  • 7/28/2019 [14] 2006 - Project Management for Modern Information Systems

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  • 7/28/2019 [14] 2006 - Project Management for Modern Information Systems



    Project Management

    for Modern

    Information Systems

    Dan Brandon, PhD, PMPChristian Brothers University, USA

    IRM Press

    Publisher of innovative scholarly and professional

    information technology titles in the cyberage

    Hershey London Melbourne Singapore

    TEAM LinG

  • 7/28/2019 [14] 2006 - Project Management for Modern Information Systems



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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Brandon, Dan, 1946-

    Project management for modern information systems / Dan Brandon.

    p. cm.

    Summary: "This book describes and illustrates practices, procedures, methods, and tools for IT project

    management that address project success for modern times"--Provided by publisher.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 1-59140-694-3 (softcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 1-59140-695-1 (ebook : alk. paper)

    1. Project management. 2. Management information systems. I. Title.

    HD69.P75.B733 2005



    ISBN (hardcover) 1-59140-693-5

    British Cataloguing in Publication Data

    A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.

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    This book is dedicated to my family, who had to settle for less of my attention

    during the writing of this book, but who, nonetheless, enthusiastically sup-

    ported me; specifically to my father and mother, Dan and Shirley, who in-

    stilled in me the principles and ethics that have guided my life, and to my

    children, Madison and Victoria, whose presence are my greatest blessing.


    TEAM LinG

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    Project Management

    for Modern

    Information Systems

    Table of Contents

    Preface ........................................................................................................................viii

    Acknowledgment ......................................................................................................... xii

    Chapter I

    Todays IT Environment ................................................................................................. 1

    The Information Revolution ................................................................................. 2

    Better, Cheaper, Faster ......................................................................................... 4

    Teamed-Based Workplaces ................................................................................. 6

    Projects and Project Management........................................................................ 9

    The Project Manager .......................................................................................... 11

    IT Project Management ...................................................................................... 13

    Chapter II

    Critical Success Factors for IT Projects .................................................................... 18

    Definition of Success ......................................................................................... 18

    Completion and Satisfaction Criteria .................................................................. 19

    Generalization of Success Factors for IT............................................................ 20

    Managing for Success ....................................................................................... 24

    Chapter III

    Project Selection and Initiation .................................................................................. 29Organizational Planning ..................................................................................... 29

    Project Initiation ................................................................................................. 31

    Project Proposals ............................................................................................... 32

    Project Business Plan ......................................................................................... 34

    Financial Evaluation and Selection Methods ..................................................... 35

    Decision Trees ................................................................................................... 37

    Project Scoring Methods ................................................................................... 42

    Project Stage Gates ............................................................................................ 45

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    Chapter IV

    The Project Management Discipline .......................................................................... 48

    Project Management Organizations ................................................................... 48

    Project Management Institute ............................................................................ 50Project Management Body of Knowledge ......................................................... 50

    Chapter V

    The Software Engineering Discipline ........................................................................ 59

    Software Engineering vs. Project Management ................................................. 59

    Software Development Lifecycle Methodology................................................. 60

    Management Stage Gates .................................................................................. 65

    SDLC Variations and Alternatives ..................................................................... 66

    Development Acceleration ................................................................................. 71

    Modern SDLC Implementations ......................................................................... 74

    Object-Oriented Software ................................................................................... 79

    Software Reuse .................................................................................................. 85

    Software Engineering Institute ........................................................................... 88

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ................................................ 92

    Other Software Standards Organizations ........................................................... 94

    Chapter VI

    Project Overall Planning ............................................................................................ 98

    The Project Charter ............................................................................................ 98

    The Project Master Plan ................................................................................... 100

    Project Calendars and Fiscal Periods ............................................................... 100

    Kickoff Meeting ............................................................................................... 104

    Scope Management ......................................................................................... 106

    Requirements Analysis .................................................................................... 109

    Chapter VII

    Developing the Schedule and Cost Plan .................................................................... 120

    Detail Project Planning ..................................................................................... 121

    Developing the Work Breakdown Structure .................................................... 122

    Task Estimation ................................................................................................ 133

    Task Sequencing and The Critical Path ........................................................... 143

    Scheduling ....................................................................................................... 147

    Resource Assignment and Costing Methods .................................................. 150

    Developing the Cost Plan ................................................................................ 152

    Chapter VIII

    Risk Planning and Management............................................................................... 157

    Project Risks and Opportunities....................................................................... 157

    Risk Identification ............................................................................................ 160

    Risk Quantification ........................................................................................... 166

    Risk Response Development ........................................................................... 169

    Risk Plan Example ............................................................................................. 175

    Risk Response Control ..................................................................................... 179

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    Chapter IX

    Project Execution and Control .................................................................................. 183

    The Control Process......................................................................................... 183

    What to Control ............................................................................................... 185Measurement of Completion Factors ............................................................... 186

    Measurement of Satisfaction Factors .............................................................. 191

    Measuring and Reporting ................................................................................ 193

    Stage Gate Implementation............................................................................... 195

    Corrective Actions ........................................................................................... 197

    Chapter X

    Managing Quality ..................................................................................................... 202

    Quality Management ........................................................................................ 202

    Quality Planning............................................................................................... 204

    Quality Assurance ........................................................................................... 208

    Quality Control ................................................................................................. 209

    Software Testing .............................................................................................. 212

    Quality Stage Gates .......................................................................................... 220

    Quality Programs.............................................................................................. 223

    Software Development Standards .................................................................... 227

    Chapter XI

    Change and Closeout Management ........................................................................... 234

    Project Changes ............................................................................................... 234

    Establishing a Change Control System ............................................................ 236

    Version Control ................................................................................................ 239

    Configuration Control ...................................................................................... 240Scope Creep ..................................................................................................... 241

    Project Closeout ............................................................................................... 243

    Chapter XII

    Procurement and Outsourcing ................................................................................. 248

    Procurement ..................................................................................................... 248

    Procurement Planning ...................................................................................... 251

    Solicitation Planning ........................................................................................ 253

    Solicitation ....................................................................................................... 255

    Source Selection............................................................................................... 255

    Contract Administration and Closeout ............................................................ 257

    SEI SA-CMM .................................................................................................. 257Outsourcing ..................................................................................................... 258

    Chapter XIII

    Stakeholder Management ......................................................................................... 274

    Stakeholder Identification and Analysis .......................................................... 274

    Communication Management .......................................................................... 278

    Organizational Context ..................................................................................... 286

    Human Resource Management ........................................................................ 291

    Managing the Project Team ............................................................................. 297

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    Chapter XIV

    Performance Reporting and Earned Value Analysis ................................................ 309

    Traditional Performance Reporting .................................................................. 310

    Earned Value Analysis ..................................................................................... 316Effective Implementation of EVA ..................................................................... 322

    Progress Reporting .......................................................................................... 324

    Actual Cost Data.............................................................................................. 327

    Other EVA Issues ............................................................................................ 331

    EVA, Success Factors, and Stage Gates .......................................................... 333

    Chapter XV

    Software Systems for Project Management ............................................................. 338

    Spreadsheets .................................................................................................... 338

    General Project Management Software ............................................................ 343

    Open Source Software...................................................................................... 345

    The FiveAndDime System ............................................................................... 348

    Chapter XVI

    Managing Multiple Projects ..................................................................................... 351

    The Project Management Office....................................................................... 352

    Portfolio Management...................................................................................... 357

    Knowledge Management ................................................................................. 365

    Lessons Learned .............................................................................................. 367

    Standard Forms and Templates ........................................................................ 372

    Global Projects ................................................................................................. 372

    The PMO Portal ............................................................................................... 374

    Project Management Maturity ......................................................................... 376Project Management and Strategic Planning ................................................... 378

    Glossary and Acronyms ............................................................................................ 385

    About the Author ....................................................................................................... 405

    Index ........................................................................................................................ 407

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    In the past, the formal discipline of project management was applied primarily to very

    large projects lasting several years and costing millions of dollars; this was as true for

    information technology (IT) projects as it was for other industries. Furthermore in the

    20th century, project management methods were largely based upon command and

    control techniques. These techniques evolved from ancient military regimes and dic-

    tatorial governments, where relatively few educated people directed large numbers of

    uneducated people. Some industries are still that way, but many companies and most IT

    organizations are evolving into team- and project-based environments using knowl-

    edge workers, independent contractors, and, perhaps, various forms of outsourcing.Competitive advantage today is increasingly based upon knowledge assets instead of

    upon the traditional assets of land, labor, and capital. In addition there is now a separa-

    tion of work from workplace, and operations may be performed on a global scale.

    To be successful in our IT projects (and most IT projects are still not successful), it is

    imperative that we apply formal project management methods and tools to all IT project-

    based work. Also the formal methods and tools of project management need to evolve

    to address the changes in modern software engineering and our high-tech global work-

    places. In the past, project success was defined too narrowly as simply meeting time

    and cost constraints for a given scope of work. However, in order for an IT project to be

    completely successful, that basic definition of success needs to be extended. This

    extension is particular with regard to product quality, stakeholder satisfaction, security,

    organizational human capital, and long-term factors such as maintainability and adapt-

    ability. With that extended definition of success, management techniques and tools can

    be extended or otherwise modified to be more effective.

    This book describes and illustrates practices, methods, and tools for IT project man-

    agement that address this extended definition of project success for modern times. As

    such, this book is directed to IT project managers, those IT personnel aspiring to

    become project managers, and also to experienced IT personnel who wish to learn of

    new project management concepts, methods, and tools. This book is also designed for

    use as a textbook or reference in graduate or upper-level undergraduate university

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    programs in IT or project management. Throughout the book, a number of IT project

    management standard forms are presented and a number of spreadsheet models are

    also developed. An open source general Web-based project management software sys-

    tem (FiveAndDime) is used to illustrate many of the methods and applications dis-cussed in the book. An appendix of the book contains a glossary of the IT project

    management and software engineering terms and acronyms used.

    Chapter I introduces and defines a project, project management, the project manager,

    and project stakeholders. These management concepts are discussed relative to our

    modern IT dominated world and in context with todays information revolution and to

    the business and technical forces that drive this revolution. The distinctions of IT

    project management as compared to general project management are also identified


    Chapter II introduces the concept of project critical success factors. A key factor

    leading to the continued failure in IT projects is the lack of identification and apprecia-

    tion for all the major components of project success. Critical success factors are thosethings that must be done or handled properly for a project to be successful. A compre-

    hensive model of critical success factors for IT projects permits the development of

    better management plans, processes, and metrics particularly for risk, quality, and per-

    formance control. In this chapter, general critical IT success factors are identified and

    techniques for the management of those factors are introduced. The notion of a dual

    stage gate process for the comprehensive and effective management of these success

    factors is also introduced in this chapter; later chapters define metrics and control

    methods for these success factors using dual stage gating.

    Chapter III discusses project initiation and selection. The careful selection of which

    projects to initiate is vital to the success of an organization. Project initiation repre-

    sents a future commitment of both human and financial resources as well as of manage-ment attention. In this chapter, methods for the proper selection and initiation of projects

    are discussed with regard to overall organizational goals and business justification. In

    this chapter, project initiation and the processes and documents involved with project

    evaluation from a business perspective are discussed and illustrated. Standard forms

    for the project proposal and project business plan are presented. (Later, Chapter VI

    continues with the life of a project after an organization has committed to perform said


    Chapters IV and V discuss project management and software engineering from a disci-

    plinary perspective, as these concepts and terms are used throughout the remainder of

    this book. A number of worldwide professional organizations have been developed to

    foster the project management discipline, and these organizations and their bodies of

    knowledge are presented in Chapter V.

    Although software engineering is not a formal part of project management, it is vital for

    the proper planning of IT projects. Even for IT projects that primarily involve software

    acquisition and integration instead of software development, the software engineering

    embedded in the products that are acquired will significantly affect long-term project

    success factors. In Chapter V, modern software engineering and its relation to IT project

    management is discussed. Key challenges to software engineering in the 21 st century

    are presented as well as how software engineering together with project management

    can address those challenges.

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    Chapter VI formalizes overall project planning and requirements analysis. Getting off to

    a fast start in the right direction is important in any endeavor, and overall planning and

    requirements are two of the most important aspects of IT project management. Standard

    forms are presented for the project charter, overall project plan, software managementplan, and requirements document. The process of IT requirements discovery and docu-

    mentation is formalized and illustrated. Once a complete and clear set of requirements

    has been documented and approved by all relevant stakeholders, detail project plan-

    ning can begin; such detail planning is covered in the following chapters.

    Chapter VII is concerned with detail project planning, particularly the schedule and

    cost plan. In this chapter, the formulation of a detail schedule and cost plan is dis-

    cussed and illustrated. WBS formulation, task sequencing, task estimation, scheduling,

    and costing methods are all covered. The detail scope, time, and cost planning of this

    chapter forms the basis for other detail plansincluding the risk plan, procurement

    plan, HR plan, quality plan, control plan, and change plandescribed in subsequent

    chapters.Success in the modern business world involves taking some risk. All the systems that

    are really changing the world today are very risky systems, but one needs to know how

    to manage risk, including how to identify risk sources, quantify risk parameters, and

    develop plans to handle risks; these are the topics covered in Chapter VIII. The total

    project risk-management process is described and illustrated and standard forms are

    developed for an IT risk-management plan. A framework based upon critical success

    factors for analyzing project risk threats and hazards is also presented.

    Once a project is planned and underway, the project manager cannot simply walk away

    and assume that everything will go according to plan. In Chapter IX, project perfor-

    mance control metrics and techniques are defined and discussed. Performance metrics

    for each critical success factor are identified and illustrated. Standard forms for statusreports and stage gate reviews are presented. Corrective actions to bring a project back

    in compliance with the plan are also identified and discussed.

    As a project proceeds, quality is often the most difficult area to keep on track. Chapter

    X discusses the many quality aspects of project management, and project success

    factors are used as the basis for key quality metrics. A quality management plan for IT

    projects includes both verification and validation, and such a plan is presented here.

    Other important quality topics are also discussed in this chapter, including the many

    types and methods of software testing, software development standards, and quality

    organizations and programs. Standard forms for quality standards and quality stage

    gates are included here.

    Change is a fact of life for most projects, particularly IT projects. A major cause of ITproject overruns is changes in scope. Change can be good or bad, but change is

    expected, and change has to be managed. Chapter XI is concerned with the overall IT

    change management process, including version control and configuration control.

    Project closeout and related topics such as lessons learned are also included and illus-

    trated. Standard forms for change control plans, change orders, and project closeout are

    presented in this chapter.

    Many IT projects involve the purchasing of goods or services, and some IT projects

    are mostly procurement activities, at least from a cost perspective. With the increase in

    IT outsourcing and outsourcing offshore, there is an increasing need for very formal

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    procurement management, and that overall management process is the subject of Chap-

    ter XII. This chapter covers general project procurement and the formal procedures and

    documents used in procurements such as the statement of work, request for proposal,

    and contracts. The different types of procurement documents are discussed and whichtypes are used in which situations and with what types of contracts. In particular for IT

    projects the subject of outsourcing is also covered in detail.

    The identification and management of a projects stakeholders is vital to the complete

    success of a project. Often, well-planned and properly executed projects can still fail

    due to a lack of relationships or inappropriate relationships between the project man-

    ager and various stakeholders. Chapter XIII discusses matters related to the human

    side of project management including stakeholder relations, communications, team

    management, and security. Standard forms are presented for the project communica-

    tions plan, human resources plan, and security plan.

    Traditional methods of progress performance reporting are often inaccurate and mis-

    leading. Earned value analysis (EVA) has proven to be an extremely effective tool forproject time and cost management, providing good estimates of actual project comple-

    tion cost and date. EVA is also is a good early indicator of project problem areas, so that

    appropriate corrective action can be initiated. In Chapter XIV, EVA is defined, dis-

    cussed, and illustrated in detail. EVA is one of the key metrics in the management-for-

    success philosophy that is developed in this book via critical success factors and dual

    stage gates. EVA is often difficult to implement effectively and can have a number of

    problem areas. However, this chapter identifies the EVA problem areas and their practi-

    cal solutions.

    There is a vast amount of project management software available today in a wide vari-

    ety of capabilities, applicability, platform requirements, and prices. These software

    products significantly enhance a PMs job of managing a project in almost all aspectsincluding selection, planning, scheduling, execution, control, risk, communications,

    and so forth. Therefore, PMs should be aware of the types of tools available and the

    features and applicability of those tools. In Chapter XV, types of software products and

    some specific products are identified and discussed, including spreadsheet models and

    open source software.

    Management of IT projects and being on an IT project team used to be simpler. PMs

    typically had one project to manage and team members were only on one team. All the

    team members were located in close geographic proximity, and the work was all done at

    the workplace. Today, however, the project landscape has become much more complex,

    where everyone is concerned, with multiple projects and teams spread out all over the

    world. The business needs of cutting costs to the bone and being quicker to market

    have increased the pressures on project teams and their managers. Chapter XVI dis-

    cusses modern ways that organizations can effectively deal with these complexities,

    including the use of project management offices (PMOs), project portfolio optimization,

    knowledge management, project dashboards, and PMO portals. Chapter XVI also dis-

    cusses project management from a strategic perspective.

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    My sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to the many individuals both in

    the academic world and in the commercial sector who discussed various book

    topics with me. My particular appreciation goes to those who helped review

    the content and style of the book: Jonathan Pierce at Computer Science Corpo-

    ration; Richard Flaig at the NASA Stennis Space Center; Professors Frank

    Marion, James Aflaki, and Larry Schmitt, all at Christian Brothers University;

    and communication specialist Diane Brandon.


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    Todays IT Environment 1

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    Chapter I


    IT Environment

    A competitive advantage comes only with superior IT.

    (Aetna Healthcare Chairman/CEO Richard Huber)

    In the last few years, information technology (IT) has significantly impacted the

    operation of most businesses, and even though most corporations still spend only 3%

    to 8% of their revenue on IT, businesses depend upon IT for their day-to-day operations.

    For many businesses, IT is a, if notthe, key factor in their competitive strategy. Due to

    IT, we have all experienced many changes, some good some bad, in our personal lives.

    In fact, probably not since the industrial revolution have people all over the world

    experienced such dramatic life-style changes. One is reminded of the opening sentencefromA Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens: It was the best of times, it was the worst

    of times. Dickens was referring to the French Revolution, but in the 21st century we are

    well into the IT Revolution. In regard to project management, there are two IT related

    matters: the utilization of IT in managing all types of projects and the management of IT

    projects. Before we further discuss these project management matters in this modern IT

    dominated world, we need to consider the technical and business forces that are shaping

    this new environment.

    TEAM LinG

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    2 Brandon

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    The Information Revolution

    According to the RAND organization (Hundley, 2004),

    Advances in information technology are affecting most segments of business, society,

    and governments today in many if not most regions of the world. The changes that IT

    is bringing about in various aspects of life are often collectively called the information


    The current IT revolution is not the first of its kind. Historians and nations may debate

    the exact time and place of previous information revolutions, but they are as follows:

    Invention of writing, first in Mesopotamia or China, around 3000 BC

    Invention of the written book in China or Greece, around 1000 BC

    Gutenbergs printing press and engraving, around AD 1450

    Major revolutions help some people and some organizations, and, therefore, for them it

    is the best of times; but revolutions also hurt some people and organizations, and for

    them it is the worst of times. With big revolutions, there always will be big winners and

    big losers. As an example, when the printing press was invented, the largest occupation

    in Europe was the hand copying of books in thousands of monasteries, each of which

    was home to hundreds of monks; 50 years later, the monks had been completely

    displaced. The impact to society was enormous, not because of the displacement ofmonks by other craftsmen and machines, but because the price of books dropped so

    drastically that common men could now afford to educate themselves.

    For many, this new IT revolution is bringing great things with unprecedented improve-

    ments in the quality and efficiency of all we do as organizations and as individuals. For

    others, however, IT is a two-edged sword, bringing about many problems, disturbances,

    and unresolved issues. A great digital divide is being created, and this divide has three

    dimensions: income, age, and education. This divide will further separate the haves from

    the have-nots as manufacturing operations move to lesser developed countries, where

    over 1 billion low-paid workers will be available in a few years. In the future, for developed

    countries, workers may be divided into InfoWorkers and McWorkers. In addition IT

    security and privacy problems are getting out of control, as evidenced by computer

    viruses, worms, e-mail fraud and spam, compromise of personal and private digital

    information, spyware, piracy of intellectual property, ID theft, hacking, and other

    computer crimes. Today, there are major and numerous security holes in most software

    that corporations and individuals use every day.

    The most important technology of this information revolution has to be the Internet,

    which is the combination of several underlying technologies. Consider the penetration

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    Todays IT Environment 3

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    rate (in the time to reach 50 million users) of recent milestone information technologies

    compared to the Internet:

    It took the telephone 40 years to reach 50 million users.

    It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million users.

    It took cable TV 10 years to reach 50 million users.

    It only took the Internet only 5 years to reach 50 million users!

    The Internet and related technologies are, however, beginning to cause significant

    industrial disruptions:

    Internet shopping is disrupting traditional sales channels for hard goods.

    Internet sharing and distribution is disrupting traditional intellectual property

    rights and sales of soft goods (print, audio, video, multimedia).

    Voice Over IP combined with ultra-high-speed optical and wireless media will start

    to disrupt traditional telecommunications.

    Open source software with community online support will start to disrupt the

    traditional software marketplace.

    Separation of work from workplace will disrupt corporate and personal real estate

    and related business sectors.

    As national barriers (political, physical, economic, and temporal) are removed,

    massive globalization will allow the free flow of both work and product.

    The need for retraining and lifetime learning, coupled with distance education, istransforming the traditional higher education landscape.

    The process and results of these disruptions has been called creative destruction by

    the RAND corporation, and this results in the economic eclipse of organizations not

    embracing the new IT world. Traditional mechanisms of government (i.e., jurisdiction,

    taxation, regulation, permits, and licenses, etc.) will also significantly be disrupted in

    response to these other disruptions, as will the insurance and finance industries.

    Likewise this process of creative disruption will result in the career destruction of

    managers (including project managers) not embracing modern IT.

    In his essay on this modern information revolution, business guru Peter Drucker (2004)

    noted, This revolution will surely engulf all major institutions of modern society, and

    [t]his revolution will force us to redefine what the business enterprise actually isthe

    creation of value and wealth.

    Furthermore, he questioned whether management is prepared for the full impact of this

    revolution, and he saw no sign of it at that time.

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    4 Brandon

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    Better, Cheaper, Faster

    The battle cry of the 1990s, what with the advent of client-server technology to replacemainframes, was




    These themes are still dominant in the 21st century. That battle cry continues from the

    board room down through the management chain, because these themes are the crux of

    market positioning (quality, cost, and time to market), as illustrated in Figure 1.1.

    To produce better and cheaper products or services and get them to market quicker

    requires better, cheaper, faster processes, as is illustrated in Figure 1.2. In todays world,

    information systems play a key role and an ever-increasing role in the overall process of

    producing and delivering products or providing services. Today, almost every aspect

    in the design, creation, delivery, and support of products or services depends strongly

    on IT.

    As Tom Cruise said in the movie Top Gun (Paramount Pictures, 1986), I feel a need, a

    need for speed. Upper management emphasizes that need for speed to IT project

    managers and software development teams. Many managers and technologists see

    speed as a solution to the problem illustrated in Figure 1.3. The world is changing so fast

    that, by the time we develop an IT solution for a business problem, the shape of that

    problem has changed.

    Newer and faster project management and software engineering methods can address a

    portion of this problem. Speed, however, is not the only way to address the problem

    shown in Figure 1.3 (as this book will show). Compounding the problem is the fact that

    too many in IT and general management have though that better-cheaper-faster pro-

    cesses are obtained primarily by better-cheaper-faster people. Thus management meth-

    ods as exporting work to cheaper locations, importing cheaper workers, or dismissing (or

    buying out) older workers have become common. Another management misconception

    is that better and faster is obtained by using better and faster tools; but better-faster tools

    without better practices and methods simply allow one to build the wrong product even


    A basic premise of this book is that the best long-term solution to better-cheaper-fasterIT products and services involves a number of modern project management and software

    engineering practices and methods that can be collectively called IT project manage-

    ment maturity. Three important basic project management and software engineering

    themes are embodied in this maturity model:

    1. Do it right the first time

    2. Do only manageable portions at a time

    3. Do it in a reusable and adaptable manner

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    This method is illustrated in Figure 1.4, and each of these components will be discussed

    later in this book.

    The project management processes, practices, and methods that are the key to this IT

    maturity model are based upon critical success factors. All too often in IT, project and

    line management do not allocate enough time to do the project work right the first time,

    but later they are forced to find the time and resources to do it over again. Completing

    Figure 1.1. Marketing dimensions

    Figure 1.2. Products and processes

    Figure 1.3. Changing shape of IT problems


    or Service

    Quality Cost

    Time To


    Better Cheaper



    Cheaper, Faster


    Cheaper, Faster











    Requirements Design Development Solution

    Solution Domain

    Problem Domain

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    IT projects successfully the first time requires the identification and understanding of

    all the critical success factors of such projects. Once these factors are itemized and fully

    appreciated, then effective management and technical methods and metrics can be

    formulated for project performance, risk, and quality control.

    Theoretically and statistically, project success probability decreases as the size of an IT

    project grows. Many factors, such as the interaction of project stakeholders and the

    interaction of technical components, increase in complexity in ratio to the square of the

    number of such items. Therefore, subdividing large IT projects into smaller parts

    decreases complexity and thus increases the likelihood of success; however, this

    subdivision needs to be consistent with the metrics and methods to monitor and control

    all identified critical success factors. In the next chapter, critical success factors for IT

    projects are identified and defined and, in later chapters, effective management and

    technical techniques for the measurement and control of these factors are presented.

    Teamed-Based Workplaces

    In the 20th century, management methods were largely based upon command and

    control techniques. These techniques evolved from ancient autocratic societies and

    military environments in which relatively few educated people lead large numbers of

    uneducated people. Management structures were developed to take much detailed

    information and to summarize that information up through a number of middle manage-

    Figure 1.4. IT Project management maturity



    and Phasing)

    IT Project




    Standards(embedded and




    Success FactorBased Project



    Program(TQM,QFD, ISO

    9000, Six Sigma)





    (project andproduct)

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    ment levels so that decisions could be made in regard to different scopes and time

    horizons. Several management levels were formed at each of the business operational,

    tactical, and strategic decision points.

    Today, however, in developed countries, management structures have changed and

    evolved due to a number of factors. One is that the economies of developed countries

    continue to shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Another factor

    is that most corporate workers have become knowledge workers, where a computer or

    computer interface is an integral part of their job. And the other major factor is that IT is

    used extensively to gather and summarize the information flow from the point of origin to

    the eventual decision maker; IT is now often part of the decision process itself through

    decision support systems.

    This evolution of management structures has resulted in a reduction of the number of

    middle management layers and the creation of team-based work at the lower levels. It used

    to be that a corporate organization chart might have management positions for supervi-

    sors (or foremen), unit managers, section managers, department managers, divisionmanagers, directors, and vice presidents. In a modern organization, there are much fewer

    levels, such as team leader (or project manager), director, and vice president (or CIO).

    Teams are given not only the work assignment(s) but also are given the responsibility

    (at least partially) for the work results. Management used to monitor employee perfor-

    mance by observing work activity and work results, hence the old expressionMBWA

    (managing by walking around). But in the team environment, it is becoming the respon-

    sibility of teammates to observe work activity and the team leader to monitorwork

    results. This creation of teams at the lower levels of the organization has proven very

    effective for maximizing employee performance, and where the nature of the work is the

    completion of projects, the team leader is called the project manager (PM).

    IT has also shown that productivity is not necessarily related to proximity and, thus, workis being separated from the workplace. Many knowledge workers can do much of their

    work from places other that the company facility including working from home, or while

    traveling, or while at a customer or vendor location. In many cases, IT has made it possible

    for an individual to work for an organization and live anywhere.

    Due to the tearing down of national barriers, the work of many companies and individuals

    is now on a global scale. Furthermore, IT has permitted the team based workplace to be

    extended to a global scale by the facilitation of virtual teams using electronic communi-

    cation and collaboration tools such as e-mail, interactive Web sites with electronic forms,

    chat rooms, bulletin boards, instant messaging, and other forms of groupware. Even

    business processes, both intracorporate and intercorporate, have become Web-enabled.

    Virtual teams may be assembled quickly with the right mix of skills to address a particular

    problem or project, and then they may be disassembled just as quickly when the job is

    done. It is not atypical for an individual to be a part of many virtual teams simultaneously.

    In a virtual environment, managers only monitor work results and the old concept of

    managing work activity has almost disappeared. This does not mean that managers no

    longer interact with their staff, it is just that the mode of interaction has often become

    digital instead of face to face.

    Some organizations have gone a step further and created the virtual organization, in

    which extensive use of IT is used to create an extremely flexible team- and project- based

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    organization, which may need no physical facilities at all. A related concept is embedded

    in the term virtual corporation, which refers to a business strategy for allying comple-

    mentary businesses via IT into a symbiotic network and allowing them to respond to

    customers as a single entity. The complete integration of IT into the work and virtualworkplace is creating a number of strategies that include the word (or synonym) instant

    (Pearlson & Saunders, 2004, pp. 76-77):

    Instant Value Alignment: Understanding the customer so well that the customers

    needs are anticipated.

    Instant Learning: Building learning directly into each employees work process

    and/or schedule (just in time training).

    Instant Involvement: Using IT to communicate all needed information to vendors,

    employees, and so forth (just in time inventory and supply chain automation).

    Instant Adaptation: Creating an environment enabling all teams to act instantly andto make timely decisions.

    Instant Execution: Designing business processes so that they have as few people

    involved as possible and reduce cycle times so that these processes appear to

    execute instantly.

    To successfully function in this new IT-enabled instant world and workplace, managers

    must adapt and obtain the necessary knowledge and skills. Several years ago, The

    Gartner Group researched this topic, and their list of these management skills follow

    (York, 1999):

    Understand project management

    Manage for results

    Speak the language of business

    Improvise with grace and harmony

    Understand IT processes and business processes

    Make informed business decisions quickly

    Know how and when to measure performance

    Cultivate an environment of risk tolerance

    Communicate clearly, appropriately, and relentlessly

    Computerworld also investigated this topic and called the new breed of IT team leaders

    business technologists and listed their ideal characteristics as (Brandel, 2001):

    Business and financial acumen

    Understand tension between budget, operations, capital, expense, and head


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    Sensitivity to all the dimensions that influence a project

    Both written and oral communication skills

    An understanding of relationship management Project planning skills

    Performance monitoring skills

    An understanding of the value of coaching

    A customer focused approach

    In the preceding lists, those items that specifically deal with project management (as

    opposed to management in general) have been italicized; however, all these traits are

    necessary for effective project managers.

    Projects and Project Management

    Aprojectis defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or

    service (PMI, 2000). A project is undertaken when work is best accomplished through

    methods that fundamentally differ from those of everyday operations. A list of the key

    characteristics of a project can further clarify that definition:

    Temporary endeavor with a beginning and an end

    Often broken into subprojects (or phases) Creates a unique product or service

    Done for a purpose

    Has interrelated activit ies (tasks)

    Is an instrument of change

    A project usually has certain aspects or key components which include project-related

    management, a common vocabulary, project-related methods and tools, teamwork, a plan,

    trade-offs (involving scope/deliverables, time, cost, and quality), identified require-

    ments (needs) and unidentified requirements (wants or expectations), and stakeholders.

    Thestakeholders involved with a project may be many and possibly diverse in several

    respects including interests, needs, expectations, and priorities. Satisfying the stake-

    holders is one of the key objectives of the project and the project manager. Key

    stakeholders include the organization and people doing the work, who are called the

    performing organization, and the people or organization benefiting from the work (and

    also usually paying for the work), who are called the benefiting organization. These

    two organizations may or may not belong to the same corporation. This is illustrated in

    Figure 1.5. The benefiting organization, customer, and end user also may or may not be

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    part of the same organization. The project manager is a key stakeholder, and this

    individual is almost always part of the performing organization. Another key stakeholder

    is the project sponsor (sometimes called the project champion), and this individual

    usually initiates or formalizes the idea of the project. It is extremely helpful if a projecthas support from high up in an organization, and the project sponsor is often part of upper

    management. Usually the project sponsor does not (and should not) play an active role

    in the day-to-day management of the project. Other stakeholders (shown in the diagram

    as S) may be in either organization or be external to both.

    Project managementis the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to

    the project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from

    a project (PMI, 2000). It involves the planning, organization, monitoring, and control of

    all aspects of a project and also the management, leadership, and motivation of all

    involved parties to achieve the project objectives within agreed time, cost, quality,

    safety, and performance criteria.

    Project management in some form has existed for thousands of years, and it was likelyused in the construction of the wonders of the ancient world. Modern project manage-

    ment, including the use of the engineering and management disciplines, started around

    the turn of the 20th century. Around that time, managers of such projects faced pressure

    from proponents of scientific management to organize in a centralized way and control

    not just what was done but the details of how and when it was done (Yates, 2000). Henry

    Gantt developed the Gantt Chart in World War I, and it was used in huge projects like

    the construction of the Hoover Dam in the 1930s. IT project management appears to go

    back to the 1950s, when the Critical Path Method (CPM) was developed by DuPont and

    Remington Rand/Univac.

    However, it is not always necessary to use formal project management methods for

    important temporarily endeavors, and the British Computer Society (in the spirit of DavidLettermans Top Ten List) itemizes the top 10 reasons not to use such formality:

    10. Our customers really love us, so they dont care if our products are late and dont


    9. I know there is a well-developed project management body of knowledge, but I cant

    find it under this mess on my desk.

    8. All our projects are easy, and they dont have cost, schedule, and technical risks


    7. Organizing to manage projects isnt compatible with our culture, and the last thing

    we need around this place is change.

    6. We arent smart enough to implement project management without stifling creativ-

    ity and offending our technical geniuses.

    5. We might have to understand our customers requirements and document a lot of

    stuff, and that is such a bother.

    4. Project management requires integrity and courage, so they would have to pay me


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    3. Our bosses wont provide the support needed for project management; they want

    us to get better results through magic.

    2. Wed have to apply project management blindly to all projects regardless of size

    and complexity, and that would be stupid.

    1. We figure its more profitable to have 50% overruns than to spend 10% on project

    management to fix them.

    The Project Manager

    The project manager (PM) is the leader of a team performing a project. The project

    manager and his team must identify the stakeholders, determine their needs, and manage

    and influence those needs to ensure a successful project. A key to stakeholdersatisfaction is the diligent and accurate analysis of the stakeholders themselves as well

    as their stated needs and unstated expectations. A project manager should not just be

    handed a statement of work from upper management and then try to complete it; rather

    the PM should be deeply involved with the development of that statement of work. The

    roles of a PM are many, some of which include the following:

    Identifying the requirements and risks

    Making plans and organizing the effort

    Qualifying and possibly selecting project team, vendors, and other participants

    Communication among team, management, stakeholders Assessing the probability of occurrence of problems

    Developing solutions to problems (both in advance and on the spot)

    Ensuring that progress occurs according to the plan

    Deliverable management

    Figure 1.5. Project stakeholders












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    Running meetings

    Acquiring resources for the project

    Influencing the organization Leading and team building

    Negotiation (external and internal)

    The many elements of a PMs work were expressed in the PMs Worldview, as shown

    in Figure 1.6 (Cooke-Davies, 2004).

    It is the role of the project team members to do their assigned duties, complete their

    assigned tasks, and help each other. It is the role of upper management to define the goals

    of the project, support the project, and protect it from disruptive influences. Other project

    matters fall to the PM; thus, the prime role of the PM is as the integrator, communicator,

    and problem solver for the project team, upper management, the customer, and all other

    stakeholders. Project managers need a host of skills and knowledge of both business and

    technical matters, and this is particularly true in IT. Computerworld states:

    Shouldering project management responsibilities isnt for the average Joe or the

    fainthearted. It requires people who have a relentless, or one might say obsessive-

    compulsive, attention to detail. They must also be thick-skinned individuals, willing

    to withstand verbal barbs, insults to their genealogy and possibly some old-fashioned

    assault and battery from people tired of being prompted for their part of the project.

    (Hall, 2004)

    Its a tough job with long hours and stress that needs someone whos a cross betweena ballet dancer and a drill sergeant (Murch, 2000). A well-known story (but of unknown

    origin) about PMs emphasizes their role:

    A project manager, his chief software engineer, and lead network analyst were having

    a lunchtime stroll in the woods when they happened on a small brass lamp. They picked

    it up and rubbed it and a grateful genie appeared. When confronted with three of them,

    the genie granted the traditional three wishes, but only one wish to each of them.

    The eager analyst went first and requested a South Sea Island with sweet music, swaying

    palm trees with a matching supply of lei-clad girls delivering endless Tequila Sunrises.

    No problem said the Genie, and with a quick flash and a cloud of smoke, the analyst


    Next came the software engineer, who merely wished to be locked in the sample room

    of the Coors Brewery with a guarantee of a self-regenerating liver. No problem said

    the Genie, and with a quick flash and a cloud of smoke the software engineer


    Then came the project manager. No problem! he said. I want those other two back

    at their desks by 1:15.

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    IT Project Management

    The evolution of flatter and team-based workplaces has progressed quicker and deeper

    in IT organizations than in the general corporate world. In addition, IT project manage-

    ment has some key differences and distinctions from project management in other fields.

    Some of these differences have to do with visibility, and this aspect alone makes IT

    projects more difficult that projects in other industries (McDonald, 2001). For example,

    the scope is hard to seeone cannot count the bricks, and quality is hard to seeit is

    not apparent if parts do not fit, do not work, cannot handle loads, cannot handle

    extensions, and are not compliant with standards. Here are other major differences and


    The major cost is labor with high degrees of specializations

    There is a large difference in productivity rates of the human resources even in same

    job category

    There are multiple quality dimensions and criteria

    Cost and time estimation is more complex

    There are multiple architectures, methodologies, tools, et cetera, and these are

    constantly changing

    Projects have a high degree of complexity

    Projects may effect the entire organization or beyond

    Projects have a large amount of changes to requirements Projects usually have a high degree of significant risks, including

    New features

    New algorithms and methods

    New languages, platforms, architectures, and supporting tools

    New operating systems, telecommunications, interfaces

    New technology in general

    Measurement of return on investment (ROI) and other business metrics is difficult

    There are often unrealistic goals and pressures placed upon project managers and

    project teams to deliver software products better-cheaper-faster

    Today, IT projects often involve many outside parties as consultants and vendors

    Today, IT projects often involve offshore resources

    Despite ongoing advances and innovations in project management, many projects fail;

    in IT, most projects still do not succeed. The Standish Group has been performing a study

    called CHAOS for about a decade. In 1994, their studyfound that only 16% of all ITprojects come in on time and within budget (Cafasso, 1994); projects that are completely

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    abandoned represent about 15% of the failures. The problem is so widespread that many

    IT professionals accept project failure as inevitable (Cale, Curley, & Curley, 1987;

    Hildebrand, 1998). In 2004, the IT project success rate in the CHAOS report was 28%,

    down from 34% in 2003, and IT projects were getting more expensive (Hayes, 2004).

    The failure rate goes up as the size of the IT project increases; projects over $10 million

    have success rates of only 2%, projects between $3 and $10 million have success rates

    from 23% to 11%, and projects under $3 million have success rates from 33% to 46%. Even

    relatively small IT projects succeed only half of the time. However, the definition of

    success used here may be too restrictive and this is the topic of the next chapter.

    The CHAOS report also lists the major causes of IT project failure, and over the years

    the top causes have been lack of end-use involvement; lack of executive support; poor

    project management and/or planning; unclear business justification; and problems with

    requirements, scope, methodology, and estimation (Standish Group, 2004). All of these

    issues (and other problem areas) are discussed in this book, and methods to mitigate such

    problems are illustrated.

    Due to the difficulties in delivering successful IT projects, project management is viewed

    as one of the most valuable skills for IT professionals. The Project Management Institute

    (PMI) has a certification program for the project management discipline, and the highest

    level of certification therein is the project management professional (PMP). Citing a 2002

    Foote Partners Study, Computerworld listed the certifications obtained by IT profession-

    als, and which certifications were the most valuable in terms of percentage pay increases

    after certification (King, 2003). The three most valuable certifications in IT were

    PMI Project Management Professional (PMP): 15%

    GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst: 12% Microsoft Certified Trainer: 12%

    Figure 1.6. PMs worldview





    Goals Strategy Resources



    Productor Service









    Plan &Execute











    Achieved T hru


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    According to Sommerville (2003), there are three challenges to software engineering

    projects in the 21st century:

    1. The Heterogeneity Challenge: Flexibility to operate on and integrate with multiple

    hardware and software platforms from legacy mainframe environments to the

    landscape of the global Web.

    2. The Delivery Challenge: Ability to develop and integrate IT systems rapidly in

    response to rapidly changing and evolving global business needs.

    3. The Trust Challenge: Being able to create vital (mission and/or life critical)

    software that is trustworthy in terms of both security and quality.

    These are also three of the most critical issues for IT project management in general, and

    these issues are addressed throughout this book. Being able to build flexible and

    adaptable systems to address the heterogeneity and delivery challenge is crucial

    because more IT and related environmental matters are changing, and they are changing

    in an ever faster rate. In a similar vein, Computerworlds 2005 Executive Panel described

    an evil triad that has become the predominant future IT concern. That evil triad is poor

    security, unreliabili ty, and increased complexity (Anthes, 2005).

    With more powerful tools comes the potential for greater benefits including productivity

    increases, better cost and performance, and improved quality. However that power also

    brings a higher cost and damage potential when the tool is misused either accidentally

    or intentionally. IT is such a powerful tool, and that power in terms of computational

    speed is still doubling about every 18 months. Many other IT advances are also

    facilitating the possible misuse of IT, including,

    Price for computational resources has dropped so low that even the smallest of

    organizations and countries can obtain massive power

    Advances in data storage technology mean that huge amounts of data can be

    stored cheaply

    Advances in data mining techniques mean that huge amounts of data can be

    analyzed in many ways

    Advances in data networking mean that the cost and time of moving and accessing

    data has become very low, and that computers both inside and outside of an

    organization are increasingly connected

    As a result of these advances which facilitate IT misuse, computer security incidents are

    growing rapidly. The number of domestic U.S. computer security incidents published by

    the CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie Mellon University has increased dramatically

    in recent years, as is shown in Figure 1.7. The number of these incidents has increased

    so much that CERT is no longer keeping detail information thereon.

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    These are just the security incidents that have been reported. Because IT is so prevalent

    in all the products and services that organizations offer today and so prevalent in

    everything we do as individuals, the impact of these security problems is also quickly

    increasing. This problem could become enormous in the years ahead, and security

    breaches such as Trojan horses and back doors may already be in place within key

    software used by corporations and governments. The security issue in IT project

    management is twofold:

    Being able to shield the project work, project team, and other resources from

    security threats

    Being able to build adequate security protection into the product that is the subjectof the project

    In the future, the last of Sommervilles (2003) challenges previously listed may become

    as, or even more, important than the first two. Being able to run projects and build systems

    that are impervious to both internal and external security threats will become vital to the

    success of organizations and survival of free world governments.

    Figure 1.7. Reported security incidents

    6 4062340 3734














    1988 1991 1994 1998 2000 2003

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    Anthes, G. (2005, March 7). The dark side. Computerworld.

    Brandel, M. (2001, January 1). Dual personalities. Computerworld.

    Cafasso, R. (1994). Few IS Projects come in on time, on budget. Computerworld, 28(50),


    Cale, E. G., Curley J. R., & Curley, K. F. (1987). Measuring implementation outcome.

    Information and Management, 3(1), 245-253.

    Cooke-Davies, T. (2004). Project success. InP. Morris & J. Pinto (Eds.), The Wiley guideto managing projects. Wiley.

    Drucker, P. (2004). The next information revolution. Retrieved from


    Hall, M. (2004, February 16). Thieves among us. Computerworld.

    Hayes, F. (2004, November 6). Chaos is back. Computerworld.

    Hildebrand, C. (1998). If at first you dont succeed. CIO Enterprise, Section 2, 4-15.

    Hundley, R., et al. (2004). The global course of the information revolution: recurring

    themes and regional variations. Retrieved from


    King, J. (2003, February 10). Where certifications and paychecks meet. Computerworld.

    McDonald, J. (2001). Why is software project management difficult ? And what that

    implies for teaching software project management. Computer Science Education,

    11(1), 55-71.

    Murch, R. (2000).Project management best practices for IT professionals . Upper SaddleRiver, NJ: Prentice Hall.

    Paramount Pictures. (1986). Top Gun. Directed by Tony Scott.

    Pearlson, K., & Saunders, C. (2004).Managing and using information systems. New York:


    PMI. (2000). The project management body of knowledge (PMBOK). Newton Square,

    PA. ISBN 1-880410-22-2.

    Sommerville, I. (2003). Software engineering. Boston: Addison-Wesley.

    Standish Group. (2004). Chaos chronicles. Retrieved from

    Yates, J. (2000, August). Origins of project management.Knowledge Magazine.

    York, T.(1999, January 18). Shift in IT roles ahead.InfoWorld.

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    Chapter II

    Critical Success Factors

    for IT Projects

    IT managers careers will rise and fall based on their abili ty to deliver high

    quality projects on time.

    (J. I. Cash, Harvard Business School)

    A key factor leading to the continued failure in IT projects is the lack of identificationand appreciation for all the major components of project success. Critical success factors

    are those things that must be done or handled properly for a project to be successful.

    A comprehensive model of critical success factors for IT projects permits the develop-

    ment of better management plans, processes, and metrics, particularly for risk, quality,

    and performance control. In this chapter, general crit ical IT success factors are identified

    and techniques for the management of those factors are introduced; later chapters then

    detail those techniques.

    Definition of Success

    Cost, time, and quality (often referred to as theIron Triangle) have formed the prime basis

    for measuring project success for the last 50 years (Atkinson, 1999). However a number

    of authors in more recent years (Atkinson, 1999; Brandon, 2004; DeLone & McLean, 1992;

    Lim & Mohamed, 1999; Morris & Hough, 1987; Pinto & Slevin, 1998;) have suggested

    that other criteria are also important. Some of these other criteria may be less quantitative,

    more difficult to measure, and some of the criteria may be temporary in that their values

    may be much more important at some points in the project.

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    So what is meant by project success? Success needs to be definedcompletely so that

    the factors that lead to success or failure in a broad perspective can be identified. In the

    past, success has been too narrowly defined; this definition has typically been confined

    to scope, cost, and time issues. Handling these particular issues has been well addressedby methods such as earned value analysis (EVA), which have proven successful for

    accurate performance measurement and control (Brandon, 1999; Fleming & Koppelman,

    1994, 1998); earned value is specifically addressed in later chapters of this book.

    Originally, Schultz and Slevin (1979) discussed overall implementation success and

    identified three dimensions to success: technical (Does it work?), organizational validity

    (Is it what the users want?), and organizational effectiveness (Is it a cost effective

    solution?). Pinto and Slevin (1998) presented a widely used 10 Factor Model for

    success factors involving project mission, management support, planning, client con-

    sultation, personnel, technical tasks, client acceptance, project control, project commu-

    nication, and handling unforeseen issues (Pinto & Millett, 1999; Pinto & Slevin, 1992).

    Hawkins (2004) determined that the most critical success factors for ERP IT projects wereadequate resources, shared and well communicated business justification, open commu-

    nications, participation by all relevant levels of management, visible and continuous

    executive sponsorship, being in touch with those most affected, preimplementation

    training, and structured change management.

    Klastorin (2004) illustrated project success in broader terms with the example of the movie

    Titanic (Paramount Pictures, 1997). When that movie was release in 1997, it was well

    behind schedule and cost almost twice the planned amount. It was, however, the first

    movie in history to gross over $1 billion, and it received the best picture award for that


    Lim and Mohamed (1999) also raised the question of What is a successful project? and

    noted that different stakeholders involved with the same project may have differentopinions about a projects success. One of their examples concerned the construction

    of a shopping center that was eventually completed to match the required quality

    standard, however with significant cost and time overruns. Some stakeholders were very

    unhappy, depending upon the type of contracts involved and who contractually bears

    the burden of the cost overruns (i.e., who pays for cost overruns). Other stakeholders

    (such as mall customers and the merchants renting space in the mall) were all pleased and

    saw the project as a great success. Lim and Mohamed defined two perspectives, the

    macro perspective, which involves all the stakeholders, and the micro perspective, which

    involves only the construction parties such as the developer and contractor(s). The

    macro perspective is relevant for all phases of a project from conceptualization, through

    construction, and then operation. The micro perspective is most relevant for the

    construction phase.

    Completion and Satisfaction Criteria

    Lim and Mohamed (1999) also defined two types of success criteria: completion and

    satisfaction. Completion criteria include contract-related items such as cost, time, and

    TEAM LinG

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    20 Brandon

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    scope. Satisfaction criteria include utility (fitness for purpose), quality, and operation

    (ease of use, ease of learning, ease of maintenance, etc.). The macro perspective involves

    both; the micro perspective only involves completion perspectives. This is illustrated

    in Figure 2.1. Often, scope can be somewhat divided into a portion affecting completion(mainly stated requirements, or needs) and a portion affecting satisfaction (mainly

    unstated requirements and expectations, or wants). This division of success criteria into

    micro and macro perspective types is very important in terms of project performance

    control and the effectiveness and cost thereof. This division provides for different review

    time periods, different review methods, and different project stakeholder involvement

    for the review of each type of criteria.

    Lim and Mohamed (1999) drew a clear distinction between success criteria and

    success factors. The criteria are a principle or standard by which anything is or can

    be judged; factors are any circumstance, fact , or influence which contributes to a

    result. Figure 2.2 illustrates this point. Factors for the completion criteria would typically

    include financial variables, process variables, resource variables (cost, availability, skill,motivation, etc.), management variables (project manager skill, line management support,

    etc.), and risk variables (weather, economy, technology, etc.). Factors for the satisfaction

    criteria would be those things that drive the satisfaction of the stakeholders.

    Success criteria tend to be relatively independent of the type of project being measured.

    The factors are, however, very dependent on the type of thing being built (or accom-

    plished). In the previous mall example, a factor for the satisfaction type criteria of utility

    might be ample parking; a factor for the operation component of the satisfaction criteria

    might be ease of parking.

    Generalization of Success Factors for IT

    I proposed a more generalized model in an earlier work (Brandon, 2004), and in developing

    that generalized model for IT success factors, the success criteria were divided into the

    two dimensions of project success defined by Lim and Mohamed (1999). Next, the general

    criteria suggested by Lim and Mohamed were also used, and these criteria are relatively

    independent of project type. The third step was to determine the factors that underlie

    these criteria for IT projects.

    Many authors have studied components of IT project success and risk. The original

    Figure 2.1. Success criteria



    Overall ITProject






    + =

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    Critical Success Factors for IT Projects 21

    Copyright 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written

    permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.

    Standish Group (1994) study found that the three most common causes of project failure

    were: lack of user input, incomplete requirements, and changing requirements. Con-

    versely they found that the three most important factors for success were user involve-

    ment, executive management support, and a clear statement of requirements. The

    European Software Process Improvement Initiative (ESPITI) performed a study in 1995

    and noted that the major IT project failure factors were requirements specifications,

    managing customer requirements, documentation, quality, and project management

    methods. Hallows (1998) stated that the major causes of failure involved scope: poor

    original definition, poor management of scope, and unforeseen changes in scope.

    Jones (1994) studied software risks in different IT environments and identified majorissues

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