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These rules help us to walk on the road to true freedom!

Freedom Of Life # 2

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True freedom is something that many in our world yearn for. But how does one define freedom? For every one of us we could probably come up with a whole range of things that would imply freedom. Freedom of thought. Financial freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom of expression. Here are 10 rules that are essential as you travel along the road to true and liberated freedom.

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Rule # 1 : Change what you can changeIf you want to change your life, there is only one person who can make the difference. You. Sorry about that, but the buck stops with you. You are solely responsible for the outcome of your own life. If you want to change your life then you are going to have to make the necessary adjustments required to do so. But first, identify exactly what you want to change. When you have, write it down.

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Set a goal, set a date for its achievement and you are more than half way there. Now DO the plan, step by step, always knowing that with each step you take you are one step closer to reaching your desired target.

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Rule # 2 : Dream what you can dreamYour positives must always outweigh your negatives if you are ever going to fulfill the desires of your heart. It is the fuel in your tank. It is the big umbrella that protects you from the sudden storms. It is your refuge. It is your strength. It is your fire. It is your reason. It will be the pulse of your heart. It will be your anchor in the storm. It will be the map to guide you and rudder to steer you.

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It must be BIG so that no matter whatlife throws at you, you will stand strongbecause you know for certain why you

have been placed on planet earth.

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Rule # 3 : Believe what you can believeBelieve and you will. Disbelieve and you will not. But how do you develop that belief? we mustall nurture our belief, because there are many thieves who would seek to steal it from us timeand time again throughout our life. You must be your greatest fan. You must take time each day to pat yourself on your back and reward yourself.

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Don’t neglect this vital part of your belief system. Indulge a little and rerun your past successes through the cinema of your mind. It will make all the difference.

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Rule # 4 : Be what you can beYou are an original. When you were created, the mould was thrown away. So don’t allow peer pressure to formulate the ‘you’ that you need to become. Be you and be proud of who you are. No movie star, no advertising campaign, no fashion and no one should ever be allowed to influence the originality of the creation that is you.

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You are you, and for that reason, and for that reason alone, you must maintain a constant vigil to maintain your personal originality.

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Rule # 5 : Build what you can buildA lifetime is the result of quality time that has been devoted to the building of a life. One minuteyou’re born, the next moment you’re dead. What’s left between the birth and the death is time; your lifetime. So waste not the minute, sacrifice not the second. Treat each one as a precious diamond that has been handed to you for your safekeeping. Don’t bury it in the ground. Use it.

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Transform the rough diamond into a piece of incredibly valuable jewelry, which will bring gasps of delight from those who get to see your life. Add value to what has been handed to you, by leaving a lasting legacy.

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Rule # 6 : Learn what you can learnHumility will keep you safe from thinking that you know everything. Those who think they know everything have failed to recognize one thing. They have just become stupid. Yes, there is not one of us on the face of the earth, no matter how much study we have done, who does not need to learn something new.

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Your teacher may not necessarily be found within great centers of learning. At times a child will be your teacher. At other times nature will instruct you. And

then there will be other periods when the silence of solitude will tutor you.

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Rule # 7 : Lead whom you can leadFind a good leader and follow them. For in your following you will learn much that will equip you until you yourself are ready to lead. And in your leading be good. And what is a good leader? One who nurtures other potential leaders and does not seek to hold them back, but in fact pushes them forward.

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This leader does not bind people in chains. They are not tyrants.

They are not dictators. They are liberators. And when another

leader has been borne under their care, they encourage them to soar.

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Rule # 8 : Succeed where you can succeedIf you failed, then simply say, ‘I failed’. Then move on. Rather than wasting precious time in search for an original excuse, or someone to blame, make up your mind once and for all that the buck stops with you. That way you will have plenty of time to focus on the next mountain that you have to climb. Try, learn and pursue your dream.

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Talk to other failures. Yes, the failures who are now millionaires.

Because in the vast majority of cases, the reason that they are

where they are is because they’ve dared to fail more than most.

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Rule # 9 : Do what others won’t doIt’s quite simple really. If you don’t want to live like the 95% who battle through life, then do exactly the opposite to what they do on a daily basis. And while you’re at it, seek out the 5% who live better and richer lives in every area of their life and make them your mentors and friends. Then do more than the average.

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Read more. Invest more. Develop good habits. Talk positivewords. Dream HUGE dreams. Write your goals and refer tothem daily. Become a person of action and back your wordswith performance. Stand out from the crowd.

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Rule # 10 : Choose what you can chooseChoose to win or choose to lose. It’s your choice. You are the author and controller of every decision you make. And in order to live a successful life, you need to always choose to win. However, if you dohappen to lose, draw from the experience the necessary ingredients that will help you to overcome the obstacles ahead. There may be a need to take some time out to reflect, but don’t neglect.

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Reinforced with insight and wisdom, arm yourself afresh with renewed action. For it is in the act that there will be the greatest impact.

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Take your time in reading them. Inwardly digest them. Chew on them. Be challenged by them. Don’t discard them, but simply ask yourself ‘what are the inspiring rules I have just learned’ Once you have read them, start moving forward. It’s your life, so decide what you want to do, leap the fence and go do it.

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Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn

We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.  ~William Faulkner

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