  • 5/24/2018 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the 20th Century (and Beyond) in English - slid...


    82Weekend Edition April 4-6, 2014

    A CounterPunch Reading List

    100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the 20th Century (and Beyond) in English


    As the clock click ed down on the arriva l of the new millennium, Alex and I were bemused at the spate of 100 best of the century lists pouring forth from the New York

    Times, the New Yorker, Salon, the Guardian and other liberal publications. The lists were predictable and not many of the entries remained on our groaning shelves. So

    we decided to compile our own catalogue of the best books written in English and, later translated into English, during the 20 thCentury. We spent weeks whittling it

    down to roughly 100 titl es for each. These became reading lists for like-minded CounterPunchers and proved two of the most popular pieces wed ever run on the

    website, even pricking the interest of many librarians who were forced to confront the gaps in their own collections.

    Over the decade, those pages were up on the site they attracted well-over two million unique visitors. Then disaster struck . During the Great Transformation of theCounterPunch website to a Word Press platform, those lists were mangled beyond recognition. I remember calling Alex and t elling him to cautiously look at the

    wreckage. He clicked on the page, gasped and even sniffled a bit. Its the burning of the Alexandria library all over again! he quipped. Neither of us had the energy

    to recreate the lost pages.

    Since then weve received many pleas to resurrect those lists, the most recent coming from an old pal of ours whose book had earned a spot in the top 100. Finally, I

    relented. I spent the last couple of weeks reviewing the entries and some old email exchanges with Alex about books that we both admired, which had been published

    in the intervening years. So we now present once again our 100 best non-fiction books published in English in the 20 thcentury (with a few important additions), along

    with the introduction we wrote for our book Serpents in the Garden. (The translated books will follow.)

    Jeffrey St. Clair

    Serpents in the Garden

    We edit CounterPunch, the popular radical website and magazine. We have fun doing it and we spend a lot of time laughing, as we chat on the phone between Petrolia, in

    Humboldt County, northern California, and Oregon City, Oregon, perched over the Clackamas River, a few hundred miles north across the Siskiyous, in a whole differentweather sys tem.

    In the Sixties and Seventies, respectively, we both read English at college, Cockburn at Oxford, St. Clair at American University. English is a discipline that says, or used to

    say before the critical theorists seized power and put pleasure to the s word, that its okay to enjoy reading books and okay to put off more or less permanently what youre

    going to do when you grow up: yet another definition of being a journalist or pamphleteer. We both like the blues and food and theres a lot about both in CounterPunch.

    We both think that a big part o f being radical in the best sens e of the word is in enjoying, promoting, defending art and the s pirit of freedom and p leasure and craft skills

    embodied by the arts. By the quality of life, art and freedom that radicals commend, so will radicals prevail.

    You want to know where we stand? A few years ago we as ked ourselves, and some friends , what we would include in the hundred bes t non-fiction books in the original

    English, published in the twentieth centurymore or less. The library wed send to other planets, or to George W. Bush (although we know Laura the Librarian is doing her

    bes t) Then we asked ourselves and our friends about books in trans lation and music and films. But more of that later.

    Culture, music, art, architecture and sex. In the sixties the right thought the left had the bes t drugs and the bes t sex.Now? Well, the left sort of won that battle. These

    days the right knows its okay to have a good time and s neers at the left for staying at home to read up on theories of s urplus value. But there are always s ubversive and

    revolutionary perspectives to be enjoyed in the Garden of Eden. And in the battle to return to that delightful piece of real estate, there were heroes thus far unsung, manyof them writers. For every pleasure we enjoy, theres a martyr in our past who paid the price.

    Now for that read ing list, so you can get acquainted with us.

    AC / JSC

    April, 2004

    Edward Abbey: Desert Solitaire: a Season in the Wilderness

    Louis Adamic: Dynamite: A Century of Class Violence in America, 1830-1930.

    Philip Agee: Inside the Company: CIA Diary

    Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa & Murray Silverstein: A Pattern Language: Towns, Building and Construction

    Michelle Alexander: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colored-Blindness

    Jack Anderson: Confessions of a Muckraker: The Inside s tory of Life in Washington During the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Years

    Kenneth Anger: Hollywood Babylon

    Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerus alem: A Report on the Banality o f Evil

    David Arora: Mushrooms Demystified: A Guide to the Fleshy Fungi

    James Baldwin: The Devil Finds Work

    Reyner Banham: Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies

    Frank Bardacke: Trampling Out the Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farmworkers Union

    John Berger: Ways of Seeing

    Jack Black: You Cant Win

    Robin Blackburn: The American Crucible: Slavery, Emancipation and Human Rights

    Joseph Borkin: The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben
  • 5/24/2018 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the 20th Century (and Beyond) in English - slid...


    Jim Bouton: Ball Four

    Richard Boyer & Herbert Morais: Labors Untold Story

    Marshall Bradley, Fern Bradley & Barbara Ellis: The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening

    Harry Braverman Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degredation of Work in the Twentieth Century

    David Brower: For the Earths Sake

    Norman O. Brown: Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History

    Robert Byron: The Road to Oxiana

    Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

    E. H. Carr: What is History?

    Allan Chase: The Legacy of Malthus: the Social Costs of the New Scientific Racism

    Samuel B. Charters: The Country Blues

    Noam Chomsky: The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians

    Andrew Cockburn: The Threat: Inside the Soviet Military Machine

    Claud Cockburn: I, Claud

    William Cronon:Natures Metropolis: Chicago and the Great Wes t

    Elizabeth David: French Provincial Cooking

    Alexandra David-Neel:My Journey to Lhasa

    Vine DeLoria, Jr.: Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto

    Angie Debo Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place

    John Dower: War Without Mercy: Race & Power in the Pacific War

    E.R. Dodds: The Greeks and the Irrational

    W.E.B. DuBois: The Souls of Black Folk

    Havelock Ellis Studies in the Psychology of Sex

    William Empson: Seven Types of Ambiguity

    Encyclopedia Britannica: 11th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica

    Shulamith Firestone: The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution

    M.F.K. Fisher: How to Cook a Wolf

    Henry Watson Fowler: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage

    Roger Fry: Cezanne: A Study of His Development

    Northrop Frye: An Anatomy of Criticism: Four Ess ays

    Alex Haley & Malcolm X: The Autobiography of Malcolm X

    Myles Horton: The Long Haul: An Autobiography

    Carole Gallagher: American Ground Zero: the Secret Nuclear War

    Martha Gellhorn The Face of War

    Dan Georgakas: Detroit: I Do Mind Dying

    Paul Goodman: Growing Up Absurd: the Problems of Youth in the Organized Society

    Stephen Jay Gould: The Mismeasure of Man

    Robert Graves: The Greek Myths

    Alice Hamilton: Exploring the Dangerous Trades

    E.C.S. Handy & Elizabeth Handy: Native Planters in Old Hawaii: Their Life, Lore and Environment

    Gerald Hanley: Warriors: Life and Death A mong the Somalis

    Jane E. Harrison: Themis: A Study in the Social Origins of Greek Religion

    Anthon y Heilbut: The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times

    Seymour Hersh Kissinger: The Price of Power

    George Leonard Herter & Berte Herter: Bull Cook: Authentic Recipes and Practices
  • 5/24/2018 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the 20th Century (and Beyond) in English - slid...


    Christopher Hill: The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution

    William Hinton : Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village

    Richard Holmes: Shelley: the Pursuit

    Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society

    Harold A. Innis: The Fur Trade in Canada: An Introduction to Canadian Economic History

    C.L.R. James: The Black Jacobins: Toussaint LOuverture and the San Domingo Revolution

    Ernest Jones: The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud

    Leroi Jones: Blues People: Negro Music in White America

    Alvin Josephy, Jr: The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest

    Walter Karp: The Politics of War

    Pauline Kael: For Keeps: 30 Years at the Movies

    Robin D.G. Kelley: Thelonious Monk: the Life and Times of an American Original

    John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

    Alfred Kinsey, et al.: The Kinsey Report on Human Sexual Behavior

    Gabriel Kolko: Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the United States and the Modern Historical Experience

    Andrew Kopkind: The Thirty Years War: Dispatches and Diversions of a Radical Journalist, 1965-1994

    Frank Kofsky: Harry Truman and the War Scare of 1948: A Sucessful Campaign to Deceive the Nation

    Richard Erodes and John Fire Lame Deer: Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions

    R.D. Laing: The Divided Self: an Existential Study in Sanity and Madness

    Christopher Lasch: The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations

    D.H. Lawrence: Etruscan Places

    Meridel Le Sueur: North Star Country

    Peter Linebaugh: The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century

    Albert Bates Lord: The Singer of Tales

    Norman MacLean: A River Runs Through It

    Fitzroy McLean: Eastern Approaches

    Scott McCloud: Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art

    Alfred McCoy: The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade

    Carey McWilliams: Factories in the Fields: The Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California

    Norman Mailer: Advertisements for Myself

    Dave Marsh: Heart of Rock and Soul: The 1001 Greates t Singles Ever Made

    Leo Marx:The Machine in the Garden

    Peter Matthiessen: In the Spirit of Crazy Horse

    H.L. Mencken: Prejudices: A Selection

    Henry Miller: The Air-Conditioned Nightmare

    C. Wright Mills: Listen, Yankee: the Revolution in Cuba

    Jessica Mitford: The American Way of Death

    John Moody: The Masters of Capital: a Chronicle of Wall Street

    Edwin Morse: Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings

    Robert Motherwell: Dada Documents and Manifestoes

    Lewis Mumford: Technics and Civilization

    Paul Oliver: Blues Fell This Morning: Meaning in the Blues

    Oxford English Dictionary: Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary

    R.R. Palmer: Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of Terror in the French Revolution

    Doug Peacock: Grizzly Years: In Search of the American Wilderness
  • 5/24/2018 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the 20th Century (and Beyond) in English - slid...


    Roger Tory Peterson: A Field Guide to the Birds of North America

    Kim Philby: My Silent War

    Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation: the Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

    Ezra Pound: ABC of Reading

    David H. Price: Threatening Anthropology: McCarthyism and the FBIs Surveillance of Act ivist Anthropologists

    Charles Ramsey & Harold Sleeper: Architectural Graphic Standards

    John Richardson: A Life of Picass o

    Bertrand Russell: Autobiography

    Edward Said: Orientalism

    G.E.M. de Ste. Croix: The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World

    Ken Saro-Wiwa: A Month and a Day: a Detention Diary

    Nancy Scheper-Hughes : Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil

    Robert Sherrill: The Gothic Politics of the Deep South

    Lincoln Steffens: Shame of the Cities

    Lawrence Stone: Sex, Family and Marriage in England: 1500 to 1800

    Thomas Szasz: The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct

    Ida Tarbell: The History of the Standard Oil Company

    Keith Thomas: Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England

    Bertha Thompson: Sister of the Road: An Autobiography of Box Car Bertha

    E.P. Thompson: The Making of the English Working Class

    Hunter S. Thompson: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    David Thomson: A Biographical Dictionary of Film

    Douglas Valentine: The Phoenix Program

    Helen Vendler: The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets

    Gordon Was son: Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality

    Edmund Wilson: To the Finland Station: a Study in the Acting and Writing of History

    Geoffrey Wolff: Black Sun: the Brief Trans it and Violent Eclipse of Harry Crosby

    Donald Worster Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity and the Growth of the American West

    Frances Yates: The Art of Memory


    Tells the Facts and Names the Names

    Published since 1996

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    Alexander Cockburn, 1941-2012


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