Page 1: 10 October 29 bulletin

Sabbath School

Old Testament

Faith! Galatians 3:13

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Ray Thompson

Musician: Jonathan B Praise Leader: Max & Juliana

Next Week: Super: Alex Golovenko Music: Marlyn Topper Praise: Teens

Worship Hour Song and Praise…………………………………….………………..Pat Carter

Opening Song………………No.245…………………More About Jesus

Intercessory Prayer…………………………………………….Gord Rayner

Praying for Missing members/Passion for witnessing Next Week Praying for First Nations

Offering Appeal…...........NAD Evangelism……………Don Topper

Children Story……………………………………………………………Puppets

Special Music…………………………………………………………Friendship

Scripture Reading……………..Romans 12:1-2…………Dale Beckles

Sermon “Great Expectations” Pastor Rod Davis

Closing song............No.335............What a Wonderful Saviour

Benediction.....................................................Cameron Munro

Sunset this Sabbath 6:23 pm Next week 6:14 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: [email protected]

Announcements 1. Pathfinders are meeting tomorrow morning at Church, 10 am.

Groups will work on Christian Heritage assignments. Chris Bassaragh will conduct a drill training.

2. All church volunteers must be trained and certified for compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), which takes effect January 1, 2012. Next Sunday, November 6, 1-3 pm Ontario Conference leadership will conduct specialized training for churches of Western Ontario in the St.Thomas church fellowship hall. If you are leading a department, volunteering your services for our church, please set this time to attend this important training. It is a mandatory training for all Conference employees (Administrators, Directors, Pastors, Bible Instructors, Principals, Teachers, Teachers’ Aids and Support Staff), as well as key volunteers (Elders, Deacons, Sabbath School Division Teachers, Greeters, school Teachers’ Assistants, school and church secretaries/receptionists).

3. Church Citrus Fruit Fund Raiser The citrus fruit season has begun. First order is due by Nov.1, 2011. Kindly help in promoting this fund raiser at your workplace, in your neighbourhood, and among friends, by taking a few flyers’s to distribute, share, or post in a public place. Flyer's are in the front entrance. Your ministry begins with a conversation.

4. Elders meeting will take place Monday night, October 31st starting at 6:30 pm at our church. The main agenda is church life and worship calendar planning for 2012.

5. Youth Revival with Chris Bassaragh continues! Teens are bringing their peers to church, fellowshipping and witnessing of the Truth in Jesus we believe! Three meetings more – Sunday, Wednesday & Friday. Connect the youth and young adults to the church family!

6. The AV Department now has a Radio frequency for the hearing inpared. For info please speak to AV personael.

7. Prophecy Seminar, coming November 18-26. Pastor Golovenko will present the comprehensive view on End Times Events from the Bible. Bring your friends and witness your faith. Invite people you had been ministering to this past year. Participate in this harvest week of soul winning!

8. Week of Prayer “Saving Grace – the Heart of Adventism” is on November 5-12. Elders will be leading every night time of devotion and prayer, starting 7 pm. For more details see the schedule in the November Newsletter. This is our annual time to prepare our hearts before the “harvest” week as we pray for souls to be won into God’s Kingdom.

9. For the benefit of those who cannot be with us in person, our programs are video recorded and web broadcast.

10. Fall Evangelism Plans: November 5-12 – Week of Prayer, nightly at 7 pm. November 18-26 pastor Alex Golovenko offers “Prophecy Seminar” unfolding Daniel & Revelation to understand today’s events. Pray for this work of harvest. Plan your schedules and bring friends. More details will be communicated by next week.

11. 2011 is the Year of Mission. November 12th at 6 pm pastor Alex will continue the teaching on Mission “The Universe Next Door” – what it means to live in a Global Village. In December we will conclude the class with look at people groups in London, Ontario, both reached and unreached, and how we as a church community could creatively communicate the Gospel. Remember, Mission is not an optional for a healthy Adventist church.

12. We now have seven people who have passed the Food Handlers Certification Course. Congratulations to Gord Rayner, Kathy Rayner, Gene Bernardo, Nathan Dowdell, Grace Dowdell, Mayfair Appiagyei, and Beatrice Kasule! At least one of these persons will be in attendance whenever food is being served at church sponsored events. We ask for your cooperation and support as our food handlers will have suggestions and instructions regarding safety issues. Please follow their instructions without being defensive, as they have taken specialized training and I am sure we all have some areas where we can improve.

13. Kingsview Village Church youth will be joining us next Sabbath, November 5th and we will be hosting a general potluck to welcome them to our church. Please plan to bring extra food for our guests as well as our families. (This potluck will replace the one originally scheduled for November 12th). Please bring an item from the section of the first letter of your last name. Feel free to bring additional items from any category. A-C Salad/Raw vegetables D-F Brea d/Bun, G-I Main course/Casserole, J-M Cooked vegetable/Soup, N-R Dessert/ Fruit, S-Z Drink/Juice.

14. There have been a few requests to show the movie Forks Over Knives again. This movie will be shown on Sunday December 4th 2011. We will again offer the dinner and movie for $10.00 or just the movie for $5.00. The dinner will start at 5:30 PM and the movie will start at 7:00 PM. This movie gives documented proof of what lifestyle changes can accomplish. The main presenters are:Dr. T. Colin Campbell "The China Study" and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn "The Cleveland Clinic".If you are planning on attending the dinner and movie please call Gord & Kathy at 519-472-6066 or email [email protected] There is already a number of community people coming, this is your opportunity to share with them.

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15. Hayseed Social and LACA Fundraiser: We are planning a great evening for all the London churches and school family TONIGHT Saturday evening, October 29th. The evening will start with a 6 PM program by our school, followed by a haystack supper ($5 per person, $20 for a family of 6 maximum), and games to round out the evening. So hunt out your jeans and overalls or any pioneer country costume and come on down to the Glen Cairn Elementary School for an evening of old fashioned fun. Glen Cairn Elementary School is located at 53 Frontenac Rd.

16. Membership Update. Second reading:

Transfers IN: Kirmane and Anniekay Allen, from Toronto West SDA Church Transfer OUT: Tess Rooney, to St. Thomas SDA Church

17. Financial Report (select brief highlights): Yearly Budget.........................$ 44,200

Budget needed by the end of September $ 33,150

Budget collected by August 31.........$ 30,288

Shortfall..........................$ 2,862

Giving into the Conference Treasury:

Ontario Advance contributions.........$ 1,527

Church Building Investment Fund.......$ 205

Sabbath School Mission................$ 2,420

Other Conference projects.............$ 2,867


18. Church Board decision from October 17: - Adjustment to Budget Allocations will be made. Number of Departmental

Directors who have sufficient funds to continue their ministries volunteered to freeze Budget allocation to their departments for the last quarter of the year as follows: AV, Children, VBS, Women, Health, Elders, Prayer, Personal Ministries, Bereavement, Worship, Music & Social Life. Same percentage will continue to be allocated for Evangelism, Community Services, School Subsidy, Adventurers and Youth. The released Budget funds will be made available to reduce deficit in following: Sabbath School, Insurance, Cleaning/Janitorial, Grounds & Snow removal, Communications, Web/Internet, Library, NCD, Men, Pathfinders.

- Ministry directors contributing to various aspects of worship are to give support to recommendations made by the Worship Committee to emphasise preparation by participants, to keep the timing to 90 min, and to communicate any changes to either pastor or elders on roster duty for specific Sabbath. Worship is not to be a “show and tell” programming, and must serve as an inspiration to motivate members and visitors for life of ministry.

Happy Birthdays Oct 29 Johanna Grier Nov 3 Sandra Dicker

Oct 30 Mark Ferreira Nov 4 Phillip Ferreira

Nov 1 Raul Anzora Jr. Nov 6 Brad Knox

Nov 2 Justin Dowdell Nov 7 Connie Wilbee

Praying for the World Project This coming week we will be praying for: Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia,

Bosnia More Bible Reading Plans are available at the prayer room and at the Communion Table. Please read the Bible as the necessary personal step toward revival!

This coming week we will pray every day for a different country, again with

overwhelming differences in exposure to the Gospel and Adventist message. Today – Belgium – a country with small Adventist presence. Mostly urban

population. Brussels is the capital of European Union and NATO. The country is in the top 20 developed countries in the world. Yet even here there are ethnic clashes. Walloon-Flemish rivalry and resentments affect the use of language, the economy, politics, religious life and worldviews of both communities. Significant influx of Muslim immigration presents new challenges where 25% of this “Christian Heritage” country is unreached by the Gospel.

Sunday we lift in prayer Belize. A small population, size of London city proper, has over 35,000 Adventists. That’s one in every 9, higher than Jamaica! Yet here too are challenges: the Spanish-speaking immigrants with their superstitions, the Mayans with their underlying paganism and the Garifuna with their black magic all need a culturally relevant and sensitive presentation of the true gospel.

Monday – Benin, a small African country, in the 20 least developed economies. Adventist presence is relatively small. Largest percentage of people following traditional tribal animism. Muslim tribes are also unreached.

Tuesday – the richest Caribbean country – Bermuda. Immigration from poorer Caribbean countries creates disparity. Pray for practical righteousness of believers, where about 6% of population are Adventists.

Wednesday – Bhutan. Known as the land of the Dragon (Druk Yul) it is one of world’s least evangelized nations where a Buddhist monarchy further reinforces the hold of tantric magic, complete with the strong occultic influence of pre-Buddhist Bon animism. Christian believers suffer persecution or social ostracism.

Thursday – Bolivia, where almost 1% of people are Adventists. Their claim to access the ocean through Chile, and the tension between white elite and natives in regions rich with gas create volatile politics. Pray for peace within and around Bolivia.

Friday – Bosnia. A Muslim European country where civil war in the 90s made deep wounds is in the process of recovery. Adventist presence is very small, in percentage similar to Belgium. It is also concentrated among the Serbian minority. Pray for ethnic reconciliation and relational bridges to be open for the Gospel.

All these are God’s harvest field, for which the labourers are needed. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to make you a labourer!

In service of the Great Shepherd, pastor Alex Golovenko





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Sabbath, October 29, 2011 805 Shelborne Street, London, ON. N5Z 5C6

Pastor: Alex Golovenko (519) 281-9706 [email protected]

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