .. \'." rt'lllk rvt . .

The d ur i! ... , , j a hundred \·nit-e.: wa-; n ·n · imtJrC~~;,.l.'. I ~

thPtlgh I:H·k':n~ :--l ightly in , ·n lnnll' . while g"t ll'l-!t' t ltb d i:'play t> i

tilt· hC'atttiiul nrit·rnal rtlhl':' w:t!' Ye ry <.'ctndul· i , ·l· \l) ;..!i,· e t it .·

\\' ht~k :t \'l'I'.Y n ·:t !i-.t i c a :-'pt·ct. Thl' cnns.:--tl' llt act ;n g- oi :\I i :''

. \ ' · i ;-; Y a 1 l'' •\\' n 11 part i c ul a r ly l 11 l' fa ' ·, r :t n d a p p rtT i a t i • 'n n f t 1 w :1111lienn·. ~l i :-:...: ll t•lt•n l(l·ppcl':-:. :tpp t•aran l' l' a :-; Qt11..·en F.:'tlll'r

,,·:ts ,·en· :--1 ,; ikin • '~'". while la ml':' Drkl·ma ·=' \'!)ire ancl actin~ d id .. . :-.... . . : 1 g-rt'at deal toward p rc:-:.l.'nting- thl· cantata in the m o:l f:tn) !'­;thk a..:pt·ct:O:.


I )n \ '( 1\t wi:-'h a l:lq.!'l: . rt )\·al s ize pap(.'r rcpresl.'nt Your ' .

s c h ot•l? T n cn patrPnize our ad,·crt iscr:-' . Th es e men do not

a c h · e r t i !'" i n t h l.' . \ n l' h o r 111 ~ r e h · t u h ·1 p tt s fi II u p :; p a c e nn c1 ~"a '· in r it ita :tdd itinll. The,· want th e i r money·~ \\'t>rth. They I •

want ,. t,ur trade in return . Our b11-;i n ~.:~:' manag-er cli.s likcs ttl . . pn~c a~ a.r1 ag-ent for a charity in!'titutinn . You can help o-rr,at h · in rCIHkri n<T l I niland's hu:--ine:--:' men willing- lt) gin: :--. .. :-.._

hi m thl'ir a~b .. \ smik nf wdctlllll' is s o much mCirc plea.:--ant

th a n a\\'1 or g runt. f .tu>k at the <Hh'l' rti:-:.enH.·nt :-: in our

p:tp<.:r: tile m o!'t re lial ~lc merchant:-. ad,·crtisl.' in i t .

Page 13: 04-01-1909

22 THE A~ l' HC R

T lw \;· tnt,: r ll"rlll. a..: tt :--u;tl. IJ a=-' '' l'U l a i<: r n: 11 i 111~ ! 1\'

"diJ= n~·:'-: · I t=~ dnri n g thi=-- t u · t tl tll"rc than aqy ttlln.· r tl •at 11tt:·

:-n.:iei.i\·~ f!, id th ir l' \T ll in~::-; ina·rit r~.·d '' ilh. 1:u! :tl:l H· tt ~~ lt

man_\ :1 i:r;d:1.' L' \' llling- h a-.. hll'll ta!~l'il l>y ha .... l, ct -J,:ti l. k~.tur~.·...;

::n rl t nt ~o.· i·t:lii::1 · ~.· :lt:- . •n:r :--·••.:i~.· ~ic..: lt :t\' l' 11111 .~i, · L n !1p th ~ 1 ..

f·':...!' \1 ~t r ml'et ·ng---. \ \ IHn1.' \· 1.· r Frida\· ~..,., llttlt!' , .. a .... ta\~ lt l .

" • • · ~.. : \ 11 <: ' I · n ;... .... \\ L r L' h 1. d ( 111 T it u r :--d a y o r ~: ll 11 r d a y n · g- J n ....

Tl ti:' .:-iill\\;-. that --< nat l' ih ing j.., I> ·ing tl•• tH: in the ..... ,c ic t i ;.·~. a11 I

il:~!l tlll d '!'t'u··: :J1 t ~H·n: I>L• r-. cnn ..... i•kr ~.,ci~o:t \· \\ ork 11f til· ll l ll l•• ''

i t.l J,IIr! ·• tt:: e. . \ tL'r:n ,, j ~;·and :-uc~.·, ~~. gn••d p r"grattl:' a n .!

tlllll'h <:11j r s.' tlH' lll i:-- n pnrted hy all th e ~•)C i dic!' .

Th e Fra t e rn a 1 ~ ar k<.•eping- up th ei r o ld n :cnr d:'. Th~.·

( 'q_...llli•P"Iitan-.. Clll r<:ptlrt :o-t t 'C I.':':'. enj"·' ' Jllv tlt and 1·r • s :~n ' •' .

lt..... ~~~l'.('i \ 1 1i'\.'lt l. .... tr:l !•:1-. J'l'l : \ ' !.' 11 l(J hl' :t ;~rrat ..._ tH.·n·..:·._ Cl ll •l

rtntain!' a •:cry \ ·a :uaiJic and attra,· t i,·e iea t u :·e qf the..• ""·· i<.·ty.

T h e :\ll· lc-pilt :ili · 11:-- ah· ku·ping- pace \\ it h tl H' l'' lk~<.' ... , •. : .. ,i ·=--.

T ll C' :\ I itH: n ·a rcpvr t.:-: j .. _, and p rn=--pcrity ; ~"~'~'~·~ :"""cl ti:n · · ..,

and h l':t11i.ii.ti l ;:rn·~r:: m~.

\\ ' ~...: mn~ t nni f,,r;~<:t t lt l' J) u tc h :o-Pcilli l·~. th v l'l ;-: la-. a t l

\ ':tn f ~nalte Cluh;-;. I ~u r=n;..•: a L u.:-:~ te r m th<.'_,. In,· ~.· cnd t a\ tt r ·.)

H • d,> ll:trd ''-''ri ·. T. Jl·i r t1UJ11h l' r~ ;"tr l· l ~ t rg·L· r than tt"ual. T it.· L 'lfi la~ pn•tn i:-:l·:· a ;....·•c:d .lll ii l! : tl pul.i i·· pr":.! r :il1l. arran~ .. : llli'ili'

lu r \\' h ir: IJ h a \·~ a lrca<h· hn·n ma<k .

F r id ay t: \·1.·n;n: ·· . .\ l <~n· lt H ), th e.: ·~·~tllPJl(llitan ... L.:atiH.'f'L'd i11r

a n <.'\' <.:n ill f,!' nf mcrri!ll''ll t. T he :'milin~ hn· ~ ,,f tltvir lath

ir=<.· n d;-; . h P \\'<.' \(: r. wc.:n· 1111i :'1.'l' !l anll, ll !_!' thL· j<'.' i11lthn1!1~~. T h ·

Cn~mopnli ta n~ caml' inr a jn,·ial g-c11HI time and n h ~.: t rt y l:t tt ·~h

fp r \\'hi \:11 t hl'y inun d ab un d a nt nppnrtunity durin!.!· t h r· r vndl':­

i:l~ (lj a htli1H1rtlll:' pro~~r:un n nd l'Xet·llcnt ~l'll'Ct =,,n .... p'a~ <.·d h _,.

t ill' n r chl:-;l r a . . \ itl' r t ht· prll~r:tm . u n=qul' r ~.· i re~lttll<.' t lt~ \\Trt.:

!" (.' f\'L'd . n itt·r \\' IJ i l'1 1 all l'l' llll'll l' cl \\'i th i t tcn::t~ed l.'ill hu -. i:t.:-:Jil r.,r ... ·11c i l ' t , . \\' O rk .

:\ lt ltn ug-h i hl' .\ l l'lt•,\ h•l tl C' ~ncic t y h a d t'ni : '.'<' rf : t ln n qtt t' t

w ith th c.:i r b d ,· frit· t HI!" :1 tlll,n th h dn r c..• tlt <.'y <hi n •>t cqn...:i,kr

. .



' •

T111-~ ANC'liOR 23 -------

the H' rtn':- \•: nrk r• u n til t h<.·, · h :HI an C \' l'l1 111 ~ u f Cll JOy ­

tllCi ll nm•'l lg' t lt cm!'l·h·<·=--. 1t i=-- n<.·td : l ' !--:-i l •l !':l \' th at the :'d c le­

phun i an~ 1- nu \\; hn\\· t n ma ke a ~u·t'l'·:~ llf t lt~-1.' tl C\.·a:::;ion ~. Th e

~itkph• t n ia n~ h ~.· Ji ~.·'. ' t· in a g-ood t i nw onre : II a \\hil c . and

c,·c ry o i11.· . \':J.q h a=-- t ake n a nH;i..:l· in tlk ~d~kphone wil l

a h,·ays rcm~.· mhe r t h e " blll\\'-f •tl t ... "

Tlt e l lnp<. 'ulkg-~ I khatin!~ 'l11l hn~ made arr:tng-cment~ •

fn r a do~dll t• ~ kha t c \\'it h . \ ltll:l.. T IH· cht<.' ha -- no t yet b ee n

:-=.c t. Th e t ca~n \\' h ;c h w ill ck!Ja L' <~l . \lma con .... i•'l . o f Il cm y J ~ntt~ch~t·kr.;(;e• · q~c l~cHI:-, t a11d ( ~ra n t l~i nkamp. Antho ny

\ ·~. rlm bt . J o hn \\ .<! r n..:h ui ... and \ 'entt' < > ~· g-e l w ill meet the

. \ lma n; c·n a t: IJ c,p '.

Y. M. C. A .

TlH' Y . \ 1. C .. \ . cah ill · t ui ·o~- ·OtJ r cti r~ ... w i th the <1!' ncta­

t i•ttl i n a p rP:--.))L' J'tlll:' l'll tHl i t it ,n. D11 r ing-t• tL' pa ... t y c:u- the m em­

her~ hip h :t~ i;tcna~ed t o P I H' h undred 31H1 t \\l'n ty: at the r eg:n ­

hr nH'c.:t i ng~ n n Tll ~.·:-.dny ni;.!'l ll ~ a n a tt c ncl anct' of a h rlllt e i!-!hty h ~5 b e 1.·n cnH~ i ~tl' ntl y maintai n~d: d l'L' P :-;p i r i t u al it y a nd faith­

iu l ne~~ h a \' l~ c h a ra r t ~ ri /~d th L' \\'drk in e,·e ry departme nt. T o

~ttcce~~ iully C(llltinue thi :' ag:.!r('~~ i ,· L· \\· .. rk 11 f th e r e tiring cab­

i:lct. th ~.: a:-:~t,c i at inn ll l'e cl ~ th .: h ea rty and praye rful co -o pcra­

ti• 'll n f · '.·e r.y y o ll llg" man in L'tt lkge. 1·.\·c ry m a n in co lleg-e

n cl.'d~ th e a~~oci :l t i< 111 : the a:--~ 1 1cia t io n n eed :-; c\·e ry man. To

d c \·l'l f) p ~ t n •ng . m a nly. l' hri :' ti ~ n c haract e r :' . to m:ik e t ur li,·cs cou nt while..~ a t c"lkt..:c . a nd tt• lit nur:'ch·c!' j, ,r future a g-gr c:;­~ i \· e w ork jn the t·x tc..· n~ i"n n i l l i ~ ki nt!'d"m . we nee d th e p ray e r~ . th:e fc·lln \\' :-.hi p. a n cl t he in=--p i ra ti .,n o i th e r eg-ul a r Tue:: d a y ni~..! ht nlcctin;_!;o;. \\ 'c ll l'cd ~ugg-<::'t i ·m~ a n d ttn :"e l fi~h ~c r\'i ccs in ex tending th e ,,·urk 1li t h ~ a!'" 1c iatitll1 a nd the in ­f1 11 cn n.: p f th e e< 1JI ~c. F rc 1m J eni...:.,n Pa r k <.·nnH·~ th r appea l )f an Xtll llS ,nl •l th c r!' f tr ;til ''PJHH' lll il ity t• 1 ~L'Il d th e ir c hildre n

t n a ~unda ,· s chnnl. Th<.•r t: arc ;1 mnn ~ tt!' m a:1\· \\'h ,,m th e * • •

a ia ti ('n h as n e ,·e r reac h t.'d . \\'i t h th e b a lmy cby~ n i :'p r ing c o m es the ' t e nd c nc\' to re laxatii J!l . ancl th ' g-e n e r a l fa lling o ff in t h c a t t l : u d n n c c -a t th e 111 e c t i 11 ~·.. . F e 11 c l \\' - s t tt c h." Ill s . le t u s lea rn to d) a li t tl e le!'s dream in g- about \\'lWt we ~hn ll d n . o m c day hy e~erc i ~ i ng- a litt le seli-sacrifi c inf! effort n o w in th e se r\'l cc o f ·n ur 1\J as t e r.


Page 14: 04-01-1909

2·1 Til E A~ l' IIOR

\Jr. /. . l{ •' l' lll ta n. ·d,, 11 i the \\ ' t':' ll' rt t Tl~t.· •d u;...!i·ai ~ t.· nt­

inar.' . h:t"' aln·:t dy n ·n·i' l'd t hl· prnrni :--l' "i t h n.·t· call..... Tltl ''.

are irn111 Ua k J l arht~r. \\ · a~lt.: l ':-. t ick . Ill .. and ~urtlt l~kn dntt .

.\ I il' h.

Rc,-. L>irk J. I >c l~ ey . ·/')· (lj JJ ,,JJand. \:,·J,ra-..ka . It ·~

:1cn·pt l d thL· c~tl l 111 ::-- ing-, ll ! int~i ~.

!{ ~· ,· . J. \ I . \ "an ckr :\lc.-ukn. ·,J I . Ita ... pr« l\l'd lt illt 'c·li l«l h .·

:1 \ ' C IT t: fh ci L' Ilt i tt .... t rtt CI•• r 1d dr;u na til· art. Th L· gnat

atll'l' pl:t~· . "l .. tl!kr the · ~ l' l' ll." gin·n :--n ::--lll'l'l' ..... ,jnJI_, :--;en iur da.~:' . w a=-- gi\T il unckr hi=-- d in 'C ti•'n .

I ( ' Ill Jll'l"

II\ tiH·

1\ c\·. La\\'I'L' tH ' t• I>.' k:--tra .. ·7 _; . latL' pa...:;t••r 11 i the F ir .... l 1~ \· · i" rtn l·d L"ilurc h 11i f{ ~tt'll c:--tL' r. \: . Y .. wa" in::--tal lcd a~ pa -...lor 11 ! tilt.• (;ract· 1\dc •rntt·d ( lturch 11i < ;r :1 nd 1-! :tpid:--. t> tt .\pril 2 .

He\· . ~ . ZanrJ .... t r a .. 'o3. \\'i ll ~h(lrtly tini-..h hi .; p P:--t-g ra duatL' :--tttdit·=-- at (',.J u mhia l "nin·r .... ity . \:t' \\' y .,r k t. ity . \\'IH·n ·ttp•• ll Itt· intend:-: tn entvr upu tt tilt· a l't i ,·t· \\'11 rk "i tht..· ~u~pd tn itti .... t r.\'. l: rtllll 11)1 1,;-l «~n; Ill· lte d til L· \:t·\\· ln-rry :O:l'hld:t r -- lti p in 11 r illc,·­t tl tl Th t.·nltlg·ic:tl :--;v rn:r tar_, :tru l in ICJtlK a l · ni\ t· r ...:;it _\· F l.'lltt\\' ip ti t 'f"l )umhia l ' nin•r .... it,·. l. ;tl-- 1 ,·ear Ht· \·. /.:1 ndl'-t ra lll<t iTi, ·d .. . ~ li :-;s ~linnit· \:iL·:-:. daug ltt L'r "i J{l'\· . II. \:iv'. ·/J. pa ,lnr "i til:· l · n i, m I{ d• )rr\H'd l h 11 rdt . l'a ll r:--1111. ~ . J ..

T h c I { c Y . . \ . l. . \ \ · a n 1 .... I llt : ;-; • · 'J 7. " i . \ Ill• , ." . l ·It i 11 a . n T L' 11 t I_, addn: :':--.c.·d tht• Y .. \ 1. and Y . \\. l' . .. \ . o n " Tilt..· . \ wakl.' tl ing ., j

l · h ; n a: · It a I \\'a y s a (( 1 ) r d :-: 11 "' gT ' ·at p k : 1 ::-- u n · t " I i ...: I t' n 111 ; 1 11 i11.~piring addn: :-:;-; irn111 " " l' 11i nttr u\\"11 .. \lum n i.

l~ t.· ,· . 1~ . \ "a n l lc.- un·kn. ·IJIJ, CJi . \ t\\l liH I. :\lirh .. lw:-- ac­l't pted tht: call to 1\ottcrdant. l'a11-.a:--.

\\ ' ill ard 1'. \ ' art d c r L aa n. 'o:;. ni t lw \\·L' .... ll' rtt Th t..•n ll•g"ical :--;cminan· . h a:-- hL'l'll L'u111pt·lkd t o gi\·t• up lti .... c tl !irtg- t1• t ill · mini;-;try. 1111 a<.T•otwt 11 i :tt l :dllil'tinn ni tilt· t h rtta t. Thl' . \n c h 11r iL·l.'i:' t h at t he m=ni .. tr_, ' ' '11 ltl:o-L' a g'tllu) tlla ll h11t \\i:--11 ·:-- hilll :' ll Cl't':--:' in w ha tl' \·Lr ••thvr li L·ld ill' lll:t \ ' (' tlll.' r .

-I •

' (

, .

• ..

. •

TH £ A ,~ C H OH

• .


The.' );l:-.t 111Pnth oi tht.· \\' lllter t t• nn Jw, J,n,ught !"OllH.' \\'hat

oi a !ull:in atltkt ic;-; .. \ lth 11ttg-h the lau r 1:-. \\nn 111 one of th -.·

l >c~t ha:·+:d-hall :-.ea;-;. , n~ 11f I inpl'·:' hi:--t n ry :--till h n ,·t· r~ in th•'

11H .. Il1ory :(li l'nthtt~in :--t : c :-.tudt·n t.-' . ~Tt th e arri' al o f :--.prin~ ha"'

turned tht· 111 i11d:-- ui all tCI track \\·n rl· and ha:--<..' h:lll. . \ nd well

it mig-ht : i11 r ll ttpc.· nc.·t·d 111H ht: a...:;hamL·d ni h er pa .... t reco rd in

ha::c-bal!. and all in clicati n n...:; t>nint t 11 a ra ttli n •,. ("f'nnd rc.·am thi:o: ... ;-...

!" t' a :-on . ·. ·a p t a i 11 I ~ k k k i 11 k i n f 1 ) r m "' u :' t h a t t I H: n· i :' a n a h u n ct · ann.· of g:tHHI n tatcr;al. h u th IlL' \\' and tl ld . and althoug h tht• team

j , m<ltk :up 11ltl·q'y 11i h t'l _,·ear·:' pl:lyl'r ..... thL'l'C i:' ~nmc n ew

m ;ner:at ·that ma y pnn·L· ;1 hnnanza ior old ll tlpC.

l~ut .t nil1t' llH'Il i:-: al l thL' rcg·tdati ~t rt:-- aJJ.,w n n o n e team. sn , any \\'h ll i:til in t ht· tr_'-nttt f11r th l' 11r:-:t tt:lln ll C'L'd llfll g-L·t db-

\.·nuragt•cl i11r 11L' :-.t ; 11 line re~tnc...:; the q•cn11d tt•am wlm;-;e ~], rit·..;

last yc:1r w t·re nn t iew. I ~t..·:'idt..·'· C'ia-=~ team:' arc already bcing­

org-anizc~l. hc 1t h in th e prep. ;tnd cnlk~t· dl'parttlll' ttl:: \\'hkh

gi ,·c::; aln~u=--t l' \ cry Ollt' ittt cn·:'t<:d in ha,l·-hal l a ch a nce tn :-:"hn\\'

t h~ i r ~k i l !. l t i:-' nt~w !dt tt• al l t hl· :'tudt·llt~ in !!"l.'tH.: ral t o c'~"i\'\.' 4-- :--..

th e colic~~· tl'arn it ~ tH:uh:d :'uppt•rt. Cn ml· 1H1t t11 c\·t•ry game.

han d (n"t" r ~ cnt r liitt.'l' ll n·nt=-- like a 111a11 and yt.·ll a~ long- a;-;

t h e r e i=-- a breath kit. :\lan:'tger \ '<!11 ~trcen ha~ arran .:..!·ed th t.· fnllowing :'ch ed u l· ·

in r t h \? n o nth o f \Ia \·:

:\lay ·: t-( ;olden ~a int' (lf (;rand Rapid=--. \l ay ,'S--\Jc ghl in';-; l:u :' itl l' :--'~ l"ni\Tr, ;t , · n f Crand

Rat ,id!". \lay .r;-Grand Rapid-.: ll igh .

\) a , · 22- rrand ll a \T il ll ig-h.

The ~Httlook fn r a

e ach yean I .ast \·ca r

:--ufficic nt ~nthu. i a~m.


goud track tea m t:' m nn· encou rag-ing

\\' C had :'nmc ~nn<l tnatl'nal hut lacked

Th i:--: v car " ·c· han.: hut h . hut lac k that

~h ining ro':td t o su ccc~:' that is pa \'ed w ith the brick::; o f f::tculh·

~a n ction. The great apo:-;tlc has :-"aid . '·Kno\\' y c n o t that the,·

Page 15: 04-01-1909


w hich run 111 a r :t t' l' run a ' l. ln tt ' ''h' r l •·\: i\l'tlt the pri7.t•? s, run that ,.L" lll :t\ c•l>l :t itt. .. \\ v \\tHd d ... q:.,~:_:~. ... ~ tin· l.t-..t :-l' tlll'ih''-= . . . a.; tiw 111 ,,\\ ,, ,li 11\l r track t~.· atn .... n that in tit~.· l·••:nin~ r ::rc " ·

11ny nhtain nnt •• n h · tht· l:tttrl'l ... h 11t al ._, , till appn,,·a\ u i h· nh

the pnhli· ~t nd i:trult ~. Yl·;..; . all "i ll l'l' intl'n -.. tl.·• l. " l~nt ''hat i~ thi :-; r ac l· :·· i. d t '-' qu~.· .. till ll 101\l' ln: :tr:-- in•:11 '-<litH.' ni t h C'

." n1n g <: r ~: uuit· nt .... It j._ a grl.·;tt n: l:t: ra ~.·l· tha t \ l:tna ·..:l' r i 'a ... nu

I a arrangC'(l IH·twt't' ll ' · "!H.' an d <;rand l' :lpid ... Y . '!'hi;.; i;..; :1.11

t•n t:.-ct,· n••'l'l -'~.- l h· nt·~· "hi l· h h :! .... tH' ~.·r lwi ,, r~.· lt t'l.' il ~\.t' tl 11

tl·(·:-t' p ·1n..:. T en nr a dttZt' ll il\1.. 11 :!l·e 111 trainin~ i11 r t h i' c,· ~.,· nt :tnd a ltll(\ugh till' \ ' :tl'l' 11 11l ,_,!•\ han•\' :tt trad· " " rk . tlH' \' 111:1 '·

\l't ~h''"' th l! , . j ..... j t .. r:- that t ln·rl' i:-- at ka .... t a li tt!l· "i t h e J),tn

Pat c h ;;pir it in ll llpt··, ru: ttH.' r:-. T ,, .. 1\1 ir·h ra n 1\tll Itt' ~·:a=d Ill

p ra: :-- -.· n f L'••:!('lt ( o11 :~' r. tl tr•ntg-h \\' h ll ... t' untiring l'l'fttrt~ th··

u~ck men h~'l' m:Hk -..uch rap :d .... tridt· .... t •t \\':trd p1.·rf.·ct:on.

Tll('rt' an· ;d.:.,, gt~nd pr,, ... ·.l·l'l.:. 11f a llll ' l in thl· tll':tr iutu r··.

w h ich. if it cnllll'' lliL \\'ill ht IH t\\'l'l'll < ;r:tnrl l ·~ api• l ... ll i ;~:l. :\lu;;kcg-nn :tn d JJ ,,lll'· .\ 'a\ua' ll<.· t ~'''l'h'· \\ill l:t· gin n wh'ch

mu~l he cnntt··,l f••r ~.· a\· h 't•ar. tlllt ' in =--n r in;,.!' a nH· ~ t C\' t' : .'· . . ,·car. lien··!' hoping t h :t l ll 11pl.' ' 'ill hl· t it ~.· (,r ... t t1• ,h·:ltl·r tl: ... •

trc phy witlt:n ltl· r wall" a nd that ' t nny l••l't' \ ' 1.1' r vtn;tin thl'rc.


\\' <:can 11111 n:fra =n fr•1111 :--a_, ing- a k\\' ,, .. :-d:-- in l·t·lnli 11 i tt'lltll:'. \\ ' hv i~ tlt e r :!rqu ·t ''' n vgl·ctt•d and ... , , ... t \d tll\1 :"'l'l.' tl

nn our campu .... ? \\ · It~ d•• P• •t 11ur iair 1.'11 - t.'d, take.: an intt·rc ' t

in th : ~ . the o ne !" JH• rt in \\'hit It tltt·_,. t•n•. t·a n Jt ,· lp t•• r;ti :-.t' t h e

~tancbrd 11 i )l ,•pl· ·~ a thktic,?' Th t:- l' q tll' ' ii• 1 ll ' \\i l! },~, kil

u11an ~wt· r r d. hnt lt t' rt· i:- tl t t' Jl"i n t : gt·t hu -.y. 1'1~ tlJ' thl' nll trt:'.

buy :t racque t and kt t ht.· cry. •i tlltt' I· ,,. · . h''" It~\ 1.' t.• rhll thr mg-h

il1l' dro0pi n g- pint':- " i'"ll t h l· ~.· , .Jk~l· c:ll iljl \1"'. hrt t'! .. !" ll~ tn th t•

car~ nf all tlH· a-.. ;..; ur~nn· that JJ ,,pl.· j.., all th~.· r~.· :utd that :'he

\\'on 't :; tand b :11.:k f11r at\\' c, >liLgc in tltl· ... ta t~.· . 11''· tt c• r ttl the

unH>tl. ~t· lah .

, ,

•• ...


T H 1-: :\ -.: c. II p R 27


• \\. t· \t' i:-:11 t11 ad.:lltl\\kdg-L' th e f, ,ll,lwing-: tvl. H. Airoli th·

Res Acad~micae: The V/eekly .Almanian; The Shawnee Ar~ row: The: Col tegian; Dictum Est; The Echo: The I tern; The Karux; T·hc !viankatonian; The Normal College News; The Ne\-vs : Pt!rplc and Gold: The Picket; Winchester Recorder; The Re·.•C'i!le: The I-:Iigh School Review; Lowell H. S. Re­

,. iew: ::1. /L C. Record; The Sunflower; The Student, Eurel~a .

Kas.: Ur~in!.!s Vveekly; The Voice; The Volunteer ; !-Aont­g omery Bell Bulletin.

The .College Index l'PIIta it t!' a \ 't• ry f.!'•'tHI o rati nn. "Th L·

1'••\\'t'r P ~ ~t.' li -~acrifin· ... It ~h•J\\' :-. intt·lligl'nt ~tudy . a ck:tr

•·tlt lillt'. :!nd i11 a plt-a~i11g- and dir<.:ct :-t~ k m a l.:t·:-> an c ~trne .... t pll':\ f" r " ~t·li-:-at·rif:n· ... l~e:-- ick~ thi;-;. tlh· l..: a7.tHI pap~r ::-hll\';-..

a J>"l'tic 'talt·n t 11i "hich ft•w :--dt•utl;..; can h•1a-..t. T he l.'lltirl

rn:tkl' - ttJI •" i tltl· papl.' r i ... e~emplary. and ii tht· chid purptl:--1.·

,,j :t l'•'tr~·Rl' J•;qwr i..- t•l iurni:--h litt·rary prP'Iurti•H1:-:-a--. \\'l.'

ht'lit\l' ii i ... - thi:-- i:->:--tlt.' may 'l'J'\.l' ,,.;, rthy lli emulatil)tl.

\\ ' t· an: I•Htkin;.!_· for an t·~changL' cnlumn in Windom

Record . . \ lhi:11t '- pirit 1;..; a:-; cnerg"L' tic a;.; l'\'L· r. and J·ud•,.in,· 1)\· her

~ :-....

p:q>~.· r ~h ~· lt :l!' t'\' t•ry rca;..;n n l11 he sn.

Th:t ·tk y nu. Wallace World, we'll try. · h t' l' r ll p : do 11 • t

I' t.' 1 n:. :-- i tn i .... t i c:. Y n u r \ · ;tl en tin c ntllll h t' r i" < ~'< u H \ :-- . Cal~in College Chimes. Y lilt r pa pt·r !'pt·a ks a!' Ill'\' ·r l>e­

i"n·. Tht.· Dut ch pnuh!ct i••n:' art' t·~ ct• lh·llt. \\ 'l' mP;..; t h ·artih·

a~!l'l'l.' \\·i'th the artit.:k. "TI!n·l· l)utie ... ,,f tht· l 1 n·~~.·nt .. 1~,· thi=--"' i :-- ~IH' _\'"li lla,·e " t.'\ ic 1r yt~ur~eh e:- a high ;..;tandard a nd we h npt·

\ ' 11\1 1\l;t\'' " " r••lllilllll'. \\hat i:- ,-,,ur t' ~rha n •~" t.' edit••r dt~in •r~ --· . :--.. ~

ll a ~ ha~ \\t·\·c -.. t't.'ll Y''li in thl' Mirror. Y11ur papt'r lnok~ g"tHtd. l'"-pt··ially tit~.~ artick. " .\b raham Lin ctlln.' ' in;..;piring

th •ntg-ltt. ~ymp:tthetk tn·atnll.'nt and a ... tyk much \ d ht' rom-

m t· 11 d e d ~

Ore~nge and Purple :

tk:.:ign .


Page 16: 04-01-1909

r II 1: t\ ~ l' II I' U

·1 h '-' " r a 1 i , 1 11 • • • \ I ' I 1.: a i • • r I \ n·" g-1 1 i t i 1111 .' • i 11 1 h , · A lln ani an

1:-- a \cry dl':--L' J"\ i11 ~ pr• •tlttl· ti .. tt. 'I hl· "rill r h:t-- .t th•lf'clllgh

k " "" kcl~ l' , ,j th l' ·. tJI Jj l·,· l :tn d h ·t-.. prv ... t.'llltd th l' ll'\\ · ..... ~.· lfl·ck ­

l' r l' cl l' a rt.'t' r ill ; 111 j II I l' n :-- I j 11 g Ill : U II H: 1' . 'I It l' ..., :- I I' p: I I IJ :- IIi I Jw

: 1utit 11 r i11r tilt• dt•\\tt - tr•l(ldt·tt :tncl lh t· "PJI I• ........ ~. · d i ... apparent

t hr· •llght•UI . The D etroit Studen t: Tt• cl~.·,iall· ir• llll \ •'ltr prv .... ~.:nt

... t. t ntlard \\c ~ttld ht· t•• d~.· ,i:ttl· ir••ttt ex ce ll en c e.

The Verdurette' pr" \ l'd .. a nd "l:~· t t.' tn tltt· l 'l- ~l.·IH' .. :tr"· \l'!'_, ;.:• •"d.

111\l .... l 11••1 kt .\ •1 \11" :t tltktil.· ~..·d i\11 1' J'\111 "! \\:t~ \\itlt .\ '11 11.

I . . II 1 1 \ ' • t! 1

ll:t \'1.' , ... u r ead ··~ikt ll' l'· ... ~~~~r:-" in 1h v Cue? 11· .... ;....•"'' !.

< ;d lnt:--.' . l ' \'l.: r:- I•• '" -"· :ttld rv:t d a lllli'Jil v and :--ll:~g· ~.· ... t i \ ··

:1 nd illt('n --tin !..: :-- t1•n. "Til l' \ \ · .... d t.· tt ~k;tt ~.. ·:-- . .. It i .~ i·1 til ,:

Acaden1ia n .

1£orals "I kilt•! llappy :\cw Yl·:tr ...

" llappy Fc,urth .. j Jul:-! \\ :tkl· up. ~ l r \ ' :111 \\'inklt·.

)'ka:--t·. Thi-.. 1:-- . \pril. rqo•) . I d .. n · l ktltl\\' ·" '' " J.,ng .""11 lt :tn: -.IL·pt. Inti .""\1 11111:--l J, v h1111g'ry . ~ ~~tC•lll and l'g'g ....... au :--:tg-~o..· .

\\'IH: ttl nr huckwiH:at cakt· ... - whal "ill .""\1 ha,· ~..· it1 r hn· a kia.;t ?" "()h. g-o 1111! .\1,· ll<tllll' 1:--11 \ 'a n \\ ittkk. :tncl d• 111.t

";-u 1t ,·our hill "f iarv. It '-... :\~,. ,,. Yt.·ar· .... in the \nclt"r ··•tl t.·n

dar. I tell y•nt. .. .. ~ h Il l' k :-- . o... c 1 II I-.. . ~lU ll g" ; I).~· a Ill.

~c1 it i:-- . attd 111 -..tart it, .,.,- right. th,· t~~~.· al t·dit •"' lh ••Hghl

it ""uld 1, ~.. littin~ that tlw iandty l'• ' ntrihutl' " '' 11 11.' l"l·al -.. i t•r

th i!-- i :--~lll' . l~1.·i n~ l.'lllll'l.·tin·ly :u1d it1di' idu:tll:- tc111 Int ... : \\'it!t

tilt~:-<: little rl·gi:--lr:tti•• tl -..lip:--. th1.·y lllt' rd:- aiiP\\t·d \1' It• 'i1

an d \\iltdl thl'lll " ·,,rl.; :tnd c:tt\·h what ... ll':t\ -..park ... might th·

inn11 the :tn,·il.

Th1..· pn.-:-.idt·nt· .... n • tt lark:-- \\t·r~o..· ... ,tlli.'\\h:tl •Ill thi-.. tll tkr :

" .\h l'111 - \\' (' ll. 1111\\' , .,,\1 knc• \\' I \'tlltldn'l \en· \\l' ll \\rit1.· jod.;t: ...

.... .,



. • •

~ T If t: .\ .. l· H I) I<

j, r ~· ·tt . ~>.•r l'111 t to• l llllll.'h 11i a j• •kt.·r. 111 \ ' ... t.: li .. \ncl tiH'll. I'm •

~!•!Ill;~ :t\\:.J.' :•g:t ill j,,r a timc- 1 tn u-..t ... ~.·t· :dH•ll t :--c lllh.' tnt~n:

·l · ,.Jit •tti i'at i••ll.' :t ' .""' 1 l·:tl l it. . 11\\ Y"ll l\\11 l t ~t•k pretty kn .. ·l­

ln·:tdttl ...... , I " i'h Y•'u 'd jt1 :--l hl'lp .lr. l~l"l.' llll'llclahl t n k l'l'!'

tlw n ·. t ,, that Ill''' . . \n cJ t,,r :-.t ·tfl ir"tn rt•mpktl·l ,· r .,·,.Jut i·nl­

iz i tt'' tit,· \·"l lt·" l.' hdt~ r<.' I ~-~.·t had; . li ,·c~ u d •1. I'll lllt:n li •1 1 :--- . ~

\.til 1• 1 t~ll f ,,., u•d i r i ~,•t td. :\lr. - - ·· ;--.

\\ l ' r nu I d 11 • t c a t c h a

~11ap-..h ~• t ,,j hi n l'ithtr. Th1.• plat t' n.·c.:·mlt-d 1111 h · :1 ~tn·ak. . \ nd hi-.. t•ra in \\:t._,ll·l duL· \' t·t in r a half h n ur.

l 'r.,i. !'It inlwk:-.1.'1 ,,·a:-- cl:ty-dn·aming in t<:rm~ Pi =-- - - ;.

\\ht·n \\t·· t acl,k tl hi111. and all \\e g"Pt j.,r ''llr Jt,~.· alcPiumn

"a" a ,~.,..;·y lucid t· =-- pl a n:ttie~n nf the hin••mi :d thcc•rt·m. \\'l·

... u; th· "h~:--llvd. ·· ~ing ~ll· t n ~k ·p" :.nd \\Tilt 11l'f. k<H· ing- hiPl

t " dn·:11n c111 and •lll int c1 analytical ;._!t.'nll1ctry . dirft·n·n ti ;~ l ca l­

l'lllll ..... tht' fc• t nh climt'll i·,ll. and nnht~ch· k nt~\\':-- wh:tt ~. · ,·t· tlth

lw:t\' l'l l ,q·· mathelllatil...-al bli:--~.

l'r11i. 1--:ui ;.- ing-a wa-:. prnductin: ttf in:--pir:t ti.,n . a:-=. u~u:!l.

i k t••ltl u-... ,,fan l·pi'•Hk in Prni.-nh. nen.·r mine!: ju~t ··l'wo­

ft. :--:--·d t" ' '. ill cl11- ill a n:rtain I 1 W il ft·~s~~h·:' c:"\pt.:rienrcs in ntH'

••i t lw al·:·ckmit ='· ( >nc cl:l\· the air in the cla~s- rnom g-nt clu:-.t·.

the l'"·"i«.•:- -..c•h ' :-- st·n:-.iti,· t• llt'SL' l>c~·<llt t11 curl up a td h e :'Cilt a

) HI\' aitcr· ..;" mt· , . it1kt 1.':"\tract tt• rt' lllt'd\· th e clinicult,·. at ka:-.t - . -tt·mp"rartly . Tht.• IH 'Y· pt•:'St·~~ l'd (li an ••rig;in al idea. wt:nt t ,, tl a· hh11ntlt•n · and ~··• t a h c,ttk ,,f fn• .... h tincture 11f 112~ in -- . :--l <.·ad. l,l' c::tmt' had-:. aftl'r a propt·r intcn·:d ui tim e . and . :-.p rinkk• l; t hl' ~.~hj-.·t·ti,,nablc mcmh~.·r~ P i the drt ':-. . a~ per tn-

:'lruni"n~. In thirty ~l·c•HHb that Jl"· .,ft.~='"h had ll c d head

Jt,n g ic •r . ~••llll' •• th c r plan:-any ••lh t• r plat·l·. The cia:':' di-..­

mi:-:,l·d iht'li and hi ~ t 11n· cJ,,e~ 1111t :--tatt• what hccttme (lj the

I u " . .

\\ ' ht-t l l 1 r ••i. \lt· \·l·r \\a~ a child. thl'Y :-. ~1 _\'. hi:-. lllt~th e r had It a r d \\'. I rl ~ \II Ill a k l' h i Ill IT Ill (.' m h l' r t h l' 1l a 11 H> II r t h l' ~ t at l.' .... .

~~~ :-:!11.· h t't n~· p :q w r-... 1111 t lw d ... ,r~ .. r 1h<.· diiT<·ren t rt>lllll S in th e

h•lll ~l' . w·lth th1.· natlll' ,,fa 'L<lll.' nn e:1ch . The..· ~chcn t~.· :--eemed

Lt• " ·,.rk .'. :--" :'h~o..· c••llt.l.t.tllt'cl it. clwng-ing- the papt·r~ irom tim l'

t1 1 time a-. lw gut the 'l<tk' le;'lrlll·d . ( IlL' day his ge11g-raph;.

Page 17: 04-01-1909

T II t: A ~ (' II u J(

ntinutt: :t~ l cl thcn :--aid. 11~..· -..itatin~ l :. ··it u-..t·d I•• J,v tht• dittln · • .-.

flltJI11. l 1tll mama d1angt·cl it the.· ttt iH: r d :t : tncl I d•· n ·t ktt : •\\

'' h~.:n· i t i:-- 1111\\' ...

J· lu:-;:-;i'-·· on ~t. Patrick ':-- I>a,·-··:\J ,· ~ I \\ i:--lt I h ;td a "Tn· •t :-..

J,.,,.,, ..

Two on Prof. Patterson.

1. ( ' hi ldn·n arc tltl· lll•1:-.l ki._-..<.:d :!nimal-.. ''" ~.· •rth .

2. Tht·"ng m :t n \\Till an•und Jiiti n~ t·' tt •lta nt-... etc

How Nykerk \Vas Stung. l 'n,f. I J i mr11.: nt-~ay . l'rok:'"'(•r. did \1111 !war ; tiH•\1 1 tlt.t ~

l!Trihk ac~ i clt.· nt in I)JH: n i th e intt' rttrhall car:-. t ll v ••tl tl' l' d:t,· :

Prn i. ~ykcrk-:'\n. what \\a :-'" it?

l'rof. D.-\\ ' h~· . a ,,.<•J llall had h~.-r l ' U · (Ill a .. l'.t l and a

il· llt>\\' :'at nn it. How Nykerk Got It Back.

l }rof. :'\ .-~ay. l'nlie-.:'or. \\')1\· d•l l':' a i=ttk c),, ... rtllt ll 'l ;-., I

hi I! ? l 'ruf. D!mncnt- 1 ca n 't tell \ 'tiLl.

Jlrof. :'\ .- lkl':t\1:-- l· thl' l i ttll' dn~ i:-. 111 a hurT, ..

lla\.l' you ~l' l'll that "(;irl \\ 'a nted" :-1;.!11 in \ an I >n·/.v r':.


. \ =-- k t• i t h l' r I) i nlllt' n t n r :'\ y k e r k a b" u t i t.

li _\'()tl h c:1 r a g"lltHI jnk1.·. kindly cxprc .... "' \' ttttr itnprl'''i••n

in \\'riting. and a~ _\'tl\1 rt' llll'lnlwr th e -..ayi ng·. "l.atlg"h and tlw \\'tlrld laug-h:-: \\'ith ynu. " aJ:...,, rc.·mcmh~.r tht.· \nd11 •r h •1X .

. \ hhink. :-. in g-i ng- in r llurc h- Frntn lt-l'l:tnd· ... gTl':t'.' 11\1111!1

tain:' to Ind ia·, ct~ral :-lrand . (

I kant in thl· cia:-.:-.. tran =--l ating .\ naha.;i..:: ·· \nd l · , . rt b

k a p l ' cl d Cl \\' 11 i n t n t h · mu d a n d h t' I p l ' d h i 111 -. e I i. ..

T e I 1 a:' k c a 11 d I a d ~ f r i l ' ll d a t t h l' d <. ·1 u 't 1 11H • a i t l r1 1 t H 111

a ca r ()f rhkkcn:-- on a ~idL· - track.

"]'II h ct I knn\\' \\' h t•n• that t·ar .,j chi cke n-.. , ... "tlll1" :-... :-..

~ay~ :\ ric .

L . f-.-"\\'11\·. \\'hl•rt· c) ., \'11\1 think ll w ill



,; )

, · •




T II f: A :-: (" ... C) H 31

\ . T . t•. - · ·_J II::--1 li:'tl'll t" th:lt n~t•:-tl"r . "

~ttn: t'lltl\lg"h in .... t r icknt accent:' canh.' tht· 111:\\"=-' . ·· 'hit·­

,_: 1! i c k-c h id,-~.· hick-a-n,,_ .. . :....

u.- \\:hat j .. wh ippl·cl n·~·:ltll in tht• l.'l ' llh"r oi a di:;h . f

p tt!d in~· :-

\ .- Tht.· 1 •a ... ::-- i 11 tlte dt·:-- ... t' r l .

"Nothing Doing." \\ ·~..· \\T ilt tn ·upid ' =-- ~arden. \\·,_. \\:ttukred n'cr tlw land: Th 1.· tlltHill \\'a~ ,h=nin <Y hri n ltth·. ,...... :-.. . I held ht•r lit tk-:-;ha\\'1.

Y l ' ~. I lw I cl her I it t k ='haw I : ll o \\ fa:-.t th e en~n i ng llic:-;­\\'e ~pnke in tnnc=- of lt)\' t'.

I g-azl·d intn h ('r -lunch ha:'kl·t.

I g-azed into th e ha . kct. I wi:'IH·cl 1 had a t<L te : Th<.'r1.· ~at my hH'ely c h a rnll'r. ~ly arm around h cr-umhrclta .

I·:m brac ing- her um hrclla. This charming- li t tl e mi ~=--. I kr e ,· l·~ \\'ere full o f mi~chid-

• I ~lyly !'tole a-. andwich. -Ex .

Let us ftll your prescription. \~ e are reliab~e and our pnces are right

R. M. DE PREE & Co., Druggists


A full litH.' of llast· n .tl l G oPd 5 haR arri n•d. ('o mf\ in and gPt next.

H. Van Tongeren


Page 18: 04-01-1909


32 T II 1: :\ :-: C II o H

. · ·1t 11 n· d rc~~ t· :-\ l:et:-l' if :t t a~· w :--- 1, ..- c'<HJ :di'<1r d i I . I 't · tl sa p ' Y• ) ,. l ":tll . l. I f JI CI I. \\' C ( ', I ll

ll t·fp _\' •I ll 1 •111 J:rit ,g \' IIII I'

...., 11 it ro '''"' · a1 1d \\' (~ \\'i l l r~:­l " n 1 i t I' u •I, i 11!.! I d\ • 11 f' w

The Holland Cleacers 9 E. 8th St. Phone 15..:8

For a !.>ox of Choke Candies ~o to


Citizens P hone 1170. 2C•6 Ri,·cr Strc ·t

The C'lllegc Shoem:m t;raduatt: in d :t: B 10t and Shoe



For nice Home ~Iade Cantlie!', OilocoJalesl an~ Bon Bo~as go tu t he

I-Iollatld Candy Kitcl1en 2!> E. Eighth St.

Try our Hot and Cold Drinks. They arc delic ious. Combinatinn lunches

S<' rv ed at all t imes.


Pen11ants, Pillow Tops \\·c· Ua \'C~ J'l-(.'(•i ,t•d a II "'\\' liur- t lw t wi ll 1.1 • a:-:t• l' \"(.' f}' 11 111 e tu

d en t. \\~ f' ~IT ~ hm·.-in~ nt·\\' l• itnl s e:1nd "iz•·:->. ln.:p<'l't ou r li 11 e.


:; f

r -.f


., .











The Periee~fd IS OUR I! FoMntain Pen t · ·

Be up-to-date. D o n't use a f. j ~ !oun~;:in pon requirin~ an old- t- • ~ fa~hioned ll ruppc.:r to Iiil it. Cd ~- =? !~ a ConkEn Sclf-t i!linAfo:t: tt.sin •· .·~ ~~ P.:u. fill:; and cleans i ~~cH !ty . ~ ij a m~re tc t\'ch of t1w:~~b !1lo ~ _ ~ ..... t, C resce nt- ~'i ller. .:>ot ve5 i';;_-1 ~l tim~ . trouble and an- f --:.· ·. f1 noy~nce. {- _,:r. ~


Fountain C.r,.~~t~uv r.N'S :. ~! ·~.:·~;..:~

"". \.~~.;...Jj.r '~ \ ·~~ ~ . ~

SS)'r, ~-:-.~~ ·~m t1 v.;:c,~ \ . =--·< .· ~--:·:.. p F· '-';,Xl, "A. -'~ ~::a~ .a. . 1\! I r ,...:- t':: ·~ N S

tio? ""vt:rv !im~ yon f d~ •.t o r [' . ~:u · wiH,iveyu . r uu lohls~ ti_!.lc- t~-i \ ~ ~

wnt~ ' '. tth ) t, T he ort.I!JTI~ll ; ; ·~J aml O<lly thcrntl;:!d:t S.lllS- f' .-..i ~ This pen bas been on factory S (:lf-fi llt!:fl rcn. ~1-:t· ; fJr bcltc:r and C05lS no r .r. ?{:\:-:._';'. ' the market for many mer_ t hJn g!her foun- f·--; _;__:_;.:-:.~ fJ rain pens oi b~s! r.ra<l_e. ~ . j,':;. 1 ~ years. \Ve halye watched Mad e by the Co~khn } ':!)-::.. • J !;; • and kD"W • Pen Co.,T~Jiedo, Oh!o. 1 ".£.1 ~ 1t grow v lS C aB and see the Co~tk· --:r"T: ~.~;~-;;.;.;c ~ i • • 1 lin Pen. B~;;. 1... ~. l'&~. UG!c:a. ~ re.ta~ e.


• Fur a nice fr~sh box of Our Fountain ru nning at blast


C. BLOl'v1, Jr. The Candy M aker


Chas. C"mh re)ln P epairing, ~ew Cnn' r:-\, ~,. ,,. I falldlt•: , e ll' .

Hl ,y ,L E HI-:1'.\II:I~ ;


Page 19: 04-01-1909

3·1 T il l-: A .>.:C IIO H

----~--~~----------------------------- -------~----~ I I < I Y t , I . I~ ~ < > \ \ ' T I I :\ T

i;n llattb 1Rtt!i ltn Till' prize· t t•:t:- t uf rltt· " ~~ rl.t- i ~ t.IIC' lllO~I dt· l ic ·iiHIK lll t ll' :--c · l I, II0\\'11 ' '' IIH·

art ,,f' lmkin:,!: Tr\' !ltt'lll ~1 111 f., .

c·nJI \ i lll'l ·d.

1ij nl hut~ i{ u sit {[ llllt.J.HH t !t

H 0 L L A N D , 1\'\ I C II l G A N

We Can Save You Nloney B t· Y I ~ <.: .\ I' P :\ I< 1·: 1. L


=--=------------ OPPOSITE HOTEL HOLLAND -·-

I c. A. Stevenson, The Hi·\~~~Lit- Jeweler f II'\ tt;..{l'llt fnr L . 1::;. \\•atvnuau nuu John II <Jllan,] Fouu taiu Pt>lls

There's No Strain on Your Purse Strings

J If yuu hu y your j~wel~y and W~ltt:ht>s of us. \\'e carry an assurtnwnt that has a range In pnce ll) SUit every purst: HllO t h(.• sanw prin· in­ducements are uffered on the cheaper J.!oocls HS on the more cxpensin·. Watches from $1.00 up. Watch our winnow.

l ' u1 1-: i::lllh 'II'ITI and c· .. nl ral :1\' l ' ll ll t•

Jacob Kloosterman, THE ~TUDENT'S TAILOR ~[QP l.~(i t ·: :\ ~' 1 ' I·: to IITJI ~T J : J·:ET

Cleaning and Repairin~ neatly done. Trouscn; and Overall~ for· sa le

Cal l and see u s .

' ....

. l

• •

. . ..

.. ~



.. For Up-to-date Picture Framing



G . W . MOK~t \ , Ca .. hier

FIRST STATE BANK With Savings Department

CAPlT :\L. $50,000.00

Corner f:ighth Street ancl Central An·. HOLLANO. ~HCI fit; A~

We Appreciate Your Trade ~

1·:\·J·:HY'I'!II~(r I~ Till•: 1>1<.(·(; LI~ E .. \ ~1 PERFl~ ~IE~

CH·AS. D ·. SMITH, Druggist ;; J ·:a~ t Eighth ~tref> t ,

Boon~s livery, Bus and Baggage line Horses Bought and Sold

209 Central Avenue PHONES: Citizens 34: Bell 20 . ""

D~. JAMES 0. SCOTT, Dentist Office over D.oe~hur!:'~ Drug Store.

·Dr. F. M. Gillespie, Dentist 50 Eas t Ei~hth Street Telephone 1033

Dr. P. Ernest Lloyd Hl East Eighth Street REFRACTING OPTICIAN

: Dr. B. J. De Vries, Dentist 2 10 River Stree t

• .

Citizens Phone 1529

Page 20: 04-01-1909


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