

Technical Information Access Center Technical Information Access Center National Science & Technology Development Agency

111 1PhaholyothinRoad,Klong 12120KlongLuang Pathumthani

- -Tel: 66(0)2564 7000 # 1237 1242 -66 0 25647060Fax: ( )


National Science & Technology Development Agency(NSTDA)




D ocu m en tD e live ry

R esearch

Tra in in g

L ib ra ry

L ib ra ry/In fo rm ation


W eb s ite

S ys tem m g m t

e-p u b lica tion s

D atab ase d ev

K n ow led g eM an ag em en t

D atab ases

B ooksh op

P rin tin gP ress

P u b lica tion s

P erson n e l

B u d g e tin g

A d m in is tra tion

TIA C2 0 0 3


St r at egi c mi ssi on 2003 Management of the NSTDA knowledge and lea

rning center to serve the information need of r esearchers, scientists, industrialists,educators ,politicians, students and the public with accur

ate, timely and efficient information through p hysical and virtual libraries with links to share r

esources from the global information networks Development of Thai research databases need

ed for planning Thailand national science and t echnology policy

Initiation of national science digital library by i ntegrating library, archive and museum to ser

ve as national union catalog of science and tec hnology documents on the Web


TIAC’s Activities and Services

1 . Online Databas e Sear chi ng

2. Document Deli ver y Ser vi ce

3 . S & T journals Libr ar y

4 . Seminar & Traini ng

5. Database Develoooooo


1. Online Database Searching - TIAC provides fee based information searching from local

international and online database mainly: Dialog corporation(TM), Lexis/Nexis(TM), STN International(TM).

Online database service is also available in bibliographic and full text format.


2. Document Delivvvv vvvvvvv TIAC is member of several international suppliers:

-the British Library, Dialog Corporation, NRC/CISTI Canada - - and NACSIS NII/Japan. We provide a fee based one stop

service for customers who need fast information from local and fromoverseas sources.


3. &S T journavv vvvvvvv TIAC is a main library of NSTDA vvvv vv vvv vvvvvvv v v vvv, .

scribe to over 500 Thai & foreivv vvvvvvvv vv vvv vvvvv vv vvvvvvvv

ology, material science, electr onic & computer, and S&T poli

cy .


4. Seminars and Training TIAC’s seminars and training for professional informationworkerswhoneed tobrushupand to

keep up with the fast ICT world and the digital libraries. Field works for librarian & information Science and

computer science students in Thailand each year approximately 10 institutions.


5. Database devel opment

TIAC is the first database pro ducer to have incorporated

the theses of 48 universities in Thailand. Thai thesis

database provides bibliograp hic information including

abstracts in Thai and English. The complete database

is from1974 topresent ,with con tinuousupdates. Searchsoftwar

- e is full textandusedThai techn ology. TIAC also contracted topr - oduceCD ROMdatabases forgov



-TIAC print and e Publications -1. TIAC E Newsletter

2. (Punyawut TIAC occasional pa oooooooo)

3 20. Library Information Services 00 1( st edition)

-4. Annual bibliometric Indicators sooooooooo oooooooo oooooo:

5. Dublin Core Metadata Implemeooooooo oooooo

6. &Science Technology Activitieo ooo oooo


TIAC Cooperation and Networks

1. Thai Thesis Network 2. Thai Research Database. 3. Journal Link 4. Thai Library Association

ooo oooo oooooooooooo oooo5

o ooooooo oooooooooooo o6 .ooooo ooo oooo -ooooooo oooooo ooooo o(etwork/UNESCO)

://.. .


1. Thai thesis database : free- web based index to Thai theses (

all Thai universities bibliographic list in Thai/English)


TIAC’s website presents


2. TIAC TOC provides free keyword searchable of 500 + science & technology journals in Thai and English,

vvv vvvv vvvvvvvv vvv vvvvvvvvv vvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv .


3 . vvv v v-vvv vvvvvvv for TIAC m - embers, a monthly e mail delivery

of Thailand foreign news headlines , contributed articles, a list of new j

ournals and books, seminar/trainin g programs and recommended we b sites.

- Visit TIAC E Newsletter at


4. Current Awareness Service . Monthly web updates featuring b

rief news related to the internatio nal science and technology event



Current Awareness

16% (14,348)

Web Access

43% (37,408)Circulation

4% (3,156)


4% (3,904)

Document Delivery


24% (21,387)

Online Searching

2% (1,698)

Library Service

7% (5,737)

Library Service Online Searching Document Delivery Service Reference

Circulation Web Access Current Awareness

TIAC Services 2002


TIAC Resources 2002


69% (25,773 issues)

Dialog corporation


STN International

1% (200 databases)



(5,600 databases)

Thai database

0% (8 databases)Book

12% (4,470 items)

Journal Dialog corporation STN International Lexis/Nexis Thai database Book


Research and innovation Search engine for multiple language data

bases Library management software for small a

nd medium size libraries Standards for electronic documents: Dubli

n Core Metadata Element Set, XML, ICT terminology

- E learning on Information literacy for user s in S&T and SMEs business

Marketing of information service


Soci al contr i but i on - CD ROM database of Royal Junior E

ncyclopedia in commemoration of H.M. the King’s Golden Jubilee

Library software for Wat Pra Ram IX Computer training project for inmat

es, under the patronage of Her Roy al Highness Princess Maha Chakri Si



TI AC i s Dubl i n Cor e Met adat a I

ni t i at i ve i n Thai l and DC.ชื่��อเรื่��อง<Title> DC. เจ้�าของ

งาน<Creator> DC. ลั�กษณะ

<Description> DC. หั�วเรื่��อง <Subject> DC. สำ�าน�กพิ�มพิ� <Publish

er> DC. ผู้��รื่ วมงาน <Contrib

utor> DC. ปี" <Date>

DC. ปีรื่ะเภท <Type> DC. รื่�ปีแบบ <Format> DC. รื่หั�สำ <Identifier> DC. ต้�นฉบ�บ <Source> DC. ภาษา <Language> DC. เรื่��องท)�เก)�ยวข�อง <Rel

ation> DC. ขอบเขต้

<Coverage> DC. สำ�ทธิ� <Rights>

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