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Ecologia Applicata S.r.l.Ecologia Applicata S.r.l. Services for EcologyServices for Ecology

Scientific Organization of Environmental ResearchScientific Organization of Environmental Research

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Ecologia Applicata s.r.l., based in Milan, has and continues to work in the ecological-environmental sector with a high level of professionality and competence.The research team and their co-workers are qualified people in their field having matured experience both in Italy and worldwide.Several of them are also engaged in research and didactics at university level.

Ecologia Applicata S.r.lEcologia Applicata S.r.l ..

Services for EcologyServices for Ecology Scientific Organization of Environmental Research Scientific Organization of Environmental Research

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Ecologia Applicata s.r.l. is able to supply services, which regard the following:

Technical-economical and administrative consultation in the environmental field for public and private Authorities

Process studies and pilot tests Chemical and biological analysis on water and sludge Reclamation of polluted areas with microorganisms which have not been

genetically manipulated Composting and humification of sludge and organic waste Toxicological tests Studies with biological indicators Biological impact studies General and detailed planning, preparation of specifications for contracts,

supervision and sewage plant works, controlled waste tips and biogas recovery Inspection of sewage plant processes Legal and technical consultation and expert survey opinions Organisation and teaching of training courses of environmental operators Eutrophication studies of sea and fresh waters

The operative group is subdivided into various sectors, each of which is activated when is activated when needed thus guaranteeing efficiency and speed in intervention.Ecologia Applicata s.r.l. has sites and equipment of its own with connected efficient laboratory for chemical biological research.

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Planning of lagoon filtered ecosystem and sewage works Bio-chemical water, sludge and waste analysis Bioremediation - reclamation of areas polluted with

microorganisms not genetically handled Projects for sewage plants and drinkable water plants for small

communities Accelerated composting processes Environmental research and feasibility studies Planning of biological systems for waste disposal of particular

rubbish and toxic waste Management and optimisation of sewage plants Organisation of professional training courses in the

environmental field Aquatic and land eco-toxicology, phytotoxology, biological

indicators and biodegradability tests

Ecologia Applicata S.r.l.Ecologia Applicata S.r.l. Services for EcologyServices for Ecology

Scientific Organization of Environmental Research Scientific Organization of Environmental Research

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Innovative Products and Innovative Products and Services in the Services in the

Environmental FieldEnvironmental Field

Ecologia Applicata S.r.l.Ecologia Applicata S.r.l.

Services for EcologyServices for EcologyScientific Organization of Environmental ResearchScientific Organization of Environmental Research

In agreement with the University of MilanIn agreement with the University of Milan


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Target of this presentationTarget of this presentation

This presentation wants to show some of the most innovative products/services in our Environmental Research Institute.

For further information, please visit: (English version available)

All attachment quoted are available upon

request at: [email protected]

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Hypolimnic Water Withdrawal and OxygenationHypolimnic Water Withdrawal and Oxygenation Operative GroupOperative Group

Plan, supervise and direct activities for an hypolimnic withdrawal (installment of pipes and suction pumps at the bottom of the eutrophic lake), with monitoring and water quality control.

We already have an extensive experienced on Varese’s Lake, Serraia’s Lake and Annone’s Lake

Ideal intervention and non-invasive for polluted lakes of medium/large dept.

TargetTarget : Governments, Regions, Municipalities on which are lakes. Europe, Asia and North America


See the attachment : GOSPIO (English and Italian version available)

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Drinkthewater™Drinkthewater™ Portable Ozone System to purify Portable Ozone System to purify polluted water polluted water ( 1200 liters/hour )( 1200 liters/hour )

A System composed by: : supply water pump + ozone reactor + water pipe contact+ tank

The Ozone produced by the new kind of generator is dissolved in the water to be purified thanks to a special injector . In few seconds it eliminate bacteria and viruses, making drinkable a previous polluted water.

Low maintenance and long-lasting system. Open possibilities for the use of solar panel and inverter ( device that transform the electric power generated by the solar panel in alternate voltage)

TargeTarget: Volunteering and/or Assistance Groups, Developing Countries, small aqueduct, Emergency Hospitals of all Europe /Africa/Asia


See the attachment:Drinkthewater ™

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Treatment and recycle of textile waste Treatment and recycle of textile waste waters rich in color and surfactants waters rich in color and surfactants

Bioflotation Technology A technology capable of treating industrial waste waters (textile)

rich in colors and surfactants. The system is based on a special injector that favor the right

environment for the biologic degradation of the substratesubstrate polluted.

The mud produced are negligible and the overall costs are competitive.

TargetTarget: textile firms, breweries of all over Europe /Middle East /North


see the attachment: Bioflotation (English and Italian version available)


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Biological System for a drastic reduction of the Biological System for a drastic reduction of the

nitrogen in nitrogen in zootechnicalzootechnical waste waters waste waters ( Pro BioAc3S)( Pro BioAc3S)

It decreases of the 80/90 % the overall nitrogen contained in zootechnical waste waters.

Plant made out of a simple idea, simple construction and maintenance for a brilliant result.

The cost of this water treatment it’s around 1 euro/cubic meter.

The ideal solution for the problem of waste spreading on agricultural fields, now limited by the EU – Nitrate Directive

TargetTarget: swine and cattle breeders from all over Europe.


See the attachment : Nitrogen Removal (English version available)

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Quick Biodegradability Test Quick Biodegradability Test

for composts or solvable substances in waterfor composts or solvable substances in water

Predictive Know-how that enable us to predict the biodegradability of simple and complex molecules.

Compared with the modern systems available on the market, it’s faster and way more sensitive ( seven days against 28 days required by other methods).

TargetTarget : Companies, Firms, Corporations ( multinational firms, middle and small-size ) that produce bases for surfactants, surfactants and surfactants formula.


See the attachment : Surfactants in textile See the attachment : Surfactants in textile

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Biodegradability Test for ecological paintBiodegradability Test for ecological paint

System to calculate the biodegradability and the overall environmental impact of a paint.

It successfully makes a ordered rank list of products and it’s able to discriminate eco-compatible paints from all others, in a measurement scale that goes from 0 up to 1000.

Possibility to create a “eco-label of environmental quality”.

TargetTarget : Firms that produce paints, varnishes, colors based on natural products

see the attachment : EcoPaint Project


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Biodegradability Test for plastic Biodegradability Test for plastic materialsmaterials

In agreement with UNI EN ISO 14855 ( Determination of the ultimate aerobicbiodegradability and disintegration ofplastic material under controlledcomposting conditions ) and/or UNI EN 13432(Requirements for pakaging recoverable thoughcomposting and biodegradation ) we makebiodegradation tests. ISO 17556 ( ground test ), ISO9439 ( water test ) and ISO 15985 ( anaerobic tests )are also available

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Bioremediation for “oil spill” Bioremediation for “oil spill” (spills of (spills of hydrocarbonshydrocarbons in the seawater ) in the seawater ) Our Research Group designed a dust-like product made of

bentonite, selected natural bacteria (NO OGM) and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphor) microencapsulated, able to transform in 24/72 hours the oil spilled in the sea in non-toxic products as fatty acids and lipids metabolized by filterer organisms.

TargetTarget : Oil Companies, Ministers of the Environment, Civil Protection, European Community, Private and Public Companies for purification of pollution.

Technical-scientific reports and videos are available upon request


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Bioremediation for hydrocarbons Bioremediation for hydrocarbons polluted soil reclamationpolluted soil reclamation

The techniques available are different, following single different kind of pollutions.

The biological technique consists in an injection of a selected natural bacteria culture (NO OGM) directly in the polluted soil.

We estimate that the average time needed to decrease the pollution and reach standards required by law (471/99 ) is about 100 days.

TargetTarget : big real estate groups, oil companies with distribution chain, owners of polluted soil

Technical-scientific reports are available upon request


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Remediation for the reclamation Remediation for the reclamation of soils polluted by chemical substances and of soils polluted by chemical substances and hydrocarbonshydrocarbons

Premises: it’s very hard standardize an intervention technique. The variables ore numerous ( granulometry and the kind of soil, how deep is the pollution, the kind of hydrocarbon, etc ).

Our proposal: probes at different depth in the ground, in which a continuous flux of water and ozone is pushed. Once this combination reaches the polluted substrate it starts an oxidation/cracking process that decompose the hydrocarbon in a simpler aggregate, less toxic and way more reclaimable.

This process allow to eliminate/transform a large part of pollution agents following legal provisions (471/99)

TargetTarget : big real estate groups,oil companies with distribution chain, owners of polluted soil

See the attachment: Easy and Cheap System for Reclamation of Polluted Soil


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MOSTIRMOSTIR( Marine Oil Spill Treatment with Innovative ( Marine Oil Spill Treatment with Innovative Remediation )Remediation )

   Special watercraft equipped with particular skimmers ( to skim oil from liquid surfaces) get close to the zone where oil was spilled and pump a mix of water and oil inside the watercrafts, where a special dynamic divisor separate water from oil.

The oil almost pure (no or little water mixed) is put in storage in special floating tanks while the water mixed with oil is treated with selected natural bacteria (NO OGM) and release back to the sea.

The special skimmer is also able also to extinguish the fire that can derive from an oil spill accident.

TargetTarget : Civil and Environmental Protection Agency of nations with national waters interested in oil trade, oil companies, ship-owners and companies that owns shipyards.

Technical-scientific reports are available in English and in Italian upon request


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Drastic reduction in bacterial charge in Drastic reduction in bacterial charge in mollusk breeding ( mussels and clams ) mollusk breeding ( mussels and clams )

The extreme needs to get to the consumer with a minimal bacterial charge and well inside the limits provided by law, makes interesting the “ozone disinfections” during the pound step (tank waiting a certain period of time).

The absence of toxic leftovers and the high level of efficiency together with competitive costs, are the main factors in competition.

TargetTarget : mollusk breeding ( mussels and clams ) around the world

There are already sites in which is possible visit those applications on There are already sites in which is possible visit those applications on mollusk breeding ( mussels and clams ) in Adriatic sea


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Drastic reduction in the overall bacterial charge Drastic reduction in the overall bacterial charge in close environments used as in close environments used as warehouse/warehouse/alimentary hold with eco-compatible hold with eco-compatible ozone gas ( OGE )ozone gas ( OGE )

The transport and storage of foodstuff that comes from Countries not yet certificated from a health-sanitary point of view makes it needed a first drastic reduction of germs either on the foodstuff surface and on the ceiling/walls/floor of the warehouse/foodstuff hold.

We have the technological skills and the operative protocols to sterilize even large and very large warehouses/holds

TargetTarget: Companies of foodstuff storage (vegetables-fruits,meat, fish), Ship-owners of intercontinental transports, Alimentary Companies with a warehouse of raw materials of finite products.

Technical-scientific reports are available


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Drastic reduction in the overall bacterial charge Drastic reduction in the overall bacterial charge in alimentary location slaughterhouses, in alimentary location slaughterhouses, meat/fish stall)meat/fish stall)

A good, easy and simple sterilization of the work-environment with eco-compatible ozone gas (OGE) decreases the overall bacterial charge, making it way more healthy and less risky the job.

We have the technological skills and the operative protocols to drastically reduce the bacterial charge on stalls ( Ozone Water Dispenser ) and work environment ( Ozone Air Dispenser )

Target Target : Foodstuff Companies that face preparation and wrap-up processes

Technical-scientific reports are available


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IBE IBE ( Extensive Biotic Index) and ( Extensive Biotic Index) and IFF (Index of Fluvial Functionality)IFF (Index of Fluvial Functionality)

The IBE is able to highlight toxic effects on a water stream using analysis on macro-invertebrate communities.

The IFF is a grade method to evaluate the ecological conditions of the fluvial environments, based on a very fast analysis of morphological, structural and biotical parameters of the ecosystem taken in account.

Together with the Analytical Chemical Monitoring those methods complete the overall ecological grade of the river

Target Target : Public and Private Entities, Firms using important water resources

Works done in the past and researches are available upon request Works done in the past and researches are available upon request


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We are able to determine the eventual toxicological potential of products, substances o mixtures solvable in water using indicator organisms such as luminescent bacteria (MicroTox), small shellfishes (Daphnia magna), fish fauna (Salmo gairdneri), seaweed (Selenastrum capricornutum), vegetables (Pisum sativum) and the bacterial respiration test (OUR Test).

Target Target : Public Firms,Companies, Corporations

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VIAVIA ( Evaluation of Environmental Impact) and ( Evaluation of Environmental Impact) and SIASIA ( Study on Environmental Impact) ( Study on Environmental Impact) The construction of important

infrastructure( buildings, freeways, motorways, railways) or of productive plants as well as changes in progress makes it needed, by law, an evaluation of eco-compatibility that analyze biotic and abiotic aspects. After a careful exam of all aspects linked with the activity analyzed is possible express a opinion on the eco-compatibility in order to define strategically possible or not the intervention.

TargetTarget : Public and Private Companies, Firms, Engineering/Architecture Studios

Law 152/06 (Environmental Law), Decree of the Council of Ministers on 07/03/2007Law 152/06 (Environmental Law), Decree of the Council of Ministers on 07/03/2007


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Planning biological wastewater treatment Planning biological wastewater treatment plants with High Technological Innovationsplants with High Technological Innovations

Latest Innovative Technologies (MBR, Bioflottation, Biological Nitrogen Removal, Microfiltration, Biological Phosphorus Removal) can be introduced in a up-to-date planning, giving a strong guarantee about very high quality standards of the water treated, at low cost.

Our 25-years experience in the field allow us to successfully solve EVERY problem related to civil or industrial waters.

TargetTarget: Public and Private Companies, Firms,

Engineering/Architecture Studios

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Optimization Process Management for Optimization Process Management for biological wastewater treatment plantsbiological wastewater treatment plants

The perfect efficiency of a biological wastewater treatment plant come from an optimal project, a substantial wastewater and a good management.

Very often it’s hard to understand the real reason of some dysfunctions (scarce or absent nitrification, denitrification, light mud, foams) that constitute obstacles and even a risk of breaking scheduled limits and/or budget plan.

Thank to our 25 years long experience in the field we are able to investigate, find out and manage the real causes of dysfunctions and remedy them with the minimum structural expenditure

TargetTarget : Public Entities and Private Companies,firms that have a biological purification plan from 10 up to 1.000.000 people

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Courses for managers of biological Courses for managers of biological wastewater treatment plantwastewater treatment plant

Since 20 years ago, we organize courses (Base and Advanced Level ) for managers of biological purification plant.

Our participants are well informed about all aspects of process and project together with all principles of an optimal maintenance.

The course presents also all practical aspects that will “thrill” participants in guided visits in important plants, and involve them in direct analytical tests thanks of a mini kit.

Target : Public and Private Firms, Companies that wants to train Plant Managers

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HeadquarterHeadquarter: Ecologia Applicata S.r.l. Via Porpora, 9 20131 Milano - Italy

PhonePhone: (+39) 02 2895978

FaxFax: (+39) 02 2871159

E-mailE-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Web siteWeb site:

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