Page 1: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter

1Ephesians - Christ and the

ChurchLesson 13

Page 2: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Peter warns in his first epistle, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1Pet. 5:8).

Page 3: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Many of us vastly underestimate the strength, cunning, and perseverance of Satan:

a. He is the prince [ruler] of the demons (Matt. 9:34);

b. He is the prince [ruler] of this world (John 14:30; 16:11);

c. He is the prince of the power of the air and the spirit that motivates the sons of disobedience (Eph. 2:2);

d. He is a murderer and a liar (John 8:44) and sinned from the beginning (1John 3:8);

Page 4: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Many of us vastly underestimate the strength, cunning, and perseverance of Satan:

e. He transforms himself into an angel of light; he has servants who transform themselves into ministers of righteousness.

f. He overcame Judas (Luke 22:3,4) and Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:3);

g. He hinders God’s people in their efforts to serve the Lord (1Thes. 2:18)

Page 5: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Understanding the strength of the devil, we can also understand the need for Christians to be strong:

a. “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” (1Cor. 16:13);

b. “ strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2Tim. 2:1);

c. “...Christ Jesus...perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you” (1Pet. 5:10);

d. “...that He would grant be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man” (Eph. 3:16).

Page 6: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Paul’s directive to the Ephesians to “be strong” would ask too much of them if help were not available to make compliance possible.

• In light of the inequalities between Satan’s capabilities and our own, Paul’s final admonition to the Ephesian saints is, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”

Page 7: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Although our personal defenses against the “wiles” of the devil are inadequate to resist him successfully, there are several actions that can be taken to assure a victorious opposition to his attacks against our faith.

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Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

a. Put on the whole armor of God (verse 11).

5. We must wear the helmet of salvation.

6. We must take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

b. Wrestle against the spiritual hosts of wickedness (verse12).

1. Our struggle is not confined to physical foes.

2. These adversaries of the truth are spiritual, numerous, wicked, and situated in the heavenly “places”:

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Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

c. Stand (verse 13)

d. Pray always (verse 18)

e. Be watchful and persevere (verse 18)

f. Pray for all the saints (verse 18)

Page 10: 1 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Lesson 13. 2 Ephesians - Christ and the Church Chapter Six... Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints Peter


Ephesians - Christ and the Church

•Chapter Six...

•Verses 10-20 - The Church - God’s Secure Saints

•Tychicus, a “beloved and faithful minister in the Lord,” was to bear the epistle to the church at Ephesus from Rome.

•Tychicus would also be able to give a personal report of Paul’s circumstances as he was being held prisoner by Rome.

•Paul’s closing was typical and wished for peace, love, faith, and grace to be God’s bounty to them as they continued to display love and sincere commitment to Jesus Christ.

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