  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Marketing Research

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Marketing Information System

    Consists of people, equipment, and procedures togather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distributeneeded, timely and accurate information tomarketing decision makers.

    Objective of MIS:To provide input from target markets, marketing

    channels, competitors, publics, and other forcesfor creating , changing or improving the marketingdecisions.

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    Marketing Information System



  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    The inputs are provided through:Internal Record SystemMarketing Intelligence SystemMarketing Research SystemMarketing Decision Support System

    Internal Record SystemAnalysis Information on orders, sales, prices, costs,

    inventory levels, receivables, payables etc to findopportunities and problems

    a) Order to Pay Cycleb) Sales information System

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Marketing Intelligence System

    A marketing intelligence system is a set of

    procedures and sources managers use to obtaineveryday information about developments in themarketing environment.

    How Marketing Intelligence is collected?How to improve?

    Decision Support System/ Info. AnalysisInterprets relevant information from business andenvironment and turns it into a basis for marketingaction.

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS



    Is the process of building, maintaining and using

    customer databases and other databases (product,suppliers, resellers) for the purpose of contacting,

    transacting and building customer relationships.

    Database Mining:Marketers can extract useful information aboutindividuals, trends, and segments from the mass of

    data. Data mining is done with the help of highlysophisticated statistical and mathematicaltechniques.

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    Data Warehouse:

    Companys contact center captures information

    every time a customer comes into contact with any

    of its departments. This includes a customer

    purchase, a customer-requested service call, anonline query etc. These collected data is stored in

    data warehouse.

    Eg: Banks and credit card companies, Telephone


  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Database Marketing:

    Is the process of building, maintaining and using

    customer databases and other databases (product,

    suppliers, resellers) for the purpose of contacting,

    transacting and building customer relationships.

    Uses of databases

    To identify prospects

    To decide which customer should receive a

    particular offer.

    To deepen customer loyalty

    To reactivate customer purchases

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Market ResearchIs the gathering ,recording and analyzing ofmarket data to identify the present and potentialcustomers with their motives and buying habits.

    Marketing ResearchThe systematic design, collection, analysis andreporting of data and findings relevant to a specific

    marketing situation facing the company.

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    Marketing ResearchSystematic and intensive investigation.

    To identify the present and potential customers and

    their needs.

    Better understanding and knowledge about the

    present and future problems.Bridge the gap between marketers and customers.

    Determine customers preferences with regard to

    packaging, design, size, price, and other features ofproducts.

    Profitability improvement.

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    Objectives of the Marketing Research

    Marketing Research

    Knowledge about the natureand composition of customers.

    Developing Marketing Mix.

    Anticipate Competitivemoves.

    Probe what went wrong.

    Marketing Strategy

  • 8/2/2019 11- Marketing Research & MIS


    The Marketing Research ProcessAn effective marketing research involves the six steps.

    1.Define the Problem and the ResearchObjective

    Problems should not be defined too broadly ortoo narrowly.

    What is to be researched?

    Why is to be researched ? Working backwards from the decisions.

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    2. Develop the Research Plani. Develop the most effective plan for gathering the

    information.ii. Decisions on the data sources, researchapproaches, research instruments, sampling plan,and contact methods.

    Data sources: Primary data or Secondary data.

    Research Approaches for Primary data collection:

    Observational Research, Focus Group Research,Survey Research, Behavioral Data, ExperimentalResearch.

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    Research Instruments:Questionnaires, Qualitative measures and

    mechanical devices.

    Sampling Plan:Sampling Unit: Who is to be surveyed?

    Sample Size: How many people to be surveyed?Sampling Procedure: How should the respondentsbe chosen?

    Contact methods:Mail Questionnaire, Telephone Interview, PersonalInterview, Online Interview.

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    3. Collect the information.

    Data collection phase of marketing research is the

    most expensive and most prone to error.

    4. Analyze the Information.Extract findings from the collected data.

    Develops different frequency distribution.

    5. Present the findings.Researchers has to present findings that are

    relevant for making marketing decisions.

    6. Make the decisions.

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