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1000 Questions and Answers Quiz

1. Which animal lays eggs? Duck billed platypus2. On television what was Flipper? Dolphin3. How many rings on the Olympic flag? Five4. What colour is vermilion a shade of? Red5. King Zog ruled which country? Albania6. What colour is Spock's blood? Green7. Where can you find London bridge today? USA ( Arizona )8. Carl and the Passions changed band name to what? Beach Boys9. Where in your body is your patella? Knee ( it's the kneecap )10. What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule? Vodka11. Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin12. What would you do with a Yashmak? Wear it - it's an Arab veil13. Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans? Judas Escariot14. Who's band was The Quarrymen? John Lenon15. Which was the most successful Grand National horse? Red Rum16. Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man? Lee Majors17. In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck? Sheep18. Who was Dan Dare's greatest enemy in the Eagle? Mekon19. What is Dick Grayson better known as? Robin (Batman and Robin) 20. What was given on the fourth day of Christmas? Calling birds21. What was Skippy ( on TV )? The bush kangaroo22. What does a funambulist do? Tightrope walker23. What is the name of Dennis the Menace's dog? Gnasher24. What are bactrians and dromedaries? Camels (one hump or two)25. Who played The Fugitive? David Jason26. Who was the King of Swing? Benny Goodman27. Who was the first man to fly across the channel? Louis Bleriot28. Who starred as Rocky Balboa? Sylvester Stallone29. In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade? Crimean30. Who invented the television? John Logie Baird31. Who would use a mashie niblick? Golfer32. In the song who killed Cock Robin? Sparrow33. What do deciduous trees do? Lose their leaves in winter34. In golf what name is given to the No 3 wood? Spoon35. If you has caries who would you consult? Dentist - its tooth decay36. What other name is Mellor's famously known by? Lady Chatterlys Lover 37. What did Jack Horner pull from his pie? Plum38. How many feet in a fathom? Six39. which film had song Springtime for Hitler? The Producers40. Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2? Douglas Bader41. What was the name of inn in Treasure Island? Admiral Benbow42. What was Erich Weiss better known as? Harry Houdini43. Who sailed in the Nina - Pinta and Santa Maria? Christopher Columbus44. Which leader died in St Helena? Napoleon Bonaparte45. Who wrote Gone with the Wind? Margaret Mitchell46. What does ring a ring a roses refer to? The Black Death47. Whose nose grew when he told a lie? Pinocchio48. Who has won the most Oscars? Walt Disney


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49. What would a Scotsman do with a spurtle? Eat porridge (it's a spoon)50. Which award has the words for valour on it? Victoria Cross51. If you had pogonophobia what would you be afraid of? Beards52. Who would take silk as part of their job? Barrister53. Who won an Oscar for the African Queen? Bogart54. Who sang the theme song in 9 to 5? Dolly Parton55. What in business terms is the IMF? International Monetary Fund56. Ringo Star narrates which children's TV series? Thomas the tank engine57. Which country grows the most fruit? China58. Which company is owned by Bill Gates? Microsoft59. What would you do with a maris piper? Eat it - it's a potato60. In Casablanca what is the name of the nightclub? Rick's61. What was the first James Bond book? Casino Royal62. What kind of animal is a lurcher? Dog 63. What is the currency of Austria? Schilling64. What is the Islamic equal to the red cross? Red Crescent65. In fable who sold a cow for five beans? Jack ( and grew a beanstalk )66. How did Alfred Nobel make his money? He invented Dynamite67. Who was the first man to run a sub four minute mile? Roger Bannister68. What are Munroes? Mountains in Scotland69. Which car company makes the Celica? Toyota70. Air Lingus is the national airline of which country? Republic of Ireland or Eire71. Who discovered radium? The Curies72. What does an alopecia sufferer lack? Hair73. Who painted The Haywain? John Constable74. Triskadeccaphobia is the fear of what? Number 1375. What is a baby rabbit called? Kit or Kitten76. Which country had The Dauphin as a ruler? France77. Who did Michael Caine play in the Ipcress File? Harry Palmer78. Who won Euro song contest Save All Your Kisses For Me? Brotherhood of Man79. Which country had the guns of Naverone installed? Turkey80. Ictheologists study what? Fish81. What is a Winston Churchill? Cigar82. Who or what lives in a formicarium? Ants83. What type of acid is used in car batteries? Sulphuric84. It's a flock of sheep what's a group of owls called? Parliament85. What animal would you find in a form? Hare86. Who in books and films was the man of bronze? Doc Savage87. Who was Stan Laurels partner? Oliver Hardy88. What kind of food is Cullan Skink? Fish89. What is classified by the A B O system? Blood Groups90. What plant does the Colorado beetle attack? Potato91. Where did the Pied Piper play? Hamlin92. To where in France do the sick make pilgrimages? Lourdes93. In which city was the famous black hole? Calcutta94. Christopher Cockerel invented what? Hovercraft95. Ray Bolger played who in The Wizard of Oz? Scarecrow96. Sabotage is French - What did the saboteurs use? Shoes - sabot means shoe97. Which part of the human body contains the most gold Toenails98. If you had rubella what would you have caught? German Measles


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99. Mohs scale hardest is diamond - what's the softest? Talc100. La Giaconda is better known as what? Mona Lisa101. Who wrote the Opera Madam Butterfly? Puccini102. What links - Goa - Kerula - Assam - Bihar? India103. Eric Arthur Blaire was the real name of which author? George Orwell104. Names - Baker Cook obvious what did Cordwainer do? Shoemaker105. Which country do Sinologists study? China106. Ruby Stevens became famous under which name? Barbara Stanwyck107. Which non alcoholic cordial is made from pomegranates? Grenadine108. What is Orchesis - either professional or amateur? Art of Dancing109. Taken literally what should you see in a Hippodrome? Horses110. Who wrote the Man in the Iron Mask? Alexander Dumas111. Which 1993 Disney film starred Bet Middler as a witch? Hocus Pocus112. Who piloted the first flight across the English channel? Louis Bleriot113. What was the first James Bond film? Dr No114. What 1991 film won best film, actor, actress, director Oscars? Silence of the Lambs115. What was the capital of Ethiopia? Addis Ababa116. Aescapalious emblem staff snake Greek Roman god of what? Medicine117. Giacomo Agostini - 122 Grand Prix 15 world titles what sport? Motorcycle Racing118. What is the largest state in the USA? Alaska119. Led Deighton trilogy Game Set Match What 3 Capitals? Berlin MexicoLondon120. Alan Stuart Konigsberg famous as who? Woody Allen121. Which human rights organisation founded 1961 got Nobel 1977? Amnesty

International122. Whose autobiography was The long walk to Freedom? Nelson Mandela123. What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter? Tutankamen tomb124. Clyde Tonbaugh discovered what planet in 1930? Pluto125. Who won the women's heptathlon at Seoul in 1988? Jackie Joyner-Kersey126. Who wrote Northanger Abbey? Jayne Austin127. Who ran through the streets naked crying Eureka? Archimedes128. Who composed the Brandeberg concertos full names? Johan Sebastian Bach129. Who won the World Series in 1987? Minnesota twins130. What is the correct term of address to the Pope? Your Holiness131. In which city was Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847? Edinburgh132. Who composed the ballets Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker? Tchaikovsky133. AG Bell opened school in Boston in 1872 for Teachers of what? The Deaf134. Benjamin Kubelsky 1894 fame as what comedian? Jack Benny135. In the Old Testament what book comes between Obadiah - Micah? Jonah136. Robin Williams dressed in drag for which 1993 film? Mrs Doubtfire137. Which chess piece could be a member of the church? Bishop138. Which German word means lightning war used in WW2? Blitzkrieg139. Broccoli belongs to what family of plants? Cabbage140. Who designed the first Iron ship the Great Britain in 1845? I. Kingdom Brunel141. Whose boat Bluebird was recently raised from Coniston water? Donald Campbell142. in 1951 which (of two) car companies introduced power steering? Buick - Chrysler143. Who wrote Catch 22 (both names)? Joseph Heller144. Which country set up the world's first chemistry lab in 1650? Netherlands145. What links the names Botvinik, Tal, Karpov, Fischer? Chess World Champs146. What is the national flower of Japan? Chrysanthemum147. Bombardier Billy Wells was seen on many Rank films - why? Hit Gong


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148. Where in France do claret wines come from? Bordeaux149. What did mathematician John Napier invent in 1614? Logarithms150. What was the world's first high level programming language 1957? IBM FORTRAN151. Consumption was the former name of which disease? Tuberculosis152. Which American state is nicknamed The Diamond State? Delaware153. What are the Sirocco, Mistral and Chinook? Winds154. Who wrote about Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Roald Dahl155. Who, at USA customs declared, nothing but my genius? Oscar Wilde156. Issur Danielovitch became famous a who? Kirk Douglas157. Who sailed in the Golden Hind? Sir Francis Drake158. What was the name of the plantation in Gone with the Wind? Tara159. Who won the 1988 Superbowl? Washington Redskins160. Which group believes in The Great Architect of the Universe? Freemasons161. Robert Alan Zimmerman real name of who? Bob Dylan162. Processed Galena produces which metal? Lead163. Who wrote Gulliver's Travels (both names)? Jonathon Swift164. What is a Ha Ha? Sunken Fence165. In Japan what is Seppuku? Hari Kari - suicide166. Who discovered blood circulation? William Harvey167. The dunnock is another name for which common bird? Hedge Sparrow168. If someone said they were from Hellas - which country? Greece169. Who was the son of Zeus and Maia - Gods Messenger? Hermes170. Roy Scherer jr became famous as who? Rock Hudson171. Who wrote Brave New World (full name)? Aldus Huxley172. What links Calabria, Liguria, Puglia and Veneto? Regions of Italy173. Which city in Rajasthan has riding breeches named after it? Jodhpur174. Portugal has had six Kings with what first name? John 175. What martial arts name means gentle way? Judo176. Jean Claude Killy famous in which sport? Skiing177. Kimberlite contains what precious item? Diamonds178. Who directed Dr Strangelove - 2001 - The Shining (full name)? Stanley Kubrick179. Rene Lalique - Art Nouveau designer worked what material? Glass180. Who created the land of Narnia and Lion Witch and Wardrobe? Clive Staples Lewis181. What animal lives in a drey? Squirrel182. Why is Louise Brown - born 1978 famous? First test tube baby183. The title of whose book translates as my struggle? Adolf Hitler184. Anna Mary Robinson - famous American painter - what name? Grandma Moses185. In which country would you find the Negev desert? Israel186. Which character has been played by the most actors? Sherlock Holmes187. In Greek mythology a Hamadryads spirit guarded what? Trees188. Jocasta was the wife of Laius and the mother of who? Oedipus189. Who wrote The Rights of Man - and The Age of Reason? Thomas Paine190. What is the capital of Sicily? Palermo191. What was invented by Dr Edward Land in 1947? Polaroid192. Syd Barett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Nick Mason - Group? Pink Floyd193. Carlo Collodi created which famous children's character? Pinocchio194. What is mainly extracted from pitchblende? Uranium195. Which connects Delft, Sevres, Wedgwood, Chelsea? Porcelain196. Which country introduced the worlds first diesel loco in 1912? Germany197. in 1656 Christian Huygens invented what type of timekeeper? Pendulum clock


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198. Duvali, Dushira and Holi are religious days in which religion? Hindu199. In what industry did John Davidson Rockefeller get rich? Oil200. The Mau Mau were terrorists in which country late 50s early 60s? Kenya201. What movie cast included James Garner, Richard Attenbourough, Steve McQueen,

Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasance, James Coburn, Gordon Jackson, Angus McPhee among many others? The Great Escape

202. If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong? Nose bleed203. In which book would you find the manservant Pas Partout? Around the world in 80

days204. What animals name translates as water horse? Hippopotamus205. In Greek mythology who killed the Gorgon? Perseus206. Which two metals are alloyed to make pewter? Tin and Lead207. in 1899 the Eastman company in the USA produced first what? Kodak 1 - hand held

roll film cam208. What links - Sarte, Neitzsche, Russell and Decartes? Philosophers209. in 1643 Evangalisa Torichelli invented the first what? Barometer210. Which Spanish painter has first exhibition at 16? Pablo Picasso211. Where did the mutineers of the Bounty settle? Pitcairn Islands212. What is the longest river in Italy? Po213. What does a polyandric women have more than one of? Husband214. What links Brazil, Uruguay, Mozambique and Angola? Colonies of Portugal215. What is the American equivalent of the Irish Poteen? Moonshine216. Who was the last king of Troy killed by Achilles son Pyrrhus? Priam217. In 1911 Hiram Bingham discovered what lost city? Machu Picchu218. Who won the Superbowl in 1989? San Francisco 49 ers219. Who wrote the book Billy Budd also Moby Dick? Herman Melville220. Which highwayman rode the horse Black Bess? Dick Turpin221. Barry Allen was the alter ego of which DC comic superhero? The Flash222. In 1901 which brand of car was seen for the first time? Mercedes223. Brisbane is the state capital of which SE Australian state? Queensland224. In Norse mythology what is the name of the ultimate battle? Ragnarok225. In 1890 the first electric what opened in London? Underground railway226. Who wrote the children's novel Swallows and Amazons? Arthur Ransom227. Oil seed rape belongs to which plant family? Mustard228. Which Norwegian politicians name became a word for traitor? Vidkun Quisling229. What is the capitol of Morocco? Rabat230. What shape were the sailors plates in Nelsons navy? Square Thus Square meal231. What religion links Weasak, Dhrammacacka, and Bhodi day? Buddhist232. Linus Torwalds invented and wrote what? Linux computer operating system233. The bander macaque has which commoner name? Rhesus Monkey234. Zambia and Zimbabwe used to be called what? Rhodesia235. What is the staple food of one third of the worlds population? Rice236. Paul Robeson the singer of old man river had what profession? Lawyer237. Rene Laennac invented which aid for doctors in 1810? Stethoscope238. Jagger, Richards, Wyman, Jones, Watts, Stewart - which band? The Rolling Stones239. What digit does not exist in Roman Numerals? Zero240. Who was nicknames The desert Fox (both Names)? Erwin Rommel241. What aid to archaeologists from 197 bc was found in Egypt 1799? Rosetta Stone242. Which annual sporting event between 2 teams started in 1829? The University Boat



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243. Who was the jeweller to the Russian Court famous Easter eggs? Faberge244. What type of food is Taramasalata? Cured /smoked cod roe245. What links Samuel Delaney, Fredrick Pohl, Harlan Ellison? Science Fiction246. Randolph Crane became famous as which cowboy actor? Randolph Scott247. Ageusia is the loss of which sense? Taste248. Which Irish political parties name translates as we ourselves? Sein Fein249. Henry Ford used assembly line in 1908 but someone before 1901? Ransome Olds250. Who performed the first heart transplant in South Africa? Christian Barnard251. What is the common name for the star Sirius? Dog Star252. What calculating aid was invented by William Oughtred in 1662? Slide Rule253. Which Athenian philosopher wrote nothing immortalised by Plato?Socrates254. Who designed the WW 1 plane Camel and co designed Hurricane? Thomas Octave

Murdoch Sopwith255. Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull were born in which US state? South Dakota256. In 1666 Jesuit Bark was used as a prevention against what? Malaria257. In 1971 which USA space probe was first to orbit another planet? Mariner 9258. What links Catalonia, Andalusia, Cantabria, Galicia? Regions of Spain259. Ingemar Stenmark won record 85 world cup races in what sport? Skiing260. Who wrote the music for ballets Firebird and Rites of Spring? Igor Stravinsky261. What common legal item literally means under penalty? Subpoena262. Who was the only person to win world titles on bikes and cars? John Surtees263. What is the oldest swimming stroke? Breaststroke 16th century264. Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons? Switzerland265. Which medical tool was developed by Sanctorius in 1612? Thermometer266. What weapon was invented by Ernest Swinton used in 1916? Tank267. Which mythological King chained grapes rose water fell? Tantalus268. Who created Tarzan (all names) in 1914? Edgar Rice Burroughs269. Camellia Sinesis evergreen shrub better known as what? Tea270. In 1901 who first transmitted radio signals across Atlantic? Marconi271. Who won six consecutive Wimbledon titles in the 1980s? Martina Navratilova272. What Italian building material translates as baked earth? Terracotta273. What links Buddy Holly, Lyndon Johnston, Janice Joplin? State of Texas274. Which eponymous character was Thane of Cawder Glaimes? Macbeth275. Who wrote the 39 steps (both names)? John Buchan276. Who won the Superbowl in 1987? New York Giants277. What is the food tofu made from? Soya Bean Curd via Soya milk278. Who was the son of Poseidon and Ampherite? Triton279. Annie Mae Bullock became famous under which name (both)? Tina Turner280. What linked Armenia, Georgia, Latvia and Moldavia? USSR281. What is the state capitol of New Jersey? Trenton282. Who won an Oscar for best supporting actor in Spartacus 1960? Peter Ustinov283. What was invented by James Dewer in 1872? Vacuum or thermos flask284. Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth? Vesta285. Viticulture is the growing of what plants? Vines286. In 1953 what was first successfully transmitted in the USA? Colour Television287. Who wrote the Thin Man in 1934 (both names)? Dashiell Hammett288. Angel falls Venezuela Highest but where second Highest? Yosemite USA289. Whitcome Judson in 1891 invented what for fastening shoes? Zip Fastener290. Who sold Louisiana to the USA in 1803? Napoleon291. Gregory Pincus, John Rock, Gerhart Domangk developed what? Oral Contraceptive


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292. The Gloucester E 28/39 first flew in 1941 - what was unusual? Whittle Jet Engine293. Women compete between USA and UK in Wightman Cup - Sport? Tennis294. Woolworth's - the store started in which us state 1979? Lancaster Pennsylvania295. Which actress starred in the original King Kong in 1933? Fay Wray296. Except Australia 1 New Zealand 1 USA all since 1870 want? America's Cup297. What's missing from ale that's included in beer? Hops298. Until 1971 what was the name of Zaire? Congo299. Karl Lienstater discovered which medical breakthrough in 1901? ABO Blood Groups300. Who is the only American president elected unopposed? George Washington 1798

1792301. Which countries men use the most deodorant? Japan302. Who played Billy the Kid in The Left Handed Gun? Paul Newman303. What was the first credit card? Diners Club304. What links Humphry Davie, Michael Faraday, Madam Curie? Poisoned by chemicals

work305. Hippophagic society members support what? Eating horsemeat306. What did Britain swap Havana for with Spain in 1763? Florida307. What is the crime of embracery? Jury Bribing308. Which country made the worlds first feature film in 1906? Australia Story of the

Kelly gang309. Who wrote Gentlemen Prefer Blonds? Anita Loos310. What was Norman Bates hobby in Psycho? Stuffing birds311. What was Casanovas day job? Librarian312. Where is the worlds largest gold depository? Federal reserve bank Manhattan313. Why did the state of Indiana ban Robin Hood in 1953? Communist rob rich314. Angelo Scicilano better know as who? Charles Atlas315. How did George II die? Fell off toilet316. What did Marlon Brando and George C Scott refuse? Oscars317. Why was convict 2599 unusual in Pen State prison 1924? Dog doing life for killing

cat318. What is 6 inches bigger in Summer? Eiffel tower319. What two ingredients make the dish angels on horseback? Oysters - wrapped in

Bacon320. What was Charles Dickens last (unfinished) novel? Mystery of Edwinn Drood321. Which sea on Earth has no beaches? Sargasso sea322. Reuben Tice died trying to invent a machine to do what? Dewrinkle prunes323. De Witt Wallace founded what? Readers Digest324. Who is the Patron Saint of thieves? St Nicholas325. According to his business card what job did Al Capone do? Sell second hand furniture326. Humans are 10,000 times more sexually active that what animal? Rabbits327. Shirley Schrift became famous as which actress? Shelly Winters328. In Kansas what can a waiter not do in a teacup (legally)? Serve wine329. Which country has the smallest birth rate? Vatican City330. Which 1956 film caused riots in cinemas? Rock around the clock331. Who did the USA buy the Virgin islands from? Denmark332. Who played the scarecrow in the Wiz (all black wiz of oz)? Michael Jackson333. What was or is a Waltzing Mathilda? Swagman's Knapsack334. Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions? Germany335. Which hats became popular with children in 1956? Davy Crocket336. Malden Serkiovitch famous as which actor? Karl Malden


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337. What is it illegal to pawn in New York? American flag338. What hospital did Dr Kildare work at? Blaire General339. Collective nouns - a smuck of what? Jellyfish340. Who was Cleopatra's first husband? Ptolemy Dionysus her brother341. Who was John Dawkins better known as? Artful Dodger342. Which film star has his statue in Leicester Square? Charlie Chaplin343. Virginia McMath became famous as which actress? Ginger Rodgers344. What is the name of Captain Ahab's ship? Peaquod345. Roosevelt won the 1932 election - who lost it? Herbert Hoover346. Who wrote The History of Mr Polly? H G Wells347. What is the first day of Lent? Ash Wednesday348. Mr Chips said goodbye - from which fictional school? Brookfield349. Who buried the treasure on Treasure Island? Captain Flint350. Which TV series was narrated by Walter Winchell? The Untouchables351. In which country was Auschwitz? Poland352. What was the first British instrumental to top the USA charts? Telstar by The

Tornados353. On which national flag is there an eagle and a snake? Mexico354. What group of animals would be in a clowder? Cats355. What is a Sam Browne? Military belt356. What is the chemical symbol for tungsten? W357. Who are the two most translated English writers? Shakespeare Agatha Christie358. Citius Altius Fortius is the motto of what organisation? Olympic359. What is the main ingredient of sauce Lyonnaise? Onions360. Who played Miss Marple in 6 films (both names)? Margaret Rutherford361. From what language does the word alphabet come? Greek -alpha beta362. In the nursery rhyme what is Fridays child? Loving and Giving363. What was the first film made in cinemascope? The robe364. Where was the battle of Hastings fought? Senlac hill365. A pearmain is what type of fruit? Apple366. What colour is the bull on an archery target? Gold367. What was the Rolling Stones first no 1 hit? Its all over now368. Name both rival gangs in West Side Story? Sharks Jets369. In golf what do the Americans call an albatross? Double Eagle370. Which classical composer wrote the Hungarian Rhapsody? Franz Liszt371. When is St Swithens day? 15th July372. What are ceps morels and chantrelles? Mushrooms373. Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure? Feet374. In golf what would you put in your shag bag? Practice Balls375. A bind is a group of what type of fish? Salmon376. Which author created Fu Manchu? Sax Rohmer377. Mrs Darell Waters (translated 128 languages) pen name? Edith Blyton378. Who played the pawnbroker in the film of that name? Rod Stiger379. What was the first manufactured item sold on Hire Purchase? Singer sewing machine

in 1850s380. Which letters denote Jesus Nazareth King of the Jews? INRI381. In France if you were served le miel what would you eat? Honey382. The Greek for circle of animals gives it name to what? Zodiac383. Who was the Roman god of agriculture? Saturn384. What is ikebana? Flower arranging


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385. What nationality was Morse inventor of the famous code? American386. Goa used to be a colony of which nation? Portugal387. What does a galactophagist drink? Milk388. What did God create on the fifth day (both)? Sea creatures and birds389. Where was Bob Dylan born? Duluth Minnesota390. In the 18th century what would a pencil be? Brush391. Agrippa poisoned her husband/uncle who was he? Claudius392. Who was the mother of Castor and Pollux? Helen of Troy393. What are the snaffle Pelham and Weymouth? Horse bits394. Walter Koenig played which part in the Star Trek series? Ensign Chekov395. Who had a hit with Devil Woman? Cliff Richard396. What were the first false teeth made from? Ivory397. The jealous Athena turned who into a spider? Arachne398. What was the first Carry On film? Carry on Sergeant399. Who was the female lead in The Shootist? Lauren Bacall400. What is a dzo? Cow Yak cross401. Hypermetropic people are what? Long Sighted402. Which leader lives in the Potola? Dalai Lama403. What wood was the cross supposed to be made of? Mistletoe404. Joseph Levitch became famous as who? Jerry Lewis405. If you planted a bandarilla what are you doing? Bullfighting406. What was the first Pink Floyd album? Piper at the gates of dawn407. In which city was the first public opera house opened? Venice408. In what Elvis film did he play a double role? Kissing Cousins409. The Aphrodite of Melos has a more famous name - what? Venus de Milo410. Which country invented the concentration camp? Britain - Boer war411. John Huston scored a hit with his first film - what? Maltese falcon412. Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common? 8 marriages413. What real person has been played most often in films? Napoleon Bonaparte414. Scotopic people can do what? See in the dark415. What is the most critical thing keeping bananas fresh transport? Temperature not

below C 55F416. What is the name of the Paris stock exchange? Bourse417. Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange? Beethoven418. What was the Troggs most famous hit? Wild Thing419. In Japan what colour car is reserved for the royal family only? Maroon420. What city has Kogoshima as its airport? Tokyo421. What was gangsters George Nelsons nickname? Baby Face422. Whose first wife was actress Jayne Wyman? Ronald Regan423. In MASH what is Radars favourite drink? Grape Knee High424. What do you give on the third wedding anniversary? Leather425. What is a baby whale called? Calf426. In which film did the Rolls Royce have the number plate AU1? Goldfinger427. Vladamere Ashkenazy plays what musical instrument? Piano428. With which organ does a snake hear? Tongue429. On what is the Mona Lisa painted? Wood430. What is the second most common international crime? Art theft431. Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799? Saw woman in half432. Who wrote Les Miserable? Victor Hugo433. Which bird turns it head upside down to eat? Flamingo


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434. The colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who? Apollo435. Who rode a horse called Bucephalus? Alexander the Great436. To which London club did Mycroft Holmes belong? Diogones437. What did William Addis invent in prison? Toothbrush438. What is the only duty of police Gracthenvissers in Amsterdam? Motorists in canals439. Kleenex tissues were originally intended as what in 1915? WW1 Gas mask filters440. Who invented popcorn? American Indians441. What is the colour of mourning in Turkey? Violet442. For what is spirits of salt another name? Hydrochloric acid443. Which game is played on an oval with 18 player per team? Australian football444. In the Winnie the Pooh stories what is Kanga's baby called? Roo445. Which actor is common to Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen? Charles Bronson446. Who saved Andromeda from the sea monster? Perseus447. What flower is the symbol of secrecy? Rose448. What items were originally called Hanways? Umbrellas449. What is Brussels best known statue? The Mannequin Pis450. in which language does God Jul mean happy Xmas? Swedish451. Which flying pioneer was nicknamed the lone eagle? Charles Lindbergh452. Horse statue - mounted man - on two legs - how man die? Killed in Battle453. Which American state produces the most potatoes? Idaho454. Who wrote Dr Zhivago? Boris Pasternak455. Who is Charlie Browns favourite baseball player (fictional)? Joe Shlabotnik456. Emerald is the birth stone for which month? May457. Whose yacht was called Honey Fitz? John Fitzgerald Kennedy458. What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from? Ice Crystals459. What Italian habit did Thomas Coyrat introduce to England 1608? Eating with forks460. Purl Plain Fisherman's Cable types of what? Knitting stitches461. Why was Mary Mallen locked up from 1915 to 1938? Typhoid Mary462. If you were doing vaccimulgence what doing? Milking a cow463. For what purpose was the chow chow dog originally bred? As food or Chow464. What kind of fruit is a kumquat? Small Orange465. Who was the Greek goddess of love? Aphrodite466. What first appeared in New York World 21st December 1913? Crossword467. Which group of animals are called a cete? Badgers468. Which herb did the Romans eat top prevent drunkenness? Parsley469. What is the original literal meaning of the word bride? To cook (ancient tutonic)470. Who ran the first marathon? Phidipedes471. What is the only creature that can turn its stomach inside out? Starfish472. What is Milan's opera house called? La Scala473. What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth? Alcohol474. What type of animal is a Samoyed? Dog475. In which country did draughts (checkers) originate? Egypt476. Shane Fenton became famous as who? Alvin Stardust477. What is the worlds most popular green vegetable? Lettuce478. What does a racoon do before eating its food? Washes it in water479. What other name is used for the snow leopard? Ounce480. Which drink did Bach enjoy so much he wrote a cantata for it? Coffee481. Who invented the first safety razor in 1895? King Camp Gillette482. What nationality is Thor Heyerdahl? Norwegian483. What 3 ingredients make a sidecar cocktail? Brandy Cointreau Lemon juice


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484. A spunder or drift is the name for a group of what animals? Swine485. What is Erse? Irish Gaelic language486. On oometer measures what? Birds Eggs487. What did table tennis balls used to be made from? Cork488. If you had variola what disease have you got? Smallpox489. Which playing card is called the Curse of Scotland? Nine of Diamonds490. Which painter did Hans van Meegeren most fake? Vermeer491. Which country had the first women MPs 19 in 1907? Finland492. In 1969 what category was added to the Nobel prizes? Economics493. In which city was Bob Hope born? London (Eltham)494. In the human body where is your occiput? Back of head495. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? Francis Scott-key496. Which food did Victorians deride as little bags of mystery? Sausages497. Which actor was dubbed the muscles from Brussels? Jean Claude Van Dam498. Which film star was the first to appear on a postage stamp? Grace Kelly499. What would you expect to find in a binnacle? Ships compass500. Which Hollywood star has made the cover of Life most times? Elizabeth Taylor (11)501. Which Mediterranean countries orchestra is bigger than its army? Monaco502. What links stags tails, pickled worms, gallstones, tomatoes? Once thought to be

Aphrodisiacs503. Baked beans were originally served in what sauce? Treacle - molasses504. Where can you buy a copy of Penguin News? Falkland Islands505. Who was the hero of the old TV cop series Dragnet? Sergeant Joe Friday506. Which African country was founded by Americans? Liberia507. What was Britain called - before it was Britain? Albion508. What part of a frog do you rub to hypnotise it? Its belly509. How did multi millionaire Russell Sage save money? Not wear underwear510. How was USA president James Buchanan different from all rest? Batchelor maybe

gay511. What's involved in 20% of car accidents in Sweden? A moose512. What's unusual about evangelist Amy Semple Mcphersons coffin? Contains

Telephone513. Who would use a swozzle? Punch and Judy man514. What does a tailor do with his plonker? Press suits515. Churches in Malta have two what? Clocks right and wrong confuse devil516. Marnie Nixon what Deborah Kerr Natilie Wood Audrey Hepburn? Dubbed in their

singing voices517. Which Italian tractor maker tried making cars in 1960s? Ferruchio Lamborghini518. What first appeared on Page 1 of the Times 3 May 1966? News stories519. Caruso put what in Nellie Melbas hand singing tiny hand frozen? Hot Sausage520. What would you do with an Edzell blue? Eat it - it's a potato521. In what month did the Russian October revolution take place? November522. Nobody's perfect is the last line in which classic comedy film? Some Like it Hot523. How did Buffalo Bill stick to one glass whisky a day? Quart glass524. In 1760 what means of personal transport was invented? Roller Skates525. What three counties were Eliza Dolittle taught to pronounce? Hertford Hereford

Hampshire526. In Hitchcock's film The Trouble with Harry what was the trouble? He was dead527. What was the first gramophone record made from? Tinfoil528. What did George Washington soak his wooden teeth in for taste? Port


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529. George V1 Mozart Al Jolson Casanova - which organisation? Freemasons530. Who said "Its so long since sex I forget who gets tied up"? Joan Rivers531. St Appolonia Patron Saint of what? Toothache532. What is measured on the Gay-Lussac scale? Alcohol strength533. A squid found in New Zealand had the biggest what ever seen? Eye 15.75 inches534. What was the first country to guarantee freedom of worship? Transylvania535. which famous person invented the cat flap? Isaac Newton536. By law what can you not do in Minnesota with your washing line? Put male female

washing together537. Why do Tibetans grow long nails on little fingers? To pick noses efficiently538. Richard Penniman became famous as who? Little Richard539. What is a snood? A kind of hairnet540. Who said "men are creatures with two legs and 8 hands"? Jayne Mansfield541. Which European country eats the most breakfast cereal? Britain542. Philosopher Jeremy Bentham has a very unusual pet - what? Tea Pot543. What country did Italy invade in 1935? Abyssinia - Ethiopia544. Who sang the title song in the film Grease? Frankie Valli545. What is produced in a ginnery? Cotton546. What was made illegal in England in 1439? Kissing547. What was invented by Dr Albert Southwick in 1881? Electric chair548. In which country most likely to die from a scorpion sting? Mexico (1000 a year)549. Who is the most filmed author? Shakespeare over 300550. Excluding religious works what is the worlds top selling book? Guinness Book of

Records551. Who sold the most albums on a single day? Elvis 20 million day after death552. What was the last item shown on British TV before WW2? Mickey Mouse553. What countries people had the longest life expectation? Iceland554. Who said "I like Beethoven especially the poems"? Ringo Starr555. What does the entire economy of the island of Nauru depend on? Bird shit - Guano

fertiliser556. John Glen first USA to orbit earth was in which service? US Marine Corps557. Oedipus was named after what - literal translation? Swollen feet558. What fish can hold objects in its tail? Sea Horse559. Who is the most filmed comic strip character? Zorro560. Whose version of A View to a Kill reached 1 in USA 2 in UK? Duran Duran561. Which country grows the most potatoes? Russia562. What does a drosomoter measure? Dew563. Which English Kings armour has the biggest codpiece? Henry 8564. Which country was the first to abolish capitol punishment 1826? Russia Czar

Nicholas - Siberia instead565. In law what is a co-parcener? Joint Heir566. Which pop group had a hit with Silence is Golden? Tremaloes567. Greek mathematician cylinder enclosed sphere carved on grave? Archimedes568. What does a psephologist study? Voting - Elections569. Where would you find line of Mars - Girdle of Venus? Palm - lines in Palmistry570. British call this bird species tits what do Americans call them? Chickadees571. Which country owns the Hen and Chicken islands? North island New Zealand572. Who created the TV series - The man from UNCLE? Ian Fleming573. Which film director described actors as cattle? Alfred Hitchcock


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574. Shirley Bassey sang three Bond themes - which 3 films? Goldfinger, Diamonds are Forever, Moonraker

575. Barring rain - in which athletics event would you get wet? Steeplechase576. What colour is the flesh of the Charentais melon? Orange577. Who appeared on the first US postage stamps (both names)? Washington - Franklin578. Who was the first person elected to US swimming hall fame? Johnny Weismuller579. The guillotine was invented for chopping off what? Hands580. Which country invented the bedsprings? Greeks581. Whats the difference between fog and mist? Seeing Distance under 1000yd582. What did Spanish scientists fit to cows to increase milk yield? False Teeth583. What people founded cheese making in England? Romans584. What is the first name of Mr Toad - in Toad of Toad Hall? Thaddeus585. Atephobia is a fear of what? Imperfection586. What are Grapnel, Bruce, Danforth, Plough types of? Anchor587. Why did Handel compose The Messiah? For Cash588. Red flags flown by French ships Joli Rouge origin of what name? Jolly Rodger589. in which country could you spend a Kwanza? Angola590. John Henry Deutchendorf famous as who (both names)? John Denver591. Mitre Dovetail Jig and Hack are types of what? Saw592. Tracey and Hepburn first film in 1942 was what? Woman of the Year593. Antimacassars were fitted to chairs - what is macasser? Hair oil594. Jack Ketch 1663 1686 had what job? Hangman595. Nekal was the first type of what product (Germany 1917)? Detergent596. Name the first Grand Prix driver to used a safety belt in 1967? Jackie Stuart597. The SF award the Hugo is named after Hugo who? Gernsbeck598. Maurice Micklewhite became famous as who? Michael Caine599. What do Ombrophobes fear? Rain600. If you had a Brassica Rapa what vegetable would you have? Turnip601. Boob Day in Spain what day in Britain (practical jokes played)? April Fools Day 1st

April602. What crime did Theresa Vaughn commit 62 times in 5 years? Bigamy - Tried 1922603. Who sailed in a ship called Queen Ann's Revenge? Blackbeard604. Saponification is the process that makes what common product? Soap605. Blue red green yellow four Olympic rings colour what's missing? Black606. Detective Philip Marlow smokes what brand? Camels607. Who landed on Timor Island after being cast adrift? Captain Bligh608. What is the more common name of the Chaparral Cock? The Road Runner609. In what language did St Paul write his epistles? Greek610. Ian Fleming's house was called Goldeneye - which country? Jamaica611. Alfred Schneider became famous as who? Lenny Bruce612. A C-Curity was the original name of what common object? Zip Fastener613. Fidelity Bravery Integrity is which organisations motto? FBI614. Who was the first black entertainer to win an Emmy award? Harry Bellefonte615. Anthony Daniels played who in a series of films? C-P3O616. Of what material was the hairspring made in early watches? Pigs Hair617. In 1860 Napoleon III banquet - serving dishes dearer gold what?Aluminium618. Which author created Dick Tracy? Chester Gould619. What is the worlds most widely used vegetable? Onion620. What are lentigines? Freckles621. What type of animal is a vmi-vmi? Very small pig


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622. What did Mege-Mouries invent in 1870 winning a Napoleon prize? Margarine623. What was Walt Disney's middle name? Elias624. Who would you expect to find in Castle Gondolofo? The Pope625. What two items make up the dish devils on horseback? Bacon Prunes626. What does ludo mean (literally)? I Play627. The Detours changed to The High Numbers then what name? The Who628. What animal was believed to be a cross camel - leopard? Giraffe629. An elephant has 400000 what in its trunk? Muscles630. What colour is cerulean? Deep Blue631. Who composed the Air for the G string (init and name)? JS Bach632. What were Twinkletoes - Lucky Jim (stuffed cats) first to do? Fly across Atlantic with

Alcock Brown633. What are kreplach? Jewish ravioli634. The pica pica is what common bird? Magpie635. What male human feature was taxed in Elizabethan times? Beards636. Which record company rejected the Beatles as being past it? Decca637. From which country does spinach originate? Iran638. British policemen have truncheons what is USA equivalent? Nightstick639. In DC comics Linda Lee Danvers is whose alter ego? Supergirl640. In what country does the cow tree grow - sap looks tastes milk? Venezuela641. The penny black - worlds first stamp - what was second? Two penny Blue642. Which country produces Tokay? Hungary643. Where could you legally flash your dong - then spend it? Vietnam currency644. The Bald Eagle is Americas bird - What is Britain's? Robin645. Australian Clement Wragge instituted what? Naming Hurricanes646. What does Zip stand for in the American Zip Code? Zone Improvement Plan647. What wood is plywood mostly made from? Birch648. What is a Hummum? Turkish bath649. In which sport are left handed people banned from playing? Polo650. What food was invented in a sanatorium in 1890? Kellogg corn flakes651. What is a Bellwether? Leader of flock of sheep652. What was Procul Harem's greatest hit? Whiter shade of pale653. Percy Shaw invented what in 1934? Cats eyes654. What animal produces its own sun tan lotion? Hippopotamus655. What was a Nuremberg egg? Pocket watch / clock656. What was the name of Isaac Newton's dog - caused fire in lab Diamond657. Who was eaten by dogs in the Old Testament? Jezebel658. In literature who is the alter ego of Percy Blakney? Scarlet Pimpernel659. Juglans Regia is the real name of what type of nut tree? Walnut660. What album cover (by the Rolling Stones) had a zip on the side? Sticky Fingers661. What lives in a holt? An Otter662. Who is the Patron Saint of dancers and actors? St Vitas663. What is the worlds tallest grass? Bamboo664. Who owned the newspaper in Lou Grant - Nancy Marchand? Mrs Pyncheron665. Who reputedly first said - if in doubt tell the truth? Mark Twain666. John Richie became famous under what name? Sid Vicious667. In Greek mythology who rowed the dead across the river Styx? Charon668. Alfred White was a famous author under which name? James Herriot669. Which acid was first prepared from distilled red ants? Formic acid670. Who invented doctor Who? Terry Nation


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671. What took place on London's serpentine first time 16 June 1930? Mixed Bathing672. Which European city was the bride of the sea? Venice673. Who (not Peter Sellers) played Inspector Clouseau in 1968? Alan Arkin674. Where could you find the Lutine Bell? Lloyds of London675. Yabusame is the Japanese version of what sport? Archery676. Which Dickens novel is considered an autobiography? David Copperfield677. Dendrologists worship what? Trees678. What is the national sport of Finland? Motor Rallying679. Who was Agrippa's son? Nero680. Peter Goldmak invented what in 1948? LP record681. Milton lost which sense? Sight682. What are camel haired brushes made of? Squirrels tails683. How did the Greek dramatist Aeschalys die? Eagle dropped tortoise on head684. Playing card - Raymond Shaw trance - Manchurian Candidate? Queen Diamonds685. Eiffel designed the Eiffel tower - what was his first name? Gustave686. The Salk vaccine is used against what disease? Polio687. If you are born between June 23rd and July 23rd what star sign? Cancer688. An alloy of Iron - Chromium and Nickel makes what? Stainless Steel689. Who said "Public service is my motto"? Al Capone690. Drakes Golden Hind was originally called what? The Pelican691. In what film did Elvis play a Red Indian? Stay away Joe692. What did the Victorians call servant regulators? Alarm Clocks693. Which country first used the fountain pen? Egypt694. What is the more popular name for the Londonderry Air? Danny Boy695. Freyr was the Norse god of what? Fertility696. TAP is the national airline of which country? Portugal697. In which country is the port of Frey Bentos? Uruguay698. The Koh-i-Nor is a famous diamond - what does the name mean? Mountain of Light699. A nilometer measures the rise and fall of what? Rivers (originally Nile)700. What was Britain's first colony (annexed in 1583)? Newfoundland701. Joseph Lister - first operation antiseptic - 1867 on who? His sister702. What was Black Beauties original name? Darkie703. Who was the original Peeping Tom looking at? Lady Godiva704. What element is present in all organic compounds? Carbon705. What was Professor Moriarties first name? James706. Who was known as the Little Brown Saint? Ghandi707. Who rode a horse called Morengo? Napoleon at Waterloo708. A skulk is a group of which animals? Foxes709. Who defended World heavyweight title twice same night in 1906? Tommy Burns

both 1st round KOs710. What part of an aircraft is the empennage? Tail Unit711. We know who wrote Little Women but who wrote Little Men? Lousia May Alcott712. Who was the Goddess of the rainbow? Iris713. European city can be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars? Brussels714. Who was Olive Oyls boyfriend - before Popeye? Ham Gravy715. Sienna law forbids women of what name from prostitution? Maria716. What do the letters MG stand for on cars? Morris Garages717. Who was the first actor to appear on cover of Time magazine? Charlie Chaplin718. Polyphemus was the leader of which group of mythical giants? Cyclops719. What does a pluviomoter measure? Rainfall


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720. Which game was illegal in Elizabethan England? Bowls721. What nationality was Oddjob? Korean722. What is a Knout? Russian flogging whip723. What language has the most words? English724. Which film star used to be a circus acrobat? Burt Lancaster725. The comma bacillus causes what disease? Cholera726. Which country invented Venetian Blinds? Japan727. What is a quadriga? Roman 4 horse chariot728. What is a brickfielder? Hot SE Aussie wind729. Pupik means belly button in what language? Yiddish730. What is the main ingredient in Borsch? Beetroot731. What was the name of Dr Dolittles Parrot? Polynesia732. What was the name of William Tells son (the apple head boy)? Walter733. Laika was the first ever dog to do what? Go into space734. Where could you spend a Markka? Finland735. What links a bick, throat, half swage, punching hole? Anvil they are parts of it736. The Fagus is the Latin name of what type of tree? Beech737. If you have Chlorosis what colour does the skin go? Green738. The French say Bis - what word do the English use? Encore739. Of what are Karakul, Texel, Romney Marsh types? Sheep740. What is biltong? Dried meat741. What type of fish is Scomber Scombrus? Mackerel742. What are brick, fontina, port salut, quargel types of? Cheese743. In which country did the turnip originate? Greece744. Tchaikovsky died of which disease? Cholera745. Sam Barraclough owned which film star? Lassie746. Which animals can live longest without water? Rats747. Captain Hanson Gregory Crockett created what void in 1847? Hole in Doughnuts748. Kaka means parrot in which language? Maori749. Who wrote A Town Like Alice? Nevil Shute750. Which fruit contains the most protein? Avocado751. Ignatius Loyola founded which organisation? Jesuits752. Which 16th century Italian wrote The Prince? Machiavelli753. A meander bend in a river, named from river meander - where? Turkey754. Who tells the story in The Arabian Nights? Sheherazade755. Alfred Jingle appears in which Dickens novel? The Pickwick Papers756. Vaselina and Brillantino were alternate names which film? Grease757. Chaplin ate a boot in the Gold Rush - what was it made of? Liquorice758. Phoebe Anne Mozee better known as who? Annie Oakley759. What is the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet? Kappa760. If you were misocapnic what do you hate? Tobacco Smoke761. In sailing ship days who often acted as the ships doctor? Cook762. An isoneph on a map joins places of equal what? Average Cloud Cover763. Bumper Harris - wooden leg - what Job on London Underground? Ride new

escalators 764. Who is Ivanhoe's wife? Rowena765. The Lent Lilly has a more common name - what? Daffodil766. What would you be if you were a coryphee? Ballet Dancer767. Whose last words were - "Clito I owe a cock to Asclepius"? Socrates768. What does the German word Panzer literally mean? Armour


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769. What is Frances longest river? Loire770. In which month is the Munich beer festival held? October771. What was the name of Norse God Thor's hammer? Mjolnir772. Who ordered John the Baptists execution? King Herod773. What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character? Oswald the Rabbit774. What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940? Penicillin775. Who wrote Beau Geste? P C Wren776. Prophesied the Chalus the Greek - Die on day - did of what? Laughing cos he was not

dead777. Who is Aladdin's father? Mustapha the tailor778. What American state is the Badger state? Wisconsin779. Why was Fred Lorz disqualified 1904 Olympic marathon? Hitched a lift passing car780. In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear? Red781. A muster is a group of which birds? Peacocks782. Bohea is a type of what? Tea783. In which country were antibiotics first used? Egypt - used mouldy bread784. Which country grew the first Orange? China785. Gossima was the original name of what game? Table Tennis786. Wild marjoram is also known as what? Oregano787. What was the name of Roses monkey in Friends? Marcel788. Horse brasses - on dreyhorses - originally what purpose? Charms - ward off evil789. Alfred Hitchcock admitted to being terrified of what? Policeman790. What was the name of Sancho Panza's donkey? Dapple791. What is Steganography? Invisible ink writing792. An Albert chain is usually attached to what? Watch793. An unkindness is a group of what birds? Ravens794. A fellmonger deals in what items? Animal skins795. What colour habit do Franciscan monks wear? Grey796. Nenen-Kona is sold in Russia - what do we call it? Pepsi-Cola797. Hugh Lofting created which famous character? Doctor Dolittle798. What was the name of Russian bear mascot 1980 Olympics? Mischa799. What ingredient must French ice cream contain by law? Eggs800. A kindle is the name for a group of what young animals? Kittens801. What is the commonest symbol on flags of the world? Star802. Which country is alphabetically last? Zimbabwe803. Smiths Bon-Bons changed their name to what after 1840? Christmas Crackers804. Minerva is the Goddess of what? Wisdom805. What type of animal is a jennet? Small Spanish horse806. If you were crapulous what would you be? Drunk807. Where would you Wedel? Ski slope808. What is the correct name for a baby otter? Kitten809. What colour is the gemstone peridot? Green810. Sanskrit is an old language - what does the word mean? Put together or Perfected811. In which country do they play houlani - type of hockey? Turkey812. What does the name Tabitha mean? Gazelle813. With what is spangy played? Marbles814. Where did Spam get its name? Spiced Ham815. The Pogues took their name from Pogue Mahone - what mean? Kiss my arse816. What comes after the year of the snake - Chinese calendar? Horse817. Mosi-oa-Tunya - Smoke that Thunders - what natural feature? Victoria falls


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818. One person every 6 seconds dies from what? Contaminated water diseases819. Approximately 40 million of what are consumed each year? Bananas820. What is the worlds largest rodent? Capybara821. Which winter game is known as the roaring game? Curling822. The first known what happened in Wisconsin 1878? Organised motor race823. Which 2 countries will host the 2002 Soccer World Cup finals? Japan - South Korea824. In 1935 Charlton C McGee invented what in the USA? Parking Meter825. Which French philosopher created analytical geometry? Rene Decartes826. The length of what is approx 1/10th circumference of earth? Great wall of China827. What was the world's first computer bug in 1946? A moth828. What does a polythesistic person believe in? Many Gods829. Who founded the Greek theatre? Thespis830. Maria Magdelana Von Losch Beyyer know as who? Marlene Dietrich831. If you suffered from tantartism what would you be doing? Dancing Mania832. Which literary prize started in 1968? Booker McConnell833. What links Fitzroy, Essenden, Collingswood and Carlton? Aussie rules football teams834. What countries people spend most private money on recreation? Taiwan's835. What links The Reivers, Grapes of Wrath, Humbolts Gift? Pulitzer Prize winners836. USA has most airports which country has second most? Australia837. In 1829 Walter Hunt invented what common item? Safety Pin838. Fredrick Sanger discovered which medical life saver? Insulin839. Who invented punched cards used in early computing 1880s? Herman Hollerith840. Why did Roselin Franklin (pre discovered dna helix) no Nobel? She was dead841. What is a Dwarf Goby? Worlds smallest true fish842. What types can be saddle, plane or pivotal? Body Joints843. 1500 paces was what Roman measurement? League844. Denis Gabor of Hungary 1971 Nobel prize for what invention? Holograms845. Who gave the UN the land in NY to build their HQ? John D Rockerfeller846. In 1779 Abraham Darby built the worlds first what? Metal Bridge847. What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion? Judaism848. An aubade or alborda is a song - but what type? Mourning849. What sport links Castle Cup, Red Stripe Cup, Ranji Trophy? Cricket850. What countries leader does not have an official residence? Cuba851. Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984? William Gibson Neuromancer852. Demeter was the Greek god of what (Ceres Roman)? Harvest853. What film won the 1943 Oscar as best film? Casablanca854. What do ungulate animals alone have? Hooves855. Dr Ludwig L Zamenhof invented what 1887 Poland? Esperanto856. Who wrote The Picture of Dorian Grey in 1891? Oscar Wilde857. Who composed The Planets suit (both names)? Gustav Holst858. What links Doric, Ionic, Tuscan, Corinthian and Composite? Classical Architecture859. What is phonetic alphabet word for U? Uniform860. Why were women barred from original Olympic Games? Male entries nude861. In which USA state is Churchill Downs racetrack? Louisville Kentucky862. In 1867 Lucian B Smith invented what restraint? Barbed Wire863. In 1961 which Henry Mancini record won Grammy record of year? Moon River864. What links Willie Brant, Lech Walesa, Yasser Arafat? Nobel Peace Prize865. Which countries government spends most in social security %? Uruguay866. Archaeopteryx was the first what? Bird867. In 1810 in England Peter Durand invented what? Tin can (food)


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868. Who was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952 (turned down)? Albert Einstein869. What is the oldest known infectious disease? Leprosy870. A JPEG is a picture file format - what does JPEG stand for? Joint Photographic

Experts Group871. What is the worlds largest sea (in area)? South China872. Which islands wildlife is 90% unique? Madagascar873. What are truffles - highly prized as food? Fungi874. Which Game is Played 15 a side and scores 3 or 1 points? Gaelic Football875. What was invented in 1855 45 years later than it was needed? Can Opener876. What links Sissinnius, Zosimus, Liberius, Sergius V1,Victor II? Popes877. What is the world largest seed? Coco-de-mare palm a double coconut878. Bristlemouths are the worlds most common what? Fish879. What swims at 1/8 inch an hour? Sperm880. Trypanophobia is fear of what? Inoculations or Injections881. Chogori is better know by what boring name? K2882. Colonel Jacob Schick invented what in 1928 in USA? Electric Razor883. What links Duke Wellington, Earl Derby, Marquis Salisbury ? UK Prime Ministers884. In 1996 which Celine Dion album Grammy album of year? Falling into You885. What weight is the lightest in Amateur Boxing? Light Flyweight886. Which country has the worlds biggest (on land) National Park? Canada at Wood

Buffalo 17300s ml887. What language speakers were shot Russia and Germany 1930s? Esperanto888. Ronald Ross campaigned for the destruction of what? Mosquitoes - stop malaria889. Who won two Nobel prizes in different fields? Marie Curie Physics 1903 Chemistry

1911890. Name 3rd cent BC Greek mathematician wrote The Elements? Euclid891. Evidence of what alternative treatment found in 5300 mummy? Acupuncture892. North Fork Roe River - worlds shortest - which US state? Montana893. In 1879 James Ritty invented what? Cash Register894. Who wrote the novel Tom Jones in 1749? Henry Fielding895. What links Millionaires,Metropolitans,Black Hawks,Silver seven? Stanley Cup

winners Ice Hockey896. What country - largest earthquake of 20th cent 8.6 Richter 1906? Colombia897. The okapi belongs to what family of animals? Giraffe898. Dimitri Mendeleyev is credited with the discover of what? Periodic Table899. What feature of a triangle makes it scalene? Different side lengths900. Taphophobia is fear of what? Buried Alive901. In the Chinese New Year what year follows Rat? Ox902. Genuphobia is the fear of what? Knees903. Percy LeBaron Spencer invented what in 1945 in USA? Microwave Oven904. St Peter was the first Pope - Who was second? St Linus905. What 1945 film won best picture, actor, director Oscars? The Lost Weekend906. What is the literal translation of pot-pouri? Putrid Pot907. Who did James Bond marry - character - (both names)? Theresa Draco908. What is studied in the science of somatology? The Body909. What was Hugh Hefner's jet plane called? Big Bunny910. What profession did Handel originally study? The Law911. What European nation was the first to drink tea? The Dutch912. Beaufort - the wind scale man - had what job? Sailor (Admiral)913. What bird is the symbol of Penguin books (children's section)? Puffin


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914. Diane Leather was the first woman to do what? Sub 5 minute mile915. What is Admiral Sir Miles Messervy usually known as? M (Bond films)916. Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation? The Blood917. What film made 58 times - cartoon, porrno, operatic, ballet? Cinderella918. Mr Chips said goodbye from Brookfield school - What subject? Latin919. In which American city can you get doctorate in hambugerology? Hamburger College

Chicago920. Which author created The Saint (both names)? Leslie Charteris921. What is sericulture? Growing Silkworms922. What was Eddison's first practical invention? Tick a Tape for stockmarket923. Frigophobia fear of what? Being Cold924. Which company invented the transistor radio in 1952? Sony925. Who is the only solo performer to win Euro song twice? Johnny Logan 1980 and

1987926. Franz Liszt was the farther in law of what composer? Richard Wagner927. In what town was Leonardo Da Vinci born? Vinci928. Who directed the Halloween series of films? John Carpenter929. What metal impurity makes rubies red and emeralds green? Chromium930. Helen Mitchell became famous as what soprano? Nellie Melba931. Robert Whithead invented what weapon in 1866? Torpedo932. Zymase and Glucose combine to form what drug? Alcohol933. Translated literally what does television mean? Far Seeing934. Not as soups what have gazpacho - vichyssoise in common? Served Cold935. Who was the Greek goddess of retribution? Nemesis936. 47 people worked on a committee to produce what work? Authorised version of Bible937. What was the first feature length British cartoon? Animal Farm in 1954938. Who first said "Publish and be Damned"? Wellington re Harriot Wilson mistress939. Edwin Drake sank the first of them in 1859 - what were they? Oil Wells940. Calico cloth was invented in which country? India941. What is dittology? Double meaning942. Who played Pink in the movie The Wall? Bob Geldorf943. Rhabdophobia fear of what? Being Beaten944. Dr C W Long was the first to use what (anaesthetic) in 1842? Ether945. Hey Big Spender comes from what musical? Sweet Charity946. Jamie Farr played what role in MASH? Corporal Clinger947. Whets the correct name for golf club called Texas Wedge? Putter948. Whose nickname was slowhand (both names)? Eric Clapton949. Which country invented the mariners compass? China950. What countries international car registration letters are DZ? Algeria951. The name Malissa means what? Bee952. What was Acadia? Nova Scotia (French Name)953. Dragoon, Antwerp, Poulter, Tumbler, Horseman types of what? Pigeon954. What was the first frozen food available in Britain in 1937? Asparagus955. If you suffer from cynanthropy what do you think you are? Dog956. What is the phonetic alphabet word for letter P? Papa957. What is a runcible spoon? A broad Pickle fork958. The artist Abbott Thayer's developed what for military use? Camouflage colours959. What did Francis Bacon call The Purest of Pleasures? The Garden960. What is the largest single known gold object in the world? Tutankhamens Coffin


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961. Madame Pauline de Vere first female circus performer - do what? Head in Lions Mouth

962. How was Alexander the Greats body preserved? In large jar of honey963. Californian law no shooting any animal moving car except what? A Whale964. Peter Falk plays Lt Colombo but who was first offered role? Bing Crosby965. What type of birds (Hugin + Munin) sit on the shoulders of Odin? Ravens966. Where are you most likely to have a serious accident? In your home967. Melvin R Bissell invented what in 1876 in the USA? Carpet Sweeper968. Peniaphobia fear of what? Being Penniless969. About which game has most books been written? Chess970. Albert De Salvo was better known as who? The Boston Strangler971. What was the last European nation to accept the potato? France972. Students at Cambridge - no dogs - what Lord Byron keep? Bear973. King Mongut had aprox 9000 wife's/concubines what country? Siam - Thailand974. Only approx one third worlds population uses what regularly? Fork975. William Tayton was the first man to do what? Appear on TV on Bairds demo976. Clemintina Campbell famous as who? Cleo Lane977. What should you give after 15 years of marriage? Crystal978. What is a Charollais? Type of Cattle979. What place is called Rapa-nui by its native inhabitants? Easter Island980. Where was/is the original Penthouse? In a Real Tennis Court981. What pop group took their name from a Herman Hess novel? Steppenwolff982. How often does a Hebdomadal Council meet? Weekly983. What was unusual about Tyrell's car in the 1976 Spanish G Prix? Six Wheels984. In what country is the Eucumbene Dam? Australia New South Wales985. Males outnumber females by 5 to 1 in what addiction? Alcoholism986. For what would an Edgar be awarded or won? Mystery Writing987. What are salopettes? Snow proof Dungaree trousers988. Which society cared - plague victims when physicians left 1665? Apothecaries989. Domenikos Theotocopoulos born Crete - died Spain - who? El Greco990. What nation on average takes most time to eat meals? French991. Dr F Lanchester invented what motor safety aid in 1902? Disc Brakes992. Halophobia fear of what? Speaking993. Arthur Jefferson better known as who? Stan Laurel994. Why is the city La Paz in Bolivia safe from fire? To high - Not enough air to burn995. What is the national drink of Yugoslavia? Slivovitz996. Agnes the girls name means what? Chaste997. What were the wicks in the Vestal Virgins lamps made from? Asbestos998. Who is the Patron Saint of France? St Denis999. What are you supposed to give/get for 40 years of marriage? Ruby1000. What is the Roman Numeral for 1000? M


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