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    Training schedule

    designed for the working



    September 20, 2010

    Specialisedgraduate trainingin the energysector

    E x e c u t i v e M a s t e r

    Energy and Global Policies

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    IFP School benefits from its integration in IFP to offer students a top level scientific

    and technological environment.

    A school within a research center

    IFP is a public sector research and training center aimed at developing the

    technologies and materials of the future in the fields of energy, transport and

    environment. It provides public players and industry with innovative solutions for a

    smooth transition to the energies and materials of tomorrow more efficient, more

    economical, cleaner, and sustainable. The scientific recognition of IFP materialized in

    2005 with a Nobel Prize in chemistry attributed to Yves Chauvin, engineer and project

    leader at IFP from 1960 to 1995.

    A school open to the worldWe have imagined IFP School as a concentration of the world, enabling its students

    to comprehend the worlds diversity and to discover its riches. Half of our students are

    international and this diversity concerns the training, citizenship, businesses,

    organizations, and public entities represented.

    A school strongly linked to industry

    In addition to permanent professors, lecturers and researchers, 350 specialists from

    the business world teach at IFP School each year. This enables IFP School to offer

    practical training with a wide industry scope, through the analysis of real-life


    IFP School

    Graduate training programmes

    in both English and French

    17 graduate level programmes, adapted

    to the needs of society and industry

    500 students per year

    A job placement rate of 99% in over

    80 companies and organizations

    across 50 different countries

    12,000 alumni presently working

    in over 100 countries

    Five strategic priorities:

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS)

    Diversification of fuel sources: green energy

    Development of clean, fuel-efficient vehicles

    Maximising the conversion of raw materials

    into energy for transport

    Expanding the boundaries of oil and gas

    exploration and production

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    To meet the needs of businesses and administration, Science Pos Executive Education

    Department offers tailored programmes. Both in the form of short seminars and leading

    to diplomas, with the aim of developing professional skills for all participants, Sciences

    Pos nine research centers, its eight chairs and its PhD Programme (Ecole Doctorale)

    foster an innovative and practically oriented educational environment. These centers

    offer continuous education to their students who benefit from the latest research

    breakthroughs in five major disciplines: economics, political science, sociology, history

    and law.

    An action-oriented pedagogy

    Sciences Pos educational project relies on teamwork, the assumption of responsibility,

    and the development of public speaking skills. By drawing from the continuity of lessons

    given to students in initial training, the training programmes encourage intellectualdebate and ability to deal with difficult situations.

    A unique place for exchanging ideas

    Animated by their exceptional network of participants, composed of experts,

    researchers and senior executives from industry, banking, consulting, media, politics,

    state institutions, high levels of civil service and non-governmental organisations these

    executive programmes constitute a unique forum of exchange for professionals from

    the private and public sectors.

    A regional and international presence

    Training sessions can take place on the site of the business or administration

    concerned, or at Sciences Po Paris, or outside Paris (Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancyor Poitiers), or outside France on the campus of one of the universities partnered with

    Sciences Po.

    Sciences Po

    Four missions: undergraduate, graduate and

    executive education; research;

    documentation and publishing

    An MPA, a preparation for ENAs (Ecole

    Nationale dAdministration) competitiveexams, a PhD programme (Ecole Doctorale)

    and a Research Master in Social Sciences

    7 500 students, of whom 2 400 are

    foreign nationals from over 40 countries

    2200 French and foreign lecturers, who

    are professionals from the private sector,

    French and European Public

    Administration and from International


    80 permanent professors

    100 visiting foreign professors

    320 researchers and research professors

    280 university partners worldwide

    15 foreign languages taught

    750 employees

    14 Executive Masters

    6 000 executive interns

    200 short seminars (1 to 6 days)

    for over 2000 businesses

    120 tailored training sessions for over

    80 businesses and organizations from

    the public and private sectors

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    Academic StaffProfessors

    Nadine Bret-Rouzaut

    At IFP School, Nadine, Professor of PetroleumExploration and Production Management, is the

    Director of the Center for Economics andManagement. She has published a reference bookOil and Gas Exploration and Production (Reserves,

    Costs, Contracts).

    Patrick Gougeon

    Patrick is a member of the Finance Department atthe ESCP-EAP European School of Management andformer director of its MBA programmes. He alsoserved as Director of the School of Management atthe Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok,Thailand (1990-1993) where programmes andresearch focused on international technology

    transfers, project finance and joint ventures.

    Emmanuel Hache

    At IFP School, Emmanuel serves as the Head of thePetroleum Economics and Management Programme -an international collaborative programme.He holds a PhD in Economics and is a specialist incommodity markets.

    Christophe Jaffrelot

    A specialist in Indian and South-East Asianinternational relations, Christophe is a research

    Director in the Centre National pour la RechercheScientifique (CNRS). From 2000 to 2008, he wasHead of Science Pos Center for International Studiesand Research. He teaches, within Sciences PosResearch Master programme, a course on Democracyand Nationalisms in South-East Asia.

    Tania Sollogoub

    Tania holds a Masters degree from Sciences PoParis, and has worked in the strategy departments ofseveral international banks. A specialist in countryrisk analysis, she worked on many other projects suchas debt restructuring, setting up subsidiaries, issuing

    bonds, etc. She teaches macro-economics atSciences Po and was a member of the jury for thecole Nationale dAdministration (ENA). Since 2007,she has been in charge of Science Pos Master infinance and strategy.Director

    Jean-Pierre Favennec (DirectorExpert)is a specialist in energy and a professor at IFP

    School. He also advises large companies in

    France and abroad and is a guest speaker

    in many conferences.

    He has published several books (Economics

    and Management of the Refining Industry,

    Energy Markets, Energy Geopolitics) and many

    articles on the technical, economic andpolitical aspects of energy.

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    Participants background

    This programme is designed for participants

    who come from around the world, who have

    full command of the English language

    (TOEFL may be required), hold a university-level degree (bachelor's or equivalent), and

    who have a significant work experience of

    approximately 10 years.

    Philosophy and Structure


    This Executive Master designed for experienced professionals from

    various sectors, sharing a common operational interest in the

    energy sector, such as bankers, manufacturers, lawyers,

    consultants, civil servants and NGO leaders.


    A synthetic, clear and prospective vision of the energy sector

    covering its technical-economic, political, geopolitical and

    environmental aspects.

    A sharp understanding of the stakeholders concerned (national

    firms, international companies, service industries, governments,

    regulatory organizations, international organizations, etc.) and the

    evolution of lateral stakes linked to energy in the form of threats andopportunities.

    The strengthening of operational skills in international contract law,

    financial analysis, management of complex projects, trading,

    leadership, and negotiation.

    At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

    understand, analyze, and anticipate political, technical-economic,

    environmental and international stakes in the energy sector

    integrate these stakes and constraints into their decision making

    (strategic economic, industrial decisions-investment)

    understand the fundamentals of project finance and trading contribute to the elaboration of public energy policies

    define the roles and interests of public and private actors involved

    practice their management activity with renewed professionalism

    Energy-related challenges areat the heart of present issues

    in our societies. Growth of demandin emerging countries, technological

    and environmental challenges, and the essentialaim of sustainable development will be your areasof concern.

    Ten years ago, energy was plentiful and cheap. Ithad become quite expensive, before the currenteconomic crisis brought about a reduction of prices.However, anyone can feel that this situation istemporary. The bulk of our energy consumption stillremains dependent upon fossil fuels. Resources arelimited, and carbon dioxide emissions provokeclimatic change.

    Energetic transition is an unavoidable must.Priorities are energy efficiency, vehicles with lowerconsumption, better insulated buildings, moreefficient industrial processes.

    The purpose of this Executive Master, calledEnergy and Global Policies, is to providespecialists and managers in the energy sector or anyrelated sector with a thorough knowledge aboutbasic mechanisms and the technical, legal, andfinancial aspects of energy. It is important thatthese elements be integrated into a political andgeopolitical context, so that participants areled to take them into account during theirdecision-making processes.

    By combining the expertise of Sciences Posprofessors on the world political scene with theexpertise of IFP School (world reknowed researchand training institute in the field of energy), theExecutive Master Energy and Global Policies is aunique think tank which providespersonalized monitoring andprofessional support in a resolutelyinternational perspective.

    Jean-Pierre FavennecProfessor at IFP School

    A wordF R O M T H E

    D I R E C T O R

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    OrganizationO F T H E E X E C U T I V E M A S T E R>



    The Executive Master Energy and GlobalPolicies is comprised of 40 days of training,divided into five seminars of eight days each:

    September 20, 2010 > September 29, 2010 November 2, 2010 > November 10, 2010 January 31, 2011 > February 9, 2011 April 4, 2011 > April 13, 2011 June 27, 2011 > July 7, 2011

    The oral defense (viva voce) of the capstoneproject will take place in September 2011.

    Courses in Paris will be held in a both SciencesPos and IFP schools campuses.

    Executive Master Programme






    & Trading





    Relations &

    Country risk


    Objective: To provide participants with a sharp

    understanding of international stakes linked to energy

    production and transport, a common source of conflict thatrequires cooperation between energy producing and energy

    consuming countries. This theme is essential to

    understanding price volatility in the energy sector. For each

    region studied (Europe, North America, South America,

    CIS, Middle East, Africa, Asia), the economic situation, the

    geopolitical context and the energy-related stakes will be



    political and economic context of the region-development factors, assets, and risks

    main characteristics: energy production andconsumption, reserves, projects, imports and links

    with source countries, exports and interdependencies mode of regulation and influence of involved players

    in the field of energy degree of openness and interdependence of these

    players the roles of private players, public companies

    and authorities market structuring country risk: sovereign risk rating,

    evaluation of political risk, role of rating agenciesand impact on financial markets

    Evaluation: individual research project on a specificregion according to economic, geopolitical and energyanalysis grids

    Objective: To master energy fundamentals at the world

    level and by source (fossil, nuclear, renewable) while

    integrating the sustainable development stakes.


    energy: definition, units and equivalences prospective analysis of energy supply and demand the oil, gas and coal markets: stakeholders, costs,

    investments, etc. electricity: production, costs and competition the investment decision in energy from an economic

    and political point of view the economic and legal tools that incite players to

    durably manage biodiversity and to limit the emissionsof greenhouse gas; and the efficient use of these tools

    the content of the Kyoto protocol and present tracks

    of reflection for after 2012Evaluation: case studies

    International Relationsand Country Risk

    2 Energy andEnvironnement

    1 2

    3 4

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    The capstone project is a small-group consultancy

    project, designed to provide a response in policy

    analysis or economic problems related to energy.

    A wide range of organizations can be involved:government agencies, regional and local authorities,

    private firms who articulate with public affairs,

    international organizations, and NGOs.

    The methods used in the capstone project draw

    not only on the methods from the Executive Master

    (both analytical and academic), but go beyond them

    to engage the students in a hands-on professional

    experience, involving experiential learning in

    a professional setting. The group experience

    is critical to this learning process. Equally criticalis the understanding of the clients needs,

    in order to achieve the appropriate definition

    of the problem to be addressed as well as the nature

    of the final product to be delivered.

    At the end of the Executive Master, each team will

    present their research in front of a jury: the target, the

    approach, the organisation of activities, the results,

    and the projects conclusions.

    This presentation will be followed by a question and

    answer period (lasting about 40 minutes) involvingthe client, the tutor, and the students.

    External participants may also be invited

    to the presentations.

    Objectives: To provide participants with the tools and

    techniques for project finance and trading (raw

    materials, oil, oil products, gas, electricity, carbondioxide) while integrating risk analysis.



    the project contractual structure and specificityof project financing

    project risk analysis and evaluation


    market mechanisms and design market instruments, hedging market players: functions, objectives and strategies


    risk mapping risk treatment (prevention, transfer and financing) post risk management (crisis management, business


    Evaluation: case studies

    4 Project Financingand Trading


    Objective: To provide participants with all the basic tools

    for a manager in economics, finance, strategy and law.



    macroeconomic contemporary issues (role of emergingcountries, US deficits, volatility of foreign exchange markets)

    industrial economics and specific issues for energymanagers


    financial analysis and planning financial instruments and policy


    strategic analysis development strategic issues in energy (asset portfolio management,

    controlling the value chain, M&A and alliances)CONTRACT LAW

    theory and practice of negotiations and pre-contractualdocuments

    international payments and international bank guarantees judicial and arbitrage strategy

    Evaluation: case studies


    Objective: To provide participants with the necessary qualities

    to play a leadership role in a globalized context.

    Content :

    team management in the context of complex projects speaking and communicating in a time of crisis optimizing management style negotiation

    Evaluation: assiduity, participation, role play, simulationexercise

    3 Business and Leadership

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    28, rue des Saints-Pres, 75007 ParisTl. : 33 (0)1 45 49 63 00 I Fax : 33 (0)1 45 49 63


    232, avenue Napolon Bonaparte, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison CedexTel. : +33 (0)1 47 52 60 00 I Fax : +33 (0)1 47 52 70


    Calendar: The Executive Master Energy andGlobal Policies is comprised of 40 days oftraining, divided into five seminars of eightdays each :

    September 20, 2010 > September 29, 2010

    November 2, 2010 > November 10, 2010

    January 31, 2011 > February 9, 2011

    April 4, 2011 > April 13, 2011

    June 27, 2011 > July 7, 2011

    The oral defense (viva voce) of the capstoneproject will take place in September 2011.

    Tuitions Fees: 25 000 tax exempt.


    IFP SCHOOLMichael Martens, co-coordinatorTel.: +33 (0)1 47 52 72 [email protected]

    Sciences PoIrina Kolotouchkina, co-coordinatorTel.: +33 (0)1 45 49 63 [email protected]


    The programme is designed for participants

    from all countries, who have full command

    of the English language (TOEFL may be

    required), hold a university-level degree

    (bachelors or equivalent) and who have a

    significant work experience (of approximately10 years).


    Candidates applying for Executive Master Energy and Global Policies in Paris must submit

    the following documents in English:

    . A completed application form

    . Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    . Two letters of recommendation

    (in sealed enveloppes)

    . Certified copies of diplomas

    and transcripts

    After the application package has been reviewed by the Admission Committee, the candidatewill be notified whether he / she will be invited for an interview at Sciences Po.

    . The Test of English as a Foreign

    Language (TOEFL) may be required

    . A non-refundable application fee

    of 120.

    Meet with us:

    Executive Masters presentations

    at Sciences Po

    March 25th, 2010,June 17th, 2010,September 16th, 2010.

    For any further information and to register

    for presentation: + 33 (0)1 45 49 63 00

    > 6:30 p.m.




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