Page 1: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state?

• agora

• ostrakon

• acropolis

• polis

Page 2: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

2. Who was the Greeks' chief god?

• Hera

• Poseidon

• Zeus

• Athena

Page 3: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

3. What was the name of the group that voted to determine government

policy in ancient Athens?• Assembly

• Senate

• Agora

• Symposium

Page 4: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

4. Who could be a citizen of Athens?

• anyone who was born in Athens

• any male adult

• any male or female who had at least on Athenian parent

• any male adult who was not a slave and had two Athenian parents

Page 5: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

5. The Greek epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey

were attributed to ...• Homer

• Symposium

• Plato

• Aristides

Page 6: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

6. What was the main rival of Athens?

• Carthage

• Sparta

• Olympia

• Peloponnesia

Page 7: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

7. What was most important to Spartans?

• military ability

• debating skills

• artistic ability

• shipbuilding

Page 8: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

8. How did the Olympic Games begin?

• as a way to avoid military service

• as punishment for captured enemies

• as a funeral service for a king

• as a religious festival to honor Zeus

Page 9: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

9. Why was the Delian League established by

Greek city-states?• to battle the Peloponnesian League led by

the Spartans

• to prepare for the growing conflicts of the Peloponnesian War

• to establish a community education program for Athenian youth

• to defend themselves against any future Persian invasions

Page 10: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

10. What was an important Greek building, a temple to

honor Athena, called?• Acropolis

• Coliseum

• Lyceum

• Parthenon

Page 11: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

11. Who won the Peloponnesian War?

• Peloponesia

• Sparta

• Athens

• Rome

Page 12: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

12. What is the Socratic method?

• a question-and-answer system of learning

• a way of electing members of the Assembly

• a military strategy

• another term for the jury system

Page 13: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

13. For Plato, one of the goals of philosophy was to

find ...• the explanations for natural

phenomena, such as lightning.

• the culprits responsible for the unjust death of Socrates.

• secrets of the future in the stars.

• the perfect forms of life in the ideal state.

Page 14: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

14. What areas did Alexander the Great

conquer?• Western Europe

• Asia all the way to China

• Greece, Persian Empire, the Middle East

• all of Africa above the equator

Page 15: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

15. What was Rome's chief governing body?

• Assembly

• Acropolis

• Senate

• Supreme Court

Page 16: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

16. Which of the following did Hannibal not do during

the Second Punic War?• raid Saguntum

• attack Rome by land

• trek across the Alps

• sail across the Mediterranean Sea to Italy

Page 17: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

17. For what is Julius Caesar remembered?

• being a great general

• craving power no matter what the cost

• starting a civil war in Rome

• all of the above

Page 18: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

18. Why is Caesar Augustus considered one of

Rome's greatest leaders?• He enlarged the Roman Empire by

conquering Gaul.

• He established peace that lasted for a long time.

• He made Christianity a legal religion.

• all of the above

Page 19: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

19. What was the Pax Romana?

• the long period of peace in the Roman Empire

• the words placed on public buildings in ancient Rome

• the motto of the Delian League

• the highest rank in the Roman army

Page 20: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

20. Who were Sophocles, Euripedes, and Aeschylus?

• the most famous Spartan generals in the Peloponnesian War

• the major Athenian dramatists

• the Roman consuls appointed by Julius Caesar

• the heroes at the battle of Thermopylae

Page 21: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

21. Which of the following was most important to

Aristotle?• truth

• warfare

• wealth

• equality

Page 22: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

22. What did the Edict of Milan do?

• made Caesar a god

• ended the Punic Wars

• made Latin the official language of the Roman Empire

• made Christianity a legal religion in the Roman Empire

Page 23: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

23. What do followers of Allah and students of the Koran (Qu'ran. believe in?

• Greek Orthodoxy

• Islam

• Christianity

• Judaism

Page 24: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

24. What did the eastern part of the Roman Empire

become?• the Byzantine Empire

• Ostrogothia

• Phoenicia

• the Visigoth Empire

Page 25: 1. What was the ancient Greek word for city-state? agora ostrakon acropolis polis

25. What are the White House, Capitol, and

Jefferson Memorial based on?• Roman and Spanish architecture

• Byzantine architecture

• Greek and Turkish architecture

• Greek and Roman architecture

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