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VALUES EDUCATIONHi dear colleagues. Welcome to our online meeting. This

webinar is for introducing ourselves and giving some information and details about our Project. And also we are going to make competitions of our logos and posters for the Project. We are going to choose the best logo and poster. We are going to vote them via «Kahoot».This is my first online/live event that I organized so if there is mistake, please forgive me. My name is İlkay ÇEKİRDEK. I am an English teacher at a high school from Antalya / Turkey. And the other founder of the Project is Lina BONATESTA from Italy. We are pleased to see all here.

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VALUES EDUCATIONFirst of all, I should say that this Project duration is between

October and May. In our century ethic values are gaining importance and are needed. My start point of the Project is to raise awareness and gain exemplary behavior to our students.So we started this Project and thanks a lot to all. Cause a lot of colleagues were interested in our Project. Now we are going to talk about monthly activities of the ProjectFirstly last month, I mean, in October we made presentations of school-city-country. Also created eTwinning boards and posters of our Project. Like all other projects the first activity is this and we completed our first mission.

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The key issues of our project are Tolerance, Empathy, Amity, Love, Respect and Sedulity. These values create difference in human life. Values education is the most important issue in terms of human life and happiness. In our century these values are getting lost rapidly. In order to protect and keep alive these values, every individual of the society has to contribute. As educators, we should guide our students about these values. We will teach and organize activities of values education. We will do these activities monthly and share.

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OUR PROJECT AIMS1-Guiding students to see importance of values in education.2- Canalizing them to act according to ethic values.3- Raising awareness of values education.4- Communicating each other among peers Europe wide.5- Improving their English6- Encouraging the students to become sample individuals.7- Increasing their motivation, creativity and success. 8- Sharing sample behaviors to each other.

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VALUES EDUCATIONThis month , on November, we are

going to work out doing activities about TOLERANCE Value. In this Activity we can work in three relationship. Children-Teachers-Parents

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VALUES EDUCATIONThis month we and our students are going to do activities about Tolerance

Value like «DRAMA – SHORT PLAYS – POEM – MUSIC- ART (DRAWING PICTURE – HANDCRAFTS)…You will record your activities and share on twinspace. Meanwhile I suggest that you should mention about «MEVLANA» in your activities. Because at the end of the Project in the label application process we can apply to «MEVLANA PRIZE FOR INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING»,if we get European Quality Label. It is important.And also you can mention about «Yunus Emre, Atatürk and other national and international well-known characters who are relevant to the values in all activities.Also you should prepare wallboard and school bulletin in your own schools and may be you can disseminate your activities to your local and national institutions.

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Meanwhile let me show our Project Twinspace. I think all of you know how to use twinspace and pages. When we want to upload images / videos / files we will click «MATERIALS» and create our own albums and files for our schools. Now let’s have a look at «PAGES». I created Project pages for you. I don’t want you to create pages for your own schools. Instead of this I uploaded PADLETs for every activity on the pages. You should share your works there.

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VALUES EDUCATIONFirstly you should create your own padlet for every activity. I mean each

partner creates a padlet and upload all their works about the activity and then shares their padlet link into the main padlet that I created on the pages. For sharing their padlet, you should double-click anywhere on the space of the main padlet, write own name-school and city name. Then click (+) icon at the bottom of the box that appeared when you double-click. And copy-paste your own padlet link then one click on the space. When necessary, you can edit or delete your Works from the right top of the box. It is OK.Finally I say that there is only one main padlet for every activity on pages. In main padlet there is one padlet per each partner. You may want to do and share a lot of Works, by means of this way you can share a lot of things on one padlet but there is no mess and pages will be tidy and regular. At the end of the Project while our national agencies are examining our Works and pages, it will be easy and bring good point.

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VALUES EDUCATIONI suggest following the «Project Journal» and

«Teacher Bulletin» and also our facebook group. We should be in contact and keep in touch, too. Meanwhile please don’t forget to add your students into the Project as members. In order to add your students you will click «MEMBERS» and click «INVITE MEMBERS» then click «PUPILS». After that you will write your students’ names and passwords and then bring these passwords to your students in order to enter twinspace.

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VALUES EDUCATIONYou can download your students’ list and their passwords in

Excel format clicking «EXPORT INVITED PUPILS» on «MEMBERS» page.

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VALUES EDUCATIONNow as teachers we are going to choose poster and logo for our Project. I am

going to use «KAHOOT» for this. I want you to use your mobile phone and write to your browsers then click. I am running the kahoot survey that I have prepared before. Now you will see a PIN Code on screen. Please write this code on your mobile phone screen and then write a nickname then enter. Now we are waiting for all. If you are ready, I will start the survey. First we are going to vote the posters and then logos.Before starting, I should say the rules. You will see the pictures and partner names on the computer screen. And also you will see «YES» and «NO» with the geometric symbols in different colours. On your phone screen you will see only the different coloured symbols. If you like, click «YES» and if you don’t like, click «NO». In the end we will see the winner who gets the most «YES». OK Let’s start.

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I would like to congratulate the winners. I think we talked everything about the activity of this month. Following months we are going to do meetings again for other activities. In future we can select the best applications or Works for each activity.Do you have any questions? Later whenever you want, you can write me.Thank you very much for joining the meeting and listening to me. As a result I would like to say that all of us hope and want to do perfect jobs and get the European Quality Labels. I believe in that. Because we are a good team and will do our best. Dear colleagues thank you very much.Good evening. Hope to see you again and wish good luck to everyone.

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